U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 542
A standardized naming convention was established to allow for better management of vibracores that can be identified by cruise and core number. The naming convention used for each core is as follows: yyabc##, where 'yy' are the last two digits of the year in which the core was collected, 'abc' is a 2- or 3-letter abbreviation for the cruise location or project type (for example, BI for Breton Island or SCC for Subsidence and Coastal Change), and '##' is a 2-digit number representing a specific core. Vibracores collected by the USGS R/V G.K. Gilbert (cruise 07SCC04) are identified by 07SCC## and offshore Breton Island, 07BI##. The terrestrial, back-barrier, and nearshore vibracores collected from the R/V Greenhead (cruise 07SCC05) are identified as 07SCC_##Gh. For 07SCC05 vibracores, the identifier is modified with '_##dd', the 'dd' being a two-letter abbreviation representing the research vessel from which the core was taken. Vibracores collected in 1987 are identified by a similar naming convention 'ab_yy_##'; these offshore vibracores collected from cruise 87039 are identified as CI_87_##. Detailed information about each cruise can be found in the digital FACS and equipment logs, in the Field Logs section.
This report is divided into thirteen sections: Home page, Acronyms and Abbreviations, Disc Contents, Methods, Maps, Core Data Table, Core Description Sheets, Digitized Core Logs, Grain-Size Data, Core Photographs, Field Activity Logs, Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Metadata, and Software.