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California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog

California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog

Offshore Fort Ross Map Area

Maps that show these data are published in Open-File Report 2015–1211, "California State Waters Map Series—Offshore of Fort Ross, California."

Each GIS data file for the Offshore of Fort Ross map area is listed below with a brief description, a small image, and links to the metadata files and the downloadable data files. The data were compiled in ArcMap (version 10.2.2, ESRI, 2014). Raster data layers are registered TIFF images and are in the UTM Zone 10 coordinate system. Point, line, and polygon features are in shapefile format and are projected in UTM Zone 10 coordinates. We recommend that you create a single new folder within which to unzip the files you want to use.

The downloadable data files have been compressed with the "zip" command, and they can be unzipped with Winzip (or other tool) on Windows systems. The .zip file for a TIFF image includes the image (.tif), the world registration file (.tfw), and the text (.txt) and XML (.tif.xml) versions of the metadata. The .zip for a shapefile includes the .aux, .dbf, .shp, .shx, .sbx, and .sbn files, as well as the text (.txt) and XML (.shp.xml) versions of the metadata.

Web Services

Web services were created using an ArcGIS service definition file. The ArcGIS REST service and OGC WMS service include all the Offshore of Fort Ross data layers listed in "GIS Data Files" table. Data layers are symbolized as shown on the map sheets published in Open-File Report 2015–1211. Individual web services for each GIS file are available from the main service pages provided in the links below.

ArcMap users: Instructions to use these services in ArcMap version 10.0 or above.

ArcGIS REST Service

OGC WMS Service

ArcGIS Project File (0.1 MB) is a compressed (with the "zip" command) version of the ArcMap document (.mxd) that has all the data layers loaded in the table of contents and has all the data symbolized as on the SIM map sheets. Download and save this ArcGIS project file, including all data layers, to the directory you created for this GIS.

GIS Data Files

Theme Description View File Format Metadata File Compressed File Size Suggested Citation
Bathymetry (2m/pixel), Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. TIFF
32 bit float
txt, xml, html, faq 36.1 MB Dartnell, P. and Kvitek, R.G., 2014, Bathymetry--Offshore Fort Ross, California
Bathymetry Hillshade (2m/pixel), Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. TIFF
8 bit float
txt, xml, html, faq 11.1 MB Dartnell, P. and Kvitek, R.G., 2014, BathymetryHS--Offshore Fort Ross, California
Contours, Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (line)
txt, xml, html, faq 0.3 MB Dartnell, P. and Kvitek, R.G., 2014, Contours--Offshore Fort Ross, California
Backscatter (2m/pixel), Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. TIFF
8 bit float
txt, xml, html, faq 25.8 MB Dartnell, P. and Kvitek, R.G., 2014, Backscatter A [8101]--Offshore Fort Ross, California
Backscatter (2m/pixel), Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. TIFF
8 bit float
txt, xml, html, faq 3.7 MB Dartnell, P. and Kvitek, R.G., 2014, Backscatter B [7125]--Offshore Fort Ross, California
Backscatter (2m/pixel), Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. TIFF
8 bit float
txt, xml, html, faq 1.6 MB Dartnell, P. and Kvitek, R.G., 2014, Backscatter C [Swath]--Offshore Fort Ross, California
Offshore Geology and Geomorphology, Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (polygon)
txt, xml, html, faq 0.9 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W., 2014, Geology and geomorphology--Offshore Fort Ross map area, California
Faults, Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (line)
txt, xml, html, faq 0.1 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W., 2014, Faults--Offshore Fort Ross map area, California
Folds, Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (line)
txt, xml, html, faq 0.1 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., and Manson, M.W., 2014, Folds--Offshore Fort Ross map area, California
Habitat, Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (polygon)
txt, xml, html, faq 0.6 MB Dieter, B.E., Greene, H.G., and Endris, C.A., 2014, Habitat--Offshore Fort Ross map area, California
Seafloor Character (2m/pixel), Offshore Fort Ross map area Thumbnail of file. TIFF
32 bit integer
txt, xml, html, faq 1.0 MB Erdey, M.D. and Cochrane, G.R., 2014, Seafloor Character--Offshore Fort Ross map area, California
Depth To Transition, Salt Point To Drakes Bay Thumbnail of file. TIFF
32 bit integer
txt, xml, html, faq 8.5 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W., 2014, Depth To Transition--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
Transgressive Contours, Salt Point To Drakes Bay Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (line)
txt, xml, html, faq 3.9 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W., 2014, Transgressive Contours--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
Sediment Thickness (2m/pixel), Salt Point To Drakes Bay Thumbnail of file. TIFF
32 bit Float
txt, xml, html, faq 6.0 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W., 2014, Sediment Thickness--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
Isopachs, Salt Point To Drakes Bay Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (line)
txt, xml, html, faq 3.5 MB Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Watt, J.T., and Sliter, R.W., 2014, Isopachs--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
Visual observations of benthic habitat from video USGS Cruise L908NC Thumbnail of file. ESRI
Shapefile (points)
txt, xml, html, faq 0.2 MB Edwards, B., Phillips, E.L., Golden, N.E., Krigsman, L., and Dartnell, P., 2014, L908NC_video_observations

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, June 09, 2015, 01:10:13 PM