Open-File Report 96-532
AcknowledgmentsWe thank Dave Boore and Bill Joyner for many discussions about reference site conditions and attenuation. Dave Boore ran the stochastic simulations for the CEUS ground motions, based on parameters that we specified.Paul Thenhaus worked on the initial stages of this effort. He organized the northeast workshop, co-convened the Seattle workshop, and provided substantial insights on hazard mapping. We thank all of the participants in the regional workshops for their valuable insights and feedback. We thank Mark Petersen, Chris Cramer, Bill Bryant, and Mike Reichle of CDMG for assembling the fault files for California. We thank the reviewers for providing many useful comments on the maps and the documentation: Walter Arabasz, Allin Cornell, Klaus Jacob, Arch Johnston, Mark Petersen, Ivan Wong, Brian Atwater, Tom Hanks, Jim Mori, Dave Schwartz, and Buddy Schweig. Rus Wheeler gave us invaluable advice on sources in the CEUS, drew some of the boundaries of the background CEUS source zones, and carefully reviewed the text. John Adams, Gail Atkinson, Jim Zollweg, Jeff Munsey, and Jim Pechmann provided valuable comments on our methodology. We thank Bob Smith, Diane Doser, Martin Chapman, Arch Johnston, Jim Case, Mike Stickney, and Pradeep Talwani for providing us additional information. Many others sent us written comments on the maps, which were very helpful. The hazard maps were produced using the GMT plotting package (Wessel and Smith, 1991), which was essential to the success of the project.
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