Open-File Report 96-532
Number of Sites and SpacingA site spacing of 0.1 degrees in latitude and longitude was used for the WUS and 0.2 degrees for the CEUS. This resulted in hazard calculations at about 65,000 sites for the WUS runs and 35,000 sites for the CEUS runs. Some of these sites were in the overlap area between 100 and 115 degrees west longitude. The hazard curves calculated for the CEUS on a 0.2 degree grid were interpolated to yield a set of hazard curves on a 0.1 degree grid. These curves were then added to the hazard curves from the WUS runs. A grid of hazard curves with 0.1 degree spacing was thereby obtained for the entire conterminous U.S. This grid consisted of hazard curves for about 150,000 sites.
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