Open-File Report 96-532
Sample Hazard CurvesThe maps were constructed from the mean hazard curves, that is, the mean probabilities of exceeedance as a function of ground motion or spectral response. Figure 2 shows a set of mean hazard curves used in making the June 1996 maps. For reference, 10% PE in 50 years corresponds to an annual frequency of exceedance of 2.1 x 10; 5% PE in 100 years corresponds to 1.03 x 10; and 2% PE in 50 years corresponds to 4.04 x10. The sites in this plot with highest hazard are San Francisco and Los Angeles. The lowest hazard site in this plot is St. Paul, Minnesota. This plot shows the general difference in slope of the hazard curves of the CEUS versus the WUS. This difference has been noted in other studies. We show other hazard curves below.
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