Geologic Setting and Coal MiningContents

     The Powder River Basin covers about 22,000 sq miles in northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana (Figure 1) and is located in the Northern Great Plains physiographic province. The structural axis of the basin trends northwest and is near the western edge of the basin. The Powder River Basin has a narrow, steeply dipping western side and a broad, gently dipping eastern side. The Paleocene Fort Union Formation along the eastern side of the Powder River Basin contains some of the thickest and most extensive deposits of low-sulfur subbituminous coal in the world (Molnia and Pierce, 1992), including the thick Wyodak coal bed found in the Hilight quadrangle.

     The Powder River Basin of Wyoming was chosen as the study site for the first western coal availability study because of its vast coal resources and its importance in U.S. coal production -- nine of the ten coal mines with the largest production in the United States in 1995 are located in the Powder River Basin (Keystone Coal Industry Manual, 1997, p. 730). All the coal mines in the Powder River Basin are surface mines. The Wyoming portion of the Powder River Basin provides about 20 percent of the coal produced annually in the United States (Weakly, 1994).

     The study site -- the Hilight 7 1/2-minute quadrangle (Figure 2) -- is an area of about 52 sq miles and is located in Campbell County, Wyoming, about 35 miles south of Gillette. The Hilight quadrangle is situated between the Coal Creek mine (owned by Thunder Basin Coal Co., a subsidiary of ARCO Coal Co.) and the Jacobs Ranch mine (owned by Kerr-McGee Coal Co.) (Figure 2). The northern limit of the Jacobs Ranch mine tract extends into the very southeastern edge of the Hilight 7 1/2-minute quadrangle. The formerly proposed Keeline coal mine (Neil Butte Co.) lies fully within the quadrangle (see Figure 3); that Federal coal lease has been relinquished. The productive capacity of that mine would have been as much as 12 million short tons annually. The Hilight quadrangle was chosen for our study because of its location between two active mines, the interest that had been shown in developing the coal deposit at one time, and the issues in multiple-use land management of the area.

     The Eocene Wasatch Formation is at the surface everywhere in the Hilight quadrangle except along the east-central edge, in the drainage of Black Thunder Creek, where the Paleocene Fort Union Formation crops out (Coates, 1977; IntraSearch, 1979).

     The main coal bed in the Hilight quadrangle is the Wyodak coal bed of the Tongue River Member of the Fort Union Formation. Figure 4 shows a composite columnar section that is typical of the Hilight area. In the quadrangle, the Wyodak coal bed is up to 120 ft thick, and, in many places, has 1-5 partings that vary in thickness. Overburden thickness in the quadrangle for this coal bed ranges from 15 to more than 600 ft. (See Major Coal Zones Studied section for a more detailed description of occurrence of the Wyodak coal bed.)

     According to the information in the mine and reclamation plan for the Keeline mine (Neil Butte Company, 1985), the Wyodak coal bed in the Keeline lease area is a non-agglomerating subbituminous class C coal which averages approximately 9,150 Btu/lb on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis. On an as-received basis, the heating value of the coal ranges from 7,905 to 8,960 Btu/lb with an average value of 8,350 Btu/lb. As-received moisture ranges from 24.9 to 31.6 percent by weight with an average of 27.7 percent; as-received ash content ranges from 4.9 to 12.4 percent by weight with an average value of 7.9 percent; and as-received sulfur content ranges from 0.3 to 2.0 percent by weight with an average value of 0.6 percent. These quality values are for the coal in-place and will vary slightly from the coal as-mined due to atmospheric exposure (Neil Butte Company, 1985). (See Keystone Coal Manual, 1997, pgs. 687 - 696, for further information about the Wyodak coal bed and other major coal beds in the Powder River Basin.)

Factors Affecting Availability of Coal ResourcesContents

     There are many factors which can affect the availability of coal for mining. The three general groups of factors or considerations in Powder River Basin coal development are: legal unsuitability criteria, land-use conflicts, and technological factors. Table 1 shows a listing of the factors we considered under each of these groups. It is important to note that not every factor became a restriction within the Hilight quadrangle.

Grouping of Constraints to Mining in the Hilight QuadrangleContents

     The actual constraints or restrictions that were used in the coal availability calculation for the quadrangle were grouped in many overlapping ways. Those included: (1) whether the constraint was a land-use restriction or a technologic restriction; (2) whether the land-use restriction arose from the Unsuitability Criteria or from other multiple-use management plans; (3) whether the restriction was located and applicable where overburden thickness is 0-300 ft., 300-1,000 ft., or both; and (4) whether the constraint was likely to restrict a mining operation (as judged by common local practice) or could be mitigated in some way to allow mining to proceed. Table 2 shows the restrictions that were used for the coal availability calculation in the Hilight quadrangle. The following discussion explains the terms used and how the groupings were determined.

Table 2. Constraints to coal mining in the Hilight quadrangle. [* indicates overburden thickness. “Yes” indicates actual situations that occur in the quadrangle. “Unsuitability” refers to the coal Unsuitability Criteria listed in the Federal Regulations (43 CFR 3461)]

Restriction Category
(1 or 2)
Type of
0-300 ft*
300-1,000 ft*
0-300 ft*
300-1,000 ft*
Railroad 1 Unsuitability Yes Yes
Powerline 1 Multiple use Yes
Cemetery 1 Unsuitability Yes
Producing oil & gas field; active wells 1 Multiple use Yes Yes
Gas plant 1 Multiple use Yes
Dwellings 2 Unsuitability Yes Yes
Potential alluvial valley floor 2 Unsuitability Yes
Pipelines 2 Multiple use Yes Yes
Raptor sites 2 Unsuitability Yes Yes
Inactive oil & gas wells 2 Multiple use Yes Yes


     The software that we use for coal availability calculations (see Computer Techniques section) divides the availability restrictions into two types: land-use and technologic. Land-use restrictions are placed upon mining by societal policies to preserve those surface features or entities that could be adversely affected by mining (Carter and Gardner, 1989). Land-use restrictions, therefore, may change if societal interests change. Typically, land-use restrictions apply to surface mining, but may also affect underground mining.

     Technologic restrictions affect the economics, safety, or resource extraction during mining and coal preparation, and are determined by current mining industry practice. These restrictions change with advances in science and engineering or with changes in economic conditions. Technologic restrictions affect both surface and underground mining but are generally more prohibitive to underground mining (Carter and Gardner, 1989).

     The USGS coal resource calculation program computes these resources by overburden thickness categories; for this study (see Figure 8) we divided the overburden thickness into two categories: 0-300 ft and 300-1000 ft (surface and underground mining, respectively).

     We further grouped the factors affecting the availability of coal into two sets: Category 1, those factors that were likely to restrict a mining operation; and Category 2, those factors that probably could be mitigated in some way. The two Unsuitability Criteria that are restrictions to mining (railroad corridor and cemetery) are included in Category 1. Category 1 considerations would result in a certain amount of coal tonnage being unavailable for coal mining; in contrast, Category 2 considerations would perhaps increase the cost and complexity of the mining operation, but, through mitigating measures, might allow for mining of the coal involved.

     The following are the Category 1 considerations (areas unavailable because of present land-use and technologic conflicts). These areas are depicted on Figure 5.

     Because of the concentration of active oil and gas wells in the southern half of the quadrangle, we assumed that an area around this entire cluster of actively producing wells would be eliminated from mining until these wells are no longer producing. The area delineated is shown as "Active oil field" on Figure 5. We felt that, because there was such a large quantity of actively producing wells in a small area, it would not be efficient to try to develop a plan to mine around each well, and thus we outlined an enclosing area that would be unavailable for coal mining.

     We considered that the railroad, power line, cemetery, and gas plant would be land-use restrictions to mining at both overburden categories (0-300 ft [surface mining] and 300-1000 ft [underground mining]). Because Powder River Basin overburden is typically weak, low in rock strength (Ahcan and others, 1991; Dunrud and Osterwald, 1980) and susceptible to subsidence, we restricted mining below these surface features.

     We considered the actively producing oil and gas wells (individual wells in the north part of the quadrangle and the cluster of wells in the south part) to be a land-use restriction at 0-300 ft overburden category [surface mining] and a technologic restriction at the 300-1000 ft overburden category [underground mining]. The latter determination is because of the technologic difficulties involved in underground mining where producing oil and gas wells intersect the mine.

     The following are the Category 2 considerations (may allow for the mining of coal, through mitigating measures). These areas are depicted on Figure 6.

     We grouped the alluvial valley floor, raptor sites, dwellings, and pipelines as land-use restrictions for surface mining operations. They were also considered to be land-use restrictions for underground mining operations because of the likelihood that they could be disturbed by surface subsidence. (We included the raptor sites here because of the possibility that their flora and hydrology might be destroyed or disrupted by subsidence.) Inactive (but not abandoned) oil and gas wells would be a land-use restriction for surface mining and a technologic restriction for underground mining.

     For the purpose of the coal availability resource calculation, we assumed that the smaller number of inactive oil and gas wells (in contrast to the actively producing oil and gas wells) would not need to be grouped together into a single area unavailable to mining, but rather could be considered on an individual basis and factored into the mine plan, so that mining could still proceed through them (if they are adequately plugged) or around them.

     Resource and availability calculations were completed for each of the major coal zones, for the considerations in Category 1 [restrictions to mining] and in Category 2 [additional considerations to mining] -- by land-use and technologic designations, and by overburden thickness. (See Computer Techniques and Results sections.)

Major Coal Zones StudiedContents

     Resources were calculated on five Fort Union Formation coal intervals (Figure 4). Not all drill holes encountered all five coal intervals. If a drill hole started and (or) ended in a coal bed of interest, we included that partial measurement in our resource calculations. We did not include coal beds whose thickness is less than 2.5 ft, because: 1) these beds, although common in the Fort Union Formation, are of limited extent and cannot be correlated over a significant distance; and 2) USGS Circular 891 (Wood and others, 1983) defines 2.5 ft as the minimum thickness of subbituminous coal for resource calculations.

     The five coal zones for which resources were calculated are the Rider Wyodak, the Main Wyodak, the Lower Wyodak, the Wildcat, and the Moyer.

     Resources were not calculated for the Oedekoven coal bed (Figure 4) because of insufficient data within the quadrangle.  Figure 9 shows some representative sections from the Hilight study area which include the Rider Wyodak, Main Wyodak, and Lower Wyodak coal beds.

     The Main Wyodak coal bed is herein defined as that part of the Wyodak coal interval that occurs as one bed according to the definition in USGS Circular 891 (Wood and others, 1983, p. 36). Figures 10 and 11 show the variability of the Main Wyodak coal bed; it can contain many partings, but as long as the partings are not as thick as either of the coal benches they separate, the Main Wyodak coal bed is considered to be one bed (Wood and others, 1983). Using this criteria, the Main Wyodak coal bed contains 5-120 ft of coal in an interval that is 5-156 ft thick. We used two thickness categories for the Main Wyodak coal bed: 5-40 ft and greater than 40 ft. Overburden thickness for the Main Wyodak coal bed is 15- 625 ft.  

     If benches of the Wyodak bed are separated by partings which exceed the thickness of either adjacent bench, then the bench must be considered a separate bed for the purposes of resource calculation (Wood and others, 1983), and its thickness is not included in the thickness of the Main Wyodak coal bed. These separated beds (they do not occur in every drill hole) were grouped as discussed below.

     The Wildcat coal bed is 3-16 ft thick and typically occurs in one bench. We used two thickness categories for the Wildcat coal bed: 3-5 ft and 5-40 ft. Overburden thickness for the Wildcat bed is 500-1300 ft.

     The Moyer coal bed is 3-11 ft thick and typically occurs in one bench. The two thickness categories that we used for the Moyer coal bed are: 3-5 ft and 5-40 ft. Overburden thickness for the Moyer bed is 650-1370 ft.

     The data set of stratigraphic information used for resource calculations and for the determinations discussed above includes data points within the Hilight quadrangle and data points within a three-mile-wide band surrounding the quadrangle. The total was approximately 350 data points (Figure 3). The data in the three-mile band around the Hilight quadrangle were used to guide and control the computer-generated grids of coal thickness and overburden thickness in the quadrangle, and to complete the calculation of measured, indicated, and inferred coal resources for data points within the Hilight quadrangle but close to the quadrangle border.

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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-469