Chapter 2C: Former Boston Lightship Dumping Ground Surveys

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To view all the coverages described in this Chapter, open the view titled Chapter 2C while running the ArcView project (mbay_30.apr or mbay_31.apr) in the mbaygis directory of this CD-ROM. To view summary metadata (file names, descriptions, provider, references) see the table below. To view complete metadata, go to directory "9_biblio" on this CD-ROM and open the file metadata.mdb using Microsoft Access or the file Gismeta.htm using your browser.

Sample from the ArcView window for Chapter 2C

The Boston Lightship Dumping Grounds Environment

Coverages include BLS Dumping Ground Boundaries (see ArcView shapefiles BLS_.shp, Blsh_vec.shp), locations of buoys associated with permitted disposal practices (see ArcView shapefiles buoys_dd.shp), key lights (lighthouses and lightships) associated with site permits, bottom topography, and potential future survey areas.

The former Boston Lightship (BLS) Dumping Grounds and Surrounding Areas 1991

The survey utilizing sidescan-sonar to locate potential radioactive waste containers covered an approximately 16 square mile area centered near the BLS buoy (Keith and others, 1992). The records from this survey were re-interpreted in 1997 to aid in pending in situ investigations of low level radioactive waste containers (EPA, 1997). The interpretation provided information on the location of numerous vessels discarded in the area and mounds from the approximately 3 million cubic yards of dredged material associated with an earlier Boston Harbor Dredging Project.

Some coverages include:


The former BLS and IWS 1993

The survey sponsored by ACOE involved towing an analog laser linescan system (LLSS) operated by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC, 1993a).

Some coverages include:


The former BLS, IWS, and Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Outfall 1997

NOAA and EPA began this survey with a focus on the former BLS disposal area to try to locate radioactive waste containers.  The survey was expanded to include the Industrial Waste Site (Chapter 2B), and the MWRA Outfall (Chapter 3). At the BLS, potential targets were identified from an interpretation (EPA, 1997) of sidescan-sonar records taken in 1991 (Keith et al., 1992). Potential target location first relied on surface positioning with the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution’s (HBOI) R/V Sea Diver. Once in the vicinity of a potential target or target cluster, the Sea Diver deployed the HBOI submersible Clelia (Perry Model PC-1204) or a NOAA/ NURC NA&GL Phantom S2 ROV. Both the submersible and ROV relied on sector scanning sonar and forward looking sonar to locate potential targets once near the sea floor. The Clelia was outfitted with a Raytheon Electronic Services (RES) digital fluorescing laser line scan system (FILLS), which was to validate target identification, and provide a view of the sea floor environment. Laser image snapshots processed on board the Sea Diver by RES and the U.S. Navy Coastal Systems Station enabled NOAA and EPA to make critical decisions regarding the direction of search efforts. The ROV configured with a HI-8 mm video recording camera provided additional imagery of the sea floor environment and potential targets. The ROV was also outfitted with a US Department of Energy underwater gamma spectrometer, to interrogate radioactivity potential at suspect targets. All potential targets searched in the BLS based upon the sidescan-sonar interpretation did not reveal themselves as targets of concern (Lindsay et al., 1998).

Some coverages in chapter 2C include:

Records for Clelia dives 475-481, including fixes and FILLS snapshot locations.

ROV dives taken on 26 and 27 September 1997:

Clicking on an individual point will bring up the information contained in the source table such as latitude, longitude, original data source and comments as appropriate.   Selecting Table under the Theme menu will provide similar information for all of the points in the shapefile.

Spreadsheet providing chronology of investigations of disposal sites in Massachusetts Bay:

       html version of MBDS_SUM

Spreadsheet comparing sediment quality at reference and regional stations at Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site:

       html version of MBDSCH2


Coverages provided in Chapter 2C:  (Summary metadata for files in the Chapter 2C view are listed alphabetically in the table below. For complete metadata, go to directory "9_biblio" on this CD-ROM and open the file metadata.mdb using Microsoft Access or the file Gismeta.htm using your browser.)

File Name Layer Content Published reference E-mail of Contact Person Agency/Organization
1mingrid.shp One Minute Latitute/Longitude Grid NOAA/NURC
3mile.shp 3 Mile Boundary line off the coast of Mass SAIC
404water.shp 404 Boundary Waters off the coast of Mass SAIC
475cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 475 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. NOAA/NURC
475lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 475 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
476cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 476 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey NOAA/NURC
476lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 476 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey NOAA/NURC
477cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 477 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey NOAA/NURC
477lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 477 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey NOAA/NURC
478cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 478 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. NOAA/NURC
478lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 478 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
479cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 479 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey NOAA/NURC
479lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 479 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
480cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 480 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey NOAA/NURC
480lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 480 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
481cle.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 481 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey NOAA/NURC
481lls.shp Location of Laser Line Scan Images Associated with Clelia Submersible Dive 481 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
5mingrid.shp Five Minute Latitute/Longitude Grid NOAA/NURC
926_1ps2.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. NOAA/NURC
926_1ss.shp Location of Example Sector Scanning Sonar Imagery Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
926_1vdo.shp Location of Digital Video Clips Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey NOAA/NURC
926_2ps2.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #926_2 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey NOAA/NURC
927_1ps2.shp Location of Navigation System Positions Associated with Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay radioactive waste survey. NOAA/NURC
927_1ss.shp Location of Example Sector Scanning Sonar Imagery Associated with Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey NOAA/NURC
927_1vdo.shp Location of Digital Video Clips Associated with Phantom S2 dive #927_1 of the 1997 Massachusetts Bay Radioactive Waste Survey. NOAA/NURC
bathy5mb.shp 5-meter bathymetric contour lines for Western Mass Bay (Quads 19-21) Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.), USGS
bathy5sb.shp 5-meter bathymetric contour lines for Stellwagen Bank (Quads 1-18) Valentine, P., J. Baker, T. Unger, C. Polloni, 1998, Sea Floor Topographic Map and Perspective-View Imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report 98-138.; USGS
Bls_dump.shp Historic Boston Light Ship Disposal Site NOS #13009, 27th Edition, 8.7.1996, NOS #13267, 28th Edition, 1.25.1997 NOAA/NOS/OR&R
bls_surv.shp 1981-82 BLS Survey Area

blsh_vec.shp Vectors indicating dump area NOAA
Buoys_dd.shp Locations of NOAA Weather Buoys EPA
dump_psd Pseudocolor/Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site (see description) Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA., USGS
dump_ss Backscatter image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA., USGS
dump_sun Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA., USGS
Fbld_geo.tif 1997 Side Scan Mosaic of the Former BLD Polaris Imaging
Fbls_EPA.shp Location of Former Boston Lightship from EPA report NOAA/EPA
Fbls_old.shp Location of Former Boston Lightship NOAA
lights2.shp Location of Light Houses in Mass Bay NOAA
mbds_ref.shp Mass Bay Disposal Site/Industrial Waste Site Reference Stations EPA Reported locations, Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site Management Plan, USEPA/Region 1
mbds_sum.xls Summary data in an Excel spreadsheet table; Inventory of studies performed at MBDS MBDS Site Management Plan EPA/ACOE
mbdsch2.htm Sediment quality at reference and regional stations at Mass Bay Disposal Site

memanh.shp Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire state outlines ESRI Data and Maps - 1996 NOAA/USGS
misc_ne.shp New England States ESRI Data and Maps - 1996 NOAA/USGS
Sbshd_ng.tif Shaded Relief for Northern Stellwagen Bank, Geographic coordinates Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. USGS
Sbshd_sg.tif Shaded Relief for Southern Stellwagen Bank, Geographic coordinates Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. USGS
shipwrck.shp Mass Bay shipwreck locations

Sstarget.shp Target locations from 1997 Side Scan Mosaic Polaris Imaging
wmbpsd_g Pseudocolor image (ARC/INFO grid) Western Massachusetts Bay in Geographic coordinates (see description) Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.), USGS
wmbshd_g Shaded relief map of Western Massachusetts Bay in Geographic coordinates Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.), USGS


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