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USGS: science for a changing world -
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-001
Surficial Sediment Data from the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, and Vicinity: A GIS Compilation


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red bullet. Environmental and Conservation Organizations
red bullet. Federal and State Government Agencies and Programs
red bullet. Educational and Academic Institutions
red bullet. Other Organizations and Sites of Interest
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The following is a list of government, scientific research, educational, and environmental websites related to the Gulf of Maine and New England area.  The list has been organized into 4 categories: Environmental and Conservation Organizations, 2) Federal and State Government Agencies and Programs, 3) Educational and Academic Institutions, and 4) Other Organizations and Sites of InterestSelected websites will open in a new browser window.

Environmental and Conservation Organizations


Association of National Estuary Programs


Bay Circuit Trail and Greenway
Boston Harbor Association, The
Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area supported by the The Island Alliance


Cape Elizabeth Land Trust - Maine
Casco Bay Estuary Project at the University of Southern Maine
Casco Bay Online
Center for Coastal Studies
Charles River Watershed Association
Coalition for Buzzards Bay, The


Eight Towns and the Bay - a coalition of nine communities located along Ipswich Bay
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Estuarine Research Federation


Friends of the Boston Harbor Islands, The
Friends of Casco Bay


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Island Institute - Rockland, ME


Maine Coast Heritage Trust
  Gulf of Maine Watersheds
  Southern New England Watersheds


The Nature Conservancy
  Maine Chapter
  Massachusetts Chapter
  New Hampshire Chapter
  Rhode Island Chapter
Narragansett Bay Estuary Program
Narragansett Bay - Rhode Island's gateway web page for information on Narragansett Bay
Narrow River Preservation Association
Natural Resources Council of Maine
Neponset River Watershed Association, The
New England Estuarine Research Society
New England Water and Environment Association


Quincy Environmental Network, The


Restore America's Estuaries


Saco Bay Trails - Maine
Salem Sound 2000
Saugatucket River Heritage Corridor Coalition, The
Save the Bay - Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay - to save and restore Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay


Ten Mile River Watershed Alliance, The


Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Federal and State Government Agencies and Programs


Boston Harbor Islands, U.S. National Park Service
Boston Water and Sewer Commission


Cape Cod Commission
Coastal America provided by the U.S Department of Agriculture


Greenwich Bay Initiative


Federal Geographic Data Committee

M - Official Web Site of The State of Maine
  Maine Department of Conservation
  Bureau of Geology and Natural Areas
  Maine Department of Environmental Protection
  Maine Department of Marine Resources
  Maine State Planning Office
  Maine Coastal Program - Official Website of the State of Massachusetts
  Department of Environmental Management
  Department of Environmental Protection
  Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Environmental Law Enforcement
  Massachusetts Bay National Estuary Program, The
  Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management
  Metropolitan District Commission
  Water Resources Authority


National Estuarine Program maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Narragansett Bay Commission
Narragansett Bay Ports - provided by NOS
Narragansett Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  National Geophysical Data Center
  Coastline Extractor
  National Data Buoy Center
  National Marine Fisheries Service - Woodshole, MA
  Northeast Regional Office Gloucester, MA
  Northeast Fisheries Science Center
  Woods Hole Laboratory (Massachusetts)
  Narragansett Laboratory (Rhode Island)
  National Ocean Survey
  Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services - (CO-OPS)
  Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System - (PORTSĀ®)
  Narragansett Bay
  Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
  National Estuarine Research Reserve System
  Great Bay Reserve
  Waquoit Bay Reserve
  Wells, Maine
  National Marine Sanctuaries
    Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank
Natural Resources Canada
  Earth Sciences Sector
  Data products: Geological Survey of Canada
New Hampshire State Government Online - Official Website of the State of New Hampshire
  Department of Environmental Services
  New Hampshire Coastal Program
  New Hampshire Office of State Planning

R - Official Website of the State of Rhode Island
  Coastal Resources Management Council
  Department of Environmental Management
  Department of Health - Beach Monitoring Report


Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary - provided by the National Ocean Survey


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  New England District
U.S. Coast Guard
  First District - New England
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  Boston Harbor
  Charles River
  Gulf of Maine
  Region 1: New England
  Maine State Program Unit
  Massachusetts State Program Unit
  New Hampshire State Program Unit
  Rhode Island State Program Unit
  National Estuarine Program - Links to 27 "Estuaries of National Significance."
  Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  Northeast Region
  Gulf of Maine Coastal Ecosystems Program
  National Wetlands Inventory
U.S. Geological Survey
  Coastal and Marine Geology Program
  Woods Hole Field Center
  USGS Gulf of Maine Information System
  USGS National Geologic Studies of Benthic Habitats, Northeastern United States Stellwagen Bank Information System
  Geographic Information System
U.S. National Park Service
Boston Harbor Islands
  Publicly Accessible North Atlantic Coast Lighthouses

Educational and Academic Institutions


Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Boston College
  Geology and Geophysics Department
Boston University
  Department of Earth Sciences
  Marine Program
Brown University
  Center for Environmental Studies
  Department of Geological Sciences


Coastal Resources Center - provided by the University of Rhode Island


Darling Marine Center: the marine laboratory of the University of Maine
Dartmouth College
  Dartmouth Circulation Models for the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
Discovery of Rhode Island Coastal Environments - provided by the Graduate School of Oceanography at URI


Geographic Information System - USGS provided by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI)
Graduate School of Oceanography
at the University of Rhode Island


Harbor Branch Oceanographic
Harvard University
  Department of Earth and Planetary Science


Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies, The at the University of Massachusetts


Maine SeaGrant at the University of Maine
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences 
Marine Biological Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science
  Massachusetts Bay Information Server
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory


New Hampshire SeaGrant at the University of New Hampshire
Northeastern University
  Geology Department
Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center at the University of Massachusetts


Rhode Island SeaGrant at the Graduate School of Oceanography at URI


Tufts University
  Department of Geology


University of Maine
  Department of Geological Sciences
  Maine SeaGrant
  School of Marine Sciences
  Darling Marine Center
University of Massachusetts
  Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences Graduate Department
  The Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies
  Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
  Urban Harbors Institute
University of New England
  Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
  Marine Science Center
University of New Hampshire
  UNH Marine Program
  UNH Department of Earth Sciences
  New Hampshire SeaGrant
University of Rhode Island
  Coastal Resources Center
  Graduate School of Oceanography
  Discovery of Rhode Island Coastal Environments
 URI Watershed Watch
University of Southern Maine
  Department of Geosciences
  Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service
  Casco Bay Estuary Program
  Environmental Science and Policy Program
Urban Harbors Institute provided by the University of Massachusetts


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant
  Marine Policy Center

Other Organizations and Sites of Interest


Audubon Society of New Hampshire


Boston Harbor provided by Boston Online


Gulf of Maine Aquarium


Links to Geographic Data for The Gulf of Maine
Links to Gulf of Maine Data and Information provided by the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine


Maine Audubon Society
Maine Lighthouses
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Massachusetts Lighthouses


New England Aquarium
New England Fishery Management Council
New Hampshire Lighthouses
National Data Buoy Center provided by NOAA


Ocean State Online
Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the University of Southern Maine


Publicly Accessible North Atlantic Coast Lighthouses provided by the U.S. National Park Service


Rhode Island Lighthouses
Rose Island Lighthouse Website


Schooner Ernestina
Seacoast NH
Seacoast Science Center, The
Southern Maine and Casco Bay Tide Charts

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