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USGS: science for a changing world -
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-001
Surficial Sediment Data from the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, and Vicinity: A GIS Compilation


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An integral part of any functioning GIS database is the dictionary that explains the structure and content of the data layers. It contains an index and definitions of the parameters measured and list the fields that record and qualify those parameters. The glossary presented here is listed in alphabetical order and provides a inclusive list of all attribute fields contained in the compiled datasets.  Although compiled here, all attribute names specific to each data layer can be found in the metadata file for that data layer. Extracting data from the data layer is facilitated by reference to this document and the attribute/entity part of the metadata files because they provide a means to keep track of abbreviations and the sediment field names.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K- L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Short Field Name Full-Length
Field Name
Field Description
ANALYSIS Analysis Verbal description of methodology
ANALYST Analyst Name of person who performed the grain size or physical properties analysis
ANAL_COMM Analysts comments Any further information about analyses
AREA Area General geographic area (general enough to easily locate on a state map)

BAY Bay Bay or region where sample was collected
BDEPTH Bottom depth Depth within the core to the bottom of the sample, in cm
B_DEPTH Bottom depth Bottom depth of the sample below the sediment-water interface, in cm
BOTTOM_DES Bottom description Brief description of bottom character

CACO3 Calcium carbonate Percentage of carbonate in a sample determined by insoluble residue
CATALOG_NO Catalog number Unique number assigned to each record by the Smithsonian Institution
CFP11 Cfp11 Cumulative frequency percent of the 11 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.001 mm)
CFP10 Cfp10 Cumulative frequency percent of the 10 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.002 mm)
CFP09 Cfp09 Cumulative frequency percent of the 9 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.004 mm)
CFP08 Cfp08 Cumulative frequency percent of the 8 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.008 mm)
CFP07 Cfp07 Cumulative frequency percent of the 7 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.0016 mm)
CFP06 Cfp06 Cumulative frequency percent of the 6 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.031 mm)
CFP05 Cfp05 Cumulative frequency percent of the 5 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.062 mm)
CFP04 Cfp04 Cumulative frequency percent of the 4 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.125 mm)
CFP03 Cfp03 Cumulative frequency percent of the 3 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.250 mm)
CFP02 Cfp02 Cumulative frequency percent of the 2 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.5 mm)
CFP01 Cfp01 Cumulative frequency percent of the 1 phi fraction and coarser (less than 0.1 mm)
CFP00 Cfp00 Cumulative frequency percent of the 0 phi fraction and coarser (less than 2 mm)
CFPM1 Cfpm1 Cumulative frequency percent of the -1 phi fraction and coarser (less than 4 mm)
CFPM2 Cfpm2 Cumulative frequency percent of the -2 phi fraction and coarser (less than 8 mm)
CFPM3 Cfpm3 Cumulative frequency percent of the -3 phi fraction and coarser (less than 16 mm)
CFPM4 Cfpm4 Cumulative frequency percent of the -4 phi fraction and coarser (less than 32 mm)
CFPM5 Cfpm5 Cumulative frequency percent of the -4 phi fraction and coarser (less than 32 mm)
CLASSIFICA Classification Textural classification based on a rigorous scheme (e.g. Shepard, 1954; Folk, 1974)
CLASS Classification Textural classification based on a rigorous scheme (e.g. Shepard, 1954; Folk, 1974)
CLASS_SYS Classification system Description of the system used for classification
CLASS_CODE Classification code Classification code number (from NOS Digital Database)
CLAY Clay Clay content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters less than 0.004 mm; 9 phi and smaller)
CLAY_PCT Clay Clay content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters less than 0.004 mm; 9 phi and smaller)
CLAYX Clay (coarse) Percent of clay fraction coarser than 0.1 microns
CODE Cartographic code Numeric cartographic code (primarily from NOS Hydrographic Database) for bottom character
COLOR Color Wet sediment color based on the GSA rock color chart
COLLECTOR Collector Chief scientist who collected the sample
COLLOID Colloidal clay Percent of the clay fraction that is finer than 0.1 microns
COMBINED Combined Description of both the primary and secondary lithologies
COMMENTS Comments Comments on sample collection, analysis, or lithology
CONSECNO Consecutive Number Sample identifier assigned to distinguish between stations
CONTACT Contact Individual responsible for details and distribution of dataset; usually the Chief Scientist involved in the collection of the dataset
CORE Core Identifier (usually a numeric) assigned to each core
CORE_ID Core identifier Identifier (usually a numeric) assigned to each core
CRUISEID Cruise identifier Name or number of cruise on which sample was collected
CRUISE_ID Cruise identifier Name or number of cruise on which sample was collected
C_Code Classification Code Code assigned by a scientist to describe sample

DATE Date Day, month, and year (ddmmyy or yyyymmdd) of sample collection
DAY_ANAL Day analyzed Day during which sample was analyzed
DAY_COLL Day collected Day during which sample was collected
DEPTH (m) Depth in meters Measured depth of water overlying sediment at sample time, not corrected for tides, in meters
DEPTH Depth in meters Measured depth of water overlying sediment at sample time, not corrected for tides, in meters
DEPTH_M Depth in meters Measured depth of water overlying sediment at sample time, not corrected for tides, in meters
DESCRIPTIO Description Verbal description of the samples texture and lithology
DEVICE Sampling device Device used to collect the sample
DOMINANT_L Dominant lithology Description of the primary (i.e. major) lithology
DPTH_CODE Depth code Description of the depth below the sediment-water interface from which the sample was collected

FID Feature identifier ESRI internal feature number
FIELDID Field identifier Sample name or number as assigned in the field
FIELD_ID Field identifier Sample name or number as assigned in the field
FINES Fines (silt + clay or mud) Percent dry weight of the sample reported in both the silt and clay fractions (i.e. silt plus clay)
FINES_SIL Fines (silt + clay or mud) Percent dry weight of the sample reported in both the silt and clay fractions (i.e. silt plus clay)
FOLK_GSM Folk's gsm classification Folk (1974) classification scheme for gravel, sand, and mud
FOLK_SZC Folk's szc classification Folk (1974) classification scheme for sand, silt, and clay
FROM_PHI From phi Largest particle size measured, in phi units

GRAINMED Grain median Median grain size in millimeters
GRAINQ1 Grain quartile 1 First quartile of the grain size curve in percent
GRAINQ2 Grain quartile 2 Second quartile of the grain size curve
GRAINQ3 Grain quartile 3 Third quartile of the grain-size curve
GRAVEL Gravel Gravel content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters greater than 2 mm; -1 phi and larger)
GRAVEL_PCT Gravel Gravel content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters greater than 2 mm; -1 phi and larger)
GROUP Group A number assigned to data based on source

ID Identifier Sample or station name

KURTOSIS Kurtosis Kurtosis (degree of curvature near the mode) of the grain size distribution

LATITUDE Latitude Latitude in decimal-degrees (south latitudes are depicted by negative values)
LENGTH_CM Length in cm Core length in centimeters
LITHOLOGY Lithology General lithologic description; may be the verbal equivalent of a classification scheme
LITHOLOG_D Lithologic description Verbal description of the bottom sediment lithology
LOCAL_ID Local Identifier Original name (usually a numeric assigned by a scientist) used to identify samples
LOI Loss on ignition Percent weight loss upon heating to 500 C
LONGITUDE Longitude Longitude in decimal-degrees (west longitudes are depicted by negative values)

MEDIAN Median Middle point in the grain size distribution in phi units
MEDIAN_PHI Median Middle point in the grain size distribution in phi units
MEDIAN_MM Median Middle point in the grain size distribution in millimeters
MEAN Mean Average value in the grain size distribution in phi units
MEAN_PHI Mean Average value in the grain size distribution in phi units
MODE1CLASS Mode 1 class First mode (particle size that occurs the most number of times) in phi units
MODE1FREQ Mode 1 frequency Modal strength of the first mode in percent
MODE2CLAS Mode 2 class Second mode in phi units
MODE2FREQ Mode 2 frequency Modal strength of the second mode in percent
MODE3CLAS Mode 3 class Third mode in phi units
MODE3FREQ Mode 3 frequency Modal strength of the third mode in percent
MODE_1_CLA Mode 1 class First mode (particle size that occurs the most number of times) in phi units
MODE_1_STR Mode 1 strength Modal strength of the first mode in percent
MODE_2_CLA Mode 2 class Second mode in phi units
MODE_2_STR Mode 2 strength Modal strength of the second mode in percent
MODE_3_CLA Mode 3 class Third mode in phi units
MODE_3_STR Mode 3 strength Modal strength of the third mode in percent
MONTH_ANAL Month analyzed Month during which sample was analyzed
MONTH_COLL Month collected Month during which sample was collected
MUD Mud Percent dry weight of silt plus clay in sample

NAI_ID NAI identifier Numeric assigned by Normandeau Associates, Inc. to distinguish dredging projects
NAI_DREDG NAI event Dredge event identifier number assigned by Normandeau Associates, Inc. (ties event to a project)
NODCREF NODC code Code assigned by the National Oceanographic Data Center to assign records to a source
NMODES Number of modes Number of modes
NO_OF_MOD Number of modes Number of modes

ORIG_PREC Original precision Precision of location measurement

PHI_STEP Phi step Phi interval used in analysis (e.g. full phi, half phi)
PHIM11 -11 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -11 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 2048 mm)
PHIM10 -10 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -10 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 1024 mm, but less than 2048 mm)
PHIM9 -9 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -9 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 512 mm, but less than 1024 mm)
PHIM8 -8 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -8 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 256 mm, but less than 512 mm)
PHIM7 -7 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -7 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 128 mm, but less than 256 mm)
PHIM6 -6 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -6 phi fraction (nominal diameters of particles greater than or equal to 64 mm, but less than 128 mm)
PHIM5 -5 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -5 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 32 mm, but less than 64 mm); very coarse pebbles
PHIM4 -4 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -4 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 16 mm, but less than 32 mm; coarse pebbles
PHIM3 -3 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -3 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 8 mm, but less than 16 mm); medium pebbles
PHIM2 -2 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -2 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 4 mm, but less than 8 mm); fine pebbles
PHIM1 -1 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the -1 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 2 mm, but less than 4 mm); very fine pebbles (granules)
PHI_0 0 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 0 phi fraction (nominal diameters of particles greater than or equal to 1 mm, but less than 2 mm); very coarse sand
PHI_1 1 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 1 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.5 mm, but less than 1 mm); coarse sand
PHI_2 2 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 2 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.25 mm, but less than 0.5 mm); medium sand
PHI_3 3 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 3 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.125 mm, but less than 0.25 mm); fine sand
PHI_4 4 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 4 phi fraction (nominal diameters of particles greater than or equal to .0625 mm, but less than 0.125 mm); very fine sand
PHI_5 5 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 5 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.031 mm, but less than 0.0625 mm); coarse silt
PHI_6 6 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 6 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.016 mm, but less than 0.031 mm); medium silt
PHI_7 7 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 7 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.008 mm, but less than 0.016 mm); fine silt
PHI_8 8 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 8 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.004 mm, but less than 0.008 mm); very fine silt
PHI_9 9 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 9 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.002 mm, but less than 0.004 mm); clay
PHI_10 10 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 10 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.001 mm, but less than 0.002 mm); clay
PHI_11 11 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 11 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.5 mm, but less than 0.001 mm)
PHI_12 12 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 12 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.25 microns, but less than 0.5 microns)
PHI_13 13 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 13 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.125 microns, but less than 0.25 microns)
PHI_14 14 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 14 phi fraction (nominal diameters of particles greater than or equal to .0625 microns, but less than 0.125 microns)
PHI_15 15 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 15 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.031 microns, but less than 0.0625 microns)
PHI_16 16 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 16 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.016 microns, but less than 0.031 microns)
PHI_17 17 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 17 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.008 microns, but less than 0.016 microns)
PHI_18 18 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 18 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.004 microns, but less than 0.008 microns)
PHI_19 19 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 19 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.002 microns, but less than 0.004 microns)
PHI_20 20 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 20 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.001 microns, but less than 0.002 microns)
PHI_21 21 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 21 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.0005 microns, but less than 0.001 microns
PHI_22 22 Phi Weight percent of the sample in the 22 phi fraction (nominal diameter of particles greater than or equal to 0.00025 microns, but less than 0.0005 microns
PRIMARY_LI Primary lithology Dominant or major lithology
PROJECT Project identifier Project under which samples were taken
PROJ_NAME Project name Project under which samples were taken, or data generated (i.e. NOS Digital Database); sometimes indicates more specific area
PROJECTID Project identifier Project under which samples were taken, or data generated (i.e. NOS Digital Database); sometimes indicates more specific area

Q1_MM Quartile 1 First quartile of the grain size curve in millimeters
Q2_MM Quartile 2 Second quartile of the grain size curve in millimeters
Q3_MM Quartile 3 Third quartile of the grain-size curve in millimeters

REFERENCE Reference Short citation consisting of the author and year of publication
REGFILE Regulatory file Regulatory file number
REQUESTER Requester Name of Principle Investigator or designee requesting analysis

SAMPLE Sample Name used to identify samples
SAMPLE Sample identifier Name used to identify samples
SAND Sand Sand content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters less than 2 mm, but greater than or equal to 0.0625 mm; 0 phi through 4 phi) 
SAND_PCT Sand Sand content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters less than 2 mm, but greater than or equal to 0.0625 mm; 0 phi through 4 phi) 
SECONDARY_ Secondary lithology Description of the secondary (i.e. minor) lithology
SECOND_LIT Secondary lithology Description of the secondary (i.e. minor) lithology
SEDENV Sedimentary environment Verbal description of the sediment texture and depositional environment
SEDCLASS Classification Sediment description based on a rigorous definition
SED_CLASS Classification Sediment description based on a rigorous definition (usually Shepard (1954)) as modified by Schlee (1973)
SEQ Sequence Sequential number identifying a record
SEQUENCE_# Local row number Sequential identification number, generated by the database (Excel) as the data were entered; gaps in these sequential numbers are present
SERIES_ID Series identifier Number assigned to a transect along which samples were collected
SHAPE Shape ESRI feature geometry
SHEPARD_CL Shepard classification Classification of the sediment size distribution based on a scheme devised by Shepard (1954)
SHEPARD_SZC Shepard's szc classification Shepard (1954) classification scheme for sand, silt, and clay
SHIP Ship Vessel used to perform fieldwork
SHIP_CRUIS Ship and cruise Name assigned to identify the ship and cruise during which the data were collected
SILT Silt Silt content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters less than 0.0625 mm, but greater than or equal to 0.004 mm; 5 phi through 8 phi, inclusive)
SILT_PCT Silt Silt content in percent dry weight of the sample (particles with nominal diameters less than 0.0625 mm, but greater than or equal to 0.004 mm; 5 phi through 8 phi, inclusive)
SITE Site Unique identifier assigned to each originally sample location by the scientist
SIZE_TECH Size analysis techniques General description of the particle-size analysis techniques used
SKEWNESS Skewness Skewness (deviation from symmetrical form) of the grain size distribution
SMPLNG_DEV Sampling device Device used to collect the sample
SOIL Soil Dominant soil class
SOUND_METH Sounding method Method used to ascertain depth
SOUNDING_M Sounding in meters Water depth in meters
SOURCE Source reference Bibliographic reference in which the data were originally published, or the organization that produced the unpublished data.
SOURCEID Source identifier Author and year of source publication
SPECIFIC_L Specific location Specific geographic area where the samples were collected
STATE State State adjacent to the area where sample was collected
STATION Station Identifier assigned to each sampling station
STATION_ID Station identifier Identifier assigned to each sampling station
STDDEV Standard deviation Standard deviation (sorting; root mean square of the deviations) of the grain size distribution in phi units
STDEV Standard deviation Standard deviation (sorting; root mean square of the deviations) of the grain size distribution in phi units
STDEV_SORT Standard deviation Standard deviation (sorting; root mean square of the deviations) of the grain size distribution in phi units
STDDEV_PHI Standard deviation Standard deviation (sorting; root mean square of the deviations) of the grain size distribution in phi units
STDEV_PHI Standard deviation Standard deviation (sorting; root mean square of the deviations) of the grain size distribution in phi units
SURVEY Survey Number or name assigned to the survey from which the data were generated
SYSTEM System Author and publication year of the system used to classify the sediments

TDEPTH Top depth Depth within the core to the top of the sample, in cm
TEXTURE Texture Verbal description of the sediment
TIME Time Time of day when sample was collected
TOTAL Total percent Total of the gravel, sand, silt, and clay percentages
TO_PHI To phi Smallest particle size measured, in phi units
T_DEPTH Top depth Top depth of the sample below the sediment-water interface, in cm
TYPE Type Sampling equipment used to collect sample

USGSDB_ID USGS sample identifier Unique identification number (consisting of 2 characters and 3 numerics) generated in the sedimentation laboratory of the USGS's Woods Hole Field Center for the Atlantic Margin Texture Database

VESSEL Vessel Ship or boat used to perform fieldwork

WEIGHT Weight Weight of sample in grams

YEAR Year Calender year sample collected/analyzed
YEAR_ANAL Year analyzed Year during which sample was analyzed
YEAR_COLL Year collected Year during which sample was collected


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