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High-resolution seismic-reflection surveys in the nearshore of outer Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report 03-235

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Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine (Qdl). Cross-lines area indicates area where the Holocene transgression has eroded Qdl. Location of cross section A (Fig. 13) shown by red line. Surficial geologic units are described in figure 3.

Click on figure for larger image (PDF format 174 KB).

Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine. Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine. Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine. Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine. Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine. Figure 8. Map showing the depth (meters) to the surface of glaciolacustrine.

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