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Making USGS information effective in the electronic age, USGS Open-File Report 03-240


Presentation: Murray Journeay - The Example of CordLink

Role of GeoScience Knowledge   GeoLibrary Project    Nhematis

Image of the CORDlink slide.

The Role of Geoscience Knowledge

It seems clear, at least to many geologists, that fundamental geological investigation can play an important role in understanding and managing the relationship between humans and the natural environment.

This role, however, is not readily evident in traditional geological products such as maps or databases, but must be teased out of them by geological experts. This effectively undermines the broader use of the information and diminishes its value to the non-geologist.

The challenge of the Internet extends beyond making geological information available, for that is readily done; it must instead make this knowledge more useful to geologists and more relevant to other parts of society.

Public Information, Civic Dialogue and .Effective Governance .
(Global Knowledge Conference, 1995)

New information technologies create unprecedented opportunities for sharing information, fostering dialogue, and providing public officials -- and individuals and communities -- with tools for effective governance

They can help to create a "public space" where disparate communities of interest coalesce around a national conversation on shared objectives.

Yet they also raise fundamental questions about the role of and access to information, about the responsibility of the media, about governance and civic dialogue.

Government Online: The "Push" Model

Government Online: The Push Model.      Objectives
  • Canadians online (internet access through schools and libraries, (Schoolnet)
  • Promote e-commerce
  • Increase availability of Canadian-produced content (i.e. online courses, cultural collections, and health information, etc.)
  • Put government information & services on internet 24/7 (Gov’t online)
  • Smart communities – to connect municipal government to local residents and businesses.
  • Connect Canada to rest of world – attract investment to Canada

Community Networks: The "Pull" Model

Community Networks: The Pull Model.


Build the capacity of Canada's Aboriginal, rural, coastal and northern communities who wish to use Computer-based geospatial information, and the Internet to improve their ability to plan and make decisions towards a sustainable future.


  • control by the communities
  • Mentoring (support)
  • Partnerships

The Vision

The Vision: Develop the conceptual framework and design specifications for a Canadian Geoscience Knowledge Network (CGKN); one that will provide seamless and enhanced access to the collective geoscience information holdings of Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial geological surveys….. NGSC Workshop 1998

The Vision.

Various colors and shapes.

Role of GeoScience Knowledge   GeoLibrary Project    Nhematis

Skip past index at bottom of page
Title Page / Summary / Introduction / Goals / Overview /  Outcome

Appendices:  I. Agenda /  II. Vision / III. Earth Science / IV. Communication / V. CORDlink
                       VI. MRIB /  VII. CMGP Homepage / VII. Brainstorming / IX. Participants

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