Definitions for the hydrologic and meteorologic terms used in the
report are listed in a Glossary.
The Introduction presents Background
information about floods in Texas and includes a brief summary about
precipitation in Texas and a perspective of the largest storms and
floods. Detailed information about the causes of floods
and droughts also is presented in the introduction, along
with a brief summary of selected floods and droughts.
Summary information for 256 storms is presented in the report under
the section View Storm Lists by. For
each storm, the following information is presented, if available:
location, date, verbal description, number of deaths and cost of
property damage, maximum precipitation depth, storm severity, county
for storm center or centers, a reference for detailed information
about the storm and associated floods, and photographs showing the
flood or flood damages. A list of the
cities identified in the flood photographs and link to those
photographs also is available. The storm severity of 41 of the storms
is designated as catastrophic (those with extensive deaths and property
damages); the severity of the remaining storms is designated as
major. For some storms, additional verbal descriptions are presented
where "read more" appears in the verbal description. The
storm summaries may be viewed in chronological order by date.
The county for the storm center or centers (some storms had more
than one center) was documented for each storm. The storms with
centers in a specific county may be identified by clicking on the
county of interest (County of Storm Center
Location). Also, the storm summaries may be viewed by ranges
of maximum precipitation.
Many of these storms produced substantial
flood peaks and in many cases the highest known peaks at
stream sites. In this section is a map
that presents the locations of all streamflow-gaging stations.
Each station symbol represents a link to a table that lists information
about each station and the date, gage height, and streamflow for
the annual maximum flood peak. Two tables also are presented in
this section. A list of the maximum known flood peak discharges
and stages for sites with streamflow-gaging stations is shown at
Maximum Gaged Flood Peaks,
and a list of extreme flood peak discharges that have been documented
at sites other than streamflow-gaging stations is shown at Ungaged
Extreme Flood Peaks.
Links to many World Wide Web sites presenting data or information
related to storms or floods are given at Selected
WWW Resources for Rainfall and Streamflow Information. For
example, links are presented for near real-time streamflow data,
assessments of current streamflow conditions, and annual peak discharges
and water stages for every streamflow-gaging station in Texas.
Other related reports and information are presented under the section
Related Documents. For example,
historical and current procedures for Measuring
and Gaging Streamflow and for Measuring
Precipitation are presented. Also, Recent
Reports About Floods and Storm Rainfall in Texas presents
summaries of recent reports about Texas storms, floods, and streamflow,
and a bibliography of these reports. The document containing the
additional verbal descriptions for the storms is presented as John
Patton Narratives. Also contained is a comprehensive report
about Texas Flood Safety.
Detailed reports have been prepared for many of the storms. The
Bibliography for these reports and
other reports related to storms and floods followed by the Dedication
and Credits are at the
end of the report.
This CD was prepared by a contractor of the U.S. Government.
Neither the U.S. Government, nor the contractor, nor any of their
employees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any
legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness
of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in
this report or represents that its use would not infringe upon privately
owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product,
process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise
does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
favoring by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof.
Although all data published on this CD have been used by the USGS,
no warranty, express or implied, is made by the USGS, as to the
accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution
shall not constitute any such warranty, and the USGS in the use
of these data or related materials assumes no responsibility.
CD label:
Severe flooding in Houston, June 2001 (photograph courtesy of the
Houston Chronicle).