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The Gulf of the Farallones: Sidescan-Sonar Imagery, USGS Open-File Report 2004-1082

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GIS Data

Data Description

This report contains an Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcMap 8.3 Geographic Information System (GIS) map file: ofr2004_1082.mxd and an ArcView 3.3 Geographic Information System (GIS) project file: ofr2004_1082.apr, stored within the arcgis directory. These ESRI GIS files contain the sidescan-sonar mosaic, bathymetric contour lines, a sun-illuminated bathymetry file of the study area, and trackline data.

If the user does not have access to ArcMap 8.3 and/or ArcView 3.3, ESRI's free view, ArcExplorer, may be used to view individual data files. See the ESRI Website for a detailed description of this product and download instructions.

Note: ESRI supports Microsoft Windows/XP operating systems. Macintosh users will not be able to view the ESRI GIS files, ofr2004_1082.mxd and ofr2004_1082.apr, as ESRI does not support Machintosh operating systems. The ofr2004_1082.apr project file is viewable with UNIX systems, however the ofr2004_1082.mxd map file cannot be viewed using a UNIX platform.


The'Farallones' Data Frame layer within ofr2004_1082.mxd and the 'Farallones' View within ofr2004_1082.apr are projected in the following coordinate system: UTM, WGS84 datum, Zone 10, meters. All raster image and grid data are also projected in this same UTM coordinate system. All point and vector data are stored in decimal degrees.


All ESRI ( ArcMap 8.3 and ArcView 3.3 shapefiles and raster image files have associated metadata giving a detailed description of the dataset. All of the data files are listed in the Download Files section with links to metadata files.

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