This report contains an Environmental
Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
ArcMap 8.3 Geographic Information System (GIS) map
file: ofr2004_1082.mxd and an ArcView 3.3 Geographic Information
System (GIS) project file: ofr2004_1082.apr,
stored within the arcgis directory. These ESRI GIS files
contain the sidescan-sonar mosaic, bathymetric contour lines, a sun-illuminated bathymetry
file of the study area, and trackline data.
If the user does not have access to ArcMap 8.3 and/or ArcView 3.3,
free view,
ArcExplorer, may be used to view individual data
files. See the
Website for a detailed description of this product and download
Note: ESRI
supports Microsoft Windows/XP operating systems. Macintosh users
will not be able to view the ESRI GIS files, ofr2004_1082.mxd
and ofr2004_1082.apr, as ESRI
does not support Machintosh operating systems. The ofr2004_1082.apr
project file is viewable with UNIX systems, however the ofr2004_1082.mxd
map file cannot be viewed using a UNIX platform.