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Bottom Photographs from the Pulley Ridge Deep Coral Reef, OF 2004-1228

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The above figure allows the user to click on a dive trackline or number (within the legend or the figure) to retrieve the first page of preview images from the selected dive. From the preview page, to acquire an individual image, click on the thumbnail image which will link to the full resolution image in a separate window. In Internet Explorer, right click on this image and select "Save image as...". The individual images can also be copied from the appropriate folder within the data/seaboss directory. Metadata for the images is available from the Metadata page.

Alternatively, the user can select one of the following dive numbers to go to the first page of preview images:

dive1 | dive2 | dive3 | dive4 | dive5 | dive6 | dive7 | dive8 | dive9 | dive10 | dive11 | dive12 | dive13 | dive14

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dive1_page1. dive2_page1. dive3_page1. dive4_page1. dive5_page1. dive6_page1. dive7_page1. dive8_page1. dive9_page1. dive10_page1. dive11_page1. dive12_page1. dive13_page1. dive14_page1. dive6_page1. dive7_page1. dive4_page1. dive5_page1. dive1_page1. dive9_page1. dive10_page1. dive12_page1. dive2_page1. dive13_page1. dive14_page1. dive3_page1. dive8_page1. dive11_page1.