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Open-File Report 2005-1293

High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Nahant to Gloucester, Massachusetts

Title Page / Table of Contents / List of Figures / Introduction / Maps / Data Collection/Processing / Interpretation / Acknowledgments / Appendix 1 / Appendix 2 / Appendix 3 / Appendix 4

Figure 3.6. Photograph of Mini SEABOSS and winch on the deck of the RV Rafael. Figure 3.6. Photograph of Mini SEABOSS and winch on the deck of the RV Rafael. Figure 3.6. Photograph of Mini SEABOSS and winch on the deck of the RV Rafael.

Figure 3.6. TOP: Photograph of Mini SEABOSS and winch on the deck of the RV Rafael. BOTTOM: Components of Mini SEABOSS viewed from below: A) forward video camera; B) downward video camera; C) video light; D) digital still camera and housing; E) strobe light; F) parallel laser for scale; G, laser for ranging; H) junction block; I) van Veen grab sampler; and J) multi-conducting cable.

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