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Open-File Report 2005-1293

High-Resolution Geologic Mapping of the Inner Continental Shelf: Nahant to Gloucester, Massachusetts

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Title Page

Table of Contents
List of Figures
Data Collection
and Processing
Geologic Interpretation


Geographic Information
Sediment Texture
Bottom Photographs
Seismic Profiles

Appendix 1 - Geographic Information System

A1.1. Data Access

The spatial data on this DVD are delivered in two different forms:

  • inside a geodatabase (all vector data).
  • outside the geodatabase (all raster data).

All spatial data in vector form are stored inside a personal geodatabase based on the ArcMarine data model. Refer to section A1.2 below for more details on how to access the geodatabase and information on the ArcMarine data model.

All raster data including ESRI grids (bathymetry), ESRI georeferenced tiffs (backscatter), and hyperlinked images (bottom photos and seismic profiles) are in their native form, outside the geodatabase. Refer to section A1.3 below for more details on where they are located on the DVD.

All data are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Meters, Zone 19, WGS84 Datum.

Viewing the data:
The complete data sets from this project can be accessed in four different ways depending on the software availability.

  • If you have ArcGIS 9.0 or higher - view and manipulate all data
  • If you do not have any GIS software - view all data (free software, download required)
  • If you have ArcView 3.x - view all data outside the geodatabase (bathymetry, sidescan sonar mosaic; add locations of bottom photographs and sediment samples as an event theme)
  • Web pages - view some data (seismic profiles and bottom photos only).

If you have ArcGIS 9.0 or higher:
Copy the following folder gis/OFR_2005_1293 to your computer and open the ArcMap document USGS_1293.mxd. This will open up an ArcMap document with all the data layers loaded from the personal geodatabase in the table of contents. The ArcMap project is saved with relative links so there is no need to change any drive letters or pathways as long as you keep all the folders under the parent directory (OFR_2005_1293) the same. You can also view the ArcGIS project directly from the DVD in read only mode by opening up pathway/USGS_1293.mxd. Requirements: you will need approximately 4 gigabytes of free space on your computer if you copy the data to your local drive.

If you do not have any GIS software:
You can still view all the data via ArcReader, a free mapping application distributed by ESRI Inc. You will need to download ArcReader and install it on your computer. Go to the ESRI Web site at and follow the directions for downloading and installing the free software. Once ArcReader is installed on your computer, you can either view the ArcReader project directly from the DVD by opening up DVD/gis/OFR_2005_1293/OFR_2005_1293_arcreader.pmf or copy the parent folder DVD/gis/OFR_2005_1293 to your local computer as described in the section above.

If you have ArcView 3.x:
If you ArcView 3.x and spatial analyst extension you can access the grids and image layers (in ESRI grid or tif format) for this project which are not stored in the personal geodatabase. A description of the rasters and their location on the DVD are provided below in section A1.2. You can also download the locations of sediment samples and bottom photographs in Excel spreadsheet format. These can be added to ArcView as and event theme.

Web Pages:
The JPG images of the bottom photographs and seismic reflection profiles can be accessed and viewed directly from the DVD or via the Web page. They are located in the following folder: gis/OFR_2005_1293/images/hyperlink_images/.

A1.2 Data stored inside the Personal Geodatabase.

The data for this project are delivered here in a ArcGIS personal Geodatabase based on the schema of the ArcMarine Data Model. The project personal Geodatabase is accessible through ArcCatalog. A brief description of each feature class, feature dataset, and table is below. The schema of the Geodatabase is based on early drafts of the ArcMarine Data Model that is currently under development by ESRI and other collaborators. The ArcMarine Data Model is designed to provide a basic common data structure, or Geodatabase template, for most types of marine data with in the ArcGIS framework. To learn more about the structure of the data model refer to the ArcMarine Workgroup Web site ( or the ESRI Data Model Web site (

The ArcGIS Marine Data Model represents a new approach to spatial modeling via improved integration of many important features of the ocean realm, both natural and manmade. The goal is to provide more accurate representations of location and spatial extent, along with a means for conducting more complex spatial analyses of marine and coastal data by capturing the behavior of real-world objects in a geodatabase. The model also considers how marine and coastal data might be more effectively integrated in 3-D space and time. Although currently limited to 2.5-D, the model includes "placeholders" meant to represent the fluidity of ocean data and processes

Read more about the ArcMarine Data Model at:

Image of Tree Chart.

Note: Figure as modified from the original provided by Michael Zeiler, ERSI.

A1.3 Data stored outside the Personal Geodatabase.

This section describes the location of the raster data stored outside the personal geodatabase.

folder.OFR_2005_1293 folder

This folder contains...


  1. se_5mbath - bathymetry
  2. se_5mbathhs - shaded relief bathymetry
  3. Slopedeg_fm3 - slope in degrees
  4. Mlclass5 - bottom type from maximum likelihood multivariate classification
  5. bedrock_depth - depth to bedrock below seafloor



  1. ss_mos1m.tif - sidescan mosaic


This folder contains jpeg images of bottom photographs and seismic reflection profiles that are hotlinked to the surveyline feature class in the geodatabase.

If you have ArcGIS 9.0 or higher: Use the hotlink feature. The locations of bottom photos and seismic reflection profiles are already linked in the ArcMap document OFR_2005_1293.mxd

  1. Open up OFR_2005_1293.mxd
  2. Select the Bottom Photos or Seismic Survey Lines in the table of contents
  3. Select the lightning bolt tool - Images beginning with "PICT" are bottom photographs. Images beginning with "L" are seismic profile images named by line. The SurveyLine subtype = 3 are the seismic lines. The ArcMap project file document below is already set up with hotlinks for the Seismic SurveyLines.

If you do not have ArcGIS 9.0 or higher:

Use table A3.1 (Excel format) to create an event theme in ArcView 3.x and edit the image pathway to set up hotlinks for the photographs. Table A3.1(Excel format) has a list of all bottom photographs grouped by station. The photographs are named sequentially, starting with "PICT0019.jpg" through "PICT0615.jpg".


This folder contains are ArcGIS layer files that store user-defined symbology, labeling, and other display parameters by pointing to the original feature class, grid or tif.

Backscatter.lyr - 1m resolution sidescan mosaic colored by minimum/maximum gray scale histogram stretch

Bathymetry.lyr - Hillshaded color bathymetry with 10 m contours and contour annotation.

Bottom Type.lyr - Generalized bottom type from multivariate analysis.

Ground Validation.lyr - Locations of bottom photographs, video tracklines, and sediment samples.

Physiographic Zones.lyr - Physiographic zones of offhsore and inshore areas.

Project Files:

OFR 2005-1295.mxd - ArcMap document with all data layers loaded in the table of contents and symbolized as in the report figures. The ArcMap document is saved with relative links so that the hotlink tool will work for the bottom photographs and seismic reflection profiles.

OFR 2005-1295-arcreader.pmf - ArcReader file that will enable users without ArcGIS 9.0 to view all the spatial data in the project with a free data viewer (download free ArcReader here).

Table A1. Data Catalog.

file description (metadata file name view file format file size
Geodatabase Essex_MDM    ArcGIS 9.0 personal Geodatabase 58/168 Mb download zip
Bathymetry se_5mbath Figure of se_5mbath. ESRI Grid 32 bit fp 10.9/67 Mb download zip
Bathymetric Hillshade se_5mbathhs Figure of se_5mbathhs. ESRI Grid 16 bit interger download zip 3.7/33 Mb download zip
Bathymetric Slope slopedeg_fm3 Figure of Bathymetric Slope. ESRI Grid 32 bit fp 20/67 Mb download zip
Depth to Bedrock bedrock_depth Figure of Depth to Bedrock. ESRI Grid 32 bit fp 0.2/0.5 Mb download zip
Bottom Classification mlclass5 Figure of mlclass5. ESRI Grid 8 bit US interger 0.8/17 Mb download zip
Sidescan Mosaic ss_mos1m.tif Figure of ss_mos1m. TIFF 8 bit US integer 115/446 Mb download zip
Bottom Photos (585) BottomPhotos.ZIP Figure of Bottom Photos. jpeg 631/627 Mb download zip
Seismic Reflection Profiles (273) Figure of Seismic Reflection Profiles. jpeg 541/538 Mb download zip

Click here to download zip file of entire data directory

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