Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Maps
Section 3: Data Collection and Processing
- Field program
- Interferometric Sonar
- Sidescan Sonar
- Seismic-Reflection Profiling
- Ground Validation
- Geophysical Data Processing
Section 4: Geologic Interpretation
- Setting
- Mapping Seafloor Geology
- Multivariate Analysis
- Physiographic Zones
- Nearshore Basin
- Rocky Zone
- Shelf Valley
- Nearshore Ramp
- Bay-Mouth Shoal
- Bottom Sediment Texture
- Geologic Framework and Late Quaternary Evolution
- Summary
Reference Cited
Appendix I: Geographic Information System
- Description of layers
- Strategy to download coverages
- Links to metadata
Appendix II: Textural analyses
Appendix III: Bottom Photographs
Appendix IV: Seismic reflection profiles