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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1210

Final Report and Archive of the Swath Bathymetry and Ancillary Data Collected in the Puerto Rico Trench Region in 2002 and 2003 .

GIS Data

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  1. Data Access
  2. Data Preview

Data Access:
The spatial data in this report are delivered in two different formats:

  • raster data
  • vector data

Selected raster and vector data can be viewed with ArcMap™ 9.3 map document (arcmap1210.mxd). Details on file descriptions and locations can be found in the "Raster and Vector Data Description" section.

Raster data: Grids are UTM, Zone 19N, World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84) datum. GeoTIFF and JPEG images are in Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84 datum.
Vector data: Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84 datum.

Viewing the data:
The data can be accessed either in ArcGIS® or higher or in ArcReader 9.x

Viewing the Map Documents:
ArcGIS® 9.3 or higher:
Copy the data folder to the hard drive of the computer and open the ArcMap™ 9.3 map document arcmap1210.mxd. These map documents are saved with relative links. As long as the file structure remains the same under the parent directory (data) there is no need to change drive letters or pathways. Approximately 5 GB of free space is needed to save the data and extract it to a local drive.

Data download:
Raster and vector data are stored and compressed within zip files in order to facilitate Web downloads. WinZip® files of the individual data layers are linked within the “Data Preview” section. See below for specific download instructions.
Raster grids are stored as Binary ESRI® grid format in the data directory and as ASCII raster files within individual dataset zip files. The ASCII raster files can be converted easily to ESRI® grid format in either ArcView with Spatial Analyst extension (Import Data Source: ASCII Raster) or ArcGIS® with Spatial Analyst extension (ASCII to Raster). Vector data are stored as shapefiles within the zip file.

Data Preview
To download raster and vector data, right click on the link within the 'Download zip file' column in the table below. 'Save Target As...' to save a zip file to the local hard drive.

File description

File name (Metadata)

View File format Download zip file
Table 1. Basemaps (data/basemaps)

Caribbean Island Nations Coastline Boundaries

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



island boundaries ESRI Shapefile polygon (102 KB)

United States Exclusive Economic Zone Regional Boundary

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



eez region bounds ESRI Shapefile polyline (307 KB)

Caribbean Regional Shaded Relief Imagery for Puerto Rico Trench Featured Data

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)


background imagery JPEG (65 MB)
Table 2. IVS3D files (data/ivs3d)

Fledermaus multibeam 150m grid object file for data collected in 2002.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter fledermaus grid Fledermaus Grid Object (5 MB)

Fledermaus multibeam 150m grid object file for data collected in February and March of 2003.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter fledermaus grid Fledermaus Grid Object (12 MB)

Fledermaus multibeam 150m grid object file for data collected in August and September of 2003.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter fledermaus grid Fledermaus Grid Object (5 MB)

Fledermaus scene file combining the individual multibeam 150m grids object files from 2002 and 2003, along with basemap data.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter fledermaus grid Fledermaus Scene (52 MB)
Table 3. Multibeam grids (data/multibeam)

Multibeam 150 meter grid from 2002.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter grid ESRI Grid (6 MB)

Multibeam 150 meter grid from February and March, 2003.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter grid ESRI Grid (16 MB)

Multibeam 150 meter grid from August and September, 2003.

(UTM, Zone 19, WGS84)


150 meter grid ESRI Grid (9 MB)

Combined grids as a sun illuminated GeoTIFF image of the Puerto Rico Trench from data collected in 2002 and 2003.

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)


color multibeam bathy grid GeoTIFF 8 bit (3 MB)
Table 4. Navigation (data/navigation)

Navigation Tracklines of the USGS Cruise 03032 (NOAA RB0305) August 28 to September 4, 2003.

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



navigation track line ESRI Shapefile polyline (512 KB)

Navigation Tracklines of the USGS Cruise 03008 (NOAA RB0303) February 18 to March 7, 2003.

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



navigation track line ESRI Shapefile polyline (512 KB)

Navigation Tracklines of the USGS Cruise 02051 (NOAA RB0208) September 24 to September 30, 2002.

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



navigation track line ESRI Shapefile polyline (512 KB)
Table 5. Oceanography (data/oceanography)

Oceanographic Data Device Cast Location for Joint USGS Cruise 03032 and NOAA RB0305

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



xbt locations ESRI Shapefile point (102 KB)

Oceanographic Data Device (XBT) Cast Location for Joint USGS Cruise 03008 and NOAA RB0303

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



xbt locations ESRI Shapefile point (102 KB)

Oceanographic Data Device (CTD) Cast Location for Joint USGS Cruise 03008 and NOAA RB0303

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



xbt locations ESRI Shapefile point (102 KB)

Oceanographic Data Device (XBT) Cast Location for Joint USGS Cruise 02051 and NOAA RB0208

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



xbt locations ESRI Shapefile point (102 KB)

Oceanographic Data Device (CTD) Cast Location for Joint USGS Cruise 02051 and NOAA RB0208

(Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84)



xbt locations ESRI Shapefile point (102 KB)

Excel Spreadsheet containing XBT and CTD Oceanographic Data for USGS Cruises 02051 (NOAA RB028), 03008 (NOAA RB0303), and 03032 (NOAA RB0305). (image is sample sound velocity profiles from 2003).



Sample plot of sound velocity profiles from 2003. Excel (version 2003) spreadsheet (1.5 MB)
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