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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1210

Final Report and Archive of the Swath Bathymetry and Ancillary Data Collected in the Puerto Rico Trench Region in 2002 and 2003 .

Three-Dimensional Visualization

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The IVS3D Fledermaus software suite was used to view the bathymetric surface in a three-dimensional representation (3D). The software suite enables the user to “fly through” the study area while presenting unique perspectives and improving data interpretation. The software also allows for the creation of flightpaths that can be used to make movie files. The flightpaths can be experienced with the free viewer (iView4D) for files in the Fledermaus format. Several Fledermaus scientific data (.sd) files and scene (.scene) files that were derived from the GIS grid layers have been included in this report and are listed below. These files may be used with iView4D to provide the experience of a "fly through" of the bathymetry surface.

How to Download iView4D:

  • Go to the IVS Website
  • Go to Download
  • Click on iView4D
    Fill out form and download iView4D. The help menu in iView4D gives detailed operating instructions.

Fledermaus Scientific Data in (sd) or (scene) File:

The following files are stored in the data/ivs directory and can be viewed within iView4D. See iView4D HELP for detailed instructions on loading and manipulating data files.

  • - colorized RB0208 cruise bathymetric data from the "ivs3d/rb2" directory with a sixfold vertical exaggeration.
  • - colorized RB0303 cruise bathymetric data from the "ivs3d/rb3" directory with a sixfold vertical exaggeration.
  • - colorized RB0305 cruise bathymetric data from the "ivs3d/rb3a" directory with a sixfold vertical exaggeration.
  • Combined.scene - colorized for all cruise bathymetric data from the "ivs3d/rbc" directory with a sixfold vertical exaggeration
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