USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2006-1381

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1381

Geophysical Mapping of Oyster Habitats in a Shallow Estuary; Apalachicola Bay, Florida


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Funding for this project was provided by the NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC). We wish to thank Linda Rowe and Pace Wilbur of NOAA CSC for their assistance in the early stages of the project. In addition, we also acknowledge the interest, support, and assistance of Mark Finkbeiner, also of NOAA CSC, during the later stages of the project. Survey work was conducted by the following personnel from the USGS Sea-Floor Mapping Group in Woods Hole; Barry Irwin, Chuck Worley, Bill Danforth, Jane Denny, Tom O'Brien, and Emile Bergeron. Additional vessel support was provided by the crew at Florida DEP in Apalachicola, Florida, including Lauren Levi, Jenna Wanat, Megan Lamb, and Stephanie Fahrny. This report benefited from reviews by Kathy Scanlon, Wayne Baldwin, Valerie Paskevich, and Donna Newman.

Skip past bottom index informationTitle | Figures | 1-Introduction | 2-Data Collection and Processing | 3- Geologic Interpretation | 4-References | 5-Maps | Spatial Data | Acknowledgments

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