USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2006-1381

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1381

Skip past bottom index informationTitle | Figures | 1-Introduction | 2-Data Collection and Processing | 3- Geologic Interpretation | 4-References | 5-Maps | Spatial Data | Acknowledgments

Figure 7. 2000 NOAA chart # 11402 and 1860 NOAA chart # 485 showing the location of New Inlet, a former tidal inlet near Higgins Shoal that presently is sealed (NOAA, 1860; 2000).

Figure 7. 2000 NOAA chart # 11402 (top panel) and 1860 NOAA chart # 485 (bottom panel) showing the location of New Inlet, a former tidal inlet near Higgins Shoal that presently is sealed (NOAA, 1860; 2000).

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