Acronyms, Abbreviations, And Symbols
°C | Degree Celsius |
ρ | Density |
% | Percent |
Φ | Phi Particle Size Scale |
φ | Porosity |
θ | Water Content |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
Be-7 | Beryllium-7 |
BIER | Barrier Island Evolution Research |
Bi-214 | Bismuth-214 |
cm | Centimeter |
cc, cm3 | Cubic Centimeter |
CMGP | Coastal and Marine Geology Program |
Cs-137 | Cesium-137 |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc |
FAN | Field Activity Number |
FL | Florida |
g | Gram |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
H2O2 | Hydrogen Peroxide |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
ID | Identification |
Inc. | Incorporated |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
K-40 | Potassium-40 |
kb | Kilobyte |
keV | Kiloelectron Volt |
km | Kilometer |
Lc | Critical Level |
LOI | Loss On Ignition |
Mb | Megabyte |
m | Meter |
µm | Micron |
mL | Milliliter |
mm | Millimeter |
NAD83 | North American Datum of 1983 |
NAVD88 | North American Vertical Datum of 1988 |
ND | Not Detected |
OM | Organic Matter |
Pb-210 | Lead-210 |
Pb-214 | Lead-214 |
pCi | Picocurie |
Portable Document Format | |
Ra-226 | Radium-226 |
s | Second |
SPCMSC | Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center |
Th-234 | Thorium-234 |
U-238 | Uranium-238 |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |