Critical Minerals in Subduction-related Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems of the United States

Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5082
By: , and 



Numerous individuals provided information and insight on critical minerals in magmatic-hydrothermal, intrusion-related districts and deposits in Western States: Herb Duerr (Sunnyside, Arizona), Shaun Dykes (CuMo, Idaho), Bill Howald (Tonopah, Nevada), Buster Hunsaker and Mark Barton (McCullough Butte, Nevada), Hamish Martin (Resolution, Arizona), Eric Seedorff (copper-(molybdenum) deposits in Arizona), Ralph Stegen (Mo deposits), and Roger Steininger (Mo deposits). Drill hole analyses of the Pebble porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Alaska, were provided by James Lang and Karen Kelley. Exploration and mining company websites and annual reports, 43-101 and technical reports, and archived records provided description of deposits and resources and, in some reports, quantification of critical minerals in them. Reviewers Jamie Brainard, Bob Seal, and Al Hofstra offered many relevant suggestions regarding content and presentation, most of which have been incorporated in some form.

Chemical Symbols




















































































































During the World War and Cold War eras (1910s–1990s), domestic consumption of numerous mineral commodities relied increasingly on imported supplies. Consumption reliance has since expanded to include 50 “critical minerals” (elements and mineral commodities) that are mostly to entirely imported and subject to curtailment by suppliers or supply chain disruption. New domestic supplies of critical minerals are being pursued by mining companies and by several federal departments and agencies. Information on domestic deposits and resources of critical minerals is being compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program, which has organized investigations by mineral system, deposit type, and commodity.

Production, reserves, resources, and inventories of 21 critical minerals in domestic magmatic-hydrothermal deposits related to subduction-generated magmatism, and in tailings, slag, slimes, and electrolyte from copper concentrators, smelters, and refineries that processed some deposits, are largely restricted to Western States and Alaska. The critical mineral commodities Al, Sb, As, Bi, Co, fluorite, Ga, Ge, In, Mn, Ni, Nb, Pd, Pt, potash, Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, and V are variably concentrated in porphyry/skarn copper-(molybdenum), skarn-replacement-vein (S-R-V) tungsten, polymetallic sulfide S-R-V intermediate sulfidation (IS), high-sulfidation gold-silver, low-sulfidation gold-silver, and lithocap alunite deposit types. These deposit types occur in porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold, alkalic porphyry, porphyry tin (granite related), and reduced intrusion-related mineral systems.

Production, reserves, and resources of Co, Ni, Nb, Pd, Pt, Ta, Sn, and V in subduction-related deposits in Western States are insignificant to small, mostly equivalent to months to a few years of recent annual domestic consumption (2016–2020). Significant inventories, equivalent to 2 or more years of consumption of aluminum, antimony, potash, and tungsten in unmined S-R-V tungsten, polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS, and lithocap alunite deposits vary from approximately 2 to 8 years. Several decades of consumption of arsenic, bismuth, fluorite, gallium, germanium, and indium exist in some polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS and lithocap alunite deposit types.

Based on concentrations of critical minerals in reserves, resources, drill holes, and deposit domains (ore types), and in captive refinery records, the largest domestic inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Re, and Te, and possibly Ga, Ge, In, Sn, and W, are in porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits in Alaska, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona, and in interim products of processing porphyry Cu-Mo deposit ores for recovery of copper and molybdenum. Concentrations of critical minerals in archival specimens and sample collections, although somewhat biased by collection and conservation decisions and categorization, are broadly proportionate to those in reserves, resources, and drill holes. These concentrations imply significant inventories of some critical minerals in deposits for which production, resources, and refinery records are unavailable or incomplete.

Because of the large masses of ores mined and processed annually (hundreds of millions of metric tons) and in reserves and resources (hundreds of millions of metric tons to billions of metric tons), calculated inventories of critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are equivalent to decades and centuries of recent consumption. However, these inventories should not be considered consumable supplies without reserve definition and development of economically viable mining plans and recovery techniques. An expeditious strategy for elimination or reduction of import reliance is recovery, and improved recovery efficiency, of Sb, As, Bi, Re, and Te, and possibly Ga, Ge, In, Ni, Sn, Ti, and W; during concentration and refining of copper and molybdenum minerals in ores of operating porphyry Cu-Mo mines; and in unmined porphyry Cu-Mo resources. These chalcophile, siderophile, and lithophile critical minerals, often undetectable in ore, are concentrated (hundreds of parts per million to percents) in slimes and electrolyte during copper electrorefining or could be recovered, in part, during sulfide concentration and smelting. Other than rhenium (recovered during molybdenum refining) and tellurium, all have been routinely discarded.

Subsidization (for example, commodity price guarantees, tax credits, recovery technology development), political initiative, and (or) sustained market favorability could support new production of critical mineral commodities from subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal deposits in Western States. In addition, insufficient domestic refining capacity could relegate the large inventories of critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo reserves and resources (for example, Pebble, Alaska; Resolution and Copper World [Rosemont], Arizona) to exportation in concentrates and importation insecurity, fortifying their present status.


Critical minerals are mineral commodities “essential to the economic and national security of the United States” for which “the supply chain…is vulnerable to disruption” (Executive Office of the President, 2017; U.S. Department of Commerce, 2019). The term “critical minerals” refers to elements and minerals that are predominantly imported from various countries, some of which may discontinue exports to the United States because of political disputes or restricted availability of supplies. Presidential Executive Order No. 13817 (Executive Office of the President, 2017) and Secretarial Order No. 3359 (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2017) requested the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to determine possible domestic sources of critical minerals that could offset or eliminate import reliance. In 2018 a list of 35 critical minerals was released by the U.S. Department of the Interior (2018) (Fortier and others, 2018); 31 were designated import-reliant because imports provide more than 50 percent of annual domestic consumption. In 2021, zinc and nickel were added to the list, platinum group elements (PGE) and rare earth elements (REE) were individually listed, and several commodities were delisted (Nassar and Fortier, 2021), bringing the current list to 50 critical minerals. In response to the administration orders and first critical minerals list the USGS initiated and reorganized several projects, including the Earth Mineral Resources Initiative; the U.S. Mineral Deposit Database (USMIN) project; and the Systems Approach to Critical Minerals Inventory, Research, and Assessment project, to address domestic critical mineral supplies.

Domestic critical minerals covered in this report have been concentrated into deposits by magmatic and hydrothermal processes associated with plate subduction at convergent and transform plate margins of the Western United States. Subduction-related magmatism has been episodically active since the Early Triassic and is represented by granitic intrusions and volcanic fields in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. These igneous rocks mostly reflect partial melting of the mantle wedge by devolatilization of subducted oceanic crust and lesser pelagic sediments during convergent plate subduction. Basalt magmas generated by partial melting of mantle rocks intruded and partially melted lower and middle crust to form hybridized magmas. Hybridized magmas differentiated, buoyantly ascended, and erupted as andesites and felsic volcanic rocks or crystallized as granitic and porphyritic rocks in the upper crust. Production, resources, and inventories of metals and critical mineral commodities in the Western States were largely derived from, or occur in, deposits in granitic and porphyritic intrusions, in sedimentary rocks adjacent to intrusions, and in volcanic fields thought to overlie intrusions. Most deposits formed during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Those in westernmost States formed near the subduction zone during high-angle subduction and slab rollback whereas deposits in the Rocky Mountains States (Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, and parts of Utah) are thought to have formed when oceanic crust was subducted at low angles, thereby heating, and melting by devolatilization lithospheric mantle and lower crust hundreds of kilometers east of the subduction zone. This “flat slab” magmatism generally did not extend further east than the longitude of the Colorado Front Range, thus limiting critical minerals covered in this report to Western States (fig. 1; tables 1, 2).

Figure 1. Five maps of deposits and resources of critical minerals distributed across
                     Western States.
Figure 1.

Maps showing locations of deposits and resources of critical minerals in Western States. A, Production (primary product; byproduct), reserves, and resources (including unmined deposits; mine, mill, and copper refinery interim products) of Sb, As, Bi, fluorite, Ga, Ge, In, Mn, potash, Te, Sn, Ti, and V in Western States (table 1). B, Porphyry copper-(molybdenum) (Cu-(Mo)) deposits in Western States. C, Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and districts in Arizona and New Mexico. D, Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and districts in Nevada. E, Tungsten deposits and resources in Western States and Alaska described in text and tabulated (open black diamonds; table 2).

Table 1.    

Production of critical minerals in districts and deposits of Western States that are related to subduction magmatism, and possible resources of critical minerals where quantified, semi-quantified, or quantifiable.

[Deposits and districts with production of critical minerals as primary products and coproducts are described in Section A; those with byproduct production are described in Section B. Possible significant resources of critical minerals are described in Section C. Assignment of primary products, coproducts, and byproducts in many districts and deposits is uncertain. Mineral systems and deposit types from Hofstra and Kreiner (2020). S-R-V, skarn-replacement-vein; IS, intermediate sulfidation; Cu-Mo-Au, copper-molybdenum-gold; PGE, platinum-group elements; REE, rare earth elements.]

Deposit type Primary commodities; critical minerals Production of critical minerals in Western States Possible significant resources of critical minerals in Western States
Primary product, coproduct (chap. A) Byproduct (chap. B)1 Primary product, coproduct (chap. C) Byproduct (chap. C)
S-R-V tungsten W, Mo, Cu; W W: Pine Creek, Calif. Mo, Cu W: Andrew Curtis, Calif. --
W: Springer/ Nevada Massachusetts, Nev. -- W: Centennial, Nev. Au, Ag, Cu
W: Atolia, Calif -- W: Sunrise, Wash. Cu, Mo
W: Browns Lake, Mont. -- W: Pilot Mountain, Nev. Cu, Ag, Zn
-- -- W: Indian Springs, Nev. --
Porphyry/skarn copper Cu, Au, Ag, Mo; PGE, Te, Re, Co, Bi, U -- Te, PGE: Cu refineries and offsite Cu refinery, Magna, Utah Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Ni, PGE, Te: Cu refinery slimes2,3
-- PGE: Ely, Nev. Cu refinery, El Paso, Tex. Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Ni, PGE, Te: Cu refinery slimes2,3
-- PGE, Te: Bingham, Utah Cu refinery, Amarillo, Tex. Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Ni, PGE, Te: Cu refinery slimes2,3
-- Te: Butte, Mont. -- In: West Desert, Utah
-- Te: Amarillo, Tex. -- Te: Red Mountain, Ariz.4
-- -- -- Bi, Ge, In, Te: Sunnyside, Ariz.4
-- -- -- Re, PGE: Pebble, Alaska4
-- -- -- Ti (rutile): Bingham, Utah
-- -- -- Ti (rutile): Ajo, San Manuel, Bagdad, Ariz.
-- -- -- W: CuMo, Idaho
-- -- -- W: Margerie Glacier, Alaska
-- Re: Mo refineries --
-- Re: Bingham, Butte, Sierrita, Morenci, Bagdad, Santa Rita, others -- Re: Bingham, Butte, Sierrita, Morenci, Bagdad, Santa Rita. Other: Mo refineries
Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ag, Au; Mn, Ge, Ga, In, Bi, Sb, As, W, Te V: St. Anthony mine, Mammoth, Ariz. Mn, Bi, As, Te: Butte, Mont. -- Mn: Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa, Ariz.
Bi: Leadville, Colo. Bi, Mn, Sb: Tintic, Utah -- --
-- Bi: Big, Little Cottonwood districts, Utah -- --
-- Bi?: Victoria, Nev. -- --
-- W, As: Gold Hill, Utah -- --
-- As: Eureka, Nev. (speiss) -- --
-- As: Battle Mountain district, Nev. -- --
-- Bi, Mn: Leadville, Colo. -- --
-- Mn: Gilman, Colo. -- --
-- Mn: Pioche-Bristol-Jackrabbit, Nev. -- --
-- Mn: Bisbee, Ariz. -- --
High-sulfidation gold-silver Au, Ag, Cu; As, Sb, Te, Bi, Sn, Ga -- -- -- Sb, As, Bi, Sn, Te, V: Goldfield, Nev.
-- -- -- Bi, Ga, Sb: Paradise Peak, Nev.
-- -- -- Sb, As, Bi, Te; Nevada-California districts
Lithocap alunite Al, K2SO4; Al, K2SO4, Ga Al, potash: Blawn Mountain, Utah -- Al, potash: Red Mountain, Ariz. --
Al, potash: Marysvale, Utah -- Al, potash: Sunnyside, Ariz. --
-- -- Al, potash: Resolution, Ariz. --
-- -- Al, potash: numerous deposits, Wash. --
Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, Cu; Ge, Ga, In, Bi, Te -- -- -- Te: Cripple Creek, Colo.
-- -- -- Te: Boulder district, Colo.
Polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS
Sn, W, Be; Sn, W, Be, Fluorite Cu, Sn: Majuba Hill, Nev. -- -- --
Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au; Sn, Mn, Ge, Ga, In, Bi, Sb, As Sn: Temescal, Calif. -- -- --
-- Sn: Taylor Creek, N. Mex. -- Sn: Taylor Creek, N. Mex. --
Polymetallic, monometallic veins -- Sb: Yellow Pine, Idaho -- Sb: Yellow Pine, Idaho As, Bi, W: Yellow Pine, Idaho4
Sb: numerous districts, Nev. -- -- --
Sb: Coyote district, Utah -- Sb: Coyote district, Utah --
Sb, As: White Caps, Nev. -- -- --
Be, fluorite: Spor Mountain, Utah -- -- REE, Spor Mountain, Utah
Ge, Ga: Apex mine, Utah -- Ge, Ga: Apex mine, Utah --
-- -- Ga: Cordero/ McDermitt, Nev. --
Fluorite: Daisy mine, Nev. -- -- --
Fluorite: Baxter mine, Nev. -- -- --
Fluorite: Zuni Mountains, N. Mex. -- -- --
Fluorite: Lost Sheep mine, Utah -- -- --
Fluorite: Wagon Wheel Gap mine, Colo. -- -- --
-- -- Fluorite: McCullough Butte, Nev. --
-- -- -- Ti, Zr, Sn, White Mountains, Calif.
Table 1.    Production of critical minerals in districts and deposits of Western States that are related to subduction magmatism, and possible resources of critical minerals where quantified, semi-quantified, or quantifiable.

Mining and (or) recovery enabled in part by subsidization, usually commodity price guarantees.


Includes mine waste (dumps, tailings, slag) and copper refinery slimes.




Inventory based on drill holes.

Table 2.    

Characteristics of the largest tungsten deposits and resources in Western States.

[Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees north and west. S-R-V, skarn-replacement-vein; t, metric ton, Mt, million metric tons; Mst, million short tons; opt, troy ounces per short ton; ft, feet; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Deposit name Alternate name State Latitude Longitude Owner Production Resource/ reserve estimate
Andrew Curtis Andrew Curtis Mine, Andrew Group, Alron #1, Alron #2, Tiffany-Andrew Group, 4 Hi #1, Curtis Claims, Cattle Canyon Placers Calif. 34.258 117.685 Curtis Tungsten, Inc. 7.55 t WO3 concentrate (21–50%) from 1974 to 1982 Reserves: 6,000 t W measured; 17,000 t W indicated; 216,000 t W inferred (Unruh and Graber, 1982)
Pilot Mountain Desert Scheelite, Aurora district Nev. 38.379 117.871 Thor Mining PLC Nominal; “R.C. Armstrong shipped tungsten ore from the Desert Scheelite mine to a custom mill” (Maurer and Wallace, 1956). 18,600 t W indicated, 8,600 t W inferred (Thor Mining PLC, 2018a, b).
Centennial Mount Hamilton mine, Northeast Seligman mine, Treasure Hill mine Nev. 39.247 115.558 Mount Hamilton Mining Company 1997, 7.72 Mst at 0.035 opt Au Reserve: 18,200 t W from a pre-1978 non-43-101 compliant source and unverified data (SRK Consulting, 2009a).
Indian Springs Gambel Ranch or Ludwig Tunnel Nev. 41.622 114.251 Utah International, Inc.; Azl Resources Inc.; and Norman Ludwig Past producer Resource: 10,900 t W indicated, 9,900 t W inferred (Moran and Stryhas, 2007)
Browns Lake Ivanhoe, Lost Creek, Lentung, Red Button mine Mont. 45.521 112.836 American Alloy Metals, Inc and Garrand Corp. From 1953 to 1958, 567,477 short tons at 0.35 percent WO3; 1953–58, 19,200 short tons at 0.18 percent WO3 (Werner and others, 2014) 14,400 t contained W (Werner and others, 2014)
Pine Creek Black Monster, Snow Queen, Union Carbide mine Calif. 37.362 118.704 Pine Creek Tungsten Mining Llc, Avocet Ventures Inc., and U.S. Tungsten Corp. as of 1995 >10,000 short tons; mine closed in 1986 (Werner and others, 2014) Resource: 10,000 t W (Werner and others, 2014);
Springer Stank Hill, Mill City, Nevada Massachusetts Nev. 40.782 118.133 Americas Bullion Royalty Corp. ~10,800 t 1,400 t W indicated and 6,900 t W inferred (McCandlish and Odell, 2012; SRK Consulting, 2009b)
Atolia -- Calif. 35.315 117.609 -- ~828,339 units WO3 (6,568 t W); 94% from veins and 6% from placers; ~54% of total production came from Union mine (developed to depth of 1,021 ft) “a few thousand tons of 2% ore is in sight in the veins;” mill tailings were being retreated in 1940. Placer deposits contain an estimated 280,000 units WO3 (2,200 t W) and small but unquantified amounts of Au.
Margerie Glacier Leo Mark Anthony, Moneta Porcupine mines, Tarr Inlet Alaska 59.025 137.091 National Wilderness None Resource: 14,500 t W inferred (Brew and others, 1978)
CuMo CuMo; CuMo Project Idaho 44.034 115.783 American CuMo Mining Corporation; Mosquito Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd as of 2010; Amax Exploration, Inc. as of 1974 also listed in MRDS None Resource: 72,000 t W indicated; 42,000 t W inferred (Jones and others, 2011b)
Sunrise Brenmac Wash. 48.008 121.5045 1952: W.E. Oldfield;
1976: Ren Mac Mines, Ltd.
None 31,730 t W in 64.5 Mt grading 0.319% Cu, 0.071% Mo, 0.062% W, 0.002 opt Au, 0.049-0.088 opt Ag
Table 2.    Characteristics of the largest tungsten deposits and resources in Western States.

Table 2.    

Characteristics of the largest tungsten deposits and resources in Western States.

[Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees north and west. S-R-V, skarn-replacement-vein; t, metric ton, Mt, million metric tons; Mst, million short tons; opt, troy ounces per short ton; ft, feet; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Basis of resource/ reserve estimate Deposit type Ore minerals present Elements in deposit CM in resource CM domestic consumption threshold (2019) CM inventory besides W (metric tons) References
“Extensive mapping, sampling and mill recovery tests” (Unruh and Graber, 1982) W skarn (S-R-V; scheelite concentrated in shear zones) Scheelite, barite W, Ba W, Ba >2 years at 27,600 t W No Ba inventory available Evans and others (1977); Raney (1982); Unruh and Graber (1982); USGS (2010a); Carroll and others (2018)
Drillcore, historic and recent W skarn (S-R-V) Scheelite, chalcopyrite, azurite W, Cu, Ag, An, Au W >1 year at 13,800 t W None Maurer and Wallace (1956); Cowie (1985); Stager and Tingley (1988); Carroll and others (2018); Thor Mining PLC (2018a, b)
Drill core W skarn (S-R-V) Scheelite; chalcopyrite; free gold; sphalerite; galena; pyrite; covellite; bornite; chalcopyrite; bournonite; jamesonite Cu, Mo, W, Au, Ag, and Sb W, Sb >2 years at 27,600 t W but uncertain reliability of resource estimates No Sb inventory available; Sb classified as a tertiary commodity USGS (2007); Moran and others (2009); SRK Consulting (2009a, 2012, 2014); Carroll and others (2018)
Drill core W skarn (S-R-V) Scheelite, powellite, molybdenite, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, W, Mo, Cu W >1 year at 13,800 t W None Slack (1972); Moran and Stryhas (2007); USGS (2010b); Carroll and others (2018)
Unspecified W skarn (S-R-V) Chalcopyrite, powellite, scheelite, bornite, covellite, malachite, pyrrhotite W, Cu, Mo W >1 year at 13,800 t W None USGS (1992); Werner and others (2014); Carroll and others (2018)
Drill core W skarn (S-R-V) Scheelite, bornite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, covellite, molybdenite, powellite W, Cu, Au, Mo, Ag W >1 year at 13,800 t W None Newberry (1982); USGS (1996); Kurtak (1998); Werner and others (2014); Carroll and others (2018)
Drill core W skarn (S-R-V) Scheelite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite W, Mo, Cu W <1 year at 13,800 t W None Johnson (1977); McCandlish and Odell (2012); Americas Bullion Royalty Corp (2014); Carroll and others (2018)
Geologic estimation W vein and W-Au placer Scheelite W, Au W <1 year at 13,800 t W None Lemmon and Dorr (1940); U.S. Bureau of Mines (1943)
Unspecified Porphyry Cu Chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, powellite, scheelite, molybdenite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite Cu, W, Mo, Ag, Au W >1 year at 13,800 t W None Brew and others (1978); USGS (1988); Carroll and others (2018)
Diamond drilling Porphyry Cu+Mo Molybdenite, chalcopyrite, and scheelite, perhaps microscopic gallite (CuGaS2) Cu, Mo, Ag, W, Re, Ga, Pb, and Zn W, Re, Ga >2 years at 27,600 t W Re has reported concentrations from 0.01 to 0.03 ppm in drill core intervals USGS (2009); Jones and others (2011a, b); Giroux and others (2015); Carroll and others (2018); Hilscher and Dykes (2018)
Drill core and underground workings W-Cu-Mo breccia Scheelite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite W, Cu, Mo, Au, Ag W; Bi, Re in concentrate >2 years of recent domestic consumption none Derkey and others (1990); Lasmanis (1995); USGS (1997)
Table 2.    Characteristics of the largest tungsten deposits and resources in Western States.

Other smaller volume magmatism indirectly linked to plate tectonism includes partial melting of (1) lower crust rocks in the central and eastern Great Basin thickened by contraction and in part heated by oceanic crust during flat-slab subduction, (2) depressurized mantle in slab windows of the southern Cascades magmatic arc that were created by late Cenozoic impingement of the Pacific spreading center on the long-lived convergent subduction zone, and (3) depressurized mantle beneath crust in the Great Basin thinned by extension during the late Cenozoic. The small to moderately sized magmatic-hydrothermal deposits (less than 1 to several million metric tons [Mt]) formed during partial melting of tectonically thickened crust contain small masses of critical minerals. None of the deposits in the mostly small-volume volcanic fields of andesite, dacite, and rhyolite, and lesser basalt that represent magmatism of slab windows and extension younger than 17 mega-annum (Ma) contains appreciable quantities of critical minerals relative to recent domestic consumption.

Known and suspected subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal deposits that contain critical minerals can be classified under four mineral systems and seven deposit types distinguished largely by characteristics of associated igneous rocks, hydrothermal mineral associations, and proportions of mineral commodities (table 1; Hofstra and Kreiner, 2020). Mineral systems evaluated in this report include porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold (Cu-Mo-Au), alkalic porphyry, porphyry tin (granite related), and reduced intrusion-related. Within these mineral systems deposit types represented include porphyry/skarn copper-gold (Cu-Au), skarn-replacement-vein (S-R-V) tungsten, polymetallic sulfide S-R-V intermediate sulfidation (IS), high-sulfidation gold-silver, low-sulfidation gold-silver, and lithocap alunite (aluminum, potash). Assignment of some deposits containing critical minerals to mineral systems and deposit types is problematic because of incomplete descriptions of deposits, especially small deposits, no known spatial or temporal association of deposits with subduction-related igneous rocks, and (or) deposit characteristics that do not easily fit the classification scheme but contain mineral commodities thought to have been concentrated by subduction-related magmatism. Some deposits containing critical minerals are therefore described in the “Unclassified Magmatic-Hydrothermal Deposits” sections.

Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineral systems consist of numerous deposit types including Cu-Mo-Au deposits in intrusions (often porphyritic and mostly calc-alkaline) and polymetallic sulfide S-R-V deposits and lithocap alunite deposits in adjacent and overlying sedimentary and volcanic rocks; some include high- and intermediate-sulfidation deposits (Hofstra and Kreiner, 2020). Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au systems occur within Phanerozoic magmatic arcs adjacent to subduction zones, and supply more than one-half of copper consumed annually worldwide. Critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo-Au systems in the Western United States include Al, Sb, As, Bi, Ga, Ge, In, Mn, Ni (designated a critical mineral in 2021), potash (KCl, K2SO4 salts; a critical mineral prior to 2021), Re (a critical mineral prior to 2021), Te, Ti, W, and Zn (designated a critical mineral in 2021) that occur in several deposit types. Critical minerals in other deposit types associated subduction-related magmatism include Al, Sb, Be, Bi, fluorite (CaF2), Li, potash, Ta, Te and Sn in polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits, high-sulfidation gold-silver deposits, low-sulfidation gold-silver deposits, lithocap alunite deposits, and in deposits with unclear association with subduction-related magmatism (fig. 2).

Figure 2. Spatial relationships of mineral systems and critical minerals.
Figure 2.

Schematic diagram showing spatial relationships of deposit types (black labels) broadly associated with, in part, porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold (Cu-Mo-Au) mineral systems and critical minerals that have been produced or occur in reserves and resources (red labels). PGE, platinum-group elements; REE, rare earth elements.

Alkalic porphyry mineral systems include Cu-Mo-Au deposits and other deposit types that form in alkalic intrusions, in adjacent sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and in veins in intrusions and in adjacent rocks; they also occur within Phanerozoic magmatic arcs and continental rifts. Deposit types of this system in Western States include low-sulfidation gold deposits that are mined for gold and silver and enriched in tellurium, bismuth, and vanadium and fluorspar deposits (table 1).

Porphyry tin (granite-related) mineral systems include deposits that contain the critical minerals beryllium, lithium, niobium, tin, and tantalum. These deposits occur in or near granitic rocks and in pegmatites that reflect partial melting of continental crust to form peraluminous magmas. Deposit types represented in Western States are mostly Precambrian pegmatite deposits that have been mined for beryllium, lithium, niobium, REE, tantalum, and tin (table 1). They are not clearly related to subduction magmatism, contain minor amounts of critical minerals relative to recent domestic consumption, and are not covered in this report.

Reduced intrusion-related mineral systems form in continental magmatic arcs in and adjacent to intrusions that assimilated sedimentary strata containing hydrocarbons and pyrite. Deposit types include gold, skarn copper-molybdenum-tungsten (Cu-Mo-W), polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS, disseminated gold-silver, intermediate sulfidation, and graphite. In Western States, few unequivocal reduced intrusion-related deposits are known; several have been mined and explored for gold and lesser silver. Critical mineral concentrations and forms in them are largely unquantified.

The 35 critical minerals initially listed by the Department of the Interior, and the recent additions zinc and nickel, are mineral commodities that are produced and marketed as elements (for example, Al, In, Ni, Te, and Zn), compounds and alloys (for example, GaAs, Si1−xGex, SbPb, InSb, WC, FeV, and FeMn), oxides and carbonates (for example, SbO3, GeO2, Li2CO3, and WO3), and minerals (for example, barite, fluorite, and potash). Critical minerals in Western States that have been produced as primary products, coproducts, and byproducts, and that are known to occur in elevated concentrations in unmined deposits, in interim products of copper concentrators, smelters, and refineries (tailings, slags, slimes, and electrolyte), and in mine dumps, include Al, Sb, As, Be, Bi, fluorite, Ga, Ge, In, Li, Mn, Ni, Nb, Pd, Pt, potash, Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, V, and Zn.

Descriptions of deposits and resources of the former critical mineral commodities potash and rhenium were completed prior to their delisting and are retained in this report. More recently listed zinc is not covered because of the anticipated time required for evaluation of the large amount of information available. Nickel occurrences in Western States are uncommon, insignificant relative to consumption, and (although in part related to subduction) not related to subduction magmatism. However, nickel in interim products of processing streams of porphyry Cu-Mo-Au ores is potentially recoverable in significant quantities and is correspondingly included where processing information is available.

Elevated concentrations of Al, Sb, As, Bi, Be, Ga, Ge, Mn, potash, and W in some deposits in Western States enabled their production as primary products and coproducts, although most production was small relative to domestic consumption, short lived, and subsidized. Deposits in which critical minerals are primary products are often not distinguishable from coproduct critical minerals because invariably there is insufficient published information to separate them, fluctuating commodity prices can change the relative values of commodities in ore and redefine ore tonnages and grades, and some production was subsidized by guaranteed prices and other federal government policies (for example, War Production Board, 1942; cover image). As used herein, a primary product is a mineral commodity that is essential to the economic viability of a mine (profitability), the basis for exploration, development, and sustained production. A coproduct is one or more mineral commodities produced with other mineral commodities because their combined value is essential for profitable mining. A byproduct is a mineral commodity that is recovered because it adds production value but is not essential to mine profitability.

Production of the primary commodities Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Au, and Ag in Western States enabled recovery of most critical minerals, including Sb, As, Bi, Mn, Nb, Pd, Pt, Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, and V, mostly as byproducts, and in a few deposits as coproducts and primary products. However, many critical minerals in mined deposits occur in low concentrations and small quantities and were never recovered because of unprofitability, and in some cases, no world markets. The porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Montana, and Nevada contain small concentrations of critical minerals in ores; however, processing of large tonnages of ore annually for copper and molybdenum recovery concentrates some chalcophile and siderophile critical minerals (Sb, As, Ge, In, Ni, Re, and Te), several of which are episodically recovered and marketed (Re and Te). Unmined porphyry Cu-Mo resources in Alaska, Idaho, and Arizona similarly contain large inventories of these and other chalcophile and lithophile critical minerals (for example, Al, Ti, and Zr) that theoretically could be recovered during ore processing for copper and molybdenum recovery.

In this report, deposits containing critical minerals are grouped by mined deposits in which critical minerals were primary products and coproducts (chap. A) and byproducts (chap. B), by unmined deposits and interim products of copper production with large critical mineral inventories relative to recent domestic consumption (chap. C), and by deposits with elevated concentrations of critical minerals (greater than crustal abundances) in archival specimens and collection samples (chap. D). Within each chapter, deposits, unmined resources, interim products, and specimens and samples are organized by mineral system and deposit type.

With the exception of the Pebble porphyry Cu-Mo and Margerie Glacier tungsten deposits in Alaska, all critical mineral occurrences described in this report are in conterminous Western States. Locations and descriptions of deposits and resources in Alaska that contain critical minerals are available at the USMIN web site ( Deposits and resources containing the critical minerals Be, Li, Nb, PGE, REE, Sn, and Ta as primary products and coproducts, although mostly related to intrusions (for example, Elk Creek niobium, Nebraska; Mountain Pass REE, Calif.; Round Top REE, Tex.; Stillwater Mountains PGE, Mont.; Be-Li-Nb-Sn-Ta pegmatites, N. Mex. and S. Dak.) (USGS and others, 1965, 1975; Bellora and others, 2019; Karl and others, 2021), include deposits in Midwestern States that are not clearly subduction-related and therefore not described below.

This report (1) provides a historical perspective of critical minerals produced from subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Western United States, (2) describes significant inventories of critical minerals in unmined deposits and mine reserves, and (3) tracks critical minerals in interim products of copper refineries where they comprise significant inventories but mostly are not recovered. The report is intended to inform policy makers of the approximate masses of domestic critical minerals that conceivably could become supplies for consumption if economic incentives for their mining and recovery are enabled.

Brief History of Critical Minerals

The concept of critical minerals arose in the early 20th century with the expanded application of alloys and compounds of C, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, and W that greatly improved metal durability, machining efficacy, and armament effectiveness (Lovering, 1944; Andrews, 1955; Limbaugh, 2006, 2010; Schmidt, 2012). These ferroalloys and compounds became essential to national defense and industrial competitiveness. Their components, variously termed critical or strategic minerals, faced supply uncertainty because domestic production since World War I has been insufficient for consumption. Concerns over importation security of tungsten and other commodities crucial for machining and armaments escalated in the 1930s and during World War II. Price guarantees (for example, Sb, As, Mn, and W) (War Production Board, 1942; cover image) and other forms of subsidization by the federal government increased domestic production prior to and during World War II and the Korean War; they were episodically extended into the 1960s through much of the Cold War era. However, peak tungsten production, for example, from domestic mines never exceeded 50 percent of required World War II supplies (approximately equivalent to consumption) (fig. 3; Morgan, 1983); then, as now, importation with trade route protection, as required, secured necessary imports.

Figure 3. Combined imports and production of tungsten peaked in 1943.
Figure 3.

Bar chart of domestic tungsten supplies during World War II and pre- and post-war years derived from U.S. mines and imports (Morgan, 1983).

Domestic critical mineral deposits, reserves, resources, and inventories described in this report attest to small low-grade deposits and resources of tungsten and other critical minerals, non-recovery of critical minerals at operating and shuttered or demolished refineries, and disincentives to explore for and produce critical minerals in the United States. Many of the largest and highest-grade domestic metal deposits were discovered and mined in the 19th and 20th centuries when there were no or small world markets for commodities subsequently deemed critical or strategic minerals. Comprehensive descriptions of these major deposits and districts (for example, Ridge, 1968) seldom include critical mineral commodities because they had no bearing on production economics and there was no to small demand for many. Imported supplies were generally deemed secure until the vulnerability of oceanic shipping was revealed by World Wars I and II.

Before, during, and after World War II and during the Cold War era, numerous investigations of domestic sources of critical mineral commodities were conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) and USGS to address wartime shortages and importation vulnerability (USBM, 1941a; Moon, 1950; Foster, 1988). Several “underground stockpiles” of unmined, marginal “ore” were blocked out (measured, indicated, and inferred reserves) by drill holes, surface excavations, underground development, and metallurgical test work. These marginal ores were assumed recoverable, if needed, whereas price guarantees were used to encourage domestic critical mineral production by the mining industry. Some cumulative tonnages of marginal ores defined by USBM investigations are likely too small or scattered or have grades that are too low to mine profitably today without subsidization; for example, 1.380 million short tons (Mst) (1.25 Mt) grading 33 to 53.5 percent fluorite are distributed among 36 deposits, approximately 18 Mst (16.4 Mt) grading 9 to 23.2 percent manganese are distributed among 39 deposits, and 10.6 Mst (9.6 Mt) of alunite in two deposits grading 21 to 31 percent Al2O3 (table 1 in Moon, 1950).

Occurrences of many critical minerals associated with subduction-related igneous rocks in Western States are variably described in War Mineral Reports (USBM, 1942–1945), in collaborative reports by the USGS and state geological surveys (for example, USGS and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963; USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1966a, 1969, 1975), and in topical publications by the USGS, most of which stem from World War II and Cold War era supply concerns.

Limitations and Assumptions

Evaluation of critical minerals in this report was conditioned by the quality of published concentrations and brevity of deposit descriptions, by incomplete access to unpublished drill hole records and reserves of mined and unmined deposits, and by general disinterest in critical mineral exploration and recovery. These limitations lead to uncertainty in classification of some deposits and necessitated application of a mass threshold to distinguish significant domestic inventories of critical minerals based on their current consumption.

Quantification of critical minerals is limited by accuracy of published concentrations, especially low concentrations reported in pre-2000 publications. Recovery (free market and subsidized) of some chalcophile, siderophile, and lithophile critical mineral commodities was usually enabled by average grades and grade ranges of percents to tens of percents (for example, Sb, fluorite, Mn, and W). Production at these grades obtained from published sources is therefore considered reasonably accurate. However, multi-element analyses of critical minerals and other commodities in ores and rocks used in mineral deposit investigations before approximately 2000 had insufficient precision and detection limits to accurately quantify chalcophile and siderophile critical minerals that mostly occur in low concentrations (less than 1 percent; for example, Bi, PGE, and Te) in deposits described in this report. Over the past two decades multi-element analyses with lower detection limits have been increasingly used in mineral deposit exploration programs and reserve delineation of unmined deposits. Concentrations of critical minerals in exploration and deposit delineation drill holes that represent large masses of mineralized rocks are used in this report, as available, to evaluate critical mineral resources and inventories in unmined deposits and resources, in addition to those inventories determined from production and refining records (tables 315). Multi-element analyses of archival specimens and collection samples of mineralized rocks also reveal elevated concentrations of critical minerals that portend possibly significant inventories in numerous mining districts in Western States (tables 1619). Known and suspected sites of critical minerals in deposits, resources, and interim recovery products are listed in table 20 and described in the text.

Table 3.    

Element concentrations averaged from multi-element geochemical analyses of drill hole intervals in the Sunnyside porphyry copper-(molybdenum-silver) system, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

[Data from Granitto and others (2021). ppb, parts per billion; ppm, parts per million; wt %, weight percent; n/a, not available; DDH, diamond drill hole.]

Drill hole Depth (ft) Samples Au (ppb) Ag As Be Bi Cu Mn Mo Pb
from to (ppm)
BU-1 32 785 8 30.5 2.2 611.4 <5 5.1 3,058.4 -- 59.3 156.9
BB-2 40 140 10 46.1 4.4 207.0 -- 178.0 4,652.3 19.5 7.0 296.8
BB-3 14 90 8 18.1 4.8 98.1 -- 58.8 2,781.6 35.6 12.7 38.5
BB-3 600 720 12 51.9 3.2 157.5 -- 10.0 3,369.3 19.2 18.8 24.0
BB-4 12.6 200 19 43.5 3.6 411.3 -- 15.3 4,026.3 21.3 8.9 13.4
BB-6 20 120 10 23.2 8.6 476.0 -- 108.0 3,595.0 30.0 10.0 31.2
BB-6 300 490 19 49.9 12.8 1,568.4 -- 27.9 4,409.1 25.0 25.1 26.2
BB-2 to BB-6 average 78 38.8 6.2 486.4 <5 66.3 3,805.6 25.1 13.8 71.7
TM8 176 5,417 19 71.5 6.3 230.0 <5 48.5 3,150.1 -- 68.5 90.6
TR10 665 5,448 20 22.0 4.9 185.0 <5 2.2 3,118.2 -- 80.4 67.4
TM-13 3,900 4,040 14 23.9 8.5 102.5 0.5 11.4 585.3 3,677.5 97.6 1,197.2
TM-13 190 4,050 45 <104 1.5 17.1 <3 2.1 267.7 1,678.0 10.7 28,308.0
TM-14 540 4,580 95 21.6 0.9 42.3 -- -- 105.4 18.6 12.4 14.7
TM-14 n/a n/a n/a 17.6 0.9 31.0 -- 5.8 149.3 22.1 13.0 13.1
TM-14 n/a n/a n/a 16.7 1.8 64.2 -- 7.5 578.0 15.8 18.0 11.7
TM-14 n/a n/a n/a 12.6 0.7 103.9 -- 7.5 381.9 13.2 29.4 8.3
TM-14 n/a n/a n/a 14.4 1.6 32.0 -- 7.5 802.6 37.5 12.4 62.6
TM-14 4,400 4,580 19 8.3 2.1 63.1 -- 17.6 1,132.7 36.9 6.7 61.9
TM-14 540 4,580 114 15.2 1.3 56.1 <5 9.2 525.0 24.0 15.3 28.7
TCH-2 4,030 4,050 39 69.3 231.1 21.3 <3 652.4 5,464.2 11,235.1 10.7 18,708.4
4,653 4,949 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCH-2 4,109 5,300 61 <59 40.1 23.7 <9 225.1 2,587.9 10,828.9 68.9 7,826.7
TCH-2A 4,100 4,390 9 10.5 1.7 13.8 0.5 10.0 148.3 4,376.3 25.3 118.8
SU-2 241 802 3 29.7 4.0 1,296.7 <5 4.3 12,010.0 -- 138.0 321.7
4 DDH 180 2,735 11 76.7 34.5 210.0 <5 110.9 2,808.7 -- 19,841.7 887.2
Table 3.    Element concentrations averaged from multi-element geochemical analyses of drill hole intervals in the Sunnyside porphyry copper-(molybdenum-silver) system, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

Table 3.    

Element concentrations averaged from multi-element geochemical analyses of drill hole intervals in the Sunnyside porphyry copper-(molybdenum-silver) system, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

[Data from Granitto and others (2021). ppb, parts per billion; ppm, parts per million; wt %, weight percent; n/a, not available; DDH, diamond drill hole.]

S (wt %) Sb V W Ga Ge In Li Ni Pd Pt Sn (ppm) Re (ppb) Te Zn
(ppm) (ppb) (ppm)
4.1 88.1 49.3 45.5 20.3 3.6 0.5 <10 64.8 1.0 1.2 15.8 -- -- --
4.1 28.0 1.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3.8 12.5 1.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2.5 5.0 2.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3.0 26.4 2.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4.7 87.5 1.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5.0 92.4 1.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3.8 42.0 2.0 <30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
6.5 22.4 39.0 54.8 17.3 2.3 3.2 20.0 11.0 1.0 0.9 9.3 -- -- --
7.7 9.9 57.0 55.5 11.8 2.3 0.4 62.0 21.3 1.8 1.5 8.0 -- -- --
4.5 104.5 98.6 65.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1.9 5.2 59.1 13.9 18.5 1 0.2 24.8 22.6 -- -- 3.6 36.2 0.7 556.1
3.9 7.5 3.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5.5 9.4 2.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3.8 22.5 1.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4.9 20.4 2.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3.7 11.1 3.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4.2 12.7 3.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4.3 13.9 2.8 <20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5.9 5.4 33.5 61.5 5.4 3.7 5.6 22.9 11.4 -- -- 5.2 19.4 29.8 96,282.5
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1.4 9.9 243.9 0.4 8.7 1.8 1.5 45.6 19.0 -- -- 3.0 43.8 3.2 9,867.0
4.5 5.0 8.8 <30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
17.6 161.3 80.3 61.3 12.0 2.0 <0.2 <10 18.7 1.0 2.0 13.7 -- -- --
10.4 21.1 87.4 123.4 17.9 3.7 2.2 <50 15.3 2.8 12.1 11.9 -- -- --
Table 3.    Element concentrations averaged from multi-element geochemical analyses of drill hole intervals in the Sunnyside porphyry copper-(molybdenum-silver) system, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

Table 4.    

Multi-element analyses of drill hole and surface samples for preparation of standards and bulk metallurgical test samples, Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa silver-manganese-lead-zinc replacement deposit, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

[Data from Granitto and others (2021). Determined by WEII-21 (weight of submitted sample), ME-GRA21 (multi-element-gold by fire assay and gravimetric finish), ME-MS61 (multi-element-mass spectrometry 61 elements), Hg-CV41 (mercury-cold vapor), Ag-OG62 (silver by hydrofluoric-nitric-perchloric acid digestion with hydrochloric acid leach, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrography or atomic absorption spectrography finish), ), Pb-OG62 (lead by hydrofluoric-nitric-perchloric acid digestion with hydrochloric acid leach, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrography or atomic absorption spectrography finish), and Zn-OG62 (zinc by hydrofluoric-nitric-perchloric acid digestion with hydrochloric acid leach, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrography or atomic absorption spectrography finish). ppm, parts per million; wt %, weight percent.]

Sample Recvd wt. (kg) Au Ag Ag (ppm) Al (wt %) As Ba Be Bi Ca (wt %) Cd Ce Co Cr Cs Cu Fe (wt %) Ga Ge
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
HDS-1A 0.06 <0.05 11 16.4 5.48 71.5 410 1.75 0.49 0.15 2.79 93 1 4 21.1 46.9 0.99 14.25 0.17
HDS-1B 0.05 <0.05 11 16.15 5.52 70.1 410 1.71 0.48 0.13 2.7 88.6 1 4 20 43.7 0.98 13.95 0.19
HDS-1C 0.06 <0.05 6 16.7 5.51 73 420 1.66 0.5 0.12 2.76 92.2 1 4 20.8 44.2 1 14.2 0.2
HDS-2A 0.06 <0.05 133 >100 2.13 2,880 350 0.88 0.67 1.68 26.3 32.6 5.9 22 3.04 1,195 4.03 15.05 0.11
HDS-2B 0.05 <0.05 142 >100 2.1 2,980 350 0.92 0.71 1.69 27.3 32.1 6.1 23 3.11 1,190 4.05 15.6 0.1
HDS-2C 0.04 0.13 125 >100 2.18 2,980 370 0.85 0.71 1.7 28.4 33.4 6.3 24 3.23 1,210 4.13 16.35 0.12
HDS-3A 0.06 0.07 147 >100 1.86 534 330 0.67 0.78 1.1 88.9 28.3 5.4 26 2.97 933 2.5 9.38 0.08
HDS-3B 0.05 0.11 138 >100 1.75 514 310 0.58 0.69 1.02 82.3 25.2 4.8 28 2.58 886 2.39 8.17 0.08
HDS-3C 0.06 0.1 144 >100 1.79 510 320 0.69 0.75 1.03 86 27.1 5.5 24 2.81 912 2.49 8.98 0.1
HDS-4A 0.05 0.13 391 >100 4.12 274 480 1.68 0.66 0.46 89.9 88.4 9.8 15 8.87 2,330 1.5 15.5 0.32
HDS-4B 0.06 <0.05 380 >100 4.17 281 490 1.42 0.66 0.47 90.3 89 9.7 14 8.9 2,280 1.47 15.45 0.29
HDS-4C 0.05 <0.05 393 >100 4.13 285 490 1.38 0.65 0.46 89.8 88.8 9.4 14 8.93 2,290 1.46 15.5 0.37
HDS-5A 0.06 0.26 1,105 >100 0.66 764 430 1.65 0.57 0.13 110 23.3 3.1 43 2.71 1,430 5.22 17.75 0.29
HDS-5B 0.06 0.19 1,075 >100 0.66 746 430 1.92 0.54 0.13 112.5 23.5 2.9 30 2.58 1,430 5.18 17.9 0.3
HDS-5C 0.06 0.2 1,000 >100 0.65 751 440 1.86 0.51 0.13 112 23.4 3.1 29 2.63 1,435 5.21 18.45 0.29
Average -- -- -- 16.4 -- 914.2 -- -- 0.6 -- -- -- 5.0 20.3 -- 1,177.1 -- 14.4 0.2
HDS-1A 6.1 0.24 0.063 3.09 44 15.1 0.34 1,555 -- 0.89 0.11 13 2.1 260 1,170 275 <0.002 0.01
HDS-1B 5.9 0.24 0.062 3.02 42.6 14.7 0.33 1,575 -- 0.77 0.1 12.7 2 250 1,160 269 <0.002 0.01
HDS-1C 6.1 0.24 0.063 3.08 43.9 15.4 0.34 1,595 -- 0.87 0.11 13.2 2.4 270 1,190 274 <0.002 0.01
HDS-2A 1.7 0.21 0.209 1.32 16.1 18.4 0.04 29,000 2.9 4.45 0.02 2.1 2.4 940 >10,000 79.7 0.002 0.08
HDS-2B 1.7 0.2 0.213 1.27 15.9 18.8 0.04 29,800 3 4.85 0.02 2.5 2.6 940 >10,000 82.2 0.002 0.08
HDS-2C 1.8 0.19 0.226 1.35 16.6 20 0.04 29,800 3 4.84 0.02 2.7 2.8 950 >10,000 87.8 0.002 0.08
HDS-3A 1.8 0.39 0.138 1.22 14 21.5 0.05 24,900 2.5 4.22 0.02 2.1 3.2 740 >10,000 84.4 0.002 0.08
HDS-3B 1.6 0.42 0.119 1.13 12.4 18.7 0.04 24,100 2.4 4.3 0.02 2.2 2.8 720 >10,000 72.1 <0.002 0.08
HDS-3C 1.7 0.43 0.135 1.17 13.4 21.1 0.04 24,400 2.4 3.63 0.02 1.9 3.1 710 >10,000 79.1 0.002 0.08
HDS-4A 4.1 0.56 0.195 2.02 34.1 16.5 <0.01 90,500 9.1 5.4 0.03 9 8.8 390 >10,000 149.5 <0.002 0.05
HDS-4B 4.2 0.56 0.204 1.99 34.4 16 <0.01 90,600 9.1 5.33 0.03 8.8 8.7 390 >10,000 150.5 <0.002 0.05
HDS-4C 4 0.68 0.2 2 33.9 15.1 <0.01 89,200 8.9 5.4 0.03 8.7 8.1 380 >10,000 148 0.002 0.05
HDS-5A 1.6 0.68 0.139 0.67 13.4 21 <0.01 95,400 9.5 13.2 0.02 4.9 20.5 260 >10,000 39.3 <0.002 0.06
HDS-5B 1.3 0.68 0.119 0.67 13.7 19.9 <0.01 97,100 9.7 10.1 0.02 4.3 19.1 260 >10,000 36.2 <0.002 0.06
HDS-5C 1.3 0.6 0.136 0.68 13.5 21.2 <0.01 97,000 9.7 10.15 0.02 4.7 19.6 270 >10,000 37.2 <0.002 0.06
Average -- -- 0.1 -- -- 18.2 -- 48,435.0 -- 5.2 -- 6.2 7.2 -- 1.173.3 124.3 0.0 --
HDS-1A 77.9 5.3 4 2 33.9 0.83 0.2 12.3 0.157 3.01 4.4 17 1.9 31.2 284 164 -- -- --
HDS-1B 75.7 5 4 1.9 32.3 0.83 0.18 12.1 0.155 2.91 4.2 16 1.9 29.5 281 159.5 -- -- --
HDS-1C 76.6 5.3 3 2 33.5 0.87 0.18 12.3 0.159 3.05 4.4 16 2 30.6 289 165 -- -- --
HDS-2A 1,965 3.3 6 2.1 26.7 <0.05 7.31 4.1 0.128 4.45 5.1 38 8.3 11.9 1,900 53.1 152 3.92 --
HDS-2B 2,040 3.4 6 2.2 27.4 0.05 7.68 4 0.127 4.55 5.2 38 9.4 12.2 1,850 53.6 155 3.86 --
HDS-2C 2,130 3.5 6 2.2 28.7 0.05 8.05 4.2 0.133 4.84 5.4 39 9.8 12.5 1,880 56.9 149 3.83 --
HDS-3A 1,590 2.9 4 1.2 35.3 <0.05 2.48 3.6 0.121 5.68 3.9 34 4.2 11.9 3,310 54.1 225 2.15 --
HDS-3B 1,560 2.5 4 1.1 31.1 <0.05 2.32 3.2 0.116 4.97 3.4 34 4.1 10.4 3,140 47 229 2.19 --
HDS-3C 1,555 2.7 4 1.2 33.4 <0.05 2.43 3.6 0.119 5.47 3.8 34 4 11.4 3,220 50.9 224 2.17 --
HDS-4A 457 4 7 2 39.2 0.6 0.98 7.8 0.164 16.15 6.1 48 8.9 25.9 >10,000 113.5 451 1.69 1.07
HDS-4B 461 4 5 1.9 38.9 0.59 0.82 8.1 0.164 16.95 6.3 48 8.9 23.7 >10,000 102.5 455 1.72 1.08
HDS-4C 461 4.3 5 1.9 38.6 0.61 0.76 8.2 0.164 16.55 6.4 48 8.7 23.3 >10,000 103 451 1.7 1.08
HDS-5A 1,275 0.8 4 3.6 102.5 0.37 6.98 2 0.144 28.9 7.7 23 28.5 14 7,750 49.4 1,330 6.91 --
HDS-5B 1,265 0.6 3 3 102.5 0.31 6.12 2 0.144 28.5 7.6 23 27.6 14.3 7,830 49.8 1,240 6.23 --
HDS-5C 1,270 1.1 4 3 103.5 0.35 7.4 2.1 0.143 29.6 8 23 27.8 14.6 7,820 40.3 1,230 6.21 --
Average 1,083.9 -- -- 2.1 -- -- 3.6 -- -- -- -- 31.9 -- -- 3,296.2 -- -- -- --
Table 4.    Multi-element analyses of drill hole and surface samples for preparation of standards and bulk metallurgical test samples, Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa silver-manganese-lead-zinc replacement deposit, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

Table 5.    

Concentrations of primary commodities and critical minerals in approximately 7,520 intervals of diamond drill holes in the Pebble porphyry copper deposit, Alaska.

[Data from Granitto and others (2021). ppm, parts per million.]

Ag Al As Au Be Bi Cu Ga Ge In Li Mn Mo
1.30 75,370.85 41.48 0.27 1.36 1.20 2,897.28 19.26 0.17 0.05 16.76 446.71 203.35
15.31 22.31 0.02 0.00 0.35 24,616.06 3.89 8.71 1.67 0.40 0.62 222.05 13.00
Table 5.    Concentrations of primary commodities and critical minerals in approximately 7,520 intervals of diamond drill holes in the Pebble porphyry copper deposit, Alaska.

Table 6.    

Average concentrations of primary commodities and critical minerals in approximately 10,930 intervals of ~66 diamond drill holes and rotary drill holes in the CuMo porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit; sorted for copper concentrations of 1,000 ppm or more.

[Data from Granitto and others (2021). Concentrations determined by AES-HF (atomic emission spectroscopy-hydrofluoric acid digestion), MS-HF (mass spectrometry-hydrofluoric acid digestion), and CM-HF (colorimetric spectrophotometry-hydrofluoric acid digestion. Silver, copper, molybdenum, and tungsten concentrations were determined in 835 intervals by AA-F-AE-P (atomic absorption-fluoride-atomic emission-phosphorus) and CM-HF. ppm, parts per million; wt %, weight percent.]

Intervals averaged Ag
(wt %)
As Be Bi Cu
Ga Ge In K
(wt %)
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
~10,930 (total dataset) 2.65 -- 6.51 4.02 2.08 2.14 748.04 -- 18.88 0.12 0.06 3.41 218.05
2,261 with Cu >1,000 ppm 5.76 -- 6.56 5.77 2.14 3.25 1,627.17 -- 19.34 0.13 0.12 3.43 201.85
835 with Cu >1,000 ppm -- 4.33 -- -- -- -- -- 1,642.19 -- -- -- -- --
~10,930 (total dataset) 313.76 -- 5.18 27.57 0.02 0.26 0.64 1.85 5.24 0.86 0.23 17.27 40.22 --
2,261 with Cu >1,000 ppm 294.05 -- 5.16 -- 0.01 0.41 1.07 2.73 7.03 0.84 0.37 18.63 60.55 --
835 with Cu >1,000 ppm -- 327.97 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 46.82
Table 6.    Average concentrations of primary commodities and critical minerals in approximately 10,930 intervals of ~66 diamond drill holes and rotary drill holes in the CuMo porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit; sorted for copper concentrations of 1,000 ppm or more.

Table 7.    

Average concentrations of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and tungsten in drill hole intervals in and below gold-silver-antimony resources in the Yellow Pine district, Valley County, Idaho, composited for metallurgical recovery testing.

[Data from Midas Gold, Inc. Concentrations determined by ICPMS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry). g/t, grams per metric ton; Mt, million metric tons; DDH, diamond drill holes]

Resource Mass Composite Depth (ft) Sb As Bi W
Hangar Flats resource -- 8 DDH 3–1,014 10,473.8 27,791.2 5,138.9 317.3
West End resource -- 9 DDH 85–935 241.4 12,974.9 1,916.5 86.0
Yellow Pine resource -- 2 DDH 78–392 6,326.9 19,717.6 4,192.9 46.2
Average concentration -- -- -- 5,681 20,161 3,749 150
Total resource tonnage1 104 Mt -- -- 59,082 209,673 38,989 1,560
Table 7.    Average concentrations of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and tungsten in drill hole intervals in and below gold-silver-antimony resources in the Yellow Pine district, Valley County, Idaho, composited for metallurgical recovery testing.

As of December 2020 (NS Energy, 2021).

Table 8.    

Rotary, hammer, reverse-circulation, core, blast, drill holes and bulk, grab and cut surface and underground samples (some from historic collections) in the Cripple Creek gold district, Teller County, Colorado.

[Data from Granitto and others (2021). ppb, parts per billion; opt, troy ounces per short ton; ppm, parts per million; wt %, weight percent; MS61, mass spectrometry-61 elements; BLD, below limit of detection.]

Au (ppb) Au (opt) F (ppm) Hg (ppb) Ag (ppm) Al (wt %) As Ba Be Bi Ca (wt %) Cd Ce Co Cr Cs Cu
(ppm) (ppm)
1,155.2 BLD 1,448.3 BLD BLD BLD 132.4 BLD BLD 1.0 BLD BLD BLD 9.8 39.7 BLD 35.9
BLD 25.6 0.4 BLD 0.1 BLD BLD 39.6 BLD 1,005.5 47.7 BLD BLD 28.6 BLD 124.3 167.8
BLD BLD 8.9 BLD 10.7 637.7 BLD 4.8 BLD 0.4 BLD BLD 118.8 25.0 BLD 206.5 170.3
Table 8.    Rotary, hammer, reverse-circulation, core, blast, drill holes and bulk, grab and cut surface and underground samples (some from historic collections) in the Cripple Creek gold district, Teller County, Colorado.

Table 9.    

Compositions of anode copper from domestic copper smelters, 1986–2018.

[Concentrations of copper and minor elements in copper at several stages of refining (matte, blister, anode) and in electrolytic cell residue (slime, anode mud) and electrolyte, are determined for quantification of precious metals and control of deleterious and beneficial elements. wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; ?, queried as in original source.]

Smelter Year Anode copper composition Source
Cu (wt %) Ag Au S Se Te As Sb Bi Pb Fe Ni Sn O
ASARCO Inc. 2018 99.51 445 1.4 20 509 61 376 82 177 158 657 148 -- 1,727 M. Moats, personal commun., 2019
Anodes from smelters at El Paso, Tex., and Hayden, Ariz., some from other smelters, and scrap 2005 99.43 934 2.8 16 640 120 380 260 80 80 40 230 -- 1,800 Moats and others (2007)
2003 99.26 1,545 5.3 18 790 120 490 410 210 140 40 450 -- 1,800 Moats and others (2013), Robinson and others (2003)
1999 -- -- -- -- -- -- 390 340 130 110 -- -- -- -- Larouche (2001)
1998 99.12 2,252 19.5 22 600 100 770 510 200 320 40 990 -- 1,600 Davenport and others (1999)
1994 99.2 1,500 10 14 850 90 460 430 100 280 90 910 -- 1,800 Schloen and Davenport (1995)
1991 99.3 1,200 -- -- 600 100 400 550 45 500 -- 1,700 -- 1,600 Schloen (1991)
1987 99.3 1,200 -- -- 600 100 400 550 45 500 -- 1,700 -- 1,600 Schloen (1987)
1986? 98.6–99.4 -- -- 10–30 600–700 40–200 300–900 500–800 20–60 300–400 -- 400–800 10–50 1,500 Ramachandran and Wildman (1987)
Phelps Dodge/ Freeport-McMoRan, El Paso, Tex. 2018 98.9–99.7 160–1,200 1–15 7–30 200–1,000 10–100 70–700 50–300 20–200 10–600 5–100 50–600 -- 1,050–2,400 M. Moats, personal commun. 2019
Anodes from smelters at several sites including Miami and Douglas, Ariz. 2005 98.9–99.7 160–1,200 1–15 7–30 200–1,000 10–100 100–3,000 30–500 5–100 10–600 5–100 50–600 -- 1,050–2,400 Moats and others (2007)
2003 99.5–99.7 160–412 5.15–7.2 7–30 200–400 40–85 10–900 <1–60 20–130 50–100 <1–80 50–700 -- 1,050–2,400 Moats and others (2013), Robinson and others (2003)
1998 99.5–99.7 160–412 5.15–7.20 7–30 200–400 40–85 10–900 <1–60 20–130 10–50 <1–80 50–350 -- 1,050–2,400 Davenport and others (1999)
1994 99.5–99.7 60–700 1.7–17 7–60 133–300 20–190 10–900 10–260 20–100 20–400 2–60 100–200 -- 1,200–1,600 Schloen and Davenport (1995)
1991 99.6 200–300 -- -- 125–400 20–100 50–300 30–200 10–100 20–200 -- 90–800 -- 1,200–1,700 Schloen (1991)
1987 99.5 225–300 -- -- 200–450 25–50 25–50 35–50 5–15 15–150 -- 100–700 -- 1,400–2,800 Schloen (1987)
Kennecott/ Rio Tinto Utah Copper 2014 99 430 34 27 614 81 1,966 30 529 2,531 28 316 -- 1,555 Moats and others (2014b)
Anodes from smelters at Garfield, Utah, and Magna, Utah (co-sited with copper refinery) 2003 99 462 52 38 784 118 1,113 46 679 2,121 13 271 -- 1,709 Moats and others (2007), Robinson and others (2007)
2003 99 462 52 38 784 118 1,113 46 679 2,121 13 271 -- 1,709 Moats and others (2013), Robinson and others (2003)
1999 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,000–4,000 100–125 400–600 2,500–4,000 -- 215 -- -- Larouche (2001), Davenport and others (2001)
1998 99.1 500 50 20 600 150 2,000 150 500 3,000 10 250 -- 2,200 Davenport and others (1999)
1994 99.4 500 60 30 500 60 1,000 100 300 2,500 20 300 -- 2,100 Schloen and Davenport (1995)
1991 99.6 538 -- -- 500 150 820 80 80 140 -- 210 -- 1,930 Schloen (1991)
1987 99.6 403 -- -- 500 140 560 60 33 63? -- 220 -- 900–1,200 Schloen (1987)
Cyprus/ Phelps Dodge, Miami, Ariz. 2003 99.5 500 2.5 18 320 12 680 100 12 90 12 600 -- 1,350 Robinson and others (2003)
1999 -- -- -- -- -- -- 770 132 13 129 -- 514 -- Larouche (2001)
1998 99.5 510 94 10 303 25 90 270 20 127 12 377 -- 1,500 Davenport and others (1999)
1994 95.5 510 24 10 303 25 90 270 20 127 12 377 -- 1,500 Schloen and Davenport (1995)
1991 99.5 400 -- -- 300 20 80 150 12 100 -- 600 -- 1,600 Schloen (1991)
White Pine Copper Refinery/ Copper Range Co./ BHP, White Pine, Mich. 2003 99.55 550 25 15–45 400–600 50–100 350–400 20–30 10–20 150–450 50–150 50–150 -- 1,200–1,800 Moats and others (2007)
2003 99.55 550 25 15–45 400–600 50–100 350–400 20–30 10–20 150–450 50–150 50–150 -- 1,200–1,800 Robinson and others (2003)
1998 99.5 -- -- 40 350 100 300 30 20 150 50 50 -- 1,600 Davenport and others (1999)
1994 99.6 700 3.5 6 250 30 250 25 50 15 35 110 -- 1,500 Schloen and Davenport (1995)
1991 99.5–99.8 700 -- -- 25–100 10–60 150 25 5 30 -- 40 -- 1,500–2,000 Schloen (1991)
1987 99.5–99.8 700 -- -- 25 -- 200 50 5 80 -- 150 -- 1,000–1,500 Schloen (1987)
Magma Metals Co./ BHP, San Manuel, Ariz. 1998 99.7 302 21.3 18 410 29 616 39 59 31 14 87 -- 1,306 Davenport and others (1999)
1994 99.7 375 8 20 450 40 320 70 70 50 15 120 -- 1,400 Schloen and Davenport (1995)
1991 99.8 217 -- -- 439 12 196 68 19 35 -- 68 -- 1,483 Schloen (1991)
1987 99.78 175 -- -- 415 6 24 73 3 63 -- 121 -- 900–1,200 Schloen (1987)
Table 9.    Compositions of anode copper from domestic copper smelters, 1986–2018.

Table 10.    

Compositions of tank house slimes from domestic copper refineries, 1986-2018.

[Concentrations of copper and minor elements in copper at several stages of refining (matte, blister, anode) and in electrolytic cell residue (slime, anode mud) and electrolyte, are determined for quantification of precious metals and control of deleterious and beneficial elements. kg, kilogram; t, metric ton; wt %, weight percent; NR, not recorded.]

Refinery kg slimes/ t anode Slimes composition (wt %) Source
Cu Ag Au Pt Pd S Se Te As Sb Bi Pb Fe Ni
ASARCO Inc., Amarillo and El Paso, Tex., Hayden, Ariz.; Amarillo, Tex. 2.01 2.2 16.8 0.07 -- -- -- 23.2 0.8 3.4 2.0 6.8 7.6 -- -- M. Moats, personal commun., 2019
Notes: refined anodes from ASARCO smelters at El Paso, Tex., and Hayden, Ariz.; also refines blister from other smelters, and #2 scrap 2.2 19.6 18.6 0.12 -- -- -- 14.1 1.45 2.91 2.86 0.44 0.15 -- 0.74 Moats and others (2007)
4.3 4.63 48.12 0.18 -- -- -- 28.13 2.25 2.73 4.05 0.87 0.53 -- -- Moats and others (2013), Robinson and others (2003)
7.42 3.7 38.4 0.29 -- -- -- 16.5 1 2.1 4.4 0.8 9.1 -- 1.7 Davenport and others (1999)
Phelps Dodge/ Freeport-McMoRan, El Paso, Tex. 0.9–1.8 1 18 0.2 -- -- 12 19 0.4 3 5 0.7 5 0 0.1 M. Moats, personal commun., 2019
27.1 12.2 0.12 0.0007 0.006 -- 8.8 3.1 1.7 0.66 -- 4.65 0.08 0.64 Hait and others (2009)
4–6 1 22 0.2 -- -- 12 20 0.4 2 4 0.7 5 0.04 0.05 Moats and others (2007)
4.4–6.4 25 17 0.2 -- -- 12 10 2 2 1.7 1.7 3 <1 <1 Moats and others (2013), Robinson and others (2003)
2.2–4.4 25 17 0.2 -- -- 12 12 2 2 1.7 1.7 3 <1 <1 Davenport and others (1999)
Kennecott/ Rio Tinto Utah Copper, Magna, Utah 10 25 4.5 0.4 -- -- -- 7.5 1 5 0.25 5 25 0.25 0.05 M. Moats, personal commun., 2019
9.7 30 5 0.5 -- -- 0 5 1 5 1 3 30 0.25 0.05 Moats and others (2007), Robinson and others (2007)
9.7 30 5 0.5 -- -- 0 5 1 5 1 3 30 0.25 0.05 Moats and others (2013), Robinson and others (2003)
9.7 20 5 0.5 -- -- 0 5 1 5 1 3 30 0.25 0.05 Davenport and others (1999)
Cyprus/ Phelps Dodge, Miami, Ariz. 2 0.5 17 0.1 -- -- 6 18 0.3 0.7 2 0.3 2 0.1 0.02 Robinson and others (2003)
White Pine Copper Refinery/ Copper Range Co./ BHP, White Pine, Mich. 2.7 1–3 20 0.9 -- -- 7 25 2 1 0.5 0.75 15 0.2 0.1 Moats and others (2007)
2.7 1–3 20 0.9 -- -- 7 25 2 1 0.5 0.75 15 0.2 0.1 Robinson and others (2003)
4 30 14.5 1.1 -- -- -- 16 2 1.2 0.5 0.5 7 0.05 0.05–0.1 Davenport and others (1999)
Magma Metals Co./ BHP, San Manuel, Ariz. 1.6 1.0 16.0 1.2 -- -- 26.0 1.1 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.8 2.1 0.2 0.004 Davenport and others (1999)
Table 10.    Compositions of tank house slimes from domestic copper refineries, 1986-2018.

Table 11.    

Copper and minor element concentrations in matte and blister copper and tank house slimes of domestic copper refineries, 1897–1973.

[Concentrations of copper and minor elements in copper at several stages of refining (matte, blister, anode) and in electrolytic cell residue (slime, anode mud) and electrolyte, are determined for quantification of precious metals and control of deleterious and beneficial elements. wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; opt, troy ounces per short ton.]

Year Sample source Refinery location Sample analyzed Cu (wt %) Au (wt %) Au (ppm) Au (opt) Ag (wt %) Ag (ppm) Ag (opt) Au+Ag (ppm)
1897 Not provided Not provided Blister Cu1
top of “ingot block”]
-- -- 0.68-
-- -- 2,480-
-- --
1899 Copper Queen mine, Bisbee district, Ariz. Douglas, Ariz.? Matte Cu2 50.5–98.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1911 Copper Queen mine, Bisbee district, Ariz. Douglas, Ariz.? Matte Cu2 -- 0.0035 35 -- 0.02 200 -- --
Butte district, Mont. Great Falls reduction plant, Mont. Matte Cu -- 0.0003 0.3 -- 0.05 500 -- --
Anode mud -- 0.05–1 500–10,000 -- 23 230,000 -- --
1914 Mostly Bingham, Utah, Cu ore Garfield, Utah 5,000 short tons blister Cu3 -- -- -- 2.88 -- -- 34.80 --
Ely, Nev., Cu ore Ely (Steptoe), Nev. 3,000 short tons blister Cu3 -- -- -- 1.69 -- -- 5.50 --
Cu-Pb mattes from several Pb-Ag refineries Omaha, Nebr. 800 short tons blister Cu3 -- -- -- 3.50 -- -- 230.90 --
Not provided Mountain, Calif. 150 short tons blister Cu3 -- -- -- 14.18 -- -- 109.90 --
Pacific coast and Alaska Cu ores Tacoma, Wash. 800 short tons blister Cu3 -- -- -- 21.67 -- -- 67.10 --
1914 Butte, primarily; in mid-1950s ~30,000 short tons per year cement Cu from Yerington, Nev., were refined; small amounts of matte Cu and speiss received from International Smelting and Refining at Tooele, Utah; increased Se (1957) from Tooele products; Sb varied with converter used Great Falls reduction plant, Mont. Anode Cu4 99.13 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,380
1926 Anode Cu4 99.28 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,410
1929 Anode Cu4 99.30 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,130
1957 Anode Cu4 99.55 -- -- -- -- -- -- 960
1934 Not provided Raritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N.J. Raw slime 18.10 -- -- 101.52 -- -- 5,131 --
Treated slime5 1.74 -- -- 146.2 -- -- 7,684 --
1954 Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. -- 99.43 -- 1.41 -- -- 18.7 -- --
Raritan, N.J. Perth-Amboy, N.J. -- 99+ -- 1.5 -- -- 55 -- --
Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. -- 98.08 -- 3.59 -- -- 90.2 -- --
Anaconda, Mont. Great Falls, Mont. -- 99.45 -- 0.32 -- -- 46.72 -- --
1973 Bingham, Utah, Cu ore Magna, Utah Anode mud 30 -- -- 290 -- -- 2,900 --
Table 11.    Copper and minor element concentrations in matte and blister copper and tank house slimes of domestic copper refineries, 1897–1973.

Blister Cu (~98%) is produced from matte by air oxidation of Cu and Fe sulfide minerals and separation from Fe oxide slag; it has characteristic nodular surfaces from quenched SO2 bubbles.


Matte Cu (30–70%) is produced by initial melting of concentrate and gravitational removal of silicate slag.


Element concentrations calculated from tabulated bulk analyses.

Table 11.    

Copper and minor element concentrations in matte and blister copper and tank house slimes of domestic copper refineries, 1897–1973.

[Concentrations of copper and minor elements in copper at several stages of refining (matte, blister, anode) and in electrolytic cell residue (slime, anode mud) and electrolyte, are determined for quantification of precious metals and control of deleterious and beneficial elements. wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; opt, troy ounces per short ton.]

(wt %)
(wt %)
(wt %)
(wt %)
(wt %)
-- -- -- 50-
-- -- -- -- 50-
-- 340-
-- 480-
Keller, 1897
-- -- -- -- -- -- 150–500 -- -- -- 140–500 -- 100–330 Douglas, 1899
-- -- 0.0088 88 0.0113 -- -- 0.0044 44 -- -- -- -- Sharwood, 1911
-- -- 0.001–0.01 10–100 0.001–0.01 -- -- 0.03–0.05 300–500 -- -- -- --
-- -- 2–3 20,000–30,000 2–3 -- -- 2–3 20,000–30,000 -- -- -- --
0.0034 0.0118 0.0028 2.8 0.028 -- -- 0.0031 31 -- -- -- -- Eiler, 1913
0.0102 0.044 0 0 0.0551 -- -- 0.0002 2 -- -- -- --
0.0133 0.0649 0.0336 33.6 0.0133 -- -- 0.0094 94 -- -- -- --
0.0132 0.0061 0.0017 1.7 0.018 -- -- 0.0137 137 -- -- -- --
0.0071 0.0333 0 0 0.021 -- -- 0.0029 29 -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 170 -- 90 -- -- 38 -- 1,180 -- 530 Lapee, 1962
-- -- -- 1,030 -- 110 -- -- 25 -- 810 -- 420
-- -- -- 840 -- 120 -- -- 57 -- 880 -- 730
-- -- -- 230 -- 200 -- -- 33 -- 640 -- 220
-- -- 5.14 -- 5.31 -- -- -- -- -- 56,300 -- 46,600 Mosher, 1934
-- -- 3.49 -- 4.51 -- -- -- -- -- 36,000 -- 139,700
-- -- 0.045 -- 0.061 -- -- 0.008 -- 0.064 -- 0.031 -- Schloen and Elkin, 1954
-- -- 0.02 -- 0.07 -- -- 0.002 -- 0.06 -- 0.1 --
-- -- -- -- 0.051 -- -- 0.007 -- 0.06 -- 0.198 --
-- -- 0.024 -- 0.012 -- -- 0.003 -- 0.059 -- 0.027 --
0.2 2.3 3 -- 12 -- -- -- -- 2 -- 0.5 -- Leigh, 1973
Table 11.    Copper and minor element concentrations in matte and blister copper and tank house slimes of domestic copper refineries, 1897–1973.

Anode Cu (99%) is produced by removing remaining S, Fe, and O from blister Cu; it is cast into sheets for further purification (to cathode Cu) by electrolysis.


Boiled, washed, and filtered.

Table 12.    

Critical mineral concentrations in porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on average concentrations in drill hole intervals, deposit domains, mineralogical investigations, and resource and reserve tonnages.

[Cu-(Mo), copper-(molybdenum); Mt, million metric tons; wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; gd, granodiorite; cpy, chalcopyrite; bn, bornite; cc, chalcocite; en, enargite; tn, tennantite; NR, not reported; est., estimated; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Porphyry Cu-(Mo) system Deposit domain Resource
Number of analyses Concentrations of primary, coproduct, and byproduct commodities
Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag Mn
(wt %) (ppm) (wt %)
Pebble, Alaska Cu-Mo-Ag-Au-mineralized gd 7,510 -- 7,520 0.41 0.024 0.002 NR 0.33 1.3 --
CuMo, Idaho (>0.1 wt % Cu) Cu-Mo-Ag-mineralized rocks ~2,270 -- 10,930 0.16 0.03 -- -- -- 5.7 --
Red Mountain, Ariz. Deep cpy-bn porphyry 385 -- 300 0.58 0.009 -- -- 0.004 0.12 --
Near surface cc-en 100–150 -- 0.31 0.02 -- -- -- -- --
Sunnyside, Ariz. Deep cpy porphyry 1,500 -- 95 0.33 0.011 -- -- <0.002 0.16 --
Near-surface cc-en-tn 800 -- 97 0.175 <0.01 -- -- <0.07 0.23 --
Deep polymetallic replacement NR -- 100 0.4 <0.01 13.3 5.3 0.07 136.5 0.44
Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa, Ariz. Polymetallic replacement -- -- 15 0.12 0.05 0.12 0.03 <0.26 347 4.84
Clark deposit 33 -- -- -- -- -- 2.31 -- 78 9.08
Ventura, Ariz. Mo-Cu breccia pipe 3.6 -- 11 2.4 2.4 0.89 NR 0.080 35 --
Bingham, Utah Cu-Mo porphyry -- 552 -- 0.44 0.031 -- -- 0.16 2.11 --
Cu-Mo porphyry 285 -- -- 0.38 0.017 -- -- 0.2 1.79 --
North Rim skarn 20 -- -- 3.65 -- -- -- 1.62 20.95 --
Cu-Mo ore 285 552 -- 0.69 0.106 -- -- 0.41 4.9 --
Mo core -- -- -- 0.14 0.096 -- -- 0.13 0.9 --
Barren core -- -- -- 0.06 0.012 -- -- 0.14 0.6 --
Ore stockpile -- 0.2 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Yerington, Nev. Ann Mason Cu porphyry 2,219 -- 30 0.29 Est. 0.007 -- -- -- 0.66 --
MacArthur Cu porphyry 159 -- 1,000 0.21 -- -- -- -- -- --
Table 12.    Critical mineral concentrations in porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on average concentrations in drill hole intervals, deposit domains, mineralogical investigations, and resource and reserve tonnages.

Table 12.    

Critical mineral concentrations in porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on average concentrations in drill hole intervals, deposit domains, mineralogical investigations, and resource and reserve tonnages.

[Cu-(Mo), copper-(molybdenum); Mt, million metric tons; wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; gd, granodiorite; cpy, chalcopyrite; bn, bornite; cc, chalcocite; en, enargite; tn, tennantite; NR, not reported; est., estimated; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Concentrations of critical minerals (value used for inventory in table 13)1 Data source; references
Sb As Bi Ge In PGE Re Sn Te W
4 41 1 <1 <1 <0.02 <1 2 <1 13 Table 5; USGS (2013a)
1 6 3 <1 <1 NR <1 7 <1 61 Table 6; SRK Consulting (2020)
12 27 <10 NR NR NR NR 2 34 9 Table 7; Vikre and others (2014), Chaffee (2019)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
14–105 (60) 17–183 (100) 2–11 (6) 1–2 (1.5) <1 <0.002 36 4–8 (6) <1 14–65 (40) Table 3; Vikre and others (2014)
22–88 (55) 230–611 (420) 5–66 (35) 2–4 (3) 1–3 (2) 0.001 NR 9–16 (13) NR 46–55 (50) --
7.7 22.5 438.8 2.8 3.6 NR 31.6 4.1 16.5 31 --
1,082 914 1 0.2 0.1 NR 0 2 4 10 Table 4; South32 Limited (2020)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- South32 Limited (2020)
21 210 111 4 2 <0.012 NR 12 NR 123 Table 3; Vikre and others (2014)
-- -- <5.4 -- 0.07 0.014 0.04–0.27 6.9 0.34–4.8 -- Table 4
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1.8 8.7 5.4 <1 <1 NR 0.55 6.9 4.8 21 Austin and Ballantyne (2010)
3.7 10.7 0.9 <1 <1 NR 0.09 1.3 <1 12 --
6.6 8.8 0.7 <1 NR NR NR 0.5 <1 1 --
20.4 1,579 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Gunter and Austin (1997)
<1 5.2 <1 -- <1 -- <1 1.5 <1 2.9 Cohen (2011), Hudbay Minerals, Inc. (2021); J. Dilles, Oregon State University, written commun., 2021
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.4 -- Table 12; Lori (2010)
Table 12.    Critical mineral concentrations in porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on average concentrations in drill hole intervals, deposit domains, mineralogical investigations, and resource and reserve tonnages.

Values in parentheses are average concentrations.

Table 13.    

Critical mineral inventories in porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on average concentrations in drill hole intervals, deposit domains, mineralogical investigations, and resource/reserve tonnages.

[Cu-(Mo), copper-(molybdenum); Mt, million metric tons; t, metric tons; est., estimated; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Porphyry Cu-(Mo) system Resource
Critical mineral inventories Data source; references
Sb As Bi Ge In PGE Re Sn Te W
Pebble, Alaska 7,510 -- 30,040 307,910 7,510 -- -- -- -- 15,020 -- 97,630 Table 5; USGS (2013a)
CuMo, Idaho (>0.1 wt % Cu) ~2,270 -- 2,270 13,620 6,810 -- -- -- -- 15,898 -- 138,470 Table 6; SRK Consulting (2020)
Red Mountain, Ariz. 385 -- 4,620 10,395 -- -- -- -- -- -- 13,090 3,465 Table 7; Vikre and others (2014); Chaffee (2019)
100–150 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Sunnyside, Ariz. 1,500 -- 90,000 150,000 9,000 2,350 -- -- 54,000 9,000 -- 60,000 Table 3; Vikre and others (2014)
800 -- 44,000 336,000 28,000 2,400 1,600 -- -- 10,400 -- 24,800
1Est. 20 -- 154 450 8,776 56 72 -- 632 82 330 620
Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa, Ariz. 2Est. 33 -- 35,706 3,016 33 -- -- -- -- 66 132 330 Table 4; South32 Limited, 2020
Ventura, Ariz. 3.6 -- 75.6 756 399.6 14.4 7.2 -- -- 43.2 -- 442.8 Table 3; Vikre and others (2014)
Bingham, Utah -- 552 -- -- 4,200 -- 60 12 36–228 5,800 285–4,000 -- Table 4
285 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3.8–20 -- -- -- --
285 552 513; 994 2,470; 4,802 1,539; 2,981 -- -- -- 157; 304 1,682; 3,809 1,368; 2,650 5,985; 11,592 Gunter and Austin (1997); Austin and Ballantyne (2010); Rio Tinto (2021b)
-- -- 1,055; 2,042 3,050; 5,906 257; 497 -- -- -- -- 371; 718 -- 3,420; 6,624
-- -- 1,881; 3,643 2,508; 4,858 200; 386 -- -- -- -- 143; 276 -- 29; 55
Yerington, Nev. 2,219 -- -- 11,539 -- -- -- -- -- 3,329 -- 6.435 Cohen (2011); Hudbay Minerals, Inc. (2021); J. Dilles, Oregon State University, written commun., 2021
159 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Table 8; Lori (2010); Independent Mining Consultants, Inc. (2022)
Table 13.    Critical mineral inventories in porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on average concentrations in drill hole intervals, deposit domains, mineralogical investigations, and resource/reserve tonnages.

Critical mineral resources calculated using concentrations in diamond drill hole intercepts and an estimated tonnage.


Critical mineral resources calculated from separate concentrations in metallurgical composites and resource tonnage (South32 Limited, 2020).

Table 14.    

Critical mineral inventories of porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on concentrations in anode copper and reserve tonnages.

[Mt, million metric tons; wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; t, metric tons; est., estimated; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Cu refinery (operator) Ore source Reserve/ production (Mt) Years Range of concentrations of Cu, monitored elements, and critical minerals in anode Cu
Cu (wt %) Ag Au S Se Sb As Bi Fe
Amarillo, Tex. (ASARCO) ASARCO mines, Ariz. Est. 700 1986/ 2018 98.6–99.51 445–1,500 NR–19.5 10–30 509–850 82–800 300–900 45–210 40–657
Magna, Utah (Kennecott/ Rio Tinto) Bingham mine, Utah 552 1987/ 2014 99–99.6 403–500 34–60 20–38 500–784 30–150 560–4,000 33–679 10–28
El Paso, Tex. (Phelps Dodge/ Freeport-McMoRan) Freeport-McMoRan mines, Ariz. 11,254 1987/ 2018 98.9–99.7 60–1,200 1–17 7–60 133–1,000 1–500 10–3,000 5–200 1–100
Miami, Ariz. (Cyprus/ Phelps Dodge) Globe-Miami district mines, Ariz. Unquantified refinery interim products 1991/ 2003 99.5 400–510 2.5–94 10–18 300–320 100–270 80–770 12–20 12
San Manuel, Ariz. (Magma Metals Co./ BHP) San Manuel/ Kalamazoo mine, Ariz. 797 1987/ 1998 99.7–99.8 175–375 8–21.3 18–20 410–450 39–73 24–616 3–70 14–15
Amarillo, Tex. (ASARCO) ASARCO mines, Ariz. 148–1,700 80–500 10–50 (1,986) 61–200 57,400–560,000 210,000–630,000 31,500–147,000 103,600–1,190,000 7,000–30,000 42,700–140,000 Tables 911
Magna, Utah (Kennecott/ Rio Tinto) Bingham mine, Utah 210–316 140–4,000 NR 60–150 16,560–82,800 309,120–2,208,000 18,216–374,800 115,920–174,432 -- 33,120–82,800 Tables 911
El Paso, Tex. (Phelps Dodge/ Freeport-McMoRan) Freeport-McMoRan mines, Ariz. 50–800 10–600 NR 10–190 11,254–5,627,000 112,540–33,762,000 562,700–2,250,800 562,700–9,003,200 -- 112,540–2,138,260 Tables 911
Miami, Ariz. (Cyprus/ Phelps Dodge) Globe-Miami district mines, Ariz. 377–600 90–129 NR 12–25 -- -- -- -- -- -- Tables 911
San Manuel, Ariz. (Magma Metals Co./ BHP) San Manuel/ Kalamazoo mine, Ariz. 68–121 31–63 NR 6–40 31,083–58,181 19,128–490,952 2,391–55,790 54,196–96,437 -- 4,782–31,880 Tables 911; USGS (2013b)
Table 14.    Critical mineral inventories of porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits based on concentrations in anode copper and reserve tonnages.

Table 15.    

Estimated annual masses of critical minerals predicted in anode copper at operating copper refineries and not recovered (wasted) during production of anode copper at shuttered or demolished copper refineries, based on concentrations in anode copper, reserve tonnages, and mine life.

[Mt, million metric tons; wt %, weight percent; yr, year; est, estimated; t, metric tons; %, percent; NR, not reported; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey.]

Cu refinery (operator) Ore source Mine reserves and forecasted production
Reserve (Mt) Production (Mt) Cu (wt %) Mine life (yr) Total Cu (reserves, production) (Mt) Est. Cu/yr (t) Est. % Cu production/ yr
Amarillo, Tex. (ASARCO) Mission complex (2016) 303.4 -- 0.42 12 1,274,280 106,190 52
Ray (2018; sulfide, mill ore) 444.7 -- 0.514 23 2,285,758 99,381 48
Silver Bell (2009) 141.4 -- 0.33 -- 466,620 -- --
Magna, Utah (Kennecott/Rio Tinto) Bingham mine, Utah 552 -- 0.44 11 2,428,800 220,800 --
El Paso, Tex. (Phelps Dodge/ Freeport-McMoRan) North America: Morenci, Bagdad, Safford, Sierrita, Miami, Ariz.; Chino, Tyrone, N.Mex. 11,254 -- -- 1Est. 16.6 23,550 11,418,000 --
Morenci 4,300 -- 0.23 -- 6,500 -- --
Sierrita 3,240 -- 0.22 -- 6,000 -- --
Bagdad 2,591 -- 0.31 -- 6,909 -- --
Safford+Lone Star 777 -- 0.45 -- 2,591 -- --
Chino+Cobre 313 -- 0.44 -- 1,136 -- --
Tyrone 33 -- 0.27 -- 0.05 -- --
Miami -- -- NR -- 0.025 -- --
Miami-Inspiration, Ariz. (Cyprus/ Phelps Dodge) Bluebird, Copper Cities, Globe, Van Dyke, Live Oak, Inspiration mines -- 1,591 0.63 -- 10,023,300 -- --
San Manuel, Ariz. (Magma Metals Co./ BHP) San Manuel, Kalamazoo deposits -- 797 0.64 44 1,811,000 41,159 --
Amarillo, Tex. (ASARCO) Mission complex (2016) 2,487–24,667 9,100–27,300 1,365–6,370 4,459–51,567 303–1,300 1,850–6,067 Baxter (2016)
Ray (2018; sulfide, mill ore) 1,223–11,687 4,383–13,148 657–3,068 2,150–24,835 146–626 891–2,922 Mining Data Solutions (2019)
Silver Bell (2009) -- -- -- -- -- -- USGS (2010c)
Magna, Utah (Kennecott/Rio Tinto) Bingham mine, Utah 1,507–7,527 28,102–200,727 1,656–34,073 10,538–15,857 3,010–7,527 Rio Tinto (2021a)
El Paso, Tex. (Phelps Dodge/ Freeport-McMoRan) North America: Morenci, Bagdad, Safford, Sierrita, Miami, Ariz.; Chino, Tyrone, N.Mex. -- -- -- -- -- -- Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. (2020)
Morenci -- -- -- -- -- --
Sierrita -- -- -- -- -- --
Bagdad -- -- -- -- -- --
Safford+Lone Star -- -- -- -- -- --
Chino+Cobre -- -- -- -- -- --
Tyrone -- -- -- -- -- --
Miami -- -- -- -- -- --
Miami-Inspiration, Ariz. (Cyprus/ Phelps Dodge) Bluebird, Copper Cities, Globe, Van Dyke, Live Oak, Inspiration mines -- -- -- -- -- -- USGS (2002)
San Manuel, Ariz. (Magma Metals Co./ BHP) San Manuel, Kalamazoo deposits 706–1,322 435–11,158 54–1,268 1,232–2,192 -- 109–725 Briggs, 2014
Table 15.    Estimated annual masses of critical minerals predicted in anode copper at operating copper refineries and not recovered (wasted) during production of anode copper at shuttered or demolished copper refineries, based on concentrations in anode copper, reserve tonnages, and mine life.

Estimated mine life based on Cu reserves and 2020 production of 1,418 Mt Cu from North American mines.

Table 16.    

Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Ag) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Te, Sn, W) in archival specimens of porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits and associated polymetallic skarn, carbonate-replacement, and vein deposits, and crustal abundances of critical minerals.

[Data from Granitto and others (2020, 2021). Concentrations determined by AES-ST (atomic emission spectroscopy) and MS-ST (mass spectrometry). ppm, parts per million, wt %, weight percent; max, maximum; BLD, below limit of detection; NR, not reported.]

District/mine State Note (number of analyses) Cu
Wallapai/ Mineral Park porphyry Ariz. AVE (6) 14,906.9 59.3 <2,660 10,357.8 <5,490 <5,870 31.7 3.5 7.9 <1,000 24.7 --
COMMENT -- -- Some BLD -- Some BLD Some BLD -- -- -- Some BLD -- --
Bisbee porphyry Ariz. AVE (32) 56,145.6 6.3 2,626.7 3,705.4 Max 1,080 82.4 81.4 3.0 29.1 9.5 66.9 <45; most NR
COMMENT 5.6 wt % Some BLD Several very high values Several very high values Many BLD Many BLD Some BLD -- 1 high value -- -- --
Ajo porphyry Ariz. AVE (4) 17,500 56.25 Max 60 72.5 <20 -- 5.85 1.25 -- -- <4 --
COMMENT 1.75 wt % Most BLD -- Most BLD All BLD -- -- All BLD All BLD -- --
Christmas porphyry/ skarn Ariz. AVE (6) 15,385.5 Max 79 Max 136 1,075.7 Max 10 Max 60 <33 <6 <3.6 Max 2 <23 --
COMMENT 1.5 wt % Some BLD Most BLD -- Some BLD Most BLD -- -- Many BLD Many BLD -- --
Morenci district Ariz. AVE (14) 37,816.0 755.2 4,748.3 422.7 -- -- 71.2 1.6 0.9 7.4 10.5 --
COMMENT >3.7 wt % 1 very high value Many BLD; highly variable -- Most BLD Most BLD Highly variable -- Most BLD Many BLD -- --
Bagdad porphyry Ariz. AVE (17) 40,579.1 725.1 3,519.9 3,736.2 -- -- 53.9 3.0 -- 60.6 9.6 0.8
COMMENT >4.0 wt % 3 very high values Many BLD; highly variable -- Many BLD Many BLD Highly variable Some BLD Most BLD Some BLD -- --
Globe-Miami district porphyry Ariz. AVE (19) 48,982.3 673.8 -- 10,215.2 <110 Highly variable Highly variable 2.2 1.9 Highly variable 10.5 0.9
COMMENT >4.9 wt % 3 very high values Most BLD; highly variable -- Most BLD Most BLD Many BLD -- Many BLD Many BLD -- Few analyses; some BLD
Ray mine porphyry Ariz. AVE (8) 16,163.8 1,326.6 51.3 570.9 <30 -- 1.8 2.0 0.4 1.8 6.4 --
COMMENT >1.6 wt % 2 very high values Most BLD; highly variable -- Most BLD All BLD -- -- Many BLD Most BLD -- --
Sierrita porphyry Ariz. AVE (8) 56,504.9 618.6 -- 556.7 <348 <50 <86 1.7 <7.4 -- 4.6 --
COMMENT >5.6 wt % 2 very high values Most BLD; highly variable -- Most BLD Most BLD Some BLD -- Many BLD Most BLD -- --
San Manuel porphyry Ariz. AVE (6) 30,481.7 5,434.3 28.3 32.0 2.8 <14 <2.5 2.2 <0.4 1.0 7.3 <3.6
COMMENT 3.0 wt % 1 very high value -- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- Most BLD
Silver Bell porphyry Ariz. AVE (11) 8,399.0 343.6 -- 274.7 -- -- 0.4 2.0 <4.1 -- 9.2 --
COMMENT >0.84 wt % 1 very high value Most BLD -- All BLD All BLD -- -- Many BLD All BLD -- --
Vekol Hills porphyry Ariz. AVE (10) 77,22.1 <6 Most BLD 3,813.0 -- <290 0.4 1.0 -- Most BLD 1.2 --
COMMENT >0.77 wt % Most BLD 2 high values -- Highly variable Most BLD -- -- All BLD 2 high values Some BLD --
Tyrone porphyry N. Mex. AVE (4) 19,995.0 133.3 340.0 222.5 3,631.8 <45 31.6 <6 1.0 8.0 5.5 <2.3
COMMENT >2.0 wt % variable variable -- Highly variable Some BLD -- Some BLD -- -- -- --
Santa Rita/ Chino porphyry N. Mex. AVE (10) 11,399.6 492.3 48,388.5 61,823.8 <497 <9,350 -- <2 -- 67.8 7.0 1.2
COMMENT 1.14 wt % Highly variable Highly variable -- Variable; some BLD Highly variable; some BLD -- Some BLD Most BLD -- -- --
Yerington porphyry Nev. AVE (20) 30,568.8 3.8 38.1 124.4 <8.1 -- <2.4 1.2 -- <1.3 <1.4 --
COMMENT 3.06 wt % -- Highly variable 1 very high value Many BLD All BLD Many BLD -- All BLD Some BLD Many BLD Very few analyses
Bingham porphyry Utah AVE (32) 14,196.4 596.8 5,255.7 1,941.9 54.3 799.1 6.9 2.2 All BLD 47.0 17.5 <0.1
COMMENT 1.4 wt % 1 very high value 1 huge value 1 huge value Highly variable 1 huge value variable -- -- 2 huge values 1 high value Most BLD
Copper Creek breccia pipe Ariz. AVE (13) 29,998.1 2,521.2 -- 1,421 Highly variable Highly variable 369.6 6.6 2.5 154.6 9.1 --
COMMENT >3.0 wt % Highly variable -- -- Some BLD Some BLD Highly variable -- Some BLD Many BLD Many BLD --
Bisbee polymetallic replacement Ariz. AVE (34) 146,270.4 Max 72 1,007.3 10,656.4 214.1 <21,700 267.4 5.3 34.9 34.9 175.1 <2.7; most NR
COMMENT 14.6 wt % Some BLD Several very high values -- Some BLD Some BLD Several very high values -- Highly variable -- -- --
Johnson Camp polymetallic replacement Ariz. AVE (15) 59,841.6 41.7 <134 57,316.3 106.0 Most BLD 43.4 3.1 22.0 1,656.4 18.5 142.3
COMMENT >6.0 wt % -- Many BLD -- 1 very high value 1 very high value 1 high value -- -- 1 very high value -- 1 very high value
Pima mine polymetallic vein Ariz. AVE (6) 28,441.6 1,693.0 -- 7,484.5 <250 <60 17.8 3.5 <65 1.5 38.0 --
COMMENT >2.8 wt % 1 very high value Most BLD -- Variable; some BLD Some BLD -- -- Many BLD Most BLD -- --
San Xavier porphyry/ skarn Ariz. AVE (8) 20,561.0 48.8 37,531.3 37,445.8 <30 -- 342.7 7.9 0.9 33.0 1.3 --
COMMENT >1.6 wt % 2 very high values Most BLD; highly variable -- Most BLD All BLD -- -- Many BLD Most BLD -- --
Mission porphyry/ skarn Ariz. AVE (6) 48,665.0 226.8 -- 1,441.5 <120 <90 15.5 4.2 12.7 -- 35.2 --
COMMENT >4.9 wt % Variable Most BLD; highly variable -- Some BLD Some BLD -- -- -- Most BLD -- --
Twin Buttes porphyry/ skarn Ariz. AVE (5) 13,012.0 178.2 -- 1,678.6 <70 -- 10.7 5.6 3.0 -- 18.8 --
COMMENT >1.3 wt % 1 very high value All BLD -- Most BLD All BLD -- -- -- All BLD -- --
Magma polymetallic vein Ariz. AVE (20) 215,361.5 <68 -- 17,862.3 1,744.5 23,554.9 687.5 <461 26.6 16,234.8 92.1 114.6
COMMENT >21.5 wt % Some BLD Highly variable -- Highly variable Highly variable Highly variable Many BLD -- Highly variable Variable 2 analyses
Butte polymetallic veins Ariz. AVE (36) 147,473.6 675.3 8,040.8 42,280.1 786.4 13,527.2 277.6 43.4 237.4 786.8 300.1 309.2
COMMENT >14.7 wt % 3 high values Highly variable -- Highly variable 1.3 wt % Highly variable Variable Highly variable; some BLD Highly variable Highly variable; some BLD Highly variable
Central district Polymetallic I N. Mex. AVE (5) 6,556.0 -- 2,613.8 46,108.8 21.6 <24 42.0 5.4 2.7 2.6 15.2 <13
COMMENT 0.66 wt % Most BLD Highly variable -- Variable Some BLD Variable -- -- -- -- --
Central district Groundhog Polymetallic N. Mex. AVE (7) 8,935.6 <27 82,273.4 199,953.6 179.1 <140 281.4 <10 18.7 6.9 1.3 18.8
COMMENT 0.89 wt % Most BLD Highly variable -- Variable Most BLD Variable Many BLD -- -- -- --
Central district Polymetallic II N. Mex. AVE (9) 6,950.6 <104 1,032.3 155,670.9 12.6 <80 19.6 <7 <39 6.2 3.9 <4
COMMENT 0.69 wt % Some BLD Highly variable -- -- Most BLD -- Many BLD Some BLD -- -- Some BLD
Bingham skarn/
Utah AVE (9) 30,007.8 3,287 42,586.2 29,108.1 152 238.4 33.3 <1.6 6.3 Most BLD 42.2 All BLD
COMMENT 3.0 wt % 1 huge value 4.3 wt % 2.9 wt % Highly variable Highly variable 1 high value Some BLD Variable -- 1 very high value --
Crustal abundance -- -- 60 1.2 14 70 0.075 1.8 0.0085 1.5 0.25 0.2 2.3 0.001
Wallapai/ Mineral Park porphyry 15.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Bisbee porphyry 63.1 -- -- -- -- -- 6.8 <13 24.6 <17; most NR <1 72.4 44.2 <176
1 high value -- -- -- -- -- Many BLD Most BLD -- -- Most BLD -- -- Most BLD
Ajo porphyry 2.25 -- -- -- -- -- <30 6.8 26.25 -- -- 69.75 80.2 Max 8
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD
Christmas porphyry/ skarn <39 -- -- -- -- -- <40 7.7 27.8 -- Max 1.6 80.8 40.8 Max 20
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- Some BLD
Morenci district 14.3 -- -- -- -- -- <30 9.5 23.9 -- -- 43.3 60.4 Max 18
Some BLD -- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD Some BLD -- Most BLD 1 high value -- Most BLD
Bagdad porphyry 46.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5.8 15.5 25.2 0.3 57.2 112.9 Max 18
1 high value -- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD -- Highly variable Most BLD -- -- Many BLD
Globe-Miami district porphyry 15.2 -- -- -- -- -- 7.0 10.2 17.9 23.4 0.6 58.9 117.8 Max 19
-- -- -- -- -- -- Many BLD -- -- Few analyses Some BLD -- -- Many BLD
Ray mine porphyry 20.8 -- -- -- -- -- <50 6.6 25.6 -- -0.1 193.8 106.3 18.4
-- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- -- Some BLD -- -- --
Sierrita porphyry 17.6 -- -- -- -- -- <30 9.2 35.4 -- -- 53.9 212.6 Max 18
-- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- -- Some BLD -- -- Most BLD
San Manuel porphyry 24.0 -- -- -- -- -- <48 8.0 43.2 8.2 <1.5 110.2 82.7 11.0
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- --
Silver Bell porphyry 26.5 -- -- -- -- -- <90 6.6 11.0 -- <1.5 41.3 98.3 Max 7
-- -- -- -- -- -- Many BLD -- -- -- Many BLD -- -- Most BLD
Vekol Hills porphyry <4 -- -- -- -- -- 25.0 6.5 12.1 -- <0.8 199.2 64.6 Max 58
Most BLD -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD -- -- Some BLD
Tyrone porphyry 19.5 -- -- -- -- -- <77 2.1 <39 <16 <0.5 25.3 64.5 Max 6
-- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD -- -- -- All BLD -- -- Most BLD
Santa Rita/ Chino porphyry 12.2 -- -- -- -- -- <30 5.6 39.6 <35 <1.7 68.5 59.6 Max 16
-- -- -- -- -- -- Many BLD Some BLD Some BLD Some BLD -- -- Most BLD
Yerington porphyry 3.1 <2.4 25.6 45.4 30.3 19.1 -- 2.5 37.2 -- -- 75.3 42.7 <2.3
-- Many BLD -- 1 very high value Many BLD -- All BLD -- 1 high value Few analyses All BLD -- -- Most BLD
Bingham porphyry 55.4 All BLD 111.6 13.1 78.2 17.4 <2.8 9.6 49.6 6.6 <0.3 101.1 158.6 4.9
1 high value -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- Many BLD Most BLD -- -- Many BLD
Copper Creek breccia pipe 26.2 -- -- -- -- -- <80 -- 9.9 -- -- 43.9 74.8 Max 8
-- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD -- Some BLD -- -- -- -- Some BLD
Bisbee polymetallic replacement 73.0 -- -- -- -- -- Max 130 <15 2.1 <72; most NR <0.5 82.0 8.2 Max 53
Highly variable -- -- -- -- -- Many BLD Most BLD -- -- All BLD -- -- Many BLD
Johnson Camp polymetallic replacement 926.1 -- -- -- -- -- 33.0 7.0 4.7 49.0 -- 23.3 49.9 Max 12
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD -- -- -- -- Many BLD
Pima mine polymetallic vein 208.0 -- -- -- -- -- <80 3.3 24.2 -- -- 48.3 110.6 Max 10
-- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD Some BLD -- -- Most BLD -- -- Most BLD
San Xavier porphyry/ skarn 213.9 -- -- -- -- -- <50 -0.3 4.0 -- -0.5 43.3 Max 2.7
-- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- -- Some BLD -- Some BLD All BLD
Mission porphyry/ skarn 167.3 -- -- -- -- -- <130 4.6 20.7 -- 29.2 108.0 Max 15
1 high value -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD -- -- Most BLD
Twin Buttes porphyry/ skarn 62.6 -- -- -- -- -- 14.0 5.6 11.2 -- -- 49.2 131.4 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- All BLD
Magma polymetallic vein 33.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16.0 -- 26.4 2.2 Max 16
-- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD Most BLD Many BLD 2 analyses All BLD -- -- Most BLD
Butte polymetallic veins 500.1 -- -- -- -- -- <20 <9 7.6 29.0 <0.5 124.6 14.0 Max 19
Highly variable -- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- All BLD Variable -- Most BLD
Central district Polymetallic I 24.0 -- -- -- -- -- <27 5.0 31.4 <46 <1.1 46.4 4.0 Max 15
-- -- -- -- -- -- Most BLD -- -- Most BLD Most BLD -- -- Most BLD
Central district Groundhog polymetallic 8.4 -- -- -- -- -- <20 <5.8 <11 <111 -0.5 13.3 22.4 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- Many BLD Most BLD Some BLD Many BLD All BLD -- -- All BLD
Central district polymetallic II 15.7 -- -- -- -- -- <44 <15 <42 <6 <1.2 51.1 178.4 Max 10
-- -- -- -- -- -- Some BLD Most BLD Some BLD Most BLD Most BLD -- -- Most BLD
Bingham skarn/ replacement 21.6 All BLD 8.9 21.7 11.0 -- <4.7 <0.4 20.7 13.5 All BLD 29 7.5 All BLD
-- -- -- -- Some BLD -- Most BLD Most BLD Some BLD -- -- -- -- --
Crustal abundance 1.25 2.8 66.5 25 102 19 20 20 84 0.05 2 120 90 22
Table 16.    Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Ag) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Te, Sn, W) in archival specimens of porphyry copper-(molybdenum) deposits and associated polymetallic skarn, carbonate-replacement, and vein deposits, and crustal abundances of critical minerals.

Table 17.    

Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps of carbonate-replacement deposits and vein deposits in Nevada and Idaho, and crustal abundances of critical minerals.

[Data from Granitto and others (2020, 2021). Concentrations determined by FA (fire assay), ICPAES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy), and NIS-FA-INAA-PGE (nickel sulfide-fire assay-instrumental neutron activation analysis-platinum group elements). ppm, parts per million; ppb, parts per billion.]

District Number of analyses Au
Ag Cu Pb Zn Pd Pt Ir Os Rh Ru As
(ppm) (ppb) (ppb)
-Pd FA
Eureka, Nev. I 9 3,100 200 822 11,283 4,376 <6 0.011 -- -- -- -- 1,880
Eureka, Nev. II 14 6,720 1,525 1,095 35,692 15,187 2 -- -- -- -- -- 26,480
Pioche, Nev. I 4 2,590 272 902 35,750 47,800 <6 0.011 -- -- -- -- 999
Pioche, Nev. II 16 1,147 583 5,710 56,685 99,176 1.9 -- -- -- -- -- 846
Goodsprings, Nev. I 12 520 145 5,490 11,443 4,931 <6 <5 -- -- -- -- 496
Goodsprings, Nev. II 20 1,575 545 2,804 30,171 34,294 1.9 0.0 -- -- -- -- 6,140
Goodsprings, Nev. III 5 8,644 34 36,109 364 601 3,719.2 1,195.2 95.8 12.3 23.5 9.4 249
Merrimac. Nev. 9 60 70 5,596 175 9,237 <6 <19 -- -- -- -- 859
Rochester, Nev. 5 400 346 4,982 13,678 2,453 <6 <18 -- -- -- -- 236
Monitor, Calif. 7 33,500 134 1,998 6,795 4,093 <6 <17 -- -- -- -- 1,439
Silver City, Idaho 3 3,300 163 187 <180 81 <6 <3 -- -- -- -- 59
Crustal abundance 1.2 0.075 60 14 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.8
Table 17.    Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps of carbonate-replacement deposits and vein deposits in Nevada and Idaho, and crustal abundances of critical minerals.

Table 17.    

Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps of carbonate-replacement deposits and vein deposits in Nevada and Idaho, and crustal abundances of critical minerals.

[Data from Granitto and others (2020, 2021). Concentrations determined by FA (fire assay), ICPAES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy), and NIS-FA-INAA-PGE (nickel sulfide-fire assay-instrumental neutron activation analysis-platinum group elements). ppm, parts per million; ppb, parts per billion.]

Bi In Sb Sn Te W Be Ce Co Cr Ga Li Nb Ni Sc Sr V
73 7 1,719 163 19 24 <0.3 7 3 <20 8 <9 <2.7 <5 <1.6 46 8
219 2 5,467 207 47 137 1 15 41 10 6 4 6 6 2 71 14
2 19 584 43 <0.6 161 <0.4 4 1 8 8 3 0 <3.3 1 17 <15
23 40 596 79 16 54 1 9 28 9 58 6 1 4 2 211 32
69 2 199 2 <0.3 4 <3.1 10 116 11 10 <25 <15 39 2 136 43
77 14 1,713 99 28 76 1 9 38 10 18 4 2 16 2 96 24
155 14 109 10 0 2 13 1 50 14 512 3 32 79 15 26 23
152 <6 199 36 <18 5 <1.5 25 5 14 5 20 4 11 4 138 36
2 0 383 4 <0.1 4 1 46 3 6 12 7 3 <11 3 13 17
12 0 1,777 33 55 4 1 34 9 37 12 31 1 <59 1 758 42
21 <0.05 33 1 3 2 1 9 1 7 5 61 1 <0.6 1 72 5
0.0085 0.25 0.2 2.3 0.001 1.25 2.8 66.5 25 102 19 20 20 84 22 370 120
Table 17.    Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps of carbonate-replacement deposits and vein deposits in Nevada and Idaho, and crustal abundances of critical minerals.

Table 18.    

Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps in the Goldfield district, Nevada, and crustal abundances of elements.

[Data from Granitto and others (2020, 2021). Concentrations determined by NIS-FA-INAA- PGE (nickel sulfide-fire assay-instrumental neutron activation analysis-platinum group element), ICPOES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy), FA (fire assay), CVAAS-HG, (cold vapor atomic emission spectroscopy-mercury). ppb, parts per billion; ppm, parts per million.]

Dataset Number of analyses Au
Ir Os Rh Ru As Bi In
(ppb) (ppm) (ppm)
I; samples analyzed 2011–2020 33 9,897 53 6,733 <2 <8 <3 <10 <0.01 <98 1,659 121 2
II; samples analyzed 2011–2020 15 21,915 114 32,937 4 5 -- -- 15 4 7,125 2,243 4
III; samples analyzed 1987–1994 63 4,401 73 857 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,735 226 --
Crustal abundance 1.2 0.075 60 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.8 0.0085 0.25
Table 18.    Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps in the Goldfield district, Nevada, and crustal abundances of elements.

Table 18.    

Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps in the Goldfield district, Nevada, and crustal abundances of elements.

[Data from Granitto and others (2020, 2021). Concentrations determined by NIS-FA-INAA- PGE (nickel sulfide-fire assay-instrumental neutron activation analysis-platinum group element), ICPOES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy), FA (fire assay), CVAAS-HG, (cold vapor atomic emission spectroscopy-mercury). ppb, parts per billion; ppm, parts per million.]

Sb Sn Te Be Ce Co Cr Ga Li Nb Ni Rb Sc Sr V W Zn Mo Pb
1,418 119 60 <3 50 6 23 15 13 8 <11 14 3 677 74 5 38 -- 378
5,163 667 385 0 30 12 16 20 26 3 25 6 2 646 62 3 8,429 7 486
1,617 377 187 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 511
0.2 2.3 0.001 2.8 66.5 25 102 19 20 20 84 -- 22 370 120 1.25 70 1.2 14
Table 18.    Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps in the Goldfield district, Nevada, and crustal abundances of elements.

Table 19.    

Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps in the Tonopah district, Nevada, and crustal abundances of elements.

[Data from Granitto and others (2020, 2021). Concentrations determined by FA (fire assay) and ICPAES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy). ppm, parts per million.]

Dataset Number of analyses Au
Pd Pt As Bi Ce Co Cr Ga In
(ppb) (ppm)
I 10 6,243 457 <2 <12 81 1 22 4 10 8 0
II 5 3,670 215 -- -- 46 0 7 6 4 4 0
Crustal abundance 1.2 0.075 -- -- 1.8 0.0085 66.5 25 102 19 0.25
I 10 66 14 4 29 1 30 3 1,168 232 184 1,150
II 5 72 0 2 402 BLD 2 2 1,688 128 37 --
Crustal abundance 20 20 84 0.2 2.3 0.001 1.25 70 60 1.2 14
Table 19.    Average concentrations of produced commodities (Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn) and some critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, In, Pd, Pt, Te, Sn, Zn) in mineralized samples from mine dumps in the Tonopah district, Nevada, and crustal abundances of elements.

Table 20.    

Minerals containing and comprising critical minerals in subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal deposits.

[wt %, weight percent; ppm, parts per million; est. estimated.]

Critical mineral commodity Critical mineral or contained critical mineral(s) Formula Concentrations of critical mineral References
Al, potash Alunite KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 Al 19.54 wt %; K 9.44 wt %; SO4 ~42.5 wt %
Sb Stibnite Sb2S3 71.7 wt % Sb in stibnite
Polybasite Cu-Pb-Sb-As-S minerals 7.07 wt % Sb, 2.61 wt % As in polybasite
Cu refinery slimes Sb oxides 1–4 wt %1 Sb in slimes Chen and Dutrizac (2005), Hait and others (2009)
SbAsO4 Hait and others (2009)
As Arsenopyrite FeAsS 46.01 wt % As in arsenopyrite
Enargite-famatinite; tennantite-tetrahedrite Cu-Sb-As-S minerals 19.02 wt % As in enargite
Cu refinery slimes As oxides 2–5 wt %1 As in slimes Chen and Dutrizac (2005), Hait and others (2009)
SbAsO4 Hait and others (2009)
Be Beryl Be3Al2Si6O18 5.02 wt % Be in beryl
Al 10.04 wt % Al in beryl
Bi Bismuthinite Bi2S3 81.3 wt %
Wittichenite, others Cu-Bi-Te-S minerals --
Cu refinery slimes Bi oxides 0.44-3 wt %1 Chen and Dutrizac (2005), Hait and others (2009)
Fluorite Fluorspar CaF2 Ca 51.33 wt %; F 48.67 wt %
Ge Sphalerite -- --
Ga Sphalerite; Al refinery product -- --
Ga Alunite KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 Mostly tens of parts per million Rytuba and others (2003)
In Cu-In-S -- -- Observed in near-surface chalcocite-enargite-tetrahedrite resource, Sunnyside PCS, Ariz.
In Chalcopyrite -- -- --
K salts Potash -- -- --
Sylvite Sylvite KCl K 52.45 wt %; Cl 47.55 wt %
Alum, Al -- KAl(SO4)2•12(H2O) K 8.24 wt %; Al 5.69 wt %
Li, Al Spodumene LiAlSi2O6 Li 3.76 wt %; Al 14.5 wt %
Li, Al Lepidolite K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10(F,OH)2 Li 3.58 wt %; Al 6.95 wt %
Mn Rhodochrosite MnCO3 47.8 wt % Mn in rhodochrosite
Psilomelane (Ba,H2O)2Mn5O10 46.6 wt % Mn in psilomelane
Pyrolusite MnO2 63.2 wt % Mn in pyrolusite
Nb Columbite Fe2+Nb2O6 55.0 wt % Nb in columbite
Pd Merenskyite; tellurides (Pd,Pt)(Te,Bi)2 59.39 wt % Te, 24.76 wt % Pd in merenskyite
Pt, Pd -- Cu refinery anode slimes Est. parts per trillion Pt, Pd in slimes --
Re Molybdenite MoS2 <10 to 2,000 ppm in molybdenite John and Taylor (2016)
Sn Cassiterite SnO2 78.38 wt % Sn in cassiterite
Sn Stannite Cu2FeSnS4 27.6 wt % Sn in stannite
Sn, V, Ge, As, Sb Colusite Cu12-13V(As,Sb,Sn,Ge)3S16 V 3.04 wt %; Sn 4.26 wt %; Ge 1.30 wt %; As 6.72 wt %; Sb 6.55 wt % in colusite
Ta Microlite (Na,Ca)2Ta2O6(O,OH,F) 68.4 wt % Ta in microlite
Tantalite MnTa2O6 70.6 wt % Ta in tantalite
Te Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Est. parts per billion in chalcopyrite Ballantyne and others (1997)
Hessite Ag2Te 37.2 wt % Te in hessite; Hait and others (2009)
Petzite Ag3AuTe2 32.9 wt % Te in petzite
Calaverite AuTe2 56.4 wt % Te in calaverite
Wehrlite Bi3Te2 -- Ballantyne and others (1997), Kocher (2017), Brodbeck and others (2020),
Merenskyite (Pd,Pt)(Te,Bi)2 59.39 wt % Te in merenskyite
Cu refinery slimes Au, Ag tellurides; Cu-Se-Te 0.4–1.45 wt %1 Te in slimes Chen and Dutrizac (2005), Hait and others (2009)
V Vanadinite Pb5(VO4)3Cl 10.8 wt % V in vanadinite
V, Sn, Ge, As, Sb Colusite Cu12-13V(As,Sb,Sn,Ge)3S16 V 3.04 wt %; Sn 4.26 wt %; Ge 1.30 wt %; As 6.72 wt %; Sb 6.55 wt % in colusite
W Scheelite CaWO4 63.9 wt % W in schellite
Wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4 60.6 wt % W in wolframite
Ferberite FeWO4 60.5 wt % W in ferberite
Table 20.    Minerals containing and comprising critical minerals in subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal deposits.

Domestic copper refineries only (Amarillo, Tex.; El Paso, Tex.; Magna, Utah).

A subjective threshold is applied in this report to distinguish deposits with relatively large production of a critical mineral, equivalent to 2 years of recent domestic consumption (tabulated in USGS, 2021; table 21), from the myriad of small occurrences that will never materially add to consumable domestic supplies. Deposit descriptions are therefore limited to the largest producers, and for some critical minerals, the only producers of a critical mineral commodity. Descriptions of resources and inventories likewise include only those that contain, or are suspected to contain, substantial proportions of annual domestic consumption. If production, resource, or inventory is equivalent to two or more years of consumption, then it is termed significant (table 22).

Table 21.    

Apparent annual domestic consumption and import reliance of critical mineral commodities described in this report.

[Data from from U.S. Geological Survey (2021). est., estimated; REE, rare earth elements; t, metric tons; %, percent; PGE, platinum-group elements.]

Critical mineral commodity Units Consumption Net import reliance as percentage of consumption Domestic production, consumption, import, and export notes
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Al Thousand metric tons 5,090 5,680 4,900 4,940 2,870 13–59 Domestic production from imports and scrap, ~20% exported
Sb Metric tons 25,900 27,400 27,700 26,400 22,000 81–84 Domestic production from lead-acid batteries and imported feedstock were ~18% of consumption; exports and imports include ore, concentrate, oxide, powder, and scrap
As (est.) Metric tons 6,120 6,920 6,470 7,480 10,500 100 Exported As products were <1 to 29% of imports
Bi Metric tons 1,780 2,530 2,080 1,650 1,400 94–97 Small production from scrap; exports included metal, alloys, and scrap
Co Metric tons 10,300 11,500 8,920 7,580 12,400 64–78 Primary and secondary domestic production ~34–43% of consumption; some Co products exported
Fluorite Thousand metric tons 371 390 450 368 380 100 Imports included acid and metallurgical grade fluorspar, HF acid, AlF3, and cryolite
Ga Metric tons 18.1 17.9 15.0 17.9 15.0 100 Minor domestic production from impure Ga and scrap
Ge (est.) Metric tons 30 30 30 30 30 >50 Imports included metal and GeO2; domestic Zn concentrates containing Ge were exported; ~16–31% of imports were exported as products or equivalents in Zn concentrates
In (est.) Metric tons 160 127 125 95 100 100 Undisclosed tonnages were exported as alloys, metal, and solders
Mn Thousand metric tons 545 714 793 790 520 100 Imports included ores, concentrates, ferromanganese, and silicomanganese
Ni Thousand metric tons 235 273 259 217 200 44-52 Consumption included metal and scrap; domestic mine concentrate was shipped abroad for processing; by-production from Stillwater PGE mines; ~40–67% of imports were exported in various forms including Ni equivalents in concentrates
Potash (K2O equivalent) Thousand metric tons 5,100 6,200 6,100 5,300 5,500 88–92 Domestic production from New Mexico and Utah hard rock and solution mining
Re Metric tons 40.3 42.7 47.6 52.6 32 76–84 Domestic production included byproduct of refined Mo concentrates, scrap, and waste
REE Metric tons 10,500 9,060 6,520 11,700 7,800 100 Domestic production exported for processing
Te Metric tons withheld withheld withheld withheld withheld >95 Consumption estimated from net import reliance and imports was ~60–200 t from 2016 to 2019
Ti mineral concentrates Thousand metric tons 1,100 1,300 1,200 1.3 900 88–92 Domestic production included ilmenite and rutile from Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina
Ti Metric tons 54,100 37,400 35,200 withheld withheld 45–88 Consumption included metal and TiO2 pigment
TiO2 Metric tons 840,000 870,000 893,000 965,000 900,000 Net exportation
W Metric tons withheld withheld withheld withheld withheld >25 to >50 Consumption estimated from net import reliance and imports was ~10,000–14,500 t
Table 21.    Apparent annual domestic consumption and import reliance of critical mineral commodities described in this report.

Table 22.    

Significant domestic reserves and resources, exclusive of porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits (fig. 6; tables 1315), of some critical minerals that comprise 2 years or more of recent (2016–2020) apparent annual domestic consumption.

[Data from U.S. Geological Survey (2021). Sites with unquantified but potentially large masses and that may represent more than 2 years of recent consumption are described in the text. Market volume: very large market, annual domestic consumption of more than 1 million metric tons (Mt); large market, consumption of hundreds of thousands of metric tons; mid-market, consumption of tens of thousands of metric tons; small market, consumption of several thousand metric tons; very small market, consumption of tens to hundreds of metric tons. REE, rare earth elements; kt, thousand metric tons; t, metric tons.]

Critical mineral commodity Relative market volume Apparent annual domestic consumption (2016–2020) Domestic reserve/resource site Estimated mass (metric tons critical mineral) Approximate equivalent consumption (years) Reserves and resources references New domestic supply barriers
Al Very large market 2.87–5.68 Mt Blawn Mountain, Utah 2.45 Mt 6–0.5 See text World market competition
Red Mountain, Ariz. 18 Mt North American Potash Developments, Inc. (2012)
Sunnyside, Ariz. 7 Mt Table 3
San Gabriel Mountains, Calif. Potentially large Potentially many Carter (1982) Semi-quantified; location; recovery; world market competition
Sb Mid-market 22,000–27,700 t Coyote district, Utah 95,455 t 4.8–3.8 Palladine (1941); Mills and Rupke (2020) --
Yellow Pine, Idaho 59,000–112,000 t 5.1–2.1 Becker and others (2019); NS Energy (2021) Possible byproduct
As Mid-market est. 6,120–10,500 t Yellow Pine, Idaho 209,673 t 34–20 Table 8 Possible byproduct
Bi Small market 1,400–2,530 t Yellow Pine, Idaho 38,989 t 28–15 Table 8 Possible byproduct
Co Mid-market 7,580–12,400 t none -- -- -- --
Fluorite Large market 368–450 kt McCullough Butte, Nev. >8,000 kt 22–18 Tertiary Minerals PLC, 2020 Grades are uncompetitive in world markets
New Mexico, Utah, Nevada >1 Mt Several U.S. Geological Survey and others (1965), Bullock (1976, 1981), Papke (1979)
Ga Very small market 15–18.1 t Apex mine, Utah 300 t 20–17 Dutrizac and others (1986); Mills and Rupke (2020) Very small market sensitive to new supply
Ge Very small market est. 30 t Apex mine, Utah 773 t 26 Dutrizac and others (1986); Mills and Rupke (2020) Very small market sensitive to new supply
In Very small market est. 95–160 t Fish Springs, Utah 1,474–2,077 t 22–9 Dyer and others (2014) Very small market sensitive to new supply
Mn Large market 520–793 kt Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa, Arizona (Clark deposit) 5 Mt 6.6 South32 Limited, 2021 World market competition
Ni Large market 200–273 kt none -- -- -- --
Potash Very large market 5.2–6.2 Mt Blawn Mountain, Utah 10.6–32 Mt 8–4 SOPerior Fertilizer Corp. (2021) World market competition
Red Mountain, Ariz. 42 Mt See text
Sunnyside, Ariz. 27 Mt See text
Re Very small market 32–53 t None Potentially large Potentially many Figs. 4AD, 6; tables 36 Very small market sensitive to new supply
REE Small-mid-market 7,800–11,700 t San Gabriel Mountains, Calif. Est. 1.8 Mt Potentially many Carter (1982) Semi-quantified; location; recovery; world market competition
Te Very small market Est. 160 t Boulder County, Colo. <60 t <3 Kelly and Goddard (1969) Unquantified; very small market sensitive to new supply
Cripple Creek, Colo. Potentially large Potentially many Table 8
Goldfield, Nev. Potentially large Potentially many Table 18
Paradise Peak, Nev. Potentially large Potentially many Table 18
Ti mineral concentrates Large market 900–1,300 kt San Gabriel Mountains, Calif; Wyoming Potentially large Potentially many Carter (1982) Semi-quantified; location; recovery; world market competition
Ti Mid-market 35,200–54,100 t
Ti (TiO2) Large market 840–965 kt
W Mid-market Est. 11,000–14,450 t Pilot Mountain, Nev. 27,200 t 2–4 Thor Mining PLC (2018a, b) World market competition
Andrew Curtis, Calif. 42,000 t Annis (2020a, b)
Centennial, Nev. 32,200 t SRK Consulting (2014)
Sunrise, Wash. 31,700 t Derkey and others (1990)
Indian springs, Nev. 20,800 t Moran and Stryhas (2007)
Table 22.    Significant domestic reserves and resources, exclusive of porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits (fig. 6; tables 13–15), of some critical minerals that comprise 2 years or more of recent (2016–2020) apparent annual domestic consumption.

Some magmatic-hydrothermal deposits clearly represent deposit types of mineral systems (Hofstra and Kreiner, 2020) whereas others are not closely linked to ore deposit models. Further, some deposits have no known spatial or temporal association with subduction-related intrusions. Some of the unassociated deposits are in Cenozoic sedimentary rocks and Mesozoic granitic rocks (for example, antimony mines in the Coyote [Antimony] district, Utah; gold-silver-antimony-tungsten deposits in the Stibnite-Yellow Pine district, Idaho; fluorite deposits in numerous Western States), whereas other deposits in Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks (for example, Apex germanium-gallium mine, Utah; White Caps gold-antimony-arsenic mine, Nev.) have characteristics of intrusion-related carbonate-replacement deposits but no clear spatial association with igneous rocks. However, the location and forms of deposits and mineral commodities recovered from these unclassified deposits provisionally associate them with subduction magmatism.

Regarding production and recovery disincentives, many critical minerals in subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal deposits in Western States are mid- to small-market commodities in which annual domestic consumption is metric tons (t) to several tens of thousands of metric tons (USGS, 2021; table 22). Known domestic deposits of critical minerals are mostly too small to affect cash flows of large mining companies and have not been the focus of exploration programs or recovery technology. Complex and likely expensive recovery processes would be required for recovery or improved recovery efficiency of most small- to mid-market critical mineral commodities. Since curtailment of government price supports and depletion of domestic stockpiles, world market dominance of many critical minerals by China and other exporters with large and (or) high-grade deposits has stifled global competition, which may limit exploration and development of deposits of many critical minerals. Although small exploration and mining companies have identified significant inventories of some critical minerals in recent years, many have minimal cash flows, rely on stock sales for funds, and may be unable to internally fund deposit development costs of deposits, including those containing critical minerals.

Although large inventories of chalcophile and siderophile critical minerals, including Sb, As, Ge, In, Re, and Sn, exist in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, few have been profitable to recover. In addition to Cu and Mo, Re, Te, and small amounts of Ni and PGE have been episodically recovered from domestic copper refineries since the late 1800s (for example Ely, Nev.; Inspiration, Ariz.) (Hose and others 1976; Phillips, 1980). Other chalcophile, siderophile, and lithophile critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits lacked demand and have routinely not been recovered for more than a century. All but three of 20 refineries operating in 1977 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1977) have been shuttered or demolished; the remaining refineries in El Paso, Tex. (Freeport-McMoRan, Inc., 2020); Amarillo, Tex. (ASARCO); and Magna, Utah (Rio Tinto), occasionally produce tellurium (and rhenium from molybdenite concentrates processed offsite). Because tens of billions of metric tons of Cu-Mo ores have been processed since the early 20th century, substantial masses of chalcophile and some siderophile and lithophile critical minerals, relative to domestic consumption, exist in concentrator tailings and refinery slimes. Concentrations of some of them are tracked in refineries for quality control of cathode copper, the marketed product, and are used in this report to estimate inventories in reserves and unmined domestic porphyry Cu-Mo deposits. The large deposit sizes (up to billions of metric tons) and ore processing rates (tens of thousands of short tons per day) indicate that these inventories could cover annual domestic consumption or lessen import reliance for Sb, As, Ge, In, Re, Te, and Sn supplies if recovery is subsidized.

Rare Metals Corporation broadside advertisement for tungsten concentrates mined and
                        milled under 1940s–1950s price supports near Lovelock, Nevada.

Rare Metals Corporation broadside advertisement for tungsten concentrates mined and milled under 1940s–1950s price supports near Lovelock, Nevada.

Chapter A. Primary Product and Coproduct Production of Critical Minerals

In this chapter, the largest, subduction-related deposits from which the critical minerals Al, Sb, As, Be, Bi, fluorite, Ga, Ge, Mn, Sn, W, and V were produced as primary products and coproducts are described (fig. 1A, E; tables 1, 2) and production compared to recent domestic consumption (tables 21, 22). Deposits described are mostly those with production ranging from percents to tens of percents or more of recent consumption. There are numerous small deposits of tungsten, antimony, fluorite, and manganese in Western States in which these critical minerals were primary products. For example, there are approximately 285 tungsten deposits and production sites in Western States (Kerr, 1946) and 184 antimony deposits in Nevada alone (Lawrence, 1963), many of which produced tens to several hundred metric tons of tungsten and antimony as primary products under war-era price supports (Limbaugh, 2006, 2010; Karl and others, 2020). These and other primary commodity deposits that individually represent very small proportions of recent consumption are not described. However, descriptions of several small critical mineral deposits are included below if they represent the few or only primary production sites (for example, Al, Bi, potash, Sn, and V).

Mineral System—Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au

Deposit type—Polymetallic Sulfide Skarn, Replacement, Vein

Arsenic (As)

Arsenic was produced for short periods during the World Wars (mostly 1918–1919 and 1943–1945) from arsenopyrite in vein and replacement deposits in the Gold Hill district, Tooele County, Utah. Production estimates vary from 24,000 to 100,000 short tons (21,820 to 90,910 metric tons [t]) of arsenic (Huntoon, 1919; EI-Shatoury and Whelan, 1970; Robinson and others, 1993; Robinson, 2006; Mills and Rupke, 2020). Small amounts of arsenic (approximately 1,504 short tons [1,367 t]) were recovered from realgar and orpiment in carbonate-replacement ores mined intermittently for gold, antimony, and arsenic at the White Caps mine, Nye County, Nev. (Williams, 1932; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984). An unquantified amount of arsenic was produced from quartz veins in Paleozoic strata in the Battle Mountain district, Lander County, Nev. (Stewart and others, 1977). Small but unquantified amounts of arsenic were recovered from speiss, a product of smelting lead-zinc-silver-gold carbonate-replacement and vein deposits in the Eureka district, Eureka County, Nev. (Roberts and others, 1967).

Annual domestic consumption of arsenic from 2016 to 2020 varied from 6,120 to 10,500 t and net imports provided 100 percent of consumption (table 21; U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], 2021). Total recorded production of arsenic from subduction-related deposits in Western States was equivalent to approximately 2.2 to 15 years of recent domestic consumption.

Bismuth (Bi)

Bismuth has been recovered mostly as a byproduct in numerous vein, skarn, and carbonate-replacement deposits in Western States that were mined primarily for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, and Au (USGS and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963; USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1969). In a few deposits bismuth apparently was a coproduct, although production statistics that include bismuth concentrations in ores are seldom available, and the economics of mining are infrequently described. Tonnages and years of production are sporadically listed in annual reports of mining companies. In the Leadville district, Lake County, Colo., carbonate and oxide ores containing 5 to 16 weight percent bismuth and approximately 1 troy ounce per short ton (31.1 grams per metric ton [g/t]) of gold were episodically mined on Breece Hill from deposits in the Lilian, Ballard, Big Six, Penn, and other mines (Henderson, 1926; Emmons and others, 1927; Tweto, 1968); bismuth may have been the primary commodity during some years of mine operation. An estimated 1,000 short tons (909 t) of bismuth carbonate minerals were shipped in 1901 for bismuth recovery, apparently to St. Louis, Missouri, and Liverpool, England. An unquantified amount of bismuth was recovered at the Arkansas Valley smelter that processed Leadville-district ores.

In the Tintic and Little and Big Cottonwood districts, Utah County and Salt Lake County, respectively, Utah, small amounts of bismuth recovered from polymetallic carbonate-replacement deposits may have been a coproduct in some ores (Hess, 1919; Kasteler and Hild, 1948; Krahulec and Briggs, 2006). At Tintic, approximately 6.24 short tons (5.67 t) of bismuth were produced from the Iron Blossom mine prior to 1938 acquisition of the mine by the Tintic Standard Mining Company (Tintic Standard Mining Company, 1938). In the Little and Big Cottonwood districts, small amounts of copper-silver-gold ore produced in 1936 contained approximately 3 percent bismuth (Alta United Mines Company, 1936).

Annual domestic consumption of bismuth from 2016 to 2020 varied from 1,400 to 2,530 t and net imports provided 94 to 96 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Total primary and coproduct production of bismuth from subduction-related deposits in Western States is unknown but likely represents a few years at most of recent domestic consumption.

Manganese (Mn)

Production of manganese in the Butte district, Silver Bow County, Mont., began in 1917 and by 1973 constituted approximately 1.85 million short tons (Mst) (1.68 Mt); manganese was largely recovered from rhodochrosite in Cu-Au-Ag-Pb-Zn vein deposits (Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955; Meyer and others, 1968; Miller, 1973) and shipped to steel mills. In the Bisbee district, Cochise County, Ariz., manganese oxides were produced during World War I (1916–1918), from 1925 to 1930, during World War II (1941–1943) (4,545 t of manganese) and in subsequent years under price supports (Farnham and others, 1961; Graeme, 1981). Production of manganese ore and concentrate containing approximately 40 percent manganese is estimated at 35,000 short tons (31,818 t) (Farnham and others, 1961). The vein-like and fissure-filling deposits occur in Paleozoic carbonate rocks (Jones and Ransome, 1920). Manganese oxide minerals were derived from weathering of rhodochrosite and rhodochrosite (Schumer, 2017). In the Globe district, Gila County, Ariz., more than 25,000 t of manganese ore and concentrate containing less than 25 to more than 38 percent manganese were produced from mines in the vicinity of the town of Globe. The manganese-oxide deposits, many containing recoverable silver, occur in faults and fracture zones in Paleozoic quartzite and diabase adjacent to Cretaceous felsic intrusions (Jones and Ransome, 1920; Farnham and others, 1961). In the adjacent Superior district, Pinal County, Ariz., approximately 35,000 t of manganese-oxide ore and concentrate containing approximately 28 percent manganese were mined from faults and replacement deposits in Paleozoic limestone and quartzite, mostly under wartime and 1950s price supports (Farnham and others, 1961). At Tombstone, Cochise County, Ariz., small tonnages of manganese-silver oxide ore were mined from near-surface, pipe-like deposits in Paleozoic and Mesozoic carbonate rocks adjacent to Cretaceous felsic intrusions (Jones and Ransome, 1920; Butler and others, 1938). Production, mostly during wartime and enabled in part by silver content, was approximately 13,000 short tons (11,818 t) grading approximately 35 percent manganese (Farnham and others, 1961).

In the Leadville district, Colo., approximately 3.2 Mt of metallurgical and flux grade (approximately 15–45 percent manganese) manganese-oxide ore and larger tonnages of lower grade manganese-iron-silver-silica (SiO2) oxide ore were mined from oxidized zones of Pb-Zn-Cu-Au-Ag replacement and vein deposits in Paleozoic carbonate rocks, in part under wartime price guarantees. These oxide ores were used locally for smelting low-grade lead-silver ores and in steel manufacturing in Pueblo, Colo., and eastern facilities (Emmons and others, 1927; Hedges, 1940; Tweto, 1968). In the Gilman district, Eagle County, Colo., 0.21 Mst (0.19 t) of manganese-oxide ore averaging 15 percent manganese were mined from the oxidized zones of Cu-Ag-Zn-Pb-Au manto and chimney replacement deposits in Paleozoic carbonate rocks (Radabaugh and others, 1968). More than 1.1 Mst (1 Mt) of manganese-oxide ore were produced from Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Au replacement, vein, and pipe-like deposits in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Pioche, Bristol, and Jackrabbit districts, Lincoln County, Nev. (Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970). In the Tintic district, Utah, approximately 735 short tons (668 t) of manganese were produced in 1931 (Chief Consolidated Mining Company, 1931), with manganese production likely in previous and subsequent years. Manganese oxide was reportedly shipped to steel mills from Tintic mines (James, 1984; Krahulec and Briggs, 2006); tonnages and years are intermittently listed in annual reports of Tintic mining companies. At Leadville, Gilman, and Pioche the manganese-oxide ores consist primarily of manganosiderite or were derived from weathering of manganosiderite; some manganese ores contained small to significant amounts of Ag, Au, Zn, Pb, Cu, and Bi. At Leadville, manganosiderite comprised “haloes” around lead-zinc sulfide deposits (Hedges, 1940). Most manganese oxides were produced in these districts under price guarantees during World War II.

Annual domestic consumption of manganese from 2016 to 2020 varied from 530,000 to 794,000 t and net imports provided 100 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). The estimated total primary and coproduct production of manganese from subduction-related deposits in Western States, for the same time period, is approximately equivalent to 20 years of recent domestic consumption, although total mined tonnages of manganese cannot be precisely calculated because some production is reported as manganese-oxide ores with unquantified or a range of manganese grades.

Vanadium (V)

At the St. Anthony mine, Mammoth district, Pinal County, Ariz., Pb, Zn, Au, V, and lesser Cu, Mo, and Ag were recovered from vein deposits in Laramide(?)-age quartz monzonite and Cenozoic rhyolite. Approximately 710 short tons (645 t) of vanadium (2,540,842 pounds of vanadium oxide) were produced from 1934 to 1944 possibly as a coproduct; vanadium occurred primarily in vanadinite. In 1938, mill concentrate contained 0.4–0.5 percent WO3; tungsten is contained in wulfenite and vanadinite (Creasey, 1950; Creasey and Pelletier, 1965). Mill tailings analyzed during World War II contained approximately 560 parts per million (ppm) vanadium (Kaiser and others, 1954), indicating that elevated concentrations of tungsten and vanadium may remain in tailings. Small amounts of vanadium in vanadate minerals were produced as byproducts from several porphyry Cu-Mo and polymetallic carbonate-replacement deposits in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and California (Fischer, 1975).

Annual domestic consumption of vanadium from 2016 to 2020 varied from 4,800 to 9,980 t and net imports provided 94 to 100 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Coproduct vanadium production from the St. Anthony mine represents less than 1 year of recent domestic consumption.

Deposit type—Skarn-Replacement-Vein (S-R-V) Tungsten

Tungsten (W)

The tungsten-skarn deposits near Bishop, Inyo County, Calif., were the largest domestic source of tungsten with production of 24,878 t of tungsten, 7,760 t of molybdenum, and 8,910 t of copper from 1916 to 1965 (Gray and others, 1968; Werner and others, 2014; table 1). Most of the approximately 6 Mt processed were produced by the Pine Creek mine where ore was extracted from five irregular bodies that averaged 0.7 percent WO3 (Dixon, 1979) and less than 1 percent molybdenum and copper. Oxide and sulfide minerals in ore included scheelite bornite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, covellite, molybdenite, powellite, and small amounts of bismuthinite which were variably concentrated in skarn consisting of garnet, pyroxene, and lesser quartz, calcite, orthoclase, idocrase, and plagioclase. Tactites formed along the contact between Early Cambrian to Late Triassic metasedimentary rocks and sills of middle Cretaceous Morgan Creek quartz monzonite (Bateman, 1956; Gray and others, 1968; Newberry, 1982; Karl and others, 2020). Scheelite was later remobilized during hydrosilicate alteration during which wollastonite and idocrase were replaced by calcite-quartz-epidote-chlorite-fluorite assemblages (Newberry, 1982). Additional attributes of the Pine Creek tungsten deposits, other tungsten deposits with relatively large production described below, and deposits with significant tungsten resources described in chapter C, are compiled in table 2.

The Springer mine (also known as Nevada-Massachusetts), Pershing County, Nev., and nearby mines produced approximately 10,810 t of tungsten from deposits in Late Triassic marine sedimentary rocks adjacent to Cretaceous granodiorite of the Springer, Uncle Sam, and Olsen stocks (Johnson, 1977; Associated Geosciences, Ltd., 2012). Average grade during production years (1918–1958) was 0.875 percent WO3. Production was episodic because of high wartime demand and intervening periods of unsupported tungsten prices. Tailings were reprocessed several times during periods of guaranteed prices. Ore occurs in masses of skarn hundreds to more than 1,000 feet (ft) (330 meters [m]) in lateral dimension and 3 to 6 ft (1–2 m) wide that consist of quartz, garnet, epidote and scheelite from which tungsten was recovered (Johnson, 1977). Later remobilization formed coarse-grained scheelite aggregates and fine- to medium-grained euhedral scheelite crystals (Associated Geosciences, Ltd., 2012). In addition to tungsten in scheelite, ore contained molybdenum and copper in molybdenite and chalcopyrite, respectively, that apparently were not recovered (McCandlish and Odell, 2012).

In the Atolia district, San Bernardino and Kern Counties, Calif., relatively high-grade, steeply dipping, scheelite-quartz-carbonate veins (3.5 to 8.5 weight percent WO3) were mined in and adjacent to the Cretaceous Atolia Quartz Monzonite intrusion. At least 6,568 t of tungsten were produced from vein ores and lesser placer deposits (Lemmon and Dorr, 1940; USBM, 1943; Bateman and Irwin, 1954; Gavryliv, 2020). Production, which included tailings reprocessing, spanned 1905–1950 and was episodic, as at other domestic tungsten mines, because of fluctuating demand and sporadic price supports.

The tungsten-skarn deposit at Browns Lake, Beaverhead County, Mont., produced 567,477 t grading 0.35 percent WO3 from 1953 to 1958 (approximately 1,432 t of tungsten) (Werner and others, 2014), and 19,200 short tons (17,455 t) grading 0.18 percent WO3 were mined from 1952 to 1956. From 1970 to 1975, approximately 12,500 short tons (11,364 t) were mined that yielded about 14 units WO3 (Stager and Tingley, 1988). The deposit is enriched in copper and molybdenum (Pattee, 1960; Karl and others, 2020), but apparently neither was recovered. Rocks that host ore are the Pennsylvanian Amsden Formation (Geach, 1972) and quartz monzonite of the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene Mount Torrey batholith (Peters, 1971). Primary oxide and sulfide minerals are scheelite, chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, and powellite (Pattee, 1960; Karl and others, 2020), and skarn minerals include garnet, limonite, specular hematite, and epidote (Peters, 1971).

Although annual domestic production and consumption of tungsten from 2016 to 2020 have not been quantified, imports for consumption varied from 11,000 to 14,450 t, and net imports provided more than 25 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). If imports for consumption approximate consumption, then tungsten production from deposits at Pine Creek, Springer, Atolia, and Browns Lake is each equivalent to approximately 2 to less than 1 year of recent domestic consumption.

Deposit type—Lithocap Alunite

Aluminum (Al) and Potash (KCl, K2SO4, KNO3)

In Utah, small amounts of high-grade alunite (approximately 0.31 Mst) were mined from vein and lesser replacement deposits in Cenozoic volcanic rocks near Marysvale (Piute, Sevier, and Beaver Counties) and at Blawn Mountain (Beaver County) where it was processed for aluminum and potash fertilizer during World Wars I and II (Thoenen, 1941; Hild, 1946; USGS and others, 1964; Hall, 1978; Lowe and others, 1985; Mills and Rupke, 2020; SOPerior Fertilizer Corp., 2021). In Nevada, three “carloads” of alunite were shipped from a lens of impure alunite in Cenozoic volcanic rocks near Boyd, Lincoln County, Nev., for use as fertilizer (Tschanz and Pampeyan, 1970; Lowe and others, 1985). At Sulfur, Humboldt County, Nev., an estimated 500 short tons (455 t) of alunite were mined from several high-angle veins (Vanderburg, 1938); small alunite resources may exist in resistant quartz-alunite knobs and ridges to the west of Sulfur. Other explored alunite deposits in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah have small to no recorded production.

Annual domestic consumption of aluminum from 2016 to 2020 varied from 2.87 to 5.68 Mt and net imports provided 13 to 59 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Annual domestic consumption of potash from 2016 to 2020 varied from 5.1 to 6.2 Mt and net imports provided 88 to 92 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Production of aluminum and potash from subduction-related alunite deposits in Western States was miniscule relative to recent consumption.

Mineral System—Porphyry Tin (Granite Related)

Deposit Type—Porphyry/Skarn

Tin (Sn)

In California, approximately 130 t of tin were recovered from quartz-tourmaline-cassiterite veins and pipes in the Temescal district (Riverside County) (Bedford and Johnson, 1946; USGS and others, 1966a). Veins are in Cretaceous hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite.

The Majuba Hill copper-(tin, silver, gold) deposit (Pershing County, Nev.) consists of breccias and veins in nested and juxtaposed Oligocene rhyolite domes and sub-volcanic intrusions with varietal textures and compositions. The rhyolites intruded Mesozoic argillite and siltstone. From 1906 to 1951, Majuba Hill area mines produced approximately 1,100 short tons (1,000 t) of copper; 184,000 troy ounces (5.7 t) of silver; 440 short tons (400 t) of lead; less than 5,253 troy ounces (0.16 t) of gold, minor zinc, and approximately 10 to 15 short tons (9.1–13.6 t) of tin. Production was primarily based on copper concentrations (chalcopyrite). Recovery of tin, which occurred in a separate deposit of cassiterite, was apparently feasible because of mine development for copper extraction (Smith and Gianella, 1942; Trites and Thurston, 1958; Wenrich and others, 1986; Bookstrom and MacKenzie, 1978; Holmwood and others, 2021), and was likely a short-lived coproduct. Elevated tin and copper concentrations of up to 95.4 and 31,800 ppm, respectively, occur among 994 soil samples adjacent to the rhyolite intrusions to the south and west, although concentrations in part may reflect windblown tailings from a dismantled recovery plant (Morris, 2017).

Minor tin deposits, with very small production relative to recent annual domestic consumption, occur in the Taylor Creek district, N. Mex., and in the Thomas Range and Wah Wah Range, Utah (Volin and others, 1947; USGS and others, 1965; Eggleston and Norman, 1986; Maxwell and others, 1986; Duffield and others, 1990, 199581).

Annual domestic consumption of tin from 2016 to 2020 varied from 32,000 to 36,800 t and net imports provided 75 to 77 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Total primary and coproduct production of tin from subduction-related deposits in Western States was miniscule relative to recent consumption.

Unclassified Magmatic-Hydrothermal Deposits

Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), and Tungsten (W)

Deposits mined for antimony are widespread in Western States (USGS and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963; USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1969). The few deposits with relatively large production (more than 100 short tons [91 t] of antimony) are mostly in Idaho, Nevada, and Utah. Numerous smaller antimony deposits were mined primarily during World War II under government price support programs.

In the Stibnite-Yellow Pine district, Valley County, Idaho, approximately 44,000 short tons (40,000 t) of antimony, approximately 1 million troy ounces (31.1 t) of gold, 2.1 million troy ounces (65.3 t) of silver, and 0.86 million units of tungsten (approximately 6,200 t) were produced from two fault zones (tens of meters wide) in Cretaceous granitic plutons of the Idaho batholith and in a pendant of late Proterozoic–early Paleozoic siliciclastic and carbonate strata. Largely cospatial and juxtaposed deposits of gold, silver, antimony, and tungsten in the Meadow Creek fault zone represent several hydrothermal events in which stibnite, the source of recovered antimony, is among the youngest epigenetic minerals. Stibnite and other recovered commodities (gold and silver minerals, scheelite) occur with quartz, potassium-feldspar, muscovite, and carbonate minerals in breccia fragments, breccia matrices, and veins that comprise the Meadow Creek fault zone (Perpetua Resources, 2021; Vikre and others, in press).

In Nevada, the fifteen deposits which each produced 100 or more short tons (91 or more t) of antimony (reported production varies somewhat by source) are mostly in the Humboldt, South Humboldt, Trinity, and Clan Alpine ranges in Pershing, Churchill, and Lander Counties. The deposits occur in Mesozoic limestone, calcareous shale, and lesser siliciclastic and volcanic rocks; some are in or adjacent to Cretaceous granitic intrusions (Lawrence, 1963; Johnson, 1977; Vikre, 1977). The antimony-only vein deposits of the Humboldt Range and South Humboldt Range include the Bloody Canyon mine which produced approximately 1,200 short tons (1,090 t) of antimony (Lawrence, 1963) (100 short tons [91 t] according to Lowe and others, 1985). Mined veins were up to 10 ft (3 m) wide, consist primarily of quartz, stibnite, and lesser pyrite, and occur in Early Triassic rhyolites of the Koipato Group (Vikre, 1977, 2014). Several hundred to more than 1,000 short tons of antimony recovered from other vein deposits in these ranges occur in Triassic and Jurassic carbonate and siliciclastic strata (Lowe and others, 1985). The largest of these deposits, the Sutherland mine, produced 1,542 short tons (1,402 t) of antimony (Lowe and others, 1985). The broadly elliptical distribution and ages of antimony, mercury, tungsten, and gold deposits in the Humboldt Range have been attributed to thermal zoning around Cretaceous intrusions (Vikre and McKee, 1985; Vikre, 2014). Antimony was likely a coproduct in contact deposits adjacent to granitic intrusions (for example, Arabia district) from which appreciable silver and lead were recovered. The cluster of quartz-stibnite-sulfide vein deposits mined for antimony in the Bernice Canyon area (Churchill County), with production of tens to more than 100 short tons (91 t) of antimony, are also in Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, some near highly altered dikes. The Bray-Beulah and Antimony King mines in the Toiyabe Range (Lander County) produced more than 908 and 450 short tons (825 and 409 t) of antimony, respectively, from quartz-stibnite veins in Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks (Lawrence, 1963; Lowe and others, 1985). In all deposits antimony was recovered mostly from stibnite and antimony-oxide minerals formed by weathering; minor amounts of antimony were recovered from Pb-Sb-Fe-Ag-S minerals.

In the Coyote (Antimony) district, Piute County, Utah, antimony was recovered from horizontal lenses consisting of fractured sandstone, veins, and small masses of stibnite and antimony oxides within a sequence of Paleocene conglomerate, sandstone, and shale exposed in Antimony Canyon (Traver, 1949; USGS and others, 1964; Callaghan, 1973; Mills and Rupke, 2020). The extent of stopes and mine dumps implies modest production, but tonnages have not been published. Using an estimated value of production ($100,000) (Traver, 1949) and an average price of antimony from 1900 to 1920 ($0.115 per pound [lb]) (Carlin, 2013), approximately 395 t of antimony were produced.

At the White Caps mine, Nye County, Nev., gold, antimony, and arsenic were recovered from pipe-like and stratiform replacement deposits consisting of quartz, calcite, fine-grained gold, stibnite, realgar, orpiment, and other sulfide minerals; deposits are mostly in the Cambrian White Caps Limestone Member of the Gold Hill Formation (Kral, 1951; Lawrence, 1963; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984). Apparently, no igneous rocks occur in the immediate vicinity of the deposits. Gold, antimony, and arsenic were produced both simultaneously and separately from approximately 1912 through at least 1967. Simultaneous production from 1931 to 1940 was approximately 34,000 short tons (30,909 t) with estimated average gold grade between 1 and 2 troy ounces per short ton (32 and 54 g/t), antimony between 1 and 2 weight percent, and arsenic between 2 and 3 weight percent (Williams, 1932). An earlier shipment (circa 1920) of arsenic-gold ore contained approximately 335 short tons (305 t) of arsenic (Kral, 1951). Small amounts of ore cumulatively containing several tens of short tons antimony were shipped to smelters and processing facilities until 1958 (Lawrence, 1963). Total ore production to 1967 was approximately 152,000 short tons (138,182 t) and included approximately 142 short tons (129 t) of antimony and approximately 1,504 short tons (1,367 t) of arsenic, presumably all produced from the White Caps mine (Williams, 1932; Couch and Carpenter, 1943; Kleinhampl and Ziony, 1984).

Annual domestic consumption of antimony from 2016 to 2020 varied from 22,000 to 27,700 t and net imports provided 81 to 84 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Total primary and coproduct production of antimony from the largest deposits in Western States relative to recent domestic consumption cannot be calculated because of incomplete records but may be approximately equivalent to 2 to 5 years of recent annual consumption (table 22). Tungsten produced in the Yellow Pine district during World War II, and arsenic produced from the White Caps mine, represent about one half year and several months, respectively, of recent consumption.

Beryllium (Be)

At the Spor Mountain mine, Juab County, Utah, beryllium occurs in Paleozoic carbonate clasts (~25 mega-annum [Ma]); the clasts have been replaced by bertrandite (Be4Si2O7(OH)2), fluorite, calcite, and silica. Beryllium is thought to have been sourced by hydrothermal leaching of volcanic glass in overlying topaz rhyolite. Pegmatite and non-pegmatite beryllium deposits occur near and west of the Spor Mountain mine (Mills and Rupke, 2020). Annual production of beryllium since 1970 has varied from approximately 65 to 260 short tons (59 to 236 t) (Mills and Rupke, 2020). Annual domestic consumption of beryllium from 2016 to 2020 varied from 179 to 202 t and net imports provided 4 to 18 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). The annual beryllium production of the Spor Mountain mine is broadly equivalent to annual domestic consumption.

Fluorite (CaF2)

Fluorite has been mined in numerous Western States from widely distributed vein, breccia, and carbonate-replacement deposits (USGS and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963; USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1969). Most deposits produced hundreds to several tens of thousands of short tons of fluorite ore in three grades (acid [more than 97 percent fluorite], flux, and metallurgical [60–85 percent fluorite]); a few had larger production. Some deposits contained small amounts of beryllium and REE.

In Nevada, fluorite was recovered from many vein, breccia, and replacement deposits, two of which produced more than 100,000 short tons (90,909 t) of fluorite. At the Daisy mine (Nye County) approximately 200,000 short tons (181,818 t) of fluorite were produced from replacement deposits in low-calcium dolomite with no megascopic alteration. Minor montmorillonite occurred with fluorite, most of which was hand-sorted to acid-grade (≤1.5 weight percent silica and other impurities). At the Baxter mine (Mineral County) approximately 182,000 short tons (165,455 t) of fluorite were produced from veins and a fault zone in Cenozoic andesite and tuff weakly altered to quartz, montmorillonite, and lesser sericite (Papke, 1979).

In Utah, approximately 350,000 short tons (319,182 t) of 60- to 90-percent fluorite ore, some containing beryllium, have been produced in the Spor Mountain district from breccia pipes and lesser vein and disseminated deposits in Paleozoic dolomites. The largest single producer at approximately 110,000 short tons (100,000 t) is the Lost Sheep mine where fluorite was mined from pipe-like replacement deposits; new production commenced in 2018 (Bullock, 1976, 1981; Mills and Rupke, 2020; Ares Strategic Mining, Inc., 2021).

In New Mexico, fluorite was mined from many vein, breccia, and replacement deposits in Cenozoic igneous and eruptive rocks, in Precambrian granitic rocks, and in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Deposits in Precambrian rocks are spatially associated with Cretaceous and Tertiary intrusions. Production of nearly all individual deposits is tens to tens of thousands of short tons. Deposits in the Zuni Mountains (Valencia County) produced approximately 182,000 short tons (165,455 t) of “crude fluorspar ore,” most of which was recovered from vein deposits in Precambrian granitic rocks (No. 21 and No. 27 mines; McAnulty, 1978).

In Colorado, approximately 190,000 short tons (172,727 t) of fluorite were produced from the Wagon Wheel Gap mine (Mineral County) from 1913 to 1948 (Steven, 1968; Steven and Lipman, 1973). The deposit consists of veins and fluorite-filled fractures in Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Creede caldera and also contains pyrite, quartz, barite, calcite, and halloysite.

Annual domestic consumption of fluorite from 2016 to 2020 varied from 368,000 to 450,000 t, and imports provided 100 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Total primary production of fluorite from fluorite deposits in Western States cannot be precisely calculated because some production is reported as fluorspar ore with unquantified grades. Recorded production is apparently equivalent to a few years at most of annual domestic consumption.

Germanium (Ge) and Gallium (Ga)

The Apex mine, Washington County, Utah, produced approximately 7,000 t of copper, 400 t of lead, 180,000 troy ounces (5.6 t) of silver, and minor zinc and gold (Bernstein, 1986; Foster, 1991) under two operators between 1884 and 1992. From 1985 through the early 1990s, the mine also produced germanium and gallium which occur at grades of 0.5 to 0.7 weight percent in aggregates of iron and copper oxide, carbonate, and sulfate minerals. Most germanium was recovered from goethite and most gallium from jarosite. The germanium-gallium ore remained from earlier mining of copper-lead-silver-oxide minerals in chimney-like deposits within subparallel fault zones in Pennsylvanian Callville Limestone (Bernstein, 1986). Remnant pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite suggest germanium and gallium were enriched by weathering of these and possibly other sulfide minerals. Deposit characteristics (host rock, form, and mineralogy) are similar to intrusion-related carbonate-replacement deposits, although nearby igneous rocks have not been described. Alternatively, the deposit has been interpreted as a solution-collapse breccia pipe (Wenrich and Verbeek, 2014).

Annual domestic consumption of germanium from 2016 to 2020 is estimated at 30 t, and imports provided more than 50 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Annual domestic consumption of gallium from 2016 to 2020 varied from 14.9 to 17.9 t, and imports provided 100 percent of consumption (table 21; USGS, 2021). Because germanium and gallium production from the Apex mine has not been reported, it cannot be compared to annual domestic consumption.

Photograph showing marketed forms of high-purity critical minerals bismuth, zinc,
                              and tin.

Photograph showing marketed forms of high-purity critical minerals bismuth, zinc, and tin.

Chapter B. Byproduct Production of Critical Minerals

Deposits in which the critical minerals Sb, As, Bi, fluorite, Mn, Ni, Nb, platinum-group elements (PGE [Pd, Pt]), Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, and V were produced as byproducts are listed on table 1 and shown on figure 1A. Most have been recovered where economically feasible from deposits in which Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, and Ag were the primary and coproduct commodities. Byproduct commodity recovery was enabled by (1) elevated concentrations in Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag ores, (2) available recovery techniques, (3) existing world markets, and (4) processing capacity. Processes that recover copper and molybdenum from the large masses of porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposit ores mined daily (tens of thousands of metric tons [t]) simultaneously concentrate by factors of 103 or more some chalcophile and siderophile elements (including Sb, As, Bi, Ni, PGE, Re, and Te) with very low concentrations in ores.

Mineral System—Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au

Deposit type—Porphyry/skarn Copper

Antimony (Sb), Bismuth (Bi), Nickel (Ni), Platinum-Group Elements (PGE), Rhenium (Re), and Tellurium (Te)

Small but mostly unquantified amounts of Sb, Bi, In, Ni, PGE, Re, and Te have been recovered during refining of ores from porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and other Western States (Eiler, 1913; Hess, 1919; Hose and others, 1976; Parker, 1978; Phillips, 1980; Foster, 1991; Peterson, 1993; chap. C). The critical minerals Sb, Bi, In, Ni, PGE, and Te have been episodically recovered at copper refineries in Amarillo and El Paso, Texas; Magna, Utah; Miami, Arizona; and Great Falls, Montana (Foster, 1991). Rhenium is currently recovered at molybdenum processing facilities in Arizona and other locations. Tellurium has been recently sold by the copper refinery in Amarillo (ASARCO, 2021), and annual tellurium recovery of 20 t is planned for Magna (Rio Tinto, 2021a). Tellurium and other critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, Co, Ge, In, Ni, and Sn) also have been episodically recovered at lead and zinc refineries in numerous States (including Utah, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas, and Tennessee); nearly all the refineries that were in operation in the 1970s and 1980s (Parker, 1979; Foster, 1991) are shuttered or demolished.

In addition to the large production of copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver from deposits that comprise the Bingham Canyon porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, PGE (Pd, Pt), rhenium, and tellurium have been episodically produced (John and Taylor, 2016; Nexhip, 2016; Krahulec, 2018; Rio Tinto, 2021b). These byproducts were recovered at the nearby refinery in Magna, Salt Lake County, Utah, other earlier facilities (Garfield copper refinery), and offsite, although production data for PGE, rhenium, and tellurium have not been routinely published. The Bingham porphyry Cu-Mo deposits include the Bingham porphyry Cu-Mo deposit (Bingham Canyon mine), Ag-Pb-Zn carbonate replacement deposits (Lark and U.S. mines), Cu-Au skarn deposits (Highland Boy and Carr Fork mines and North Rim skarn) (Cameron and Garmoe, 1987), copper-rich massive sulfide, manto-like siliceous replacement deposits, polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Au) veins (Tomlinson and others, 2021), and distal disseminated silver deposits (Barneys Canyon and Melco mines) (Presnell and Parry, 1996; Gunter and Austin, 1997). PGE, rhenium, and tellurium, recovered in recent decades as world markets developed and expanded, were apparently derived from the porphyry Cu-Mo deposit as the carbonate-replacement, skarn, vein, and distal disseminated deposits have not been mined since 2001. At Magna, these critical minerals are mostly concentrated in electrorefining slimes. Approximately 1 short ton per year rhenium is recovered from smelter gases (Nexhip, 2016).

Compared to other porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, the sites, distribution, and concentrations of PGE, rhenium, and tellurium in the Bingham porphyry Cu-Mo deposit are relatively well-documented. Whole-rock samples, including those with more than 2,000 parts per million (ppm) copper and 0.13 to 0.14 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold, average 8 to 12 parts per billion (ppb) palladium and 2 ppb platinum (Kocher, 2017; Sinclair and Jonasson, 2020), concentrations that are comparable to the palladium-platinum contents of unaltered mafic alkaline rocks in the Bingham district (Maughan and others, 2002). PGE are recovered from tellurides in refinery slimes (Nexhip, 2016).

Tellurium contents of copper-iron (Cu-Fe) sulfide minerals analyzed by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy are mostly less than 10 ppm (Brodbeck and others, 2020). Whole-rock tellurium concentrations averaging 4.8 ppm in Cu-Mo ore and 0.1 ppm in molybdenum-only ore are reported by Austin and Ballantyne (2010). Tellurium mostly occurs in telluride inclusions in, or intergrown with, sulfide minerals (Ballantyne and others, 1997; Kocher, 2017; Brodbeck and others, 2020). Telluride minerals in Cu-Mo ores include, in addition to hessite (Ag2Te), wehrlite (Bi3Te2) in Cu-Fe sulfide minerals and merenskyite (Pd2Te) in molybdenite.

Rhenium concentrations in molybdenite in porphyry Cu-Mo ore, which range from less than 10 to 2,000 ppm (Giles and Schilling, 1972; John and Taylor, 2016; Kocher, 2017), correlate with the abundance and type of molybdenite (Austin and Ballantyne, 2010; Kocher, 2017). Disseminated molybdenite and molybdenite in early, deep, and more centrally located quartz veins generally have lower rhenium contents than molybdenite in later, shallower, and more distal quartz veins (Kocher, 2017).

Production of byproduct nickel, PGE, rhenium, and tellurium from Bingham and other porphyry Cu-Mo deposits has not been routinely published and only compiled occasionally in refinery surveys (for example, Foster, 1991; Wang, 2011). Inventories of nickel, PGE, rhenium, tellurium, and other critical minerals in the Bingham and other porphyry Cu-Mo systems, determined from drill holes, mineral domains in mines, and compositions of anode copper in refineries, are described and compared in chapter C.

Deposit type—Polymetallic Sulfide Skarn, Replacement, Vein

Antimony (Sb)

In the Tintic district, Utah, an unquantified amount of antimony was reportedly recovered during processing of complex Pb-Zn-Cu-Au-Ag carbonate-replacement ores (James, 1984).

Arsenic (As)

In the Butte district, Mont., approximately 150,117 short tons (136,470 t) of arsenic compounds were recovered mostly from vein ores mined from 1880 to 1964 for Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, and Mn (primary and coproducts; Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955; Meyer and others, 1968). Arsenic production at Butte, which began in 1921, represents approximately 14 to 25 years of recent annual domestic consumption (2016–2020) (table 21).

Bismuth (Bi)

Bismuth has been recovered as a byproduct in numerous skarn, replacement, and vein deposits in Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada that were mined primarily for Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag (USGS and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1963; USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1969; table 1).

In the Butte district, Mont. approximately 2,021 short tons (1,887 t) of bismuth were recovered from vein ores mined for Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, and Mn (Meyer and others, 1968; Miller, 1973); bismuth recovery apparently began during World War II (Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955). At the Victoria mine, Elko County, Nev., approximately 8,000 short tons (4,545 t) of copper and approximately 40,000 troy ounces (1.2 t) of silver were produced between 1975 and 1981 from a breccia pipe in Permian limestone and sandstone adjacent to a Late Jurassic quartz monzonite intrusion (Atkinson and others, 1982; Lowe and others, 1985; Lapointe, and others, 1991). The initial reserve of 3.45 million short tons (Mst) (3.14 Mt) grading 2.45 weight percent copper and approximately 0.6 troy ounces of silver per short ton (19.2 g/t), also contained 0.05 weight percent bismuth. Based on largely cospatial elevated concentrations of copper (chalcopyrite) and bismuth (bismuthinite) (figs. 14, 15 in Atkinson and others, 1982), copper concentrates may have contained 1,725 short tons (1,568 t) of bismuth. This bismuth could have been recovered at the Kennecott copper refinery in McGill, Nev., and (or) the Anaconda copper refinery in Great Falls, Mont. (both since demolished), or remain in tailings, slag, and slimes discarded at those sites. At Victoria, bismuth sulfide minerals (bismuthinite; wittichenite [Cu3BiS3]) are present in dump rocks.

Byproduct production of bismuth from Butte district mines, the Victoria mine, and other domestic deposits is incompletely known. Combined primary, coproduct (chap. A), and byproduct production of bismuth in Western States apparently represents at most a few years of recent domestic consumption (table 21).

Gallium (Ga), Indium (In), Nickel (Ni), Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), Tin (Sn), and Vanadium (V)

Unquantified amounts of Ga, In, Ni (Ni sulfate), PGE, Sn, and V, in addition to As, Bi, Mn, and Te, were episodically produced during the vein mining era in the Butte district, Mont. The earliest reported recovery of these critical mineral commodities was 1926, with annual recovery reported during and after World War II (1941–1951) (Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955). It is unknown if these commodities were derived from Butte district ores, tolled ores and concentrate, or both, as 15 percent or more of copper produced from 1915 to 1955 was derived from external sources. The large nickel-sulfate production (for example, 200,600 short tons [182,364 t] in 1932 and 145,935 short tons [132,668 t] in 1937) and chromium and vanadium production during World War II (Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955) suggest nickel, chromium, and other critical minerals were recovered from external ores (outside of the Butte district), in part because of wartime demand.

Manganese (Mn)

The relatively large carbonate-replacement and vein deposits that produced thousands to more than 1 million short tons (909,090 t) of manganese as primary and coproducts (Butte, Mont.; Bisbee, Ariz.; Leadville and Gilman, Colo.; Pioche, Nev.; and Tintic, Utah, districts) are described above in chapter A. Lesser amounts of manganese (relative to annual domestic consumption) have been recovered from numerous smaller Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag replacement and vein deposits as byproducts (Butler and others, 1938; USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1966a; Mills and Rupke, 2020). In many magmatic-hydrothermal deposits, manganese, a historically low-unit-value commodity, was produced where it had been enriched by weathering of carbonate minerals or under wartime price supports.

Tellurium (Te)

In the Butte district, Mont., approximately 119 short tons (108 t) of tellurium were recovered from vein ores mined for Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, and Mn (Meyer and others, 1968; Miller, 1973). This production represents approximately 1.2 years of recent consumption (table 21).

Tungsten (W)

Some skarn, replacement, and vein deposits mined for Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag contained enough tungsten, as scheelite and wolframite, for recovery. This coproduct and byproduct tungsten production was invariably smaller than production from deposits in which tungsten was the principal commodity, the largest of which are described in chapter A (USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1964; USGS and others, 1964, 1965, 1966a; Mills and Rupke, 2020).

Photograph showing a souvenir copper cathode, ASARCO Copper Refinery, Amarillo, Texas.

Photograph showing a souvenir copper cathode, ASARCO Copper Refinery, Amarillo, Texas.

Chapter C. Inventories, Reserves, and Resources of Critical Minerals in Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum-Gold (Cu-Mo-Au) and Other Mineral Systems

In this chapter, mine reserves and unmined resources in porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits and in deposits of other mineral systems that could contain significant resources of Al, Sb, As, Bi, Co, fluorite, Ge, In, Mn, Ni, Nb, platinum-group elements (PGE [Pd, Pt]), potash, Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, and V are described. Inventories are quantified where critical mineral concentrations and reserve and resource tonnages have been measured or estimated, mainly from drill holes, and semi-quantified from mine site and exploration drill hole analyses and copper refinery records (fig. 1AE; tables 315). Some chalcophile and siderophile critical minerals have been episodically recovered as byproducts from refinery slimes and electrolyte (Cu2SO4 and H2SO4) generated during processing of copper ores from large tonnage (hundreds to more than 1 billion short tons [Gst] or 0.91 billion metric tons [Gt]) porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (for example, Sb, Bi, In, Ni, PGE, Re, and Te; described in chap. B); these and other critical minerals also have been historically discarded because of low to no demand or unprofitable recovery. During copper refining Sb, As, Bi, Ni, PGE, Te, and possibly other critical minerals are concentrated in tank house slimes that remain from electrorefining copper anodes to copper cathodes, the marketable form of copper. Concentrations of these elements are monitored for quality control of cathodes and marketability (tables 911). Calculated inventories of critical minerals in reserves and resources based on concentrations in processing streams of copper refineries are also described below.

For other deposit types, including skarn-replacement-vein tungsten, lithocap alunite, and unclassified magmatic-hydrothermal deposits, inventories of critical minerals are based on analyses of drill hole intervals and mine and metallurgical samples (figs. 46; tables 38). Many critical mineral concentrations are included in multi-element analyses, determined within the past two decades, for exploration and mine-expansion drill holes, in part from conserved cores of holes drilled prior to 2000. Some critical mineral concentrations have been published; others are, or were, available on websites, as referenced. Small known and suspected resources, including mine dumps and mill tailings, are described for several mineral commodities that occur in few domestic deposits as primary products and coproducts or are heavily imported (for example, Bi, Te, and Sn).

Figure 4. Four plots of average mineral concentrations in thirteen deposits and resources.
Figure 4.

Plots of average concentrations of primary products, coproducts, and byproducts (Cu, Mo, Au, Ag, and Re) and selected critical minerals in groups of domestic porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits and resources (thin line unshaded enclosures), based on averages of drill core intervals and mineral domains (tables 38), compared to crustal abundances (gray rectangles). In most deposits copper is the primary product; in some molybdenum and other elements, including gold, silver, and rhenium, where recovered, are coproducts and byproducts. A, Cu, Mo, Au, Ag, and Re. B, W, Sb, As, Bi, and Te. C, Ge, In, and Sn. D, Ga, Ni, V, and Mn. Crustal abundances from Haynes (2016). Deposits and resources in Arizona are grouped to disguise proprietary data. ppm, parts per million.

Figure 5. Two plots of mineral inventory and consumption from five deposits, one plot
                     of element concentrations, and one plot comparing rhenium and molybdenum concentrations.
Figure 5.

Plots of inventories, consumption, and concentrations of critical minerals in porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits. Inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Sn, Te, and W (A) and Ge, In, and Re (B) in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (porphyry, breccia, and replacement tonnages and domains) in Alaska, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada based on drill holes (tables 38) and published sources, compared to average annual domestic consumption of recent years (2016-2020). C, Element concentrations in drill hole intervals used to define the CuMo Cu-Mo resource (tables 38), Idaho, relative to crustal abundances. D, Comparison of molybdenum concentrations and rhenium concentrations in intervals of drill holes in the CuMo resource (tables 38). Limitations of calculated inventories are described in the text.

Figure 6. Five plots of mineral concentrations comparing operating and shuttered or
                     demolished refineries, one plot of refinery slimes, and a diagram of mineral partitioning.
Figure 6.

Plots of concentrations of critical minerals in anode copper in operating and shuttered or demolished refineries and in tank house slimes and partitioning of critical minerals during copper processing. A, Ag, Au, Te, As, Sb, Bi, and Ni concentrations in anode copper in operating refineries (2021). B, Ag, Au, Te, As, Sb, Bi, and Ni concentrations in anode copper in shuttered or demolished refineries. C, Cu, Ag, Au, Se, Te, Bi, Pb, Fe, Ni, As, and Sb concentrations ranges in tank house slimes from Amarillo and El Paso, Texas; Magna, Utah; White Pine, Michigan; and Miami and San Manuel, Arizona, refineries (table 11). D, Diagram showing partitioning of critical minerals (CM) during mining and processing of copper-(molybdenum) ores for copper, molybdenum, rhenium, and tellurium recovery (marketed critical minerals). Gold and silver have been routinely recovered from electrorefinery slimes for marketing.

Concentrations and Inventories of Critical Minerals in Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits Systems Based on Drill Holes and Mineral Zones

Mineral System—Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au

Deposit type—Porphyry/Skarn Copper

Drill holes used to define reserves and resources of large tonnage, unmined porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and associated replacement, skarn, vein, and breccia deposits in Alaska, Arizona, and Idaho, have been analyzed for numerous elements in addition to the primary, coproduct, and byproduct commodities copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver. Analyses of approximately 19,000 core hole intervals in the Pebble, Alaska; Red Mountain and Sunnyside, Ariz.; and CuMo, Idaho, porphyry deposits, and in the Ventura molybdenum-copper (Mo-Cu) breccia deposit, Ariz., were obtained from websites and provided by coauthors and associates (tables 38). Inventories of critical minerals in these deposits were calculated using reserve and resource tonnages, where published or estimated, and average concentrations in drill holes. The calculated inventories (critical mineral metric tons) were obtained by multiplying reserve and resource tonnages by critical mineral concentrations. Concentrations of critical minerals in mineral zones of the porphyry Cu-Mo deposit at Bingham, Utah, were used to estimate inventories in reserves and resources for which tonnages have been publicized. Analyses of drill hole and mine samples from the Yerington, Nevada, copper district are relatively limited in number and provide qualified inventories of several critical minerals (figs. 68; tables 38, 1215).

Figure 7. Two plots of mineral inventories from six refineries and resources.
Figure 7.

Plots of predicted and unrecovered inventories of critical minerals in refineries and resources. A, Annual predicted inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Ni, Sn, and Te in anode copper in copper refineries (1986–2018) (tables 915) and recent annual domestic consumption (2016-2020). B, Comparison of predicted Sb, As, Ni, and Te inventories in resources and reserves of the Bingham porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposit, calculated from concentrations in mineral domains to inventories in anode copper of the captive Magna copper refinery (tables 915).

Figure 8. Eight plots of mineral concentrations in twelve deposits.
Figure 8.

Average concentrations of primary products, coproducts, and selected critical minerals in domestic copper-(molybdenum) deposits and associated replacement and vein deposits, based on average concentrations of archival specimens and collection samples (tables 1619), compared to crustal abundances (gray rectangles). In most deposits Cu, Mo, Zn, and Pb are primary and coproducts and Au and Ag, where recovered, were byproducts. A, Cu, Mo, Ag, Zn, and Pb in mineralized porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits. B, Cu, Mo, Ag, Zn, and Pb in replacement and vein deposits, where distinguishable from descriptions in datasets. C, Sb, As, Bi, Te, and W in mineralized porphyry deposits. D, Sb, As, Bi, Te, and W in replacement and vein deposits, where distinguishable from descriptions in datasets. E, Sn, Ge, and In in mineralized porphyry deposits. F, Sn, Ge, and In in replacement and vein deposits, where distinguishable from descriptions in datasets. G, Ni, V, Rb, and Nb in mineralized porphyry deposits. H, Ni, V, Rb, and Nb in replacement and vein deposits, where distinguishable from descriptions in datasets.

Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Bismuth (Bi), Germanium (Ge), Indium (In), Platinum-Group Elements (PGE), Rhenium (Re), Tin (Sn), Tellurium (Te), and Tungsten (W)

Concentrations of critical minerals in the unmined Pebble, Alaska, porphyry Cu-Mo deposit are included in multi-element analyses of drill holes used to define a reserve (figs. 4AD, 6; table 5; Granitto and others, 2020, 2021). The Pebble deposit consists of 7.51 Gt grading 0.416 weight percent copper, 0.024 weight percent molybdenum, and 0.33 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold that comprise the coeval West and East zones. The near-surface West zone (0–500 m depth) consists of mineralized approximately 90 mega-annum (Ma) granodiorite, sedimentary rocks, and other igneous intrusions and breccias. The deeper and higher-grade East zone extends to 1,700-m depth. Deposits are associated with numerous alteration types including sodic-calcic, potassic, sodic-potassic, illitic, advanced argillic, quartz-sericite-pyrite, and propylitic. Ore minerals include chalcocite/digenite/covellite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and gold (Lang and others, 2013; U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], 2013a). Inventories of thousands to more than 300,000 metric tons (t) of Sb, As, Bi, Sn, and W occur in the deposit based on bulk analysis of drill hole intervals and the reserve tonnage (figs. 4, 6; table 5). Concentrations of other critical minerals in ores and some sulfide minerals have been determined. Combined concentrations of palladium and platinum (Pd+Pt) in ore of approximately 7 ppb are reported by Sinclair and Jonasson (2014, 2020). Pyrite in propylitically altered rocks contains up to 3 parts per million (ppm) palladium. The average rhenium concentration in molybdenite is 906 ppm (Lang and others, 2013; USGS, 2013a).

Resources of the unmined Red Mountain porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, Santa Cruz County, Ariz. (figs. 1, 4AD, 5, 6; tables 3, 1215), include 100 to 150 million short tons (Mst) (90.9–136.4 million metric tons [Mt]) grading 0.31 weight percent copper and 0.02 weight percent molybdenum that comprise a near-surface chalcocite-enargite deposit, and approximately 435 Mst (395 Mt) grading more than 0.6 weight percent copper, 0.01 weight percent molybdenum, and more than 0.1 troy ounce per ton silver that comprise a deep chalcopyrite-bornite deposit. Mineralized rocks of the deposits are centered on 62 Ma granodiorite and include 73 to 68 Ma volcanic rocks (rhyolite, trachyandesite, and biotite latite; Vikre and others, 2014). Elevated concentrations of tellurium (up to 3 ppm) and arsenic (several hundred ppm), and slightly elevated concentrations of tungsten (tens of ppm) occur in and above the deep chalcopyrite-bornite deposit, based on analyses of drill hole and surface rock and soil samples (Chaffee, 2019). The greatest tellurium and some of the greatest arsenic concentrations correspond spatially to a near-surface zone of quartz-alunite-kaolinite-pyrophyllite-altered rocks that includes the chalcocite-enargite deposit. Other elevated arsenic concentrations are partly cospatial with the deep chalcopyrite-bornite deposit. Most concentrations were determined by semi-quantitative emission spectrography and reflect generalized distributions of elements. However, because of the large deposit tonnage, elevated concentrations of arsenic, tellurium, tungsten, and other critical minerals present in low concentrations that spatially coincide with ore-grade copper concentrations comprise large inventories that are possibly recoverable if the deposits are mined for copper (fig. 4AD). Inventories of thousands to more than 10,000 t of antimony, arsenic, tellurium, and tungsten in the entire deposit (near-surface chalcocite-enargite and deep chalcopyrite-bornite) were calculated from drill hole intervals and published resources (figs. 4, 6; tables 3, 1215).

Elevated concentrations of bismuth, germanium, indium, and tellurium occur with calc-silicate and copper-lead-zinc-silver sulfide minerals in Paleozoic and Mesozoic carbonate rocks adjacent to the unmined Sunnyside porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (Santa Cruz County, Ariz.; figs. 1, 4AD, 5, 6; tables 3, 1215; Granitto and others, 2021), approximately 4 km (2.5 mi) south of the Red Mountain porphyry Cu-Mo deposit. Much lower concentrations, but large inventories of these and other critical minerals occur in two 61 to 59 Ma porphyry deposits. Resources in porphyry deposits include approximately 800 Mst (727 Mt) grading 0.175 weight percent copper, 0.011 weight percent molybdenum, 0.23 troy ounces of silver per short ton, and small amounts of lead and zinc that comprise a near-surface chalcocite-enargite-tennantite deposit, and approximately 1.5 Gst (1.4 Gt) grading 0.33 weight percent copper, 0.011 weight percent molybdenum, and 0.16 troy ounces of silver per short ton that comprise a deep chalcopyrite deposit (Turner, 2012, 2017; Vikre and others, 2014). A resource for the zinc-lead-silver-copper sulfide deposit in carbonate rocks has not been determined. Vertical thicknesses of mineralized drill hole intercepts (up to 300 ft [91 m]; table 3) imply tens of millions of short tons. Drill hole intercepts average 1.9 weight percent Pb, 9.6 weight percent Zn, 231 ppm Ag, 0.55 weight percent Cu, 624 ppm Bi, 3.7 ppm Ge, 5.6 ppm In, and 29.8 ppm Te. Significant inventories of bismuth, germanium, indium, and tellurium may reside in this skarn/replacement deposit. A zinc-lead-silver-manganese resource in the same strata east of Sunnyside has been identified by drill holes in the vicinity of the Hardshell, Alta, and Hermosa mines (South32 Limited, 2021). This resource, approximately 33 Mt grading 2.3 to 3.4 weight percent zinc, 3.7 weight percent lead, 69 to 78 g/t silver, and 9.1 weight percent manganese, contains elevated concentrations of arsenic and antimony (table 4) that may be recoverable. Calculated inventories of critical minerals in the Sunnyside and Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa resources (figs. 4, 6; tables 3, 4, 1215) largely correlate in mass with tonnage estimates of the resources. Inventories of more than 1,000 to more than 100,000 t of Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Re, Sn, and W were calculated for the near-surface chalcocite-enargite-tennantite and deep chalcopyrite deposits from drill hole intervals. Inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Re, Te, Sn, and W (mostly tens to a few thousand metric tons) were calculated from drill holes in the sulfide deposit in carbonate rocks and for the Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa resource. The relatively small inventories of critical minerals in carbonate rocks correlate with estimated deposit sizes of 20 and 33 Mt, respectively (figs. 4, 6; tables 3, 4, 1215).

The unmined Ventura Mo-Cu breccia deposit, approximately 1.6 km (1 mi) west of the Sunnyside deposits (figs. 1, 4AD, 5, 6; tables 4, 1215; Granitto and others, 2021), consists of approximately 3.6 Mst (3.3 Mt) grading 0.24 weight percent molybdenum and 0.24 weight percent copper. Mineralized rocks include fragments of Jurassic granite and lesser Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks cemented by coarse-grained matrices of quartz, biotite, muscovite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, and kaolinite (Vikre and others, 2014). Inventories of tens to hundreds of metric tons of Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Sn, and W, calculated from drill hole intervals, are relatively small because of small deposit tonnage.

Concentrations of numerous critical minerals in the CuMo porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Boise County, Idaho (figs. 1, 4AD, 5, 6; tables 6, 7), are included in multi-element analyses of drill holes used to define resources. Measured and indicated resources are 2.27 Gst (2.06 Gt; at $5 copper value cutoff) grading 0.08 weight percent copper, approximately 0.045 weight percent molybdenum, and 0.07 troy ounces of silver per short ton (approximately 2.4 ppm) (SRK Consulting, 2020). The deposit consists of copper-molybdenum-silver mineralized veins, fractures, and stockwork veins, ranging from millimeters to tens of centimeters wide, in Cenozoic quartz monzonite and rhyolite porphyry that intruded granitic rocks of the Idaho batholith (~95 to 70 Ma). Copper occurs primarily in chalcopyrite, molybdenum in molybdenite, and the critical minerals rhenium in molybdenite, tungsten in scheelite, and gallium in gallite (CuGaS2) (Hilscher and Dykes, 2018). Hydrothermal biotite and chlorite-epidote-magnetite-(pyrite) alteration assemblages are associated with earlier and shallower chalcopyrite, whereas mostly deeper molybdenite and scheelite are associated with potassium-feldspar alteration (potassium-feldspar and hydrothermal biotite). Late chlorite-smectite-calcite-(kaolinite) alteration is distributed throughout the deposit. Scheelite is largely cospatial with molybdenite. Somewhat elevated concentrations of tungsten, rhenium (average grade 0.021 ppm), and gallium exist in the resources (fig. 5). Indicated and inferred resources are approximately 125,000 short tons (approximately 113,000 t) of tungsten and 79.7 t of rhenium at $5 recovered metal values with molybdenum oxide at $10 per pound, copper at $3 per pound, and silver at $12.50 per troy ounce (SRK Consulting, 2020; Hilscher and Dykes, 2018; table 6). A gallium resource has not been reported. In addition to publicized tungsten and rhenium inventories, inventories of thousands to more than 10,000 t of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and tin were calculated from drill hole intervals (figs. 4, 6; table 6). The somewhat larger calculated tungsten inventory (138,470 t; table 6) may reflect different copper grade restrictions applied.

Concentrations of critical minerals in the Bingham porphyry Cu-Mo deposit (figs. 1, 4, 6; tables 1215) are included in multi-element analyses of mineral domains and other sources described in chapter B. Reserves at the end of 2020 were 552 Mt containing 0.44 percent copper, 0.031 percent molybdenum, 0.16 ppm gold, and 2.11 ppm silver; resources comprise 285 Mt containing 0.38 percent copper, 0.017 percent molybdenum, 0.20 ppm gold, and 1.79 ppm silver (Rio Tinto, 2021b). A resource of approximately 20 Mt grading 3.65 percent copper, 1.62 ppm gold, and 20.95 ppm silver has been determined for the North Rim skarn deposit. Inventories of Sb, As, Bi, PGE, Re, Te, Sn, and W calculated from element concentrations in mineral domains and reserve and resource tonnages vary mostly from tens to thousands of metric tons (figs. 4, 6; tables 1215).

Concentrations of PGE, rhenium, and tellurium at Bingham have been determined by mineralogical investigations (chap. B). Using an average concentration of 14 ppb Pd+Pt and 837 Mt of reserves and resources, porphyry ores contain about 12 t of Pd+Pt. If the North Rim skarn deposit has similar Pd+Pt concentrations, then it contains approximately 3.8 to 20 t of Pd+Pt. Somewhat greater Pd+Pt concentrations of 0.006 to 0.034 troy ounces per short ton (approximately 0.19 to 1 ppm), are reported in gold-rich skarn at the Carr Fork mine (Cameron and Garmoe, 1987). In copper ore from unspecified sites but possibly skarn/replacement ores mined prior to open-pit mining of porphyry ore, calculated platinum and palladium concentrations are approximately 2 and 6 ppm, respectively, according to analyses of blister copper in the Garfield copper refinery (predecessor to the Magna copper refinery) (Eiler, 1913). If these analyses and assumptions are correct, then skarn resources could contain tens of metric tons or more of PGE. Using an average molybdenite rhenium concentration of 100 ppm (Kocher, 2017) and average molybdenum grade, approximately 36 t of rhenium are contained in the porphyry Cu-Mo deposit reserves and resources. Tellurium inventories in the porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, calculated from averages of Cu-Mo-rich whole-rock samples, range from 285 to 4,000 t (tables 1215).

Concentrations of critical minerals in the Yerington porphyry Cu-Mo district, Lyon County, Nev. (figs. 1, 4AD, 5, 6), are incompletely known as only a few are published for the Mason (formerly Ann Mason) and MacArthur deposits (Lori, 2010; Cohen, 2011; Aird and others, 2021; Hudbay Minerals, Inc., 2021; Independent Mining Consultants, Inc., 2022; John Dilles, Oregon State University, written commun., 2021; tables 1215). The Yerington district includes four porphyry copper deposits and small iron-oxide-copper-gold skarn deposits in Jurassic granitic and volcanic rocks altered to garnet-pyroxene hornfels and endoskarn, and later copper-andradite skarn (Dilles and others, 2000). Although the concentrations of critical minerals in copper-mineralized samples are a few parts per million or less, as in most porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, the combined reserve tonnage of the Mason and MacArthur deposits (approximately 2.24 Gt) portends large inventories that could conceivably be recovered (figs. 1, 4, 6; tables 1215). Qualified inventories of thousands to more than 10,000 t of arsenic, tin, and tungsten were calculated from available analyses.

Comparisons Among Critical Mineral Concentrations and Inventories in Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits

Concentrations of primary commodities in porphyry Cu-Mo and breccia Mo-Cu deposit reserves that dictate exploration, development, and production (Cu and Mo), and of coproduct, and byproduct commodities (Au, Ag, Re, and Te) that can increase profitability, are mostly one to approximately three orders of magnitude greater than crustal abundances in the deposits investigated (fig. 4A). Concentrations of the critical minerals Sb, As, Bi, Te, and W are one to more than two orders of magnitude greater than crustal abundances (Haynes, 2016); tellurium and bismuth concentrations are as much as 4.5 orders of magnitude greater (fig. 4B). Concentrations of the critical minerals germanium, indium, and tin vary considerably. They are slightly to markedly elevated relative to crustal abundance in some reserves and resources and relatively depleted (less than one order of magnitude) or approximately equal to crustal abundance in others (fig. 4C). Concentrations of the critical minerals gallium, nickel, manganese, and vanadium are mostly lower than or approximately equal to crust (fig. 4B), with the exception of the Sunnyside and Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa replacement deposits in which manganese concentrations are greater than 10 times crustal abundance. Small amounts of manganese were recovered in conjunction with lead and silver in more distal replacement and vein deposits of the Sunnyside porphyry copper system, including the Hardshell, Mowry, and Trench mines (Farnham and others, 1961; Koutz, 1984; Vikre and others, 2014). In these mines manganese occurs in manganese oxide minerals and lesser alabandite, rhodochrosite, and rhodonite-group minerals.

Concentrations of primary, coproduct, and byproduct commodities, and of critical minerals, vary somewhat geographically among deposits (fig. 4AD). Molybdenum and gold concentrations in Arizona deposits, except for Mo in the Ventura Mo-Cu breccia deposit, are distinctly lower than in other deposits, whereas silver concentrations in Arizona deposits are the same as or greater than in other deposits. Concentrations of the critical minerals Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, and Te also are generally greater in Arizona deposits than in other deposits. Consequently, porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in Arizona, and in Alaska and Idaho, have somewhat larger inventories (per reserve and resources tonnages) of Sb, As, Bi, Sn, and possibly Re than Bingham deposits in Utah (figs. 4A, B, 6), although some critical minerals (Ge, In, Re, and Te) are not reported for all deposits.

Inventories of critical minerals in reserves and resources of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, including porphyry, breccia, and polymetallic replacement deposits, broadly correspond to deposit size with the largest deposits containing the largest inventories of critical minerals (fig. 4A, B). Relatively small tonnage polymetallic replacement and breccia deposits (r and b, respectively, in fig. 5A, B) have much smaller inventories, although higher concentrations, of most critical minerals.

Relative to recent annual domestic consumption (table 21), Sb, As, Bi, Te, and W inventories in Alaska, Idaho, and Arizona porphyry Cu-Mo deposits are less than 1 to several orders of magnitude greater than consumption whereas tin inventories are lower than consumption. Inventories of Sb, As, Bi, and Sn in Bingham deposits are lower than those of other porphyry deposits. Although inventories of Ge, In, and Re are incompletely known, they are up to several orders of magnitude greater than consumption in Arizona and Bingham deposits (fig. 6B). Conceivably, simultaneous or sequential recovery of Sb, As, Bi, W, and possibly Ge, In, and PGE during recovery of primary, coproduct, and byproduct commodities (Cu, Mo, Au, Ag, Re, and Te) when these reserves and resources are mined could supply domestic consumption for years to many decades. Staged recovery from staggered development of unmined deposits would provide lower proportions of annual consumption. These new prospective supplies would likely require subsidization such as sustained price guarantees and tax reductions, and assistance in development of recovery processes. The relatively small inventories of Sn, relative to consumption, would not provide appreciable long-term supplies but could lessen importation reliance. The recovery of rutile and zircon in igneous rocks in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits would hinge on a marketable product form, and costs of concentrator modifications and operation at mines and copper refineries.

Forms of Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Re, Te, and Sn in Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits

Chalcophile critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, including Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Re, Te, and Sn, are often undetectable in bulk ore. The highest concentrations of Sb, As, and Mn occur in sulfide and carbonate minerals (tetrahedrite-tennantite [(Cu,Fe)12Sb4S13–(Cu,Fe)12As4S13], arsenopyrite [FeAs S], and rhodochrosite [(Mn,Fe,Mg,Ca)CO3]) (table 20) that are relatively abundant in some deposit types (skarn, replacement, and vein) with higher total sulfide concentrations than porphyry Cu-Mo ores, whereas these and other critical minerals also occur in cryptic forms or in relatively uncommon minerals mostly observed in skarn, replacement, and vein deposits (tables 319). Minerals that contain critical minerals have been identified in some districts and deposits.

In replacement deposits in the Bisbee district, Ariz., Sb, As, Bi, Mn, Sn, W, and V occur in many minerals including tetrahedrite ((Cu,Fe)12Sb4S13–(Cu,Fe)12As4S13)), wittichenite (Cu3BiS3), colusite (Cu12-13V(As,Sb,Sn,Ge)3S16), stannite (Cu2FeSnS4), mawsonite (Cu6Fe2SnS8), and numerous rare Cu-Bi-Ag-Pb-Sb-In-Sn-W-S minerals; tellurium occurs in goldfieldite (Cu12(Te,Sb,As)4S13), and lesser hessite (Ag2Te), and petzite (Ag3AuTe2) (Bryant and Metz, 1966; Graeme, 1993; Schumer, 2017). At the Magma mine, Superior district, a large polymetallic vein and replacement deposit in Arizona, Sb, As, Bi, Te, Sn, W, and V occur in tetrahedrite-tennantite, enargite (Cu3AsS4), wulfenite (PbMoS4), cassiterite (SnO2), telluride minerals, colusite, and wittichenite (Gustafson, 1962; Hammer and Peterson, 1968; Friehauf, 1998). At Butte, Montana, bismuth, manganese (wittichenite, rhodochrosite, hodonite [MnSiO3]), and tungsten (scheelite and hubnerite [MnWO4]) occurred in mined veins, along with uncommon copper-vanadium-sulfur minerals (Meyer and others, 1968; Czehura, 2006). Wittichenite is at least one source of recovered bismuth, and rhodochrosite and rhodonite, along with manganese-oxide minerals, were sources of recovered manganese (described in chaps. A, B).

At Bingham, Utah, the critical minerals rhenium, palladium, platinum, and tellurium have been episodically produced (Krahulec, 2018). Rhenium occurs in molybdenite and tellurium occurs in hessite and other telluride minerals and a gold-bismuth tellurite (Ballantyne and others, 1997), but palladium and platinum have not been linked to specific minerals. In the Ely (Robinson) district, White Pine County, Nev., ores mined for copper contained unquantified amounts of Bi, Ni, PGE, Te, and W (scheelite) in unknown forms that were mostly not recovered (Hose and others, 1976; Gott and McCarthy, 1966; Watterson and others, 1977). In the Copper Canyon district, Lander County, Nev., elevated concentrations of tellurium are widely distributed in rocks (Theodore and Blake, 1975), but tellurium was not recovered during mining operations and forms of tellurium in deposits have not been determined. In the carbonate-replacement and vein deposits of the Tintic district, Utah, Sb, As, Bi, Mn, Zn, and other elements in ores were either not recovered or recovered from weathered deposits and slag only, in part because of complex mineralogy (James, 1984). Non-contiguous drill hole intervals in the center of the southwest porphyry copper system at Tintic contain approximately 1 to more than 2 ppm tellurium (Krahulec, 1996) in unreported sites. Skarn, replacement, and vein ores mined in other porphyry copper districts apparently contained variably elevated concentrations of chalcophile critical minerals according to analyses of archival specimens and samples from collections (tables 1619), as described below.

Deposit Type—Porphyry/Skarn-Replacement-Vein Bismuth (Bi), Fluorite, Indium (In), and Tungsten (W)

Tungsten (W)

Unmined tungsten resources in California, Nevada, and Montana with inventories that approach or exceed 2 years of recent annual domestic consumption, the threshold for significant inventories used herein, are mostly in the vicinity of small tungsten skarn deposits. Several are adjacent to relatively large, mined deposits that have been described in chapter A (table 2).

The tungsten deposit known as Andrew Curtis, Los Angeles County, Calif., consists of scheelite-quartz veins and stockwork veins in shear zones, and alluvial and placer scheelite and lesser barite deposits that originated from the veins (Evans and others, 1977; USGS, 2010a; Unruh and Graber, 1982; Annis, 2020a; table 2). Small amounts of tungsten have been produced from the deposits including several metric tons of scheelite concentrate shipped from 1978 to 1982 (USGS, 2010a). Two of the veins are 1 to 10 inches wide and traceable for a slope distance of up to 300 ft (Unruh and Graber, 1982). Veins are in layered gneiss of the Proterozoic Tujunga terrane, quartz monzonite of the Triassic Mount Lowe intrusive suite, and Cretaceous Mount San Antonio hornblende-biotite quartz diorite (Annis, 2020a). The “west vein” is the principal vein deposit in Cattle Canyon where the Andrew Curtis mine claims were staked and intermittently worked until forfeited in 2018. The “west vein” complex contains an indicated resource of approximately 3,200 t grading 0.75 percent WO3, or approximately 19 t of tungsten (Annis, 2020b). The Cattle Canyon alluvial deposit was the focus of a Forest Service Validity Examination in 2020 that determined a measured resource of 3.9 million cubic yards with an average grade of 0.0023 percent WO3 or 67.34 cubic meters of tungsten (90 t of tungsten) (Annis, 2020b). Earlier, unverified resource estimates of all deposit types include approximately 6,000 t of tungsten measured, approximately 17,000 t of tungsten indicated, and 215,000 t of tungsten inferred (Unruh and Graber, 1982; Ridenour and others, 1982).

The Centennial (also known as Mount Hamilton) tungsten-gold-silver deposit, White Pine County, Nev., consists of scheelite, gold, and sulfide minerals in hornfels and skarn (diopside-quartz-potassium feldspar-biotite) that selectively replaced thin-bedded Cambrian Secret Canyon Shale and overlying dolomite and shale of the Dunderberg Shale. The large masses of mineralized hornfels and skarn are adjacent to the Cretaceous (~105 Ma) Seligman hornblende-biotite granodiorite stocks (Myers, and others, 1991; SRK Consulting, 2009a, 2014; table 2). There is no recorded tungsten production. Exploration over the past several decades has identified resources that contain, in addition to W in scheelite, Sb (stibnite; bournonite; and jamesonite), Au and Ag (electrum), Cu (chalcopyrite; covellite; bornite), and Mo (molybdenite; USGS, 2007; SRK Consulting, 2012, 2014). Tungsten resources based on 100,000 ft of drilling by Phillips Petroleum Company from 1968 to 1982 are 4.2 Mst (3.8 Mt) grading 0.42 percent WO3 and 6.2 Mst (5.6 Mt) grading 0.37 percent WO3 (SRK Consulting, 2012), or approximately 32,200 t of tungsten. A gold-silver resource that contained an estimated 0.55 million troy ounces (17.1 t) of gold and 4.5 million troy ounces (140 t) of silver (proven and probable; SRK Consulting, 2014) was partially mined (NE Seligman mine) from 1994 to 1997 with production of 0.124 million troy ounces (3.9 t) of gold and 0.31 million troy ounces (9.6 t) of silver (SRK Consulting, 2014).

The Sunrise copper-molybdenum-tungsten deposit, Snohomish County, Washington, is in a steeply plunging pipe-like breccia that consists of multi-generational, hornfelsed quartz diorite fragments cemented by matrices containing chalcopyrite and molybdenite (table 2). These sulfide minerals are also disseminated in breccia fragments and fill fractures in Jurassic greenstone and siliciclastic strata that enclose the deposit. Diorite fragments in the pipe increase in abundance with depths and may be related to nearby Oligocene intrusions. The deposit contains a resource (measured, indicated, and inferred) of 64.5 Mt grading 0.319 percent copper, 0.071 percent MoS2, 0.062 percent WO3 (approximately 31,730 t of tungsten), 0.002 to 0.006 troy ounces of gold per short ton, and 0.049 to 0.088 troy ounces of silver per short ton (Derkey and others, 1990; Lasmanis, 1995; USGS, 1997).

At Pilot Mountain, Mineral County, Nev., minor amounts of tungsten in scheelite were recovered from skarn, replacement, and vein deposits (Maurer and Wallace, 1956; Nash and others, 1985; Cowie, 1985; table 2). The Pilot Mountain group of deposits (Desert Scheelite, Gun Metal, Garnet, and Good Hope) also contain copper (chalcopyrite, azurite), silver, and zinc (sphalerite; Karl and others, 2020) but there is no recorded production of metals other than tungsten. The deposits occur in carbonate beds of the lower to middle members and the upper carbonate member of the Triassic Luning Formation adjacent to a Cretaceous biotite quartz monzonite intrusion (Godfrey, 2018). Drill-defined resources (indicated and [or] inferred) include 9.01 Mt grading 0.26 weight percent WO3 (Desert Scheelite) and 1.83 Mt grading 0.36 weight percent WO3 (garnet) (Thor Mining PLC, 2018a, b283), or 27,200 t of tungsten. Copper (16,000 t), silver (approximately 0.67 million troy ounces [20.8 t]), and zinc (40,300 t) may be recovered (coproducts or byproducts) if the tungsten resources are mined. Based on recent exploration and a scoping study, an open pit mine with a 12-year mine life and annual production of 1,000 t of scheelite concentrate is proposed. Copper, silver, and zinc also may be recovered (Thor Mining PLC, 2018a, b283).

The tungsten skarn deposit at Indian Springs, Elko County, Nev., consists of scheelite-quartz-sulfide veins in calcareous feldspathic medium-grained sandstone of the Permian Pequop Formation and in the Early Cretaceous (~135 Ma) Indian Springs stock (Slack, 1972; SRK Consulting, 2007; table 2). Three of the four generations of hydrothermal activity produced scheelite-bearing veins: (1) (oldest) pneumatolytic scheelite-powellite-quartz vein stockworks; (2) pyrite and molybdenite in quartz veins and disseminations; and (3) chalcopyrite-tetrahedrite-quartz veins. Argillization, sericitization, and silicification are associated with tungsten mineralization (Slack, 1972; SRK Consulting, 2007). A minor amount of tungsten (12,500 short tons [11,364 t] of tungsten grading 0.25 weight percent WO3, yielding 14 units of WO3) was produced in 1974 and 1975 by Union Carbide (USGS, 2010b). The deposit contains estimated resources of 10.7 Mt of WO3 grading 0.171 percent (indicated), and 8.2 Mt grading 0.167 percent WO3 (inferred; Moran and Stryhas, 2007), or approximately 20,800 t of tungsten.

The Browns Lake tungsten skarn deposit, Beaverhead County, Mont. (described in chap. A; table 2), contains an estimated resource of 14,400 t of tungsten (Werner and others, 2014). The Pine Creek tungsten skarn mine, Inyo County, Calif. (described in chap. A; table 2), contains a resource estimated to exceed 10,000 short tons (9,090 t) of tungsten. The Springer (also known as Nevada-Massachusetts) tungsten skarn mine, Humboldt County, Nev. (described in chap. A; table 2), contains indicated and inferred resources in three deposits of 1,400 and 6,900 t of tungsten, respectively (8,300 t of tungsten combined). Placer deposits in the Atolia district, San Bernardino and Kern Counties, Calif. (described in chap. A; table 2) contain an estimated 280,000 units WO3 (2,200 t of tungsten) and small but unquantified amounts of gold.

Tungsten resources at Andrew Curtis, Centennial, Sunrise, Pilot Mountain, and Indian Springs are each equivalent to approximately 2 to 4 years of recent annual consumption. Those at Browns Lake, Pine Creek, and Springer are each equivalent to approximately 1 year or less of consumption (described in chap. A; tables 2, 21, 22)

Bismuth (Bi)

A resource of 20,000 short tons (18,182 t) grading 0.84 percent bismuth (approximately 1,680 short tons [1,527 t]) and 0.26 percent tungsten (approximately 520 short tons [473 t]) was identified in the Little Cottonwood district, Salt Lake County, Utah (Kasteler and Hild, 1948; Moon, 1950). At the Victoria mine, Elko County, Nev., reserves remaining after 1981 were 1.4 Mst (1.27 Mt) grading 2.15 weight percent copper and 0.35 troy ounces of silver per short ton, according to Lapointe and others (1991) and 1.49 Mst (1.35 Mt) grading 2.34 weight percent copper according to Lowe and others (1985). If the reserve of Lapointe and others (1991) has the same bismuth grade as ore, then the bismuth resource at the Victoria mine is approximately 700 short tons (636 t). These bismuth resources are equivalent to less than 1 year of recent domestic consumption (tables 21, 22).

Fluorite (CaF2)

At McCullough Butte, Eureka County, Nev., a resource of more than 80 Mt grading approximately 11 percent fluorite (more than 8 Mt fluorite) has been estimated from drill holes (Tertiary Minerals PLC, 2020). In addition, elevated but unquantified concentrations of Be, Mo, Sn, W, and Zn are distributed in the fluorite resource. The resource occurs in porphyry felsite dikes (~84 Ma) and aplite, and Paleozoic limestone, dolomite, and quartzite altered to greisen/quartz veins, tremolite, phlogopite, and calcite. Six vein types in the resource contain variable amounts of quartz, feldspar, garnet, epidote, feldspar, fluorite, pyrite, muscovite, sphalerite, molybdenite, zoisite, beryl, barite, and antimony sulfosalts (Barton 1982, 1987). Minor amounts of fluorite and beryllium were produced at the nearby Reese and Berry mine (Roberts and others, 1967). Based on recent annual domestic consumption of fluorite (table 21), a large-market commodity, the fluorite resource at McCullough Butte is approximately equivalent to 18 to 22 years of consumption (table 22). However, the fluorite grade at McCullough Butte is much lower than grades of imported fluorite.

Indium (In)

In the Fish Springs district, Juab County, Utah, a drill-defined resource (indicated and inferred) of approximately 67 Mt grading 5 to 6 percent zinc, 0.2 percent copper, and 22 to 31 ppm indium occurs in magnetite-sphalerite skarn deposits that formed in Paleozoic carbonate and siliciclastic rocks adjacent to Eocene felsic intrusions (Dyer and others, 2014). The indium inventory is 1,474 to 2,077 t. Based on recent annual domestic consumption of indium (table 21), a small-market commodity, the indium resource at Fish Springs is equivalent to approximately 9 to 22 years of recent domestic consumption (table 22).

Manganese (Mn)

The Hardshell-Alta-Hermosa zinc-lead-silver-manganese resource, Santa Cruz County, Ariz., includes approximately 5 Mt of manganese in the Taylor deposit (South32 Limited, 2021) that may be recovered as a coproduct with zinc, lead, and silver. Based on recent annual domestic consumption of manganese, a large market commodity, the Taylor manganese resource is equivalent to approximately 6.6 years of recent domestic consumption (table 22).

Deposit Type—Lithocap Alunite

Aluminum (Al), Potash (KCl, K2SO4, KNO3)

Large tonnage alunite resources exist in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. Some were encountered in holes drilled for Cu-Mo resources; several are potentially minable for aluminum and potash. At Blawn Mountain (Wah Wah Range, Beaver County, Utah), where small tonnages of alunite were processed during World War II for aluminum and potash (fertilizer; described in chap. A), the SOPerior Fertilizer Corporation (formerly Potash Ridge) is developing a reserve of approximately 10.6 Mst (9.6 Mt) of potassium sulfate that is within an indicated resource of approximately 32 Mst (29 Mt). Assuming alunite contains 19.5 weight percent aluminum, 76 weight percent K2SO4, 4.5 weight percent H2O and no sodium or calcium, the aluminum resource in the potash reserve at Blawn Mountain is approximately 2.56 Mst (2.33 Mt). Vein reserves at Marysvale, Utah, were estimated in 1941 at approximately 1.4 to 3 Mst (1.3 to 2.7 Mt) grading 87 percent or more alunite; replacement deposit resources comprise a much larger aggregate tonnage, but deposits are lower grade (Thoenen, 1941). Other alunite vein and replacement deposits in southwestern Utah (Beaver, Piute, Siever, and Iron Counties) constitute possible aluminum and potash resources (Mills and Rupke, 2020). In 1941, estimated resources in Utah varied from hundreds of thousands to 6 Mst (hundreds of thousands to 5.5 Mt) containing 6 to more than 55 percent alunite (Thoenen, 1941).

At Red Mountain, Santa Cruz County, Ariz., quartz-alunite-kaolinite-pyrophyllite-altered rocks overlie two copper-(molybdenum-silver) resources that constitute the Red Mountain porphyry copper deposit (Lecumberri-Sanchez and others, 2013; Vikre and others, 2014). Holes drilled in the 1970s outlined a prospective resource of more than 300 Mst (273 Mt) grading 30 percent alunite (91 Mst [83 Mst] of alunite; North American Potash Developments, Inc., 2012). Assuming alunite contains 19.5 weight percent aluminum, 76 weight percent K2SO4, 4.5 weight percent H2O, and no sodium or calcium, the aluminum and potash resources at Red Mountain are approximately 18 and 42 Mst (16 and 38 Mt), respectively.

At Sunnyside, Santa Cruz County, Ariz., quartz-alunite-kaolinite-pyrophyllite-topaz-zunyite-altered rocks overlie two copper-(molybdenum-silver) resources that constitute the Sunnyside porphyry copper deposit and extend northwest to the 3R mine and south to the Thunder mine (Berger and others, 2003; Vikre and others, 2014). An estimated mass of 180 Mst (164 Mt) grading 20 percent alunite (includes internal waste; approximately 36 Mst [33 Mt] alunite) from the surface to a depth of 500 ft (152 m) occurs in the vicinity of these resources and mines. This mass could contain approximately 7 Mst (6.4 Mt) aluminum and approximately 27 Mst (24.5 Mt) potash.

Numerous alunite deposits occur in quartz-alunite-altered Cenozoic andesite and andesite tuffs in Pierce County, Wash. They comprise a resource estimated at 1 to 2 Mst (0.91 to 1.82 Mt) grading 20 to 30 or more weight percent alunite (USGS and others, 1966b). In King County, Wash., resources of approximately 1.2 Mst (1.1 Mt) grading approximately 30 to 80 percent alunite occur in quartz-alunite-altered volcanic rocks (Thoenen, 1941). Although no alunite production is reported, high-purity silica in or near some alunite resources has been mined for flux and wall-board products (John and others, 2003). A reportedly large but incompletely quantified and described alunite resource (estimated at more than 70 Mt) occurs in dacite intrusions and breccias (~23 Ma) on Red Mountain near Lake City, Colo. (Bove and Hon, 1990).

Based on recent annual domestic consumption of aluminum (table 21), a very large market commodity, the aluminum resources at Blawn Mountain, Red Mountain, and Sunnyside are equivalent to approximately 1 to 6 years of the lowest consumption (2.87 Mt) and approximately 0.5 to 3 years of the highest consumption (5.68 Mt; table 22). Based on recent annual domestic consumption of potash (table 21), a very large-market commodity, the potash resources at Blawn Mountain, Red Mountain, and Sunnyside are equivalent to approximately 5 to 8 years of the lowest consumption (5.2 Mt) and approximately 4 to 7 years of the highest consumption (6.2 Mt; table 22).

Unclassified Magmatic-Hydrothermal Deposits

Antimony (Sb)

No production figures for the Coyote (Antimony) district, Utah (described in chap. A), have been published but a significant resource may remain in the district. Lateral and vertical dimensions of unmined lenses or stratiform masses of stockwork veins and small masses of stibnite and antimony oxides are up to several hundreds of ft in length and several tens of ft thick (Traver, 1949; Callaghan, 1973). Based on these and other dimensions of mineralized zones, and on distribution of mined deposits, a resource of 1.5 Mst (1.3 Mt) grading 6 to 7 percent antimony, or approximately 90,000 to 105,000 short tons (81,818–95,455 t) of antimony, was estimated in 1941 (Palladine, 1941). Callaghan (1973) estimated lower grades of unmined lenses, 0.5 to less than 3 weight percent antimony, but provided no resource tonnage. According to Mills and Rupke (2020), 105,000 short tons (95,455 t) of antimony may remain in the district, an estimate identical to and perhaps derived from Palladine (1941). However, this tonnage is inordinately large relative to production estimated from antimony value during mining (approximately 395 t). Based on recent annual domestic consumption of antimony (table 21), a mid-market commodity, a 105,000-short-ton antimony resource in the Coyote district is equivalent to approximately 4.8 years of the lowest consumption (22,000 t) and approximately 3.8 years of the highest consumption (27,700 t; table 22).

Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Bismuth (Bi), and Tungsten (W)

In the Yellow Pine district, Valley County, Idaho (described in chap. A), composited analyses of diamond drill holes (DDH) used to define the Yellow Pine, Hangar Flats, and West End gold-silver-(antimony) resources include markedly elevated concentrations of As, Bi, and W in addition to Au, Ag, and Sb (table 7). The resources contain approximately 5.63 million troy ounces (175 t) of gold, 8.68 million troy ounces (270 t) of silver, and approximately 74,000 t of antimony (Huss and others, 2014; Becker and others, 2019; NS Energy, 2021) which represents the largest unmined domestic antimony reserve. Using a total resource tonnage of 104 Mt and composited analyses from 19 DDH (table 7), approximately 59,082 t of antimony, 209,673 t of arsenic, 38,989 t of bismuth, and 1,560 t of tungsten occur in the currently defined reserve. The conflicting antimony tonnages suggest the DDH composites do not accurately represent the established reserve; however, the DDH composites indicate that there is substantial bismuth in the reserve.

Based on recent annual domestic consumption of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and tungsten (table 21), mid- and small-market commodities, and the DDH composites, the estimated antimony resources at Yellow Pine are equivalent to approximately 3 to 5 years of the lowest consumption (22,000 t) and approximately 0.5 to 4 years of the highest consumption (27,700 t; table 22). The estimated arsenic resource is equivalent to approximately 34 years of the lowest consumption (6,120 t) and approximately 20 years of the highest consumption (10,500 t; table 22). The estimated bismuth resource is equivalent to approximately 27.8 years of the lowest consumption (1,400 t) and approximately 15.4 years of the highest recent consumption (2,530 t; table 22). The tungsten resource is very small relative to recent annual domestic consumption and comprises less than 1 year supply.

Fluorite (CaF2)

Modest tonnage deposits of relatively low-grade fluorite exist in New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada. Estimated fluorite resources in New Mexico are estimated at 1.4 Mst (1.3 Mt) grading 35 weight percent or more fluorite (USGS and others, 1965). Large but incompletely quantified resources of fluorite also occur in and near the Spor Mountain, Utah, beryllium deposits (Bullock, 1976, 1981); these deposits have not been successfully marketed because of the low grade and fine grain size of fluorite and other factors.

Gallium (Ga) and Germanium (Ge)

At the Apex mine, Washington County, Utah (described in chap. A), a resource of 850 short tons (773 t) of germanium, 330 short tons (300 t) of gallium, and 18,000 short tons (16,364 t) of copper remains in the reclaimed mine (Dutrizac and others, 1986; Mills and Rupke, 2020). Based on recent annual domestic consumption of gallium and germanium (table 21), both very small market commodities, the gallium resource at the Apex mine is equivalent to approximately 20 years of the lowest consumption and approximately 17 years of the highest consumption (table 22); the germanium resource is equivalent to approximately 26 years of consumption (estimated 30 t; table 22).

Inventories of Critical Minerals in Unmined Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits Based on Anode Copper

Concentrations of Cu, Mo, Au, Ag, Sb, As, Bi, Fe, Pb, Ni, O, PGE, Re, Se, S, Te, and Sn have been variably tracked during processing of ores from porphyry copper-(molybdenum) (Cu-(Mo)) and other deposits for recovery of copper and molybdenum (tables 911). In the three operating domestic copper refineries and allied facilities, Cu and Mo are concentrated to marketable purity, and Au, Ag, Re, and Te are recovered when profitable. These primary products and byproducts were also concentrated in numerous other copper refineries since shuttered or demolished. In addition to the critical minerals Re and Te, small amounts of other critical minerals, including Sb, Bi, Ni, and PGE have been episodically recovered at operating and shuttered or demolished copper refineries that processed porphyry Cu-Mo deposit ores (described in chap. B and previously in chap. C). Whereas Cu and Mo production is quantified and recorded annually, quantification of Sb, Bi, Ni, PGE, and other critical minerals, including As, In, Sn and often Re and Te, is seldom reported even when recovered (for example, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955; ASARCO, 2021).

Apparently, most critical minerals have been routinely discarded in tailings, slags, slimes, and electrolyte or disposed of in storage sites. Owing to the large scale of mining of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (tens of thousands of metric tons of ore per day) and episodic recovery of critical minerals, slimes and electrolyte at operating copper refineries and allied facilities (and stored at shuttered or demolished refineries or other sites) could contain large inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Ni, Te, and Sn and possibly other critical minerals (fig. 6D), and concentrator tailings could contain large inventories of Al, Ti, W, and Zr. The concentrations of critical minerals in concentrator tailings have not been published and tailings inventories cannot be calculated. However, concentrations of critical minerals in anode copper, a partially refined form of copper, have been episodically compiled and can be used to semi-quantify inventories of critical minerals in (1) refinery slimes, and (2) unmined resources and mine reserves and resources. The following evaluation is concerned only with critical mineral inventories of unmined resources and mine reserves and resources.

Refining of Cu-Mo ores to marketable copper and molybdenum involves three stages: (1) concentration of copper and molybdenum sulfide minerals by separation from valueless silicate, carbonate, oxide, and other sulfide minerals; molybdenum sulfide minerals (nearly exclusively molybdenite) are then sent to separate allied facilities for molybdenum recovery, (2) smelting of copper sulfide mineral concentrate to remove iron, sulfur, and oxygen and silicate impurities, and (3) electrorefining of smelted copper with 1 to 2 percent remaining impurities, known as anode copper, to cathode copper containing a few tens of parts per million or less of impurities (fig. 6D). During electrorefining, anode copper is dissolved in electrolyte, transferred to cathodes where it precipitates as 99.9 weight percent or more copper, and cast into fabricator products (ingots, wirebar) (for example, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1937). The very fine grained impurities in anode copper settle in electrolyte tanks and are known as slimes or tank house slimes. Slimes contain elevated concentrations of gold, silver, and other chalcophile critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, Te, and Sn), whereas electrolyte contains elevated concentrations of the siderophile critical minerals Co, Ni, and Zn.

In operating (and shuttered or demolished) copper refineries, Cu, Au, Ag, Sb, As, Bi, Fe, Pb, Ni, O, Se, S, Te, and Sn are monitored (tables 9, 10) because (1) some elements, including the critical minerals Sb and As, affect electrical conductivity, malleability, and ductility, the properties essential to copper fabricators (Lane and others, 2016; Moats and others, 2012, 2014a, b, 2016; Artzer and others, 2018), (2) recovery of copper and the marketable critical mineral tellurium can be increased by recycling slag and effluent (dusts; gases), (3) some elements can be profitably recovered as byproducts (Au, Ag, and Te), and (4) many elements are subject to emission control regulations (for example, As, Pb, Se, S; fig. 6D). Concentrations of some critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo ores (for example, PGE, Re, and Te) are very low, often below detection limits, and measurable only in concentrates (Tarkian and Stribrny, 1999), interim products (slags, dusts, and gases) (Tylecote and others, 1977; Schwitzgebel and others, 1978; Mauser, 1982; Foster, 1991; Wong and others, 2006), anode copper, and electrorefining slimes (table 1215). However, because thousands to tens of thousands of metric tons of ore are processed daily for copper, molybdenym, and byproduct recovery, concentrations of critical minerals and other monitored elements in anode copper are often tens to hundreds of parts per million and in slimes and electrolyte several weight percent (tables 915; Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1937; Broadhurst and others, 2007; Hait and others, 2009; Dupont and others, 201683). Cathode copper, the marketable form, typically contains less than 1 to several tens of parts per million Au, Ag, Sb, As, Bi, Te, and Sn (Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1937; Parker, 1978; Ramachandran and Wildman, 1987; Moats and others, 2013), indicating that chalcophile and siderophile critical minerals in anode copper are largely partitioned to slimes during electrorefining. Sb, As, and Bi in anodes and slimes occur in various oxide minerals whereas Te and PGE apparently occur in gold-silver tellurides (Parker, 1978; Chen and Dutrizac, 2005; Hait and others, 2009) and likely in copper and other telluride minerals.

Metallurgical Accounting of Critical Minerals During Copper Recovery

Metallurgical accounting of critical minerals in copper refineries, operating and shuttered or demolished, is notoriously difficult to balance. The quantities of critical minerals not recovered during concentration of copper and molybdenum minerals (concentrator tailings; [1] above), and during smelting of copper minerals (slags, dusts, and gases; no. 2 above) (fig. 6D) are seldom published (Miller and others, 1976; Mauser, 1982; Foster, 1991; Goonan, 2004; Chen and others, 2012; Xiao and others, 2012; Avarmaa and others, 2016). Partitioning of critical minerals and other elements between impure forms of copper (matte, blister, anode) and interim products (concentrator tailings, slags/speiss, and dusts) also have been infrequently reported, in part because concentrates and slimes have been processed at different facilities or exported and are difficult to track (Parker, 1978; Foster, 1991). In addition, although Sb, Bi, Ni, PGE, and Te episodically recovered at copper refineries were derived predominantly from captive porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, smelters, and refineries regularly to periodically processed tolled concentrates and ores, some imported, from other deposit types and scrap.

The variable concentrations of critical minerals in anode copper, slimes, and electrolyte (fig. 7A, B) also reflect deposit zoning, as ore depths increased over time, and processing refinements (for example, Foster, 1991; Newman and others, 1999). Prior to 1990, at least, interim products at some refineries contained tens of weight percent, Au, Ag, As, Se, and Te that in part correlated with ore type and processing techniques (for example, Foster, 1991). Interim products are now mostly recycled (reprocessed) to lessen marketable commodity loss (Cu, Au, Ag, and Te) and comply with regulatory emission requirements (fig. 6D; see Arthur D. Little, Inc., 1974; Malcolm Pirnie, Inc, 2010; Nexhip, 2016).

Other uncertainties in metallurgical accounting arise from exported copper concentrate and unquantified deportment of critical minerals in low-grade porphyry copper ores that are processed by heap leaching, pressure leaching, and other hydrometallurgical techniques. Regarding hydrometallurgy, since 2001 copper production at Morenci, Ariz., which approaches 400,000 t annually, largely derives from leaching and electrowinning (Dresher, 2001) during which critical minerals are apparently not tracked or recovered. In addition, domestic copper mine production has occasionally exceeded refinery capacity, necessitating shipment of concentrates to refineries abroad. New production from mines in Nevada (for example, Pumpkin Hollow) and Arizona (Copper World [Rosemont]; Resolution) will further tax domestic copper refinery capacity (DeMull and others, 2018), making tracking of critical minerals in domestic porphyry Cu-Mo deposits more difficult.

Low-grade stockpiles and dumps not included in reserves or resources that are processed for copper recovery (leaching and milling, when profitable) can further imbalance critical mineral accounting. The small amounts of primary commodities and critical minerals that remain in mine dumps and mill tailings, and their recovery, are the subjects of recent investigations and operations (for example, Bian and others, 2012; Reck and Graedel, 2012; Zhang and others, 2020; Tabelin and others, 2021). For example, a heap leach facility at the Sacaton copper mine, Ariz., is being permitted and developed to recover copper from dumps from earlier mining operations (1970s–90s) (Sexauer and others, 2021; Arizona Sonoran Copper Company, 2021). However, the deportment of critical minerals during reprocessing at Sacaton has apparently not been addressed.

Critical mineral concentrations in anode copper, compiled from records than span decades, are used with reserve and resource tonnages, to calculate inventories in the following section. Based on the caveats and forecasts described above, these inventories may not accurately reflect concentrations in ores of captive mines. However, the masses of Sb, As, Bi, Te, Sn, and other critical minerals (Ni, PGE) that are transferred from anode copper to slimes during electrorefining represent significant inventories that have been mostly sent offsite for disposal and additional processing or exported. They are potentially recoverable or more effectively recovered in operating domestic copper refineries (for example, tellurium) (fig. 5; Wang, 2011; Dupont and others, 2016; Rio Tinto, 2021a). The production of approximately 1,100 short tons per year (1,000 t per year) of antimony from anode slimes between 1978 and 1986 at ASARCO’s El Paso refinery (shuttered in 1999) (Yuan, 2007; ASARCO, 2021), or approximately 5 percent of recent domestic consumption (table 21), attests to the masses of critical minerals in slimes that are largely unrecovered in operating refineries (table 1215).

Calculated Critical Mineral Inventories Based on Concentrations in Anode Copper and Slimes

Concentrations of the critical minerals monitored in domestic copper refineries have been episodically compiled since 1978, and with regularity from 1986 to 2018 (Parker, 1978; fig. 7A, B; tables 911). In the 1970s there were approximately 20 operating copper smelters and refineries; in 1995 seven remained (Parker, 1978; Eastern Research Group, Inc., 1998). As of 2022, there are three operating domestic refineries. The Rio Tinto refinery in Magna, Utah, processes Cu-Mo ores from the nearby Bingham district mines; the ASARCO smelter in Hayden, Ariz., and refinery in Amarillo, Tex., process Cu-Mo ores primarily from the Ray, Mission, and Silver Bell mines, Ariz.; and the Freeport-McMoRan smelter in Miami, Ariz., and refinery in El Paso, Tex., process ores, steadily to episodically, from the Morenci, Bagdad, Safford, Miami, and Sierrita mines, Ariz., and Chino and Tyrone mines, N. Mex. (fig. 7A). Shuttered or demolished domestic copper refineries for which anode copper and slime concentrations have been published include those at San Manuel and Miami, Ariz. (fig. 7B; tables 911).

The concentrations of Sb, As, Bi, Te, and Sn in anode copper and slimes can be used to semi-quantify inventories in operating porphyry Cu-(Mo) mine reserves and in unmined Cu-(Mo) reserves and resources (fig. 8A; tables 1215). Predicted and annual inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Ni, Te, and Sn have been estimated from reserve and resource tonnages for mines that feed or fed operating and shuttered or demolished domestic copper refineries, concentrations of critical minerals in anode copper, and terms (years) of refinery operation (estimated in part) and (or) refinery records (fig. 8A; tables 1215). Annual inventories were calculated by multiplying metric tons of ore processed by 0.5 weight percent copper (assumed average grade), then by 200 (concentration factor of critical minerals in anode copper), and then by the concentration of critical minerals (in parts per million or weight percent) in anode copper. Mine reserve inventories and inventories in unmined reserves and resources were obtained by multiplying annual inventories by mine life (years of reserves), or by using total reserve and resource tonnages.

In operating refineries, the annual inventories of critical minerals that are mostly in disposal sites, but which could constitute domestic supplies if recovered, are both larger and smaller than recent annual domestic consumption of these commodities. The range of arsenic, bismuth, and tellurium inventories per refinery (in metric tons per year) spans or exceeds annual consumption (fig. 8A); combined inventories exceed consumption. Tin has been too infrequently tracked for trend recognition, but the small annual inventories of tin potentially available are unlikely to comprise a significant proportion of annual consumption. This prediction is also supported by the relatively small inventories of tin in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits estimated from drill holes and mineral zones, described previously in chapter C. Likewise, annual nickel inventories per refinery are lower than consumption; however, combined inventories could conceivably approach consumption.

From estimated production tonnages of mines that fed two shuttered or demolished domestic copper refineries, and estimated terms (in years) of refinery operation, calculated inventories of Sb, As, Bi, Ni, and Te are considerably lower than for operating refineries (fig. 8A; tables 1215). Because of imprecise production records and mine consolidation in the Globe-Miami district, Ariz., production tonnages, and critical mineral inventories calculated from them may not be accurately separated by mine production, production years, and assigned critical mineral concentrations in anode copper.

The two methods of critical mineral inventory estimation—one based on reserve and resource tonnages and concentrations in drill holes and mineral zones, and the second based on reserve and resource tonnages and concentrations in anode copper—can be compared for the Bingham porphyry Cu-Mo deposit where both methods were applied (fig. 8B). At Bingham, the calculated ranges of inventories of antimony, bismuth, nickel, and tellurium in anode copper are within, all or in part, inventories in Cu-Mo ore and other mineral zones (fig. 7B). The calculated inventory range (reserve and resource) of arsenic in anode copper is considerably greater than that of Cu-Mo ore and mineral zones (for unknown reasons). However, the close correspondence of most comparable critical mineral inventories (Sb, Bi, Ni, and Te) implies that inventories determined by both methods are broadly valid.

It should be cautioned that the concentrations and calculated inventories of critical minerals in porphyry Cu-Mo reserves and resources, based on concentrations in drill holes, mineral zones, and anode copper (figs. 48; tables 315), are estimates only and should not be considered domestic supply forecasts for these critical minerals. The calculated inventories are conditioned by numerous limitations:

  • Published concentrations of critical minerals in anode copper vary considerably over time, and reserve and resource tonnages from which critical mineral inventories were calculated also vary by published source. In addition, reserve tonnage and mine life may change with fluctuation in copper prices and by reserve expansion through exploration at mine sites.

  • Most critical mineral concentrations in drill holes used to calculate inventories are averages, and concentrations in actual reserves and resources may or may not be fully represented by the drill holes or averaging. Further, the number and spatial distribution of drill holes and intervals analyzed are unknown for some deposits, reserves, and resources.

  • Elevated concentrations of critical minerals may not correspond spatially to those of principal commodities for which mine plans are developed (for example, copper and molybdenum), and that will condition reserve definition and new deposit development. Critical mineral recovery from mined Cu-Mo ore may be smaller or larger than deposit inventories calculated from drill holes, mineral domains, and anode copper.

  • Inventories calculated by the copper anode method assume that critical minerals were largely to entirely sourced from captive mines and smelters (mines and processing facilities owned by the same company; for example, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1915–1955). Average concentrations and tonnages used in inventory calculations disguise the variable critical mineral concentrations in (A) anode copper (resulting from changes in processing techniques), (B) ores from different mineral zones in deposits, and (C) ores from different deposits. Anode copper compositions may also reflect tolled concentrates and processed scrap. Further, some copper is recovered by leaching and electrowinning, as at Morenci, Ariz., rather than by smelting and electrorefining. The partitioning of critical minerals during leaching-electrowinning and other hydrometallurgical processes is unknown. However, copper produced by hydrometallurgy is included in total copper production used in inventory calculations, whereas unknown critical mineral concentrations in leach lixiviant and waste are not used, thereby potentially inflating inventories.

  • During copper concentration, smelting, and electrorefining, variable amounts of critical minerals are partitioned to interim products (concentrator tailings, flue dusts, and slags) (for example, Parker, 1978). Although recycling of these interim products to improve recovery and comply with emissions regulations has increasingly characterized refinery performance over the past several decades, large quantities of some lithophile critical minerals (Al, Ti, W, and Zr) could remain in concentrator tailings, and small unquantified amounts of chalcophile critical minerals (Sb, As, Bi, Ge, Te, and Sn; fig. 6D) could remain in interim products that are eventually discarded.

  • Predicted inventories are not necessarily recoverable supplies as techniques for recovery of Sb, As, Bi, Ni, and Sn may not have been developed and recovery efficiencies are therefore unknown. Recovery of critical minerals may require subsidization, especially for low concentrations (tens of parts per million or less) and for some high concentrations.

  • New and (or) increased recovery of small- (for example, Ge, In, Re, and Te) and mid-market (for example, Sb, As, and Sn) commodities (table 22) at copper refineries, without commensurate increase in demand, would undoubtedly lower market prices and necessitate adjustment of production subsidies and scheduling.

Semi- and Unquantified Inventories of Critical Minerals in Porphyry Cu-Mo and Other Deposit Types, and in Mill Tailings

Deposits and mill tailings with potential for significant inventories of critical minerals that have not been quantified, or are semi-quantified, are represented by several deposit types (porphyry Cu-Mo-Au, lithocap alunite, porphyry/skarn tin, low sulfidation, and high sulfidation). Critical mineral concentrations are based on elevated concentrations with variable analytical precision, and more precise analyses are needed to assess inventory significance.

Mineral System—Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au

Deposit type—Porphyry/Skarn Copper

Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Bismuth (Bi), Cobalt (Co), Indium (In), Nickel (Ni), PGE, Tellurium (Te), Tin (Sn), and Vanadium (V)

Variably elevated concentrations (tens to more than 100 ppm) of Sb, As, Bi, Co, In, Ni, PGE, Te, Sn, and V occur in rocks in and near copper and gold deposits in the Battle Mountain district, Lander County, Nev. (Theodore and Blake, 1975; Page and others, 1978), in sphalerite in Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-U deposits of the Central City district, Colo. (Sims and others, 1961), in sphalerite and chalcopyrite in polymetallic skarn, replacement and vein deposits of the Central district, N. Mex. (Rose, 1967; Briskey, 2005), and in several minerals in replacement deposits at Darwin, California (Carlisle and others, 1954; Czamanske and Hall, 1975; Foord and Shawe, 1989; Dunning and others, 2006). Deposits in the Battle Mountain and Central districts are spatially and temporally associated with Cu-Mo-mineralized intrusions, whereas deposits in the Central City and Darwin districts have unknown association with mineralized porphyritic intrusions. Critical mineral concentrations in these deposits were determined mostly by semi-quantitative spectrographic methods with relatively low precision and high detection limits, but elevated concentrations may be semi-quantitatively valid.

Elevated PGE and tellurium concentrations occur in other deposits in Nevada that are in or related to intrusions. Lechler (1988) reported elevated concentration of Pt (up to 53.4 troy ounces per short ton), Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir, and Os+Ir in selected samples from a vein deposit in a Mesozoic granitic intrusion on Crescent Peak, Clark County, Nev.; the samples also contained up to 10 troy ounces of gold per short ton and 54 troy ounces of silver per short ton. Elevated concentrations of tellurium occur in jasperoid and gossan in the Ely (Robinson) district, Nev. (Gott and McCarthy, 1966; Watterson and others, 1977), and at Tintic and Bingham, Utah (Lovering and others, 1966). Elevated concentrations of tellurium occur in gold- and silver-mineralized rocks that comprise the Gold Jackpot project, Elko County, Nev. (CAT Strategic Metals Corp., 2021).

Titanium (Ti)

Approximately 4 Mt of rutile are contained in igneous rocks of the Bagdad, San Manuel, and Ajo porphyry copper deposits, Ariz., and 4 Mt of rutile are contained in igneous rocks of the Bingham porphyry copper deposit, Utah (Czamanske and others, 1981; Chaffee, 1982; Force and Lynd, 1984). Annual domestic consumption of TiO2 from 2016 to 2020 averaged more than 1 Mt and varied by product form with most TiO2 consumption for pigment applications (USGS, 2021). Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits could theoretically provide several years of annual domestic consumption if a marketable form of titanium could be produced.

Deposit Type—Porphyry/Skarn-Tungsten

Tungsten (W)

Margerie Glacier is a porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in southeastern Alaska about 100 mi (167 km) northwest of Juneau, Alaska (table 2). It contains elevated concentrations of tungsten, molybdenum, gold, and silver attributed, at least in part, to quartz-chalcopyrite-arsenopyrite-scheelite-powellite veins up to 1.7 ft (0.5 m) wide in Tertiary porphyry quartz monzodiorite and sedimentary and marine volcanic rocks (Brew and others, 1978; Kurtak, 1985; Carroll and others, 2018). Plagioclase and potassium feldspar that comprise much of the quartz monzodiorite have been altered to sericite, and biotite has been altered to chlorite. Brew and others (1978) report a tungsten resource of 145 Mt grading 0.01 percent tungsten (14,500 t). This resource is equivalent to approximately 1 year or more of recent annual domestic consumption (tables 21, 22).

Deposit Type—Lithocap Alunite

Aluminum (Al) and Potash (KCl, K2SO4, KNO3)

The upper part of the Resolution porphyry copper deposit near Superior, Ariz., consists of a large mass of rock altered to dickite (Al2Si2O5OH6), topaz (Al2SiO4(F,OH)2), quartz, and lesser pyrite, alunite, zunyite (Al13Si5O20), and woodhouseite (CaAl3PO4SO4OH6) that is within and overlying a 1.66-Gst (1.51 Gt) Cu-Mo inferred resource (Troutman, 2001; Martin, 2019; Cooke and others, 2020). The mass was identified in holes drilled for Cu-Mo resources, but no alunite resource has been published. Other unquantified alunite resources occur in altered rocks overlying and adjacent to gold-silver-(copper) deposits in the Goldfield and National districts, Nev. (Vikre, 2007), in quartz-alunite alteration cells in the Walker Lane, Nev. and Calif. (Vikre and Henry, 2011), in Pliocene volcanic rocks in the Sweetwater Mountains, Calif. and Nev. (Balogh and others, 2021), and in the western San Juan Mountains, Colo. (Hall, 1978; Lowe and others, 1985). A low-grade alunite deposit (estimated 3.5 percent) at Sugarloaf Butte, Yuma County, Ariz., consisting of veins in schistose porphyry dacite and sericite schist, comprises at least 10 Mt (USGS and others, 1969); the relationship of this occurrence relative to subduction-related intrusions is unknown. The suspected low quality and (or) small size of these alunite occurrences portends relatively small inventories of aluminum and potash relative to recent annual domestic consumption.

Mineral System—Porphyry Tin (granite-related)

Deposit Type—Porphyry/Skarn Tin

Tin (Sn)

At Taylor Creek, Catron and Sierra Counties, N. Mex., estimated tin reserves in 1941 were approximately 7,603 t in a five-acre area of altered rhyolite, and approximately 49 t in derivative placer deposits (U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1941b). It is unknown if these reserves were verified and mined. They comprise approximately 22 percent of recent annual domestic consumption (table 21).

Several areas in Nevada contain small tin deposits (Majuba Hill, described in chap. A) and widespread tin occurrences. Tin occurs in the Trinity silver mine and in altered rhyolites in the Trinity Range south of Majuba Hill. Small amounts of cassiterite, scheelite, and cinnabar were recovered with gold from placer deposits intermittently mined from the 1870s to the 1940s in the Kamma Mountains north and northwest of Majuba Hill (Rabbit Hole district; Rosebud Canyon) (Vanderburg, 1936; Smith and Gianella, 1942; Trites and Thurston, 1958; Stevens, 1971; MacKenzie and Bookstrom, 1976; Johnson, 1977; Wenrich and others, 1986; Castor and Ferdock, 2003; Whateley and others, 2006; Coolbaugh, 2014). Minor amounts of “wood tin” occur in Miocene volcanic rocks northwest of Battle Mountain (Fries, 1942). Small amounts of tin (in stannite) occur with numerous Cu-Mo-Au-Bi-Pb-Zn-Ag minerals in contact zones of Eocene intrusions and Paleozoic siliciclastic strata in the Tenabo district and with carbonate-replacement deposits mined for lead in the Delano district (Kelson and others, 2008; Mankins and Muntean, 2021; Hewitt, 1968; Lapointe and others, 1991). Tin is reported in the McCullough Butte fluorite deposit (described previously in chap. C). Like tin deposits in felsic rocks elsewhere, the tin deposits and occurrences in Nevada may be associated with reduced, peraluminous intrusions (Holmwood and others, 2021). Relative to recent consumption, none of the tin deposits and occurrences in Nevada are likely to comprise significant inventories.

Mineral System—Alkalic porphyry

Deposit Type—Low Sulfidation

Tellurium (Te) and Vanadium (V)

Approximately 1,700 analyses of mineralized samples from drill holes, mine workings, and surface exposures in the Cripple Creek district, Teller County, Colo., average more than 1 ppm gold and approximately 4.8 ppm tellurium in oxide minerals (table 8). These analyses imply a large in situ inventory of tellurium that could be recovered if ores were treated by milling rather than heap leaching which does not recover tellurium from oxide minerals. Mill tailings from recovery of gold mined at much higher grades from 1891 to 1944—the period of most district production (approximately 18.5 million troy ounces [575 t] of silver; 2.1 million troy ounces [65 t] of gold) (Vanderwilt, 1947)—could constitute a second large tellurium inventory; tailings reside at numerous mill sites in the vicinity of Colorado Springs, Old Colorado City, Florence, and Pueblo. If gold was recovered primarily from the gold-silver-tellurium minerals calaverite (AuTe2) and sylvanite ((Au, Ag)Te2), then approximately 0.6 ounces per short ton of tellurium, or approximately 345 t of tellurium, may reside in tailings. In addition, elevated concentrations of vanadium (approximately 560–3,360 ppm) occur in concentrate and slag of the Golden Cycle mill at Cripple Creek (Kaiser and others, 1954). However, some gold-silver telluride ores were roasted prior to cyanidation to eliminate tellurium, some ores contained tellurium oxide minerals, and some mill tailings have been moved and repurposed. Significant masses of tellurium and vanadium may exist in mine and processing tailings and in unmined gold resources (approximately 270 Mst [245 Mt]) (Newmont Corporation, 2019), although at widely separated sites.

Based on production of gold and silver from the telluride vein deposits of Boulder County, Colo., less than 60 short tons (55 t) of tellurium are estimated to have been mined (Kelly and Goddard, 1969), but there is no record of tellurium production. Other districts in Colorado in which appreciable amounts of telluride minerals were processed for gold and silver but not tellurium recovery include La Plata and Lake City (Henderson, 1926; Eckel and others, 1949; Werle and others, 1984).

In the Tonopah district, Nye County, Nev., elevated concentrations of tellurium (average 30 and 36 ppm by different analytical techniques) in selected mineralized samples from mine dumps (table 19) represent an improbable source of tellurium because dumps, although large (aggregate of several million short tons) and undisturbed, are mostly unmineralized wall rocks. About 8.1 Mst (7.4 Mt) of vein ore were produced from 1901 to 1950 and milled at several sites in and near Tonopah (Carpenter and others, 1953; Bonham and Garside, 1979). Concentrations of tellurium and other critical minerals in Slime Wash, the largest mass of mill tailings, and at Millers, the site of numerous mills approximately 13 mi northwest of Tonopah, have not been quantified. The concentrations of gold, silver, and other elements in mill tailings may warrant recovery if additional vein resources are developed (W. Howald, Blackrock Silver, oral commun., 2021).

Deposit Type—High Sulfidation

Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Bismuth (Bi), Germanium (Ge), Indium (In), Tellurium (Te), Tin (Sn), and Vanadium (V)

Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Te, Sn, and V are major to minor components of chalcogenide minerals that comprise some ores in the Goldfield district, Esmeralda County, Nev. (Granitto and others 2020, 2021; Vikre and others, in press). Elevated concentrations but small masses of these critical minerals reside in mine dumps (table 18) in the main district and may reside in tailings adjacent to foundations of the demolished Goldfield Consolidated Mining Company mill. Since the 1990s, most mine dumps have been moved, all or in part, to heap leach pads for gold recovery. Mill tailings were reprocessed, all or in part, from 1920 to 1929 and from 1970 to 1995 for gold recovery. The masses of critical minerals, relative to annual domestic consumption, may be significant, but the low concentration of gold remaining in tailings and mine dumps (estimated <1 ppm), could preclude recovery of Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Te, Sn, and V unless subsidized. Elevated concentrations of these critical minerals are also likely in unmined gold resources (Gemfield, McMahon Ridge, and Goldfield main) (Centerra Gold, 2022) but have not been quantified and may not be recoverable if gold is recovered by heap-leaching and cyanidation.

At the Paradise Peak mine, Mineral County, Nev., tailings generated from recovery of 1.6 million troy ounces (49.8 t) of gold may be enriched in antimony and bismuth. Three vertical pre-mine drill holes in the deposit averaged 331, 1,269, and 1,500 ppm antimony and 244, 469, and 1,009 ppm bismuth, over 80, 88, and 128 m, respectively, (John and others, 1991; Sillitoe and Lorson, 1994); antimony and bismuth were not recovered from the 8.1 Mt of ore processed. If tailings contain 200 ppm each antimony and bismuth, then approximately 1,620 t of each may remain. Gallium in rocks altered to alunite that overlay the gold-silver deposit averaged 30 to 35 ppm over 25 m in two drill holes through the center of the deposit (Rytuba and others, 2003). Remaining gold in dumps and tailings may enable simultaneous recovery of these critical minerals. However, the apparent small masses of antimony and bismuth relative to annual domestic consumption and low gallium concentrations (near crustal abundance) may preclude their recovery or require subsidized recovery.

At Washington Hill, Storey County, Nev., large but unquantified masses of Miocene volcanic rocks have been pervasively altered to quartz, alunite, pyrite, and other epigenetic minerals. Surface samples and numerous drill hole intervals contain tens to hundreds of parts per million Sb, As, Bi, Te, and Sn (Albino, 1991; Diner, 1989) which conceivably could be recovered if minable quantities of other commodities such as copper and molybdenum are identified.

Based on elevated concentrations in mineralized rocks, tellurium and other critical minerals may exist in mine dumps and mill tailings in the Battle Mountain district, Nev., (Theodore and Blake, 1975), in gold-silver districts in the Walker Lane in addition to those described above (for example, Ramsey district, Nev.; Bodie Hills districts, Calif. and Nev.) (Vikre and Henry, 2011; Vikre and others, 2015; Balogh and others, 2021), and in precious metal and polymetallic districts in Colorado, Montana, and New Mexico (Henderson, 1926; Rose, 1967; Briskey, 2005). Masses of critical minerals in mine dumps and mill tailings of these and other districts in Western States may be too small to warrant recovery, even with subsidization, but apparently no attempt has been made to quantify them.

Unclassified Magmatic Deposits

Aluminum (Al), Rare Earth Elements (REE), Titanium (Ti), Zircon (ZrSiO4), and Tin (Sn)

Anorthosite in the San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, Calif., has been evaluated for aluminum resources and mined on a small scale for clay for cement manufacturing. The anorthosite comprises a partially quantified “enormous reserve” of approximately 27 weight percent Al2O3 (USGS and others, 1966a; Carter, 1982). Ilmenite-magnetite-apatite-rich cumulate in the anorthosite also constitutes a low-grade REE resource of approximately 2 Mst (1.8 Mt) grading 0.17 weight percent RE203, (approximately 16 percent of which is yttrium), and a larger titanium resource (approximately 1.2 Gst [1.1 Gt] grading 6.2 weight percent TiO2) (Carter, 1982). Other felsic intrusions in Arizona, California, and Wyoming contain modest to large inventories of titanium (mostly in rutile) and zirconium (in zircon) (Force and Lynd, 1984; Osterwald and others, 1966). Titanium, zirconium, and tin minerals (cassiterite) have been recovered in small quantities from placer deposits generated by weathering of the San Gabriel Mountains anorthosite and other granitic intrusions, mostly anorthosites. Although the San Gabriel Mountains and other anorthosites are Precambrian and external to the scope of this report, they exemplify the potentially large inventories of titanium, zirconium, and possibly tin contained in felsic intrusions related to subduction and in derivative colluvial and alluvial deposits. Some felsic intrusions are being mined for copper and molybdenum (porphyry Cu-Mo deposits) and large dumps (tens to hundreds of millions of metric tons) consisting of felsic granitic rocks exist at operating and shuttered mines. Since Cu-Mo ores are finely crushed for separation of copper and molybdenum minerals, rutile and zircon could conceivably be recovered from heretofore valueless silicate minerals discarded as concentrator tailings (fig. 6D).

Mineral System—Reduced Intrusion-Related

One operating gold mine and several gold resources in Nevada have characteristics of reduced intrusion-related gold (RIRG) deposits. These deposits largely consist of several to numerous closely spaced vein sets and skarns that are or may be bulk minable for gold. Critical mineral concentrations in the gold mine and resources are incompletely known.

Critical mineral concentrations in drill holes in the Bald Mountain gold mine, White Pine County, Nev., have been geochemically correlated (Pace, 2009) but absolute concentrations are not available (Dan Pace, written commun., 2021). However, the reserve of 204.5 Mt grading 0.016 troy ounces of gold per short ton (measured and indicated) (Kinross Gold Corporation, 2020) is large enough to contain significant inventories of some critical minerals. At Spring Valley, Pershing County, critical mineral concentrations (Co, Ga, Ni, Nb, Ta, Sn, W, and V) in 10 samples representative of alteration zones within the gold resource (202.4 Mt grading 0.019 troy ounces of gold per short ton) are mostly at or below crustal abundances (Crosby, 2012; Muntean and others, 2020), implying low potential for critical mineral recovery if gold is mined. At Buffalo Canyon, Nye County, critical mineral concentrations (Sb, As, Bi, Co, Ga, Ge, In, Ni, Nb, Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, and Zn) in 120 samples of vein types that comprise the gold resource (23.1 Mt grading 0.0125 troy ounces of gold per short ton) are mostly at or below crustal abundances (Quillen, 2017; Orogen, 2021). Some Sb, As, Bi, Te, and Sn concentrations slightly to greatly exceed crustal abundance in vein types on which the gold resource is based, but the small masses conceivably present may not warrant recovery. At Robertson, Lander County (Bullion district), Au is associated with elevated concentrations of As, Bi, Te, and Sn which occur in arsenopyrite, loellingite, bismuth tellurides, and bismuth (Kelson and others, 2008; Mankins and Muntean, 2021; Mankins and others, 2022). No resource has been publicized and arsenic, bismuth, tellurium, and tin inventories cannot be estimated. The nearby McCoy and Cove gold-silver deposits and resources, Lander County, Nev., also have characteristics of RIRG deposits (Johnson, 2003; Bonner, 2019), but critical minerals have not been quantified. Although tonnages of several RIRG resources are moderately large, average concentrations of critical minerals are mostly at or below crustal abundances, and likely constitute small inventories that portend costly recovery.

Back-scattered electron image of bismuth, enargite-famatinite, and quartz from Mushette
                              mine, Goldfield district, Nevada.

Back-scattered electron image of bismuth, enargite-famatinite, and quartz from Mushette mine, Goldfield district, Nevada.

Chapter D. Critical Minerals in Archival Specimens and Collection Samples

Element concentrations in archival specimens from museums and samples from collections of authors and associates have been obtained or collected and analyzed over several decades by several methods (Granitto and others, 2020, 2021; tables 1619). The specimens and samples summarized in this chapter are from domestic porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) and precious metal districts; deposit types represented are porphyry/skarn copper, polymetallic sulfide skarn-replacement-vein-intermediate sulfidation, high-sulfidation gold-silver, and low-sulfidation gold-silver. Mineralized specimens from porphyry Cu-Mo districts and deposits for which critical mineral and other element concentrations were determined are: Mineral Park, Bisbee, Ajo, Christmas, Morenci, Bagdad, Globe-Miami, Ray, Sierrita, San Manuel, Silver Bell, and Vekol Hills, Arizona; Yerington, Nevada; and Bingham, Utah. Mineralized specimens of skarn, replacement and vein deposits associated with mineralized porphyry deposits, where separable, for which critical mineral and other element concentrations were determined are Bisbee, Johnson Camp, Mission-Pima-San Xavier, Twin Buttes, and Superior (Magma mine polymetallic veins) districts, Ariz.; the Butte district, Montana; the Bingham district, Utah; and the Central district, New Mexico (figs. 1A, 8AH; tables 16, 17). Deposit types represented by collection samples are polymetallic sulfide skarn-replacement-vein (S-R-V) intermediate sulfidation (IS), high-sulfidation gold-silver, and low-sulfidation gold-silver. Districts and deposits for which critical minerals and other elements were analyzed are Eureka, Pioche, Goodsprings, Goldfield, Tonopah, Paradise Peak, Merrimac, and Pyramid, Nev.; Monitor, California; and Silver City, Idaho (figs. 1A, 9A, B; tables 18, 19).

Figure 9. Two plots of mineral concentrations in eleven deposits.
Figure 9.

Concentrations of minerals relative to crustal abundances in carbonate-replacement deposits (Eureka, Pioche, and Goodsprings, Nevada) and vein deposits (Merrimac, Rochester, Goldfield, and Tonopah, Nevada; Patterson and Monitor, California; and Silver City, Idaho; tables 1619). A, Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn. B, As, Sb, Bi, Te, and W.

Primary products of the deposits from which the analyzed archival specimens and collection samples were derived include Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, and Zn. In some deposits, gold, silver, and molybdenum were coproducts that influenced production decisions. Critical minerals were produced from some deposits (or districts in which production is aggregated or generalized), and in porphyry Cu-Mo resources comprise significant inventories because of the large scales of mining and processing, as described in chapters A–C.

Specimen and Sample Representativeness

The average and range of critical mineral concentrations in archival specimens and collection samples summarized below (figs. 7A, B, 8AH; tables 4AD) are organized by the deposit type in the source datasets (Granitto and others, 2020, 2021). However, average concentrations of porphyry/skarn Cu-Mo deposit type specimens and polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits type specimens may include mixtures of deposit types where deposit type designations are unclear or incorrect. In general, S-R-V deposits have higher copper, lead, and zinc concentrations than associated porphyry Cu-Mo deposits; average copper, lead, and zinc concentrations that exceed 1 weight percent could reflect mixtures of deposit types.

In addition, there is a wide range of concentrations of individual critical minerals within deposits and districts, and concentrations of primary commodities are often considerably greater than crustal abundances. Many to most archival specimens were apparently collected for appearance and weight. Thus, while averaging concentrations may deemphasize high-grade specimens and collected samples, average concentrations of primary product and coproduct commodities (Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, Ag, and Mo; fig. 8A, B) often exceed production grades. Therefore, average concentrations of critical minerals in specimens and samples are not necessarily representative of resources or inventories.

Another consequence of preferential high-grade specimen and sample conservation is that very high concentrations could not be quantified by the analytical method used, thus lowering average concentrations that include analytical maximum concentrations. Similarly, concentrations below detection, when included in averages, inflate the averages, disqualifying their use for resource and inventorying calculation.

Aside from limitations imposed by high-grade and appearance selectivity of specimens and samples, and by analytical techniques, some deductions can be made regarding the concentrations of critical minerals relative to crust concentrations and relative to primary and coproduct commodity concentrations. Concentrations and proportions of critical minerals in deposits and resources will influence the processes and costs of recovering them as coproducts or byproducts. Specimen and sample concentrations provide default guidance to critical mineral potential in the absence of more representative quantification.

Critical Minerals Enriched in Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits

Average concentrations of some critical minerals in both deposit types (porphyry and S-R-V deposits), including Sb, As, Bi, Te, and W, are routinely greater than crustal abundances (fig. 8C, D). Germanium, indium, and tin concentrations also exceed crustal abundances in some deposits of both types (fig. 8E, F), although averaging of most of these critical minerals is hindered by concentrations below detection in many specimens and samples. Based on elevated concentrations of these critical minerals in large drill hole datasets (described in chap. C; tables 38), the average concentrations in the specimen and sample datasets, although equivocal, broadly show enrichment of these critical minerals relative to their average concentrations in crust.

Antimony concentrations in both deposit types are highly variable and few averages can be calculated because many concentrations are below detection. Numerous concentrations of individual specimens and samples exceed crustal abundance (0.2 parts per million [ppm]), with the highest concentrations, some more than 100 ppm, in polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits. Average arsenic and bismuth concentrations in both deposit types, also variable, exceed crustal abundances of 1.8 ppm and 0.0085 ppm, respectively, and are generally higher in replacement and vein deposits than in porphyry deposits. Average bismuth concentrations in many deposits are 3 to more than 4 orders of magnitude greater than crustal abundance (fig. 8C, D); bismuth, silver, and tellurium are the most highly enriched elements in both deposit types based on specimens and samples analyzed. However, antimony, arsenic, and bismuth are concentrated during copper refining, and porphyry deposits contain significant inventories of these critical minerals (figs. 46).

Few average tellurium concentrations are calculable because of the small number of analyses reported. All reported concentrations exceed crustal abundance (0.001 ppm) and some tellurium concentrations in polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits exceed 100 ppm. However, tellurium, like antimony and tin, is concentrated during copper electrorefining, and significant inventories of tellurium exist in reserves and resources of both deposit types because of the scales of mining (tens of thousands to millions of metric tons of ore per year). Tellurium has been episodically recovered at the copper refineries at Magna, Utah (Rio Tinto), and at Amarillo, Texas (ASARCO).

Average tungsten concentrations in porphyry/skarn copper deposits, where calculable, are mostly several tens of parts per million. Average tungsten concentrations in associated polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits are tens to hundreds of parts per million. Tungsten concentrations in both deposit types are greater than crustal abundance (1.25 ppm). Large inventories of tungsten exist in these deposit types (figs. 46) but tungsten has not been recovered from any of them.

Average germanium concentrations are the same as to approximately two times greater than crustal abundance (1.5 ppm) in porphyry/skarn copper deposits, and approximately three to four times greater than crustal abundance in polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits. There are very few elevated concentrations (tens to more than 100 ppm). However, germanium is concentrated during zinc refining, and possibly during copper refining, and these deposits represent potentially significant inventories of germanium because of large tonnages of ore that are mined and processed annually, large-tonnage unmined resources, and the very small market volume of germanium.

Average indium concentrations in most specimens from porphyry copper deposits are below detection, with few concentrations exceeding crustal abundance (0.25 ppm). In polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits, indium concentrations are considerably higher with numerous specimens more than 10 ppm. While average indium concentrations cannot be calculated because many concentrations are below detection, indium may be concentrated during copper and zinc refining, and significant inventories of indium could exist in unmined large-tonnage polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits associated with porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (for example, Bingham, Utah; Sunnyside, Ariz.), several of which are currently mined (Mission and Twin Buttes mines, Ariz.).

Average tin concentrations in porphyry/skarn copper deposits are generally several times greater than crustal abundance (2.3 ppm) and ten times or more crustal abundance in polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits. Tin, like other chalcophile and siderophile critical minerals, is potentially recoverable during processing of large tonnage deposits.

Concentrations of critical minerals in samples collected by authors and associates in polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS districts in Nevada (Eureka, Pioche, and Goodsprings districts; table 18) were analyzed at different times (circa 1990–2021) by different techniques for a large array of element concentrations. Deposits in these districts were mined for Pb, Zn, and Ag, with lesser production of Cu, Au, Pt, and Pd (Vikre 1998; Vikre and Browne, 1999; Vikre and others, 2011). In general, average Sb, As, Bi, In, Sn, and W concentrations are mostly tens to thousands of times greater than crustal abundances, whereas average Be, Ce, Cr, Co, Ga, Li, Ni, Nb, Sc, Sr, and V concentrations are less than one half crustal abundances. Unmined deposits and mine dumps and tailings in these districts are much smaller masses (several millions of short tons) than in porphyry Cu-Mo districts, and unlikely to contain large inventories of critical minerals.

Critical Minerals Unenriched or Depleted in Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposits

Concentrations of many critical minerals, including Be, Ce, Cr, Co, Ga, Li, Ni, Nb, Rb, Sc, Ta, and V in archival specimens and samples of porphyry/skarn copper-(molybdenum) deposits and polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits are at or below crustal abundances. Regardless of averaging discrepancies, these critical minerals have low potential for recovery. Average concentrations of beryllium, cerium, and chromium are entirely near and below crustal abundances of 2.8, 66.5, and 102 ppm, respectively (tables 3, 1619). Average rubidium concentrations vary from approximately one half to twice crustal abundance (90 ppm) in both deposit types; rubidium in some polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits is less than 10 ppm. Average scandium concentrations in both deposit types are mostly below detection. Average scandium concentrations in two porphyry/skarn copper deposits are 18 and 10 ppm, approximately the same as maximum concentrations in other porphyry/skarn copper and polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits and near crustal abundance of 22 ppm. Separation of Be, Ce, Cr, Rb and Sc from ores (and waste) of these deposit types is unlikely, based on the highest concentrations that seldom exceed crustal abundances and on the economics of Rb and Sc production from other deposit types with much higher concentrations.

Average cobalt and gallium concentrations are near or below crustal abundance (66.5 ppm and 19 ppm, respectively) in both deposit types. The very small number of concentrations greater than crustal abundance do not portend significant cobalt and gallium inventories in these deposit types based on the specimen and collection datasets. Average lithium concentrations in both deposit types are incalculable because many concentrations are below detection. The crustal abundance of lithium is 20 ppm, and there are few deposits with concentrations more than 100 ppm. All lithium concentrations are far lower than those of domestic hard rock lithium resources (more than 3,000 ppm; for example, Lithium Americas, 2021) being developed for production. Average nickel, niobium, and tantalum concentrations, where calculable, are below crustal abundances (84, 20, and 2 ppm, respectively; fig. 8G, H) in specimens and samples from all districts and deposits; many to most concentrations are below detection and there are few concentrations that exceed crustal abundances. Average vanadium concentrations in both deposit types are mostly below crustal abundance (120 ppm; fig. 8G, H); several are slightly greater than crustal abundance. Separation of these critical minerals from ores (and waste) of porphyry/skarn copper and polymetallic sulfide S-R-V-IS deposits is considered infeasible, based the economics of nickel, niobium, tantalum, and vanadium production from other deposit types with much higher concentrations.

Critical Minerals Enriched in High-Sulfidation and Low-Sulfidation Gold-Silver Veins

Relatively small multi-element geochemical datasets were obtained from analysis of samples collected by authors and associates in the Goldfield and Tonopah districts, Nev.; districts in the Bodie Hills, Calif. and Nev. (Vikre and others, 2015); and at Paradise Peak, Nev. (John and others, 1991; figs. 1A, 9; tables 18, 19). Some critical minerals at Goldfield and Paradise Peak are described by deposit type above (chap. C). Deposits in these districts were mined for gold and silver; and small amounts of copper and mercury were also recovered. In general, average Be, Ce, Co, Cr, Ga, Li, Ni, Nb, Sc, and V concentrations are approximately equal to or less than one half crustal abundances; strontium is double crustal abundance. In Goldfield district samples, average Sb, As, Bi, In, Te, Sn, and W concentrations are mostly tens to tens of thousands of times greater than crustal abundances; average Sb, Bi, and Te concentrations exceed crustal abundances by factors more than 104. In Tonopah district samples, average Li concentrations are approximately three times crustal abundance, whereas Sb, As, Bi, In, Sn, and W concentrations are mostly less than ten times crustal abundances. Tellurium concentrations vary highly from below detection to 127 ppm and are not closely correlated with silver and gold concentrations. Unmined deposits and processed ore in these districts are much smaller masses (several million short tons) than in porphyry Cu-Mo districts, and unlikely to contain large inventories of critical minerals.


  1. 1. In the western U.S., the critical mineral commodities Al, Sb, As, Bi, Co, fluorite, Ga, Ge, In, Mn, Ni, Nb, Pd, Pt, potash, Re, Ta, Te, Sn, W, and V are variably concentrated in magmatic-hydrothermal deposits related to subduction. These deposits include porphyry/skarn copper-gold, skarn-replacement-vein (S-R-V) tungsten, polymetallic sulfide S-R-V intermediate sulfidation, high-sulfidation gold-silver, low-sulfidation gold-silver, and lithocap alunite deposits, which occur in porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold, alkalic porphyry, porphyry tin (granite-related), and reduced intrusion-related mineral systems.

  2. 2. Production of critical minerals in these deposit types as primary products, coproducts, and byproducts varies from none to mostly small relative to recent domestic consumption, even with sustained to ephemeral subsidization of antimony, manganese, and tungsten, and numerous other mineral commodities during the World War and Cold War decades of the 1910s to 1990s.

  3. 3. Reserves, resources, and significant inventories that comprise 2 or more years of recent annual domestic consumption exist for the mostly very small- to mid-market commodities including Sb, As, Ga, Ge, In, Re, Te, and W. Very large inventories, equivalent to decades or more of consumption, of Sb, As, Re, and Te cumulatively reside in porphyry copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) deposits, commensurate with large tonnages of those deposits, and are tracked for quality control and episodic sale (Re and Te). Inventories in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, reserves, and resources may or may not equate to consumable supplies because of recovery economics and techniques, spatial relationships to primary commodities (copper, molybdenum) on which mine plans are based, and insufficient quantification.

  4. 4. Importation reliance for supplies of very small- to large-market chalcophile and siderophile commodities, including Sb, As, Bi, Ge, In, Ni, platinum-group elements (PGE), Te, and Sn, could be reduced or eliminated by recovery or more efficient recovery during copper refining, and by production from porphyry Cu-Mo reserves and resources (unmined deposits). Mid- to large-market lithophile commodities, including aluminum, titanium, tungsten, and zircon, conceivably could be recovered at copper concentrators.

  5. 5. Significant inventories of large- and very large market commodities, including aluminum, fluorite, potash, and titanium, have been known for decades. Subsidization or other regulatory policies could enable production, but inventories will likely remain subeconomic at current world market conditions because of low concentrations, small masses, and (or) geographic location.

  6. 6. Broadly, new production of critical mineral commodities from subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal deposits in Western States could be supported through options such as subsidization (for example, commodity price supports, lower taxation, recovery technique development), political incentives, and (or) sustained increases in demand. An impediment to production of critical minerals from unmined porphyry Cu-Mo deposits with known or suspected large critical mineral inventories (Pebble, Alaska; Resolution, Copper World [Rosemont], Red Mountain, and Sunnyside, Arizona) is insufficient domestic refining capacity, subjecting critical minerals exported in copper concentrates to the importation insecurity that got them listed.

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Conversion Factors

U.S. customary units to International System of Units

Multiply By To obtain
inch (in.) 2.54 centimeter (cm)
inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm)
foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
ounce, troy 31.10 gram (g)
pound, avoirdupois (lb) 0.4536 kilogram (kg)
ton, short (2,000 lb) 0.9072 metric ton (t)
troy ounce per short ton 34.285 gram per metric ton (g/t)

International System of Units to U.S. customary units

Multiply By To obtain
centimeter (cm) 0.3937 inch (in.)
millimeter (mm) 0.03937 inch (in.)
meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft)
kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile (mi)
meter (m) 1.094 yard (yd)
gram (g) 0.03527 ounce, avoirdupois (oz)
gram (g) 0.03215 ounce, troy
metric ton (t) 1.102 ton, short [2,000 lb]
metric ton (t) 0.9842 ton, long [2,240 lb]
gram per metric ton (g/t) 0.02917 troy ounce per short ton


Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).

Horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).



billion metric tons


billion short tons


diamond drill hole


grams per metric ton


intermediate sulfidation




million metric tons


million short tons


Mineral Resources Data System


parts per billion


parts per million


platinum-group elements


rare earth elements


reduced intrusion-related gold




troy ounces per short ton


U.S. Bureau of Mines


U.S. Geological Survey

USMIN project

U.S. Mineral Deposit Database

wt %

weight percent

Moffett Field Publishing Service Center, California

Manuscript approved for publication June 27, 2023

Edited by Regan Austin

Layout and design by Kimber Petersen


Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Suggested Citation

Vikre, P., John, D., Wintzer, N.E., Koutz, F., Graybeal, F., Dail, C., and Annis, D.C., 2023, Critical minerals in subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal systems of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5082, 110 p.,

ISSN: 2328-0328 (online)

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Critical minerals in subduction-related magmatic-hydrothermal systems of the United States
Series title Scientific Investigations Report
Series number 2023-5082
DOI 10.3133/sir20235082
Year Published 2023
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, Western Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center
Description x, 110 p.
Country United States
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details