
Geohydrology of the glacial-outwash aquifer in the Baldwinsville area, Seneca River, Onondaga County, New York

Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4094
By: , and 



Seven sheets of map data comprise this geohydrologic report. Sheet 1, surficial geology, illustrates the distribution of: open water areas; artificial fill; made land; urban land; alluvial silt and sand; alluvial sand and gravel; peat, marl, muck and clay; lake silt and/or clay; delta sand and gravel; beach sand and gravel; outwash sand and gravel; ice contact sand and ground; thick till cover bedrock; and thin till over bedrock over the Baldwinsville Area. Sheet 2, geologic sections, shows the layering of the aforementioned components below the surface layer. Sheet 3 illustrates the water infiltration of soil zone. Sheet 4 depicts the aquifer thickness. Sheet 5 illustrates the potentiometric surface, and Sheet 6 the well yield. Finally, Sheet 7 shows the land use in the region, specifically: industrial and extractive; commercial and services; transportation; farmland; forestland; residential; open public land; and water and wetlands. (Lantz-PTT)
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Geohydrology of the glacial-outwash aquifer in the Baldwinsville area, Seneca River, Onondaga County, New York
Series title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series number 85-4094
DOI 10.3133/wri854094
Edition -
Year Published 1986
Language ENGLISH
Description 6 maps and 4 cross sections on 7 sheets ; 92 x 122 cm., on sheets 106 x 148 cm. and 92 x 96 cm., folded in envelope 40 x 30 cm.
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