Preliminary geologic report of Sadlerochit River area, 1948
Charles L. Whittington, Edward G. Sable
1948, Open-File Report 54-333
"The Sadlerochit River area" is the name that has been applied for purposes of convenience to that portion of the eastern part of the northern Alaska shown in Figure 1. The map covers an area of about 1400 square miles. The center of this map is a point approximately 55...
Geological results of test pit operations at Cape Simpson, Alaska
W. W. Patton Jr.
1948, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 22
No abstract available....
Stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Utukok River with notes on the Corwin-Cape Beaufort region, Alaska
W. L. Barksdale, R. M. Thompson
1948, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 18
No abstract available....
Stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Titaluk River and upper part of Ikpikpuk River, Alaska
1948, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 16
No abstract available....
Preliminary report on the stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Ipnavik River, Alaska
Karl Stefansson
1948, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 16
Geological Survey Party 1 returned to Umiat from Wolf Creek on August 5. Plans for the field season of 1947 called for geologic reconnaissance along part of the Ipnavik River and along the Colville River between the Ipnavik and Kurupa Rivers, to be completed before the end of the season....
Areal evaluation of petroleum possibilities of major stratigraphic units in northern Alaska
T. G. Payne
1948, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 24
No abstract available....
Notes on the Archaeology of the Utukok River, Northwestern Alaska
Raymond M. Thompson
1948, American Antiquity (14) 62-65
Early in May 1947, a United States Geological Survey field party of five was flown by ski plane to the headwaters of the Utukok River in northwestern Alaska, about 200 miles southwest of Barrow. Three 18–foot canvas boats of a special folding design were taken in along with enough equipment...
Preliminary report on the geology along the route of a proposed tunnel to develop hydroelectric power from Eklutna Lake, Alaska
F.F. Barnes
1948, Open-File Report 48-11
A preliminary investigation of the geology of the ridge north- west of the lower end of Eklutna Lake was made in the period June 11-18, 1947, by the writer, assisted by L. A. Hale. The purpose of this study was to obtain geological information bearing on the feasibility of constructing a tunnel through this...
Correlation of geophysical and geological data from Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4
S. W. Dana
1948, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 23
No abstract available....
Preliminary report on water power resources of Eklutna Creek, Alaska
Arthur Johnson
1947, Open-File Report 48-12
Trace elements investigations in placer mining areas near Teller, Alaska
Max Gregg White
1947, Trace Elements Investigations 40
Nonmetalliferous deposits in the Alaska Railroad belt
Gerald Ashley Waring
1947, Circular 18
Preliminary report on the gypsum deposits near Iyoukeen Cove, Chicagof Island, southeastern Alaska
George W. Flint Jr., Edward Huntington Cobb
1947, Open-File Report 47-20
The only known gypsum deposits in Alaska are on northeastern Chichagof Island, southeastern Alaska, at Iyoukeen Cove (fig. 1). The area first developed and for a time worked by the Pacific Coast Gypsum Co. is approximately 1 mile upstream from the mouth of Gypsum Creek at an elevation of about...
Trace elements reconnaissance along highways in the Tanana and upper Copper River valleys, Alaska
Helmuth Wedow Jr., John J. Matzko
1947, Trace Elements Investigations 38
Preliminary report on stratigraphy and structure of the Wolf Creek anticline, Alaska
Karl Stefansson, R. F. Thurrell Jr., J. H. Zumberge
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 14
In 1946 U. S. Geological Survey Party 2 was assigned the task of carrying out detailed structural and stratigraphic investigations in the area of Maybe Creek*. Field studies indicated the presence of a large anticlinal structure whose axis lies just south of Wolf Creek. Later structural data compiled from aerial...
Preliminary report on stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Colville River north of Umiat, Alaska
Karl Stefansson, R. F. Thurrell Jr., J. H. Zumberge
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 13
The stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Colville north of Umiat was studied by U. S. GeologicaI Survey Party No. 1 during the period of May 31 to July 19, 1947. The. party, consisting pf two geologists, a cook, and a "weasel" mechanic, left Umiat in two "weasels”....
Preliminary report on stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Colville River between Ninuluk and Prince Creeks, Alaska
R.L. Detterman, D. E. Mathewson
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 12
Geological Survey Party 4 began studies at a point on the Colville River 18 miles downstream from the mouth of the Killik River on July 19. From this point the studies were continued along the Colville River to near the mouth of Prince Creek. The investigation was completed on September...
Preliminary report on stratigraphy and structure of the area of Kigalik and Awuna Rivers, Alaska
C. L. Whittington, M. L. Troyer
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 11
During the summer of. 1947, U. S. Geological Survey Party No. 2 made a reconnaissance survey of the area between Awuna River and the divide north of the Kigalik River. The westernmost observations were made along the Awuna anticline to longitude about 157°30' W. and along the Kigalik anticline to...
Stratigraphy and structure of the area of Maybe Creek
Richard G. Ray, William A. Fischer
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 4
During the summer of 1946 the United States Geological Survey continued its program of stratigraphic and structural investigations in Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, northern Alaska. This report summarizes the results of work in the area of Maybe Creek (see inset, fig. 1). The area studied is southwest of Umiat...
Stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Meade and Kuk Rivers and Point Barrow, Alaska
Edward J. Webber
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 6
This report incorporates the results of field and. laboratory studies, from June 1946 through March 1947, of the stratigraphy and. structure of the area of the Meade and Kuk Rivers and Point Barrow, Alaska. The Investigations were made by the Geological Survey as part of the Navy Department's program of...
Stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Kurupa, Oolamnagavik, Killik, and Colville Rivers
Robert M. Chapman, R. F. Thurrell Jr.
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 5
The area between 68° 3C' and 69° 08 N. latitude and between 154° and 155° 20 W. longitude was covered by U. S. Geological Survey party 4 during the period May 18 to September 2. Traverses were confined mainly to the valleys of the Kurupa, Oolamnagavik, and Colville Rivers inasmuch...
Part 3: Volcano investigations on Umnak Island, 1946
F. M. Byers Jr., D.M. Hopkins, K. L. Wier, Bernard Fisher
1947, Report, Alaskan Volcano Investigations Report No. 2
Umnak Island is a dumbbell-shaped island in the eastern part of the Aleutian Islands. The island is 70 miles long and trends northeast-southwest. During 1946 volcano investigations were begun on the island and geologic mapping of most of northeastern Umnak Island was completed.Okmok Volcano, a large, broad volcanic mountain rising...
Preliminary report on the stratigraphy and structure of the Titaluk and upper Ikpikpuk Rivers, Alaska
Edward J. Webber
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 18
Geological Survey Party No. 4 was assigned an investigation of the Ikpikpuk and Titaluk Rivers and East Fork of the Ikpikpuk River mainly for the purpose of obtaining stratigraphic information which would be of use in determining the parts of the Upper Cretaceous sequence that underlie the areas investigated by...
Preliminary report on the stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Utukok River with notes on the Corwin-Cape Beaufort region, Alaska
Raymond M. Thompson, W. L. Barksdale
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 17
U.S. Geological Survey Party 3 studied the geology of the Utukok River area and conducted a short reconnaissance of the Corwin-Cape Beaufort Region during the period May 12 to August 31, 1947. The upper part of the Utukok River was examined for several miles on either side while the lower,...
Preliminary report of the stratigraphy and structure of the area of the Colville River from Ipnavik to Kurupa Rivers, Alaska
R. F. Thurrell Jr.
1947, Geological Investigations, Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska 15
No abstract available....