Geology and Oil Possibilities of the Southwestern Part of the Wide Bay Anticline, Alaska
S. Ellum, N. Daviess, C.M. Swinney
1945, Open-File Report 45-26
Coal deposits in the valley of Healy River, Alaska
C. Wahrhaftig, J. Freedman
1945, Open-File Report 45-101
Geology and coal resources of the western part of the lower Matanuska Valley coal field, Alaska
Thomas G. Payne, David M. Hopkins
1945, Open-File Report 45-100
The lower Matanuska Valley coal field is in southern Alaska 45 miles northeast of the city of Anchorage (fig. 1). The field is in an area bounded on the south by the Matanuska River, on the north by the foothills of the Talkeetna Mountains, and includes on the east and...
Tungsten deposits of the Hyder district, southeastern Alaska
F.W. Byers Jr.
1945, Open-File Report 45-105
Salt Chuck copper-palladium mine, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska
H.R. Galt
1945, Open-File Report 45-25
Geology and coal resources of the eastern part of the lower Matanuska Valley coal field, Alaska
F.F. Barnes, F.M. Byers Jr.
1945, Open-File Report 45-102
The lower Matanuska Valley coal field is in south-central Alaska near the head of Cook Inlet, about 60 miles by railroad northeast of Anchorage (fig. 1). It occupies an area roughly 7 miles long and 1 1/2 miles wide that trends northeastward parallel to the front of the Talkeetna Mountains...
Preliminary report on petroleum possibilities in the Katalla area, Alaska
D. J. Miller, Darwin L. Rossman, C.A. Hickcox
1945, Open-File Report 45-103
No abstract available....
Explosion‐breccia in the Wrangell district, southeastern Alaska
H.R. Gault
1945, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (26) 389-390
Unusual breccias were noted at several places in the vicinity of Groundhog and Glacier Basins, about 13 miles east of Wrangell on the mainland of southeastern Alaska, in 1942 and 1943. They are similar in some respects to the clastic dikes in Colorado described by Burbank [see 1 of “References”...
Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1941 and 1942
Philip S. Smith
1945, Bulletin 943
No abstract available....
Part of the Herendeen Bay coal field, Alaska
G.O. Gates
1944, Open-File Report 44-29
No abstract available....
Fluorite reserves at the Lost River tin mine, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
R.R. Coats, P.L. Killen
1944, Open-File Report 44-30
Coal deposits of the Costello Creek Basin, Alaska
Clyde Wahrhaftig
1944, Open-File Report 44-26
Mineral industry of Alaska in 1941 and 1942
Philip Sidney Smith
1944, Bulletin 943-A
Geology and mineral deposits of Glacier Basin and vicinity, Wrangell district, southeastern Alaska
H.R. Gault, Darwin L. Rossman, George W. Flint Jr.
1944, Open-File Report 44-87
Glacier Basin is on the mainland of southeastern Alaska about 13 miles east of Wrangell (see fig. 1) and is about 10 miles by trail and by boat across Lake Virginia from tidewater (see fig. 2). A Forest Service trail starts from Eastern Passage a few hundred feet north of...
Preliminary report on the quicksilver-antimony properties in the vicinity of Sleitmut, Georgetown district, southwestern Alaska
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1944, Open-File Report 43-102
Lead-zinc deposits at the Lake claims, Wrangell district, southeastern Alaska
H.R. Gault, George W. Flint Jr.
1944, Open-File Report 44-82
The Shakan molybdenite deposit, Kosciusko Island, southeastern Alaska
G. D. Robinson
1944, Open-File Report 44-83
The ultrabasic rocks of the Blashke Islands, Kane Peak, and Mt. Burnett, southeastern Alaska
G.C. Kennedy, M. S. Walton Jr.
1944, Open-File Report 44-86
The geology and nickel-copper deposits of Yakobi Island, southeastern Alaska
George C. Kennedy, Matt S. Walton Jr.
1944, Open-File Report 44-85
This report briefly describes the nickel-copper deposits of Yakobi Island, southeastern Alaska, as well as the general geology of the island. It also interprets and summarizes the geological data obtained during drilling tests in 1941 and 1942 by the Bureau of Mines and magnetometer exploration in 1943 by the Geological...
Occurrences of scheelite in the Solomon district, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Robert R. Coats
1944, Open-File Report 44-28
The scheelite occurrences here reported are on the Solomon River, about 35 miles by road east of Nome, the principal town on the Seward Peninsula, and on and near Big Hurrah Creek, about 5 miles northward by road (see fig. 1)....
Lode scheelite deposits of the Nome area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Robert Roy Coats
1944, Open-File Report 44-35
No abstract available....
The nickel-copper deposits on the west coast of Chichagof Island, southeastern Alaska
G.C. Kennedy
1944, Open-File Report 44-84
The Iron King no. 1 Copper Prospect, Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska
Lawrence Allen Warner, Matt Savage Walton
1944, Open-File Report 44-31
Iron deposits, Jumbo Basin, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska
G.C. Kennedy
1944, Open-File Report 44-81
Reconnaissance of Porcupine Valley, Alaska
Gerald Arthur Fitzgerald
1944, Bulletin 933-D