Stream measurement work: Chapter 9 in Thirteenth biennial report of the State Engineer to the governor of Utah: 1921-1922
A.B. Purton
1922, Utah State Engineer Biennial Report 13-9
Systematic stream measurement work was probably first undertaken in Utah when the United States Geological Survey in 1888 began collecting records of flow of certain streams in the West in connection with special studies relating to irrigation in the arid sections. Since 1895 Congress has made small appropriations “for gaging...
Forty-third annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey
George Otis Smith
1922, Annual Report 43
The direct appropriations for the work under the Geological Survey for the fiscal year 1922 comprised items amounting to $1,614,349. In addition $140,000, to be disbursed under the direction of the Public Printer, was appropriated for printing the reports of the Survey, and allotments of $10,000 and $7,423.96 for miscellaneous...
Geologic structure of parts of New Mexico
N. H. Darton
1922, Bulletin 726-E
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1917 : Part 12, North Pacific drainage basins ; B. Snake River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1922, Water Supply Paper 463
Surface water supply of the United States, 1918, Part III, Ohio River basin
Nathan C. Grover, Albert H. Horton, C. G. Paulsen
1922, Water Supply Paper 473
Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Contact-metamorphic tungsten deposits of the United States
F. L. Hess, E. S. Larsen Jr.
1922, Bulletin 725-D
Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Deposits of manganese ore in Montana, Utah, Oregon, and Washington
J. T. Pardee
1922, Bulletin 725-C
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Gold lodes in the upper Kuskokwim region
G. C. Martin
1922, Bulletin 722-E
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska
G. H. Canfield
1922, Bulletin 722-B
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Introduction
David White
1922, Bulletin 686-A
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 11 E.
H.M. Robinson, R.V.A. Mills
1922, Bulletin 686-T
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 21-23 N., Rs. 6-7 E., and Tps. 23-25 N., Rs. 3-5 E.
C. F. Bowen, P. V. Roundy, C. S. Ross, Frank Reeves
1922, Bulletin 686-U
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 10 E.
H.M. Robinson, R.V.A. Mills
1922, Bulletin 686-V
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 20 N., R. 10 E.
M.I. Goldman
1922, Bulletin 686-X
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 20 and 21 N., R. 12 E.
C. S. Ross
1922, Bulletin 686-N
The Arkansas River flood of June 3-5, 1921
Robert Follansbee, Edward E. Jones
1922, Water Supply Paper 487
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 28 N., Rs. 11 and 12 E.
M.I. Goldman, H.M. Robinson
1922, Bulletin 686-Y
Surface water supply of the United States, 1919-1920, Part VIII, Western Gulf of Mexico basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1922, Water Supply Paper 508
Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Manganese deposits near Bromide, Oklahoma
D. F. Hewett
1922, Bulletin 725-E
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 28 N., Rs. 9 and 10 E.; T. 29 N., R. 10 E.
C. F. Bowen
1922, Bulletin 686-F
Geology of the vicinity of Tuxedni Bay, Cook Inlet
F. H. Moffit
1922, Bulletin 722-D
No abstract available....
Nitrate deposits in the Amargosa region, southeastern California
Levi Fatzinger Noble, George Rogers Mansfield
1922, Bulletin 724
Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1921, Part II.--Mineral fuels
David White, Marius R. Campbell
1922, Bulletin 726
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 8 E.
K. C. Heald
1922, Bulletin 686-Q
Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 24 N., R. 10 E.
C. F. Bowen
1922, Bulletin 686-D