Xenoliths in the honolulu volcanic series, Hawaii
E. D. Jackson, T. L. Wright
None, Journal of Petrology (11) 405-433
The Pleistocene to Holocene Honolulu Volcanic Series was erupted from about 37 vents scattered over the older Koolau tholeiite shield. The rocks of this series are compositionally zoned with respect to the shield; near the Koolau caldera the predominant rocks are melilitenepheline basalts, but these give way outward to nepheline...
Infrared sensing of active geologic processes
J. D. Friedman, R. S. Williams Jr.
None, Conference Paper, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
No abstract available....
Garnet types from the Cazadero area, California
D. E. Lee, R. G. Coleman, Richard C. Erd
None, Journal of Petrology (4) 460-492
This is the third in a series of papers on glaucophane schists from the Franciscan Formation near Cazadero, California. Previous papers describe three distinct types of glaucophane-bearing Franciscan metamorphic rocks near Cazadero.The purpose of this study is to investigate the garnets present in metamorphic types III (bedrock schists)...
Effect on evaporation of releases from reservoirs on Salt River, Arizona
G.E. Koberg
None, International Association of Scientific Hydrology - Bulletin (5) 37-44
By means of the energy-budget method, measurements of evaporation losses from four reservoirs on Salt River, Ariz., were determined to range from 57.5 to 69.9 inches for the 12-month period April 1958 to March 1959. Water is withdrawn from Roosevelt Lake at considerable depth and released through three run-of-the-river reservoirs. Because...
Field guidebook, June 1959
William Donald Wilkinson , Thomas P Thayer
None, Report
No abstract available....
Interpretation of potentiometric titration of H-montmorillonite
A. M. Pommer, D. Carroll
None, Nature (185) 595-596
No abstract available. ...
Yield of sediment in relation to mean annual precipitation
Walter B. Langbein, S. A. Schumm
None, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (39) 1076-1084
Effective mean annual precipitation is related to sediment yield from drainage basins throughout the climatic regions of the United States. Sediment yield is a maximum at about 10 to 14 inches of precipitation, decreasing sharply on both sides of this maximum in one case owing to a deficiency of runoff...
Application of fluorescent x-ray spectroscopy in geochemistry
I. Adler, J. M. Axelrod
None, GSA Bulletin (66) 1525-1640
No abstract available....
Ocoee series of the southern Appalachians
W.O. George, A.J. Stose
None, Geological Society of America Bulletin (60 ) 267-320
The Ocoee series is divided into four major units present from northern North Carolina to western Georgia and a fifth, younger, formation present only in southern North Carolina and Georgia. The units recognize dare as follows: The Ocoee series is a broad synclinal belt of resistant Great Smoky quartzite, which...
The problem of the Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Granite
L.W. Currier
None, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union (18) 260-261
The Chelmsford granite is quarried in and around Oak Hill, about six miles west of Lowell, Massachusetts. The granite‐area is about eight miles long and one to three miles wide, and its longer dimension has a northeast bearing which is parallel with the regional axis of foliation in the country...
Paleontological monographs of the National Geological Surveys
Henry Fairfield Osborn
None, Science (70) 315-317
No abstract available....
Seafloor images refine petroleum exploration models
David Twichell
None, Report
Acoustic mapping of the EEZ sea floor using GLORIA side-scan sonar tool includes the margins of the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Johnston Island. This decade-long program was undertaken in cooperation with the United Kingdom's Institute of Oceanographic Sciences at the Deacon...
Sand and gravel resources of Puerto Rico
Rafael W. Rodriguez
None, Report
Many of Puerto Rico's beaches are eroding, and though rates of erosion vary, it is a major concern for the tourism and residential development industries. More than 85 percent of the population lives within 7 kilometers of the coast and they are heavily dependent on tourists that are attracted by...
Louisiana coastal wetlands: a resource at risk
S. Jeffress Williams
None, Report
Approximately half the Nation's original wetland habitats have been lost over the past 200 years. In part, this has been a result of natural evolutionary processes, but human activities, such as dredging wetlands for canals or draining and filling for agriculture, grazing, or development, share a large part of the...
Seafloor studies of Mamala Bay, Honolulu, Hawaii
Michael E. Torresan
None, Report
No comprehensive study of the effects of disposal of dredge spoils has been conducted to determine if the environment has suffered. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has regularly dredged the shipping channels of Honolulu Harbor and Pearl Harbor for commercial and military purposes. The 5-year frequency for new...