Equipment for current-meter gaging stations
George L. Lyon
1915, Water Supply Paper 371
Springs of California
Gerald Ashley Waring
1915, Water Supply Paper 338
In 1903 the United States Geological Survey began an investigation of the underground water of California, generally with financial cooperation on the part of the State. Since that year ten papers on the underground water of the State have been issued by the Survey, each representing an investigation that has...
Profile surveys in 1914 in Umpqua River basin, Oregon
Robert Bradford Marshall
1915, Water Supply Paper 379
Preliminary report on ground water for irrigation in the vicinity of Wichita, Kansas
O. E. Meinzer
1915, Water Supply Paper 345-A
No abstract available....
Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil shale of northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah
E. G. Woodruff, David T. Day
1915, Bulletin 581-A
Surface water supply of Oregon, 1878-1910
Fred Forbes Henshaw, Henry Jennings Dean
1915, Water Supply Paper 370
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1913, Part I, North Atlantic slope basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1915, Water Supply Paper 351
Oil and gas in the western part of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Charles T. Lupton
1915, Bulletin 581-B
High-grade paraffin oil is reported to have been discovered in the western part of the Olympic Peninsula, Wash., as early as 1881. Since then attempts to obtain oil or gas in commercial quantities by drilling have been made from time to time in different localities in this region, but without...
Water resources of Hawaii, 1913
G.K. Larrison
1915, Water Supply Paper 373
Contributions to economic geology, 1913: Part II, Mineral fuels--The Coalville coal field, Utah
C. H. Wegemann
1915, Bulletin 581-E
Profile surveys in 1914 on Middle fork of Willamette River and White River, Oregon
Robert Bradford Marshall
1915, Water Supply Paper 378
The Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the history of the Great Lakes
Frank Leverett, Frank Bursley Taylor
1915, Monograph 53
This monograph describes the glacial features and the great glacial lakes of a district in Indiana and Michigan lying between the areas covered by Monographs XXXVIII, and XLI. The glacial features are treated mainly by Mr. Leverett, and the glacial lakes and their moraines by Mr. Taylor. The pre-Wisconsin glacial...
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1914--Mining on Prince William Sound
B. L. Johnson
1915, Bulletin 622-E
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1914--Mining in the Fairbanks districts
H. M. Eakin
1915, Bulletin 622-G
Some mining districts in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada
James M. Hill
1915, Bulletin 594
Scattered over its sparsely settled and generally arid expanse the State of Nevada contains approximately 200 centers of past or present mining activity. Some of these mining districts, such as the Comstock,1 Eureka,2 Tonopah,3 and Goldfield,4 have added millions to the world's wealth in precious metals and have been given...
Underground waters of the coastal plain of Georgia
Lloyd William Stephenson, J. O. Veatch, Richard B. Dole
1915, Water Supply Paper 341
No abstract available....
The fauna of the Batesville sandstone of northern Arkansas
George H. Girty
1915, Bulletin 593
The beds in northern Arkansas that lie between the Boone limestone (commonly regarded as representing the Burlington and Keokuk epochs) and the Pennsylvanian have been divided into several formations, named, in ascending order, Moorefield shale, Batesville sandstone, Fayetteville shale, and Pitkin limestone. These formations presumably are equivalent to those that...
The composition of muds from Columbus Marsh, Nevada
W.B. Hicks
1915, Professional Paper 95-A
The investigation of the dry lake of Columbus Marsh, in Nevada, which had for its economic motive the discovery of potash, was continued by the United States Geological Survey during the summer of 1913 under the supervision of Hoyt S. Gale. The work done included the drilling of a shallow...
Faunas of the Boone limestone at St. Joe, Arkansas
George Herbert Girty
1915, Bulletin 598
The Willow Creek district, Alaska
Stephen Reid Capps
1915, Bulletin 607
Anticlinal structure in parts of Cotton and Jefferson counties, Oklahoma
Carroll H. Wegemann
1915, Bulletin 602
A review of the American moles
Hartley H.T. Jackson
1915, North American Fauna 38
Analyses of rocks and minerals from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1914
Frank Wigglesworth Clarke
1915, Bulletin 591
The present Geological Survey of the United States was organized in 1879. In 1880, in connection with the Colorado work, a chemical laboratory was established at Denver in charge of W. F. Hillebrand, with whom were associated Antony Guyard and, later, L. G. Eakins. In 1882 W. H. Melville was...
Results of spirit leveling in Iowa, 1896 to 1913, inclusive
Robert Bradford Marshall
1915, Bulletin 569
Revision of the American marmots
Arthur H. Howell
1915, North American Fauna 37