Llano-Burnet folio, Texas
Sidney Paige
1912, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 183
Kenova folio, Kentucky-West Virginia-Ohio
William Clifton Phalen
1912, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 184
Choptank folio, Maryland
Benjamin LeRoy Miller
1912, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 182
The Choptank quadrangle lies between parallel 38° 30' and 39° north latitude and meridians 76° and 76° 30' west longitude. It includes one-fourth of a square degree of the earth's surface and contains 931.51 square miles. From north to south it measures 34.5 miles and from east to west its mean width is 27 miles, as...
Claysville folio, Pennsylvania
Malcolm John Munn
1912, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 180
Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1910: Part II - Mineral fuels
Marius Robinson Campbell
1912, Bulletin 471
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1910, Part VIII, Western Gulf of Mexico basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1912, Water Supply Paper 288
The Ruby placer district
A. G. Maddren
1912, Bulletin 520-J
No abstract available....
The Alatna-Noatak region
P. S. Smith
1912, Bulletin 520-L
No abstract available....
The Taral and Bremner River districts
F. H. Moffit
1912, Bulletin 520-C
No abstract available....
Pliocene and Pleistocene Foraminifera from southern California
Rufus Mather Bagg Jr.
1912, Bulletin 513
Water resources of California, Part II, Stream measurements in San Joaquin River basin
J.C. Hoyt, Harry Deyoe McGlashan, H.J. Dean
1912, Water Supply Paper 299
Surface water supply of the United States, 1910, Part V, Hudson Bay and upper Mississippi River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1912, Water Supply Paper 285
The mining districts of the Western United States
James M. Hill, Waldemar Lindgren
1912, Bulletin 507
No abstract available....
A reconnaissance of the Jarbidge, Contact, and Elk Mountain mining districts, Elko County, Nevada
Frank Charles Schrader
1912, Bulletin 497
No abstract available....
Gold placers of the Yentna district
S. R. Capps
1912, Bulletin 520-F
No abstract available....
Gold deposits of the Seward-Sunrise region, Kenai Peninsula
B. L. Johnson
1912, Bulletin 520-E
No abstract available....
Apishapa folio, Colorado
George W. Stose
1912, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 186
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Gold placers between Woodchopper and Fourth of July Creeks, upper Yukon River
L. M. Prindle, J. B. Mertie Jr.
1912, Bulletin 520-G
Results of spirit leveling in Alabama, 1911
Robert Bradford Marshall
1912, Bulletin 517
Results of spirit leveling in Florida, 1911
Robert Bradford Marshall
1912, Bulletin 516
Results of spirit leveling in New York, 1906 to 1911, inclusive
Robert Bradford Marshall
1912, Bulletin 514
The Eagle River region, southeastern Alaska
Adolph Knopf
1912, Bulletin 502
Coal fields of Grand Mesa and the West Elk Mountains, Colorado
Willis Thomas Lee
1912, Bulletin 510
The Rampart and Hot Springs regions
H. M. Eakin
1912, Bulletin 520-I
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1910, Part IV, St. Lawrence River basin
Clermont Calvert Covert
1912, Water Supply Paper 284