Surface water supply of the United States, 1907-8, Part IX, Colorado River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1910, Water Supply Paper 249
Surface water supply of the United States, 1907-8, Part VII, Lower Mississippi River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1910, Water Supply Paper 247
Preliminary report on the ground waters of Estancia Valley, New Mexico
Oscar Edward Meinzer
1910, Water Supply Paper 260
Mineral resources of the Nabesna-White River District, Alaska, with a section on the Quaternary
Fred Howard Moffit, Adolph Knopf, Stephen Reid Capps
1910, Bulletin 417
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1907-8. Part X, The Great Basin
E. C. La Rue, F.F. Henshaw
1910, Water Supply Paper 250
Surface water supply of the United States, 1909, Part IV, St. Lawrence River basin
C. C. Covert, A.H. Horton, R.H. Bolster
1910, Water Supply Paper 264
Phosphates: Preliminary report on the phosphate deposits in southeastern Idaho and adjacent parts of Wyoming and Utah
H. S. Gale, R. W. Richards
1910, Bulletin 430-H
No abstract available....
Thirty-first annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey
George Otis Smith
1910, Annual Report 31
The appropriations for the work of the United States Geological Survey for the fiscal year 1909-10 comprised items amounting to $1,497,815. The plan of operations was approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and a detailed statement of the work of the several branches and divisions of the Survey is...
Topographic and Geologic Map of the United States
1909, Report
Geology and underground waters of South Dakota
Nelson Horatio Darton
1909, Water Supply Paper 227
Some desert watering places in southeastern California and southwestern Nevada
Walter Curran Mendenhall
1909, Water Supply Paper 224
Papers on the conservation of water resources (reprinted from report of the National Conservation Commission, February, 1909)
Henry Gannett, Marshall O. Leighton, William Mott Steuart, F.H. Newell, W. C. Mendenhall, H. Stabler, H.N. Parker
1909, Water Supply Paper 234
Surface water supply of the United States, 1907-8, Part II. South Atlantic Coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1909, Water Supply Paper 242
This volume contains results of flow measurements made on certain streams in the United States. The work was performed by the water-resources branch of the United States Geological Survey, either independently or in cooperation with organizations mentioned herein. These investigations are authorized by the organic law of the Geological Survey...
The quality of surface waters in the United States, Part I, Analyses of waters east of the one hundredth meridian
Richard B. Dole
1909, Water Supply Paper 236
Surface water supply of Nebraska
John Cyprian Stevens
1909, Water Supply Paper 230
The pollution of streams by sulphite-pulp waste, a study of possible remedies
Earle Bernard Phelps
1909, Water Supply Paper 226
Geology and water resources of the Harney Basin region, Oregon
Gerald Ashley Waring
1909, Water Supply Paper 231
Copper mining and prospecting on Prince William Sound. Gold on Prince William Sound. Notes on the geology and mineral prospects in the vicinity of Seward, Kenai Peninsula. Mineral resources of southwestern Alaska
U. S. Grant, D. F. Higgins Jr.
1909, Bulletin 379-C
No abstract available....
Belle Fourche folio, South Dakota
Nelson Horatio Darton, Cleophas Cisney O'Harra
1909, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 164
Santa Cruz folio, California
John Casper Branner, J.F. Newsom, Ralph Arnold
1909, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 163
The granites of Vermont
T. Nelson Dale
1909, Bulletin 404
Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Cement and Concrete Materials
G. C. Martin
1909, Bulletin 380-J
Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Salines
Ralph Arnold, H.R. Johnson
1909, Bulletin 380-L
Comparative tests of run-of-mine and briquetted coal on the torpedo boat Biddle
Walter T. Ray, Henry Kreisinger
1909, Bulletin 403
Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of the Pacific Coast: I. The Miocene of Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon
W.H. Dall
1909, Professional Paper 59
No abstract available....