Surface water supply of the United States, 1907-8, Part II. South Atlantic Coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1909, Water Supply Paper 242
This volume contains results of flow measurements made on certain streams in the United States. The work was performed by the water-resources branch of the United States Geological Survey, either independently or in cooperation with organizations mentioned herein. These investigations are authorized by the organic law of the Geological Survey...
Geology and underground waters of South Dakota
Nelson Horatio Darton
1909, Water Supply Paper 227
Underground waters of southern Maine, with records of deep wells
Frederick Gardner Clapp, William Shirley Bayley
1909, Water Supply Paper 223
Geology and water resources of the Great Falls region, Montana
Cassius Asa Fisher
1909, Water Supply Paper 221
The quality of surface waters in the United States, Part I, Analyses of waters east of the one hundredth meridian
Richard B. Dole
1909, Water Supply Paper 236
Peat deposits of Maine
Edson Sunderland Bastin, Charles Albert Davis
1909, Bulletin 376
No abstract available....
Mineral deposits of the Cerbat Range, Black Mountains, and Grand Wash Cliffs, Mohave County, Arizona
Frank Charles Schrader
1909, Bulletin 397
Notes on some mining districts in Humboldt County, Nevada
F. L. Ransome
1909, Bulletin 414
Geology of the Lewistown coal field, Montana
William R. Calvert
1909, Bulletin 390
Papers on the conservation of mineral resources (reprinted from report of the National Conservation Commission, February, 1909)
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1909, Bulletin 394
Bibliography of North American geology for 1908, with subject index
John M. Nickles
1909, Bulletin 409
Comparative tests of run-of-mine and briquetted coal on the torpedo boat Biddle
Walter T. Ray, Henry Kreisinger
1909, Bulletin 403
The colloid matter of clay and its measurement
Harrison Everett Ashley
1909, Bulletin 388
Paleontology of the Coalinga district, Fresno and Kings counties, California
Ralph Arnold
1909, Bulletin 396
Revision of the mice of the American genus Peromyscus
Wilfred H. Osgood
1909, North American Fauna 28
Contributions to economic geology, 1908: Part I - metals and nonmetals, except fuels
C. W. Hayes, Waldemar Lindgren
1909, Bulletin 380
Briquetting tests at the United States fuel-testing plant, Norfolk, Virginia, 1907-8
Charles L. Wright
1909, Bulletin 385
The granites of Vermont
T. Nelson Dale
1909, Bulletin 404
Biological investigations in Alaska and Yukon Territory: 1. East-central Alaska; 2. Ogilvie Range, Yukon; 3. Macmillan River, Yukon
Wilfred H. Osgood
1909, North American Fauna 30
The fire-resistive properties of various building materials
Richard Louis Humphrey
1909, Bulletin 370
Water resources of the Blue Grass region, Kentucky, with a chapter on the quality of the waters
George Charlton Matson, Chase Palmer
1909, Water Supply Paper 233
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1908--Mining in the Kotsina-Chitina, Chistochina, and Valdez Creek regions
F. H. Moffit, Adolph Knopf
1909, Bulletin 379-D
Mineral resources of the Kotsina-Chitina region, Alaska
Fred Howard Moffit, Alfred Geddes Maddren
1909, Bulletin 374
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of Nebraska
John Cyprian Stevens
1909, Water Supply Paper 230
Underground water resources of Connecticut, with a study of the occurrence of water in crystalline rocks
Herbert E. Gregory, Edwin E. Ellis
1909, Water Supply Paper 232