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180386 results.

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Page 7211, results 180251 - 180275

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Publication Extents

Not all publications have extents, not all extents are completely accurate
Geographical and Topographical Atlas accompanying the report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, made by authority of the Hornorable Secretary of War, under the direction of Brig. and Bvt. Major General A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers
Clarence King, Julius Bien (lithographer)
1876, Report
Contains a title, legend, and 11 folio maps in the folio. Contains a topographic (shaded) map of Cordilleran region, limiting meridians 104° and 124°; limiting parallels 29° and 50°. Scale, 60 miles to the inch. Also contains four geologic and four topographic (shaded) maps, on scale of 4 miles...
Topographical atlas sheets
George Montague Wheeler
1876, Report
The following topographical atlas sheets, accompanying Appendix J.J. of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army-being Annual Report upon U. S. Geographical Surveys-have been published during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876, and are a portion of the series projected to embrace the territory of the...
Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories: No. 6, second series
Elliott Coues, F.B. Meek, Samuel H. Scudder, Robert Ridgway
1876, Report
Table of Contents I.----An account of the various publications relating to the travels of Lewis and Clarke, with a commentary on the zoological results of their expedition. By Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S.A. II.---Notice of a very large Goniatite from eastern Kansas. By F.B. Meek III.--Fossil orthoptera from the Rocky Mountajn tertiaries. By Samuel...
Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories: Volume II, Number 3
F. V. Hayden, B.F. Mudge, Henry Gannett, T.S. Brandegee, Samuel H. Scudder, George Ainslie
1876, Report
Table of Contents I.-----Notes descriptive of some geological sections of the country about the headwaters of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. By F.V. Hayden II.----Notes on the tertiary and cretaceous periods of Kansas. By B.F. Mudge III.---Notes concerning a contour map of the United States. By Henry Gannett, M.E. IV.----The flora of southwestern Colorado....
Descriptions and illustrations of fossils from Vancouver's and Sucia Islands, and other northwestern localities
F.B. Meek
1876, Report, Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories
The fossils described and illustrated in this paper were in part collected by Mr. George Gibbs, geologist of the Northwestern Boundary Survey, under the direction of Archibald Campbell, esq., the commissioner appointed in behalf of the United States Government on the joint commission for the survey of the Northwestern Boundary-line....
Notes on the geology of northeastern New Mexico
O. St. John
1876, Report, Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories
In the region of the headwaters of the Canadian is embraced a territory which, for the completeness of its geological record and the interest of its concomitant topographical and scenic features, is not excelled perhaps by a similar extent of country in the West. It is bounded on the west...
Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 1875, inclusive: Miscellaneous publications - No. 5
Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, William Henry Jackson
1875, Report
Miscellaneous Publications of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories is comprised of No. 1-12, some with multiple editions.  A 1st and 2nd edition of No. 5 were published in 1874 and 1875 respectively.  Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden is the United States geologist in charge of this series....
Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874
George Montague Wheeler, E.D. Cope
1875, Report
The present essay completes the determination of the species of vertebrata obtained by the geographical survey under your charge in the Eocene formation of New Mexico during the field-season of 1874. The descriptions which have already appeared in your [George M. Wheeler] report to the Chief of Engineers, as published...
Report upon United States geological surveys west of the one hundredth meridian, Volume V: Zoology
George Montague Wheeler
1875, Report, Report upon United States Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian
The subject of the geographical distribution and variation of our western zoölogy is one that has of late years attracted more than ordinary attention from our naturalists; and, as appropriate to the subject-matter of this volume, it is here proposed to give a brief résumé of their conclusions and generalizations,...
Annual report upon the geological exploration of the fortieth parallel from the Sierra Nevada to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains: Being Appendix KK of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for 1875
Clarence King
1875, Report
I have the honor herewith to present a brief annual report of the operations of the geological exploration of the fortieth parallel, under my charge, for the year ending June 30, 1875, and to state in explanation of its delay that, since the date when it should properly have been...