U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 542
FACS logs are standardized forms used by the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program to record information about the vessel(s), dates, personnel, equipment, field notes, and core locations. For more information see http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/infobank/programs/html/main/facs.html. The digital FACS logs for cruises 07SCC04 and 07SCC05 were generated after each cruise on the basis of handwritten logs and personal communication with the crew members. The 87039 FACS logs were generated after the cruise using data from the Cruise Report. Although the FACS logs in this report were supplemented with information from the cruise logbooks, some are still incomplete. The FACS logs can be downloaded as Microsoft Word (DOC) files and are also available as Microsoft Excel (XLS) files that can be accessed from the FACS_Logbook folder. Metadata about each field activity is generated from the FACS logs and can be viewed as an HTML page through the Infobank Metadata (HTML) link.
07SCC04 Digital FACS Logs | 07SCC05 Digital FACS Logs | 87039 Digital FACS Logs |
Crew (36 KB)
Crew (36 KB)
Crew (36 KB)
Equipment (32 KB)
Equipment (36 KB)
Equipment (40 KB)
Overview (52 KB)
Overview (52 KB)
Overview (52 KB)
Sample Storage (36 KB) | Sample Storage (36 KB) | Sample Storage (36 KB) |
Sample Log (200 KB) | Sample Log (164 KB) | Sample Log (276 KB) |
USGS CMG 07SCC04 Metadata (HTML) |
USGS CMG 07SCC05 Metadata (HTML) | USGS CMG 87039 Metadata(HTML) |
The FACS logbooks for cruises 07SCC04 and 07SCC05 are scanned copies of the handwritten field notes completed in the field by the scientists and crew for each cruise. The FACS logbook for cruise 87039 contains the Chief Scientist's summary report with information about the vessel, dates, personnel, equipment, field notes, and core locations. Summary information and interpretation of the 87039 data are referenced in Kindinger and others (1989; 1991) and Brooks and others (1995). The digital FACS Logbook files (below) are in PDF format can be viewed with free Adobe Reader software. The FACS logbook files for each cruise can also be accessed from the FACS_Logbook folder.
07SCC04 Digital FACS Logbook |
07SCC05 Digital FACS Logbook |
87039 Digital FACS Logbook |
![]() 07SCC04 Logbook (41.3 MB) |
![]() 07SCC05 Logbook (5.1 MB) |
![]() 87039 Logbook (484 KB) |
Note: Information on PDF accessibility may be viewed at the Adobe Accessibility Resource Center. Files may also be viewed online with free Google Docs, if connected to the Internet. If you are unable to open any of these files, please contact Chandra Dreher (cdreher@usgs.gov).