Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Food-web dynamics of a floodplain mosaic overshadow the effects of engineered logjams for Pacific salmon and steelhead, 2024, Ecological Applications
- Multi-decadal vegetation transformations of a New Mexico ponderosa pine landscape after severe fires and aerial seeding, 2024, Ecological Applications (34) - 6
- Prey supply and predation as potential limitations to feasibility of anadromous salmonid introductions in a reservoir, 2024, Ecological Applications (16) - 8
- Cross-scale analysis reveals interacting predictors of annual and perennial cover in Northern Great Basin rangelands, 2024, Ecological Applications (0) - 0
- Effects of vehicle traffic on space use and road crossings of caribou in the Arctic, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 8
- Testing the hierarchy of predictability in grassland restoration across a gradient of environmental severity, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) -
- Waterfowl show spatiotemporal trends in influenza A H5 and H7 infections but limited taxonomic variation, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 7
- High resolution lidar data shed light on inter-island translocation of endangered bird species in the Hawaiian Islands, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 5
- Modeling impacts of saltwater intrusion on methane and nitrous oxide emissions in tidal forested wetlands, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) -
- Climate change mitigation potential of Louisiana's coastal area: Current estimates and future projections, 2023, Ecological Applications (23) - 4
- Crossing the threshold: Invasive grasses inhibit forest restoration on Hawaiian islands, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 4
- Soil surface treatments and precipitation timing determine seedling development across southwestern US restoration sites, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 4
- Qualitative value of information provides a transparent and repeatable method for identifying critical uncertainty, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 4
- Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 4
- Sharing land via keystone structure: Retaining naturally regenerated trees may efficiently benefit birds in plantations, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 3
- A genetic warning system for a hierarchically structured wildlife monitoring framework, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 3
- Empirical evidence for effects of invasive American Bullfrogs on occurrence of native amphibians and emerging pathogens, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 2
- Spatial and temporal patterns in Arctic mosquito abundance, 2023, Ecological Applications (48) - 1
- Integrating principles and tools of decision science into value-driven watershed planning for compensatory mitigation, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 2
- Predictive accuracy of post-fire conifer death declines over time in models based on crown and bole injury, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 2
- Phylogenetic risk assessment is robust for forecasting the impact of European insects on North American conifers, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 2
- Diet energy density estimated from isotopes in predator hair associated with survival, habitat, and population dynamics, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 2
- Range-wide sources of variation in reproductive rates of northern spotted owls, 2023, Ecological Applications (33) - 1
- Trends in vegetation and height of the topographic surface in a tidal freshwater swamp experiencing rooting zone saltwater intrusion, 2022, Ecological Applications (145) -
- Does large dam removal restore downstream riparian vegetation diversity? Testing predictions on the Elwha River, Washington, USA, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 6
- Predation thresholds for reintroduction of native avifauna following suppression of invasive brown treesnakes on Guam, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 8
- Modeling impacts of drought-induced salinity intrusion on carbon dynamics in tidal freshwater forested wetlands, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 8
- The role of microtopography and resident species in post-disturbance recovery of arid habitats in Hawaiʻi, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) -
- Response of riparian vegetation to short- and long-term hydrologic variation, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 8
- N and P constrain C in ecosystems under climate change: Role of nutrient redistribution, accumulation, and stoichiometry, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 8
- Integrating data types to estimate spatial patterns of avian migration across the Western Hemisphere, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 7
- Scale dependence of coral reef oases and their environmental correlates, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 7
- Life and death in a dynamic environment: Invasive trout, floods, and intraspecific drivers of translocated populations, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 6
- Optimizing management of invasions in an uncertain world using dynamic spatial models, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 6
- Fire-driven vegetation type conversion in Southern California, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 6
- A comparison of monitoring designs to assess wildlife community parameters across spatial scales, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 6
- Evaluating sources of bias in pedigree-based estimates of breeding population size, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 5
- Precision and bias of spatial capture–recapture estimates: A multi-site, multi-year Utah black bear case study, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 5
- Using near-term forecasts and uncertainty partitioning to inform prediction of oligotrophic lake cyanobacterial density, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) -
- The wildland-urban interface in the United States based on 125 million building locations, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 5
- Eyes on the herd: Quantifying ungulate density from satellite, unmanned aerial systems, and GPScollar data, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 5
- Plant effects on and response to soil microbes in native and non-native Phragmites australis, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 4
- Age-specific survival rates, causes of death, and allowable take of golden eagles in the western United States, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 3
- Leveraging community science data for population assessments during a pandemic, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) -
- Empirically validated drought vulnerability mapping in the mixed conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 2
- Crowding, climate, and the case for social distancing among trees, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 2
- Both real-time and long-term environmental data perform well in predicting shorebird distributions in managed habitat, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 4
- Can the impact of canopy trees on soil and understory be altered using litter additions?, 2022, Ecological Applications (32) - 1
- Demographic risk assessment for a harvested species threatened by climate change: Polar bears in the Chukchi Sea, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 8
- Limited shifts in the distribution of migratory bird breeding habitat density in response to future changes in climate, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- Evaluation of a two-season banding program to estimate and model migratory bird survival, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- Experimental evaluation of spatial capture–recapture study design, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- Multicriteria decisions and portfolio analysis: Land acquisition for biological and social objectives, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Evaluation of camera trap-based abundance estimators for unmarked populations, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- What is the effect of poaching activity on wildlife species?, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- Conspecific and congeneric interactions shape increasing rates of breeding dispersal of northern spotted owls, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- A more representative community of ecologists, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 6
- Mapping the vulnerability of giant sequoias after extreme drought in California using remote sensing, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- Assessing the robustness of time-to-event models for estimating unmarked wildlife abundance using remote cameras, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 6
- Advancing estuarine ecological forecasts: Seasonal hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 6
- Life-history theory provides a framework for detecting resource limitation: A test of the Nutritional Buffer Hypothesis, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 4
- Large-scale variation in wave attenuation of oyster reef living shorelines and the influence of inundation duration, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 6
- Optimal allocation of law enforcement patrol effort to mitigate poaching activities, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 5
- Migrating whooping cranes avoid wind-energy infrastructure when selecting stopover habitat, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 5
- Improving the ability of a BACI design to detect impacts within a kelp‐forest community, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 4
- Water storage decisions will determine the distribution and persistence of imperiled river fishes, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Effects of postfire climate and seed availability on postfire conifer regeneration, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 3
- Comment on: Grazing disturbance promotes exotic annual grasses by degrading soil biocrust communities, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 7
- Temporal invariance of social-ecological catchments, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Time-to-detection occupancy methods: Performance and utility for improving efficiency of surveys, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 3
- Increasing comparability among coral bleaching experiments, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 4
- Evaluating natural experiments in ecology: Using synthetic controls in assessments of remotely sensed land treatments, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 3
- A Bayesian Dirichlet process community occupancy model to estimate community structure and species similarity, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Resistance and resilience of pelagic and littoral fishes to drought in the San Francisco Estuary, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Landscape‐scale restoration minimizes tree growth vulnerability to 21st century drought in a dry forest, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Tracking rates of postfire conifer regeneration vs. deciduous vegetation recovery across the western United States, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- Forest density intensifies the importance of snowpack to growth in water-limited pine forests, 2021, Ecological Applications (31) - 1
- Effects of snake fungal disease on short‐term survival, behavior, and movement in free‐ranging snakes, 2020, Ecological Applications (31) - 2
- The biggest bang for the buck: Cost‐effective vegetation treatment outcomes across drylands of the western United States, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 7
- Granular measures of agricultural land use influence lake nitrogen and phosphorus differently at macroscales, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 8
- Quantifying drought’s influence on moist soil seed vegetation in California’s Central Valley through time-series remote sensing, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 7
- A novel quantitative framework for riverscape genetics, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 7
- Model selection for the North American Breeding Bird Survey, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 6
- Optimal spatial prioritization of control resources for elimination of invasive species under demographic uncertainty, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 6
- Ecological prediction at macroscales using big data: Does sampling design matter?, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 6
- The right trait in the right place at the right time: Matching traits to environment improves restoration outcomes, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 4
- A need for speed in Bayesian population models: A practical guide to marginalizing and recovering discrete latent states, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 5
- Rapid peat development beneath created, maturing mangrove forests: Ecosystem changes across a 25-year chronosequence, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 4
- Predicting functional responses in agro-ecosystems from animal movement data to improve management of invasive pests, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 1
- Designing flows to enhance ecosystem functioning in heavily altered rivers, 2020, Ecological Applications (30) - 1
- Considerations for maximizing the adaptive potential of restored coral populations in the western Atlantic, 2020, Ecological Applications (29) - 8
- Assessing the ecological impacts of biomass harvesting along a disturbance severity gradient, 2019, Ecological Applications
- Avian influenza virus prevalence in marine birds is dependent on ocean temperatures, 2019, Ecological Applications (30) - 2
- A statistical forecasting approach to metapopulation viability analysis, 2019, Ecological Applications (30) - 2
- Drought-mediated extinction of an arid-land amphibian: Insights from a spatially explicit dynamic occupancy model, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 3
- Estimating offsets for avian displacement effects of anthropogenic impacts, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 8
- Northern forest winters have lost cold, snowy conditions that are important for ecosystems and human communities, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 7
- Influences of potential oil and gas development and future climate on Sage-grouse declines and redistribution, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 6
- Spatial conservation planning under uncertainty: Adapting to climate change risks using modern portfolio theory, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 2
- Evaluating community-level response to management actions across a diverse Hawaiian forest bird community, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 6
- Climate and disturbance influence self-sustaining stand dynamics of aspen (Populus tremuloides) near its range margin, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 6
- Refinement of eDNA as an early monitoring tool at the landscape-level: Study design considerations, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 6
- Nonlinearities in transmission dynamics and efficient management of vector-borne pathogens, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 4
- Genetic tagging in the Anthropocene: Scaling ecology from alleles to ecosystems, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 4
- Spatially explicit network analysis reveals multi-species annual cycle movement patterns of sea ducks, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 5
- Survival cost to relocation does not reduce population self‐sustainability in an amphibian, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 5
- Temporal and abiotic fluctuations may be preventing successful rehabilitation of soil-stabilizing biocrust communities, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 5
- The past and future roles of competition and habitat in the range‐wide occupancy dynamics of Northern Spotted Owls, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 3
- Adaptive variation, including local adaptation, requires decades to become evident in common gardens, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 2
- Compounding effects of climate change reduce population viability of a montane amphibian, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 2
- Dynamic wildlife occupancy models using automated acoustic monitoring data, 2019, Ecological Applications (29) - 3
- Estimating abundance of an open population with an N-mixture model using auxiliary data on animal movements, 2019, Ecological Applications (28) - 3
- Eco‐evolutionary rescue promotes host–pathogen coexistence, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 8
- Functional attributes of ungulate migration: Landscape features facilitate movement and access to forage, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 8
- Occupancy modeling species–environment relationships with non‐ignorable survey designs, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 6
- A geostatistical state‐space model of animal densities for stream networks, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 7
- Assessing historical and projected carbon balance of Alaska: A synthesis of results and policy/management implications, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 6
- Pre‐fire drought and competition mediate post‐fire conifer mortality in western U.S. National Parks, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 7
- Herbicides and herbivory interact to drive plant community and crop‐tree establishment, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 8
- Discontinuities and functional resilience of large river fish assemblages, 2018, Ecological Applications (9) - 8
- Reestablishing a host–affiliate relationship: Migratory fish reintroduction increases native mussel recruitment, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 7
- Neonicotinoid insecticides negatively affect performance measures of non‐target terrestrial arthropods: a meta‐analysis, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 5
- The role of environmental driving factors in historical and projected carbon dynamics of wetland ecosystems in Alaska, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 6
- Adaptive management of animal populations with significant unknowns and uncertainties: A case study, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 5
- Demographic drivers of a refugee species: Large‐scale experiments guide strategies for reintroductions of hirola, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 2
- Host-pathogen metapopulation dynamics suggest high elevation refugia for boreal toads, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 4
- Purpose, processes, partnerships, and products: four Ps to advance participatory socio-environmental modeling, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 1
- The role of driving factors in historical and projected carbon dynamics of upland ecosystems in Alaska, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 1
- Making do with less: Must sparse data preclude informed harvest strategies for European waterbirds?, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 2
- Fuel-reduction management alters plant composition, carbon and nitrogen pools, and soil thaw in Alaskan boreal forest, 2018, Ecological Applications (28) - 1
- A pesticide paradox: Fungicides indirectly increase fungal infections, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 8
- State-dependent behavior alters endocrine–energy relationship: Implications for conservation and management, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 8
- Protected areas as social-ecological systems: perspectives from resilience and social-ecological systems theory, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 6
- Pairing field methods to improve inference in wildlife surveys while accommodating detection covariance, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 7
- What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada?, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 8
- Vegetation response to invasive Tamarix control in southwestern U.S. rivers: A collaborative study including 416 sites, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 6
- A new parameterization for integrated population models to document amphibian reintroductions, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 6
- Historical and projected trends in landscape drivers affecting carbon dynamics in Alaska, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 5
- Inland waters and their role in the carbon cycle of Alaska, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 5
- Lake nutrient stoichiometry is less predictable than nutrient concentrations at regional and sub-continental scales, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 5
- Species’ traits help predict small mammal responses to habitat homogenization by an invasive grass, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 5
- Two-step adaptive management for choosing between two management actions, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 4
- Evidence of fuels management and fire weather influencing fire severity in an extreme fire event, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 7
- Modelling moose–forest interactions under different predation scenarios at Isle Royale National Park, USA, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 4
- Model-based approaches to deal with detectability: a comment on Hutto (2016), 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 5
- Patterns in Greater Sage-grouse population dynamics correspond with public grazing records at broad scales, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 4
- Variable effects of climate on forest growth in relation to climate extremes, disturbance, and forest dynamics, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 4
- An integrated population model for bird monitoring in North America, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 3
- Full annual cycle climate change vulnerability assessment for migratory birds, 2017, Ecological Applications (8) - 3
- Biological soil crust and disturbance controls on surface hydrology in a semi-arid ecosystem, 2017, Ecological Applications (8) - 3
- Acoustic telemetry and fisheries management, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 4
- Matching seed to site by climate similarity: techniques to prioritize plant materials development and use in restoration, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 3
- Species interactions and the effects of climate variability on a wetland amphibian metacommunity, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 1
- Climate change and the eco-hydrology of fire: Will area burned increase in a warming western USA?, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 1
- Incorporating food web dynamics into ecological restoration: A modeling approach for river ecosystems, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 3
- Social-ecological outcomes in recreational fisheries: The interaction of lakeshore development and stocking, 2017, Ecological Applications (27) - 1
- Landscape genetic approaches to guide native plant restoration in the Mojave Desert, 2016, Ecological Applications (27) - 2
- Decadal shifts in grass and woody plant cover are driven by prolonged drying and modified by topo‐edaphic properties, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 8
- Movement reveals scale dependence in habitat selection of a large ungulate, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 8
- Biomarkers reveal sea turtles remained in oiled areas following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 7
- Inferring invasive species abundance using removal data from management actions, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 7
- Evaluating harvest-based control of invasive fish with telemetry: Performance of sea lamprey traps in the Great Lakes, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 6
- Projected wetland densities under climate change: Habitat loss but little geographic shift in conservation strategy, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 6
- Demography of an apex predator at the edge of its range: impacts of changing sea ice on polar bears in Hudson Bay, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 5
- Controls on methane concentrations and fluxes in streams draining human-dominated landscapes, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 5
- Combining statistical inference and decisions in ecology, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 6
- Estimating population density and connectivity of American mink using spatial capture-recapture, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 4
- Multi-scale connectivity and graph theory highlight critical areas for conservation under climate change, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 4
- Evaluation of downscaled, gridded climate data for the conterminous United States, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 5
- Addressing potential local adaptation in species distribution models: implications for conservation under climate change, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 4
- A generalizable energetics-based model of avian migration to facilitate continental-scale waterbird conservation, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 4
- Measuring spatial variation in secondary production and food quality using a common consumer approach in Lake Erie, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 3
- Pathogen exposure varies widely among sympatric populations of wild and domestic felids across the United States, 2016, Ecological Applications (26) - 2
- Western water and climate change, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 8
- Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 7
- Temperature and depth mediate resource competition and apparent competition between Mysis diluviana and kokanee, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 7
- Evaluating species richness: biased ecological inference results from spatial heterogeneity in species detection probabilities, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 6
- Estimating wind-turbine-caused bird and bat fatality when zero carcasses are observed, 2015, Ecological Applications (5) - 25
- Accounting for groundwater in stream fish thermal habitat responses to climate change, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 5
- The dynamics of avian influenza in western Arctic snow geese: implications for annual and migratory infection patterns, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 7
- Polar bear population dynamics in the southern Beaufort Sea during a period of sea ice decline, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 3
- Flow management and fish density regulate salmonid recruitment and adult size in tailwaters across western North America, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 8
- Future land-use scenarios and the loss of wildlife habitats in the southeastern United States, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 1
- Determining origin in a migratory marine vertebrate: a novel method to integrate stable isotopes and satellite tracking, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 2
- Understanding protected area resilience: a multi-scale, social-ecological approach, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 2
- Combined effects of climate, predation, and density dependence on Greater and Lesser Scaup population dynamics, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 6
- Patterns in diurnal airspace use by migratory landbirds along an ecological barrier, 2015, Ecological Applications (25) - 3
- Beyond reducing fire hazard: fuel treatment impacts on overstory tree survival, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 8
- Biological soil crusts across disturbance-recovery scenarios: effect of grazing regime on community dynamics, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 7
- The role of reserves and anthropogenic elements for functional connectivity and resilience of ephemeral habitats, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 7
- Supplemental feeding alters migration of a temperate ungulate, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 7
- Combining demographic and genetic factors to assess population vulnerability in stream species, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 6
- Below the disappearing marshes of an urban estuary: historic nitrogen trends and soil structure, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 4
- Demography of a reintroduced population: moving toward management models for an endangered species, the whooping crane, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 5
- Geographic coincidence of richness, mass, conservation value, and response to climate of U.S. land birds, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 4
- Continental-scale, seasonal movements of a heterothermic migratory tree bat, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 4
- Reducing bias in survival under non-random temporary emigration, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 5
- Cross-ecosystem impacts of stream pollution reduce resource and contaminant flux to riparian food webs, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 2
- The interactive effects of climate change, riparian management, and a non-native predators on stream-rearing salmon, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 4
- Ecological site-based assessments of wind and water erosion: informing accelerated soil erosion management in rangelands, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 6
- Adaptive responses reveal contemporary and future ecotypes in a desert shrub, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 2
- Reconstructing historical habitat data with predictive models Read More:, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 1
- Spatially explicit modeling of 1992-2100 land cover and forest stand age for the conterminous United States, 2014, Ecological Applications (24) - 5
- Insights and issues with simulating terrestrial DOC loading of Arctic river networks, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 8
- Forest calcium depletion and biotic retention along a soil nitrogen gradient, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 8
- Effects of thinning on drought vulnerability and climate response in north temperate forest ecosystems, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 8
- Trajectory of the arctic as an integrated system, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 8
- Inferential consequences of modeling rather than measuring snow accumulation in studies of animal ecology, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 3
- Human and biophysical influences on fire occurrence in the United States, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 3
- Hydrogeomorphology explains acidification-driven variation in aquatic biological communities in the Neversink Basin, USA, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 4
- Counting at low concentrations: the statistical challenges of verifying ballast water discharge standards, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 2
- Per capita invasion probabilities: an empirical model to predict rates of invasion via ballast water, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 2
- Approaches to setting organism-based ballast water discharge standards, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 2
- Interactive effects of wildfire, forest management, and isolation on amphibian and parasite abundance, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 2
- The floodplain food web mosaic: a study of its importance to salmon and steelhead with implications for their recovery, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 1
- Mapping behavioral landscapes for animal movement: a finite mixture modeling approach, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 3
- Using habitat suitability models to target invasive plant species surveys, 2013, Ecological Applications (23) - 1
- Allowable levels of take for the trade in Nearctic songbirds, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 4
- Geologic processes influence the effects of mining on aquatic ecosystems, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 3
- Directional connectivity in hydrology and ecology, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 8
- Low-level copper exposures increase visibility and vulnerability of juvenile coho salmon to cutthroat trout predators, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 5
- Hierarchical distance-sampling models to estimate population size and habitat-specific abundance of an island endemic, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 7
- Comparing modern and presettlement forest dynamics of a subboreal wilderness: Does spruce budworm enhance fire risk?, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 4
- Carbon stocks across a chronosequence of thinned and unmanaged red pine (Pinus resinosa) stands, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 4
- Assessment of boreal forest historical C dynamics in the Yukon River Basin: relative roles of warming and fire regime change, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 8
- Estimating landscape carrying capacity through maximum clique analysis, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 8
- Predicted eelgrass response to sea level rise and its availability to foraging Black Brant in Pacific coast estuaries, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 6
- Evaluating the predictive abilities of community occupancy models using AUC while accounting for imperfect detection, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 7
- Experimental investigation of false positive errors in auditory species occurrence surveys, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 5
- Elk migration patterns and human activity influence wolf habitat use in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 8
- Carbon storage, timber production, and biodiversity: comparing ecosystem services with multi-criteria decision analysis, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 5
- Assessing the status and trend of bat populations across broad geographic regions with dynamic distribution models, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 4
- Emerging prion disease drives host selection in a wildlife population, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 3
- Weather effects on avian breeding performance and implications of climate change, 2012, Ecological Applications (22) - 4
- Predicting breeding habitat for amphibians: a spatiotemporal analysis across Yellowstone National Park, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 7
- Defining conservation priorities for freshwater fishes according to taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Migration delays caused by anthropogenic barriers: modeling dams, temperature, and success on migrating salmon smolts, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Effects of wetland vs. landscape variables on parasite communities of Rana pipiens: Links to anthropogenic factors, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 4
- Comparison of statistical and theoretical habitat models for conservation planning: The benefit of ensemble prediction, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 6
- Ecosystem ecology meets adaptive management: food web response to a controlled flood on the Colorado River, Glen Canyon, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 6
- USDA conservation program and practice effects on wetland ecosystem services in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - sp1
- Landscape matrix mediates occupancy dynamics of Neotropical avian insectivores, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 5
- Estimating age from recapture data: Integrating incremental growth measures with ancillary data to infer age-at-length, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 7
- Effects of conservation practices on wetland ecosystem services in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - sp1
- Integrating estimates of ecosystem services from conservation programs and practices into models for decision makers, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - sp1
- Ecosystem services provided by playas in the High Plains: potential influences of USDA conservation programs, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - sp1
- Past and ongoing shifts in Joshua tree distribution support future modeled range contraction, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 1
- Cougar space use and movements in the wildland-urban landscape of western Washington, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Predicting breeding habitat for amphibians: A spatiotemporal analysis across Yellowstone National Park, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 7
- Where the wild things are: Predicting hotspots of seabird aggregations in the California Current System, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 6
- Potential shifts in dominant forest cover in interior Alaska driven by variations in fire severity, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 7
- Effects of nitrogen deposition and empirical nitrogen critical loads for ecoregions of the United States, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- An ecosystem-scale model for the spread of a host-specific forest pathogen in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 4
- Polar bear population status in the northern Beaufort Sea, Canada, 1971-2006, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 3
- Defining conservation priorities for freshwater fishes according to taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Estimating equivalence with quantile regression, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 1
- Hierarchical modeling of an invasive spread: The eurasian collared-dove streptopelia decaocto in the United States, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 1
- Simulating sterilization, vaccination, and test-and-remove as brucellosis control measures in bison, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Reconciling multiple data sources to improve accuracy of large-scale prediction of forest disease incidence, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 4
- Migration delays caused by anthropogenic barriers: Modeling dams, temperature, and success of migrating salmon smolts, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Could residual oil from the Exxon Valdez spill create a long-term population "sink" for sea otters in Alaska?, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- The distance that contaminated aquatic subsidies extend into lake riparian zones, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 3
- Impacts of agricultural land use on biological integrity: A causal analysis, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- The dynamics, transmission, and population impacts of avian malaria in native hawaiian birds: A modeling approach, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 8
- Ecosystem development in roadside grasslands: Biotic control, plant-soil interactions, and dispersal limitations, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 7
- Floristic composition, beta diversity, and nestedness of reference sites for restoration of xeroriparian areas, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 2
- The efficacy of salvage logging in reducing subsequent fire severity in conifer-dominated forests of Minnesota, USA, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 6
- Response to King and Baker: Limitations on threshold detection and characterization of community thresholds, 2011, Ecological Applications (21) - 7
- A new parameterization for estimating co‐occurrence of interacting species, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 5
- Bayesian change point analysis of abundance trends for pelagic fishes in the upper San Francisco Estuary, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) -
- Analysis of pelagic species decline in the upper San Francisco Estuary using multivariate autoregressive modeling (MAR), 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 5
- Variation in δ13C and δ15N diet–vibrissae trophic discrimination factors in a wild population of California sea otters, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 6
- Thresholds in forest bird occurrence as a function of the amount of early-seral broadleaf forest at landscape scales, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 8
- Simultaneous modeling of habitat suitability, occupancy, and relative abundance: African elephants in Zimbabwe, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 4
- Responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to environmental changes associated with urbanization in nine metropolitan areas, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 5
- Using occupancy models to understand the distribution of an amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 1
- Floral and nesting resources, habitat structure, and fire influence bee distribution across an open-forest gradient, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 6
- Persistence of canine distemper virus in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem's carnivore community, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 7
- Two-species occupancy models: A new parameterization applied to co-occurrence of secretive rails, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 7
- Predicting performance for ecological restoration: A case study using Spartina altemiflora, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 1
- Fire helps restore natural disturbance regime to benefit rare and endangered marsh birds endemic to the Colorado River, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 7
- Land-use controls on sources and processing of nitrate in small watersheds: Insights from dual isotopic analysis, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 7
- Tuning stochastic matrix models with hydrologic data to predict the population dynamics of a riverine fish, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 2
- Reduced body size and cub recruitment in polar bears associated with sea ice decline, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 3
- Conserving migratory land birds in the New World: Do we know enough?, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 2
- Are inland wolf-ungulate systems influenced by marine subsidies of Pacific salmon?, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 1
- Testing alternative models of climate-mediated extirpations, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 1
- Probable causes of increasing brucellosis in free-ranging elk of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 1
- Propagule pressure and stream characteristics influence introgression: Cutthroat and rainbow trout in British Columbia, 2010, Ecological Applications (20) - 1
- Sampling design considerations for demographic studies: a case of colonial seabirds, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 1
- Historical fire and multidecadal drought as context for piñon - Juniper woodland restoration in western Colorado, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 5
- The relative importance of disturbance and exotic-plant abundance in California coastal sage scrub, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 8
- Climate alters response of an endemic island plant to removal of invasive herbivores, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 6
- When can efforts to control nuisance and invasive species backfire?, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 6
- Influence of remediation in a mine-impacted river: Metal trends over large spatial and temporal scales, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 6
- Structured decision making as a conceptual framework to identify thresholds for conservation and management, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 5
- Changes in vegetation in northern Alaska under scenarios of climate change, 2003-2100: Implications for climate feedbacks, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 4
- Spatial and temporal patterns of chronic wasting disease: Fine-scale mapping of a wildlife epidemic in Wisconsin, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 5
- Assessment of lake sensitivity to acidic deposition in national parks of the Rocky Mountains, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 4
- Modeling the effects of environmental disturbance on wildlife communities: Avian responses to prescribed fire, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 5
- Response of the everglades ridge and slough landscape to climate variability and 20th-century water management, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 7
- Large, high-intensity fire events in Southern California shrublands: Debunking the fine-grain age patch model, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 1
- Identifying and prioritizing ungulate migration routes for landscape-level conservation, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 8
- Delayed conifer mortality after fuel reduction treatments: Interactive effects of fuel, fire intensity, and bark beetles, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 2
- Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 2
- Untangling the biological contributions to soil stability in semiarid shrublands, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 1
- The national Fire and Fire Surrogate study: Effects of fuel reduction methods on forest vegetation structure and fuels, 2009, Ecological Applications (19) - 2
- Changes in fish diets and food web mercury bioaccumulation induced by an invasive planktivorous fish, 2008, Ecological Applications (18) - sp8
- Mapping "old" versus "young" piñon-juniper stands with a predictive topo-climatic model in north-central New Mexico, USA, 2008, Ecological Applications (18) - 7
- Using demography and movement behavior to predict range expansion of the southern sea otter., 2008, Ecological Applications (18) - 7
- The human footprint in the west: a large-scale analysis of anthropogenic impacts., 2008, Ecological Applications (18) - 5
- Fire severity and ecosytem responses following crown fires in California shrublands, 2008, Ecological Applications (18) - 6
- Model estimation of land-use effects on water levels of northern Prairie wetlands, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 2
- Sampling design trade-offs in occupancy studies with imperfect detection: Examples and software, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 1
- Endangered light-footed clapper rail affects parasite community structure in coastal wetlands, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 6
- Stream ecosystem response to limestone treatment in acid impacted watersheds of the allegheny plateau, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 4
- Avifaunal responses to fire in southwestern montane forests along a burn severity gradient, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 2
- Multiple stressors in amphibian communities: Effects of chemical contamination, bullfrogs, and fish, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 1
- Net emissions of CH4 and CO2 in Alaska: Implications for the region's greenhouse gas budget, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 1
- Chinook salmon use of spawning patches: Relative roles of habitat quality, size, and connectivity, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 2
- Can modeling improve estimation of desert tortoise population densities?, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 2
- Human influence on California fire regimes, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 5
- Satellite telemetry and prey sampling reveal contaminant sources to pacific northwest ospreys, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 4
- Effects of management and climate on elk brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 4
- Urbanization and nutrient retention in freshwater riparian wetlands, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 4
- Linking occurrence and fitness to persistence: Habitat-based approach for endangered Greater Sage-Grouse, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 2
- Factors influencing movement probabilities of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in buildings, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 2
- Responses of pond-breeding amphibians to wildfire: Short-term patterns in occupancy and colonization, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 5
- Climate change and forests of the future: Managing in the face of uncertainty, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 8
- Forest dynamics in Oregon landscapes: Evaluation and application of an individual-based model, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 7
- Effects of anthropogenic developments on common Raven nesting biology in the west Mojave Desert, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 6
- Mangrove recruitment after forest disturbance is facilitated by herbaceous species in the Caribbean, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 6
- Rapid assessment of postfire plant invasions in coniferous forests of the western United States, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 6
- Habitat classification modeling with incomplete data: Pushing the habitat envelope, 2007, Ecological Applications (17) - 6
- Estimating the abundance of mouse populations of known size: promises and pitfalls of new methods, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Methods for measuring denitrification: Diverse approaches to a difficult problem, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Environmental controls on denitrifying communities and denitrification rates: Insights from molecular methods, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Denitrification across landscapes and waterscapes: A synthesis, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Hindcasting nitrogen deposition to determine an ecological critical load, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Albatross populations in peril: A population trajectory for Black-browed Albatrosses at South Georgia, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 1
- Carryover aquatic effects on survival of metamorphic frogs during pond emigration, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 1
- Risk of Myxobolus cerebralis infection to rainbow trout in the Madison River, Montana, USA, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Additive effects of vertebrate predators on insects in a Puerto Rican coffee plantation, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Albatross species demonstrate regional differences in North Pacific marine contamination, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Fuel breaks affect nonnative species abundance in Californian plant communities, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Interspecific resource partitioning in sympatric ursids, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Incorporating diverse data and realistic complexity into demographic estimation procedures for sea otters, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Grassland songbirds in a dynamic management landscape: Behavioral responses and management strategies, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Denitrification in nitrate-rich streams: Application of N2:Ar and 15N-tracer methods in intact cores, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 6
- Should heterogeneity be the basis for conservation? Grassland bird response to fire and grazing, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 5
- Simulating the effects of frequent fire on southern california coastal shrublands, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 5
- Proximate and landscape factors influence grassland bird distributions, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 3
- Simulating the influences of various fire regimes on caribou winter habitat, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 5
- The influence of disturbance events on survival and dispersal rates of Florida box turtles, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 5
- A structural equation model analysis of postfire plant diversity in California shrublands, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) -
- Recruitment of Hexagenia mayfly nymphs in western Lake Erie linked to environmental variability, 2006, Ecological Applications (16) - 2
- Modeling avian abundance from replicated counts using binomial mixture models, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 4
- Human land use influences chronic wasting disease prevalence in mule deer, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 1
- Eradication of invasive Tamarix ramosissima along a desert stream increases native fish density, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Effects of conifers and elk browsing on quaking aspen forests in the central Rocky Mountains, USA, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 4
- Delayed effects of flood control on a flood-dependent riparian forest, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 3
- Multi-decadal impacts of grazing on soil physical and biogeochemical properties in southeast Utah, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 1
- Interaction of beaver and elk herbivory reduces standing crop of willow, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 1
- Landscape characteristics influence pond occupancy by frogs after accounting for detectability, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 3
- Landscape composition, patch size, and distance to edges: Interactions affecting duck reproductive success, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 4
- Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus accumulation in floodplains of Atlantic Coastal Plain rivers, USA, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 4
- Fates of eroded soil organic carbon: Mississippi Basin case study, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Evidence for micronutrient limitation of biological soil crusts: Importance to arid-lands restoration, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Alien plant dynamics following fire in Mediterranean-climate California shrublands, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) -
- Patterns of plant species richness, rarity, endemism, and uniqueness in an arid landscape, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 2
- Evaluation of ecological risk to populations of a threatened plant from an invasive biocontrol insect, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 1
- Determinants of postfire recovery and succession in mediterranean-climate shrublands of California, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) -
- The influence of forest management on headwater stream amphibians at multiple spatial scales, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 3
- Factors influencing within-watershed genetic variation of coastal cutthroat trout, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) -
- Survival and selection of migrating salmon from capture-recapture models with individual traits, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 4
- An evaluation of weather and disease as causes of decline in two populations of boreal toads, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Terrestrial C sequestration at elevated CO2 and temperature: the role of dissolved organic N loss, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 1
- Exposing extinction risk analysis to pathogens: Is disease just another form of density dependence?, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 4
- Linking demographic effects of habitat fragmentation across landscapes to continental source-sink dynamics, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 5
- Rural land-use trends in the conterminous United States, 1950-2000, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Influence of barriers to movement on within-watershed genetic variation of coastal cutthroat trout, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 2
- Demographics of an ornate box turtle population experiencing minimal human-induced disturbances, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Multivariate analysis of scale-dependent associations between bats and landscape structure, 2005, Ecological Applications (15) - 6
- Mortality sensitivity in life-stage simulation analysis: A case study of southern sea otters, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 5
- Fishing for lobsters indirectly increases epidemics in sea urchins, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 5
- Effects of an introduced pathogen and fire exclusion on the demography of sugar pine, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 5
- Research in National Parks (NPS Science Forum), 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 1
- A hierarchical spatial model of avian abundance with application to Cerulean Warblers, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 6
- Assessing rarity of species with low detectability: Lichens in Pacific Northwest forests, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 2
- Population structure and inbreeding vary with successional stage in created Spartina alterniflora marshes, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 4
- Effects of an insecticide on amphibians in large-scale experimental ponds, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 3
- Using larval trematodes that parasitize snails to evaluate a saltmarsh restoration project, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 3
- Cormorant predation and the population dynamics of walleye and yellow perch in Oneida Lake, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 1
- Estimating site occupancy and species detection probability parameters for terrestrial salamanders, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 3
- Agricultural ponds support amphibian populations, 2004, Ecological Applications (14) - 3
- Characterizing grazing disturbance in semiarid ecosystems across broad spatial scales using multiple indices., 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 1
- Ecological implications of bovine tuberculosis in African Buffalo herds, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 5
- Uncertainty in spatially explicit animal dispersal models, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 3
- Fire and grazing impacts on plant diversity and invasives in the southern Sierra Nevada, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) -
- Comparing marine and terrestrial ecosystems: Implications for the design of coastal marine reserves, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 1 SUPPL.
- Applying ecological criteria to marine reserve design: A case study from the California Channel Islands, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 1 SUPPL.
- Genotype and elevation influence Spartina alterniflora colonization and growth in a created salt marsh, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 1
- Lower survival probabilities for adult Florida manatees in years with intense coastal storms, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 1
- Vegetation dynamics under fire exclusion and logging in a Rocky Mountain watershed, 1856-1996, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 2
- Bayesian inference and decision theory - A framework for decision making in natural resource management, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 2
- Fire and grazing impacts on plant diversity and alien plant invasions in the southern Sierra Nevada, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 5
- Interactions of an insecticide, herbicide, and natural stressors in amphibian community mesocosms, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 3
- Land use and land cover change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: 1975-1995, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 3
- Marine reserve design for conservation and fisheries management: a case study from the California Channel Islands, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) -
- Ecological criteria for evaluating candidate sites for marine reserves, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - sp1
- Application of ecological criteria in selecting marine reserves and developing reserve networks, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - sp1
- Responses of Englemann spruce forests to nitrogen fertilization in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 3
- Annual survival and population estimates of Mountain Plovers in Southern Phillips County, Montana, 2003, Ecological Applications (13) - 4
- Peak fire temperatures and effects on annual plants in the Mojave Desert, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 4
- Meeting ecological and societal needs for freshwater, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 5
- Functional variability of habitats within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Restoration implications, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 5
- Riparian vegetation response to altered disturbance and stress regimes, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 1
- Net ecosystem production: A comprehensive measure of net carbon accumulation by ecosystems, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 4
- Interactions of an insecticide with competition and pond drying in amphibian communities, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 1
- Treatment effects on performance of N-fixing lichens in disturbed crusts of the Colorado Plateau, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 5
- Evaluation of spatial models to predict vulnerability of forest birds to brood parasitism by cowbirds, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 2
- Ecological restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems: A broad perspective, 2002, Ecological Applications (12) - 5
- Flow and habitat effects on juvenile fish abundance in natural and altered flow regimes, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 1
- Experimental flood effects on the limnology of Lake Powell Reservoir, southwestern USA, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 3
- Alien plant invasion in mixed-grass prairie: effects of vegetation type, stochiasticity, and anthropogenic disturbance in two park units, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 1
- Declines of the California red-legged frog: Climate, UV-B, habitat, and pesticides hypotheses, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 2
- Alien plant invasion in mixed-grass prairie: Effects of vegetation type and anthropogenic disturbance, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 1
- Effects of a test flood on fishes of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 3
- Nature reserves: Do they capture the full range of America's biological diversity?, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 4
- Exotic plant invasion alters nitrogen dynamics in an arid grassland, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 5
- Bird-landscape relations in the Chihuahuan Desert: Coping with uncertainties about predictive models, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 5
- Planned flooding and Colorado River riparian trade-offs downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 3
- Soil biota in an ungrazed grassland: Response to annual grass (Bromus tectorum) invasion, 2001, Ecological Applications (11) - 5
- Relative species richness and community completeness: avian communities and urbanization in the mid-Atlantic states, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 4
- Plant-herbivore-hydroperiod interactions: effects of native mammals on floodplain tree recruitment, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 5
- Landscape-based spatially explicit species index models for everglades restoration, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 6
- Sensitivity of species habitat-relationship model performance to factors of scale, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 6
- Kelp forest fish populations in marine reserves and adjacent exploited areas of central California, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 3
- Fire frequency in the Interior Columbia River Basin: Building regional models from fire history data, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 5
- Pond permanence and the effects of exotic vertebrates on anurans, 2000, Ecological Applications (10) - 2
- Response, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 4
- Modeling the effects of land use and climate change on riverine smallmouth bass, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 4
- Soil calcium status and the response of stream chemistry to changing acidic deposition rates, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 3
- DNA repair and resistance to UV-B radiation in western spotted frogs, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 3
- Of elephants and blind men: Deer management in the U.S. National Parks, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- Characterizing fish community diversity across Virginia landscapes: Prerequisite for conservation, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- How grazing and soil quality affect native and exotic plant diversity in Rocky Mountain grasslands, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- Zooplankton variability and larval striped bass foraging: Evaluating potential match/mismatch regulation, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- Multiscale thermal refugia and stream habitat associations of chinook salmon in northwestern Oregon, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- Breeding bird responses to three silvicultural treatments in the Oregon Coast Range, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- A GIS modeling method applied to predicting forest songbird habitat, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 1
- Reference conditions for giant sequoia forest restoration: structure, process, and precision, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 4
- Applied historical ecology: Using the past to manage for the future, 1999, Ecological Applications (9) - 4
- Estimating rates of local species extinction, colonization and turnover in animal communities, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 4
- Estimating population change from count data: Application to the North American Breeding Bird Survey, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 2
- Population models of burrowing mayfly recolonization in western Lake Erie, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 4
- Estimating the effectiveness of further sampling inspecies inventories, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 4
- Effects of landcover, water redistribution, and temperature on ecosystem processes in the South Plate Basin, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 4
- Assessing simulated ecosystem processes for climate variability research at Glacier National Park, USA, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 3
- Human influences on trophic cascades along rocky shores, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 3
- Nitrogen excess in North American ecosystems: Predisposing factors, ecosystem responses, and management strategies, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 3
- Effects of ultraviolet radiation on boreal toads in Colorado, 1998, Ecological Applications (8) - 1
- Field studies on pesticides and birds: unexpected and unique relations, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 4
- Field studies on pesticides and birds: Unexpected and unique relations, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 4
- Biogeochemical effects of seawater restoration to diked salt marshes, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 3
- Multiscale sampling of plant diversity: Effects of minimum mapping unit size, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 3
- Conditions for the return and simulation of the recovery of burrowing mayflies in western Lake Erie, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 2
- Flood dependency of cottonwood establishment along the Missouri River, Montana, USA, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 2
- Land cover characterization and land surface parameterization research, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 1
- The role of mesocosm studies in ecological risk analysis, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 4
- Modeling changes in growth and diet on polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation in Coregonus hoyi, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 3
- NDVI, C3 and C4 production, and distributions in Great Plains grassland land cover classes, 1997, Ecological Applications (7) - 1
- Effects of nutrients and hydroperiod on Typha, Cladium, and Eleocharis: Implications for everglades restoration, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 3
- Spatial and temporal variation in soil and vegetation impacts on campsites, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 2
- Episodic acidification of small streams in the northeastern United States: Episodic response project, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 2
- Episodic acidification of small streams in the northeastern United states: Effects on fish populations, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 2
- Episodic acidification of small streams in the northeastern United States: Fish mortality in field bioassays, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 2
- Episodic acidification of small streams in the northeastern United States: Ionic controls of episodes, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 2
- A bayesian approach to classification criteria for spectacled eiders, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 4
- Population delineation of polar bears using satellite collar data, 1996, Ecological Applications (6) - 1
- Isohaline position as a habitat indicator for estuarine populations, 1995, Ecological Applications (5) - 1
- Vine maple clone growth and reproduction in managed and unmanaged coastal Oregon Douglas-fir forests, 1995, Ecological Applications (5) - 1
- Evidence that PCBs are approaching stable concentrations in Lake Michigan fishes, 1995, Ecological Applications (5) - 1
- Relating riparian vegetation to present and future streamflows, 1994, Ecological Applications (4) - 3
- Recent accretion in two managed marsh impoundments in coastal Louisiana, 1994, Ecological Applications (4) - 1
- A spatial simulation model of hydrology and vegetation dynamics in semi-permanent prairie wetlands, 1993, Ecological Applications (3) - 2
- Power of sign surveys to monitor population trend, 1992, Ecological Applications (2) - 4
- Human disturbance of an avian scavenging guild, 1991, Ecological Applications (1) - 1