Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Dynamic water-quality responses to wildfire in Colorado, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 10
- Evaluating a process-guided deep learning approach for predicting dissolved oxygen in streams, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 9
- Forest cover lessens hurricane impacts on peak streamflow, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 8
- Solute export patterns across the contiguous USA, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 6
- Basin-scale responses of groundwater-resource quality to drought and recovery, San Joaquin Valley, California, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 4
- Small forested watershed weathers effects of climate change better than a nearby urban watershed in Northern Virginia, USA, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 3
- Exploring landscape and geologic controls on spatial patterning of streambank groundwater discharge in a mixed land use watershed, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 3
- Seasonal and decadal subsurface thaw dynamics of an Aufeis feature investigated through numerical simulations, 2024, Hydrological Processes (38) - 3
- Snowpack relative permittivity and density derived from near-coincident lidar and ground-penetrating radar, 2023, Hydrological Processes (37) - 10
- Shallow and local or deep and regional? Inferring source groundwater characteristics across mainstem riverbank discharge faces, 2023, Hydrological Processes (37) - 7
- Identifying hydrologic signatures associated with streamflow depletion caused by groundwater pumping, 2023, Hydrological Processes (37) - 4
- Predicting probabilities of late summer surface flow presence in a glaciated mountainous headwater region, 2023, Hydrological Processes (37) - 2
- Groundwater recharge in northern New England: Meteorological drivers and relations with low streamflow, 2023, Hydrological Processes (37) - 3
- Quantifying connectivity and its effects on sediment budgeting for an agricultural basin, Chesapeake Bay Watershed, United States, 2023, Hydrological Processes (36) - 12
- Urbanization of grasslands in the Denver area affects streamflow responses to rainfall events, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) - 10
- Understanding the role of initial soil moisture and precipitation magnitude in flood forecast using a hydrometeorological modelling system, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) - 10
- Using machine learning to improve predictions and provide insight into fluvial sediment transport, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) - 8
- Using dissolved organic matter fluorescence to predict total mercury and methylmercury in forested headwater streams, Sleepers River, Vermont USA, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) - 5
- Can machine learning accelerate process understanding and decision-relevant predictions of river water quality?, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) -
- Forest cover lessens the impact of drought on streamflow in Puerto Rico, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) - 5
- Long-term suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon yields from the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, 2022, Hydrological Processes (36) - 2
- Effects of hydrologic variability and remedial actions on first flush and metal loading from streams draining the Silverton caldera, 1992–2014, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 11
- Deep learning approaches for improving prediction of daily stream temperature in data-scarce, unmonitored, and dammed basins, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 11
- The Biscuit Brook and Neversink Reservoir Watersheds: Long-term investigations of stream chemistry, soil chemistry, and aquatic ecology in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA, 1983 to 2020, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) -
- Integrating observations and models to determine the effect of seasonally frozen ground on hydrologic partitioning in alpine hillslopes in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 10
- Hydraulic conductivity can no longer be considered a fixed property when quantifying flow between groundwater and surface water, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 6
- Evaluation of riverbed magnetic susceptibility for mapping biogeochemical hot spots in groundwater-impacted rivers, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 5
- A tribute to Edward Perry Glenn (1947–2017), who created a legacy of environmental assessment and applications within hydrological processes, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 5
- The Robinson Forest environmental monitoring network: Long‐term evaluation of streamflow and precipitation quantity and stream‐water and bulk deposition chemistry in eastern Kentucky watersheds, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 4
- The evolving perceptual model of streamflow generation at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 4
- Long-term ecosystem and biogeochemical research in Loch Vale watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 3
- Ungaged inflow and loss patterns in urban and agricultural sub‐reaches of the Logan River Observatory, 2021, Hydrological Processes (35) - 4
- Imperatives for predicting preferential and diffuse flow in the unsaturated zone: 1. Equal emphasis, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 26
- Imperatives for predicting preferential and diffuse flow in the unsaturated zone: 2. Disparate formulation, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 26
- Climate sensitivity of water use by riparian woodlands at landscape scales, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 25
- Assessing plot-scale impacts of land use on overland flow generation in Central Panama, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 25
- Ecohydrological responses to surface flow across borders: Two decades of changes in vegetation greenness and water use in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River Delta, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 25
- Flow‐ecology modelling to inform reservoir releases for riparian restoration and management, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 24
- Hillslopes in humid-tropical climates aren’t always wet: Implications for hydrologic response and landslide initiation in Puerto Rico, USA, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 22
- Parameter estimation for multiple post-wildfire hydrologic models, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 21
- Effect of spatial resolution of satellite images on estimating the greenness and evapotranspiration of urban green spaces, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 15
- Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis of watershed modelling studies, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 14
- Vegetation‐groundwater dynamics at a former uranium mill site following invasion of a biocontrol agent: A time series analysis of Landsat normalized difference vegetation index data, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 12
- Hillslope groundwater discharges provide localized ecosystem buffers from regional PFAS contamination in a gaining coastal stream, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 10
- Runoff sensitivity to snow depletion curve representation within a continental scale hydrologic model, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 11
- Evaluation of hydrologic impact of an irrigation curtailment program in the Upper Klamath Lake Basin using Landsat satellite data, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 8
- Effect of an environmental flow on vegetation growth and health using ground and remote sensing metrics, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 8
- Chronic and episodic acidification of streams along the Appalachian Trail corridor, eastern United States, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) -
- Changes in event‐based streamflow magnitude and timing after suburban development with infiltration‐based stormwater management, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 2
- Effects of climate-related variability in storage on streamwater solute concentrations and fluxes in a small forested watershed in the Southeastern United States, 2020, Hydrological Processes (34) - 2
- Quantitative guidance for efficient vertical flow measurements at the sediment-water interface using temperature-depth profiles, 2019, Hydrological Processes (34) - 3
- Estimating minimum streamflow from measurements at ungauged sites in regions with streamflow‐gauging networks, 2019, Hydrological Processes (33) - 15
- Sources of inherent infiltration variability in postwildfire soils, 2019, Hydrological Processes (33) - 23
- Comparison of groundwater age models for assessing nitrate loading, transport pathways, and management options in a complex aquifer system, 2019, Hydrological Processes (32) -
- Sensitivity of streamflow simulation in the Delaware River Basin to forecasted land‐cover change for 2030 and 2060, 2019, Hydrological Processes (33) - 1
- Efficient hydrogeological characterization of remote stream corridors using drones, 2019, Hydrological Processes (33) - 2
- Long-term streamflow trends in Hawai‘i and implications for native stream fauna, 2019, Hydrological Processes (33) - 5
- The role of baseflow in dissolved solids delivery to streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2019, Hydrological Processes (31) - 26
- Do we know how much fluvial sediment reaches the sea? Decreased river monitoring of U.S. coastal rivers, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 23
- Systematic variation in evapotranspiration trends and drivers across the Northeastern United States, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 23
- Thresholds and relations for soil‐hydraulic and soil‐physical properties as a function of burn severity 4 years after the 2011 Las Conchas Fire, New Mexico, USA, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 14
- Linking transit times to catchment sensitivity to atmospheric deposition of acidity and nitrogen in mountains of the western United States, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 16
- Explicit consideration of preferential groundwater discharges as surface water ecosystem control points, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 15
- Simulation of less‐mobile porosity dynamics in contrasting sediment water interface porous media, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 13
- Influence of climate on alpine stream chemistry and water sources, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 13
- Incorporating spatially heterogeneous infiltration capacity into hydrologic models with applications for simulating post‐wildfire debris flow initiation, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 9
- Modelling surface-water depression storage in a Prairie Pothole Region, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 4
- Estimating restorable wetland water storage at landscape scales, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 2
- High resolution water body mapping for SWAT evaporative modelling in the Upper Oconee watershed of Georgia, USA, 2018, Hydrological Processes (32) - 1
- Stormwater management network effectiveness and implications for urban watershed function: A critical review, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 23
- Comparing catchment hydrologic response to a regional storm using specific conductivity sensors, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 5
- Hydrologic metrics for status-and-trends monitoring in urban and urbanizing watersheds, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 25
- Seasonality of stable isotope composition of atmospheric water input at the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 22
- Meta-analysis of field-saturated hydraulic conductivity recovery following wildland fire: Applications for hydrologic model parameterization and resilience assessment, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 21
- Estimating daily lake evaporation from biweekly energy‐budget data, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 25
- Short-term and long-term evapotranspiration rates at ecological restoration sites along a large river receiving rare flow events, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 24
- Tracer-based evidence of heterogeneity in subsurface flow and storage within a boreal hillslope, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 13
- Heat as a groundwater tracer in shallow and deep heterogeneous media: Analytical solution, spreadsheet tool, and field applications, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 14
- Response of deep groundwater to land use change in desert basins of the Trans-Pecos region, Texas, USA: Effects on infiltration, recharge, and nitrogen fluxes, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 13
- Variability of dissolved organic carbon in precipitation during storms at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 16
- Synthesis of soil-hydraulic properties and infiltration timescales in wildfire-affected soils, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 2
- Spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter quantity and quality in the Mississippi River Basin, 1997–2013, 2017, Hydrological Processes (31) - 4
- Lateral and subsurface flows impact arctic coastal plain lake water budgets, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 21
- Comparison of methods for quantifying surface sublimation over seasonally snow-covered terrain, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 19
- Urban base flow with low impact development, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 18
- Insights into plant water uptake from xylem-water isotope measurements in two tropical catchments with contrasting moisture conditions, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 18
- Finite-element modelling of physics-based hillslope hydrology, Keith Beven, and beyond, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 14
- Combined use of isotopic and hydrometric data to conceptualize ecohydrological processes in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 17
- Wide-area estimates of evapotranspiration by red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and associated vegetation in the Murray-Darling River Basin, Australia, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 9
- Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of soil science and hydrology in the Critical Zone, 2016, Hydrological Processes (29) - 21
- Water-quality response to a high-elevation wildfire in the Colorado Front Range, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 12
- Effect of permafrost thaw on the dynamics of lakes recharged by ice-jam floods: case study in Yukon Flats, Alaska, 2016, Hydrological Processes (30) - 11
- Groundwater: The disregarded component in lake water and nutrient budgets, Part 1: Effects of groundwater on hydrology, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 13
- Changes in seasonality and timing of peak streamflow in snow and semi-arid climates of the north-central United States, 1910–2012, 2015, Hydrological Processes (30) - 8
- Effects of urbanization and stormwater control measures on streamflows in the vicinity of Clarksburg, Maryland, USA, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 20
- Rethinking the longitudinal stream temperature paradigm: region-wide comparison of thermal infrared imagery reveals unexpected complexity of river temperatures, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 22
- Evaluating the importance of characterizing soil structure and horizons in parameterizing a hydrologic process model, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) -
- Groundwater – The disregarded component in lake water and nutrient budgets. Part 2: effects of groundwater on nutrients, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 13
- Regional variability in dust-on-snow processes and impacts in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 26
- Climate-water quality relationships in Texas reservoirs, 2015, Hydrological Processes (30) - 1
- Water's Way at Sleepers River watershed – revisiting flow generation in a post-glacial landscape, Vermont USA, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 16
- Sediment source apportionment in Laurel Hill Creek, PA, using Bayesian chemical mass balance and isotope fingerprinting, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 11
- A comparison of high-resolution specific conductance-based end-member mixing analysis and a graphical method for baseflow separation of four streams in hydrologically challenging agricultural watersheds, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 11
- Advances in interpretation of subsurface processes with time-lapse electrical imaging, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 6
- Hillslope run-off thresholds with shrink–swell clay soils, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 4
- The effects of sample scheduling and sample numbers on estimates of the annual fluxes of suspended sediment in fluvial systems, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 4
- Fluid pressure responses for a Devil's Slide-like system: problem formulation and simulation, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 6
- Variably-saturated groundwater modeling for optimizing managed aquifer recharge using trench infiltration, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 3
- Hydrologic response to valley-scale structure in alpine headwaters, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 3
- Trend analyses with river sediment rating curves, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 6
- Assessing stand water use in four coastal wetland forests using sapflow techniques: annual estimates, errors and associated uncertainties, 2015, Hydrological Processes (29) - 1
- A new method of snowmelt sampling for water stable isotopes, 2014, Hydrological Processes (28) - 22
- Effects of lakes and reservoirs on annual river nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment export in agricultural and forested landscapes, 2014, Hydrological Processes (28) - 24
- Infiltration and runoff generation processes in fire-affected soils, 2014, Hydrological Processes (28) - 9
- Residence time control on hot moments of net nitrate production and uptake in the hyporheic zone, 2014, Hydrological Processes (28) - 11
- Surface-water and groundwater interactions in an extensively mined watershed, upper Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania, USA, 2014, Hydrological Processes (28) - 10
- A method for estimating spatially variable seepage and hydrualic conductivity in channels with very mild slopes, 2014, Hydrological Processes (28) - 1
- Spatial, seasonal, and source variability in the stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of tap waters throughout the USA, 2013, Hydrological Processes
- Pre- and post-impoundment nitrogen in the lower Missouri River, 2013, Hydrological Processes (28) - 4
- The effects of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee on the bed sediment geochemistry of U.S. Atlantic coastal rivers, 2013, Hydrological Processes (28) - 3
- Use of soil-streamwater relationships to assess regional patterns of acidic deposition effects in the northeastern USA, 2013, Hydrological Processes (28) - 10
- Evaporative losses from soils covered by physical and different types of biological soil crusts, 2013, Hydrological Processes (27) - 3
- Assessing the potential of reservoir outflow management to reduce sedimentation using continuous turbidity monitoring and reservoir modelling, 2013, Hydrological Processes (27) - 10
- Rethinking infiltration in wildfire-affected soils, 2013, Hydrological Processes (27) - 10
- Trends and shifts in streamflow in Hawaii, 1913-2008, 2013, Hydrological Processes (27) - 10
- An 80-year record of sediment quality in the lower Mississippi River, 2013, Hydrological Processes (27) - 17
- Difference infiltrometer: a method to measure temporally variable infiltration rates during rainstorms, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 21
- Aspect control of water movement on hillslopes near the rain–snow transition of the Colorado Front Range, 2012, Hydrological Processes (28) - 1
- Evaluation of SNODAS snow depth and snow water equivalent estimates for the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 17
- Concentrations and annual fluxes of sediment-associated chemical constituents from conterminous US coastal rivers using bed sediment data, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) -
- Annual estimates of water and solute export from 42 tributaries to the Yukon River, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 13
- Modelling rating curves using remotely sensed LiDAR data, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 9
- Preferential flow occurs in unsaturated conditions, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 5
- Influence of a thin veneer of low-hydraulic-conductivity sediment on modelled exchange between river water and groundwater in response to induced infiltration, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 4
- In situ quantification of spatial and temporal variability of hyporheic exchange in static and mobile gravel-bed rivers, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 4
- A preliminary assessment of the spatial sources of contemporary suspended sediment in the Ohio River basin, United States, using water quality data from the NASQAN programme in a source tracing procedure, 2012, Hydrological Processes (26) - 3
- The role of remote sensing observations and models in hydrology: The science of evapotranspiration, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 26
- Causes of systematic over- or underestimation of low streamflows by use of index-streamgage approaches in the United States, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 14
- Potential for water salvage by removal of non-native woody vegetation from dryland river systems, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 26
- Water storage at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 25
- Spatial variation in transient water table responses: Differences between an upper and lower hillslope zone, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 25
- Vegetation index-based crop coefficients to estimate evapotranspiration by remote sensing in agricultural and natural ecosystems, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 26
- Estimating basin scale evapotranspiration (ET) by water balance and remote sensing methods, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 26
- Trench infiltration for managed aquifer recharge to permeable bedrock, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 1
- Investigating the spatial distribution of water levels in the Mackenzie Delta using airborne LiDAR, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 19
- Storage as a Metric of Catchment Comparison, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 21
- Environmental controls of wood entrapment in upper Midwestern streams, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 4
- Canopy water balance of windward and leeward Hawaiian cloud forests on Haleakalā, Maui, Hawai'i, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 3
- Understanding the role of fog in forest hydrology: Stable isotopes as tools for determining input and partitioning of cloud water in montane forests, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 3
- Hydrogeomorphic processes of thermokarst lakes with grounded-ice and floating-ice regimes on the Arctic coastal plain, Alaska, 2011, Hydrological Processes (25) - 15
- Suspended-sediment sources in an urban watershed, Northeast Branch Anacostia River, Maryland, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 11
- Evaluating the spatiotemporal variations of water budget across China over 1951-2006 using IBIS model, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 4
- The quixotic search for a comprehensive understanding of hydrologic response at the surface: Horton, Dunne, Dunton, and the role of concept-development simulation, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 17
- Gypsies in the palace: Experimentalist's view on the use of 3-D physics-based simulation of hillslope hydrological response, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 26
- Causes for the decline of suspended-sediment discharge in the Mississippi River system, 1940-2007, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 1
- Inter-comparison of hydro-climatic regimes across northern catchments: Synchronicity, resistance and resilience, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 24
- The spatial and temporal variability of groundwater recharge in a forested basin in northern Wisconsin, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 4
- Mapping of road-salt-contaminated groundwater discharge and estimation of chloride load to a small stream in southern New Hampshire, USA, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 17
- A quarter century of declining suspended sediment fluxes in the Mississippi River and the effect of the 1993 flood, 2010, Hydrological Processes (24) - 1
- Climate change, land‐cover dynamics and ecohydrology of the Nile River Basin, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 26
- Spatial analysis of instream nitrogen loads and factors controlling nitrogen delivery to streams in the southeastern United States using spatially referenced regression on watershed attributes (SPARROW) and regional classification frameworks, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 16
- Effects of urbanization on stream water quality in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 20
- Consistency between hydrological models and field observations: Linking processes at the hillslope scale to hydrological responses at the watershed scale, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 2
- Local-scale variability of seepage and hydraulic conductivity in a shallow gravel-bed river, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 23
- Water balance dynamics in the Nile Basin, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 26
- How does landscape structure influence catchment transit time across different geomorphic provinces?, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 6
- Simulating hydrologic and hydraulic processes throughout the Amazon River Basin, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 8
- A comparison of pre- and post-remediation water quality, Mineral Creek, Colorado, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 23
- First-order exchange coefficient coupling for simulating surface water-groundwater interactions: Parameter sensitivity and consistency with a physics-based approach, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 13
- Water uptake and nutrient concentrations under a floodplain oak savanna during a non-flood period, lower Cedar River, Iowa, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 21
- Concentration-discharge relationships reflect chemostatic characteristics of US catchments, 2009, Hydrological Processes (23) - 13
- Metals fate and transport modelling in streams and watersheds: state of the science and USEPA workshop review, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 19
- Hydrological response to timber harvest in northern Idaho: Implications for channel scour and persistence of salmonids, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 17
- Spatial patterns of simulated transpiration response to climate variability in a snow dominated mountain ecosystem, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 18
- Linking runoff response to burn severity after a wildfire, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 13
- Carbon isotope fractionation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) due to outgassing of carbon dioxide from a headwater stream, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 14
- The application of electrical conductivity as a tracer for hydrograph separation in urban catchments, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 12
- Catchment data for process conceptualization: Simply not enough?, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 12
- Advancing process‐based watershed hydrological research using near‐surface geophysics: A vision for, and review of, electrical and magnetic geophysical methods, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 18
- Can we dismiss the effect of changes in land‐based water storage on sea‐level rise?, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 5
- Factors controlling nitrogen release from two forested catchments with contrasting hydrochemical responses, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 1
- The effect of terrace geology on ground-water movement and on the interaction of ground water and surface water on a mountainside near Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, USA, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 1
- A comparative analysis of simulated and observed landslide locations triggered by Hurricane Camille in Nelson County, Virginia, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 4
- Peat porewater chloride concentration profiles in the Everglades during wet/dry cycles from January 1996 to June 1998: Field measurements and theoretical analysis, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 11
- Ground-based thermography of fluvial systems at low and high discharge reveals potential complex thermal heterogeneity driven by flow variation and bioroughness, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 7
- Monitoring urban impacts on suspended sediment, trace element, and nutrient fluxes within the City of Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Program design, methodological considerations, and initial results, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 10
- Evapotranspiration rates and crop coefficients for a restored marsh in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 6
- Effects of 2003 wildfires on stream chemistry in Glacier National Park, Montana, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 26
- CO2‐induced suppression of transpiration cannot explain increasing runoff, 2008, Hydrological Processes (22) - 2
- Water table fluctuations under three riparian land covers, Iowa (USA), 2007, Hydrological Processes (21) - 18
- Diurnal variability in riverine dissolved organic matter composition determined by in situ optical measurement in the San Joaquin River (California, USA), 2007, Hydrological Processes (21) - 23
- Effect of bedrock permeability on subsurface stormflow and the water balance of a trenched hillslope at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA, 2007, Hydrological Processes (21) - 6
- Heat transport in the Red Lake Bog, Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, 2007, Hydrological Processes (21) - 3
- Influence of groundwater pumping on streamflow restoration following upstream dam removal, 2007, Hydrological Processes (21) - 21
- Reply to comment on ‘Characterization of surface and ground water δ18O seasonal variation and its use for estimating groundwater residence times’ by R. E. Criss and W. E. Winston, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 16
- The potential roles of biological soil crusts in dryland hydrologic cycles, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 15
- The hydrology of northern peatlands as affected by biogenic gas: Current developments and research needs, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 17
- Global synthesis of groundwater recharge in semiarid and arid regions, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 15
- Future trends in transport and fate of diffuse contaminants in catchments, with special emphasis on stable isotope applications, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 1
- Multiple injected and natural conservative tracers quantify mixing in a stream confluence affected by acid mine drainage near Silverton, Colorado, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 13
- The composite method: An improved method for stream-water solute load estimation, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 14
- Response of surface water chemistry to reduced levels of acid precipitation: Comparison of trends in two regions of New York, USA, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 7
- Characterization of surface and ground water δ18O seasonal variation and its use for estimating groundwater residence times, 2006, Hydrological Processes (20) - 8
- A 24 h investigation of the hydrogeochemistry of baseflow and stormwater in an urban area impacted by mining: Butte, Montana, 2005, Hydrological Processes (19) - 14
- Decadal-scale change of infiltration characteristics of a tephra-mantled hillslope at Mount St Helens, Washington, 2005, Hydrological Processes (19) - 18
- Evaluating the source of streamwater nitrate using δ15N and δ18O in nitrate in two watersheds in New Hampshire, USA, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 14
- Hydrological effects of soil water repellency: On spatial and temporal uncertainties, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 4
- Tritium hydrology of the Mississippi River basin, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 7
- A review of models and micrometeorological methods used to estimate wetland evapotranspiration, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 11
- The application of an integrated biogeochemical model (PnET-BGC) to five forested watersheds in the Adirondack and Catskill regions of New York, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 14
- Identifying storm flow pathways in a rainforest catchment using hydrological and geochemical modelling, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 15
- Are big basins just the sum of small catchments?, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 16
- Sensitivity to acidification of subalpine ponds and lakes in north-western Colorado, 2004, Hydrological Processes (18) - 15
- Dams and downstream ground water, 2003, Hydrological Processes (17) - 17
- Modelling hydrologic responses in a small forested catchment (Panola Mountain, Georgia, USA): A comparison of the original and a new dynamic TOPMODEL, 2003, Hydrological Processes (17) - 2
- Characterization of lake water and ground water movement in the littoral zone of Williams Lake, a closed-basin lake in North central Minnesota, 2003, Hydrological Processes (17) - 4
- An evaluation of sediment rating curves for estimating suspended sediment concentrations for subsequent flux calculations, 2003, Hydrological Processes (17) - 17
- Determining long time-scale hyporheic zone flow paths in Antarctic streams, 2003, Hydrological Processes (17) - 9
- Application of geographic information systems and remote sensing for quantifying patterns of erosion and water quality, 2003, Hydrological Processes (17) - 5
- Stormflow-hydrograph separation based on isotopes: the thrill is gone--what's next?, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 7
- Interannual variations in snowpack in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 18
- Nutrient limitation, hydrology and watershed nitrogen loss, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 17
- Behavioural and physiological response of trout to winter habitat in tailwaters in Wyoming, USA, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 4
- Diffusion model validation and interpretation of stable isotopes in river and lake ice, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 4
- Controls on old and new water contributions to stream flow at some nested catchments in Vermont, USA, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 3
- A passive microwave snow depth algorithm with a proxy for snow metamorphism, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 8
- Grid-cell-based crop water accounting for the famine early warning system, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 8
- A modular approach to addressing model design, scale, and parameter estimation issues in distributed hydrological modelling, 2002, Hydrological Processes (16) - 2
- Preface; Water quality of large U.S. rivers; results from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Stream Quality Accounting Network, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Ground water and surface water: the linkage tightens, but challenges remain, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) -
- Evaluation of the Liu model for predicting rainfall interception in forests world-wide, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 2
- Chemical and isotopic evidence of nitrogen transformation in the Mississippi River, 1997-98, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Influence of reservoirs on solute transport: A regional-scale approach, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Applicability of NASQAN data for ecosystem assessments on the Missouri River, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- The national stream quality accounting network: A flux-basedapproach to monitoring the water quality of large rivers, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Optimal estimation of suspended-sediment concentrations in streams, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Annual suspended sediment and trace element fluxes in the Mississippi, Columbia, Colorado, and Rio Grande drainage basins, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Chemical and isotopic evidence of nitrogen transformation in the Mississippi River, 1997-98, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- The effect of mining and related activities on the sediment-trace element geochemistry of Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA. Part III. Downstream effects: The Spokane River Basin, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 5
- Simulation of stream discharge and transport of nitrate and selected herbicides in the Mississippi River Basin, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Distribution of oxygen-18 and deuteriun in river waters across the United States, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Evaluation of persistent hydrophobic organic compounds in the Columbia River Basin using semipermeable-membrane devices, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- The behaviour of 39 pesticides in surface waters as a function of scale, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Estimating suspended sediment and trace element fluxes in large river basins: Methodological considerations as applied to the NASQAN programme, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Trends in total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations of tributaries to the Swan - Canning Estuary, 1987 to 1998, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 13
- Nutrient transport to the Swan - Canning Estuary, Western Australia, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 13
- Effects of urbanization on streamflow in the Atlanta area (Georgia, USA): A comparative hydrological approach, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 8
- Topographic controls on the chemistry of subsurface stormflow, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 10
- pH dependence of iron photoreduction in a rocky mountain stream affected by acid mine drainage, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 10
- Applying the scientific method to small catchment studies: Areview of the Panola Mountain experience, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 10
- A look inside 'black box' hydrograph separation models: A study at the hydrohill catchment, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 10
- Long-term changes in consentrations and flux fo nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin, USA, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Quantifying contributions to storm runoff through end-member mixing analysis and hydrologic measurements at the Panola Mountain research watershed (Georgia, USA), 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 10
- Carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of particulate organic matter in four large river systems across the United States, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 7
- Pesticides in the hydrologic system - What do we know and what's next?, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 16
- Developing a post-fire flood chronology and recurrence probability from alluvial stratigraphy in the Buffalo Creek watershed, Colorado, USA, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 15
- Effect of basin physical characteristics on solute fluxes in nine alpine/subalpine basins, Colorado, USA, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 14
- A process for fire-related debris flow initiation, Cerro Grande fire, New Mexico, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 15
- Post-fire, rainfall intensity-peak discharge relations for three mountainous watersheds in the Western USA, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 15
- Comparison of soil infiltration rates in burned and unburned mountainous watersheds, 2001, Hydrological Processes (15) - 15
- Differences in topographic characteristics computed from 100- and 1000-m resolution digital elevation model data, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 6
- Effects of asynchronous snowmelt on flushing of dissolved organic carbon: A mixing model approach, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 18
- The disparity between extreme rainfall events and rare floods - with emphasis on the semi-arid American West, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 16-17
- Hyporheic zone hydrological processes, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 15
- Geochemistry of the Springfield Plateau aquifer of the Ozark Plateaus Province in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma, USA, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 5
- Role of lake regulation on glacier fed rivers in enhancing salmon productivity: The Cook Inlet watershed south central Alaska, USA, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 16-17
- Classification of river regimes: A context for hydroecology, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 16-17
- Flow variations and macroinvertebrate community responses in a small groundwater-dominated stream in south east England, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 16-17
- Tree recruitment and survival in rivers: Influence of hydrological process, 2000, Hydrological Processes (14) - 16-17
- Canadian Geophysical Union Hydrology Section special issue, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 6
- Effect of subalpine canopy removal on snowpack, soil solution, and nutrient export, Fraser Experimental Forest, CO, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 14-15
- Variations in trace element geochemistry in the Seine River Basin based on floodplain deposits and bed sediments, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 9
- Temporal trends of bulk precipitation and stream water chemistry (1977-1997) in a small forested area, Krusne hory, northern Bohemia, Czech Republic, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 17
- Long-term experimental manipulation of winter snow regime and summer temperature in arctic and alpine tundra, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 14-15
- Component flow processes at four streams in the Catskill Mountains, New York, analysed using episodic concentration/discharge relationship, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 4
- Tracer and hydrometric study of preferential flow in large undisturbed soil cores from the Georgia Piedmont, USA, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 2
- Prediction of episodic acidification in North-eastern USA: An empirical/mechanistic approach, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 8
- A spatially distributed energy balance snowmelt model for application in mountain basins, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 12-13
- Methods for developing time-series climate surfaces to drive topographically distributed energy- and water-balance models, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 12-13
- The effect of frozen soil on snowmelt runoff at Sleepers River, Vermont, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 12-13
- Relationships between hydraulic parameters in a small stream under varying flow and seasonal conditions, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 10
- Seasonal change in precipitation, snowpack, snowmelt, soil water and streamwater chemistry, northern Michigan, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 14-15
- Transformations of snow chemistry in the boreal forest: Accumulation and volatilization, 1999, Hydrological Processes (13) - 14-15
- Stochastic calibration of an orographic percipitation model, 1998, Hydrological Processes (12) - 4
- Colloid particle sizes in the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries, from Minneapolis to below New Orleans, 1998, Hydrological Processes (12) - 1
- Assessment of climate change and freshwater ecosystems of the Rocky Mountains, USA and Canada, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 8
- Effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems of the south-eastern United States and the Gulf Coast of Mexico, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 8
- Response characteristics of DOC flushing in an alpine catchment, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 12
- Stream bed temperature profiles as indicators of percolation characteristics beneath arroyos in the middle Rio Grande Basin, USA, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 12
- Organic and inorganic nitrogen pools in talus fields and subtalus water, Green Lakes Valley, Colorado front range, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 13
- Use of geochemical mass balance modelling to evaluate the role of weathering in determining stream chemistry in five mid-Atlantic watersheds on different lithologies, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 7
- Effects of basin size on low-flow stream chemistry and subsurface contact time in the neversink river watershed, New York, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 9
- Nitrogen fluxes in a high elevation Colorado Rocky Mountain basin, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 7
- Hydrological processes - Letters: Topographic controls on subsurface storm flow at the hillslope scale for Two hydrologically distinct small catchments, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 9
- Regional delineation of North America for the assessment of freshwater ecosystems and climate change, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 8
- Potential effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems of the New England/Mid-Atlantic Region, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 8
- Potential effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems of the Great Plains of North America, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 8
- Sensitivity of aquatic ecosystems to climatic and anthropogenic changes: The basin and range, American Southwest and Mexico, 1997, Hydrological Processes (11) - 8
- Effect of snow and firn hydrology on the physical and chemical characteristics of glacial runoff, 1996, Hydrological Processes (10) - 4
- Trends in nutrients, 1996, Hydrological Processes (10) - 2
- Trends in the chemistry of precipitation and surface water in a national network of small watersheds, 1996, Hydrological Processes (10) - 2
- Controls on surface water chemistry in the upper Merced River basin, Yosemite National Park, California, 1996, Hydrological Processes (10) - 5
- Accuracy of tretyakov precipitation gauge: Result of wmo intercomparison, 1995, Hydrological Processes (9) - 8
- Interactions between groundwater and surface water in a Virginia coastal plain watershed. 2. Acid-base chemistry, 1994, Hydrological Processes (8) - 5
- Evaluation of the method of collecting suspended sediment from large rivers by discharge-weighted pumping and separation by continuous- flow centrifugation, 1994, Hydrological Processes (8) - 6
- Testing and comparison of four ionic tracers to measure stream flow loss by multiple tracer injection, 1994, Hydrological Processes (8) - 2
- Effect of mining and related activities on the sediment trace element geochemistry of Lake Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, USA. Part I: Surface sediments, 1993, Hydrological Processes (7) - 4
- Factors controlling the major ion chemistry of streams in the Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces of Virginia and Maryland, 1992, Hydrological Processes (6) - 1
- Use of a single-bowl continuous-flow centrifuge for dewatering suspended sediments: effect on sediment physical and chemical characteristics, 1991, Hydrological Processes (5) - 2
- Applications of hydrologic information automatically extracted from digital elevation models, 1991, Hydrological Processes (5) - 1
- The prediction of aquatic sediment-associated trace element concentration using selected geochemical factors, 1989, Hydrological Processes (3) - 4
- A comparison of instrumental dewatering methods for the separation and concentration of suspended sediment for subsequent trace element analysis, 1989, Hydrological Processes (3) - 2
- Influence of mineral weathering reactions on the chemical composition of soil water, springs, and ground water, Catoctin Mountains, Maryland, 1989, Hydrological Processes (3) - 2