Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- A comparison of direct & indirect survey methods for estimating colonial nesting waterbird populations, 2023, Waterbirds (45) - 2
- eDNA Metabarcoding Analyses of Diet in Yellow-Billed Loons of Northern Alaska, 2023, Waterbirds (45) - 2
- Dabbling duck eggs hatch after nest abandonment in the wild, 2022, Waterbirds (45) - 1
- Reproductive success of Red-Billed Tropicbirds (Phaethon aethereus) on St. Eustatius, Caribbean Netherlands, 2022, Waterbirds (45) - 1
- Distribution and trends of endemic Hawaiian waterbirds, 2022, Waterbirds (44) - 4
- Interspecific and local variation in Tern chick diets across nesting colonies in the Gulf of Maine, 2022, Waterbirds (44) - 4
- Fine-scale weather patterns drive reproductive success in the Brown Pelican, 2021, Waterbirds (44) - 2
- Effects of diet and provisioning behavior on chick growth in Adélie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), 2021, Waterbirds (44) - 1
- Foraging movements and colony attendance of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) on the central Platte River, Nebraska, USA, 2021, Waterbirds (48) - 1
- Mapping habitat quality and threats for eastern Black Rails (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis), 2021, Waterbirds (44) - 2
- Factors limiting reproductive success of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in Florida's southern Big Bend region, 2021, Waterbirds (44) - 4
- Frequent use of upland habitats by the endangered Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni), 2019, Waterbirds (42) - 4
- Nest survival of Black-necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) on the upper Texas coast, USA, 2019, Waterbirds (42) - 3
- DNA Sequencing confirms Tundra Bean Goose (Anser serrirostris serrirostris) occurrence in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley in Arkansas, USA, 2019, Waterbirds (42) - 3
- California gull (Larus californicus) space use and timing of movements in relation to landfills and breeding colonies, 2018, Waterbirds (41) - 4
- Preliminary evaluation of behavioral response of nesting waterbirds to small unmanned aircraft flight, 2018, Waterbirds (41) - 3
- Use of Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) burrows as shelter by Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) chicks, 2018, Waterbirds (41) - 2
- Small high-definition video cameras as a tool to resight uniquely marked Interior Least Terns (Sternula antillarum athalassos), 2017, Waterbirds (40) - 2
- Movements and habitat use of White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) during the remigial molt in arctic Alaska, USA, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - 3
- Standardization and application of an index of community integrity for waterbirds in the Chesapeake Bay, USA, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - 3
- Diel variation in detection and vocalization rates of king (Rallus elegans) and clapper (Rallus crepitans) rails in intracoastal waterways, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - 3
- Seasonal movements and multiscale habitat selection of Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in natural and agricultural wetlands, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - 4
- Managing native predators: Evidence from a partial removal of raccoons (Procyon lotor) on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, USA, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - sp1
- Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) mortality and recovery rates vary by wing molt status at time of banding, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - 1
- Managing American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) population qrowth by targeting nesting season vital rates, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - sp1
- The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) Working Group: 15 years of collaborative focal species research and management, 2017, Waterbirds (40) - sp1
- Species associations and habitat influence the range-wide distribution of breeding Canada Geese (Branta canadensis interior) on Western Hudson Bay, 2017, Waterbirds (36) - 1
- Winter and summer home ranges of American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) captured at loafing sites in the southeastern United States, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 3
- Quantifying the effects of research band resighting activities on staging terns in comparison to other disturbances, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 4
- Hurricane disturbance benefits nesting American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus), 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 4
- Habitat selection by Forster's Terns (Sterna forsteri) at multiple spatial scales in an urbanized estuary: The importance of salt ponds, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 4
- King Rail (Rallus elegans) Nesting and Brood Rearing Ecology at Red Slough WMA, SE Oklahoma, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 3
- Factors affecting wetland connectivity for wintering semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) in the Caribbean, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 3
- Low survival rates of Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides) estimated from neck-collar resighting and telemetry, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 3
- Post-release survival and movement of Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) implanted with intracoelomic satellite transmitters, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 2
- Change in numbers of resident and migratory shorebirds at the Cabo Rojo Salt Flats, Puerto Rico, USA (1985–2014), 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 2
- A low-disturbance capture technique for ground-nesting Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 2
- Differentiating sex and species of Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) and Clark's Grebes (Aechmophorus clarkii) and their eggs using external morphometrics and discriminant function analysis, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - 1
- Fidelity and persistence of Ring-billed (Larus delawarensis) and Herring (Larus argentatus) gulls to wintering sites, 2016, Waterbirds (39) - SP1
- Waterbird use of catfish ponds and migratory bird habitat initiative wetlands in Mississippi, 2015, Waterbirds (38) - 3
- Stable isotopes suggest low site fidelity in Bar-Headed Geese (Anser indicus) in Mongolia: Implications for disease transmission, 2015, Waterbirds (38) - 2
- First record of a banded Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis) moving from England to the United States, 2015, Waterbirds (38) - 4
- Size and retention of breeding territories of yellow-billed loons in Alaska and Canada, 2014, Waterbirds (37) - 1
- Historic and contemporary mercury exposure and potential risk to yellow-billed loons (Gavia adamsii) breeding in Alaska and Canada, 2014, Waterbirds (37) - 1
- Site selection and nest survival of the Bar-Headed Goose (Anser indicus) on the Mongolian Plateau, 2014, Waterbirds (37) - 4
- Suitability of coastal marshes as Whooping Crane (Grus americana) foraging habitat in southwest Louisiana, USA, 2014, Waterbirds (37) - 3
- Risk of predation and weather events affect nest site selection by sympatric Pacific (Gavia pacifica) and Yellow-billed (Gavia adamsii) loons in Arctic habitats, 2014, Waterbirds (37) -
- Effects of wetland management on carrying capacity of diving ducks and shorebirds in a coastal estuary, 2014, Waterbirds (37) - 1
- Survival of adult Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) may be linked to marine conditions, 2014, Waterbirds (37) - SP1
- Migration and wintering areas of American Bitterns (Botaurus lentiginosus) that summer in central North America as determined by satellite and radio telemetry, 1998-2003, 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 3
- Genetic structure, diversity and subspecies status of Gull-billed Terns (Gelochelidon nilotica) from the United States, 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 3
- Microhabitat selection, demography, and correlates of home range size for the King Rail (Rallus elegans), 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 3
- Population genetics and evaluation of genetic evidence for subspecies in the Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla), 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 2
- Relating Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) occupancy to habitat and landscape features in the context of fire, 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 2
- Evaluating methodological assumptions of a catch-curve survival estimation of unmarked precocial shorebird chickes, 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 1
- Daily survival rate for nests and chicks of Least Terns (Sternula antillarum) at natural nest sites in South Carolina, 2013, Waterbirds (36) - 1
- A historical estimate of apparent survival of American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) in Virginia, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 4
- Breeding season survival and breeding incidence of female Mottled Ducks on the upper Texas gulf coast, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 2
- Morphometric sexing of Northwest Atlantic Roseate Terns, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 3
- Population status and habitat associations of the King Rail in the midwestern United States, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 4
- Potential effects of climate change on the distribution of waterbirds in the Prairie Pothole Region, U.S.A., 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 2
- Population size of snowy plovers breeding in North America, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 1
- An artificial perch to help Snail Kites handle an exotic Apple Snail, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 2
- Estimating shorebird populations during spring stopover in rice fields of the Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coastal Plain, 2012, Waterbirds (35) - 3
- Spring-migration ecology of Northern Pintails in south-central Nebraska, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 1
- Fine scale movements and habitat use of black brant during the flightless Wing Molt in Arctic Alaska, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 2
- Factors affecting winter survival of female mallards in the lower Mississippi alluvial valley, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 2
- Daily movements of female mallards wintering in Southwestern Louisiana, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 4
- Standardized North American marsh bird monitoring protocol, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 3
- Habitat use of nesting and brood-rearing King Rails in the Illinois and Upper Mississippi River Valleys, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 2
- Nest success of snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in the Southern high plains of Texas, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 4
- Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in Southwestern Louisiana, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 4
- Diet and gut morphology of male mallards during winter in North Dakota, 2011, Waterbirds (34) - 1
- Flightless and post-molt survival and movements of female mallards molting in Klamath Basin, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 2
- Population structure and relatedness among female Northern Pintails in three California wintering regions, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 1
- Book review, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 1
- Reproductive ecology and habitat use of pacific Black Scoters (Melanitta nigra americana) nesting on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 2
- Parental attendance and brood success in American Oystercatchers in South Carolina, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 4
- Movement distances and habitat switching by female Mallards wintering in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 3
- Habitat use by Least Bitterns in the Arkansas Delta, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 2
- Waterbird nest density and nest survival in rice fields of southwestern Louisiana, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 3
- Occupancy and habitat use of the Least Bittern and Pied-Billed Grebe in the Illinois and Upper Mississippi River Valleys, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 3
- Rice production systems and avian influenza: Interactions between mixed-farming systems, poultry and wild birds, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - SPEC.ISSUE.1
- Functional response models to estimate feeding rates of wading birds, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 1
- Effects of landscape features on waterbird use of rice fields, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - SPEC.ISSUE.1
- Avian foods, foraging and habitat conservation in world rice fields, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - SPEC.ISSUE.1
- Common snapping turtle preys on an adult western grebe, 2010, Waterbirds (33) -
- Perfluorinated compounds and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in great blue heron eggs from three colonies on the Mississippi River, Minnesota, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 1
- Distribution of non-breeding great lakes piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) along Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines: Ten years of band sightings, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 1
- Sexing California gulls using morphometrics and discriminant function analysis, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 1
- Effectiveness of capture techniques for rails in emergent marsh and agricultural wetlands, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 3
- Genetic characterization of Neotropical Jabiru Storks: Insights for conservation, 2010, Waterbirds (33) - 4
- Feeding ecology of long-tailed ducks Clangula hyemalis wintering on the Nantucket Shoals, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 2
- Nesting ecology of Greater Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) in riparian and palustrine wetlands of eastern Idaho, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 1
- Use of morphometric measurements to differentiate between species and sex of king and clapper rails, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 4
- Post-fledging movements of juvenile Common Mergansers (mergus merganser) in Alaska as inferred by satellite telemetry, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 1
- Population variation in isotopic composition of shorebird feathers: Implications for determining molting grounds, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 2
- A sampling design framework for monitoring secretive marshbirds, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 2
- Migration patterns and wintering range of common loons breeding in the Northeastern United States, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 2
- Diet and body mass of wintering ducks in adjacent brackish and freshwater habitats, 2009, Waterbirds (32) - 3
- Low prevalence of avian influenza virus in shorebirds on the Pacific coast of North America, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 4
- Effects of human activity of breeding American Oystercatchers, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, USA, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 1
- Annual recapture and survival rates of two non-breeding adult populations of Roseate Terns Stema dougallii captured on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and estimates of their population sizes, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 3
- Temporal variation in adult survival rates of Roseate Terns during periods of increasing and declining populations, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 3
- Breeding phenology and reproductive success of the Brandt's Cormorant at three nearshore colonies in central California, 1997-2001, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 4
- Space use by Forster's Terns breeding in South San Francisco Bay, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 3
- Diets of Lesser Scaup during spring migration throughout the upper-Midwest are consistent with the spring condition hypothesis, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 1
- Assessing habitat use by breeding Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) on the Upper Mississippi River, USA, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 2
- Breeding stage influences space use of female American avocets in San Francisco Bay, California, 2008, Waterbirds (31) - 3
- Waterbirds of the Chesapeake Bay and Vicinity: Harbingers of Change?, 2007, Waterbirds (30) -
- Soras in tidal marsh: Banding and telemetry studies on the Patuxent River, Maryland, 2007, Waterbirds (30) -
- Potential hazards of environmental contaminants to avifauna residing in the Chesapeake Bay estuary, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - sp1
- Common Loon (Gavia immer) eggshell thickness and egg volume vary with acidity of nest lake in northern Wisconsin, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 3
- Temporal changes of populations and trophic relationships of wintering diving ducks in Chesapeake Bay, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - sp1
- Restoration of waterbird habitats in Chesapeake Bay: Great expectations or Sisyphus revisited?, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - SPEC. ISS. 1
- Daily foraging patterns of adult Double-crested Cormorants during the breeding season, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 2
- Longterm trends in nest counts of colonial seabirds in South Carolina, USA, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 1
- Responses of California Brown Pelicans to disturbances at a large Oregon roost, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 4
- Scale-dependent habitat selection of nesting Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 3
- Egg flotation estimates nest age for Pacific and Red-throated Loons, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 2
- Mercury and selenium in American White Pelicans breeding at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 2007, Waterbirds (30) - 2
- Nest fate and productivity of American Oystercatchers, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 3
- The distribution and conservation status of the Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) in North America, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 3
- Traversing a boreal forest landscape: Summer movements of Tule Greater White-fronted Geese, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 1
- Spring migration of Northern Pintails from Texas and New Mexico, USA, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 2
- Genetic variation among subspecies of Least Tern (Sterna antillarum): Implications for conservation, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 2
- Effects of nest density, location, and timing on breeding success of Caspian Terns, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 4
- Testing the junk-food hypothesis on marine birds: Effects of prey type on growth and development, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 4
- Breeding ecology and nesting habitat associations of five marsh bird species in western New York, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 4
- Different time and energy budgets of Lesser Snow Geese in rice-prairies and coastal marshes in southwest Louisiana, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 4
- Sexing Forster's Terns using morphometric measurements, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 4
- Evidence for wing molt and breeding site fidelity in King Eiders, 2006, Waterbirds (29) - 2
- Sex ratio and early growth patterns of Roseate Tern chicks during five breeding seasons at Falkner Island, Connecticut, USA, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 3
- Organochlorine contaminants in the American White Pelican breeding at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - sp1
- Habitat use, movements and home range of wintering Lesser Scaup in Florida, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 1
- Insectivory versus piscivory in Black Terns: Implications for food provisioning and growth of chicks, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 4
- Reddish Egret extends its breeding range along the North American Atlantic coast into South Carolina, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 4
- Water level dynamics in wetlands and nesting success of Black Terns in Maine, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 2
- A comparison of American Oystercatcher reproductive success on barrier beach and river island habitats in coastal North Carolina, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 2
- Foraging ecology of Caspian Terns in the Columbia River Estuary, USA, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 3
- Foraging location and site fidelity of the Double-crested Cormorant on Oneida Lake, New York, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 4
- Causes of mortality in sea ducks (Mergini) necropsied at the USGS-National Wildlife Health Center, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 2
- Factors affecting chick provisioning by Caspian Terns nesting in the Columbia River estuary, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 1
- Predator removal and nesting waterbird success at San Francisco Bay, California, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 2
- The impact of disease in the American white pelican in North America, 2005, Waterbirds (28) - 1
- Habitat use and home range of the Laysan Teal on Laysan Island, Hawaii, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 2
- Reproductive success of the Black-crowned Night Heron at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California, 1990-2002, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 1
- Relationships between wintering waterbirds and invertebrates, sediments and hydrology of coastal marsh ponds, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 3
- Do adult Little Egrets respond to disturbance at their nest by increased breeding dispersal?, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 4
- At-sea activity and diving behavior of a radio-tagged Marbled Murrelet in central California, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 1
- Distribution and abundance of the Mariana subspecies of the Common Moorhen, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 2
- Movements of flightless long-tailed ducks during wing molt, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 1
- Habitat selection by tundra swans on Northern Alaska breeding grounds, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 2
- Feeding habitat characteristics of the Great Blue Heron and Great Egret nesting along the Upper Mississippi River, 1995-1998, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 4
- Response of predators to Western Sandpiper nest exclosures, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 1
- Comparison of detection rates of breeding marsh birds in passive and playback surveys at Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota, 2004, Waterbirds (27) - 3
- A voluntary program to curtail boat disturbance to waterfowl during migration, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 1
- Deciphering the social structure of Marbled Murrelets from behavioral observations at sea, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 3
- Lead fishing weights and other fishing tackle in selected waterbirds, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 3
- Predator exclusion methods for managing endangered shorebirds: Are two barriers better than one?, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 2
- Body size and condition of male mallard during mid-winter in North Dakota, USA, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 4
- A voluntary program to curtail boat disturbance to waterfowl during migration, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 1
- Radio-telemetry evidence of re-nesting in the same season by the Marbled Murrelet, 2003, Waterbirds (26) - 3
- Stable isotope analysis of temporal variation in the diets of pre-fledged Laughing Gulls, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 2
- Individual foraging strategies of kleptoparasitic Roseate Terns, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 4
- Managing wetlands for waterbirds: Integrated approaches, 2002, Waterbirds (25) -
- Managing agricultural wetlands for waterbirds in the coastal regions of Louisiana, U.S.A., 2002, Waterbirds (25) - Spec Publ 2
- Bayesian time series analysis of segments of the Rocky Mountain trumpeter swan population, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 1
- Development of an expert system for assessing trumpeter swan breeding habitat in the Northern Rocky Mountains., 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 1
- Accessible habitat for shorebirds: Factors influencing its availability and conservation implications, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - SPECIAL PUBL.2
- Integrated management of waterbirds: Beyond the conventional, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - SPECIAL PUBL.2
- Distribution, abundance and habitat use of American White Pelicans in the Delta Region of Mississippi and along the Western Gulf of Mexico Coast, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 4
- Waterbird use of bayland wetlands in the San Francisco Bay estuary: Movements of long-billed dowitchers during the winter, 2002, Waterbirds (25) -
- Management and conservation of San Francisco Bay salt ponds: effects of pond salinity, area, tide, and season on Pacific Flyway waterbirds, 2002, Waterbirds (25) -
- Nesting ecology of tundra swans on the coastal Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 2002, Waterbirds (25) -
- Feeding habitat selection by Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets nesting in east central Minnesota, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 1
- Regional fidelity and movement patterns of wintering killdeer in an agricultural landscape, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 1
- Parental care in Tundra Swans during the pre-fledgling period, 2002, Waterbirds (25) -
- Use of satellite telemetry to identify common loon migration routes, staging areas and wintering range, 2002, Waterbirds (25) -
- Responses of dabbling ducks to wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 4
- Activity patterns and monitoring numbers of Horned Puffins and Parakeet Auklets, 2002, Waterbirds (25) - 3
- Size and mass of grit in gizzards of sandhill cranes, tundra swans, and mute swans, 2001, Waterbirds (24) - 2
- Using resampling to assess reliability of audio-visual survey strategies for marbled murrelets at inland forest sites, 2001, Waterbirds (24) - 3
- The Foraging Ecology of Royal and Sandwich Terns in North Carolina, USA, 2001, Waterbirds (24) - 3
- Selection of habitats by Emperor Geese during brood rearing, 2001, Waterbirds (24) - 3
- The importance of survey timing in monitoring breeding seabird numbers, 2001, Waterbirds (24) - 1
- Population estimates of Nearctic shorebirds, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 3
- Performance of implantable satellite transmitters in diving seabirds, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 1
- Predictable interregional movements by female northern pintails during winter, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 2
- Do male breeding displays function to attract mates or defend territories? The explanatory role of mate and site fidelity, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 2
- Testing the effectiveness of an aquatic hazing device on waterbirds in the San Francisco Bay estuary of California, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 1
- Temporal variability in abundance of Marbled Murrelets at sea in southeast Alaska, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 3
- Sexing adult black-legged kittiwakes by DNA, behavior, and morphology, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 3
- Late summer survival of adult female and juvenile spectacled eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alska, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 2
- Foods, trophic relationships, and migration of Sooty and Short-tailed Shearwaters associated with squid and large-mesh driftnet fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 2
- Densities of Barrow's goldeneyes during winter in Prince William Sound, Alaska in relation to habitat, food, and history of oil contamination, 2000, Waterbirds (23) - 3
- Contribution of research to management and recovery of the roseate tern: review of a twelve-year project, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 2
- Aspects of hatching success and chick survival in Gull-billed Terns in coastal Virginia, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 1
- Predicting chick survival and productivity of Roseate Terns from data on early growth, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 1
- Aspects of chick growth in Gull-billed Terns in coastal Virginia, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 1
- [Book review] Wetland birds: Habitat resources and conservation implications, by Milton W. Weller, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 2
- Predicting chick survival and productivity of Roseate Terns from data on early growth, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 1
- Seasonal movements, migration, and range sizes of subadult and adult Bamforth Lake California Gulls, 1999, Waterbirds (22) - 1
- Key areas for wintering North American herons, 1998, Waterbirds (21) - 2
- History and status of introduced mammals and impacts to breeding seabirds on the California channel and Northwestern Baja California Islands, 1998, Waterbirds (21) - 3
- Status of the White-faced Ibis: Breeding colony dynamics of the Great Basin population, 1985-1997, 1998, Waterbirds (21) - 3
- Waterbird communities in rice fields subjected to different post-harvest treatments, 1998, Waterbirds (21) - 2
- Diets of nestling Gull-billed Terns in coastal Virginia, 1998, Waterbirds (21) - 3
- Evidence of secondary consumption of invertebrate prey by Double-crested Cormorants, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 3
- Female Roseate Tern fledges a chick following the death of her mate during the incubation period, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 3
- Nesting season food habits of 4 species of Herons and Egrets at Lake Okeechobee, Florida, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 2
- Spring prey use by double-crested cormorants on the Penobscot River, Maine, USA, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 1
- Numbers and distribution of Double-crested Cormorants on the upper Mississippi river, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 2
- Population trends of Black Terns from the North American Breeding Bird Survey, 1966-1996, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 3
- Spring foraging distribution and habitat selection by Double-crested Cormorants on the Penobscot River, Maine USA, 1997, Waterbirds (20) - 1