Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Geologic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, southwest Alaska, and the Alaska Peninsula terrane, 2015, Bulletin 1969 B
- Characterization of the Hosgri Fault Zone and adjacent structures in the offshore Santa Maria Basin, south-central California, 2013, Bulletin 1995 CC
- Impacts of historical mining in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, 2010, Bulletin 2191-6
- Introduction to pathways of metal transfer from mineralized sources to biorecptors, 2010, Bulletin 2191-1
- Mineral Resource Assessment of Marine Sand Resources in Cape- and Ridge-Associated Marine Sand Deposits in Three Tracts, New York and New Jersey, United States Atlantic Continental Shelf, 2009, Bulletin 2209 N
- Modeling cape- and ridge-associated marine sand deposits: A focus on the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf, 2009, Bulletin 2209 M
- Geologic controls on the growth of petroleum reserves, 2008, Bulletin 2172 I
- Total Petroleum Systems of the Carpathian - Balkanian Basin Province of Romania and Bulgaria, 2007, Bulletin 2204 F
- Geology and Mineral Resources of the East Mojave National Scenic Area, San Bernardino County, California, 2007, Bulletin 2160
- Regional Studies of the Potwar Plateau Area, Northern Pakistan, 2007, Bulletin 2078
- U.S. industrial garnet, 2006, Bulletin 2209 L
- Geology and total petroleum systems of the Gulf of Guinea province of West Africa, 2006, Bulletin 2207 C
- Geology and total petroleum systems of the West-Central Coastal province (7203), West Africa, 2006, Bulletin 2207 B
- Hydrogeochemical investigations in the Osgood Mountains, north-central Nevada, 2006, Bulletin 2210 B
- Pannonian Basin Province, Central Europe (Province 4808) -Petroleum Geology, Total Petroleum Systems, and Petroleum Resource Assessment, 2006, Bulletin 2204 B
- Total Petroleum Systems of the North Carpathian Province of Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, and Austria, 2006, Bulletin 2204 D
- A data viewer for stream-sediment and surface-water chemistry, geology, and geography of the Humboldt River basin, northern Nevada, 2006, Bulletin 2210 F
- Oligocene–Miocene Maykop/Diatom Total Petroleum System of the South Caspian Basin Province, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkmenistan, 2006, Bulletin 2201 I
- Eocene to Miocene Composite Total Petroleum System, Irrawaddy-Andaman and North Burma Geologic Provinces, Myanmar, 2006, Bulletin 2208 E
- Chapter K: Progress in the Evaluation of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete Construction in the Pacific Northwest, United States and Canada, 2005, Bulletin 2209 K
- Kinematics of the Short Hill fault — Late Paleozoic contractional reactivation of an Early Paleozoic extensional fault, Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium, northern Virginia and Southern Maryland, 2005, Bulletin 2136
- Transylvanian Composite Total Petroleum System of the Transylvanian Basin Province, Romania, Eastern Europe, 2005, Bulletin 2204 E
- Kimmeridgian Shales Total Petroleum System of the North Sea Graben Province, 2005, Bulletin 2204 C
- Geology and stratigraphy of the Challis Volcanic Group and related rocks, Little Wood River area, south-central Idaho, 2005, Bulletin 2064 II
- Geology of the Vienna Mineralized Area, Blaine and Camas Counties, Idaho, 2005, Bulletin 2064 DD
- Growth history of oil reserves in major California oil fields during the twentieth century, 2005, Bulletin 2172 H
- Chapter J: Issues and challenges in the application of geostatistics and spatial-data analysis to the characterization of sand-and-gravel resources, 2005, Bulletin 2209 J
- Chapter I: Geology of a Middle Tertiary Clay Deposit in thePatagonia Mountains near Harshaw, Santa Cruz County, Southeastern Arizona, 2005, Bulletin 2209 I
- Chapter G: Tentative Correlation Between CIPW Normin pl (Total Plagioclase) and Los Angeles Wear in Precambrian Midcontinental Granites-Examples from Missouri and Oklahoma, with Applications and Limitations for Use, 2004, Bulletin 2209 G
- Assessment of metallic mineral resources in the Humboldt River Basin, Northern Nevada, with a section on Platinum-Group-Element (PGE) potential of the Humboldt mafic complex, 2004, Bulletin 2218
- Quaternary tectonic setting of South-Central coastal California, 2004, Bulletin 1995 AA
- Style and rate of quaternary deformation of the Hosgri Fault Zone, offshore south-central coastal California, 2004, Bulletin 1995 BB
- The Talara Basin province of northwestern Peru: cretaceous-tertiary total petroleum system, 2004, Bulletin 2206 A
- Sylhet-Kopili/Barail-Tipam Composite Total Petroleum System, Assam Geologic Province, India, 2004, Bulletin 2208 D
- Sembar Goru/Ghazij Composite Total Petroleum System, Indus and Sulaiman-Kirthar Geologic Provinces, Pakistan and India, 2004, Bulletin 2208 C
- Bombay Geologic Province Eocene to Miocene Composite Total Petroleum System, India, 2004, Bulletin 2208 F
- The Progreso Basin Province of Northwestern Peru and Southwestern Ecuador: Neogene and Cretaceous-Paleogene Total Petroleum Systems, 2004, Bulletin 2206 B
- Stratiform barite deposits in the Roberts Mountains allochthon, Nevada: A review of potential analogs in modern sea-floor environments, 2004, Bulletin 2209 H
- Analysis of MASTER thermal data in the Greeley area of the Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado — Delineation of sites for infrastructure resource characterization, 2004, Bulletin 2196
- Patala-Nammal Composite Total Petroleum System, Kohat-Potwar Geologic Province, Pakistan, 2004, Bulletin 2208 B
- The Pre-Messinian Total Petroleum System of the Provence Basin, Western Mediterranean Sea, 2004, Bulletin 2204 A
- Petroleum geology and resources of the Amu-Darya basin, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran, 2004, Bulletin 2201 H
- Contributions to Industrial-Minerals Research, 2003, Bulletin 2209
- Tufts submarine fan: turbidity-current gateway to Escanaba Trough, 2003, Bulletin 2216
- Well-Production Data and Gas-Reservoir Heterogeneity -- Reserve Growth Applications, 2003, Bulletin 2172 E
- Uncertainty and inferred reserve estimates — The 1995 National Assessment, 2003, Bulletin 2172 G
- Resource potential and geology of the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests and vicinity, Colorado, 2003, Bulletin 2213
- Carboniferous-Rotliegend total petroleum system; description and assessment results summary, 2003, Bulletin 2211
- Uranium; fuel for nuclear energy 2002, 2003, Bulletin 2179 A
- Geoenvironmental Investigations of the Humboldt River Basin, Northern Nevada, 2003, Bulletin 2210
- Field guide to hydrothermal alteration in the White River altered area and in the Osceola Mudflow, Washington, 2003, Bulletin 2217
- Historic mills and mill tailings as potential sources of contamination in and near the Humboldt River basin, northern Nevada, 2003, Bulletin 2210 D
- Assessment of the undiscovered oil and gas of the Senegal province, Mauritania, Senegal, the Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau, northwest Africa, 2003, Bulletin 2207 A
- Elastic properties of overpressured and unconsolidated sediments, 2003, Bulletin 2214
- Overview of mine drainage geochemistry at historical mines, Humboldt River basin and adjacent mining areas, Nevada, 2003, Bulletin 2210 E
- Rim Sim: A Role-Play Simulation, 2003, Bulletin 2212
- Environmental controls on water quality: Case studies from Battle Mountain mining district, north-central Nevada, 2003, Bulletin 2210 A
- Leaching, transport, and methylation of mercury in and around abandoned mercury mines in the Humboldt River basin and surrounding areas, Nevada, 2003, Bulletin 2210 C
- Petroleum geology and resources of the West Siberian Basin, Russia, 2003, Bulletin 2201 G
- Qingshankou-Putaohua/Shaertu and Jurassic Coal-Denglouku/Nongan total petroleum systems in the Songliao Basin, China, 2003, Bulletin 2203 A
- Stratigraphic framework of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in the central Appalachian Basin from Medina County, Ohio, through southwestern and south-central Pennsylvania to Hampshire County, West Virginia, 2003, Bulletin 1839 K
- Modified Arrington method for calculating reserve growth; a new model for United States oil and gas fields, 2003, Bulletin 2172 D
- Total petroleum systems of the Paleozoic and Jurassic, Greater Ghawar Uplift and adjoining provinces of central Saudi Arabia and northern Arabian-Persian Gulf, 2003, Bulletin 2202 H
- Graphic comparison of reserve-growth models for conventional oil and accumulation, 2003, Bulletin 2172 F
- Geology of an Ordovician stratiform base-metal deposit in the Long Canyon Area, Blaine County, Idaho, 2003, Bulletin 2064 KK
- Potential for deep basin-centered gas accumulation in Travis Peak (Hosston) Formation, Gulf Coast Basin, U.S.A., 2003, Bulletin 2184 E
- Alaska coal resources and coalbed methane potential, 2003, Bulletin 2198
- Velocity ratio and its application to predicting velocities, 2003, Bulletin 2197
- Chapter C: Hydrothermal Enrichment of Gallium in Zones of Advanced Argillic Alteration-Examples from the Paradise Peak and McDermitt Ore Deposits, Nevada, 2003, Bulletin 2209 C
- Regional geologic setting of Late Cenozoic lacustrine diatomite deposits, Great Basin and surrounding region: Overview and plans for investigation, 2003, Bulletin 2209 B
- Chapter E: History and Overview of the U.S. Diatomite Mining Industry, with Emphasis on the Western United States, 2003, Bulletin 2209 E
- Chapter F: Preliminary Bibliography of Lacustrine Diatomite Deposits in the Western United States and Related Topics, 2003, Bulletin 2209 F
- Chapter D: With or Without Salt-a Comparison of Marine and Continental-Lacustrine Diatomite Deposits, 2003, Bulletin 2209 D
- Chapter A: Preface-an Overview of Recent U.S. Geological Survey Research in Industrial Minerals, 2003, Bulletin 2209 A
- Alternative Sources of Energy - An Introduction to Fuel Cells, 2003, Bulletin 2179
- Biogeochemical and biochemical pathway investigations of cadmium in subarctic ecosystems using a cadmium accumulator species (willow), 2002, Bulletin 2191-4
- Argon thermochronology of mineral deposits; a review of analytical methods, formulations, and selected applications, 2002, Bulletin 2194
- Petroleum geology and total petroleum systems of the Widyan Basin and Interior Platform of Saudi Arabia and Iraq, 2002, Bulletin 2202 E
- Rocks and geology in the San Francisco Bay region, 2002, Bulletin 2195
- Epigenetic lead, zinc, silver, antimony, tin, and gold veins in Boulder Basin, Blaine and Custer Counties, Idaho: Potential for economic tin mineralization, 2002, Bulletin 2064 JJ
- Madbi Amran/Qishn total petroleum system of the Ma'Rib-Al Jawf/Shabwah, and Masila-Jeza basins, Yemen, 2002, Bulletin 2202 G
- Reconnaissance study of the geology of U.S. vermiculite deposits: Are asbestos minerals common constituents?, 2002, Bulletin 2192
- Response plan for volcano hazards in the Long Valley Caldera and Mono Craters region, California, 2002, Bulletin 2185
- Is there a basin-centered gas accumulation in Cotton Valley group sandstones, Gulf Coast basin, U.S.A.?, 2002, Bulletin 2184 D
- A summary of the U.S. Geological Survey 1999 resource assessment of selected coal zones in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region, Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota, 2002, Bulletin 2189
- Joint inversion of acoustic and resistivity data for the estimation of gas hydrate concentration, 2002, Bulletin 2190
- Pathways of metal transfer from mineralized sources to biorecptors: A synthesis of the Mineral Resources Program's past environmental studies in the Western United States and future research directions, 2002, Bulletin 2191
- Geology and natural history of the San Francisco Bay area: A field-trip guidebook, 2001, Bulletin 2188
- Total petroleum systems of the Pelagian Province, Tunisia, Libya, Italy, and Malta; the Bou Dabbous, Tertiary and Jurassic-Cretaceous composite, 2001, Bulletin 2202 D
- Geologic field-trip guide to Steens Mountain Loop Road, Harney County, Oregon, 2001, Bulletin 2183
- Petroleum geology and resources of the Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine and Russia, 2001, Bulletin 2201 E
- Petroleum geology and resources of the Nepa-Botuoba High, Angara-Lena Terrace, and Cis-Patom Foredeep, southeastern Siberian Craton, Russia, 2001, Bulletin 2201 C
- Petroleum geology and resources of the Baykit High province, East Siberia, Russia, 2001, Bulletin 2201 F
- Probabilistic method for estimating future growth of oil and gas reserves, 2001, Bulletin 2172 C
- Variations in river flow to the Gulf of Mexico: implications for paleoenvironmental studies of Gulf of Mexico marine sediments, 2001, Bulletin 2187
- Changing perceptions of United States natural-gas resources as shown by successive U. S. Department of the Interior assessments, 2001, Bulletin 2172 B
- Petroleum geology and resources of the North Ustyurt Basin, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, 2001, Bulletin 2201 D
- Petroleum geology and resources of the North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan and Russia, 2001, Bulletin 2201 B
- The Sirte Basin province of Libya; Sirte-Zelten total petroleum system, 2001, Bulletin 2202 F
- Soil gas studies along the Trans-Challis fault system near Idaho City, Boise County, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 LL
- Introduction to aspects of reserve growth, 2001, Bulletin 2172 A
- Historical perspective of the mineral production of Idaho, with comments on the Hailey 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 T
- Potential for a basin-centered gas accumulation in the Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico, 2001, Bulletin 2184 C
- Geology, geochemistry, and mineral resources of the lower part of the middle fork Boise River drainage basin, Boise and Elmore counties, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 AA
- The geology and mineral deposits of part of the western half of the Hailey 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 W
- Potential for a basin-centered gas accumulation in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, 2001, Bulletin 2184 B
- Potential for deep basin-centered gas accumulation in Hanna Basin, Wyoming, 2001, Bulletin 2184 A
- Petroleum geology and resources of the middle Caspian Basin, Former Soviet Union, 2001, Bulletin 2201 A
- U. S. Geological Survey-PetroBangla cooperative assessment of undiscovered natural gas resources of Bangladesh; petroleum systems and related geologic studies in Region 8, South Asia, 2001, Bulletin 2208 A
- Alteration and mineralization in the eastern part of the Soldier Mountains, Camas County, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 V
- Geochemical results of a hydrothermally altered area at Baker Creek, Blaine County, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 GG
- Gas hydrate estimation error associated with uncertainties of measurements and parameters, 2001, Bulletin 2182
- Vein deposits hosted by plutonic rocks in the Croesus Stock and Hailey gold belt mineralized areas, Blaine County, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 X
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Minnie Moore and Bullion mineralized areas, Blaine County, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 Y
- Plutonic and hypabyssal rocks of the Hailey 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Idaho, 2001, Bulletin 2064 U
- Potential minability and economic viability of the Antaramut-Kurtan-Dzoragukh coal field, north-central Armenia; a prefeasibility study, 2000, Bulletin 2178
- Lateral ramps in the folded Appalachians and in overthrust belts worldwide— A fundamental element of thrust-belt architecture, 2000, Bulletin 2163
- Total petroleum systems of the Trias/Ghadames Province, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya; the Tanezzuft-Oued Mya, Tanezzuft-Melrhir, and Tanezzuft-Ghadames, 2000, Bulletin 2202 C
- Processing strategy for water-gun seismic data from the Gulf of Mexico, 2000, Bulletin 2181
- Total petroleum systems of the Illizi Province, Algeria and Libya; Tanezzuft-Illizi, 2000, Bulletin 2202 A
- Finite-element analysis of the Woodway Landslide, Washington, 2000, Bulletin 2180
- Total petroleum systems of the Grand Erg/Ahnet Province, Algeria and Morocco; the Tanezzuft-Timimoun, Tanezzuft-Ahnet, Tanezzuft-Sbaa, Tanezzuft Mouydir, Tanezzuft-Benoud, and Tanezzuft-Bechar/Abadla, 2000, Bulletin 2202 B
- The Nor Arevik coal deposit, southern Armenia, 2000, Bulletin 2177
- Composition and depositional environment of concretionary strata of early Cenomanian (early Late Cretaceous) age, Johnson County, Wyoming, 2000, Bulletin 1917 U
- Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins; Chapter B, Insights from extractable bitumen and saturated hydrocarbons, 2000, Bulletin 2174 B
- The Jajur coal deposit, northwestern Armenia, 2000, Bulletin 2176
- The Shamut coal deposit, north-central Armenia, 2000, Bulletin 2175
- U.S. Geological Survey Library classification system, 2000, Bulletin 2010
- Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins; Chapter A, Rock-Eval and vitrinite reflectance, 1999, Bulletin 2174 A
- Miocene extension and post-Miocene transpression offshore of south-central California. Structure and tectonics of the central offshore Santa Maria and Santa Lucia basins, California: Results from the PG&E/EDGE seismic reflection survey, 1999, Bulletin 1995 Y,Z
- Postglacial lahars and potential hazards in the White Salmon River system on the southwest flank of Mount Adams, Washington, 1999, Bulletin 2161
- Last interglacial sea-surface temperature estimates from the California margin; improvements to the modern analog technique, 1999, Bulletin 2171
- The controversial origin of central Utah's geologic complexities, 1999, Bulletin 2166
- Colorado Yule Marble; building stone of the Lincoln Memorial, 1999, Bulletin 2162
- Methods of generating synthetic acoustic logs from resistivity logs for gas-hydrate-bearing sediments, 1999, Bulletin 2170
- Processing of single channel air and water gun data for imaging an impact structure at the Chesapeake Bay, 1999, Bulletin 2169
- U.S. Geological Survey assessment model for continuous (unconventional) oil and gas accumulations; the "FORSPAN" model, 1999, Bulletin 2168
- Distribution of benthic foraminifers (>125 um) in the surface sediments of the Arctic Ocean, 1999, Bulletin 2164
- Ghaba salt basin province and Fahud salt basin province, Oman; geological overview and total petroleum systems, 1999, Bulletin 2167
- U.S. Geological Survey assessment model for undiscovered conventional oil, gas and NGL resources; the seventh approximation, 1999, Bulletin 2165
- Cenozoic deformation of the Franciscan Complex, eastern Santa Maria Basin, California. Regional thermal maturity of surface rocks, onshore Santa Maria Basin and Santa Barbara-Ventura Basin area, California, 1998, Bulletin 1995 W,X
- Engineering geology applied to the design and operation of underground coal mines, 1998, Bulletin 2147
- Volcanic rocks of the Santa Maria Province, California; Age and tectonic inferences from a condensed(?) succession of Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Eocene strata, Big Pine Mountain area, Santa Barbara County, California, 1998, Bulletin 1995 R,S
- Paleogeography of the western Transverse Range province, California; new evidence from the late Oligocene and early Miocene Vaqueros Formation; Stratigraphy of the fine-grained facies of the Sisquoc Formation, Santa Maria Basin, California; paleoceanographic and tectonic implications; The Sisquoc Formation-Foxen Mudstone boundary in the Santa Maria Basin, California; sedimentary response to the new tectonic regime, 1998, Bulletin 1995 T,U,V
- Bedrock geology of the Paducah 1° x 2° CUSMAP quadrangle, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri, 1998, Bulletin 2150 B
- Laccolith complexes of southeastern Utah: Time of emplacement and tectonic setting — Workshop proceedings, 1998, Bulletin 2158
- Mineral resource potential and geology of the San Juan National Forest, Colorado, 1997, Bulletin 2127
- Geology of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Cutler Group and Permian Kaibab Limestone in the Paradox Basin, southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado, 1997, Bulletin 2000 P
- Mineral resource assessment of the U.S. portion of the International Falls 1° x 2° quadrangle, northern Minnesota, 1997, Bulletin 2044
- Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar results from the Grant intrusive breccia and comparison to the Permian Downeys Bluff sill — Evidence for Permian igneous activity at Hicks Dome, southern Illinois Basin, 1997, Bulletin 2094 G
- Sedimentary carbonate-hosted giant Bayan Obo REE-Fe-Nb ore deposit of Inner Mongolia, China; a cornerstone example for giant polymetallic ore deposits of hydrothermal origin, 1997, Bulletin 2143
- The chemical analysis of Argonne Premium Coal samples, 1997, Bulletin 2144
- Regional diagenetic patterns in the St. Peter Sandstone; implications for brine migration in the Illinois Basin, 1997, Bulletin 2094 A
- Proterozoic geology of the Granite Village area, Albany and Laramie counties, Wyoming, compared with that of the Sierra Madre and Medicine Bow mountains of southeastern Wyoming, 1997, Bulletin 2159
- Geologic controls of deep natural gas resources in the United States, 1997, Bulletin 2146
- Clastic rocks associated with the Midcontinent rift system in Iowa, 1997, Bulletin 1989 I
- Geologic studies in the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau transition in southeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona, 1995, 1997, Bulletin 2153
- The Late Triassic bivalve Monotis in accreted terranes of Alaska, 1997, Bulletin 2151
- Geology of the Harpers Ferry Quadrangle, Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia, 1996, Bulletin 2123
- Uranium provinces of North America — Their definition, distribution, and models, 1996, Bulletin 2141
- Burial and thermal history of the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado, and petroleum potential of the Middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation, 1996, Bulletin 2000 O
- Gold placers of the historical Fortymile River region, Alaska, 1996, Bulletin 2125
- Chronology of Late Cretaceous igneous and hydrothermal events at the Golden Sunlight gold-silver breccia pipe, southwestern Montana, 1996, Bulletin 2155
- Age of the Lospe Formation (early Miocene) and origin of the Santa Maria Basin, California. Petroleum source potential and thermal maturity of the Lospe Formation (lower Miocene) near Point Sal, onshore Santa Maria Basin, California. Obispo Formation, California; remobilized pyroclastic material, 1996, Bulletin 1995 M,N,O
- Subdivision, subsurface stratigraphy, and estimated age of fluvial-terrace deposits in northwestern Tennessee, 1996, Bulletin 2128
- Bromine geochemistry of chloride rocks of the Middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation of the Hermosa Group, Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado, 1996, Bulletin 2000 M
- Geochemistry of two interbeds in the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation, Utah and Colorado: A record of deposition and diagenesis of repetitive cycles in a marine basin, 1996, Bulletin 2000 N
- The Bisbee Group of the Tombstone Hills, southeastern Arizona — Stratigraphy, structure, metamorphism, and mineralization, 1996, Bulletin 2042 B
- Origin of primary and diagenetic carbonates in the lacustrine Green River Formation (Eocene), Colorado and Utah, 1996, Bulletin 2157
- Mineral resource potential and geology of Coronado National Forest, southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, 1996, Bulletin 2083 A-K
- Stratigraphic framework of the Alaska Peninsula, 1996, Bulletin 1969 A
- Environmental studies of mineral deposits in Alaska, 1996, Bulletin 2156
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1994, 1996, Bulletin 2152
- Overview of landslide problems, research, and mitigation, Cincinnati, Ohio, area, 1996, Bulletin 2059 A
- 40Ar/39Ar ages of some Challis Volcanic Group rocks and the initiation of Tertiary sedimentary basins in southwestern Montana, 1996, Bulletin 2132
- Palynology and its relationship to climatically induced depositional cycles in the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Paradox Formation of southeastern Utah, 1996, Bulletin 2000 K
- Stratigraphy and tectonic implications of Upper Cretaceous rocks in the Powder River basin, northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, 1996, Bulletin 1917 T
- Geologic processes at the land surface, 1996, Bulletin 2149
- The Slumgullion earth flow: A large-scale natural laboratory, 1996, Bulletin 2130
- Timing and effect of detachment-related potassium metasomatism on 40Ar/39Ar ages from the Windous Butte Formation, Grant Range, Nevada, 1996, Bulletin 2154
- Thermal evolution of sedimentary basins in Alaska, 1996, Bulletin 2142
- Cambrian(?), middle Proterozoic, and Archean rocks penetrated in a borehole near Argenta, Beaverhead County, Montana, and some paleogeographic and structural implications, 1996, Bulletin 2121 B
- Magnetic and gravity study of the Paducah 1° x 2° CUSMAP quadrangle, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri, 1996, Bulletin 2150 C
- Mississippian stratigraphic framework of east-central California and southern Nevada with revision of Upper Devonian and Mississippian stratigraphic units in Inyo County, California, 1996, Bulletin 1988 J
- Fluid inclusions and biomarkers in the Upper Mississippi Valley zinc-lead district; implications for the fluid-flow and thermal history of the Illinois Basin, 1996, Bulletin 2094 F
- Patterns of diagenesis in Lower and Middle Pennyslvanian sandstones of the Illinois Basin, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky, 1996, Bulletin 2094 E
- Dissolved radon and uranium, and ground-water geochemistry in an area near Hylas, Virginia, 1996, Bulletin 2070
- Stratigraphic setting of sediment-hosted mineral deposits in the eastern part of the Hailey 1° x 2° quadrangle and part of the southern part of the Challis 1° x 2° quadrangle, south-central Idaho, 1995, Bulletin 2064 C
- Map showing geologic terranes of the Hailey 1°x2° quadrangle and the western part of the Idaho Falls 1°x2° quadrangle, south-central Idaho, 1995, Bulletin 2064 A
- Strontium isotope evidence for the age of the Vaqueros Formation and latest Oligocene marine transgression in the northern Santa Maria Province, Central California. Stratigraphic sections and gamma-ray spectrometry from five outcrops of the Monterey Formation in southwestern California; Naples Beach, Point Pedermales, Lion's Head, Shell Beach, and Point Buchon, 1995, Bulletin 1995 P,Q
- Table Mountain Quartzite and Moose Formation (new names) and associated rocks of the middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, Highland Mountains, southwestern Montana, 1995, Bulletin 2121 A
- Geology of part of the Nelchina River Gabbronorite and associated rocks, south-central Alaska, 1995, Bulletin 2058
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Venezuelan Guayana Shield, 1995, Bulletin 2124
- Geology of the Waterford quadrangle, Virginia and Maryland, and the Virginia part of the Point of Rocks quadrangle, 1995, Bulletin 2095
- An extensive pre-Cretaceous weathering profile in east-central and southwestern Minnesota, 1995, Bulletin 1989 H
- Geologic, geochemical, and isotopic studies of a carbonate- and siliciclastic-hosted Pb-Zn deposit at Lion Hill, Vermont, 1995, Bulletin 2145
- Diagenetic and burial history of the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone in the Tar Sand Triangle, Paradox Basin, southeastern Utah, 1995, Bulletin 2000 I
- Age and diagenesis of the upper Floridan Aquifer and the intermediate aquifer system in southwestern Florida, 1995, Bulletin 2122
- Paleocene vertebrates from Jabal Umm Himar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1995, Bulletin 2093
- Geology of pre-Pennsylvanian rocks in the Paradox Basin and adjacent areas, southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado, 1995, Bulletin 2000 G
- Recognition of middle Miocene foraminifers in highly indurated rocks of the Monterey Formation, coastal Santa Maria Province, central California, 1995, Bulletin 1995 L
- The 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak vent, Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, 1995, Bulletin 2139
- Stratigraphic notes, 1994: Three short papers propose changes in stratigraphic nomenclature in Virginia, Kentucky, and Alaska, 1995, Bulletin 2135
- Summary of chemical analyses and 40Ar/39Ar age-spectra data for Eocene volcanic rocks from the central part of the Northeast Nevada volcanic field, 1995, Bulletin 1988 K
- Base- and precious-metal concentrations of early Proterozoic massive sulfide deposits in Arizona; crustal and thermochemical controls of ore deposition, 1995, Bulletin 2138
- Regional potential of selected Paleozoic carbonate units in the northern Midcontinent for undiscovered mississippi valley-type deposits, 1995, Bulletin 1989 G
- Geologic history of salt beds and related strata in the upper part of the Madison Group (Mississippian), Williston Basin, Montana and North Dakota, 1995, Bulletin 2112
- Neogene geohistory analysis of Santa Maria Basin, California, and its relationship to transfer of Central California to the Pacific Plate. Diatom biochronology of the Sisquoc Formation in the Santa Maria Basin, California, and its paleoceanographic and tectonic implications, 1995, Bulletin 1995 J,K
- Ground-water flow and migration of hydrocarbons to the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone, Tar Sand Triangle, southeastern Utah, 1995, Bulletin 2000 J
- Precambrian crustal blocks in Minnesota: Neodymium isotope evidence from basement and metasedimentary rocks, 1995, Bulletin 1904 U
- Palynology of part of the Paradox and Honaker Trail formations, Paradox Basin, Utah, 1995, Bulletin 2000 L
- The distribution of rare-earth elements in minerals of the monazite family, 1995, Bulletin 2140
- Geologic studies in the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau transition in southeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona, 1992, 1995, Bulletin 2056
- Feasibility study of material-balance assessment of petroleum from the New Albany Shale in the Illinois Basin, 1995, Bulletin 2137
- Gazetteer of planetary nomenclature 1994, 1995, Bulletin 2129
- Mineral and energy resources of the Roswell Resource Area, East-Central New Mexico, 1995, Bulletin 2063
- Palynostratigraphy in relation to sequence stratigraphy, Straight Cliffs Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah, 1995, Bulletin 2115 B
- Source rock potential of the lower part of the Mississippian St. Louis Limestone in south-central Indiana, 1995, Bulletin 2094 D
- Geology and mineral resources of the Hailey 1° x 2° quadrangle and the western part of the Idaho Falls 1° x 2° quadrangle, Idaho, 1995, Bulletin 2064 A-R
- Tectonics of the Potwar Plateau region and the development of syntaxes, Punjab, Pakistan, 1995, Bulletin 2126
- Thermodynamic properties of minerals and related substances at 298.15 K and 1 bar (10^5 pascals) pressure and at higher temperatures, 1995, Bulletin 2131
- Summary statistics for selenium in vegetation calculated from U.S. Geological Survey data, 1995, Bulletin 2117
- GEOPLAY; a knowledge-based expert system; a model for exploration play analysis, 1995, Bulletin 2118
- Feldspar diagenesis in Cambrian clastic rocks of the southern Ozark Mountains and Reelfoot Rift, southeastern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas; implications for mississippi valley-type ore genesis, 1995, Bulletin 1989 F
- Area adjacent to the Turkey Creek caldera, Cochise County, Arizona— Analytic data and geologic sample catalog, 1995, Bulletin 2021 E
- Carbon dioxide in Mississippian rocks of the Paradox Basin and adjacent areas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, 1995, Bulletin 2000 H
- Sedimentological descriptions and depositional interpretations, in sequence stratigraphic context, of two 300-meter cores from the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Kaiparowits Plateau, Kane County, Utah, 1995, Bulletin 2115 A
- Conglomerates of the upper middle Eocene to lower Miocene Sespe Formation along the Santa Ynez Fault; implications for the geologic history of the eastern Santa Maria Basin area, California. Reconnaissance bulk-rock and clay mineralogies of argillaceous Great Valley an Franciscan strata, Santa Maria Basin Province, California, 1995, Bulletin 1995 H,I
- Archean and early Proterozoic tectonic framework of north-central United States and adjacent Canada, 1995, Bulletin 1904 T
- Problems with applying topographically driven flow to genesis of the Upper Mississippi Valley zinc-lead district and to fluid flow in the Illinois Basin, 1995, Bulletin 2094 C
- The early Pleistocene (latest Blancan-earliest Irvingtonian) Froman Ferry fauna and history of the Glenns Ferry Formation, southwestern Idaho, 1995, Bulletin 2105
- Geology and geochemistry of Tertiary volcanic host rocks, Sleeper gold-silver deposit, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1995, Bulletin 2090
- The "checkerboard method"; a new way to estimate the numbers of undiscovered hydrocarbon accumulations in sparsely drilled areas, 1995, Bulletin 2120
- Lead isotopes from the Upper Mississippi Valley district: A regional perspective, 1995, Bulletin 2094 B
- Geology, geochemistry, and uranium favorability of Tertiary rocks in south-central Alaska, 1995, Bulletin 2098
- Industrial minerals of the Midcontinent: Proceedings of the Midcontinent industrial minerals workshop, 1995, Bulletin 2111
- Revised stratigraphy and correlations of the Niagaran provincial series (Medina, Clinton, and Lockport groups) in the type area of western New York, 1995, Bulletin 2086
- Authigenic albite in a Jurassic alkaline, saline lake deposit, Colorado Plateau; evidence for early diagenetic origin, 1995, Bulletin 1808 P
- Isotopic geochronology of the Leadville 1° x 2° quadrangle, west-central Colorado; summary and discussion, 1995, Bulletin 2104
- Reconnaissance study of Mississippian siliciclastic sandstones in eastern Nevada, 1995, Bulletin 1988 I
- Selected papers in the applied computer sciences 1994, 1995, Bulletin 2103
- Fluvial architecture of the Lower Cretaceous Lakota Formation, southwestern flank of the Black Hills uplift, South Dakota, 1995, Bulletin 1917 S
- Copper and uranium in Pennsylvanian and Permian sedimentary rocks, northern Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado, 1995, Bulletin 2116
- Guide to the volcanoes of the western Wrangell Mountains, Alaska; Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, 1995, Bulletin 2072
- Shorter contributions to the stratigraphy and geochronology of Upper Cretaceous rocks in the Western Interior of the United States, 1995, Bulletin 2113
- Imaging the sea floor, 1995, Bulletin 2079
- Mineral resources of the Spaulding Wilderness Study Area, Lake and Harney counties, Oregon, 1995, Bulletin 1738 E
- Mineral resources of the Malheur River-Bluebucket Creek Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, 1995, Bulletin 1741 H
- Compositional characteristics of middle to upper Tertiary volcanic rocks of the Bolivian Altiplano, 1995, Bulletin 2119
- Lithofacies and palynostratigraphy of some Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks, Surghar and Salt Range coal fields, northern Pakistan, 1995, Bulletin 2096
- Thermal effects of thin igneous intrusions on diagenetic reactions in a Tertiary basin of southwestern Washington, 1995, Bulletin 2085 C
- Geochemical survey of the Valdez 1° x 3° quadrangle, south-central Alaska, 1995, Bulletin 2084
- Environmental considerations of active and abandoned mine lands; lessons from Summitville, Colorado, 1995, Bulletin 2220
- Upper Devonian-Mississippian stratigraphic sequences in the distal Antler foreland of western Utah and adjoining Nevada, 1995, Bulletin 1988 H
- Predictive stratigraphic analysis: Concept and application, 1994, Bulletin 2110
- The Owens Valley fault zone, eastern California, and surface faulting associated with the 1872 earthquake, 1994, Bulletin 1982
- Stratigraphic notes, 1992: Four short papers propose changes in stratigraphic nomenclature in Vermont, Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, 1994, Bulletin 2060
- Ages of selected intrusive rocks and associated ore deposits in the Colorado mineral belt, 1994, Bulletin 2109
- Genesis and residence times of soil and weathering profiles on residual and transported parent materials in the Pine Mountain area of west-central Georgia, 1994, Bulletin 1589 E
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1993, 1994, Bulletin 2107
- NURE geochemical and geophysical surveys: Defining prospective terranes for United States placer exploration, 1994, Bulletin 2097
- Geochemistry, mineralogy, and geochronology of the U.S. Virgin Islands, 1994, Bulletin 2057
- Zeolitic diagenesis of tuffs in Miocene lacustrine rocks near Harney Lake, Harney County, Oregon, 1994, Bulletin 2108
- Garnet dissolution in oxalic acid; a possible analog for natural etching of garnet by dissolved organic matter, 1994, Bulletin 2106
- Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and provenance of the Raging River Formation (early? and middle Eocene), King County, Washington, 1994, Bulletin 2085 A
- Advances in research on mineral resources, 1994, 1994, Bulletin 2081
- Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore northern California, 1994, Bulletin 2022
- Applications of velocity-stack methods to seismic data processing, 1994, Bulletin 2102
- Heavy-mineral placer deposits of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, 1994, Bulletin 2061 B
- Dwelling and mobile home monetary losses due to the 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake with an emphasis on loss estimation, 1994, Bulletin 1939 B
- Stanford Canyon quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona: Analytic data and geologic sample catalog, 1994, Bulletin 2021 D
- Geochemistry of the Phosphoria Formation at Montpelier Canyon, Idaho; environment of deposition, 1994, Bulletin 2023 B
- Petrologic characterization of pelitic schists in the western metamorphic belt, coast plutonic-metamorphic complex, near Juneau, southeastern Alaska, 1994, Bulletin 2074
- Geology of the Elliston region, Powell and Lewis and Clark counties, Montana, 1994, Bulletin 2045
- Isotopic ages and stratigraphy of Cenozoic rocks of the Marysvale volcanic field and adjacent areas, west-central Utah, 1994, Bulletin 2071
- Global Positioning System measurements on the Island of Hawaii from 1987 to 1990, 1994, Bulletin 2092
- A field-trip guide to Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho: Volcanic, hydrothermal, and glacial activity in the region, 1994, Bulletin 2099
- United States earthquakes, 1986, 1994, Bulletin 2089
- Rockfalls and debris avalanches in the Smugglers Notch area, Vermont, 1994, Bulletin 2075
- Major 10.2-Ma rhyolitic volcanism in the eastern Snake River plain, Idaho: Isotopic age and stratigraphic setting of the Arbon Valley Tuff Member of the Starlight Formation, 1994, Bulletin 2091
- The thermal regime of Santa Maria Province, California. Phosphorus geochemistry, diagenesis, and mass balances of the Miocene Monterey Formation at Shell Beach, California, 1994, Bulletin 1995 F,G
- Contribution of artesian water to progressive failure of the upper part of the Delhi Pike landslide complex, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1994, Bulletin 2059 D
- Sedimentary response to intrabasinal salt tectonism in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Paradox Basin, Utah, 1994, Bulletin 2000 F
- Dating a 20th-century fault, Elk Summit talus apron, Big Creek area, Valley County, Idaho, 1994, Bulletin 2101
- Dolomite and siliciclastic dikes and sills in marginal-marine Cretaceous coals of central Utah, 1994, Bulletin 2087 A
- Platinum-group elements in sedimentary environments in the conterminous United States, 1994, Bulletin 2049 A
- Geochemical signatures of silver and gold deposits, Tonopah 1° x 2° quadrangle, Nevada- Description and applications to exploration, 1994, Bulletin 2077
- Paleomagnetic analysis of Miocene basalt flows in the Tehachapi Mountains, California, 1994, Bulletin 2100
- Rapid water-level fluctuations in a thin colluvium landslide west of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1994, Bulletin 2059 C
- Sedimentology of the conglomeratic lower member of the Lospe Formation (lower Miocene), Santa Maria Basin, California. Provenance of sandstone clasts in the lower Miocene Lospe Formation near Point Sal, California, 1994, Bulletin 1995 D,E
- Stratigraphic notes, 1993, 1994, Bulletin 2076
- Tectonic trends of the northern part of the Paradox Basin, southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado, as derived from Landsat multispectral scanner imaging and geophysical and geologic mapping: Uncontrolled X-band radar mosaic of the western part of the Moab 1° x 2° quadrangle, southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado, 1994, Bulletin 2000 C,D
- Landslides in colluvium, 1994, Bulletin 2059 B
- Gravity and aeromagnetic studies of the Powder River basin and surrounding areas, southeastern Montana, northeastern Wyoming, and western South Dakota, 1994, Bulletin 1917 R
- Geochemical survey of the Craig study area: Craig and Dixon Entrance quadrangles and the western edges of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, southeast Alaska, 1994, Bulletin 2082
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1993, 1994, Bulletin 2073
- An empirical assessment of refraction error in leveling as a function of survey order and environment, 1994, Bulletin 2114
- Volcanic ash and aviation safety; proceedings of the First international symposium on Volcanic ash and aviation safety, 1994, Bulletin 2047
- Plate motions recorded in tectonostratigraphic terranes of the Franciscan complex and evolution of the Mendocino triple junction, northwestern California, 1994, Bulletin 1997
- Late Cenozoic benthic foraminifers of the HLA borehole series, Beaufort Sea shelf, Alaska, 1994, Bulletin 2055
- Quaternary stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Canada Basin, western Arctic Ocean, 1994, Bulletin 2080
- Interpretation of exploration geochemical data for the Mount Katmai Quadrangle and adjacent parts of the Afognak and Naknek quadrangles, Alaska, 1994, Bulletin 2020
- Correlation of the West Canyon, Lake Point, and Bannock Peak limestones (Upper Mississippian to Middle Pennsylvanian), basal formations of the Oquirrh Group, northern Utah and southeastern Idaho, 1994, Bulletin 2088
- An overview of Pleistocene and Holocene inland dunes in Georgia and the Carolinas: Morphology, distribution, age, and paleoclimate, 1994, Bulletin 2069
- Paleoecological and floristic heterogeneity in the plant-fossil record; an analysis based on the Eocene of Washington, 1994, Bulletin 2085 B
- Sedimentology and provenance of the early Proterozoic Michigamme Formation and Goodrich Quartzite, northern Michigan: Regional stratigraphic implications and suggested correlations, 1994, Bulletin 1904 R
- Anchoring of thin colluvium by roots of sugar maple and white ash on hillslopes in Cincinnati, 1994, Bulletin 2059 E
- Airborne remote sensing for geology and the environment; present and future, 1994, Bulletin 1926
- Mineral resources of the Million Hills Wilderness Study Area, Clark County, Nevada, 1994, Bulletin 1730 E
- Submarine landslides: Selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, 1993, Bulletin 2002
- Principal oil and gas plays in the Appalachian Basin (Province 131), 1993, Bulletin 1839 I
- Comparison of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact events and the 0.77-Ma Australasian tektite event; relevance to mass extinction, 1993, Bulletin 2050
- The Great Lakes tectonic zone: Revisited, 1993, Bulletin 1904 S
- Structural geology of parautochthonous and allochthonous terranes of the Penokean orogeny in upper Michigan — Comparisons with northern Appalachian tectonics, 1993, Bulletin 1904 Q
- Geology of volcanic rocks in the south half of the Ishpeming greenstone belt, Michigan, 1993, Bulletin 1904 P
- Structural analysis of Archean rocks in the Negaunee area, Michigan: Constraints on Archean versus early Proterozoic deformation, 1993, Bulletin 1904 O
- Petrography and geochemistry of early Proterozoic granitoid rocks in Wisconsin magmatic terranes of Penokean Orogen, northern Wisconsin, 1993, Bulletin 1904 J
- Thick-skinned, south-verging backthrusting in the Felch and Calumet troughs area of the Penokean Orogen, northern Michigan, 1993, Bulletin 1904 L
- Kinematics of the Aspen Grove landslide, Ephraim Canyon, central Utah, 1993, Bulletin 1842 F
- Structure and stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene strata (North Horn Formation), eastern San Pitch Mountains, Utah — Sedimentation at the front of the Sevier orogenic belt, 1993, Bulletin 1787 II
- Distribution and properties of clinoptilolite-bearing tuffs in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation on the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, 1993, Bulletin 2061 A
- Geologic investigations of the 1986 Marryat Creek, Australia, earthquake; implications for paleoseismicity in stable continental regions, 1993, Bulletin 2032 B
- Steady movement of landslides in fine-grained soils; a model for sliding over an irregular slip surface, 1993, Bulletin 1842 D
- Surface vitrinite reflectance study of the Uinta and Piceance basins and adjacent areas, eastern Utah and western Colorado — Implications for the development of Laramide basins and uplifts, 1993, Bulletin 1787 DD
- Stratigraphy, structure, and paleogeography of Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks, San Juan Basin and adjacent areas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico, 1993, Bulletin 1808 O
- Geometry and structural evolution of gilsonite dikes in the eastern Uinta Basin, Utah, 1993, Bulletin 1787 HH
- 40Ar/39Ar age spectra and total-fusion ages of tektites from Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sedimentary rocks in the Beloc Formation, Haiti, 1993, Bulletin 2065
- Advances related to United States and international mineral resources; developing frameworks and exploration technologies, 1993, Bulletin 2039
- The volcanogenic Mount Rogers Formation and the overlying glaciogenic Konnarock Formation: Two late Proterozoic units in southwestern Virginia, 1993, Bulletin 2029
- Age and origin of fluvial terraces in the central Coast Range, western Oregon, 1993, Bulletin 2038
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1992, 1993, Bulletin 2068
- Geomorphic studies of the storm and flood of November 3-5, 1985, in the upper Potomac and Cheat River basins in West Virginia and Virginia, 1993, Bulletin 1981
- Geology and mineral resource potential of the Chattanooga 1° x 2° quadrangle, Tennessee and North Carolina — A preliminary assessment, 1993, Bulletin 2005
- Petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Lower Coon Mountain Pluton, Northern California, with respect to the distribution of platinum-group elements, 1993, Bulletin 2014
- Geology and mineral resources of the Reno 1° by 2° quadrangle, Nevada and California, 1993, Bulletin 2019
- Mineral resource potential and geology of the White River National Forest and the Dillon Ranger District of the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado, with a section on salable commodities, 1993, Bulletin 2035
- Redoubt Volcano, southern Alaska: A hazard assessment based on eruptive activity through 1968, 1993, Bulletin 1996
- Object-oriented expert systems and their applications to sedimentary basin analysis, 1993, Bulletin 2048
- Petroleum geology of the Devonian and Mississippian black shale of eastern North America, 1993, Bulletin 1909
- Coastal sedimentation along a segment of the interior seaway of North America, Upper Cretaceous Baxter Shale, and Blair and Rock Springs formations, Rock Springs Uplift, southwest Wyoming, 1993, Bulletin 2051
- Micropaleontological zonation (foraminifers, algae) and stratigraphy, Carboniferous Peratrovich Formation, southeastern Alaska, 1993, Bulletin 2031
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1992, 1993, Bulletin 2024
- The USGS reference sample Devonian Ohio Shale SDO-1, 1993, Bulletin 2046
- Vigilando volcanes: Técnicas y estrategias empleadas por el personal del Observatorio Vulcanológico Cascades, 1980-90, 1993, Bulletin 1966
- Tertiary stratigraphy of highly extended terranes, California, Arizona, and Nevada, 1993, Bulletin 2053
- A method of obtaining climatic parameters from leaf assemblages, 1993, Bulletin 2040
- Heterogeneous Neogene strain and its bearing on horizontal extension and horizontal and vertical contraction at the margin of the extensional orogen, Mormon Mountains area, Nevada and Utah, 1993, Bulletin 2011
- Stratigraphy of Silurian rocks in Shawangunk Mountain, southeastern New York, including a historical review of nomenclature, 1993, Bulletin 1839 L
- Middle Eocene intrusive igneous rocks of the central Appalachian Valley and Ridge province - Setting, chemistry, and implications for crustal structure, 1993, Bulletin 1839 J
- Petroleum exploration plays and resource estimates, 1989, onshore United States; Region 1, Alaska; Region 2, Pacific Coast, 1993, Bulletin 2034 A
- Hydrothermal alteration in the Mount Hood area, Oregon, 1993, Bulletin 2054
- Landslide hazards in Vermont, 1993, Bulletin 2043
- Stratigraphy of the late Proterozoic Murdama Group, Saudi Arabia, 1993, Bulletin 1976
- Geology and mineral resource assessment of the Venezuelan Guayana Shield, 1993, Bulletin 2062
- Monitoring of thermal activity in southwestern Yellowstone National Park and vicinity, 1980-1993, 1993, Bulletin 2067
- Geology of the New Tripoli Quadrangle, Lehigh, Berks, Schuylkill, and Carbon counties, Pennsylvania, 1993, Bulletin 1994
- Chiricahua Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona: Analytic data and geologic sample catalog, 1993, Bulletin 2021 C
- Sedimentologic analysis of cores from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation and the Lower Permian Cutler Formation, Lisbon Valley, Utah, 1993, Bulletin 2000 E
- Cooccurrence of Fe-, Fe-Ca-, and Ca-phosphate minerals in concretions within the Monterey Formation; a record of uplift of the Santa Maria Basin, California, 1993, Bulletin 1995 C
- Petrography and correlation of Precambrian clastic sedimentary rocks associated with the Midcontinent Rift System, 1993, Bulletin 1989 E
- The Seaman volcanic center—A rare middle Tertiary stratovolcano in southern Nevada, 1993, Bulletin 2052
- Upper Devonian to Upper Mississippian strata of the Antler foreland in the Leppy Hills, easternmost northern Nevada, 1993, Bulletin 1988 G
- Coralliferous carbonate shelves of Mississippian age, west side of Antler Orogen, central Nevada, 1993, Bulletin 1988 F
- Isolated carbonate bodies composed of stacked debris-flow deposits on a fine-grained carbonate lower slope of Devonian age, Antelope Peak, Elko County, Nevada, 1993, Bulletin 1988 E
- Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of Mount Ichabod and Dorsey Canyon, Elko County, Nevada: Evidence for post-Early Triassic emplacement of the Roberts Mountains and Golconda allochthons, 1993, Bulletin 1988 D
- Origin of thick Lower Tertiary coal beds in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana— Some paleogeographic constraints, 1993, Bulletin 1917 Q
- Depositional history of Triassic rocks in the area of the Powder River basin, northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, 1993, Bulletin 1917 P
- Geology and geochemistry of the Coulee Dam Intrusive Suite and associated younger intrusive rocks, Colville Batholith, Washington, 1993, Bulletin 1846
- Cambrian through Mississippian rocks of the Powder River basin, Wyoming, Montana, and adjacent areas, 1993, Bulletin 1917 M
- Sedimentology and depositional history of the lower Paleocene Tullock Member of the Fort Union Formation, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana, 1993, Bulletin 1917 L
- Flood hydrology and geomorphic effects on river channels and flood plains: The flood of November 4-5, 1985, in the South Branch Potomac River Basin of West Virginia, 1993, Bulletin 1981 E
- Depositional aspects of the November 1985 Flood on Cheat River and Black Fork, West Virginia, 1993, Bulletin 1981 D
- Introduction: Geomorphic studies of the storm and flood of November 3-5, 1985, in the upper Potomac and Cheat River basins, 1993, Bulletin 1981 A
- Landslides triggered by the storm of November 3-5, 1985, Wills Mountain Anticline, West Virginia and Virginia, 1993, Bulletin 1981 C
- Meteorology of the storm of November 3-5, 1985, in West Virginia and Virginia: Chapter B in Geomorphic studies of the storm and flood of November 3-5, 1985, in the upper Potomac and Cheat River basins in West Virginia and Virginia, 1993, Bulletin 1981 B
- Geologic studies of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, 1993, Bulletin 2061
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: Paradox Basin, 1993, Bulletin 2000
- Petroleum exploration plays and resource estimates, 1989, onshore United States, 1993, Bulletin 2034
- A postulated new source for the White River Ash, Alaska: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the US. Geological Survey, 1990, 1992, Bulletin 1999
- Stratigraphic framework of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in the central Appalachian Basin from Medina County, Ohio, through southwestern and south-central Pennsylvania to Hampshire County, West Virginia, 1992, Bulletin 1839-K
- Depositional environment of the Fincastle Conglomerate near Roanoke, Virginia, 1992, Bulletin 1839 H
- The potential of breccia pipes in the Mohawk Canyon Area, Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona, 1992, Bulletin 1683 D
- Industrial minerals in the Basin and Range region; workshop proceedings, 1992, Bulletin 2013
- Fife Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona: Analytic data and geologic sample catalog, 1992, Bulletin 2021 A
- Geochemical study of heavy mineral concentrates from the northeastern part of the Greenville 1° x 2° quadrangle, South Carolina, 1992, Bulletin 1983
- Geology and mineral resources of the Altiplano and Cordillera Occidental, Bolivia, 1992, Bulletin 1975
- Rustler Park quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona— Analytical data and geologic sample catalog, 1992, Bulletin 2021 B
- A normative-calculation prodecure used to determine mineral abundances in rocks from the Montpelier Canyon section of the Phosphoria Formation, Idaho; a tool in deciphering the minor-element geochemistry of sedimentary rocks, 1992, Bulletin 2023 A
- Stratigraphy, regional distribution, and reconnaissance geochemistry of Oligocene and Miocene volcanic rocks in the Paradise Range and northern Pactolus hills, Nye County, Nevada, 1992, Bulletin 1974
- Stratigraphic framework of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in the central Appalachian basin from Morrow County, Ohio, to Pendleton County, West Virginia, 1992, Bulletin 1839 G
- Precious- and base-metal mineralization in the west-central Vermilion district, portions of St. Louis, Lake, and Cook Counties, northeastern Minnesota, 1992, Bulletin 1984
- The Jurassic Wanakah and Morrison formations in the Telluride-Ouray-western Black Canyon area of southwestern Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1927
- Isoseismal maps, macroseismic epicenters, and estimated magnitudes of historical earthquakes in the Hawaiian Islands, 1992, Bulletin 2006
- Palynostratigraphy of the Tullock Member (lower Paleocene) of the Fort Union Formation in the Powder River basin, Montana and Wyoming, 1992, Bulletin 1917 F
- Late Pliocene-early Pleistocene ecologic changes in the Arctic Ocean borderland, 1992, Bulletin 2036
- Sedimentology and depositional history of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Uinta, Piceance, and Eagle basins, northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah, 1992, Bulletin 1787 W
- Geology of the central Roan Plateau area, northwestern Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1787 R
- Miocene cooling in the southwestern Powder River basin, Wyoming: Preliminary evidence from apatite fission-track analysis, 1992, Bulletin 1917 O
- Paleomagnetism of the early Proterozoic Sioux Quartzite, southwestern Minnesota: Implications for correlating quartzites of the Baraboo interval, 1992, Bulletin 1904 N
- A regional structural model for gold mineralization in the southern part of the Archean Superior Province, United States, 1992, Bulletin 1904 M
- Structural context of mid-Tertiary mineralization in the Mammoth and San Manuel districts, southeastern Arizona, 1992, Bulletin 2042 C
- Precambrian to earliest Mississippian stratigraphy, geologic history, and paleogeography of northwestern Colorado and west-central Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1787 U
- Stratigraphy and structure of the Seaman Range and Fox Mountain, Lincoln and Nye counties, Nevada, 1992, Bulletin 1988 B
- Geology and mineral paragenesis of the Pea Ridge iron ore mine, Washington County, Missouri: Origin of the rare-earth-element- and gold-bearing breccia pipes. Some mineralogical and geochemical aspects of middle and upper Pennsylvanian marine black shales in part of the midcontinent region. Mineralogical and geochemical analysis of the metal- and organic-rich Grassy Creek Shale of the New Albany group (Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian) in Hardin County, southern Illinois, 1992, Bulletin 1989 A-C
- Fracture history of the Divide Creek and Wolf Creek anticlines and its relation to Laramide basin-margin tectonism, southern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1787 Z
- Facies analysis, genetic sequences, and paleogeography of the lower part of the Minturn Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian), southeastern Eagle Basin, Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1787 AA
- Pennsylvanian and Early Permian paleogeography of the Uinta-Piceance Basin region, northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah, 1992, Bulletin 1787 CC
- Geochemistry and geology of gold in jasperoid, Elephant Head area, Lander County, Nevada, 1992, Bulletin 2009
- Petrology and reservoir paragenesis in the Sussex "B" sandstone of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale, House Creek and Porcupine fields, Powder River basin, Wyoming, 1992, Bulletin 1917 G
- Phanerozoic evolution of sedimentary basins in the Uinta-Piceance Basin region, northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah, 1992, Bulletin 1787 FF
- New interpretations of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of uppermost Jurassic to lowermost Upper Cretaceous strata in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico. X-ray diffraction studies of the <2-mu m fraction from the upper part of the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation and the Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation in the Four Corners area, Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1808 J,K
- Clastic pipes of probable solution-collapse origin in Jurassic rocks of the southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, 1992, Bulletin 1808 L
- The petroleum system; status of research and methods, 1992, 1992, Bulletin 2007
- Monitoring volcanoes; techniques and strategies used by the staff of the Cascades Volcano Observatory, 1980-90, 1992, Bulletin 1966
- Upper Cenomanian foraminifers from the southern part of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, 1992, Bulletin 1808 N
- Complete Bouguer and isostatic residual gravity maps of the Anadarko Basin, Wichita Mountains, and surrounding areas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1866 G
- Age of tephra beds at the Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska, based on K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analyses, 1992, Bulletin 1990 C
- Geologic investigations of the 1988 Tennant Creek, Australia, earthquakes: Implications for paleoseismicity in stable continental regions, 1992, Bulletin 2032 A
- Stratigraphy of the Eocene part of the Green River Formation in the south-central part of the Uinta Basin, Utah, 1992, Bulletin 1787 BB
- Bedrock geology and mineral resources of the Knoxville 1° x 2° quadrangle, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina, 1992, Bulletin 1979
- Geochemical survey of the Baird Mountains 1° x 3° quadrangle, northwest Alaska, 1992, Bulletin 2003
- Stratigraphy of the Mississippian System, south-central Colorado and north-central New Mexico, 1992, Bulletin 1787 EE
- The Beowawe Geysers, Nevada, before geothermal development, 1992, Bulletin 1998
- Specification of source zones, recurrence rates, focal depths, and maximum magnitudes for earthquakes affecting the Savannah River site in South Carolina, 1992, Bulletin 2017
- Stratigraphic correlations between the Eagle Valley Evaporite and Minturn Formation, Eagle Basin, Northwest Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1787 GG
- Interpretation of reconnaissance geochemical data from the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska peninsula, Alaska, 1992, Bulletin 1968
- Depositional systems of a synorogenic continental deposit— The upper Paleocene and lower Eocene Wasatch Formation of the Powder River basin, Northeast Wyoming, 1992, Bulletin 1917 H
- Cretaceous and Tertiary paleogeographic reconstructions for the Uinta-Piceance Basin Study Area, Colorado and Utah, 1992, Bulletin 1787 Q
- Allophaiomys and the age of the Olyor Suite, Krestovka sections, Yakutia, 1992, Bulletin 2037
- Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks near Elko, Nevada: Evidence for Jurassic to Eocene folding and low-angle faulting, 1992, Bulletin 1988 C
- Selected papers in the applied computer sciences 1992, 1992, Bulletin 2016
- Bedrock geology and seismotectonics of the Oscawana Lake Quadrangle, New York, 1992, Bulletin 1941
- The Lance Formation: Petrography and stratigraphy, Powder River basin and nearby basins, Wyoming and Montana, 1992, Bulletin 1917 I
- Application of structural geology to mineral and energy resources of the Central and Western United States, 1992, Bulletin 2012
- Gold and other minor elements associated with the hot springs and geysers of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, supplemented with data from Steamboat Springs, Nevada, 1992, Bulletin 2001
- Geological investigations of the Wamsutter Rim canneloid coal bed in the Eocene Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, northern Washakie Basin, southwest Wyoming, 1992, Bulletin 2018
- Triple Divide Peak quadrangle, Fresno and Tulare counties, California— Analytic data, 1992, Bulletin 2026
- Biostratigraphy of the Middendorf Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in a corehole at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 1992, Bulletin 2030
- Contributions to commodity geology research, 1992, Bulletin 1877
- Depositional history of Jurassic rocks in the area of the Powder River basin, northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, 1992, Bulletin 1917 J
- The Lyman Hawaiian earthquake diary, 1833-1917, 1992, Bulletin 2027
- Constraints on the formation of the Bitterroot Lobe of the Idaho Batholith, Idaho and Montana, from U-Pb zircon geochronology and feldspar Pb isotopic data, 1992, Bulletin 2008
- Paleohydrology of the central United States, 1992, Bulletin 1989 D
- Uranium and other elements in Colorado Rocky Mountain wetlands — A reconnaissance study, 1992, Bulletin 1992
- Revisions of stratigraphic nomenclature within the Keweenawan Supergroup of Northern Michigan. Geochemistry, petrography, and volcanology of rhyolites of the Portage Lake volcanics, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, 1992, Bulletin 1970 A,B
- Cooperative studies between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China on applications of remote sensing to surveying and mapping, 1992, Bulletin 2033
- Stratigraphy and structure of Paleozoic outer continental-margin rocks in Pilot Knob Valley, north-central Mojave Desert, California, 1992, Bulletin 2015
- Developments in mineral deposit modeling, 1992, Bulletin 2004
- Lithology of evaporite cycles and cycle boundaries in the upper part of the Paradox Formation of the Hermosa Group of Pennsylvanian age in the Paradox Basin, Utah and Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 2000 B
- Stratigraphy of Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic rocks in the northern Sierra terrane, California, 1992, Bulletin 1957
- Organic geochemistry of black shales, marlstones, and oils of Middle Pennsylvanian rocks from the northern Denver and southeastern Powder River basins, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 1917 K
- Guide to the development and application of geographic information systems for sedimentary basin analysis; case study for the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado, 1992, Bulletin 2025
- Rocks and structure of the north-central part of the Anaconda Range, Deer Lodge and Granite counties, Montana, 1992, Bulletin 1993
- Geology, geochemistry, and mineral resource assessment of the Big Branch and Peru Peak wildernesses and the Wilder Mountain Roadless Area, Rutland and Bennington counties, Vermont, 1992, Bulletin 1955
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1990, 1992, Bulletin 1999
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1991, 1992, Bulletin 2041
- An analysis of present-day terrestrial lapse rates in the western conterminous United States and their significance to paleoaltitudinal estimates, 1992, Bulletin 1964
- Text and References To Accompany "Map Showing the Thickness and Character of Quaternary Sediments in the Glaciated United States East of the Rocky Mountains", 1992, Bulletin 1921
- Resources in sedimentary rocks of the Powder River basin and adjacent uplifts, northeastern Wyoming, 1992, Bulletin 1917 N
- A newly recognized ductile shear zone in the northern Klamath Mountains, Oregon; implications for Nevadan accretion, 1992, Bulletin 2028
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: Eastern Great Basin, 1992, Bulletin 1988
- Mineral resource studies along the Sierrita-Mogollon Transect, Arizona-New Mexico, 1992, Bulletin 2042
- Geologic sampling of the Chiricahua mountains, Arizona, 1992, Bulletin 2021
- Strategic and critical minerals in the midcontinent region, United States, 1992, Bulletin 1989
- The Phosphoria Formation: its geochemical and biological environment of deposition, 1992, Bulletin 2023
- Paleoseismological studies in Australia, 1992, Bulletin 2032
- U.S. Geological Survey Library classification system, 1992, Bulletin 2010_1992
- Archean geology of the northern block of the Ishpeming greenstone belt, Marquette County, Michigan, 1991, Bulletin 1904 F
- Gold-bearing skarns, 1991, Bulletin 1930
- Mineral resource potential of the NB-20-4 Quadrangle, eastern Guayana Shield, Bolivar State, Venezuela, 1991, Bulletin 1960
- United States earthquakes, 1985, 1991, Bulletin 1954
- Possible relationship between seismicity and warm intrusive bodies in the Charleston, South Carolina, and New Madrid, Missouri, areas, 1991, Bulletin 1953
- Structural control on distribution of sedimentary facies in the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation of north-central Colorado, 1991, Bulletin 1787 Y
- Tectonic imbrication and foredeep development in the Penokean orogen, east-central Minnesota: An interpretation based on regional geophysics and the results of test-drilling. The Penokean orogeny in Minnesota and upper Michigan; a comparison of structural geology, 1991, Bulletin 1904 C,D
- Mineralogy and chemistry of samples from a drill hole in the southern extension of the land-pebble phosphate district, Florida, 1991, Bulletin 1978
- Mineral resources of the Sleeping Giant Wilderness Study Area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, 1991, Bulletin 1724 E
- Stratigraphic notes, 1989-90: Four short papers propose changes in stratigraphic nomenclature in Oregon, Vermont, Massachusetts, and southern Pakistan, 1991, Bulletin 1935
- Spatial analysis of geochemical and geologic information from the Tonopah 1° x 2° quadrangle, Nevada, 1991, Bulletin 1878
- Mineral resources of the Devils Playground and Twin Buttes Wilderness Study Areas, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1991, Bulletin 1759 C
- Epithermal gold deposits— Part II, 1991, Bulletin 1857 I
- The Homestake gold mine, an early Proterozoic iron-formation-hosted gold deposit, Lawrence County, South Dakota, 1991, Bulletin 1857 J
- Late Paleozoic structure of the southern part of the Uinta Basin, Utah, from seismic reflection data, 1991, Bulletin 1787 V
- Great Lakes tectonic zone in Marquette area, Michigan: Implications for Archean tectonics in north-central United States, 1991, Bulletin 1904 E
- Quantitative mineral resource assessment of selected mineral deposits in the Challis National Forest, Idaho, 1991, Bulletin 1987
- Cambrian stratigraphy of the Wendover area, Utah and Nevada, 1991, Bulletin 1948
- New observations on the age and structure of Proterozoic quartzites in Wisconsin, 1991, Bulletin 1904 B
- Evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the Alta Stock, central Wasatch Mountains, Utah, 1991, Bulletin 1977
- Mineral resources of the Paria-Hackberry Wilderness Study Area, Kane County, Utah, 1991, Bulletin 1748 B
- Crystalline rocks of the Strawberry Lake area, Front Range, Colorado, 1991, Bulletin 1937
- Liquefaction susceptibility in the San Bernardino Valley and vicinity, Southern California— A regional evaluation, 1991, Bulletin 1898
- Evidence for continental crustal assimilation in the Hemlock Formation flood basalts of the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, Lake Superior region, 1991, Bulletin 1904 I
- Petrology and depositional setting of Mississippian rocks associated with an anoxic event at Samak, western Uinta Mountains, Utah. Petrology and significance of a Mississippian (Osagean-Meramecian) anoxic event, Lakeside Mountains, northwestern Utah, 1991, Bulletin 1787 S-T
- Nature and style of deformation in the foreland of the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, northern Michigan, 1991, Bulletin 1904 K
- Geology and mineral resource assessment of the Springfield 1° x 2° quadrangle, Missouri, as appraised in September 1985, 1991, Bulletin 1942
- Whistle, a nearly dormant geyser in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; the first geyser to be studied by research drilling, 1991, Bulletin 1967
- Chloride flux and surface water discharge out of Yellowstone National Park, 1982-1989, 1991, Bulletin 1959
- Geology of the La Vida Mission Quadrangle, San Juan and McKinley counties, New Mexico, 1991, Bulletin 1940
- Uplift of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming and Montana; a sandstone provenance study, 1991, Bulletin 1917 D
- Gold deposits related to greenstone belts in Brazil; deposit modeling workshop; Part A, excursions, 1991, Bulletin 1980 A
- Coalfields of New Mexico: Geology and resources, 1991, Bulletin 1972
- Coal resources of Tazewell County, Virginia, 1980, 1991, Bulletin 1913
- Mineral resources of the Arc Dome Wilderness Recommendation Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1991, Bulletin 1961
- Stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle(?) Triassic Union Wash Formation, east-central California, 1991, Bulletin 1928
- Contributions to Late Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleontology, western Montana, 1991, Bulletin 1962
- Uranium and diagenesis in evaporitic lacustrine mudstone of the Oligocene White River Group, Dawes County, Nebraska, 1991, Bulletin 1956
- Sedimentology and depositional environments of the Lower Permian Yeso Formation, northwestern New Mexico, 1991, Bulletin 1808 M
- The Red Butte Conglomerate– A thrust-belt-derived conglomerate of the Beaverhead Group, southwestern Montana, 1991, Bulletin 1945
- Depositional environments for strata of composite section of Frontier Formation, Madison Range, southwestern Montana, 1991, Bulletin 1949
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1991, Bulletin 1985
- A petrologic study of the Fox Hills Sandstone, Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming, 1991, Bulletin 1919
- The Midcontinent of the United States: Permissive terrane for an Olympic dam-type deposit?, 1991, Bulletin 1932
- Ground-water chemistry and diagenetic reactions in Tertiary sandstones of the Green River and Wasatch formations, Uinta Basin, Utah, 1991, Bulletin 1787 X
- Field studies of radon in rocks, soils, and water, 1991, Bulletin 1971
- Lexicon of new formal geologic names of the United States 1981-1985, 1991, Bulletin 1565
- Coal resources of the Fruitland Formation in part of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, San Juan County, New Mexico, 1991, Bulletin 1938
- Zeolitic diagenesis of tuffs in the Miocene Chalk Hills Formation, western Snake River plain, Idaho, 1991, Bulletin 1963
- Linearized inversion of reflection traveltimes, 1991, Bulletin 1965
- Marion Peak quadrangle, Fresno County, California— Analytic data, 1991, Bulletin 1986
- Manganese contents of some sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic age in Virginia, 1991, Bulletin 1916
- Contributions to New Jersey geology, 1991, Bulletin 1952
- Composition, clay mineralogy, and diagenesis of the Simpson Group (Middle Ordovician), Grady County, Oklahoma, 1991, Bulletin 1866 H
- Pollen zonation and correlation of Maastrichtian marine beds and associated strata, Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska, 1991, Bulletin 1990 E
- Geology of three late Quaternary stratovolcanoes on Sao Miguel, Azores, 1991, Bulletin 1900
- A new Tolypella from the Ocean Point dinosaur locality, North Slope, Alaska, and the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene nitelloid charophytes, 1991, Bulletin 1990 F
- Geochemical, biogeochemical, and sedimentological studies of the Green River Formation, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado, 1991, Bulletin 1973 A-G
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1991, Bulletin 1934
- Neodymium isotopic evidence for early Proterozoic units in the Watersmeet gneiss dome, northern Michigan. Temperature-pressure estimates of dynamically recrystallized rocks in the early Proterozoic Mountain shear zone, northeastern Wisconsin, 1991, Bulletin 1904 G,H
- Distribution and juxtaposition of Mesozoic lithotectonic elements in the basement of the Santa Maria Basin, California, 1991, Bulletin 1995 B
- Factors affecting the recognition of faults exposed in exploratory trenches, 1991, Bulletin 1947
- Gold placers of the Circle District, Alaska — Past, present, and future, 1991, Bulletin 1943
- Red beds of the Triassic Chugwater Group, southwestern Powder River basin, Wyoming, 1991, Bulletin 1917 E
- Middle Cretaceous stratigraphy on the south and east sides of the Uinta Basin, northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado, 1991, Bulletin 1787 P
- Geology, geochemistry, and mineral resource assessment of the southern Nantahala Wilderness and adjacent roadless areas, Rabun and Towns counties, Georgia, and Clay and Macon counties, North Carolina, 1991, Bulletin 1883
- Evolution of sedimentary basins/onshore oil and gas investigations: Santa Maria Province, 1991, Bulletin 1995
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: North Slope Basin, 1991, Bulletin 1990
- Late Quaternary faulting along the Death Valley-Furnace Creek fault system, California and Nevada, 1991, Bulletin 1991
- Selected caves and lava-tube systems in and near Lava Beds National Monument, California, 1990, Bulletin 1673
- Mineral resources of the Notch Peak Wilderness Study Area, Millard County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1749 C
- Cenomanian angiosperm leaf megafossils, Dakota Formation, Rose Creek locality, Jefferson County, southeastern Nebraska, 1990, Bulletin 1915
- K-Ar ages of Jurassic to Tertiary plutonic and metamorphic rocks, northwestern Utah and northeastern Nevada, 1990, Bulletin 1906
- Mineral resources of the San Rafael Swell Wilderness Study Areas, including Muddy Creek, Crack Canyon, San Rafael Reef, Mexican Mountain, and Sids Mountain Wilderness study areas, Emery County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1752
- Magnetostratigraphy of the San Francisco volcanic field, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1929
- Mineralogy and alteration of the phosphate deposits of Florida, 1990, Bulletin 1914
- Mineral resources of the Tabeguache Creek Wilderness Study Area, Montrose County, Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1715 E
- Depositional controls, distribution, and effectiveness of world's petroleum source rocks, 1990, Bulletin 1931
- Selected papers in the applied computer sciences, 1990, 1990, Bulletin 1908
- Mineral resources of the Chamisa, Empedrado, and La Lena wilderness Study Areas, Sandoval and McKinley Counties, New Mexico, 1990, Bulletin 1733 E
- Uranium distribution and geology in the Fish Lake surficial uranium deposit, Esmeralda County, Nevada, 1990, Bulletin 1910
- Mineral resources of the Coal Canyon, Spruce Canyon, and Flume Canyon Wilderness Study Areas, Grand County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1753 A
- Mineral resources of the Gospel-Hump Wilderness, Idaho County, Idaho, 1990, Bulletin 1812
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1990, 1990, Bulletin 1881
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1990, Bulletin 1895
- The Frontier Formation and associated rocks of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1787 M
- Geology of the lower Yellow Creek area, northwestern Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1787 O
- Taxonomic revision of the Spermatopsida of the Oligocene Creede flora, southern Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1923
- Summary results of the Glens Falls CUSMAP project, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire, 1990, Bulletin 1887
- Interpretation of reconnaissance geochemical data from the Healy Quadrangle, Alaska, 1990, Bulletin 1894
- Mineral resources of the Swansea Wilderness Study Area, La Paz and Mohave counties, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1704 C
- Stratigraphy and structure of the Ekokpuk Creek area, north-central Brooks Range, Alaska, 1990, Bulletin 1848
- True-amplitude processing techniques for marine, crustal-reflection seismic data, 1990, Bulletin 1897
- Earthquake hazard associated with deep well injection— A report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1990, Bulletin 1951
- Industrial minerals in California: Economic importance, present availability, and future development, 1990, Bulletin 1958
- Sedimentology of freshwater lacustrine shorelines in the Eocene Scheggs Bed of the Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation, Sand Wash Basin, Northwest Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1911
- Gold in porphyry copper systems, 1990, Bulletin 1857 E
- Regional diagenesis of sandstones in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico an Colorado; geologic, chemical, and kinetic constraints, 1990, Bulletin 1808 H
- Petrology of the noritic and gabbronoritic rocks below the J-M Reef in the Mountain View area, Stillwater Complex, Montana, 1990, Bulletin 1674 C
- A strontium isotopic study of plutons and associated rocks of the southern Sierra Nevada and vicinity, California, 1990, Bulletin 1920
- Mineral resources of the Gibraltar Mountain and Planet Peak Wilderness Study Areas, La Paz County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1704 B
- Late Paleozoic depositional trends in the central Appalachian Basin, 1990, Bulletin 1839 F
- Structural and stratigraphic framework of the Giles County area, a part of the Appalachian Basin of Virginia and West Virginia, 1990, Bulletin 1839 E
- Petrology of chromite-bearing rocks from the lowermost cyclic units in the Stillwater Complex, Montana, 1990, Bulletin 1674 E
- Earthquake losses to single-family dwellings; California experience, 1990, Bulletin 1939 A
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1989, 1990, Bulletin 1946
- The nature and possible significance of the Batamote copper-bismuth-silver anomaly, Pima County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1907
- Mineral resources of the Borah Peak Wilderness Study Area, Custer County, Idaho, 1990, Bulletin 1718 E
- Mineral resources of the Mount Pennell Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1751 D
- Mineral resources of the Elkhorn Wilderness Study Area, Broadwater and Jefferson Counties, Montana, 1990, Bulletin 1805
- Ordovician and older rocks of the Bayhorse area, Custer County, Idaho, 1990, Bulletin 1891
- Evaluation of coal resources in the eastern part of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, 1990, Bulletin 1869
- Geologic and fission-track evidence for Late Cretaceous faulting and mineralization, northeastern flank of Blacktail Mountains, southwestern Montana, 1990, Bulletin 1922
- Geochemical studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1989, 1990, Bulletin 1950
- Mineral resources of the Gold Creek and Sperry Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Malheur County, Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1741 E
- Environmental changes in the Tule Lake basin, Siskiyou and Modoc Counties, California, from 3 to 2 million years before present, 1990, Bulletin 1933
- Bedrock geology of the Bristol quadrangle, Hartford, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties, Connecticut, 1990, Bulletin 1573
- Heavy-mineral dispersal and deposition in sandy deltas of glacial Lake Quinebaug, Connecticut, 1990, Bulletin 1874
- Sulfide inclusions within the B chromitite, Stillwater Complex, Montana, 1990, Bulletin 1674 D
- Compositional changes induced by hydrothermal alteration at the Red Mountain alunite deposit, Lake City, Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1936
- Burial, thermal, and petroleum generation history of the Upper Cretaceous Steele Member of the Cody Shale (Shannon Sandstone Bed horizon), Powder River basin, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1917 A
- Mineral resources of the McCullough Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Park County, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1756 F
- Heavy oil resources of the United States, 1990, Bulletin 1885
- Epithermal gold deposits; Part I, 1990, Bulletin 1857 H
- Gold-bearing polymetallic veins and replacement deposits — Part II, 1990, Bulletin 1857 F
- Mineral resources of the Willow Creek and Skull Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Moffat County, Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1717 D
- Mineral Resources of the Black Mountains North and Burns Spring Wilderness Study Areas, Mohave County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1737 C
- Road guide to volcanic deposits of Mount St. Helens and vicinity, Washington, 1990, Bulletin 1859
- In situ stress analysis of wellbore break-outs from Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, 1990, Bulletin 1866 F
- Ammonites and some characteristic bivalves from the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Natrona County, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1917 B
- Mineral Resources of the Mount Nutt Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1737 D
- Petrographic and chemical data for the large Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic sills east of Juneau, southeastern Alaska, 1990, Bulletin 1918
- Petrology, diagenesis, and sedimentology of oil reservoirs in Upper Cretaceous Shannon Sandstone Beds, Powder River basin, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1917 C
- Geochemistry of Mariano Lake-Lake Valley cores, McKinley County, New Mexico, 1990, Bulletin 1808 I
- Sedimentology, mineralogy, palynology, and depositional history of some uppermost Cretaceous and lowermost Tertiary rocks along the Utah Book and Roan cliffs east of the Green River, 1990, Bulletin 1787 N
- The Mountain shear zone, northeastern Wisconsin— A discrete ductile deformation zone within the early Proterozoic Penokean Orogen, 1990, Bulletin 1904 A
- Mineral Resources of the Wabayuma Peak Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1737 E
- Mineral resources of the Lower Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Malheur County, Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1741 F
- Mineral resources of the Mill Creek Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Grand County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1754 E
- Log-derived regional source-rock characteristics of the Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, 1990, Bulletin 1866 D
- Diagenesis and uranium mineralization of the Lower Tertiary Kootznahoo Formation in the northern part of Admiralty Trough, southeastern Alaska, 1990, Bulletin 1888
- Mineral resources of the Badlands Wilderness Study Area and the Badlands Wilderness Study Area Additions, Crook and Deschutes counties, Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1744 B
- Mineral resources of the Deep Creek Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Juab and Tooele counties, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1745 C
- Mineral resources of the Soda Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Jackson County, Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1744 C
- Mineral resources of the Blue Canyon and Owyhee Breaks Wilderness Study Areas, Malheur County, Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1741 G
- Mineral resources of the Mohave Wash Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1704 A
- Mineral resources of the Cockscomb and Wahweap Wilderness Study Areas, Kane County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1748 A
- Mineral resources of the Desolation Canyon, Turtle Canyon, and Floy Canyon Wilderness Study Areas, Carbon, Emery, and Grand counties, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1753 B
- Mineral resources of the Negro Bill Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Grand County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1754 D
- Mineral resources of the Diablo Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Lake County, Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1738 D
- Mineral resources of the Buffalo Hump and Sand Dunes Addition Wilderness Study Areas, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1757 G
- Mineral resources of the Adobe Town Wilderness Study Area, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1757 H
- Mineral resources of the Raymond Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1757 I
- Mineral resources of the Oregon Buttes Wilderness Study Area, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1990, Bulletin 1757 J
- Mineral resources of the Marble Canyon Wilderness Study Area, White Pine County, Nevada, and Millard County, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1728 G
- Mineral resources of the Cactus Plain and East Cactus Plain Wilderness Study Areas, La Paz County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1704 D
- Mineral resources of the Harcuvar Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1701 F
- Geology of the Mount Aetna volcanic center, Chaffee and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1864
- Mineral resources of the Kofa Unit 4 North Wilderness Study Area, Yuma County, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1702 K
- Mineral resources of the Lime Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Clark County, Nevada, 1990, Bulletin 1730 D
- Developments and applications of modern airborne electromagnetic surveys : proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Workshop on Developments and Applications of Modern Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys, October 7-9, 1987, 1990, Bulletin 1925
- Mineral resources of the Rawhide Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz and Mohave counties, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1701 G
- Definition and world resources of natural bitumens, 1990, Bulletin 1944
- Geologic applications of modern aeromagnetic surveys : proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Workshop on Geologic Applications of Modern Aeromagnetic Surveys, held January 6-8, 1987, in Lakewood, Colorado, 1990, Bulletin 1924
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: the Cockscomb Region, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1748
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: Central Green River Region, Utah, 1990, Bulletin 1753
- Contributions to Precambrian geology of Lake Superior region, 1990, Bulletin 1904
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: Powder River Basin, 1990, Bulletin 1917
- Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas, Havasu Region, Arizona, 1990, Bulletin 1704
- Mineral resources of Wilderness Study areas: central and far western Oregon, 1990, Bulletin 1744
- Mineral resources of the Teton Wilderness and adjacent areas, Teton, Fremont, and Park Counties, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1781
- Mineral resources of the Hawk Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, 1989, Bulletin 1740 F
- United States gold terranes — Part I, 1989, Bulletin 1857 B
- Mineral resources of the Indian Creek, Bridger Jack Mesa, and Butler Wash Wilderness Study Areas, San Juan County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1754 A
- Mineral resources of the Encampment River Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1757 F
- Mineral resources of the Cross Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Moffat County, Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1759 A
- Mineral resources of the Fiddler Butte (East) Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1759 B
- Geologic history and hydrocarbon potential of Late Cretaceous-age, low-permeability reservoirs, Piceance Basin, western Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1787 E
- Biogeochemistry of a highly serpentinized, chromite-rich ultramafic area, Tehama County, California, 1989, Bulletin 1901
- Gigantic debris avalanche of Pleistocene age from ancestral Mount Shasta Volcano, California, and debris-avalanche hazard zonation, 1989, Bulletin 1861
- Depositional controls on the late Campanian Sego Sandstone and implications for associated coal-forming environments in the Uinta and Piceance basins, 1989, Bulletin 1787 F
- Petrography, mineralogy, and reservoir characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group in the east-central Piceance Basin, Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1787 G
- Mineral resources of the Woolsey Peak Wilderness Study Area, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 F
- Grain-size, heavy-mineral, and geochemical analyses of sediments from the Chukchi Sea, Alaska, 1989, Bulletin 1896
- Mineral resources of the Sierra Estrella Wilderness Study Area, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 I
- Variations in vitrinite reflectance values for the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation, southeastern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado: Implications for burial history and potential hydrocarbon generation. The Fryingpan Member of the Maroon Formation: A Lower Permian(?) basin-margin dune field in northwestern Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1787 H,I
- Revisions of Middle Jurassic nomenclature in the southeastern San Juan basin, New Mexico; Eolian and noneolian facies of the Lower Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member of the Cutler Formation, southeastern Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1808 E,F
- Mineral resources of the Baboquivari Peak and Coyote Mountains Wilderness Study Areas, Pima County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 E
- Mineral resources of the Swasey Mountain and Howell Peak Wilderness Study areas, Millard County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1749 A
- Landslides and debris flows in Ephraim Canyon, central Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1842 C
- Tectonic evolution of the Anadarko Basin region, Oklahoma, 1989, Bulletin 1866 A
- North American Datum of 1983, map data conversion tables; United States east of 96 degrees West longitude, Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands, 1989, Bulletin 1875 A
- Probabilistic estimates of the seismic ground-motion hazard in western Saudi Arabia, 1989, Bulletin 1868
- Descriptive statistics and spatial distributions of geochemical variables associated with manganese oxide-rich phases in the northern Pacific, 1989, Bulletin 1863
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1989, 1989, Bulletin 1860
- Mineral resources of the South McCullough Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Clark County, Nevada, 1989, Bulletin 1730 C
- Mineral belts in western Sierra County, New Mexico, suggested by mining districts, geology, and geochemical anomalies, 1989, Bulletin 1876
- Gold in placer deposits, 1989, Bulletin 1857 G
- Late Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Feather and Yuba rivers area, California, with a section on soil development in mixed alluvium at Honcut Creek, 1989, Bulletin 1590 G
- Mineralogical characterization of the Shelburne Marble and the Salem Limestone; test stones used to study the effects of acid rain, 1989, Bulletin 1889
- Geology of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary coal-bearing rocks in the western part of the Wind River basin, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1813
- Gold deposits in metamorphic rocks: Part I, 1989, Bulletin 1857 D
- Gold-bearing polymetallic veins and replacement deposits; Part I, 1989, Bulletin 1857 C
- North American Datum of 1983, map data conversion tables; United States west of 96 degrees West longitude (including Hawaii), 1989, Bulletin 1875 B
- Mineral resources of the Petaca Pinta Wilderness Study Area, Cibola County, New Mexico, 1989, Bulletin 1734 H
- Petrology and depositional facies of siliciclastic rocks of the Middle Ordovician Simpson Group, Mazur Well, southeastern Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, 1989, Bulletin 1866 E
- Origin and distribution of six heavy-mineral placer deposits in coastal-marine sandstones in the Upper Cretaceous McCourt Sandstone Tongue of the Rock Springs Formation, southwest Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1867
- Mineral resources of the Spring Basin Wilderness Study Area, Wheeler County, Oregon, 1989, Bulletin 1743 C
- North American Datum of 1983, map data conversion tables; Alaska, 1989, Bulletin 1875 C
- Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988, 1989, Bulletin 1903
- Mineral resources of the Alpine Lakes Study Area and additions, Chelan, King, and Kittitas counties, Washington, 1989, Bulletin 1542
- Mineral resources of the Rimrock, Sand Canyon, Little Rimrock, and Pinyon Wilderness Study Areas, Cibola County, New Mexico, 1989, Bulletin 1734 G
- Depositional environments of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the eastern San Juan Basin and vicinity, New Mexico. Trace fossils and mollusks from the upper member of the Wanakah Formation, Chama Basin, New Mexico; evidence for a lacustrine origin. Stratigraphy, facies, and paleotectonic history of Mississippian rocks in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico and adjacent areas, 1989, Bulletin 1808 B-D
- New frontiers in stable isotopic research; laser probes, ion probes, and small-sample analysis, 1989, Bulletin 1890
- Documentation of the Santonian-Campanian and Austinian-Tayloran stage boundaries in Mississippi and Alabama using calcareous microfossils, 1989, Bulletin 1884
- Mineral resources of the Wah Wah Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Beaver and Millard counties, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1749 B
- Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene sedimentary rocks and isotopic ages of Paleogene tuffs, Uinta basin, Utah. Ages of late Paleogene and Neogene tuffs and the beginning of rapid regional extension, eastern boundary of the Basin and Range Province near Salt Lake City, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1787 J,K
- Preliminary evaluation of the petroleum potential of the Tertiary accretionary terrane, west side of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, 1989, Bulletin 1892
- Mineral resources of the Scorpion Wilderness Study Area, Garfield and Kane counties, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1747 C
- Mineral resources of the North Stansbury Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Tooele County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1745 B
- Geochemistry of minor and trace elements of 22 core samples from the Monterey Formation and related rocks in the Santa Maria Basin, California, 1989, Bulletin 1581 B
- Rocks and structure of the southern Sapphire Mountains, Granite and Ravalli counties, western Montana, 1989, Bulletin 1824
- Mineral resources of the Ragged Top Wilderness Study Area, Pima County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 H
- Geology and geochemistry of the Broken Ridge area, southern Wah Wah Mountains, Iron County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1843
- The ammonite Metengonoceras Hyatt, 1903, from the Mowry Shale (Cretaceous) of Montana and Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1787 L
- Mineral resources of eight wilderness study areas bordering Zion National Park, Washington and Kane Counties, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1746 E
- Mineral resources of the Muggins Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Yuma County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 D
- Mineral resources of the Gunnison Gorge Wilderness Study Area, Montrose and Delta counties, Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1715 D
- Bass Lake quadrangle, west-central Sierra Nevada, California— Analytic data, 1989, Bulletin 1809
- Correlation of the Oakdale Formation and Paxton Group of central Massachusetts with strata in northeastern Connecticut, 1989, Bulletin 1796
- Barite nodules in Devonian shale and mudstone of western Virginia, 1989, Bulletin 1880
- Mineral resources of the New Water Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 B
- Mineral resources of the Signal Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 C
- Multivariate clustering based on entropy, 1989, Bulletin 1893
- Mineral resources of the Holy Cross Wilderness Area, Eagle, Pitkin, and Lake counties, Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1879
- Mineral resources of the Sierra Ladrones Wilderness Study Area, Socorro County, New Mexico, 1989, Bulletin 1734 F
- Interpretation of exploration geochemical data from the Ugashik, Bristol Bay, and western Karluk quadrangles, Alaska, 1989, Bulletin 1858
- Mineral resources of the Cowboy Spring Wilderness Study Area, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, 1989, Bulletin 1735 F
- Mineral resource potential and geology of the Challis National Forest, Idaho, with a section on salable minerals, 1989, Bulletin 1873
- Mineral resource potential of Mount Massive Wilderness, Lake County, Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1636
- Mineral resources of the Fish Springs Range Wilderness Study Area, Juab County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1745 A
- X-ray diffraction studies of the <0.5um fraction from the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Colorado Plateau, 1989, Bulletin 1808 G
- Chemical data for flows and feeder dikes of the Yakima Basalt Subgroup, Columbia River Basalt Group, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, and their bearing on a petrogenetic model, 1989, Bulletin 1821
- Mineral resources of the Spring Creek Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Iron County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1746 F
- Geomorphic, seismic, and geotechnical evaluation of sand and gravel deposits in the Sheridan, Wyoming, area, 1989, Bulletin 1845
- The potential of breccia pipes in the National Tank Aream, Hualapai Indian Rreservation, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1683 B
- Mineral resources of the Little Black Peak and Carrizozo Lava Flow Wilderness Study Areas, Lincoln County, New Mexico, 1989, Bulletin 1734 E
- Mineral resources of the Little Wood River Wilderness Study Area, Blaine County, Idaho, 1989, Bulletin 1721 D
- Geology and ground-water hydrology of Spirit Lake blockage, Mount St. Helens, Washington, with implications for lake retention, 1989, Bulletin 1789
- The petroleum system; status of research and methods, 1990, 1989, Bulletin 1912
- Mineral resources of the Rockhouse Wilderness Study Area, Kern and Tulare counties, California, 1989, Bulletin 1705 E
- Methods for sampling and inorganic analysis of coal, 1989, Bulletin 1823
- Investigation of the Rois Malk epithermal gold system, Republic of Palau, 1989, Bulletin 1872
- Mineral resources of the South Warner Contiguous Wilderness Study Area, Modoc County, California, 1989, Bulletin 1706 F
- Geology and geochemistry of synsedimentary cobaltiferous-pyrite deposits, Iron Creek, Lemhi County, Idaho, 1989, Bulletin 1882
- Mineral Resources of the Mount Wilson Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1737 A
- Geology of petroleum and coal deposits in the North China Basin, Eastern China, 1989, Bulletin 1871
- Mafic inclusions, aggregates, and dikes in granitoid rocks, central Sierra Nevada batholith, California— Analytic data, 1989, Bulletin 1899
- Mineral resources of the Mancos Mesa Wilderness Study Area, San Juan County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1755 A
- Mineral resources of the Mount Tipton Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1737 B
- Mineral resources of the Fish Creek Canyon, Road Canyon, and Mule Canyon Wilderness Study Areas, San Juan County, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1755 B
- Statistical analysis of compositional data from Desmoinesian sandstones in Oklahoma, 1989, Bulletin 1866 B
- Thermal maturation of the eastern Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, 1989, Bulletin 1866 C
- Bedrock geology of the Bristol quadrangle, Hartford, Litchfield, and New Haven Counties, Connecticut, 1989, Bulletin 1573
- Mineral resources of the Camp Creek and Cottonwood Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Malheur County, Oregon, 1989, Bulletin 1741 C
- Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California, 1989, Bulletin 1847
- Mineral resources of the Medicine Lodge, Alkali Creek, and Trapper Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Big Horn County, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1756 A
- Mineral resources of the Bobcat Draw Badlands Wilderness Study Area, Big Horn and Washakie counties, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1756 E
- Geochemical survey of the Cordova and Middleton Island 1° x 3° quadrangles, south-central Alaska, 1989, Bulletin 1865
- Mineral resources of the Prospect Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1757 E
- Stratigraphic nomenclature of the Newark Supergroup of eastern North America, 1989, Bulletin 1572
- Mineral resources of the Trigo Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 J
- Mineral resources of the Upper Leslie Gulch and Slocum Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Malheur County, Oregon, 1989, Bulletin 1741 D
- Mineral resources of the Arrastra Mountain/Peoples Canyon Wilderness Study Area, La Paz, Mohave, and Yavapai counties, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1701 E
- Mineral resources of the Aubrey Peak Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1701 D
- Arizona's industrial rock and mineral resources; workshop proceedings, 1989, Bulletin 1905
- Mineral resources of the Owl Creek Wilderness Study Area, Hot Springs County, Wyoming, 1989, Bulletin 1756 D
- Mineral resources of the Brokeoff Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Otero County, New Mexico, 1989, Bulletin 1735 E
- Late quaternary glacial and vegetative history of the Glacier National Park region, Montana, 1989, Bulletin 1902
- Anhydrite deposits of the United States and characteristics of anhydrite important for storage of radioactive wastes, 1989, Bulletin 1794
- Mineral resources of the Eagletail Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz, Maricopa, and Yuma counties, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1702 G
- Geology of tight gas reservoirs in the Pinedale Anticline area, Wyoming, and at the Multiwell Experiment site, Colorado, 1989, Bulletin 1886
- Mineral resources of the Alvord Desert and East Alvord Wilderness Study Areas, Harney and Malheur counties, Oregon, 1989, Bulletin 1739 B
- A guide for using soil and weathering profile data in chronosequence studies of the coastal plain of the Eastern United States, 1989, Bulletin 1589 D
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Miners Gulch area, Granite County, Montana, 1989, Bulletin 1791
- Ground magnenometer surveys over known and suspected breccia pipes on the Coconino Plateau, northwestern Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1683 C
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: Upper Colorado River region, Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1754
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: Anadarko Basin, 1989, Bulletin 1866
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: northwestern Utah, 1989, Bulletin 1745
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: Black Mountains region, Arizona, 1989, Bulletin 1737
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: miscellaneous states, 1989, Bulletin 1759
- Geological history of glacial Lake Algonquin and the upper Great Lakes, 1988, Bulletin 1801
- Mineral resources of the Massacre Rim Wilderness Study Area, Washoe County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1707 E
- Analysis of stream-profile data and inferred tectonic activity, eastern Ozark Mountains region, 1988, Bulletin 1807
- Natural aggregates of the conterminous United States, 1988, Bulletin 1594
- Mineral resources of the Sheepshead Mountains, Wildcat Canyon, and Table Mountain Wilderness Study Areas, Malheur and Harney counties, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1739 A
- The geology, carbonaceous materials, and origin of the epigenetic uranium deposits in the Tertiary Sespe Formation in Ventura County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1771
- Stratigraphy of reference sections in the Popotosa Formation, Socorro County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1800
- The Bishop ash bed (middle Pleistocene) and some older (Pliocene and Pleistocene) chemically and mineralogically similar ash beds in California, Nevada, and Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1675
- Mineral resources of the Sacatar Meadows Wilderness Study Area, Tulare and Inyo counties, California, 1988, Bulletin 1705 D
- Mineral resources of the Providence Mountains Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1712 D
- Index of granitic rock masses in the state of Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1831
- Mineral resources of the Bruneau River, Jarbidge River, and Sheep Creek West Wilderness Study Areas, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1988, Bulletin 1720 B
- Mineral resources of the Cow Creek and Antelope Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Blaine and Phillips Counties, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1722 C
- Mineral resources of the eastern Pioneer Mountains, Beaverhead County, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1766
- Mineral resources of the Mecca Hills Wilderness Study Area, Riverside County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1710 C
- Mineral resources of the Meadow Valley Range Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and Clark Counties, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1729 C
- United States earthquakes, 1984, 1988, Bulletin 1862
- Historical unrest at large calderas of the world, 1988, Bulletin 1855
- Mineral resources of the Henry's Lake Wilderness Study Area, Fremont County, Idaho, 1988, Bulletin 1718 D
- Tuolumne Meadows quadrangle, California— Analytic data, 1988, Bulletin 1819
- Evolution of sedimentary basins— Appalachian Basin, 1988, Bulletin 1839 A-D
- Geologic and geotechnical conditions adjacent to the Turnagain Heights landslide, Anchorage, Alaska, 1988, Bulletin 1817
- Interpretation of the regional geochemistry of the Tonopah 1° x 2° quadrangle, Nevada, based on analytical results from stream-sediment and nonmagnetic heavy-mineral-concentrate samples, 1988, Bulletin 1849
- Mineral resources of the Ignacio Chavez Wilderness Study Area, McKinley and Sandoval counties, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1733 D
- Geologic and hydrologic investigations of a potential nuclear waste disposal site at Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1790
- A review of the association of petroliferous materials with uranium and other metal deposits in sedimentary rocks in the United States, 1988, Bulletin 1798
- Mineral resources of the Seven Blackfoot Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1722 D
- Geology and geochemistry of the Pitch uranium mine area, Saguache County, Colorado, 1988, Bulletin 1797
- Some slope-movement problems in Windsor County, Vermont, 1984, 1988, Bulletin 1828
- Mineral resources of the Black Ridge Canyons Wilderness Study Area, Mesa County, Colorado, and Grand County, Utah, and Westwater Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Grand County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1736 C
- Mineral resources of the Sewemup Mesa Wilderness Study Area, Mesa and Montrose counties, Colorado, 1988, Bulletin 1736 B
- Studies of the early Mesozoic basins of the eastern United States, 1988, Bulletin 1776
- Mineral resources of the Barbours Creek and Shawvers Run Wilderness Study Areas, Craig County, Virginia, 1988, Bulletin 1758
- Mineral resources of the Horseshoe Canyon North Wilderness Study Area, Emery and Wayne counties, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1750
- Mineral resources of the Harquahala Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz and Maricopa counties, Arizona, 1988, Bulletin 1701 C
- Geology and paleoecology of the Cottonwood Creek delta in the Eocene Tipton Tongue of the Green River Formation and a mammalian fauna from the Eocene Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Southeast Washakie Basin, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1669 A-C
- Submarine slumps in delta-front sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous Blair Formation, Rock Springs uplift, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1699
- Mineral resources of the Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Churchill County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1727 B
- Eocene to Miocene biostratigraphy of New Jersey core ACGS #4; implications for regional stratigraphy, 1988, Bulletin 1829
- A zeolitic tuff in a lacustrine facies of the Gila Conglomerate near Buckhorn, Grant County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1763
- Mineral resources of the Clover Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1729 D
- Volcaniclastic sedimentation in the Lewis River Valley, Mount St. Helens, Washington; processes, extent, and hazards, 1988, Bulletin 1383 D
- Mineral resources of the Cottonwood Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Washington County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1746 C
- Petroleum systems of the United States, 1988, Bulletin 1870
- Revisions to stratigraphic nomenclature of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks of the Colorado Plateau, 1988, Bulletin 1633 A-C
- Cowtrack Mountain and Glass Mountain quadrangles, California and Nevada: Analytic data, 1988, Bulletin 1783
- Mineral resources of the Bull Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Garfield and Wayne Counties, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1751 B
- Mineral resources of the Burnt Creek Wilderness Study Area, Custer County, Idaho, 1988, Bulletin 1718 C
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1988, Bulletin 1837
- The microtine rodents of the Cheetah Room fauna, Hamilton Cave, West Virginia, and the spontaneous origin of Synaptomys, 1988, Bulletin 1853
- Distribution, characterization, and genesis of mordenite in Miocene silicic tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1777
- Selected papers in the applied computer sciences, 1988, 1988, Bulletin 1841
- Bitumen-bearing deposits of the United States, 1988, Bulletin 1784
- Mineral resources of the Canaan Mountain and The Watchman Wilderness Study Areas, Washington and Kane counties, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1746 A
- Geology and geochemistry of gold deposits of the Big Canyon area, El Dorado County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1854
- Stratigraphic revision and depositional environments of the Upper Cretaceous Toreva Formation in the northern Black Mesa area, Navajo and Apache Counties, Arizona, 1988, Bulletin 1685
- Descriptive and grade-tonnage models of volcanogenic manganese deposits in oceanic environments; a modification, 1988, Bulletin 1811
- Mineral resources of the Orejana Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1738 B
- Mineral resources of the Abert Rim Wilderness Study Area, Lake County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1738 C
- Development of a velocity model for locating aftershocks in the Sierra Pie de Palo region of western Argentina, 1988, Bulletin 1795
- Stratigraphy and lithocorrelation of the Snowslip Formation (Middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup), Glacier National Park, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1833
- Principal reference section for the Santa Rosa formation of Middle and Late Triassic age, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1804
- Segmentation of the Wasatch fault zone, Utah — Summaries, analyses, and interpretations of geological and geophysical data, 1988, Bulletin 1827
- Mineral resources of the Red Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Washington County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1746 D
- Catalog of intensities and magnitudes for earthquakes in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, 1786-1981, 1988, Bulletin 1840
- A mineralized breccia pipe in Mohawk Canyon, Arizona; lithologic and geophysical logs, 1988, Bulletin 1683 A
- Mineral resources of the Quigg West Wilderness Study Area, Granite County, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1724 D
- Mineral resources of the Pryor Mountain, Burnt Timber Canyon, and Big Horn Tack-On Wilderness Study Areas, Carbon County, Montana, and Big Horn County, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1723
- Geochemistry of mineralized quartzite beds in the Spokane Formation (Belt Supergroup), Rogers Pass area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1762
- A statistical analysis of chemical and mineralogic data from the Tertiary Kootznahoo Formation in southeastern Alaska, with emphasis on uranium and thorium, 1988, Bulletin 1851
- The response of vegetation to disturbance in Death Valley National Monument, California, 1988, Bulletin 1793
- National energy resource issues; geologic perspective and the role of geologic information, 1988, Bulletin 1850
- Predictive model for important ground motion parameters associated with large and great earthquakes, 1988, Bulletin 1838
- Mineral resources of the Rio Chama Wilderness Study Area, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1733 C
- Mineral resources of the South Fork and Sand Hollow Wilderness Study Areas, Crook County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1744 A
- Mineral resources of the Lost Spring Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Grand County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1754 C
- Deformation in the Stensgar Mountain Quadrangle, Stevens County, Washington, 1988, Bulletin 1820
- Mineral resources of the Honeycombs Wilderness Study Area, Washakie County, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1756 C
- Mineral resources of the Ferris Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1757 C
- Mineral resources of the Sweetwater Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Fremont County, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1757 D
- Diagenesis and burial history of nonmarine Upper Cretaceous rocks in the central Uinta Basin, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1787 D
- Uranium ore in the Mariano Lake-Lake Valley cores and the genesis of coffinite in the Grants uranium region, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1808 A
- Mineral resources of the Blitzen River Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1740 D
- Mineral resources of the South Pahroc Range Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1729 A
- The geologic story of the Aspen region - Mines, glaciers and rocks, 1988, Bulletin 1603
- Mineral resources of the Upper West Little Owyhee Wilderness Study area, Malheur County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1719 H
- Toward a Federal Land Information System: Experiences and issues, 1988, Bulletin 1852
- Physical, soil, and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the upper Cenozoic sediments in Fisher Valley, southeastern Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1686
- Mineral resources of the Twin Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Washoe County, Nevada, and Lassen County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1706 A
- Mineral resources of the Tunnison Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Lassen County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1706 B
- Mineral resources of the Behind the Rocks Wilderness Study Area, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1754 B
- Mineral resources of the Devil's Garden Lava Bed, Squaw Ridge Lava Bed, and Four Craters Lava Bed Wilderness Study Areas, Lake County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1738 A
- Mineral resources of the Sheep Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Baker County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1741 B
- Mineral resources of the Gros Ventre Wilderness Study Area, Teton and Sublette Counties, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1591
- Mineral resources of the Fifteen Mile Creek, Oregon Canyon, Twelve Mile Creek, and Willow Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Malheur and Harney counties, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1742 B
- Mineral resources of the Cedar Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Washakie and Hot Springs Counties, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1756 B
- Mineral resources of the Eighteenmile Wilderness Study Area, Lemhi County, Idaho, 1988, Bulletin 1718 B
- Mineral resources of the Table Top mountain Wilderness Study Area, Maricopa and Pinal counties, Arizona, 1988, Bulletin 1702 A
- Mineral resources of the West Potrillo mountains-Mount Riley and the Aden Lava Flow Wilderness Study Areas, Dona Ana and Luna Counties, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1735 B
- Stratigraphic and structural relations of the Hoodoo Quartzite and Yellowjacket Formation of middle Proterozoic age from Hoodoo Creek eastward to Mount Taylor, central Idaho, 1988, Bulletin 1570
- Measurement of slope deformation using quadrilaterals, 1988, Bulletin 1842 B
- Mineral resources of the Sierra de las Canas Wilderness Study Area, Socorro County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1734 D
- Mineral resources of the Fifty Mile Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Kane County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1747 A
- Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Blackleaf and lower part of the Frontier formations in parts of Beaverhead and Madison counties, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1773
- Mineral resources of the Goshute Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Elko and White Pine counties, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1725 E
- Mineral resources of the Parunuweap Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Kane County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1746 B
- Quantitative petrographic analysis of Mid-Cretaceous sandstones, southwestern Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1830
- Geophysical studies to detect the Acme underground coal mine, Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1677
- Introduction to Geology and resources of gold, and geochemistry of gold, 1988, Bulletin 1857 A
- Bibliography of map projections, 1988, Bulletin 1856
- The soil chronosequence along the Cowlitz River, Washington, 1988, Bulletin 1590 F
- Geologic setting of gold occurrences in the Big Canyon area, El Dorado County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1576
- An organic origin for the carbonate concretions of the Ohio Shale, 1988, Bulletin 1836
- Mineral resources of the Southern Otay Mountain and Western Otay Mountain Wilderness Study Areas, San Diego County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1711 E
- Volcanic geology in parts of the southern Peloncillo Mountains, Arizona and New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1671
- Mineral resources of the Home Creek Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1740 C
- Mineral resources of the Diamond Breaks Wilderness Study Area, Moffat County, Colorado, and Daggett County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1714 B
- Mineral resources of the Riordans Well Wilderness Study Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1731 H
- Mineral resources of the Disaster Peak Wilderness Study Area, Harney and Malheur Counties, Oregon, and Humboldt County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1742 A
- Mineral resources of the Santa Rosa Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Riverside County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1710 D
- Mineral resources of the Dolores River Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Montrose and San Miguel counties, Colorado, 1988, Bulletin 1715 C
- Volcanic and structural controls of mineralization in the Dos Cabezas Mountains of southeastern Arizona, 1988, Bulletin 1676
- Mineral resources of the Dry Valley Rim Wilderness Study Area, Washoe County, Nevada, and Lassen County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1706 D
- Mineral resources of the Skedaddle Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Lassen County, California, and Washoe County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1706 C
- Mineral resources of the Silver Peak Range Wilderness Study Area, Esmeralda County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1731 G
- Mineral resources of the Mt. Hillers Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1751 C
- Potassium-argon ages for plutons in the eastern and southern Sierra Nevada Batholith, California, 1988, Bulletin 1799
- Cyclic triaxial tests of the Bootlegger Cove Formation, Anchorage, Alaska, 1988, Bulletin 1825
- The Upper Cretaceous ammonite Watinoceras Warren in the Western Interior of the United States, 1988, Bulletin 1788
- Liquefaction potential in the central Mississippi Valley, 1988, Bulletin 1832
- Lithological, geotechnical properties analysis, and geophysical log interpretation of U.S. Geological Survey drill holes IC-79, 2C-80, CW 81-2, and CE 82-1, Tyonek Formation, Upper Cook Inlet region, Alaska, 1988, Bulletin 1835
- Mineral resources of the High Rock Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Washoe County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1707 D
- Mineral resources of the Orocopia Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Riverside County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1710 E
- Geology and resource appraisal of the Felix coal deposit, Powder River basin, Wyoming: A research project with the People's Republic of China, 1988, Bulletin 1818
- New potassium-argon ages, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of upper Cenozoic volcanic rocks near Blackfoot, Idaho, 1988, Bulletin 1806
- Analyses of four Inceptisols of Holocene age, east-central Alabama, 1988, Bulletin 1589 C
- Mineral resources of the Whipple Mountains and Whipple Mountains Addition Wilderness Study Areas, San Bernardino County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1713 D
- Shallow stratigraphy of the New England continental margin, 1988, Bulletin 1767
- Mineral resources of the Organ Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1735 D
- Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous) biostratigraphy, facies, and microfossils, Pedregosa Basin, southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1826
- Stacked crystalline thrust sheets and episodes of regional metamorphism in northeastern Georgia and northwestern South Carolina — A reinterpretation, 1988, Bulletin 1822
- Mineral resources of the Gila Lower Box Wilderness Study Area, Grant and Hidalgo counties, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1735 A
- Mineral resources of the Rincon Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1740 E
- Mineral resources of the Lower John Day and Thirtymile Wilderness Study Areas, Sherman and Gilliam Counties, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1743 A
- Mineral resources of the North Pole Ridge Wilderness Study Area, Sherman and Gilliam Counties, Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1743 B
- The Paxton Group of southeastern New England, 1988, Bulletin 1814
- Surficial geology of the Sheridan 30' X 60' quadrangle, Wyoming and Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1816
- Mineral resources of the Big Hatchet Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1735 C
- Mineral resources of the Steep Creek Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Utah, and the Escalante Canyons Tract V, Kane County, Utah, 1988, Bulletin 1747 B
- Mineral resources of the Mormon Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1729 B
- Mineral resources of the Little Humboldt River Wilderness Study Area, Elko County, Nevada, 1988, Bulletin 1732 B
- Mineral resources of the Horse Mountain and Continental Divide Wilderness Study Areas, Catron County, New Mexico, 1988, Bulletin 1734 C
- Landslide processes in Utah: observation and theory, 1988, Bulletin 1842
- Geology and resources of gold in the United States, 1988, Bulletin 1857
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: San Juan Basin, 1988, Bulletin 1808
- Breccia pipes in northern Arizona, 1988, Bulletin 1683
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: South-central Oregon, 1988, Bulletin 1738
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: northern Wyoming, 1988, Bulletin 1756
- Mineral resources of the Turtle Mountains Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1988, Bulletin 1713 B
- Bedrock geology of the Vipond Park 15-minute, Stine Mountain 7 1/2-minute, and Maurice Mountain 7 1/2-minute quadrangles, Pioneer Mountains, Beaverhead County, Montana, 1988, Bulletin 1625
- The Morgan Hill, California, earthquake of April 24, 1984, 1987, Bulletin 1639
- Mineral resources of the Gooding City of Rocks East and West Wilderness Study Areas, Gooding County, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1721 A
- Primary textures in experimentally formed oolite cross-strata, 1987, Bulletin 1670
- Age relations between soils and geology in the coastal plain of Maryland and Virginia, 1987, Bulletin 1589 A
- The Beringian ancestry of Phenacomys (Rodentia: Cricetidae) and the beginning of the modern Arctic Ocean borderland biota, 1987, Bulletin 1687
- The Betsie Shale Member; a datum for exploration and stratigraphic analysis of the lower part of the Pennsylvanian in the Central Appalachian Basin, 1987, Bulletin 1834
- Contributions to mineral resources research, 1984, 1987, Bulletin 1694
- Methods for geochemical analysis, 1987, Bulletin 1770
- Mineral resources of the Big Horn Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Maricopa County, Arizona, 1987, Bulletin 1701 A
- Mineral resources of the American Flats Wilderness Study Area, Ouray and Hinsdale counties, Colorado, 1987, Bulletin 1715 A
- Mineral Resources of the Antelope Wilderness Study Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1731 E
- Mineral resources of the Bad Lands Wilderness Study Area, Elko County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1725 A
- Mineral resources of the Bull Canyon Wilderness study area, Moffat County, Colorado, and Uintah County, Utah, 1987, Bulletin 1714 A
- Mineral resources of the Black Rock Desert Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1726 E
- Mineral resources of the Black Rock Wilderness Study Area, Graham County, Arizona, 1987, Bulletin 1703 C
- Mineral resources of the Blue Eagle Wilderness Study Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1731 D
- Mineral resources of the Cinder Cones Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1712 B
- Mineral resources of the Blue Lakes Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1726 D
- Mineral resources of the Bluebell and Goshute Peak Wilderness Study Areas, Elko County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1725 C
- Mineral resources of the Bristol/Granite Mountains Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1712 C
- Mineral resources of the Desatoya Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Churchill and Lander counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1727 A
- Mineral resources of the Fishhooks Wilderness Study Area, Graham County, Arizona, 1987, Bulletin 1703 A
- Mineral resources of the Fort Piute Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1713 C
- Mineral resources of the Funeral Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Inyo County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1709 A
- Mineral resources of the East Fork High Rock Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Washoe and Humboldt counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1707 B
- Mineral resources of the Indian Pass and Picacho Peak Wilderness Study Areas, Imperial County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1711 A
- Mineral resources of the Jacumba (In-ko-pah) Wilderness Study Area, Imperial County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1711 D
- Mineral resources of the Greenwater Valley Wilderness Study Area, Inyo County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1709 B
- Mineral resources of the Hell's Half Acre Wilderness Study Area, Bingham and Bonneville counties, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1718 A
- Mineral resources of the Little High Rock Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt and Washoe counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1707 C
- Mineral resources of the Little Jacks Creek, Big Jacks Creek, and Duncan Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1720 A
- Mineral resources of the High Rock Lake Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1707 A
- Mineral resources of the High Steens and Little Blitzen Gorge Wilderness Study Areas, Harney County, Oregon, 1987, Bulletin 1740 A
- Mineral resources of the Needles Eye Wilderness Study Area, Gila County, Arizona, 1987, Bulletin 1703 B
- Mineral resources of the Newberry Mountains and Rodman Mountains Wilderness Study Areas, San Bernardino County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1712 A
- Mineral resources of the Nopah Range Wilderness Study Area, Inyo County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1709 C
- Mineral resources of the Lower Burro Creek Wilderness Study Area, Mohave and Yavapai counties, Arizona, 1987, Bulletin 1701 B
- Mineral Resources of the Morey and Fandango Wilderness Study Areas, Nye County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1731 A
- Mineral resources of the King Hill Creek Wilderness Study Area, Elmore County, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1721 B
- Mineral resources of the Kingston Range Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1709 D
- Mineral resources of the Owyhee Canyon and South Fork Owyhee River Wilderness Study Areas, Elko County, Nevada, and Owyhee County, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1719 F
- Mineral resources of the Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Malheur County, Oregon, 1987, Bulletin 1719 E
- Mineral resources of the Owyhee River Canyon and Deep Creek-Owyhee River Wilderness Study Areas, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1719 D
- Mineral resources of the Morongo Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1710 B
- Mineral resources of the Redcloud Peak and Handies Peak Wilderness Study Areas, Hinsdale County, Colorado, 1987, Bulletin 1715 B
- Mineral resources of the Park Range Wilderness Study Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1731 F
- Mineral resources of the Pueblo Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Harney County, Oregon, and Humboldt County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1740 B
- Mineral resources of the Pahute Peak Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1726 C
- Mineral resources of the South Jackson Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1726 B
- Mineral resources of the Rough Hills Wilderness Study Area, Elko County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1725 D
- Mineral resources of the Sabinoso Wilderness Study Area, San Miguel County, New Mexico, 1987, Bulletin 1733 A
- Mineral resources of the Sand Butte Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Idaho, and the Raven's Eye Wilderness Study Area, Blaine and Lincoln counties, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1721 C
- Mineral resources of the Sawtooth Mountains and Carrizo Gorge/Eastern McCain Valley Wilderness Study Areas, San Diego County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1711 B
- Mineral resources of the South Pequop Wilderness Study Area, Elko County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1725 B
- Mineral resources of the Southern Inyo Wilderness Study Area, Inyo County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1705 B
- Mineral resources of the Terry Badlands Wilderness Study Area, Prairie and Custer counties, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1722 B
- Mineral resources of the Upper Deep Creek Wilderness Study Area, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1987, Bulletin 1719 G
- Petrographic and scanning electron microscope studies of samples from the Roberts Mountains and Popovich formations, Carlin Mine area, Eureka County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1684
- Petroleum geology of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, northeastern Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1778
- Multispectral Landsat images of Antarctica, 1987, Bulletin 1696
- Significant metalliferous lode deposits and placer districts of Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1786
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1987, Bulletin 1664
- Shorter contributions to paleontology and stratigraphy, 1987, 1987, Bulletin 1690
- United States earthquakes, 1983, 1987, Bulletin 1698
- Miocene marine diatoms from the Kirkwood Formation, Atlantic County, New Jersey, 1987, Bulletin 1769
- White mica geochemistry of the Catheart Mountain porphyry copper deposit, Maine, 1987, Bulletin 1803
- A resource assessment of copper and nickel sulfides within the Mountain View area of the Stillwater Complex, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1674 B
- Oligocene marine diatoms recovered in dredge samples from the Navarin Basin Province, Bering Sea, 1987, Bulletin 1765
- Holocene alpine soils in gneissic cirque deposits, Colorado Front Range, 1987, Bulletin 1590 E
- Geology and geomorphology of the southwestern Moenkopi Plateau and southern Ward Terrace, Arizona, 1987, Bulletin 1672
- SEISRISK III; a computer program for seismic hazard estimation, 1987, Bulletin 1772
- Mineral resources of the Honeycomb Buttes Wilderness Study Area, Fremont and Sweetwater counties, Wyoming, 1987, Bulletin 1757 B
- Mineral resources of the Sand Dunes Wilderness Study Area, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1987, Bulletin 1757 A
- Mineral resources of the Farlin Creek Wilderness Study Area, Beaverhead County, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1724 C
- Mineral resources of the Blacktail Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Beaverhead County, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1724 B
- Mineral resources of the Ruby Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Madison County, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1724 A
- Ammonite faunas of the Sarten Sandstone (Cretaceous), Luna County, New Mexico, 1987, Bulletin 1641 B
- Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphic and structural framework near Hopewell, Virginia, 1987, Bulletin 1567
- Sandstone composition of the Valdez and Orca groups, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1774
- Uranium in the Monterey formation of California, 1987, Bulletin 1581 A
- Conceptual design for the National Water Information System, 1987, Bulletin 1792
- Sedimentology and paleogeographic significance of six fluvial sandstone bodies in the Maroon Formation, Eagle Basin, northwest Colorado. Sedimentology of an Eolian sandstone from the Middle Pennsylvanian Eagle Valley Evaporite, Eagle Basin, northwest Colorado. Burial reconstruction of the Early and Middle Pennsylvanian Belden Formation, Gilman area, Eagle Basin, northwest Colorado, 1987, Bulletin 1787 A-C
- Mineral resources of the Honeycombs Wilderness Study Area, Malheur County, Oregon, 1987, Bulletin 1741 A
- Mineral resources of the Mount Grafton Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and White Pine counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1728 F
- Mineral resources of the Weepah Spring Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and Nye counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1728 E
- Mineral resources of the Parsnip Peak Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1728 D
- Mineral resources of the Far South Egans Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and Nye Counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1728 C
- Geology of the Stensgar Mountain Quadrangle, Stevens County, Washington, 1987, Bulletin 1679
- Mikroskopicheskoe opredelenie prozrachnykh mineralov, 1987, Bulletin 1627
- Resources of low-volatile bituminous coal and semianthracite in west-central Arkansas, 1978, 1987, Bulletin 1632
- Soils developed in granitic alluvium near Merced, California, 1987, Bulletin 1590 A
- Mineral resources of the Burnt Lodge Wilderness Study Area, Phillips and Valley counties, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1722 A
- Mineral resources of the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Delta, Mesa, and Montrose counties, Colorado, 1987, Bulletin 1736 A
- The geologic story of Yosemite National Park, 1987, Bulletin 1595
- Mineral resources of the Little Rockies Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Utah, 1987, Bulletin 1751 A
- Mineral resources of the Mt. Stirling Wilderness Study Area, Clark and Nye counties, Nevada, 1987, Bulletin 1730 B
- Mineral resources of the Fish Creek Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Imperial County, California, 1987, Bulletin 1711 C
- Middle Eocene dicotyledonous plants from Republic, northeastern Washington, 1987, Bulletin 1597
- Mineral resources of the Rich Hole Roadless Area, Alleghany and Rockbridge counties, Virginia, 1987, Bulletin 1667
- Regional thermal metamorphism and deformation of the Sitka Graywacke, southern Baranof Island, southeastern Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1779
- Rare-earth-element compositions of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Southern Rocky Mountains and adjacent areas, 1987, Bulletin 1668
- Mineral resources of the Pinnacles Wilderness Contiguous Wilderness Study Area, Monterey and San Benito counties, California, 1987, Bulletin 1705 C
- Trace elements in magnetic concentrates from stream sediments in southwestern New Mexico: A potential tool for reconnaissance geochemical exploration in arid lands, 1987, Bulletin 1566
- Evaluating coinciding anomalies along a fault trace or other traverse; simulations and statistical procedures, 1987, Bulletin 1802
- The shelf-slope transition — Canyon and upper slope sedimentary processes on the southern margin of Georges Bank, 1987, Bulletin 1782
- The Livingston Formation in the Madison Range of southwestern Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1665
- Petrology and sedimentology of the Horlick Formation (Lower Devonian), Ohio Range, Transantarctic Mountains, 1987, Bulletin 1780
- Newly located occurrences of lode gold near Table Mountain, Circle Quadrangle, Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1682
- The muPETROL expert system for classifying world sedimentary basins, 1987, Bulletin 1810
- Mount Whitney quadrangle, Inyo and Tulare counties, California— Analytic data, 1987, Bulletin 1760
- Stratigraphy of the Owens Valley Group (Permian), southern Inyo Mountains, California, 1987, Bulletin 1692
- Pennsylvanian and Permian stratigraphy of the northern Argus Range and Darwin Canyon area, California, 1987, Bulletin 1691
- Depositional environments of the White Rim Sandstone Member of the Permian Cutler Formation, Canyonlands National Park, Utah, 1987, Bulletin 1592
- Composition of primary postcumulus amphibole and phlogopite within an olivine cumulate in the Stillwater Complex, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1674 A
- The Logan Plateau, a young physiographic region in West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee, 1987, Bulletin 1620
- Mineral resources of the Ojito and Cabezon Wilderness Study Areas, Sandoval County, New Mexico, 1987, Bulletin 1733 B
- Mineral resources of the Mount Zirkel Wilderness and northern Park Range vicinity, Jackson and Routt counties, Colorado, 1987, Bulletin 1554
- Slope stability in the Marietta area, Washington County, southeastern Ohio, 1987, Bulletin 1695
- Experimental engineering-geologic and environmental-geologic maps of the conterminous United States, 1987, Bulletin 1610
- Geology and metallogeny of Archean and Proterozoic basement terranes in the northern midcontinent, U.S.A.; an overview, 1987, Bulletin 1815
- Seismological aspects of the 1976 eruptions of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1768
- Gypsic soils on the Kane alluvial fans, Big Horn County, Wyoming, 1987, Bulletin 1590 C
- Soils in granitic alluvium in humid and semiarid climates along Rock Creek, Carbon County, Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1590 D
- Petrography, chemistry, and geologic history of Yantarni Volcano, Aleutian volcanic arc, Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1761
- Mineral resources of the Antelope Wilderness Study Area, Socorro County, New Mexico, 1987, Bulletin 1734 B
- Mineral resources of the Jornada del Muerto Wilderness Study Area, Socorro and Sierra counties, New Mexico, 1987, Bulletin 1734 A
- Depositional environments of coal-bearing and associated formations of Cretaceous age in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 1987, Bulletin 1575
- Stratigraphic notes, 1985-86, 1987, Bulletin 1775 A
- Processing and analysis of commercial satellite image data of the nuclear accident near Chernobyl, U.S.S.R., 1987, Bulletin 1785
- The viscosity of synthetic and natural silicate melts and glasses at high temperatures and 1 bar (105 pascals) pressure and at higher pressures, 1987, Bulletin 1764
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: Southwestern Montana, 1987, Bulletin 1724
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: southern Wyoming, 1987, Bulletin 1757
- Evolution of sedimentary basins: Uinta and Piceance Basins, 1987, Bulletin 1787
- Lake Eleanor Quadrangle, central Sierra Nevada, California; analytical data, 1986, Bulletin 1585
- Mineral resources of the La Madre Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Clark County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1730 A
- Palynology and stratigraphy of Cretaceous and Pleistocene sediments on Long Island, New York; a basis for correlation with New Jersey coastal plain sediments, 1986, Bulletin 1559
- The chemistry of fruits and vegetables, Yakima River Valley, Washington, and the influence of the 1980 Mount St. Helens ash fall episodes, 1986, Bulletin 1640
- Annotated bibliography of studies on the geology, geochemistry, mineral resources, and geophysical character of the early Mesozoic basins of the eastern United States, 1880-1984, 1986, Bulletin 1688
- Platinum-group elements in magnetic concentrates from the Goodnews Bay District, Alaska, 1986, Bulletin 1660
- Distribution of minor elements in the Rodeo Creek NE and Welches Canyon quadrangles, Eureka County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1657
- Basement-rock correlations across the White Wolf-Breckenridge-southern Kern Canyon fault zone, southern Sierra Nevada, California, 1986, Bulletin 1651
- The muPROSPECTOR mineral consultant system : a microcomputer- based expert system for regional mineral resource evaluation, 1986, Bulletin 1697
- Soils developed on coastal and fluvial terraces near Ventura, California, 1986, Bulletin 1590 B
- Setting of a magmatic sulfide occurrence in a dismembered ophiolite, southwestern Oregon, 1986, Bulletin 1626 A
- Geologic studies of the lower Cook Inlet COST No. 1 well, Alaska outer continental shelf, 1986, Bulletin 1596
- Mineral resources of the Castle Peaks Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1986, Bulletin 1713 A
- Petrology of metamorphosed chromite-bearing ultramafic rocks from the Red Lodge District, Montana, 1986, Bulletin 1626 B
- Stratigraphic framework and correlation of the Tertiary lignite-bearing formations from southeast Missouri to the Fort Pillow test well of west Tennessee, 1986, Bulletin 1644
- Reference samples in geology and geochemistry, 1986, Bulletin 1582
- Mineral resources of the Bull Gulch Wilderness Study Area, Eagle County, Colorado, 1986, Bulletin 1717 C
- Mineral resources of the White Rock Range Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Nevada, and Beaver and Iron counties, Utah, 1986, Bulletin 1728 B
- Mineral resources of the Little Owyhee River Wilderness study area, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1986, Bulletin 1719 C
- Geology and mineral-resource potential of Seven Roadless Areas in the Apalachicola National Forest, Liberty County, Florida, 1986, Bulletin 1587
- Mineral resource potential and geology of the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming with a section on salable commodities, 1986, Bulletin 1580
- Mineral resources of the South Reveille Wilderness Study Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1731 C
- Mineral resources of the Dos Cabezas Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Cochise County, Arizona, 1986, Bulletin 1703 D
- Geology of the Marshall Quadrangle, Fauquier County, Virginia, 1986, Bulletin 1560
- Pleistocene glacial-lake deposits of the Sanpoil River valley, northeastern Washington, 1986, Bulletin 1661
- Geology and geochemistry of the upper Miocene phosphate deposit near New Cuyama, Santa Barbara County, California, 1986, Bulletin 1635
- Slope movements in the Warren-Allegheny Reservoir area, northwestern Pennsylvania, 1986, Bulletin 1650
- JKDIGIT, a program to control a digitizing board for geologists, written in BASIC for an IBM Personal Computer, 1986, Bulletin 1616
- Distribution of economic heavy minerals in sediments of Saco Bay, Maine, 1986, Bulletin 1681
- Mineral Resources of the Warm Springs Wilderness Study Area, Mohave County, Arizona, 1986, Bulletin 1737 F
- Mineral resources of the Browns Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Chaffee County, Colorado, 1986, Bulletin 1716 C
- Age and correlation of Cretaceous rocks previously assigned to the Morrison(?) Formation, Sanpete-Sevier Valley area, central Utah, 1986, Bulletin 1584
- Soil development and its relation to the ages of morphostratigraphic units in Horry County, South Carolina, 1986, Bulletin 1589 B
- Engineering geology of the Government Hill area, Anchorage, Alaska, 1986, Bulletin 1588
- The geology of west-central Baja California Sur, Mexico, 1986, Bulletin 1579
- Petrogenesis of the ultramafic complex at the Blashke Islands, southeastern Alaska, 1986, Bulletin 1662
- Mineral resources of the North Fork Owyhee River Wilderness Study Area, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1986, Bulletin 1719 A
- Lithologic, geotechnical, and geophysical data for drill hole CE-82-1, Chuitna East coal field, Cook Inlet region, Alaska, 1986, Bulletin 1637
- Applications of U.S. Geological Survey digital cartographic products, 1979-1983, 1986, Bulletin 1583
- Subsea mineral resources, 1986, Bulletin 1689 A
- Mineral resources of the Papa Keal and Zapata Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Alamosa County, Colorado, 1986, Bulletin 1716 D
- Mineral resources, geology, and geophysics of the Worthington Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1728 A
- Mineral resources of the eastern part of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Custer and Blaine counties, Idaho, 1986, Bulletin 1545
- Geology and mineralogy of the Apex germanium-gallium mine, Washington County, Utah, 1986, Bulletin 1577
- Mineral resources of the Owens Peak Wilderness study area, Tulare and Kern counties, California, 1986, Bulletin 1705 A
- Geologic and grade-tonnage information on Tertiary epithermal precious- and base-metal vein districts associated with volcanic rocks, 1986, Bulletin 1666
- A study of rock stresses and engineering geology in quarries of the Barre Granite of Vermont, 1986, Bulletin 1593
- Mineral resources of the Eagle Mountain Wilderness Study Area, Pitkin County, Colorado, 1986, Bulletin 1717 B
- Late Wisconsinan glacial history of northeastern Wisconsin and western upper Michigan, 1986, Bulletin 1652
- Lexicon of new formal geologic names of the United States, 1976-1980, 1986, Bulletin 1564
- Mineral deposit models, 1986, Bulletin 1693
- Shorter contributions to isotope research, 1986, Bulletin 1622
- Mineral resources of the Pit River Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Lassen County, California, 1986, Bulletin 1706 E
- Micropaleontology and sedimentology of the PB borehole series, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 1986, Bulletin 1598
- Studies in diagenesis, 1986, Bulletin 1578
- Mineral resources of the North Fork of the Little Humboldt River Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1732 A
- Geochemical reconnaissance of late Proterozoic volcanic and mafic plutonic rocks of the Al'Awshaziyah Quadrangle and related rocks in the Qufar Quadrangle, Northern Arabian Shield, 1986, Bulletin 1680
- Mineral resources of the Battle Creek, Yatahoney Creek, and Juniper Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Owyhee County, Idaho, 1986, Bulletin 1719 B
- Field and laboratory procedures used in a soil chronosequence study, 1986, Bulletin 1648
- Mineral resources of the Roberts Wilderness Study Area, Eureka County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1731 K
- Coal geology and coal, oil, and gas resources of the Erie and Frederick quadrangles, Boulder and Weld counties, Colorado, 1986, Bulletin 1619
- Mineral resources of the Beaver Creek Wilderness Study Area, Fremont, El Paso, and Teller counties, Colorado, 1986, Bulletin 1716 B
- Mineral resources of the Mount Limbo Wilderness Study Area, Pershing County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1726 A
- Mineral resources of the Palisade Mesa and the Wall Wilderness Study Areas, Nye County, Nevada, 1986, Bulletin 1731 B
- Sea-floor observations and subbottom seismic characteristics of OAK and KOA craters, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1986, Bulletin 1678
- Mineral resources of wilderness study areas: east-central Nevada and part of adjacent Beaver County, Utah, 1986, Bulletin 1728
- Stratigraphic notes, 1984, 1985, Bulletin 1605 A
- Basalts from the 1877 submarine eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawaii; new data on the variation of palagonitization rate with temperature, 1985, Bulletin 1663
- Mineral resources of the Chama-southern San Juan Mountains wilderness study area, Mineral, Rio Grande, Archuleta, and Conejos Counties, Colorado, 1985, Bulletin 1524
- Summary of the geology, economic aspects, and geochemistry of the Schwartzwalder uranium-bearing area, Ralston Buttes District, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1985, Bulletin 1555
- Reproducibility of the K-Ar ages of rocks and minerals; an empirical approach, 1985, Bulletin 1654
- Symposium on the geology and mineral deposits of the Challis 1° x 2° quadrangle, Idaho, 1985, Bulletin 1658 A-S
- Mineral resources of the El Paso Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Kern County, California, 1985, Bulletin 1708 C
- Mineral resources of the Golden Valley Wilderness Study Area, San Bernardino County, California, 1985, Bulletin 1708 D
- Characteristics and availability of data from Earth-imaging satellites, 1985, Bulletin 1631
- Nodules of diagenetic barite in Upper Devonian shales of western New York, 1985, Bulletin 1653
- The Prichard Formation of the lower part of the Belt Supergroup (Middle Proterozoic), near Plains, Sanders County, Montana, 1985, Bulletin 1553
- Mineral resources of the Inyo Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Inyo County, California, 1985, Bulletin 1708 A
- Computer-assisted map projection research, 1985, Bulletin 1629
- Mineral resources of the Owens Peak and Little Lake Canyon Wilderness Study Areas, Inyo and Kern counties, California, 1985, Bulletin 1708 B
- Mineral resources of the Black Canyon and South Piney Creek Wilderness Study Areas, Saguache County, Colorado, 1985, Bulletin 1716 A
- Major tectonic features and structural elements in the northwest part of the Greenville Quadrangle, Georgia, 1985, Bulletin 1643
- Mineral resources of the Palen-McCoy Wilderness Study Area, Riverside County, California, 1985, Bulletin 1710 A
- The Eocene Tallahatta Formation of Alabama and Georgia; its lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and bearing on the age of the Claibornian stage, 1985, Bulletin 1615
- Meromictic lakes and varved lake sediments in North America, 1985, Bulletin 1607
- Cassiterite occurrences in the Shelby area, North and South Carolina, 1985, Bulletin 1569
- Tectonic setting and lithology of the Winterhaven Formation; a new Mesozoic stratigraphic unit in southeasternmost California and southwestern Arizona, 1985, Bulletin 1599
- Reconnaissance geology and geologic hazards of the offshore Coos Bay basin, Oregon, 1985, Bulletin 1645
- Changes in the nomenclature and stratigraphy of Proterozoic metamorphic rocks, Tusas Mountains, north-central New Mexico, 1985, Bulletin 1571
- Significance of tourmaline-rich rocks in the Grenville Complex of St. Lawrence County, New York, 1985, Bulletin 1626 C
- The Red Bluff Pediment; a datum plane for locating Quaternary structures in the Sacramento Valley, California, 1985, Bulletin 1628
- Structure of pre-Cenozoic rocks in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada: A potential nuclear-waste disposal site, 1985, Bulletin 1647
- Geology of the Nanushuk Group and related rocks, North Slope, Alaska, 1985, Bulletin 1614
- High-alumina hydrothermal systems in volcanic rocks and their significance to mineral prospecting in the Carolina slate belt, 1985, Bulletin 1562
- United States earthquakes, 1982, 1985, Bulletin 1655
- Geologic characteristics of sediment- and volcanic-hosted disseminated gold deposits - Search for an occurrence model, 1985, Bulletin 1646
- The Lower Cretaceous ammonite Schloenbachia leonensis Conrad var. equidistans Cragin, 1985, Bulletin 1641 A
- Mineral resources of the Hack Lake Wilderness Study Area, Garfield County, Colorado, 1985, Bulletin 1717 A
- Computer programs for common map projections, 1985, Bulletin 1642
- The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program; scientific status, 1985, Bulletin 1659
- Earthquake hazards in the offshore environment, 1985, Bulletin 1630
- Mississippian and Pennsylvanian stratigraphy in southwest Montana and adjacent Idaho, 1985, Bulletin 1656
- Geologic relationships of slope movement in northern Alabama, 1985, Bulletin 1649
- Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: north-central Colorado, 1985, Bulletin 1717
- Mineral resources of the Citico Creek Wilderness Study Area, Monroe County, Tennessee, 1984, Bulletin 1552
- The base of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in east-central Utah, 1984, Bulletin 1561
- Geochemical halos in the Silver City mining region and adjacent areas, Grant County, New Mexico, 1984, Bulletin 1534
- Slade and Paragon formations; new stratigraphic nomenclature for Mississippian rocks along the Cumberland Escarpment in Kentucky, 1984, Bulletin 1605 B
- Proterozoic geology of the Brady Butte area, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1984, Bulletin 1548
- Storm-induced slope movements at East Brady, northwestern Pennsylvania, 1984, Bulletin 1618
- Metal uptake by young conifer trees, 1984, Bulletin 1617
- An assessment of the mineral resource potential of the San Isabel National Forest, south-central Colorado with a section on salable minerals, 1984, Bulletin 1638
- Tertiary stratigraphy of the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1984, Bulletin 1529 J
- Engineering geology and design of slopes for Cretaceous Potomac deposits in Fairfax County, Virginia, and vicinity, 1984, Bulletin 1556
- Sand-calcite crystals from Garfield County, Utah, 1984, Bulletin 1606
- Mineral resources of the Charles Sheldon Wilderness Study Area, Humboldt and Washoe Counties, Nevada, and Lake and Harney Counties, Oregon, 1984, Bulletin 1538
- White clays of Pennsylvania, 1984, Bulletin 1558 D
- New names for units in the lower part of the Green River Formation, Piceance Creek basin, Colorado, 1984, Bulletin 1529 I
- Geological and geophysical studies of chromite deposits in the Josephine Peridotite, northwestern California and southwestern Oregon, 1984, Bulletin 1546 A-D
- Porvenir Formation (new name)— And other revisions of nomenclature of Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Lower Permian rocks, southeastern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, 1984, Bulletin 1537 B
- Uppermost Oligocene and lowermost Miocene ash-flow tuffs of western Nevada, 1984, Bulletin 1557
- Atlas of tidal elevation and current observations on the Northeast American continental shelf and slope, 1984, Bulletin 1611
- Reconnaissance geology of southern Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1984, Bulletin 1609
- Environmental geologic studies of the Kaiparowits coal-basin area, Utah, 1984, Bulletin 1601
- Mariposa Quadrangle, Mariposa and Madera counties, California; analytic data, 1984, Bulletin 1613
- Distribution of clay minerals in the suspended and bottom sediments from the northern Bering Sea shelf area, Alaska, 1984, Bulletin 1624
- Analytical data for a suite of granitoid rocks from the Basin and Range Province, 1984, Bulletin 1602
- Contributions to the geology of mineral deposits, 1984, Bulletin 1558 A-B
- Gold in the Black Pine mining district, southeast Cassia County, Idaho, 1984, Bulletin 1382 E
- Three USGS mafic rock references samples, W-2, DNC-1, and BIR-1, 1984, Bulletin 1623
- A laboratory-scale magnetohydrostatic separator and its application to mineralogic problems, 1984, Bulletin 1541
- Stratigraphic nomenclature for the upper Devonian and lower Mississippian(?) Kanayut conglomerate, Brooks Range, Alaska, 1984, Bulletin 1529 A
- The routine mineralogical analysis of clay-bearing samples, 1984, Bulletin 1563
- Microscopic determination of the nonopaque minerals, 1984, Bulletin 1627
- Geochemical features and 40Ar/39Ar age of tholeiitic and mafic-alkalic dikes in Aroostook County, northeastern Maine, 1984, Bulletin 1612
- Ball clay and bentonite deposits of the central and western Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain, United States, 1984, Bulletin 1558 C
- Precambrian deposits of zinc-copper-lead sulfides and zinc spinel (gahnite) in Colorado, 1984, Bulletin 1550
- Stratigraphic notes, 1983, 1984, Bulletin 1537 A
- Submarine canyon deposits, central California coast, and their possible relation to an Eocene low sea-level stand, 1984, Bulletin 1539
- Geology along the northwest border zone of the Idaho batholith, northern Idaho, 1984, Bulletin 1608
- The new characteristic analysis (NCHARAN) program, 1984, Bulletin 1621
- Remote monitoring of processes that shape desert surfaces; the Desert Winds project, 1984, Bulletin 1634
- Mineral resources of the Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness Study Area and vicinity, Alaska, 1984, Bulletin 1525
- Submersed aquatic plants of the tidal Potomac River, 1983, Bulletin 1543
- Paleozoic rocks in the Black Pine Mountains, Cassia County, Idaho, 1983, Bulletin 1536
- Summit Island Formation, a new Upper Cretaceous formation in southwestern Alaska, 1983, Bulletin 1529 B
- Las Animas Formation (upper Precambrian) in the subsurface of southeastern Colorado, 1983, Bulletin 1529 G
- Mineral resources of the Cougar Lakes-Mount Aix Study Area, Yakima and Lewis Counties, Washington, 1983, Bulletin 1504
- The classical chemical analysis of silicate rocks; the old and the new, 1983, Bulletin 1547
- The Fishburne Formation (lower Eocene), a newly defined subsurface unit in the South Carolina coastal plain, 1983, Bulletin 1537 C
- The Kern River Formation, southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1983, Bulletin 1529 D
- Land use/land cover and environmental photointerpretation keys, 1983, Bulletin 1600
- Garnets in Montana diatremes; a key to prospecting for kimberlites, 1983, Bulletin 1604
- Mineral resources of the Rock River Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Alger County, Michigan, 1983, Bulletin 1549
- Graywacke of Buchia Ridge and correlative Lower Cretaceous rocks in the Goodnews Bay and Bethel quadrangles, southwestern Alaska, 1983, Bulletin 1529 C
- Mineral resources of the Caney Creek Wilderness, Polk County, Arkansas, 1983, Bulletin 1551
- Geology of Nimba County, Liberia, 1983, Bulletin 1540
- Mineral resources of the North Absaroka Wilderness Study Area, Park and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana, 1983, Bulletin 1505
- Mineral resources of the Craggy Mountain wilderness study area and extension, Buncombe County, North Carolina, 1982, Bulletin 1515
- Age of the Coso Formation, Inyo County, California, 1982, Bulletin 1527
- Fluorine in a closed drainage basin, Saguache and Alamosa Counties, Colorado, 1982, Bulletin 1533
- Mineral resources of the Minarets Wilderness and adjacent areas, Madera and Mono counties, California, 1982, Bulletin 1516 A-D
- Cenozoic rocks in the Barstow basin area of southern California: Stratigraphic relations, radiometric ages, and paleomagnetism, 1982, Bulletin 1529 E
- Stratigraphic notes, 1980-1982, 1982, Bulletin 1529 H
- The Vincent thrust, eastern San Gabriel Mountains, California, 1982, Bulletin 1507
- Mineral resources of the Sheep Mountain Wilderness study area and the Cucamonga Wilderness and additions, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, California, 1982, Bulletin 1506 A-E
- Pleistocene(?) and Holocene fluvial history of Uphapee Creek, Macon County, Alabama, 1982, Bulletin 1522
- A review of the Proteutheria and Insectivora of the Willwood Formation (Lower Eocene), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, 1982, Bulletin 1523
- Chemical analyses and physical properties of 12 coal samples from the Pocahontas field, Tazewell County, Virginia, and McDowell County, West Virginia, 1982, Bulletin 1528
- Map projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Bulletin 1532
- Thermodynamic properties of selected minerals in the system Al2O3-CaO-SiO2-H2O at 298.15 K and 1 bar (105 Pascals) pressure and at higher temperatures, 1982, Bulletin 1544
- Mineral resources of the Big Frog Wilderness Study Area and additions, Polk County, Tennessee and Fannin County, Georgia, 1982, Bulletin 1531
- Index of generic names of fossil plants, 1974-1978 : based on the Compendium index of paleobotany of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Bulletin 1517
- The role of clays in fixing lithium, 1982, Bulletin 1278 F
- Lower Cretaceous Mount Pablo formation, northwestern Montana, 1982, Bulletin 1502 D
- Coal geology of Adams, Blaine, Richardson, and Sitka quadrangles, Kentucky, and Louisa quadrangle, Kentucky-West Virginia, 1982, Bulletin 1526
- Mineral resources of proposed additions to the Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area, California, 1982, Bulletin 1514
- Mineral resources of the Mill Creek, Mountain Lake, and Peters Mountain Wilderness Study Areas, Craig and Giles Counties, Virginia, and Monroe County, West Virginia, with a section on oil and gas potential, 1982, Bulletin 1510
- Mineral resources of the Rincon wilderness study area, Pima County, Arizona, 1981, Bulletin 1500
- Geology, geochemistry, and regional resource implications of a stratabound sphalerite occurrence in the northwest Adirondacks, New York, 1981, Bulletin 1519
- Stratigraphy of the Chattanooga Shale (Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian) in vicinity of Big Stone Gap, Wise County, Virginia, with a section on petrology, 1981, Bulletin 1499
- Mineral resources of the Cranberry Wilderness study area, Webster and Pocahontas counties, West Virginia, with sections on peat resources, oil and gas potential, and geochemical survey, 1981, Bulletin 1494
- Lexicon of geologic names of the United States for 1968-1975, 1981, Bulletin 1520
- Mineral resources of the Lone Peak wilderness study area, Utah and Salt Lake counties, Utah, with a section on interpretation of aeromagnetic data, 1981, Bulletin 1491
- Geologic names of the United States through 1975, 1981, Bulletin 1535
- Mineral resources of the Boulder-Pioneer wilderness study area, Blaine and Custer Counties, Idaho, 1981, Bulletin 1497
- The Geologic Story of Colorado National Monument, 1981, Bulletin 1508
- Mineral-resource evaluation of the Round Lake Wilderness Study Area, Price and Vilas counties, Wisconsin, 1981, Bulletin 1512
- Mineral resources of the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, Lincoln and Sanders counties, Montana, 1981, Bulletin 1501
- Mineral resources of the Snow Mountain Wilderness Study Area, California, with a section on interpretation of aeromagnetic data, 1981, Bulletin 1495
- Stratigraphy of upper Pliocene and lower Pleistocene marine and estuarine deposits of northeastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia, 1981, Bulletin 1502 B
- Mineral resources of the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness and adjacent areas, Grant County, Oregon, 1981, Bulletin 1498
- Chromite deposits in the Seiad Valley and Scott Bar quadrangles, Siskiyou County, California, 1981, Bulletin 1382 D
- Mineral resources of the Scotchman Peak Wilderness Study Area, Lincoln and Sanders counties, Montana, and Bonner County, Idaho, 1981, Bulletin 1467 A-D
- Petrology of the Eagle Sandstone, Bearpaw Mountains area, north-central Montana, 1981, Bulletin 1521
- Distribution and stratigraphic significance of foraminifera and algae in well cores from Madison Group (Mississippian), Williston Basin, Montana, 1981, Bulletin 1529 F
- Space Oblique Mercator projection mathematical development, 1981, Bulletin 1518
- Mineral resources of the Rainbow Lake Wilderness Area and the Flynn Lake Wilderness Study Area, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, 1981, Bulletin 1511
- Stratigraphic revision of the Cache Formation (Pliocene and Pleistocene), Lake County, California, 1981, Bulletin 1502 C
- Late Cenozoic stratigraphic units, northeastern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1981, Bulletin 1470
- Mineral resources of the Galiuro Wilderness and contiguous further planning areas, Arizona, 1981, Bulletin 1490
- Fission-track and K-Ar ages of natural glasses, 1980, Bulletin 1489
- Factors that localized uranium deposition in the Dakota Sandstone, Gallup and Ambrosia Lake mining districts, McKinley County, New Mexico, 1980, Bulletin 1485
- Mineral resources of the Dolly Sods Wilderness area, Grant, Randolph, and Tucker counties, West Virginia, 1980, Bulletin 1483 A
- A study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary unconformity in the Piceance Creek basin, Colorado; the underlying Ohio Creek Formation (Upper Cretaceous) redefined as a member of the Hunter Canyon or Mesaverde Formation, 1980, Bulletin 1482 B
- Potential hazards from future eruptions in the vicinity of Mount Shasta Volcano, Northern California, 1980, Bulletin 1503
- Stratigraphy, structure, and economic geology of the Iliamna Quadrangle, Alaska, 1980, Bulletin 1368 B
- The Lawson Creek Formation of middle Proterozoic age in east-central Idaho, 1980, Bulletin 1482 E
- The Togiak Basalt, a new formation in southwestern Alaska, 1980, Bulletin 1482 C
- Stratigraphic revision of upper Miocene and lower Pliocene beds of the Chesapeake Group, middle Atlantic Coastal Plain, 1980, Bulletin 1482 D
- Recent eruptive history of Mount Hood, Oregon, and potential hazards from future eruptions, 1980, Bulletin 1492
- The Marquette Range Supergroup in the Gogebic iron district, Michigan and Wisconsin, 1980, Bulletin 1460
- Fluorspar resources of Africa, 1980, Bulletin 1487
- Geology and mineral resources of the North Absaroka Wilderness and vicinity, Park County, Wyoming, with sections on mineralization of the Sunlight mining region and geology and mineralization of the Cooke City mining district, and a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1980, Bulletin 1447
- Jasperoids of the Pando Area, Eagle County, Colorado, 1980, Bulletin 1474
- Relation of the carbon/oxygen ratio in coal to igneous intrusions in the Somerset coal field, Colorado, 1980, Bulletin 1477 A
- The Facer Formation, a new early Proterozoic unit in northern Utah, 1980, Bulletin 1482 F
- Stratigraphy, preliminary petrology, and some structural features of Tertiary volcanic rocks in the Gabbs Valley and Gillis ranges, Mineral County, Nevada, 1980, Bulletin 1464
- Geology of the Karalar-Yesiller area, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey, 1980, Bulletin 1461
- Mineral resources of the Sturgeon River Wilderness Study Area, Houghton and Baraga counties, Michigan, 1980, Bulletin 1465
- The river and the rocks: The geologic story of Great Falls and the Potomac River Gorge, 1980, Bulletin 1471
- Geology of the Varney and Cameron quadrangles, Madison County, Montana, with a chapter on paleontology and correlation of the Madison Group on Baldy Mountain, 1980, Bulletin 1459
- Computer-assisted interpretation of geophysical well logs in a coal depositional environment, Illinois Basin, Kentucky, 1980, Bulletin 1509
- Geology of the Rodeo Creek NE and Welches Canyon quadrangles, Eureka County, Nevada, 1980, Bulletin 1473
- A stratigraphic test well, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 1980, Bulletin 1488
- Large and rich phosphorus resources in the Phosphoria Formation in the Soda Springs area, southeastern Idaho, 1980, Bulletin 1496
- Sapphirine in Precambrian rocks associated with stratabound sulfide deposits, Custer County, Colorado, 1980, Bulletin 1513
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, 1980, Bulletin 1502 A
- The geologic story of the Great Plains, 1980, Bulletin 1493
- Mineral resources of the Indian Peaks Study Area, Boulder and Grand counties, Colorado, with a section on interpretation of aeromagnetic data, 1980, Bulletin 1463
- The Pleistocene geology of Amchitka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1980, Bulletin 1478
- The Bambuta phosphate deposit, Liberia; a reconnaissance report, 1979, Bulletin 1480
- Mineral resources of the Gila Primitive Area and Gila Wilderness, New Mexico, 1979, Bulletin 1451
- Mineral resources of the Du Noir Addition, Washakie Wilderness, Fremont County, Wyoming, with a section on aeromagnetic survey, 1979, Bulletin 1472
- Geochemical variation in soils in the Piceance Creek basin, western Colorado, 1979, Bulletin 1479
- Mineral resources of the Beartooth Primitive Area and vicinity, Carbon, Park, Stillwater, and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana, and Park County, Wyoming, with a section on interpretation of aeromagnetic data, 1979, Bulletin 1391 F
- Revisions in stratigraphic nomenclature of the Columbia River Basalt Group, 1979, Bulletin 1457 G
- Revised stratigraphy and radiometric ages of volcanic rocks and mineral deposits in the Marysvale area, west-central Utah, 1979, Bulletin 1469
- Element concentrations toxic to plants, animals, and man, 1979, Bulletin 1466
- Bibliography of geology and hydrology, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah, 1979, Bulletin 1481
- Stratigraphic nomenclature of the central Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County, California, with a section on Age of the Conejo Volcanics, 1979, Bulletin 1457 E
- Revisions to the Cenozoic stratigraphy of Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon, 1979, Bulletin 1475
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1978, 1979, Bulletin 1482 A
- The Science Hill Sandstone Member of the Warsaw Formation and its relation to other clastic units in south-central Kentucky, 1979, Bulletin 1435 D
- The Holocene Ridgeland Formation and associated Decker Soil (new names) near Great Salt Lake, Utah, 1979, Bulletin 1457 C
- Basic concepts of computerized digital image processing for geologists, 1979, Bulletin 1462
- Mount Belknap and Red Hills calderas and associated rocks, Marysvale volcanic field, west-central Utah, 1979, Bulletin 1468
- Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Dutch Harbor Member of the Unalaska Formation, Unalaska Island, Alaska, 1979, Bulletin 1457 B
- Mineral resources of the White Mountain Wilderness and adjacent areas, Lincoln County, New Mexico, with a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1979, Bulletin 1453
- Upper Paleozoic carbonate bank in east-central Idaho: Snaky Canyon, Bluebird Mountain, and Arco Hills Formations, and their paleotectonic significance, 1979, Bulletin 1486
- Climatic implications of two pollen analyses from newly recognized rocks of latest Pliocene age in the Washburn Range, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1978, Bulletin 1455
- Thermodynamic properties of minerals and related substances at 298.15 K and 1 bar (105 pascals) pressure and at higher temperatures, 1978, Bulletin 1452
- Potential hazards from future eruptions of Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington, 1978, Bulletin 1383 C
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U. S. Geological Survey, 1977, 1978, Bulletin 1457 A
- Mercury deposits in Turkey, 1978, Bulletin 1456
- Understanding natural systems; a perspective for land-use planning in Appalachian Kentucky, 1978, Bulletin 1438
- Feasibility and cost of using a computer to prepare landslide susceptibility maps of the San Francisco Bay region, California, 1978, Bulletin 1443
- A gravity study of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Range, Alaska, 1978, Bulletin 1440
- Stratigraphic revision of the middle Eocene, Oligocene, and lower Miocene; Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina, 1978, Bulletin 1457 F
- Abandonment of the name Hartford Hill Rhyolite Tuff and adoption of new formation names for middle Tertiary ash-flow tuffs in the Carson City-Silver City area, Nevada, 1978, Bulletin 1457 D
- Geology and Thermal History of Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1978, Bulletin 1444
- Geology of the Juazohn Quadrangle, Liberia, 1978, Bulletin 1448
- Bibliography of the geology and hydrology of the Albuquerque greater urban area, Bernalillo and parts of Sandoval, Santa Fe, Socorro, Torrance, and Valencia counties, New Mexico, 1978, Bulletin 1458
- The Pliocene Conant Creek Tuff in the northern part of the Teton Range and Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1978, Bulletin 1435 C
- Neogene stratigraphy and paleontology of southern Almeria Province, Spain; an overview, 1978, Bulletin 1454
- Selected bibliography and index of earth science reports and maps relating to land-resource planning and management published by the U.S. Geological Survey through October 1976, 1978, Bulletin 1442
- Geology of the Buchanan quadrangle, Liberia, 1978, Bulletin 1449
- Geology and mineral resources of the Kuluncak-Sofular area (Malatya K-39a1 and K-39a2 quadrangles), Turkey, 1978, Bulletin 1429
- Eocene fluvial drainage patterns and their implications for uranium and hydrocarbon exploration in the Wind River basin, Wyoming, 1978, Bulletin 1446
- Rocks and mineral resources of the Wolf Creek area, Lewis and Clark and Cascade counties, Montana, 1978, Bulletin 1441
- Contributions to stratigraphy, 1978, Bulletin 1457
- Mineral resources of the La Garita Wilderness, San Juan Mountains, southwestern Colorado, with a section on geophysical interpretation, 1977, Bulletin 1420
- A manual on fire assaying and determination of the noble metals in geological materials, 1977, Bulletin 1445
- Mineral resources of the Granite Fiords Wilderness Study Area, Alaska, with a section on aeromagnetic data, 1977, Bulletin 1403
- Weak-field magnetic susceptibility anisotropy and its dynamic measurement, 1977, Bulletin 1418
- Stewart Gulch Tongue — A new tongue of the Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Creek basin, Colorado, 1977, Bulletin 1422 E
- Triassic stratigraphy in the northern part of the Culpeper Basin, Virginia and Maryland, 1977, Bulletin 1422 C
- The Permian and Triassic Seven Devils Group, western Idaho and northeastern Oregon, 1977, Bulletin 1437
- Mineral resources of the Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness, North Carolina-Tennessee, 1977, Bulletin 1416
- Mineral resources of the Ramseys Draft Wilderness Study Area, Augusta County, Virginia, 1977, Bulletin 1397 C
- The Rio Abajo, Pitahaya, and Daguao formations in eastern Puerto Rico, 1977, Bulletin 1435 B
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Needle Mountains District, southwestern Colorado, 1977, Bulletin 1434
- Mineral resources of the Jarbidge Wilderness and adjacent areas, Elko County, Nevada, with a section on interpretation of aeromagnetic data, 1977, Bulletin 1439
- The volumetric properties of aqueous sodium chloride solutions from O degrees to 500 degrees C at pressures up to 2000 bars based on a regression of available data in the literature, 1977, Bulletin 1421 C
- Geology of the Yreka Quadrangle, Siskiyou County, California, 1977, Bulletin 1436
- The Maudlow and Sedan Formations of the Upper Cretaceous Livingston Group on the west edge of the Crazy Mountains basin, Montana, 1977, Bulletin 1422 B
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1976, 1977, Bulletin 1435 A
- Geochemical exploration techniques based on distribution of selected elements in rocks, soils, and plants, Vekol porphyry copper deposit area, Pinal County, Arizona, 1977, Bulletin 1278 E
- Eocene rocks in northeast Washington: Radiometric ages and correlation, 1977, Bulletin 1433
- Geology of the Ketchikan D-1 and Bradfield Canal A-1 quadrangles, southeastern Alaska, 1977, Bulletin 1425
- Mineral resources of the proposed additions to the Scapegoat Wilderness, Powell and Lewis and Clark counties, Montana, with a section on geophysical surveys, 1977, Bulletin 1430
- Mineral resources of the Laramie Peak Study Area, Albany and Converse counties, Wyoming, with a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1977, Bulletin 1397 B
- Nomenclature of Precambrian rocks in Colorado, 1977, Bulletin 1422 D
- Geology of the Red Mountain mining district, Esmeralda County, Nevada, 1977, Bulletin 1423
- Mineral resources of study areas contiguous to the Uncompahgre Primitive Area, San Juan Mountains, southwestern Colorado, with a section on interpretation of aeromagnetic data, 1977, Bulletin 1391 E
- Reconnaissance geology of the upper St. John and Allagash River basins, Maine, 1976, Bulletin 1406
- Coal resource classification system of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey, 1976, Bulletin 1450 B
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1975, 1976, Bulletin 1422 A
- Thermodynamic properties of the coexisting phases and thermochemical properties of the NaCl component in boiling NaCl solutions, 1976, Bulletin 1421 B
- Bibliography of reports resulting from U.S. Geological Survey technical cooperation with other countries, 1967-74, 1976, Bulletin 1426
- Annotated bibliography of the geology of selenium, 1958-74, 1976, Bulletin 1419
- Bedrock geology of the Conconully Quadrangle, Okanogan County, Washington, 1976, Bulletin 1402
- Geochemical exploration techniques based on distribution of selected elements in rocks, soils, and plants, Mineral Butte copper deposit, Pinal County, Arizona, 1976, Bulletin 1278 D
- The Buffalo Peaks Andesite of central Colorado, 1976, Bulletin 1405 F
- Principles of the mineral resource classification system of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey, 1976, Bulletin 1450 A
- Geology of the Michaud and Pocatello quadrangles, Bannock and Power counties, Idaho, 1976, Bulletin 1400
- Mineral resources of the Eagle Cap Wilderness and adjacent areas, Oregon, 1976, Bulletin 1385 E
- Surficial geologic history of the Canyon Village Quadrangle, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, for use with Map I-652, 1976, Bulletin 1427
- Natural conditions that control landsliding in the San Francisco Bay region: An analysis based on data from the 1968-69 and 1972-73 rainy seasons, 1976, Bulletin 1424
- Directory to U.S. Geological Survey program activities in coastal areas, 1974-76, 1976, Bulletin 1428
- Recent landslides in Alameda County, California (1940-71): An estimate of economic losses and correlations with slope, rainfall, and ancient landslide deposits, 1976, Bulletin 1398
- Marine gold placers along the Gulf of Alaska margin, 1976, Bulletin 1415
- Structural dislocations in eastern Massachusetts, 1976, Bulletin 1410
- The geology and early history of the Boston area of Massachusetts, a bicentennial approach, 1976, Bulletin 1476
- The Columbia River Basalt Group in the Spokane Quadrangle, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, with a section on petrography, 1976, Bulletin 1413
- Physical properties of the coexisting phases and thermochemical properties of the H2O component in boiling NaCl solutions, 1976, Bulletin 1421 A
- Mineral resources of the South Warner Wilderness, Modoc County, California, 1976, Bulletin 1385 D
- Mineral resources of areas adjacent to the Cloud Peak Primitive Area, Wyoming, with a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1976, Bulletin 1391 D
- Geology of the Precambrian W (lower Precambrian) rocks in western Gogebic County, Michigan, 1976, Bulletin 1407
- Revision of the lower part of the Tertiary system in the central and western Uinta Basin, Utah, 1976, Bulletin 1405 C
- Upper Cambrian Orr Formation; its subdivisions and correlatives in western Utah, 1976, Bulletin 1405 G
- Geology of the Rockland and Arbon quadrangles, Power County, Idaho, 1976, Bulletin 1399
- Mineral resources of the Bradwell Bay Wilderness and the Sopchoppy River Study Area, Wakulla County, Florida, with sections on phosphate and sand, 1976, Bulletin 1431
- Geochemical reconnaissance using heavy minerals from small streams in central South Carolina, 1976, Bulletin 1404
- Stratigraphy of the layered gabbroic Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica, 1976, Bulletin 1405 D
- Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy of the northern part of the Ruby Range, southwestern Montana, 1976, Bulletin 1405 I
- Silurian nomenclature and correlations in southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee, 1976, Bulletin 1405 H
- The Reinhardt Thiessen coal thin-section slide collection of the U.S. Geological Survey; catalog and notes, 1976, Bulletin 1432
- Index of generic names of fossil plants, 1966-1973, 1975, Bulletin 1396
- Mineral resources of the Absaroka Primitive Area and vicinity, Park and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana, with a section on interpretation of geophysical data, 1975, Bulletin 1391 B
- Mineral resources of the Teton corridor, Teton County, Wyoming, 1975, Bulletin 1397 A
- Some peat deposits in Washington and southeastern Aroostook Counties, Maine, 1975, Bulletin 1317 C
- The geologic story of Arches National Park, 1975, Bulletin 1393
- Mineral resources of the San Pedro Parks Wilderness and vicinity, Rio Arriba and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, 1975, Bulletin 1385 C
- Revision of the type Mankomen Formation (Pennsylvanian and Permian), Eagle Creek area, eastern Alaska Range, Alaska, 1975, Bulletin 1395 B
- Rapid analysis of silicate, carbonate, and phosphate rocks: Revised edition, 1975, Bulletin 1401
- New and refined methods of trace analysis useful in geochemical exploration, 1975, Bulletin 1408
- A summary of Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy of the southwestern High Plateaus and adjacent Great Basin, Utah, 1975, Bulletin 1405 B
- Geologic setting of the Glacier Peak and Mazama ash-bed markers in west-central Montana, 1975, Bulletin 1395 H
- Aeromagnetic and limited gravity studies and generalized geology of the Bodie Hills region, Nevada and California, 1975, Bulletin 1384
- Hornblendes from a region of high-grade metamorphism, Front Range, Colorado, 1975, Bulletin 1392
- Alsea Formation: An Oligocene marine sedimentary sequence in the Oregon Coast Range, 1975, Bulletin 1395 F
- Annotated bibliography of studies on the density and other volumetric properties for major components in geothermal waters, 1928-1974, 1975, Bulletin 1417
- Coal resources and Cenozoic geology of the Girard coal field, Richland County, Montana, 1975, Bulletin 1310
- Stratigraphic and structural relationships of the Brimfield Group in northeast-central Connecticut and adjacent Massachusetts, 1975, Bulletin 1389
- Latin America's petroleum prospects in the energy crisis, 1975, Bulletin 1411
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1973, 1975, Bulletin 1395 A
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1974, 1975, Bulletin 1405 A
- Marine trace fossils in the Upper Jurassic Bluff Sandstone, southeastern Utah, 1975, Bulletin 1395 I
- McGowan Creek Formation, new name for lower Mississippian flysch sequence in east-central Idaho, 1975, Bulletin 1405 E
- Coughs Creek Tongue: A new tongue of the Eocene Green River Formation, Piceance Creek basin, Colorado, 1975, Bulletin 1395 G
- Automatic interpretation of Schlumberger sounding curves, using modified Dar Zarrouk functions, 1975, Bulletin 1313 E
- Monazite placers in the southeastern Atlantic States, 1975, Bulletin 1390
- The Supai Group; subdivision and nomenclature, 1975, Bulletin 1395 J
- Influence of rainfall and ancient landslide deposits on recent landslides (1950-71) in urban areas of Contra Costa County, California, 1975, Bulletin 1388
- Geologic reconnaissance of a proposed powersite on the Maksoutof River near Sitka, southeastern Alaska, 1975, Bulletin 1211 F
- Coal resources of the United States, January 1, 1974, 1975, Bulletin 1412
- A summary of oil and gas production and reserve histories of the Appalachian Basin, 1859-1972, 1975, Bulletin 1409
- The geologic story of Isle Royale National Park, 1975, Bulletin 1309
- Upper Pleistocene pyroclastic-flow deposits and lahars south of Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington, 1975, Bulletin 1383 B
- Lithology and uranium potential of Jurassic formations in the San Ysidro-Cuba and Majors Ranch areas, northwestern New Mexico, 1975, Bulletin 1329
- Mineral resources of the Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek study area, contiguous to the Idaho Primitive Area, Lemhi County, Idaho, 1975, Bulletin 1391 C
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, 1974, Bulletin 1394 A
- Synopsis of the mineral resources and geology of Alaska, 1974, Bulletin 1307
- Geology and placer-gold deposits of the Jicarilla Mountains, Lincoln County, New Mexico, 1974, Bulletin 1308
- Four newly named tongues of Eocene Green River Formation, northern Piceance Creek basin, Colorado, 1974, Bulletin 1394 F
- Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian Formations of the Funeral Mountains in the Ryan Quadrangle, Death Valley Region, California, 1974, Bulletin 1386
- Revision of nomenclature of the upper part of the Green River Formation, Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, and eastern Uinta Basin, Utah, 1974, Bulletin 1394 G
- Estimation of petroleum exploration success and the effects of resource base exhaustion via a simulation model, 1974, Bulletin 1328
- Concepcion and Palma Escrita Formations, western Puerto Rico, 1974, Bulletin 1394 D
- The Geologic Story of Canyonlands National Park, 1974, Bulletin 1327
- Stratigraphic nomenclature of the Thirtynine Mile volcanic field, central Colorado, 1974, Bulletin 1395 C
- The Whitehorn granodiorite of the Arkansas Valley in central Colorado, 1974, Bulletin 1394 H
- The Iyanbito Member (a new stratigraphic unit) of the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, Gallup-Grants area, New Mexico, 1974, Bulletin 1395 D
- Mineral resources of the Scapegoat Wilderness, Powell and Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana, with a section on geophysical surveys, 1974, Bulletin 1385 B
- Changes in nomenclature of upper Precambrian to lower Paleozoic(?) formations in the Natick quadrangle, eastern Massachusetts, and their tentative correlations with rocks in Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1974, Bulletin 1395 E
- Geochemistry of gold in the weathering cycle, 1974, Bulletin 1330
- Bibliography and index of geology and hydrology, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado, 1974, Bulletin 1306
- Checklist of North American late Paleozoic coral species (Coelenterata, Anthozoa), 1974, Bulletin 1387
- Argentian cryptomelane and bromargyrite in volcanic rocks near Silver Cliff, Colorado, 1974, Bulletin 1382 C
- Pumice and other pyroclastic deposits in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, 1974, Bulletin 1326
- Use of Dar Zarrouk curves in the interpretation of vertical electrical sounding data, 1974, Bulletin 1313 D
- Mineral resources of the Chiricahua Wilderness area, Cochise County, Arizona, with a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1973, Bulletin 1385 A
- The Lower Cretaceous Figuera Lava and Fajardo Formation in the stratigraphy of northeastern Puerto Rico, 1973, Bulletin 1372 G
- Some results of geochemical sampling in McCormick County, South Carolina, 1973, Bulletin 1376
- Radioelement and trace-element content of the Ione Formation, central California, 1973, Bulletin 1382 B
- Geochemical reconnaissance of the Santa Rita Mountains, southeast of Tucson, Arizona, 1973, Bulletin 1365
- The McHugh Complex of South-Central Alaska, 1973, Bulletin 1372 D
- A geochemical reconnaissance for gold in the sedimentary rocks of the Great Lakes region, Minnesota to New York, 1973, Bulletin 1305
- Geology of Gravina Island, Alaska, 1973, Bulletin 1373
- Strodes Creek Member (Upper Ordovician): A new map unit in the Lexington Limestone of north-central Kentucky, 1973, Bulletin 1372 C
- Pine Creek volcanic assemblage at Mount St. Helens, Washington, 1973, Bulletin 1383 A
- Geology of Moorhead coal field, Powder River, Big Horn, and Rosebud counties, Montana, 1973, Bulletin 1338
- Bedrock geology of the Cupsuptic and Arnold Pond quadrangles, west-central Maine, 1973, Bulletin 1346
- Stratigraphic terminology of the Dakota Sandstone and Mancos Shale, west-central New Mexico, 1973, Bulletin 1372 J
- Lithologic characteristics of Pliocene rocks cored at Elk Hills, Kern County, California, 1973, Bulletin 1332 D
- Surficial deposits of the Iliamna quadrangle, Alaska, 1973, Bulletin 1368 A
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1970, 1973, Bulletin 1370
- Gastineau Channel Formation, a composite glaciomarine deposit near Juneau, Alaska, 1973, Bulletin 1394 C
- Geochemical prospecting using water from small streams in central South Carolina, 1973, Bulletin 1378
- Placer deposits of Alaska, 1973, Bulletin 1374
- Chemical analysis of thermal waters in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1960-65, 1973, Bulletin 1303
- An integrated system of geologic mapping and geochemical sampling by light aircraft, 1973, Bulletin 1361
- Some suggested stratigraphic relations in part of southwestern New England, 1973, Bulletin 1380
- New Cretaceous formations in the western Wyoming thrust belt, 1973, Bulletin 1372 I
- Neogene marine mollusks of the Pacific Coast of North America; an annotated bibliography, 1797-1969, 1973, Bulletin 1362
- Mineral resources of an area near the Popo Agie Primitive Area, Fremont County, Wyoming, 1973, Bulletin 1391 A
- Sturgis Formation (Upper Pennsylvanian), a new map unit in the western Kentucky coal field, 1973, Bulletin 1394 B
- Bibliography of the geology and mineralogy of the rare earths and scandium to 1971, 1973, Bulletin 1366
- Lithologic characteristics of upper Oligocene and Miocene rocks drilled at Elk Hills, Kern County, California, 1973, Bulletin 1375
- A disseminated silver-lead-zinc sulfide occurrence at Hahns Peak, Routt County, Colorado, 1973, Bulletin 1367
- Geochemical characteristics of mineralized breccia pipes in the Red Mountain District, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 1973, Bulletin 1381
- Placer gold deposits of Nevada, 1973, Bulletin 1356
- Mineral resources of the Idaho Primitive Area and vicinity, Idaho; an evaluation of the mineral potential of the area, with a section on the Thunder Mountain District and a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1973, Bulletin 1304
- Progressive metamorphism of iron-formation and associated rocks in the Wologizi Range, Liberia, 1973, Bulletin 1302
- Radiometric ages of igneous rocks from Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise counties, southeastern Arizona, 1973, Bulletin 1379
- The Auld Lang Syne Group, of Late Triassic and Jurassic(?) age, north-central Nevada, 1973, Bulletin 1394 E
- A new method for the determination of three-dimensional deformation anisotropy in rock specimens, 1973, Bulletin 1258 E
- Chemical composition of naturally occurring fluids in relation to mercury deposits in part of north-central California, 1973, Bulletin 1382 A
- Stratigraphy of the Washakie Formation in the Washakie Basin, Wyoming, 1973, Bulletin 1369
- Placer gold deposits of Utah, 1973, Bulletin 1357
- Stratigraphic divisions and geologic history of the Laney Member of the Green River Formation in the Washakie Basin in southwestern Wyoming, 1973, Bulletin 1372 E
- Lower and Middle Tertiary stratigraphic units of the San Emigdio and western Tehachapi Mountains, California, 1973, Bulletin 1372 H
- Petrography and stratigraphy of glacial drift, Mesabi-Vermilion Iron Range area, northeastern Minnesota, 1973, Bulletin 1331 C
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1971, 1972, Bulletin 1372 A
- Geology and Mineral Resources of the Northern Part of the North Cascades National Park, Washington, 1972, Bulletin 1359
- Distribution of minor elements in biotite samples from felsic intrusive rocks as a tool for correlation, 1972, Bulletin 1314 D
- Precambrian geology of the northern Bradshaw Mountains, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1972, Bulletin 1336
- Geology of the Istaru Quadrangle, Costa Rica, 1972, Bulletin 1358
- Mississippian stratigraphy of northwestern Pennsylvania, 1972, Bulletin 1331 A
- Mineral resources of the Wilson Mountains Primitive Area, Colorado, 1972, Bulletin 1353 A
- Cadmium in plants, 1972, Bulletin 1314 G
- Arsenic as an indicator element for mineralized volcanic pipes in the Red Mountains area, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 1972, Bulletin 1364
- Big Sandy Formation near Wikieup, Mohave County, Arizona, 1972, Bulletin 1354 C
- Revision of stratigraphic names for some Eocene formations in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, California, 1972, Bulletin 1354 D
- Precambrian rocks in the Cordes area, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1972, Bulletin 1345
- Age and correlation of the Clinchfield Sand in Georgia, 1972, Bulletin 1354 E
- The base of the upper Keweenawan, Michigan and Wisconsin, 1972, Bulletin 1354 F
- Placer gold deposits of Arizona, 1972, Bulletin 1355
- Placer gold deposits of New Mexico, 1972, Bulletin 1348
- Sedimentary and igneous rocks of the Grays River Quadrangle, Washington, 1972, Bulletin 1335
- Selected annotated bibliography on asphalt-bearing rocks of the United States and Canada, to 1970, 1972, Bulletin 1352
- Geochemistry and diagenesis of tidal-marsh sediment, northeastern Gulf of Mexico, 1972, Bulletin 1360
- Geochemical prospecting for zinc, lead, copper, and silver, Lancaster Valley, southeastern Pennsylvania, 1972, Bulletin 1314 C
- Mineral resources of the Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area, California, with a section on an aeromagnetic survey and interpretation, 1972, Bulletin 1371 B
- Organic and trace-element content of Holocene sediments in two estuarine bays, Pamlico Sound area, North Carolina, 1972, Bulletin 1314 E
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1969, 1972, Bulletin 1269
- Trace-element contents of some plutonic rocks of the Sierra Nevada Batholith, 1972, Bulletin 1314 F
- Massive sulfide deposits near Shellabarger Pass, southern Alaska Range, Alaska, 1972, Bulletin 1342
- Distribution and abundance of gold and other selected elements in altered bedrock, Empire Mining district, Clear Creek County, Colorado, 1972, Bulletin 1278 C
- Tertiary mineralization and hydrothermal alteration in the Stinkingwater mining region, Park County, Wyoming, 1972, Bulletin 1332 C
- Bibliography and index of U.S. Geological Survey publications relating to coal, 1882-1970, 1972, Bulletin 1377
- Mineral resources of the Cloud Peak Primitive Area, Wyoming, 1972, Bulletin 1371 C
- Mineral resources of the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, Idaho, 1972, Bulletin 1353 C
- Geology of the Attean quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine, 1972, Bulletin 1297
- General geology of the Hahns Peak and Farwell Mountain quadrangles, Routt County, Colorado, 1972, Bulletin 1349
- Underclay deposits of Somerset and eastern Fayette Counties, Pennsylvania, 1972, Bulletin 1363
- Stratigraphy of the Glenns Ferry Formation from Hammett to Hagerman, Idaho, 1972, Bulletin 1331 D
- The Canaan Peak, Pine Hollow, and Wasatch formations in the Table Cliff region, Garfield County, Utah, 1972, Bulletin 1331 B
- Geology of the Northern Franklin Mountains, Texas and New Mexico, 1972, Bulletin 1298
- Geology of the Moxie pluton in the Moosehead Lake – Jo-Mary Mountain area, Piscataquis County, Maine, 1972, Bulletin 1340
- Mineral resources of the High Sierra Primitive Area, California, 1972, Bulletin 1371 A
- The upper Paleozoic Madera Group in the Manzano Mountains, New Mexico, 1972, Bulletin 1372 F
- A preliminary report on the geology and gold deposits of the Rochford District, Black Hills, South Dakota, 1972, Bulletin 1332 A
- The Colebrooke Schist of southwestern Oregon and its relation to the tectonic evolution of the region, 1972, Bulletin 1339
- Geology and description of the thorium-bearing veins, Lemhi Pass Quadrangle, Idaho and Montana, 1972, Bulletin 1351
- Contributions to stratigraphy, 1971, 1972, Bulletin 1354
- Stratigraphic nomenclature of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician rocks of easternmost southern Arizona and adjacent westernmost New Mexico, 1972, Bulletin 1372 B
- The Monteagle Limestone of south-central Kentucky, 1971, Bulletin 1324 E
- Mineral resources of the Popo Agie Primitive Area, Fremont and Sublette Counties, Wyoming, 1971, Bulletin 1353 B
- Stratigraphy of the State Bridge Formation in the Woody Creek Quadrangle, Pitkin and Eagle Counties, Colorado, 1971, Bulletin 1324 F
- Bedrock geology of Rhode Island, 1971, Bulletin 1295
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U. S. Geological Survey, 1970, 1971, Bulletin 1354 A
- Members of the Borden Formation (Mississippian) in north-central Kentucky, 1971, Bulletin 1354 B
- Coal resources of Butler County, Pennsylvania, 1971, Bulletin 1143 C
- Revision of Precambrian stratigraphy in the Prescott-Jerome area, Yavapai County, Arizona, 1971, Bulletin 1324 C
- Clinoptilolite of possible economic value in sedimentary deposits of the conterminous United States, 1971, Bulletin 1332 B
- Utilization of mull (forest humus layer) in geochemical exploration in the Empire district, Clear Creek County, Colorado, 1971, Bulletin 1278 B
- The Eagle Valley Evaporite, Northwest Colorado — A regional synthesis, 1971, Bulletin 1311 E
- Orientation geochemical soil survey at the Nixon Fork mines, Medfra Quadrangle, Alaska, 1971, Bulletin 1312 K
- Mineral resources of the Glacier Primitive Area, Wyoming, 1971, Bulletin 1319 F
- Cretaceous and lower Tertiary stratigraphy of the Gurabo and El Yunque quadrangles, Puerto Rico, 1971, Bulletin 1294 F
- Mineral resources of the Pasayten Wilderness Area, Washington, 1971, Bulletin 1325
- Geology of the Panamint Butte Quadrangle, Inyo County, California, 1971, Bulletin 1299
- Geochemistry and geology of deep drill holes at Iron Canyon, Lander County, Nevada, 1971, Bulletin 1318
- Pre-Cenozoic geology of the south half of the Auburn 15-minute Quadrangle, California, 1971, Bulletin 1341
- Tertiary marine mollusks of Alaska; an annotated bibliography, 1971, Bulletin 1343
- Geology of the Flint Hill Quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, 1971, Bulletin 1063 M
- Stratigraphy and potassium-argon ages of some Tertiary tuffs from Lander and Churchill Counties, central Nevada, 1971, Bulletin 1311 B
- Geochemical reconnaissance of the Cortez-Buckhorn area, southern Cortez Mountains, Nevada, 1971, Bulletin 1312 P
- Geology of lode gold districts in the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon, 1971, Bulletin 1290
- Geochemical and geological reconnaissance in the Seventymile River area, Alaska, 1971, Bulletin 1315
- Geochemical distribution of some metals in the Moenkopi Formation and related strata, Colorado Plateau region, 1971, Bulletin 1344
- Geologic reconnaissance of a proposed powersite at Lake Grace, Revillagigedo Island, southeastern Alaska, 1971, Bulletin 1211 E
- Gold occurrences near Jefferson, South Carolina, 1971, Bulletin 1334
- Reconnaissance study of the Wasatch, Evanston, and Echo Canyon Formations in part of northern Utah, 1971, Bulletin 1311 D
- Stratigraphy and general geology of the McCarthy C-5 Quadrangle, Alaska, 1971, Bulletin 1323
- Selected annotated bibliography on the geochemistry of gold, 1971, Bulletin 1337
- The geologic story of Yellowstone National Park, 1971, Bulletin 1347
- The Chopawamsic Formation — A new stratigraphic unit in the Piedmont of northeastern Virginia, 1971, Bulletin 1324 D
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1968, 1971, Bulletin 1268
- Geology of the Near Islands, Alaska, with a section on the surficial geology of the Near Islands, 1971, Bulletin 1028 U
- Mineral resources of the Jack Creek basin, Madison County, Montana, 1970, Bulletin 1319 B
- Mineral resources of the Sawtooth Primitive Area, Idaho, 1970, Bulletin 1319 D
- Lead-zinc-silver deposits related to the White Mountain Plutonic Series in New Hampshire and Maine, 1970, Bulletin 1312 D
- Precambrian melasyenite of Ute Creek, San Juan Mountains, Colorado — Chemistry, petrology, and strontium isotopes, 1970, Bulletin 1311 C
- Paleozoic stratigraphy in the northwest coastal area of Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1284
- Bibliography on the geology and resources of vanadium to 1968, 1970, Bulletin 1316
- Mineral resources of the Emigrant Basin primitive area, California, with a section on geophysical studies, 1970, Bulletin 1261 G
- Rutile and ilmenite placer deposits, Roseland district, Nelson and Amherst Counties, Virginia, 1970, Bulletin 1312 F
- Geologic interpretation of reconnaissance aeromagnetic survey of northeastern Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1271 F
- Stratigraphy of the Morrison formation and structure of the Ambrosia Lake district, New Mexico, 1970, Bulletin 1272 E
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1969, 1970, Bulletin 1324 A
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of some Belt rocks, Montana and Idaho, 1970, Bulletin 1312 O
- Age of the Bedford Shale, Berea Sandstone, and Sunbury Shale in the Appalachian and Michigan basins, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, 1970, Bulletin 1294 G
- Quaternary geology of Long and Bear Valleys, west-central Idaho, 1970, Bulletin 1311 A
- Stripping-coal resources of the United States; January 1, 1970, 1970, Bulletin 1322
- Cretaceous and lower Tertiary stratigraphy in northwestern Puerto Rico, 1970, Bulletin 1294 D
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1967, 1970, Bulletin 1267
- Some rare-element mineral deposits in mainland China, 1970, Bulletin 1312 N
- Preliminary geologic investigations in the Kanuti River region, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1312 J
- The Foerstia zone of the Ohio and Chattanooga Shales, 1970, Bulletin 1294 H
- Geochemical and geologic reconnaissance of a part of the Fortymile area, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1312 M
- Barite: World production, reserves, and future prospects, 1970, Bulletin 1321
- Core logs of three test holes in Cenozoic lake deposits near Hector, California, 1970, Bulletin 1296
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1968, 1970, Bulletin 1294 A
- Selected annotated bibliography of minor-element content of marine black shales and related sedimentary rocks, 1930-65, 1970, Bulletin 1293
- Mineral resources of the Agua Tibia Primitive Area, California, 1970, Bulletin 1319 A
- Electrical resistivity sounding with an L-shaped array, 1970, Bulletin 1313 C
- Mineral resources of the Black Range Primitive Area, Grant, Sierra, and Catron Counties, New Mexico, 1970, Bulletin 1319 E
- Geochemical and geophysical reconnaissance of parts of the Yakutat and Mount Saint Elias quadrangles, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1312 L
- Lexicon of geologic names of the United States for 1961-1967, 1970, Bulletin 1350
- Peat deposits of northeastern Pennsylvania, 1970, Bulletin 1317 A
- Index of generic names of fossil plants, 1820-1965, 1970, Bulletin 1300
- Geology, mineral deposits, and geochemical and radiometric anomalies, Serpentine Hot Springs area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1312 H
- The Skolai Group in the McCarthy B-4, C-4, and C-5 quadrangles, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1274 Q
- Geology of the McCarthy B-4 quadrangle, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1333
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1966, 1970, Bulletin 1266
- A portable refraction seismograph survey of gold placer areas near Nome, Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1312 B
- Variable azimuth Schlumberger resistivity sounding and profiling near a vertical contact, 1970, Bulletin 1313 A
- Geometric factors of bipole-dipole arrays, 1970, Bulletin 1313 B
- Peat deposits of southeastern New York, 1970, Bulletin 1317 B
- Geologic reconnaissance of a possible powersite at Takatz Creek, southeastern Alaska, 1970, Bulletin 1211 D
- Absorption of gold by plants, 1970, Bulletin 1314 B
- Geology of the Sycamore Flat and Paraiso Springs quadrangles, Monterey County, California, 1970, Bulletin 1285
- The Russell Mountain Formation, a new stratigraphic unit in western Massachusetts, 1970, Bulletin 1324 B
- Structural control of geochemical anomalies in the Greaterville mining district, southeast of Tucson, Arizona, 1970, Bulletin 1312 A
- The Shenango Formation (Mississippian) in northwestern Pennsylvania, 1970, Bulletin 1294 C
- A geochemical study of alluvium-covered copper deposits in Pima County, Arizona, 1970, Bulletin 1312 C
- Mineral resources of the Gore Range-Eagles Nest Primitive Area and vicinity, Summit and Eagle Counties, Colorado, 1970, Bulletin 1319 C
- Distribution of placer gold in the Sixes River, southwestern Oregon: A preliminary report, 1970, Bulletin 1312 I
- Structure and mineralization of Precambrian rocks in the Galena-Roubaix district, Black Hills, South Dakota, 1970, Bulletin 1312 E
- Stability of the west slope of Government Hill Port area of Anchorage, Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1258 D
- Stratigraphy of the Albemarle Group of the Carolina slate belt in central North Carolina, 1969, Bulletin 1274 B
- Geology and mineral deposits of the San Cristobal district, Villa Martin province, Potosi, Bolivia, 1969, Bulletin 1273
- Geology and ore deposits of the Central York Mountains, western Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1287
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature in the Cretaceous system, east-central Puerto Rico, 1969, Bulletin 1274 O
- Fluorite deposits of the Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada, 1969, Bulletin 1272 C
- Systematic jointing in the western part of the Anthracite region of eastern Pennsylvania, 1969, Bulletin 1271 D
- New talc deposit in St. Lawrence County, New York, 1969, Bulletin 1272 D
- Four new members of the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation in the southeastern Kaiparowits Region, Kane County, Utah, 1969, Bulletin 1274 J
- Probable Permian age of the Rampart Group, central Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1294 B
- Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in New Jersey, Delaware, and eastern Maryland, 1969, Bulletin 1274 H
- Geologic reconnaissance of possible powersites at Tyee, Eagle, and Spur Mountain Lakes, southeastern Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1211 B
- The Chinle (Upper Triassic) and Sundance (Upper Jurassic) Formations in north-central Colorado, 1969, Bulletin 1274 N
- Mineral resources of the Mission Mountains primitive area, Missoula and Lake Counties, Montana, 1969, Bulletin 1261 D
- The Bates Mountain tuff in northern Nye County, Nevada, 1969, Bulletin 1294 E
- The effect of two-dimensinal topography on superficial thermal gradients, 1969, Bulletin 1203 E
- Geology of the Oregon Buttes area, Sweetwater, Sublette, and Fremont Counties, southwestern Wyoming, 1969, Bulletin 1256
- The Geologic Story of the Uinta Mountains, 1969, Bulletin 1291
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1967, 1969, Bulletin 1274 A
- Six new Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations in east-central Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1274 I
- Geology of the Sandy Hook quadrangle in Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1969, Bulletin 1276
- General and engineering geology of the northern part of Pueblo, Colorado, 1969, Bulletin 1262
- Stratigraphic and mineralogic relations and ceramic properties of clay deposits of Eocene age in the Jackson Purchase region, Kentucky, and in adjacent parts of Tennessee, 1969, Bulletin 1282
- Lead isotope guides for Mississippi Valley lead-zinc exploration, 1969, Bulletin 1312 G
- Coal resources of the United States, January 1, 1967, 1969, Bulletin 1275
- Surficial Geology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, 1969, Bulletin 1288
- Mineral resources of the San Juan primitive area, Colorado, with a section on iron resources in the Irving Formation, 1969, Bulletin 1261 F
- Tin resources of the world, 1969, Bulletin 1301
- Clay deposits of Spokane County, Washington, 1969, Bulletin 1270
- Atomic-absorption methods of analysis useful in geochemical exploration, 1969, Bulletin 1289
- Phosphate rock in Colombia - a preliminary report, with a section on the phosphate occurrence at Turmeque, 1969, Bulletin 1272 A
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1965, 1969, Bulletin 1235
- Gold Veins near Great Falls, Maryland, 1969, Bulletin 1286
- Paleocene and lower Eocene units in the southern part of the Piceance Creek basin, Colorado, 1969, Bulletin 1274 M
- Ancient lavas in Shenandoah National Park near Luray, Virginia, 1969, Bulletin 1265
- The coal-bearing group in the Nenana coal field, Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1274 D
- Geology of the Bear Peak area, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, 1969, Bulletin 1271 C
- Geology of the Gardiner area, Park County, Montana, 1969, Bulletin 1277
- The Geologic Story of Mount Rainier, 1969, Bulletin 1292
- Element distribution in some Paleozoic black shales and associated rocks, 1969, Bulletin 1214 G
- Terrestrial impact structures; a bibliography, 1965-68, 1969, Bulletin 1320
- Element distribution in some trough and platform types of black shale and associated rocks, 1969, Bulletin 1214 H
- Use of seismic intensity data to predict the effects of earthquakes and underground nuclear explosions in various geologic settings, 1969, Bulletin 1279
- Serpentinite and rodingite in the Hunting Hill quarry, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1969, Bulletin 1283
- Pennsylvanian formations of southwest Virginia, 1969, Bulletin 1280
- Geology along the Taylor Highway, Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1281
- Reconnaissance geology of the Eagle A-1 and A-2 quadrangles, Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1271 G
- Gold investigations in Precambrian clastic and pelitic rocks, southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico, 1969, Bulletin 1272 F
- Geology of proposed powersites at Deer Lake and Kasnyku Lake, Baranof Island, southeastern Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1211 C
- Summary of Cretaceous stratigraphy in part of the McCarthy quadrangle, Alaska, 1969, Bulletin 1274 K
- The Reany Creek Formation, Marquette County, Michigan, 1969, Bulletin 1274 F
- Geochemical investigations of some black shales and associated rocks, 1969, Bulletin 1314 A
- The Quimby and Greenvale Cove Formations in western Maine, 1969, Bulletin 1274 L
- Stratigraphic nomenclature of volcanic rocks in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, 1969, Bulletin 1274 P
- Mineral resources of the Blue Range primitive area, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico, with a section on aeromagnetic interpretation, 1969, Bulletin 1261 E
- Geology of the Hill City quadrangle, Pennington County, South Dakota - a preliminary report, 1969, Bulletin 1271 B
- Pecos National Monument, New Mexico: Its geologic setting, 1969, Bulletin 1271 E
- Reconnaissance geology, geophysics, and geochemistry of the southeastern part of the Lewis and Clark Range, Montana, 1968, Bulletin 1252 E
- Semilla Sandstone, a new member of the Mancos Shale in the southeastern part of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, 1968, Bulletin 1254 F
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Bering Sea, Bogoslof, Simeonof, Semidi, Tixedni, St. Lazaria, Hazy Islands, and Forrester Island National Wildlife Refuges, Alaska, 1968, Bulletin 1260 K
- Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary rocks, Berkeley and San Leandro Hills, California, 1968, Bulletin 1251 J
- Metal absorption by Equisetum (horsetail), 1968, Bulletin 1278 A
- New and revised stratigraphic names in the Santa Rita Mountains of southeastern Arizona, 1968, Bulletin 1274 C
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Huron, Seney, Michigan Islands, Green Bay, and Gravel Island National Wildlife Refuges of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1968, Bulletin 1260 I
- Nomenclature of formations of Claiborne Group, middle Eocene, Coastal Plain of Texas, 1968, Bulletin 1251 D
- Geology of the Tierra Redonda Mountain and Bradley quadrangles, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, California, 1968, Bulletin 1255
- Thermodynamic properties of minerals and related substances at 298.15 K (25.0 C) and one atmosphere (1.013 bars) pressure and at higher temperatures, 1968, Bulletin 1259
- Determination of nitrates in saline minerals, 1968, Bulletin 1214 F
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1963, 1968, Bulletin 1233
- Engineering geology of the Paducah West and Metropolis quadrangles in Kentucky, 1968, Bulletin 1258 B
- Mineral resources of the Uncompahgre primitive area, Colorado, 1968, Bulletin 1261 C
- Geology of magnesite deposits in northern Okanogan County, Washington - a preliminary report, 1968, Bulletin 1272 B
- Geology of the Lake Peters area, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, 1968, Bulletin 1236
- Devonian and Mississippian rocks and the date of the Roberts Mountains thrust in the Carlin-Pinon Range area, Nevada, 1968, Bulletin 1251 I
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia, 1968, Bulletin 1260 N
- Definition of Wisconsinan Stage, 1968, Bulletin 1274 E
- Middle Miocene Foraminifera and stratigraphic relations in the Adelaida quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California, 1968, Bulletin 1271 A
- Geology of the crystalline rocks in the western part of the Morrison quadrangle, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1968, Bulletin 1251 E
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Passage Key, Island Bay, Cedar Keys, and Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuges, Florida, 1968, Bulletin 1260 O
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Edmunds Unit, Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Washington County, Maine, 1968, Bulletin 1260 P
- Cretaceous and lower Tertiary stratigraphy of the Naranjito and Aguas Buenas quadrangles and adjacent areas, Puerto Rico, 1968, Bulletin 1253
- Pingos in central Alaska, 1968, Bulletin 1241 H
- Stratigraphic and facies relationships of the Carys Mills Formation of Ordovician and Silurian age, northeast Maine, 1968, Bulletin 1264
- Geology of southwestern North Park and vicinity, Colorado, 1968, Bulletin 1257
- Petrography and petrology of volcanic rocks in the Mount Jefferson area, High Cascade Range, Oregon, 1968, Bulletin 1251 G
- Correlation of Permian and Pennsylvanian sections between the Egan Range and Spring Mountains, Nevada, 1968, Bulletin 1254 I
- Geology, altered rocks, and ore deposits of the San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah, 1968, Bulletin 1239
- Bibliography of reports resulting from U.S. Geological Survey participation in the United States Technical Assistance Program, 1940-67, 1968, Bulletin 1263
- Geology of part of the Alder Creek mining district, Custer County, Idaho, 1968, Bulletin 1252 A
- A solid-inclusion borehole probe to determine three-dimensional stress changes at a point in a rock mass, 1968, Bulletin 1258 C
- Engineering geology of the Paducah East quadrangle in Kentucky, 1968, Bulletin 1258 A
- Geology of the Ohio quadrangle, southwestern part of Adirondack Mountains, New York, 1968, Bulletin 1251 F
- Wapiti formation and Trout Peak Trachyandesite, northwestern Wyoming, 1968, Bulletin 1254 H
- Geology of the Johnson River area, Alaska, 1968, Bulletin 1249
- The Kinnikinic Quartzite of central Idaho - redefinition and subdivision, 1968, Bulletin 1254 J
- The Aguada Limestone of northwestern Puerto Rico, 1968, Bulletin 1274 G
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Charons Gardens Unit, Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge, Comanche County, Oklahoma, 1968, Bulletin 1260 J
- Mercury and other trace elements in sphalerite and wallrocks from central Kentucky, Tennessee, and Appalachian zinc districts, 1968, Bulletin 1252 F
- Evaporite geology of Fifth ore zone, Carlsbad district, southeastern New Mexico, 1968, Bulletin 1252 B
- Stripping-coal resources of the United States, 1968, Bulletin 1252 C
- Carbonate rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age in the Lancaster quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1968, Bulletin 1254 G
- Geochemical cycle of selected trace elements in the tin-tungsten-beryllium district, western Seward Peninsula, Alaska — A reconnaissance study, 1968, Bulletin 1242 F
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Harney Lake and Malheur Lake areas of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, north-central Harney County, Oregon, 1968, Bulletin 1260 L
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Poker Jim Ridge and Fort Warner areas of the Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Lake County, Oregon, 1968, Bulletin 1260 M
- Schists of the central Alaska Range, 1968, Bulletin 1254 E
- Hydrology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and vicinity, Suffolk County, New York, 1968, Bulletin 1156 C
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon, 1968, Bulletin 1260 H
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon, 1968, Bulletin 1260 G
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of Flattery Rocks, Quillayute Needles, and Copalis National Wildlife Refuges, Washington, 1968, Bulletin 1260 F
- Geology of the Magruder Mountain area, Nevada-California, 1968, Bulletin 1251 H
- Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy in the Powderhorn-Black Canyon region, Gunnison and Montrose Counties, Colorado, 1968, Bulletin 1251 C
- Stratigraphy, age, and paleotectonic significance of the Cottonwood Canyon Member of the Madison Limestone in Wyoming and Montana, 1967, Bulletin 1251 B
- Geology of the Stewart Flat quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho, 1967, Bulletin 1217
- Carmel Formation of the Zion Park region, southwestern Utah; a review, 1967, Bulletin 1244 J
- Cretaceous and lower Tertiary stratigraphy in west-central Puerto Rico, 1967, Bulletin 1254 B
- Redefinition of the Hawley and Goshen schists in western Massachusetts, 1967, Bulletin 1254 D
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, 1967, Bulletin 1260 D
- Phosphate deposits, 1967, Bulletin 1252 D
- The Lincoln Creek Formation, Grays Harbor basin, southwestern Washington, 1967, Bulletin 1244 I
- Cambrian and Precambrian rocks of the Groom district, Nevada, southern Great Basin, 1967, Bulletin 1244 G
- Geology of the Cascade Springs quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, 1967, Bulletin 1063 L
- Geology of the Eldorado Springs quadrangle, Boulder and Jefferson Counties, Colorado, 1967, Bulletin 1221 D
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Salt Creek area, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Chaves County, New Mexico, 1967, Bulletin 1260 A
- Age of the Skooner Gulch Formation, Mendocino County, California, 1967, Bulletin 1254 C
- Coal resources of Alaska, 1967, Bulletin 1242 B
- Distribution of minor elements in some coals in the Western and Southwestern regions of the Interior coal province, 1967, Bulletin 1117 D
- Selected X-ray crystallographic data, molar volumes, and densities of minerals and related substances, 1967, Bulletin 1248
- Geology and ore deposits of the Lawson-Dumont-Fall River district, Clear Creek County, Colorado, 1967, Bulletin 1231
- Geology and petrology of the Greenville quadrangle, Piscataquis and Somerset Counties, Maine, 1967, Bulletin 1241 F
- Geology of the Circle Cliffs area, Garfield and Kane Counties, Utah, 1967, Bulletin 1229
- Mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion at Iron Mountain, Fremont County, Colorado, 1967, Bulletin 1251 A
- Geology and ground-water resources of the northern part of the Salar de Atacama, Antofagasta Province, Chile, 1967, Bulletin 1219
- Geology of the Mount Fairplay area, Alaska, 1967, Bulletin 1241 B
- Copper mosses as indicators of metal concentrations, 1967, Bulletin 1198 G
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey, 1967, Bulletin 1260 E
- Bituminous coal resources of Texas, 1967, Bulletin 1242 D
- Geology of the Hot Springs quadrangle, Fall River and Custer Counties, South Dakota, 1967, Bulletin 1063 K
- Low-temperature reaction zones and alpine ultramafic rocks of California, Oregon, and Washington, 1967, Bulletin 1247
- Geology of the Republic quadrangle and a part of the Aeneas quadrangle, Ferry County, Washington, 1967, Bulletin 1216
- Mineral resources of the High Uintas primitive area, Utah, 1967, Bulletin 1230 I
- General geology of the Mammoth quadrangle, Pinal County, Arizona, 1967, Bulletin 1218
- Geology of the Puddle Springs quadrangle, Fremont County, Wyoming, 1967, Bulletin 1242 C
- Volcanic hazards at Mount Rainier, Washington, 1967, Bulletin 1238
- Geology of the Mount Wilson quadrangle, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 1967, Bulletin 1227
- Geology of Shawnee County, Kansas, 1967, Bulletin 1215 A-B
- Stratigraphy of the Keku Islets and neighboring parts of Kuiu and Kupreanof Islands, southeastern Alaska, 1967, Bulletin 1241 C
- Geology and bauxite deposits of the Rock Run and Goshen Valley areas, northeast Alabama, 1967, Bulletin 1199 N
- The Martinsburg Formation (Middle and Upper Ordovician) in the Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania-New Jersey, 1967, Bulletin 1244 H
- Otter Creek coral bed and its fauna, east-central Kentucky, 1967, Bulletin 1244 F
- Geology of the Hurley West quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, 1967, Bulletin 1241 E
- Geology and ore deposits of the Philipsburg district, Granite County, Montana, 1967, Bulletin 1237
- Mineral resources of the Devil Canyon-Bear Canyon primitive area, California, 1967, Bulletin 1230 G
- Mineral resources of the Desolation primitive area of the Sierra Nevada, California: Evaluation of the mineral potential of a national primitive area, 1967, Bulletin 1261 A
- Glossary of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals, fourth edition, 1967, Bulletin 1250
- A bibliographic index of North American late Paleozoic Hyolitha, Amphineura, Scaphopoda, and Gastropoda, 1967, Bulletin 1210
- Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian stratigraphy of northeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and southeasternmost New York, 1967, Bulletin 1243
- Bedrock geology of the Chepachet quadrangle, Providence County, Rhode Island, 1967, Bulletin 1241 G
- Debris flow and erosion control problems caused by the ash eruptions of Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica, 1967, Bulletin 1241 I
- Mineral resources of the Mount Baldy primitive area, Arizona, 1967, Bulletin 1230 H
- Geology of the Kelso Junction quadrangle, Iron County, Michigan, 1967, Bulletin 1226
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, New Mexico, 1967, Bulletin 1260 B
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1966, 1967, Bulletin 1254 A
- Mineral resources of the Pine Mountain primitive area, Arizona, 1967, Bulletin 1230 J
- Mineral resources of the Ventana primitive area, Monterey County, California, 1967, Bulletin 1261 B
- Bauxite reserves and potential aluminum resources of the world, 1967, Bulletin 1228
- The Morro do Ferro thorium and rare-earth ore deposit, Pocos de Caldas district, Brazil, 1967, Bulletin 1185 D
- Summary report on the geology and mineral resources of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder County, Utah, 1967, Bulletin 1260 C
- Metalliferous lode deposits of Alaska, 1967, Bulletin 1246
- Coal resources of the Cape Lisburne-Colville River region, Alaska, 1967, Bulletin 1242 E
- Correlation of Upper Triassic and Triassic(?) Formations between southwestern Utah and southern Nevada, 1967, Bulletin 1244 D
- Geology of the Taunton quadrangle, Bristol and Plymouth Counties, Massachusetts, 1967, Bulletin 1163 D
- Sources of fertilizer minerals in South America; a preliminary study, 1966, Bulletin 1240
- Upper Ordovician formations in the Maysville area, Kentucky, 1966, Bulletin 1244 B
- Geology of the Adam Weiss Peak quadrangle, Hot Springs and Park Counties, Wyoming, 1966, Bulletin 1241 A
- Direction of movement of jasperoidizing solution, 1966, Bulletin 1222 F
- Geology of the northwest quarter of the Anaconda quadrangle, Deer Lodge County, Montana, 1966, Bulletin 1222 B
- Properties of thermistors used in geothermal investigations; Preparation of thermistor cables used in geothermal investigations, 1966, Bulletin 1203 B-C
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Powell River area, Claiborne and Union Counties, Tennessee, 1966, Bulletin 1222 C
- Igneous geology of the Dry Mountain quadrangle, Jefferson County, Montana, 1966, Bulletin 1221 F
- Terrestrial impact structures - a bibliography, 1966, Bulletin 1220
- The Yakima Basalt and Ellensburg Formation of south-central Washington, 1966, Bulletin 1224 G
- Phytoecology of a greenstone habitat at Eagle, Alaska, 1966, Bulletin 1198 F
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Mosheim and Johnson anticlines, Greene County, Tennessee, 1966, Bulletin 1222 A
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1964, 1966, Bulletin 1234
- Geochemical reconnaissance in the Pequop Mountains and Wood Hills, Elko County, Nevada, 1966, Bulletin 1198 E
- Surficial geology of the Athol quadrangle, Worcester and Franklin Counties, Massachusetts, 1966, Bulletin 1163 C
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1962, 1966, Bulletin 1232
- Structure and metamorphism in the Mono Craters quadrangle, Sierra Nevada, California, 1966, Bulletin 1221 E
- Geology of the Norwood quadrangle, Norfolk and Suffolk Counties, Massachusetts, 1966, Bulletin 1163 B
- Bauxite deposits of the Anniston, Fort Payne, and Ashville areas, northeast Alabama, 1966, Bulletin 1199 O
- Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks in the Corozal quadrangle, northern Puerto Rico, 1966, Bulletin 1244 C
- Geology of the Florida quadrangle, Puerto Rico, 1966, Bulletin 1221 C
- Aeromagnetic and tectonic analysis of the Upper Mississippi Valley zinc-lead district, 1966, Bulletin 1242 A
- Economic geology of the Idaho Springs district, Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties, Colorado, 1966, Bulletin 1208
- A hydrologic analysis of postulated liquid-waste releases - Brookhaven National Laboratory, Suffolk County, New York, 1966, Bulletin 1156 E
- Mineral resources of the Flat Tops primitive area, Colorado, 1966, Bulletin 1230 C
- Stratigraphy and regional relationships of a reference section for the Juana Lopez Member, Mancos Shale, in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, 1966, Bulletin 1224 H
- Ternary diagrams of the quartz-feldspar content of pegmatites in Colorado, 1966, Bulletin 1241 D
- Geology of the Ransom quadrangle, Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania, 1966, Bulletin 1213
- Preparation of thermistor cables used in geothermal investigations, 1966, Bulletin 1203 C
- Delaware place names, 1966, Bulletin 1245
- Element distribution in some shelf and eugeosynclinal black shales, 1966, Bulletin 1214 E
- Geology of the Potosi quadrangle, Grant County, Wisconsin, and Dubuque County, Iowa, 1966, Bulletin 1123 I
- Distribution of minor elements in coals of the Appalachian region, 1966, Bulletin 1117 C
- Economic geology of the Fort Meade quadrangle, Polk and Hardee Counties, Florida, 1966, Bulletin 1207
- Geology and coal resources of the Beluga-Yentna region, Alaska, 1966, Bulletin 1202 C
- Uranium deposits of the Moab, Monticello, White Canyon, and Monument Valley districts, Utah and Arizona, 1966, Bulletin 1222 H
- Beryllium content of volcanic rocks, 1966, Bulletin 1214 C
- Some bauxite and clay deposits in northeastern Alabama, 1966, Bulletin 1199 P
- Nickel deposits of North America, 1966, Bulletin 1223
- Permian rock units in the Glass Mountains, west Texas, 1966, Bulletin 1244 E
- Lexicon of geologic names of the United States for 1936-1960, 1966, Bulletin 1200
- Harrodsburg limestone in Kentucky, 1966, Bulletin 1224 I
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U. S. Geological Survey, 1965, 1966, Bulletin 1244 A
- Borden Formation (Mississippian) in south- and southeast-central Kentucky, 1966, Bulletin 1224 F
- Mineral resources of the Stratified Primitive Area, Wyoming, 1966, Bulletin 1230 E
- Geology and ore deposits of the Steeple Rock mining district, Grant County, New Mexico, 1966, Bulletin 1222 E
- Mineral resources of the Spanish Peaks primitive area, Montana, 1966, Bulletin 1230 B
- Geology of the Garns Mountain quadrangle, Bonneville, Madison, and Teton Counties, Idaho, 1966, Bulletin 1205
- Stratigraphic names in the New London area, Connecticut, 1966, Bulletin 1224 J
- Construction of pressure-temperature diagrams for multicomponent systems after the method of Schreinemakers - a geometric approach, 1966, Bulletin 1225
- Mineral resources of the Mount Jefferson primitive area, Oregon, 1966, Bulletin 1230 D
- The uraniferous zirconium deposits of the Pocos de Caldas Plateau, Brazil, 1966, Bulletin 1185 C
- Jasperoids of the Lake Valley mining district, New Mexico, 1966, Bulletin 1222 D
- Mineral resources of the Sycamore Canyon Primitive Area, Arizona, 1966, Bulletin 1230 F
- Bauxite deposits of northwest Georgia, 1966, Bulletin 1199 M
- Method-dependent values of bulk, grain, and pore volume as related to observed porosity, 1966, Bulletin 1203 D
- Mineral resources of the San Rafael primitive area, California, 1966, Bulletin 1230 A
- Rapid modal analysis of some felsic rocks from calibrated X-ray diffraction patterns, 1966, Bulletin 1209
- Boundaries of the United States and the several states, 1966, Bulletin 1212
- Coking-coal deposits of the western United States, 1966, Bulletin 1222 G
- The determination of sulfate and sulfide sulfur in rocks or minerals, 1966, Bulletin 1214 D
- Geology of the Hames Valley, Wunpost, and Valleton quadrangles, Monterey County, California, 1966, Bulletin 1221 B
- Geologic reconnaissance along the Alaska Highway, Delta River to Tok Junction, Alaska, 1965, Bulletin 1181 H
- The Foote Creek and Dutton Creek Formations, two new formations in the north part of the Laramie basin, Wyoming, 1965, Bulletin 1194 K
- Stratigraphy and chronology of late interglacial and early Vashon glacial time in the Seattle area, Washington, 1965, Bulletin 1194 O
- Geology of the Wayland quadrangle, Stephens and Eastland Counties, Texas, 1965, Bulletin 1201 C
- Geology and Uranium deposits of Montezuma Canyon area, San Juan County, Utah, 1965, Bulletin 1190
- Petrography of evaporites from the Wellington Formation near Hutchinson, Kansas, 1965, Bulletin 1201 A
- Quaternary geology of the Mount Chamberlin area, Brooks Range, Alaska, 1965, Bulletin 1201 B
- Investigations of molybdenum deposits in the conterminous United States, 1942-60, 1965, Bulletin 1182 E
- Mesozoic(?) rocks in the Baboquivari Mountains, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, 1965, Bulletin 1194 I
- Bauxite in areas adjacent to and between the Springvale and Andersonville districts, Georgia, 1965, Bulletin 1199 H
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1950-1959, 1965, Bulletin 1195
- Mesozoic formations in the Vekol Mountains, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, 1965, Bulletin 1194 G
- Mesozoic formations in the Comobabi and Roskruge Mountains, Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona, 1965, Bulletin 1194 H
- Bauxite deposits of the Andersonville district, Georgia, 1965, Bulletin 1199 G
- Paleozoic stratigraphy of the southern part of the Mule Mountains, Arizona, 1965, Bulletin 1201 F
- Bibliography of reports resulting from U. S. Geological Survey participation in the United States technical assistance program, 1940-65, 1965, Bulletin 1193
- Geology and uranium deposits of the Temple Mountain District, Emery County, Utah, 1965, Bulletin 1192
- Lower Mesozoic extrusive rocks in southeastern Arizona: The Canelo Hills Volcanics, 1965, Bulletin 1194 M
- The Black Canyon of the Gunnison: Today and Yesterday, 1965, Bulletin 1191
- Geology of the Cedar Mesa-Boundary Butte area, San Juan County, Utah, 1965, Bulletin 1186
- Geology of the Kayenta and Chilchinbito quadrangles, Navajo County, Arizona, 1965, Bulletin 1202 A
- Geochemistry of the platinum metals, 1965, Bulletin 1214 A
- The crystalline rocks of South Carolina, 1965, Bulletin 1183
- Geology of northwestern North Park, Colorado, 1965, Bulletin 1188
- Geology of the Bridgewater quadrangle, Aroostook County, Maine, with a section on geophysical surveys, 1965, Bulletin 1206
- Bedrock geology of the Grand Lake area, Aroostook, Hancock, Penobscot, and Washington counties, Maine, 1965, Bulletin 1201 E
- Bauxite deposits of the Eufaula District, Alabama, 1965, Bulletin 1199 E
- Calloway Creek limestone and Ashlock and Drakes Formations (Upper Ordovician) in south-central Kentucky, 1965, Bulletin 1224 D
- Reconnaissance geology of Admiralty Island, Alaska, 1965, Bulletin 1181 R
- Bauxite deposits of the Margerum district, Alabama, 1965, Bulletin 1199 D
- Bauxite and Kaolin Deposits of the Irwinton district, Georgia, 1965, Bulletin 1199 J
- Quicksilver deposits of southwestern Alaska a description of the quicksilver mines and prospects, with special emphasis on the structural controls of ore deposition, 1965, Bulletin 1187
- Geology of the Cortez quadrangle, Nevada, with a section on gravity and aeromagnetic surveys, 1965, Bulletin 1175
- The Lexington limestone (Middle Ordovician) of central Kentucky, 1965, Bulletin 1224 C
- Clays Ferry Formation (Ordovician): A new map unit in south-central Kentucky, 1965, Bulletin 1224 B
- The Matagamon Sandstone, a new Devonian formation in north-central Maine, 1965, Bulletin 1194 F
- Geology of the Ciales quadrangle, Puerto Rico, 1965, Bulletin 1184
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1961, 1965, Bulletin 1197
- Nomenclature and correlation of lithologic subdivisions of the Jefferson and Three Forks Formations of southern Montana and northern Wyoming, 1965, Bulletin 1194 N
- Chemical comparison of glassy and crystalline volcanic rocks, 1965, Bulletin 1201 D
- Geology of the Independence quadrangle, Inyo County, California, 1965, Bulletin 1181 O
- Element content of bryophytes, 1965, Bulletin 1198 D
- Geology of the Jolon and Williams Hill quadrangles, Monterey County, California, 1965, Bulletin 1181 Q
- Bryophytes associated with mineral deposits and solutions in Alaska, 1965, Bulletin 1198 C
- Meeker and Loyd Sandstone Members of the Mancos Shale, Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado, 1965, Bulletin 1194 J
- Geologic reconnaissance of the West Creek damsite near Skagway, Alaska, 1965, Bulletin 1211 A
- Bauxite deposits of Tennessee, 1965, Bulletin 1199 L
- Geochemical prospecting investigations in the Copper Belt of Vermont, 1965, Bulletin 1198 B
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1950-1959, 1965, Bulletin 1195
- Carbonate rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age, Northampton and Bucks Counties, eastern Pennsylvania, and Warren and Hunterdon Counties, western New Jersey, 1965, Bulletin 1194 L
- Rockfalls and Avalanches from Little Tahoma Peak on Mount Rainier, Washington, 1965, Bulletin 1221 A
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U. S. Geological Survey, 1964, 1965, Bulletin 1224 A
- Geology and ground-water resources of the Pica area, Tarapaca Province, Chile, 1965, Bulletin 1189
- Comparison of distribution coefficients for strontium exchange from solutions containing one and two competing cations, 1965, Bulletin 1140 D
- Exchange adsorption of strontium on clay minerals, 1965, Bulletin 1140 C
- Geyser Creek Fanglomerate (Tertiary), La Sal Mountains, eastern Utah, 1965, Bulletin 1224 E
- Measurement of the remanent magnetization of igneous rocks, 1965, Bulletin 1203 A
- Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1963, 1965, Bulletin 1194 A
- Bauxite deposits of the Warm Springs district, Meriwether County, Georgia, 1965, Bulletin 1199 I
- Bauxite deposits of the Springvale district, Georgia, 1965, Bulletin 1199 F
- Bauxite deposits of Virginia, 1965, Bulletin 1199 K
- Humate in coastal sands of northwest Florida, 1965, Bulletin 1214 B
- Geology and hydrology of the Hartford Research Center, CANEL site, Middletown, Connecticut, 1965, Bulletin 1133 G
- Geology of the Ash Meadows quadrangle, Nevada-California, 1965, Bulletin 1181 L
- Bauxite and kaolin deposits of Mississippi, exclusive of the Tippah-Benton district, 1965, Bulletin 1199 B
- Regional structure of the southeast Missouri and Illinois-Kentucky mineral districts, 1965, Bulletin 1202 B
- Systematic analysis of silicates, 1964, Bulletin 1170
- Geology of the French Gulch quadrangle, Shasta and Trinity Counties, California, 1964, Bulletin 1141 J
- Geology of the Cuba City, New Diggings, and Shullsburg quadrangles, Wisconsin and Illinois, 1964, Bulletin 1123 H
- Geology and uranium deposits of the southern part of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 1964, Bulletin 1147 D
- Tertiary geology of the Beaver Rim area, Fremont and Natrona Counties, Wyoming, 1964, Bulletin 1164
- Reconnaissance petrographic cross section of the Idaho batholith in Adams and Valley Counties, Idaho, 1964, Bulletin 1181 G
- A preliminary report on the pollen and spores of the pre-Selma Upper Cretaceous strata of western Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160 E
- Bedrock geology of the Kingston quadrangle, Rhode Island, 1964, Bulletin 1158 E
- Distribution of thorium and uranium in three early Paleozoic plutonic series of New Hampshire, 1964, Bulletin 1144 F
- Geologic reconnaissance of the Antelope-Ashwood area, north-central Oregon, with emphasis on the John Day Formation of late Oligocene and early Miocene age, 1964, Bulletin 1161 D
- Geology of the Curlew quadrangle, Ferry County, Washington, 1964, Bulletin 1169
- Pre-Selma larger invertebrate fossils from well core samples in western Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160 C
- Stratigraphy of the Dripping Spring Quartzite, southeastern Arizona, 1964, Bulletin 1168
- Geology and uranium deposits of the Pumpkin Buttes area of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 1964, Bulletin 1107 H
- The Hovey Group of northeastern Maine, 1964, Bulletin 1194 B
- Stratigraphic reconnaissance of the Matanuska Formation in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1181 I
- Uranium at Morro do Vento, Serra de Jacobina, Brazil, 1964, Bulletin 1185 A
- Geochemistry of rocks and related soils and vegetation in the Yellow Cat area, Grand County, Utah, 1964, Bulletin 1176
- Geology and coal resources of the coal-bearing rocks of Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1182 B
- A microfauna from the Coker formation, Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160 D
- Geologic and hydrologic investigation at the site of the Georgia Nuclear Laboratory, Dawson County, Georgia, 1964, Bulletin 1133 F
- Subsurface geology of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, 1964, Bulletin 1133 E
- Geology of the Shotgun Butte area, Fremont County, Wyoming, 1964, Bulletin 1157
- Bedrock geology of the Penn Yan and Keuka Park quadrangles, New York, 1964, Bulletin 1161 G
- Hawaiian volcanoes during 1955, 1964, Bulletin 1171
- The Putnam Group of eastern Connecticut, 1964, Bulletin 1194 C
- Witts Springs Formation of Morrow age in the Snowball quadrangle, north-central Arkansas, 1964, Bulletin 1194 D
- General description of cores of pre-Selma Cretaceous strata in western Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160 A
- Petrology of pre-Selma strata from core holes in western Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160 B
- Geology of the southeastern bauxite deposits, 1964, Bulletin 1199 A
- Geology of the Sumdum copper-zinc prospect, southeastern Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1108 E
- Geology of the Eureka quadrangle, Utah and Juab Counties, Utah, 1964, Bulletin 1142 K
- Cretaceous stratigraphy of the McCarthy A-4 Quadrangle, southern Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1180 A
- Geologic distribution and resources of thorium, 1964, Bulletin 1204
- Curecanti pluton, an unusual intrusive body in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado, 1964, Bulletin 1181 D
- Geology of the Christmas quadrangle, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona, 1964, Bulletin 1161 E
- Geology of the Rewey and Mifflin quadrangles, Wisconsin, 1964, Bulletin 1123 F
- Geology of Precambrian rocks, Idaho Springs district, Colorado, 1964, Bulletin 1182 A
- Geology of the Winnett-Mosby area, Petroleum, Garfield, Rosebud, and Fergus Counties, Montana, 1964, Bulletin 1149
- Geology of the Bald Knob quadrangle, Ferry and Okanogan Counties, Washington, 1964, Bulletin 1161 F
- Geology of Lost River mine area, Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1129
- Reconnaissance for uranium in the central Tucano basin, Bahia, Brazil, 1964, Bulletin 1185 B
- Geology and ore deposits of the White Canyon area, San Juan and Garfield Counties, Utah, 1964, Bulletin 1125
- Talc resources of the United States, 1964, Bulletin 1167
- Distribution of minor elements in coal beds of the Eastern Interior region, 1964, Bulletin 1117 B
- Chemical quality of water, Brookhaven National Laboratory and vicinity, Suffolk County, New York, 1964, Bulletin 1156 D
- Economic geology of the Lakeland quadrangle, Florida, 1964, Bulletin 1162 G
- Infiltration and permeability of weathered crystalline rocks, Georgia Nuclear Laboratory, Dawson County, Georgia, 1964, Bulletin 1133 D
- Geology and uranium deposits at Crooks Gap, Fremont County, Wyoming, with a section on gravity and seismic studies in the Crooks Gap area, 1964, Bulletin 1147 F
- Bedrock geology of the Evitts Creek and Pattersons Creek quadrangles, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, 1964, Bulletin 1173
- Bedrock geology of the Salem quadrangle and vicinity, Massachusetts, 1964, Bulletin 1163 A
- Geology of Franklin, Webster, and Nuckolls Counties, Nebraska, 1964, Bulletin 1165
- Bedrock geology of the Wickford quadrangle, Rhode Island, 1964, Bulletin 1158 C
- General remarks on the pre-Selma Cretaceous strata of western Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160 F
- Geology of the Platte Canyon quadrangle, Colorado, 1964, Bulletin 1181 C
- Upper Miocene and Pliocene marine stratigraphy in southern Salinas Valley, California, 1964, Bulletin 1194 E
- Oxidized zinc deposits of the United States: Part 3. Colorado, 1964, Bulletin 1135 C
- Geology of the Belmont and Calamine quadrangles, Wisconsin, 1964, Bulletin 1123 G
- Geology of the Tintic Junction quadrangle, Tooele, Juab, and Utah Counties, Utah, 1964, Bulletin 1142 L
- Geology of the Edgemont quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, 1964, Bulletin 1063 J
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1960, 1964, Bulletin 1196
- Middle and Lower Ordovician formations in southernmost Nevada and adjacent California, 1964, Bulletin 1180 C
- Geology of the Paradise quadrangle, Cache County, Utah, 1964, Bulletin 1181 S
- Geology of the Cleveland quadrangle, Bearpaw Mountains, Blaine County, Montana, 1964, Bulletin 1141 P
- Surficial geology of the central Kobuk River valley, northwestern Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1181 K
- Review and annotated bibliography of ancient lake deposits (Precambrian to Pleistocene) in the Western States, 1964, Bulletin 1080
- Geochemical exploration near the Getchell mine, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1964, Bulletin 1198 A
- Geology of the Linville Falls quadrangle, North Carolina, 1964, Bulletin 1161 B
- The Helderberg Group and the position of the Silurian-Devonian boundary in North America, 1964, Bulletin 1180 B
- Relation between specific gravity and iron content of rocks from the Red Mountain Formation, Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1182 D
- Geology of uranium deposits in the Front Range, Colorado, 1964, Bulletin 1159
- Character and distribution of nonclastic minerals in the Searles Lake evaporite deposit, California, 1964, Bulletin 1181 P
- Geology of the Upton Quadrangle, Crook and Weston counties, Wyoming, 1964, Bulletin 1181 J
- Recognition criteria of igneous and metamorphic rocks on aerial photographs of Chichagof and Kruzof Islands, southeastern Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1043 E
- Coal resources of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, 1964, Bulletin 1143 B
- Bedrock geology of the Tiverton quadrangle, Rhode Island-Massachusetts, 1964, Bulletin 1158 D
- Nonopaque heavy minerals in sandstone of Jurassic and Cretaceous age in the Black Hills, Wyoming and South Dakota, 1964, Bulletin 1161 C
- Geology of the Cosio Knob and Espinosa Canyon quadrangles, Monterey County, California, 1964, Bulletin 1161 H
- Geologic sketch of northwestern Oregon, 1964, Bulletin 1181 M,N
- Petrochemistry and bedrock geology of the Fitchville quadrangle, Connecticut, 1964, Bulletin 1161 I
- Mineral resources of Alaska, 1959-63, 1964, Bulletin 1108
- Oxidized zinc deposits of the United States, 1964, Bulletin 1135
- Fossils in Ordovician tuffs, northeastern Maine, with a section on Trilobita, 1964, Bulletin 1181 E
- Geology of the Jarbidge quadrangle, Nevada-Idaho, 1964, Bulletin 1141 M
- Geology of the Rattlesnake quadrangle Bearpaw Mountains, Blaine County, Montana, 1964, Bulletin 1181 B
- Taconic stratigraphic names: Definitions and synonymies, 1964, Bulletin 1174
- Stratigraphy and petrography of the Pybus-Gambier area, Admiralty Island, Alaska, 1964, Bulletin 1178
- Bauxite deposits of the Tippah-Benton district, Mississippi, 1964, Bulletin 1199 C
- Geology of the Frenchie Creek quadrangle, north-central Nevada, 1964, Bulletin 1179
- Studies of pre-Selma Cretaceous core samples from the outcrop area in western Alabama, 1964, Bulletin 1160
- Geology of the Georgetown Canyon-Snowdrift Mountain area, southeastern Idaho, 1964, Bulletin 1153
- Cenozoic geology in the Mammoth area, Pinal County, Arizona, 1963, Bulletin 1141 E
- Geology of the Railroad mining district, Elko County, Nevada, 1963, Bulletin 1162 B
- Clay minerals in Triassic rocks of the Colorado Plateau, 1963, Bulletin 1147 C
- Minor elements in bedrock soil, and vegetation at an outcrop of the Phosphoria Formation on Snowdrift Mountain southeastern Idaho, 1963, Bulletin 1181 F
- Distribution of elements in Colorado Plateau uranium deposits - a preliminary report, 1963, Bulletin 1147 E
- Reconnaissance geology of northern Baranof Island, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1141 O
- Ordovician graptolites of the Basin Ranges in California, Nevada, Utah, and Idaho, 1963, Bulletin 1134
- Selenium in some oxidized sandstone-type uranium deposits, 1963, Bulletin 1162 C
- Geology of the Lees Ferry area, Coconino County, Arizona, 1963, Bulletin 1137
- Selected bibliography of talc in the United States, 1963, Bulletin 1182 C
- Melting and transformation temperatures of mineral and allied substances, 1963, Bulletin 1144 D
- Geology of the Dodgeville and Mineral Point quadrangles, Wisconsin, 1963, Bulletin 1123 D
- Geology of the Calamity Peak area, Custer County, South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1142 E
- Geology and hydrology of the Elk River, Minnesota, nuclear-reactor site, 1963, Bulletin 1133 C
- Geology of the Fanny Peak quadrangle, Wyoming-South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1063 I
- Geology of the Pinal Ranch quadrangle, Arizona, 1963, Bulletin 1141 H
- Frost heaving of piles with an example from Fairbanks, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1111 I
- Geology of the beryllium deposits in the Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah, 1963, Bulletin 1142 M
- Geology of Glenwood Springs quadrangle and vicinity, northwestern Colorado, 1963, Bulletin 1142 J
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Twin Crags quadrangle, Idaho, 1963, Bulletin 1142 A
- Geology of the Anlauf and Drain Quadrangles, Douglas and Lane Counties, Oregon, 1963, Bulletin 1122 D
- Coal resources of Beaver County, Pennsylvania, 1963, Bulletin 1143 A
- Geology of the Imuruk Lake area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1141 C
- Geology of the American Falls quadrangle, Idaho, 1963, Bulletin 1121 G
- Geology of the Reliz Canyon, Thompson Canyon, and San Lucas quadrangles, Monterey County, California, 1963, Bulletin 1141 Q
- Theriosynoecum wyomingense (Branson, 1935), a possible guide ostracode to the Salt Wash member of the Morrison Formation, 1963, Bulletin 1161 A
- Physical properties and mineralogy of selected samples of the sediments from the vicinity of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York, 1963, Bulletin 1156 B
- Geology of the Ewing quadrangle, Kentucky and Virginia, 1963, Bulletin 1142 B
- Oxidized zinc deposits of the United States: Part 2. Utah, 1963, Bulletin 1135 B
- Geology of the eastern part of the Mount Fairweather quadrangle, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1121 K
- Geology of the North Bradfield River iron prospect, southeastern Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1108 D
- Geology and petrology of two stocks of layered gabbro in the Fairweather Range, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1121 F
- Geology of the Basin quadrangle: Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and Powell Counties, Montana, 1963, Bulletin 1151
- Geology of Brookhaven National Laboratory and vicinity, Suffolk County, New York, 1963, Bulletin 1156 A
- Geology and ore deposits of the Bokan Mountain uranium-thorium area, southeastern Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1154
- Bedrock Geology and Asbestos Deposits of the Upper Missisquoi Valley and Vicinity, Vermont, 1963, Bulletin 1122 B
- Geology of Portland, Oregon, and adjacent areas, 1963, Bulletin 1119
- Geology of the northern part of the Tenmile Range, Summit County, Colorado, 1963, Bulletin 1162 D
- Heavy minerals in the saprolite of the crystalline rocks in the Shelby quadrangle, North Carolina, 1963, Bulletin 1162 F
- Comparison of geological, geophysical, and geochemical prospecting methods at the Malachite mine, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1963, Bulletin 1098 C
- Geology of the Edgemont NE quadrangle, Fall River and Custer Counties, South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1063 E
- Geology of the Jewel Cave SW Quadrangle, Custer County, South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1063 G
- Geology of the Red Devil quicksilver mine, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1142 G
- General geology of the Jackson Mountains, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1963, Bulletin 1141 D
- Coal reserves of eastern Kentucky, 1963, Bulletin 1120
- Analytical methods used in geochemical exploration by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1963, Bulletin 1152
- Geology of the Fort Laramie area, Platte and Goshen Counties, Wyoming, 1963, Bulletin 1141 F
- Contributions to economic geology of Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1155
- Economic geology of the Chicora quadrangle, Florida, 1963, Bulletin 1162 A
- Geology of the Mount Pinchot quadrangle, southern Sierra Nevada, California, 1963, Bulletin 1130
- Geophysical abstracts, 188-191, 1962, 1963, Bulletin 1166
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Turtle Lake quadrangle, Washington, 1963, Bulletin 1131
- Geologic Setting of the Hamme Tungsten District, North Carolina and Virginia, 1963, Bulletin 1122 G
- Bedrock geology of the Crompton quadrangle, Rhode Island, 1963, Bulletin 1158 B
- Geology of the Nefsy Divide quadrangle, Crook County, Wyoming, 1963, Bulletin 1121 E
- Geology of the Willow Springs and Rosamond quadrangles, California, 1963, Bulletin 1089 C
- Geology of the lead-zinc deposits in the Municipio de Januaria, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1963, Bulletin 1110 B
- Columbia River Basalt in the Riggins quadrangle, western Idaho, 1963, Bulletin 1141 L
- A preliminary report on the Precambrian iron deposits near Atlantic City, Wyoming, 1963, Bulletin 1142 C
- Geology and uranium-vanadium deposits of the Monument Valley area, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona, 1963, Bulletin 1103
- Geophysical abstract 188, January-March, 1962, 1963, Bulletin 1166 A
- Strontium sorption studies on crandallite, 1963, Bulletin 1144 C
- Economic geology of the Plant City quadrangle, Florida, 1963, Bulletin 1142 D
- Geology of phosphate deposits of northern peninsular Florida, 1963, Bulletin 1118
- Diamond drilling exploration of the Beecher No. 3--Black Diamond pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1162 E
- Geology of the Freshwater Bay area, Chichagof Island, Alaska, 1963, Bulletin 1108 C
- Porosity and bulk density of sedimentary rocks, 1963, Bulletin 1144 E
- Bedrock geology of the Coventry Center quadrangle, Rhode Island, 1963, Bulletin 1158 A
- Geophysical abstract 189, April-June, 1962, 1963, Bulletin 1166 B
- Geophysical abstract 190, July-September, 1962, 1963, Bulletin 1166 C
- Geophysical abstract 191, October-December, 1962, 1963, Bulletin 1166 D
- Economic geology of the Keysville quadrangle, Florida, 1963, Bulletin 1128
- Index to Geophysical abstracts 188-191, 1962, 1963, Bulletin 1166 E
- Geology of the Burdock quadrangle, Fall River and Custer Counties, South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1063 F
- Geology, ore deposits, and exploratory drilling in the Deer Flat area, White Canyon district, San Juan County, Utah, 1963, Bulletin 1132
- Geology of the Newcastle area, Weston County, Wyoming, 1963, Bulletin 1141 N
- Geology and coal resources of the Salyersville North quadrangle, Magoffin, Morgan, and Johnson Counties, Kentucky, 1963, Bulletin 1047 B
- Geology of the Platteville quadrangle, Wisconsin, 1963, Bulletin 1123 E
- Geology of the Angostura Reservoir quadrangle, Fall River County, South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1063 D
- Measuring geothermal gradients in drill holes less than 60 feet deep, East Tintic district, Utah, 1963, Bulletin 1172
- Geology of the Dubuque North quadrangle, Iowa-Wisconsin-Illinois, 1963, Bulletin 1123 C
- Geology of the Inyan Kara Mountain quadrangle, Crook and Weston Counties, Wyoming, 1963, Bulletin 1121 M
- Geology and ground water in Verde Valley - The Mogollon Rim region, Arizona, 1963, Bulletin 1177
- Geology of the Clifton quadrangle, Wyoming and South Dakota, 1963, Bulletin 1063 H
- Geology of the Duck Creek Pass quadrangle, Montana, 1963, Bulletin 1121 J
- Fluvial sediments a summary of source, transportation, deposition, and measurement of sediment discharge, 1963, Bulletin 1181 A
- Surface geology of the Nash Draw quadrangle, Eddy County, New Mexico, 1963, Bulletin 1141 B
- Geology of some copper deposits in North Carolina, Virginia, and Alabama, 1963, Bulletin 1142 I
- Geology and uranium occurrences of the northern half of the Lehighton, Pennsylvania, quadrangle and adjoining areas, 1963, Bulletin 1138
- Geology of the Clark Fork quadrangle, Idaho-Montana, 1963, Bulletin 1141 K
- Geology of the Littleton quadrangle, Jefferson, Douglas, and Arapahoe counties, Colorado, 1962, Bulletin 1121 L
- Geology of the magnesite belt of Stevens County, Washington, 1962, Bulletin 1142 F
- Use of cesium-137 in the determination of cation exchange capacity, 1962, Bulletin 1140 B
- An improved method for the determination of FeO in rocks and minerals including garnet, 1962, Bulletin 1144 B
- Geology and thorium-bearing deposits of the Lemhi Pass area, Lemhi County, Idaho, and Beaverhead County, Montana, 1962, Bulletin 1126
- Distribution of elements in sedimentary rocks of the Colorado Plateau - a preliminary report, 1962, Bulletin 1107 F
- Geophysical abstracts, 1961, 1962, Bulletin 1146
- Adsorption of cesium on clay minerals, 1962, Bulletin 1140 A
- Reconnaissance study of uranium deposits in Arizona, 1962, Bulletin 1147 A
- Geology and mineral deposits of the area south of Telluride, Colorado, 1962, Bulletin 1112 G
- Geologic environment of an oxidized uranium deposit in the Black Hills, South Dakota, 1962, Bulletin 1063 C
- Geology of the Otter Creek quadrangle, Montana, 1962, Bulletin 1111 G
- Uranium-bearing coal in the eastern part of the Red Desert area, Wyoming, 1962, Bulletin 1099 B
- Uranium and other trace elements in Devonian and Mississippian black shales in the central midcontinent area, 1962, Bulletin 1107 E
- A Pleistocene ice sheet in the northern Boulder Mountains, Jefferson, Powell, and Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana, 1962, Bulletin 1141 G
- Geologic investigations of proposed powersites at Sheep Creek, Carlson Creek, and Turner Lake, Alaska, 1962, Bulletin 1031 F
- Geology of rocks of Pennsylvanian age in the southern half of the Tremont quadrangle, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, 1962, Bulletin 1112 F
- Summary of rock salt deposits in the United States as possible storage sites for radioactive waste materials, 1962, Bulletin 1148
- Uranium occurrences in sedimentary rocks of Pennsylvania, 1962, Bulletin 1107 D
- Future petroleum producing capacity of the United States, 1962, Bulletin 1142 H
- Geologic reconnaissance of the Yukon Flats district, Alaska, 1962, Bulletin 1111 H
- Botanical prospecting for uranium on South Elk Ridge, San Juan County, Utah, 1962, Bulletin 1085 D
- Clay minerals in the Morrison formation of the Colorado Plateau, 1962, Bulletin 1150
- Geology of waterpower sites on Crater Lake, Long Lake, and Speel River near Juneau, Alaska, 1962, Bulletin 1031 D
- Geology of waterpower sites on Scenery, Cascade, and Delta Creeks near Petersburg, Alaska, 1962, Bulletin 1031 E
- Geology and refractory clay deposits of the Haldeman and Wrigley quadrangles, Kentucky, with a section on coal resources, 1962, Bulletin 1122 F
- Geology and uranium deposits of the Strawberry Hill quadrangle, Crook County, Wyoming, 1962, Bulletin 1127
- Character and history of the Upper Ohio River valley, 1962, Bulletin 1141 I
- Geology and fluorspar deposits of the Levias-Keystone and Dike-Eaton areas, Crittenden County, Kentucky, 1962, Bulletin 1122 E
- Geology of south-central Hidalgo and north-eastern Mexico, Mexico, 1962, Bulletin 1104 C
- Geology and hydrology of the site of the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility, Nebraska, 1962, Bulletin 1133 B
- Lead-zinc deposits of the Boquira district, State of Bahia, Brazil, 1962, Bulletin 1110 A
- Preliminary geologic map and sections of the Linville quadrangle, North Carolina-Tennessee, 1962, Bulletin 1121 D
- Geology of the Spruce Pine district, Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey Counties, North Carolina, 1962, Bulletin 1122 A
- Relation of the transmissive character of the sedimentary rocks of the Colorado Plateau to the distribution of uranium deposits, 1962, Bulletin 1124
- Uranium in some rocks of Pennsylvanian age in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri, 1962, Bulletin 1147 B
- Ultrasonic measurement of suspended sediment, 1962, Bulletin 1141 A
- Rapid analysis of silicate, carbonate, and phosphate rocks, 1962, Bulletin 1144 A
- Geology of waterpower sites on the Bradley River, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1962, Bulletin 1031 C
- Geophysical methods of exploring for buried channels in the Monument Valley area, Arizona and Utah, 1962, Bulletin 1083 F
- Coal Geology of the Seitz Quadrangle, Breathitt, Magoffin, Morgan, and Wolfe Counties, Kentucky, 1962, Bulletin 1122 C
- Oxidized zinc deposits of the United States: Part 1. General geology, 1962, Bulletin 1135 A
- Bentonite deposits of the northern Black Hills district, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota, 1962, Bulletin 1082 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1958, 1962, Bulletin 1082
- Reconnaissance geology of Hiland-Clarkson Hill area, Natrona County, Wyoming, 1962, Bulletin 1107 G
- Geophysical abstracts 183, October-December 1960, 1961, Bulletin 1116 D
- Geologic investigations of proposed powersites at Baranof and Carbon Lakes, Baranof Island, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1031 B
- Heavy minerals as guides to uranium-vanadium ore deposits in the Slick Rock district, Colorado, 1961, Bulletin 1107 B
- Beryllium content of American coals, 1961, Bulletin 1084 K
- Paleozoic and Cenozoic rocks in the Alpine-Nutrioso area, Apache County, Arizona, 1961, Bulletin 1121 H
- Geochemical prospecting abstracts, January 1955-June 1957, 1961, Bulletin 1098 B
- An evaluation of whole-order, 1/2-order, and 1/3-order reporting in semiquantitative spectrochemical analysis, 1961, Bulletin 1084 H
- Relation of uranium deposits to tectonic pattern of the central Cordilleran foreland, 1961, Bulletin 1087 I
- Geologic reconnaissance of Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1028 R
- Geologic reconnaissance of Frosty Peak volcano and vicinity, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1028 T
- Geophysical abstracts 185, April-June 1961, 1961, Bulletin 1146 B
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Carlile quadrangle, Crook County, Wyoming, 1961, Bulletin 1082 J
- Geology of the Dewey quadrangle, Wyoming-South Dakota, 1961, Bulletin 1063 B
- Geology of the Lost Creek schroeckingerite deposits, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1961, Bulletin 1087 J
- Geology of Unalaska Island and adjacent insular shelf, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1028 S
- A spectrochemical method for the semiquantitative analysis of rocks, minerals, and ores, 1961, Bulletin 1084 I
- Geology of the Lloyd quadrangle, Bearpaw Mountains, Blaine County, Montana, 1961, Bulletin 1081 E
- Geophysical abstracts 184-187, 1961, 1961, Bulletin 1146 E
- Geology of the Mount McKinley quadrangle, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1108 A
- Geophysical abstract 187, October-December 1961, 1961, Bulletin 1146 D
- Minerals of Colorado: A 100-year record, 1961, Bulletin 1114
- Geophysical abstract 186, July-September 1961, 1961, Bulletin 1146 C
- Geology of the Montfort and Linden quadrangles, Wisconsin, 1961, Bulletin 1123 B
- Geochemistry of minor elements in coals of the Northern Great Plains coal province, 1961, Bulletin 1117 A
- Geology of the southern part of the Lemhi Range, Idaho, 1961, Bulletin 1081 F
- Stratigraphy and refractory clayrocks of the Dakota group along the northern Front Range, Colorado, 1961, Bulletin 1102
- Geophysical abstracts 184, January-March 1961, 1961, Bulletin 1146 A
- Iron and copper deposits of Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1090
- Coal reserves of the United States - a progress report, January 1, 1960, 1961, Bulletin 1136
- Tofty tin belt, Manley Hot Springs district, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1058 I
- Petrography and origin of xenotime and monazite concentrations, Central City district, Colorado, 1961, Bulletin 1032 F
- Eolian deposits of the Matanuska Valley agricultural area, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1121 C
- Coal resources of the Trinidad coal field in Huerfano and Las Animas counties, Colorado, 1961, Bulletin 1112 E
- Distribution of uranium in rocks and minerals of Mesozoic batholiths in western United States, 1961, Bulletin 1070 C
- Distribution and thickness of Devonian rocks in Williston basin and in central Montana and north-central Wyoming, 1961, Bulletin 1112 D
- Geology and hydrology of the Piqua area, Ohio, 1961, Bulletin 1133 A
- The uranium-vanadium ore deposit at the Monument No.1-Mitten No.2 mine, Monument Valley, Navajo County, Arizona, 1961, Bulletin 1107 C
- A constant-feed direct-current arc, 1961, Bulletin 1084 J
- Manganese deposits in the Drum Mountains, Juab and Millard Counties, Utah, 1961, Bulletin 1082 H
- Geology of the Bernal-Jalpan area, Estado de Queretaro, Mexico, 1961, Bulletin 1104 B
- Geology of the Bonner quadrangle, Montana, 1961, Bulletin 1111 F
- Index to geophysical abstracts 180-183, 1960, 1961, Bulletin 1116 E
- Stratigraphy of the Moose River synclinorium, Maine, 1961, Bulletin 1111 E
- Uranium-bearing coal in the central part of the Great Divide Basin, 1961, Bulletin 1099 A
- Tertiary geology and oil-shale resources of the Piceance Creek basin between the Colorado and White Rivers, northwestern Colorado, 1961, Bulletin 1082 L
- Index of metallic and nonmetallic mineral deposits of Alaska compiled from published reports of Federal and State agencies through 1959, 1961, Bulletin 1139
- Geology of the Craig quadrangle, Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1108 B
- Uranium and other metals in crude oils, 1961, Bulletin 1100
- Split Rock formation (Miocene) and Moonstone formation (Pliocene) in central Wyoming, 1961, Bulletin 1121 I
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1959, 1961, Bulletin 1145
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1958, 1961, Bulletin 1115
- Mineral resources of Alaska, 1956, 1961, Bulletin 1058
- Geophysical abstracts, 180-183 January-December 1960, 1961, Bulletin 1116
- Geology of part of the Craig C-2 quadrangle and adjoining areas, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska, 1961, Bulletin 1058 H
- Petrography of radioactive Tertiary igneous rocks, Front Range mineral belt, Colorado, 1960, Bulletin 1032 E
- Classification of Wisconsin glacial deposits in northeastern Ohio, 1960, Bulletin 1121 A
- Geophysical abstracts 181, April-June 1960, 1960, Bulletin 1116 B
- Chemical composition as a guide to the size of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Morrison Formation on the Colorado Plateau, 1960, Bulletin 1112 B
- Geophysical abstracts 182, July-September 1960, 1960, Bulletin 1116 C
- Method for the quantitative spectrochemical analysis of rocks, minerals, ores, and other materials by a powder d-c arc technique, 1960, Bulletin 1084 G
- Geophysical abstracts 179, October-December 1959, 1960, Bulletin 1106 D
- Uranium content of ground and surface waters in a part of the central Great Plains, 1960, Bulletin 1087 G
- Geology and fluorspar deposits, Northgate district, Colorado, 1960, Bulletin 1082 F
- Geochemical studies in the Coeur d'Alene district, Shoshone County, Idaho, 1960, Bulletin 1098 A
- Stratigraphy and structure of the House Rock Valley area, Coconino County, Arizona, 1960, Bulletin 1081 D
- Areal geology of the Little Cone quadrangle, Colorado, 1960, Bulletin 1082 G
- Selected annotated bibliography of the geology of uranium-bearing veins in the United States, 1960, Bulletin 1059 G
- Surficial geology of the Kingston quadrangle, Rhode Island, 1960, Bulletin 1071 I
- Igneous and tectonic structures of the Stillwater complex, Montana, 1960, Bulletin 1071 H
- Geology and mineral deposits of the St. Regis-Superior area, Mineral County, Montana, 1960, Bulletin 1082 I
- Geology and ore deposits of the Kern River uranium area, California, 1960, Bulletin 1087 F
- Geologic appraisal of dimension-stone deposits, 1960, Bulletin 1109
- Second report on a cooperative investigation of the composition of two silicate rocks, 1960, Bulletin 1113
- Chromite and other mineral deposits in serpentine rocks of the Piedmont Upland, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, 1960, Bulletin 1082 K
- Geology of the Maddux quadrangle, Bearpaw Mountains, Blaine County, Montana, 1960, Bulletin 1081 C
- Geomorphology of the upper Kuskokwim region, Alaska, 1960, Bulletin 1071 G
- Anomalous remanent magnetization of basalt, 1960, Bulletin 1083 E
- Pulse-transient behavior of brine-saturated sandstones, 1960, Bulletin 1083 D
- Geology of the Rogers Lake and Kramer quadrangles, California, 1960, Bulletin 1089 B
- Geology of Rat Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1960, Bulletin 1028 Q
- Geology of the Grosvenor quadrangle, Brown and Coleman Counties, Texas, 1960, Bulletin 1096 A
- Geology of the Dubuque South quadrangle, Iowa-Illinois, 1960, Bulletin 1123 A
- Isopach mapping by photogeologic methods as an aid in the location of swales and channels in the Monument Valley area, Arizona, 1960, Bulletin 1043 D
- Coal resources of Arkansas, 1954, 1960, Bulletin 1072 P
- The development of botanical methods of prospecting for uranium on the Colorado Plateau, 1960, Bulletin 1085 A
- Field description and sampling of coal beds, 1960, Bulletin 1111 B
- Devonian rugose corals from northern Maine, 1960, Bulletin 1111 A
- Investigations of some clay deposits in Washington and Idaho, 1960, Bulletin 1091
- Geology of the Cross Plains quadrangle, Brown, Callahan, Coleman, and Eastland Counties, Texas, 1960, Bulletin 1096 B
- Spectrophotometric determination of traces of lead in igneous rocks, 1960, Bulletin 1084 F
- Index to geophysical abstracts 176-179, 1959, 1960, Bulletin 1106 E
- Selected annotated bibliography of gypsum and anhydrite in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1960, Bulletin 1105
- Distribution of silica resources in eastern United States, 1960, Bulletin 1072 L
- Stratigraphy of the Wichita group in part of the Brazos River Valley, north Texas, 1960, Bulletin 1081 G
- Illinoian outwash in southeastern Pennsylvania, 1960, Bulletin 1121 B
- Erosion and related phenomena at Paricutin in 1957, 1960, Bulletin 1104 A
- Geology of the Clay Hills area, San Juan County, Utah, 1960, Bulletin 1087 H
- Some geologic features of the Pima mining district, Pima County, Arizona, 1960, Bulletin 1112 C
- Geology of the Alvord Mountain quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California, 1960, Bulletin 1089 A
- Selenium in some epithermal deposits of antimony, mercury, and silver and gold, 1960, Bulletin 1112 A
- Geology and submarine physiography of Amchitka Island, Alaska, 1960, Bulletin 1028 P
- Corals from well cores of Madison group, Williston basin, 1960, Bulletin 1071 F
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1957, 1960, Bulletin 1095
- Beryl-bearing pegmatites in the Ruby Mountains and other areas in Nevada and northwestern Arizona, 1960, Bulletin 1082 D
- Geophysical abstracts 180, January-March 1960, 1960, Bulletin 1116 A
- Strategic graphite, a survey, 1960, Bulletin 1082 E
- Botanical prospecting for uranium in the Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County, Utah, 1960, Bulletin 1085 C
- Botanical prospecting for uranium in the Deer Flat area, White Canyon district, San Juan County, Utah, 1960, Bulletin 1085 B
- Petrology of the Meade Peak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation at Coal Canyon, Wyoming; A method of X-ray analysis for determining the ratio of calcite to dolomite in mineral mixtures, 1960, Bulletin 1111 C,D
- Vanadium-uranium deposits of the Rifle Creek area, Garfield County, Colorado, with a section on mineralogy, 1960, Bulletin 1101
- Geophysical abstracts 176-179 January-December 1959, 1960, Bulletin 1106
- Core logs from five test holes near Kramer, California, 1960, Bulletin 1045 F
- Mineral occurrences of New York State with selected references to each locality, 1959, Bulletin 1072 F
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1956, 1959, Bulletin 1075
- Beryl deposits of the Beecher No. 3-Black Diamond pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, 1959, Bulletin 1072 I
- Geology of the Delarof and westernmost Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 I
- Geology of southern Adak Island and Kagalaska Island, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 M
- Scintillation counters for geologic use, 1959, Bulletin 1052 F
- Geology of uranium deposits in Triassic rocks of the Colorado Plateau region, 1959, Bulletin 1074 D
- Graphic-locator method in geologic mapping, 1959, Bulletin 1081 A
- Geology of the Garo uranium-vanadium-copper deposit, Park County, Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1087 A
- Some effects of recent volcanic ash falls, with especial reference to Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 N
- Quaternary geology of the Smoke Creek-Medicine Lake-Grenora area, Montana and North Dakota, 1959, Bulletin 1073
- Geology and coal resources of the Buffalo-Lake DeSmet area, Johnson and Sheridan Counties, Wyoming, 1959, Bulletin 1078
- Geology and uranium deposits of Monument Valley, San Juan County, Utah, 1959, Bulletin 1087 D
- Geologic reconnaissance of Semisopochnoi Island, western Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 O
- Selenium content of some volcanic rocks from western United States and Hawaiian Islands, 1959, Bulletin 1084 C
- Quartz crystal deposits of southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina, 1959, Bulletin 1072 D
- Radioactivity and uranium content, Sharon Springs member of the Pierre shale, Kansas and Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1046 L
- Coal resources of Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1072 C
- Uranium in Phillips mine-Camp Smith area, Putnam and Westchester Counties, New York, 1959, Bulletin 1074 E
- Geology and thorium deposits of the Wet Mountains, Colorado; a progress report, 1959, Bulletin 1072 H
- Surficial geology of Anchorage and vicinity, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1093
- Stratigraphy of the Little Rocky Mountains and encircling foothills, Montana, 1959, Bulletin 1072 N
- Electrical properties of sandstones of the Morrison formation, 1959, Bulletin 1052 J
- Geology of possible petroleum provinces in Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1094
- Dielectric constant and electrical resistivity of natural-state cores, 1959, Bulletin 1052 H
- Stratigraphy of the area between Hernando and Hardee Counties, Florida, 1959, Bulletin 1074 C
- Uranium in Sharon Springs member of Pierre shale, South Dakota and northeastern Nebraska, 1959, Bulletin 1046 R
- Glacial geology of the Mystic Lakes-Fresh Pond area, Massachusetts, 1959, Bulletin 1061 F
- Geology and uranium occurrences in the Miller Hill area, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1959, Bulletin 1074 F
- Geology and construction-material resources of Pottawatomie County, Kansas, 1959, Bulletin 1060 C
- The Square Buttes coal field, Oliver and Mercer Counties, North Dakota, 1959, Bulletin 1076
- Geology of the Huerfano Park area, Huerfano and Custer Counties, Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1071 D
- Uranium resources of the Green River and Henry Mountains districts, Utah - a regional synthesis, 1959, Bulletin 1087 C
- Uranium resources of the Cedar Mountain area, Emery County, Utah - a regional synthesis, 1959, Bulletin 1087 B
- Lead-alpha age determinations of accessory minerals of igneous rocks (1953-1957), 1959, Bulletin 1097 B
- Geology and cement raw materials of the Windy Creek area, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1039 D
- Geology and construction-material resources of Nemaha County, Kansas, 1959, Bulletin 1060 D
- Geology of Wabaunsee County, Kansas, 1959, Bulletin 1068
- Annotated bibliography on the geology of selenium, 1959, Bulletin 1019 M
- Geology of the Mount Katmai area, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1058 G
- Geologic reconnaissance of Gareloi Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 J
- Geology and fuel resources of the Mesa Verde area, Montezuma and La Plata Counties, Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1072 M
- Geology and oil-shale resources of Naval Oil-Shale Reserve No. 2, Uintah and Carbon Counties, Utah, 1959, Bulletin 1072 O
- Results of geologic exploration by core drilling, 1953, land-pebble phosphate district, Florida, 1959, Bulletin 1046 K
- Rapid analysis of chromite and chrome ore, 1959, Bulletin 1084 B
- Geology of the Lake Mary quadrangle, Iron County, Michigan, 1959, Bulletin 1077
- Geochemistry of uranium in phosphorites and black shales of the Phosphoria formation, 1959, Bulletin 1084 D
- Geology of Segula, Davidof, and Khvostof Islands, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 K
- Reconnaissance investigation of uranium occurrences in the Saratoga area, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1959, Bulletin 1046 M
- Geology of Umnak and Bogoslof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 L
- Stratigraphy of Triassic and associated formations in part of the Colorado Plateau region, with a section on sedimentary petrology, 1959, Bulletin 1046 Q
- Geology and fluorspar deposits, Big Four fault system, Crittenden County, Kentucky, 1959, Bulletin 1042 S
- Natural radioactive disequilibrium of the uranium series, 1959, Bulletin 1084 A
- Areal geology of the Placerville quadrangle, San Miguel County, Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1072 E
- Coal resources of Trinidad-Aguilar area, Las Animas and Huerfano Counties, Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1072 G
- Distribution of chemical elements in the Salt Wash member of the Morrison formation, Jo Dandy area, Montrose County, Colorado, 1959, Bulletin 1084 E
- Geology and construction-material resources of Marion County, Kansas, 1959, Bulletin 1060 B
- A comparison among caliper-log, gamma-ray-log, and other diamond-drillhole data, 1959, Bulletin 1052 G
- Haydite raw material in the Kings River, Sutton, and Lawing areas, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1039 C
- Stratigraphy of the Inyan Kara group in the Black Hills, 1959, Bulletin 1081 B
- Geology of the Thomas Range fluorspar district, Juab County, Utah, 1959, Bulletin 1069
- Bibliography of U. S. Geological Survey reports on uranium and thorium, 1942 through May 1958, 1959, Bulletin 1107 A
- Uranium deposits in the Dripping Spring quartzite, Gila County, Arizona, 1959, Bulletin 1046 P
- Stratigraphy and uranium content of the Chattanooga shale in northeastern Alabama, northwestern Georgia, and eastern Tennessee, 1959, Bulletin 1087 E
- Selected bibliography of andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, dumortierite topaz, and pyrophyllite in the United States, 1959, Bulletin 1019 N
- Evaluation of the lead-alpha (Larsen) method for determining ages of igneous rocks, 1959, Bulletin 1097 A
- Geology of the Charleston phosphate area, South Carolina, 1959, Bulletin 1079
- Geology and oil and gas possibilities of upper Mississippian rocks of southwestern Virginia, southern West Virginia and eastern Kentucky, 1959, Bulletin 1072 K
- Index to the geologic names of North America, 1959, Bulletin 1056 B
- Problems in the disposal of acid aluminum nitrate high-level radioactive waste solutions by injection into deep-lying permeable formations, 1959, Bulletin 1088
- Uranium in coal in the western United States, 1959, Bulletin 1055
- Geology and ore deposits in the Reid Inlet area, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1058 B
- Geology of Geikie Inlet area, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1058 C
- Geology and coal resources of the Little Susitna district, Matanuska coal field, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1058 D
- Geology and ore deposits of northwestern Chichagof Island, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1058 E
- Geology and coal resources of the Homer district, Kenai coal field, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1058 F
- Radioactive rare-earth deposit at Scrub Oaks mine, Morris County, New Jersey, 1959, Bulletin 1082 B
- Geology of Little Sitkin Island, Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1028 H
- Iron-ore resources of the United States including Alaska and Puerto Rico, 1955, 1959, Bulletin 1082 C
- Periodic heat flow in a stratified medium with application to permafrost problems, 1959, Bulletin 1083 A
- Directional resistivity measurements in exploration for uranium deposits on the Colorado Plateau, 1959, Bulletin 1083 B
- Dissipation of the temperature effect of drilling a well in Arctic Alaska, 1959, Bulletin 1083 C
- Geophysical abstracts 175, October-December 1958, 1959, Bulletin 1086 D
- Index to geophysical abstracts 172-175, 1958, 1959, Bulletin 1086 E
- Geophysical abstracts 176, January-March 1959, 1959, Bulletin 1106 A
- Geophysical abstracts 177, April-June 1959, 1959, Bulletin 1106 B
- Geophysical abstracts 178, July-September 1959, 1959, Bulletin 1106 C
- Geology of the lower Marias River area, Chouteau, Hill, and Liberty Counties, Montana, 1959, Bulletin 1071 E
- Preliminary study of radioactive limonite in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, 1959, Bulletin 1046 N
- Equation of continuity in geology with applications to the transport of radioactive gas, 1959, Bulletin 1052 I
- Geophysical abstracts 172-175 January-December 1958, 1959, Bulletin 1086
- Experimental and theoretical geophysics, 1959, Bulletin 1083
- Core logs from Bristol, Cadiz, and Danby Dry Lakes, San Bernardino County, California, 1959, Bulletin 1045 D
- Core logs from Searles Lake, San Bernardino County, California, 1959, Bulletin 1045 E
- Reconnaissance geology of the Birney-Broadus coal field, Rosebud and Powder River Counties, Montana, 1959, Bulletin 1072 J
- Pegmatites of the Middletown area, Connecticut, 1958, Bulletin 1042 Q
- Reconnaissance for radioactive minerals in Washington, Idaho, and western Montana, 1952-1955, 1958, Bulletin 1074 B
- Geology and construction-material resources of Morris County, Kansas, 1958, Bulletin 1060 A
- Index to geophysical abstracts 168-171, 1957, 1958, Bulletin 1066 E
- Zirconium and hafnium in the southeastern Atlantic States, 1958, Bulletin 1082 A
- Selected annotated bibliography of the geology and occurrence of uranium-bearing marine black shales in the United States, 1958, Bulletin 1059 F
- Lead-alpha ages of the Mesozoic batholiths of western North America, 1958, Bulletin 1070 B
- Bibliography of nickel, 1958, Bulletin 1019 K
- Systematic mineralogy of uranium and thorium, 1958, Bulletin 1064
- Geology and coal resources of the Centralia-Chehalis district, Washington, 1958, Bulletin 1053
- Magnetic-doublet theory in the analysis of total-intensity anomalies, 1958, Bulletin 1052 D
- A reconnaissance of the Idaho batholith and comparison with the southern California batholith, 1958, Bulletin 1070 A
- Selected annotated bibliography of the uranium geology of igneous and metamorphic rocks in the United States, 1958, Bulletin 1059 E
- An introduction to the geology and mineral resources of the continental shelves of the Americas, 1958, Bulletin 1067
- Copper and uranium deposits of the Coyote district, Mora County, New Mexico, 1958, Bulletin 1030 L
- Reconnaissance for radioactive deposits in southeastern Alaska, 1952, 1958, Bulletin 1058 A
- Geophysical abstracts 173, April-June 1958, 1958, Bulletin 1086 B
- Infrared luminescence of minerals, 1958, Bulletin 1052 C
- Reconnaissance for radioactivity in the metal-mining districts of the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 1958, Bulletin 1046 O
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1955, 1958, Bulletin 1065
- Geology of the Clarkdale quadrangle, Arizona, 1958, Bulletin 1021 N
- Geology of the manganese deposits of Cuba, 1958, Bulletin 1057
- Geology of the Copper King uranium mine, Larimer County, Colorado, 1958, Bulletin 1032 D
- Geology and coal resources of the Toledo-Castle Rock district, Cowlitz and Lewis Counties, Washington, 1958, Bulletin 1062
- Geology of part of the Townsend Valley, Broadwater and Jefferson Counties, Montana, 1958, Bulletin 1042 N
- Geologic features of areas of abnormal radioactivity south of Ocala, Marion County, Florida, 1958, Bulletin 1046 J
- Geologic reconnaissance of San Clemente Island, California, 1958, Bulletin 1071 B
- Quaternary geology of Boulder Mountain, Aquarius Plateau, Utah, 1958, Bulletin 1061 D
- Barite resources of the United States, 1958, Bulletin 1072 B
- Selected annotated bibliography of the geology of uraniferous and radioactive native bituminous substances, exclusive of coals, in the United States, 1958, Bulletin 1059 D
- Records of unsuccessful test wells drilled for oil and gas in Mississippi as of July 1, 1956, 1958, Bulletin 1072 A
- Selected annotated bibliography of asbestos resources in the United States and Canada, 1958, Bulletin 1019 L
- Optical calcite deposits in Park and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana, 1958, Bulletin 1042 M
- Vegetation of northwestern North America, as an aid in interpretation of geologic data, 1958, Bulletin 1061 E
- Fractional precipitation of rare earths with phosphoric acid, 1958, Bulletin 1036 N
- Monazite in part of the southern Atlantic Coastal Plain, 1958, Bulletin 1042 L
- Determination of quantitative geologic data with stereometer-type instruments, 1958, Bulletin 1043 C
- Surficial geology of the Canaan area, New Hampshire, 1958, Bulletin 1061 C
- Geology and coal resources of the Walsenburg area, Huerfano County, Colorado, 1958, Bulletin 1042 O
- Geology of the Jomac mine, White Canyon area, San Juan County, Utah, 1958, Bulletin 1046 H
- Physical behavior and geologic control of radon in mountain streams, 1958, Bulletin 1052 E
- Geochemical prospecting studies in the Bullwhacker mine area, Eureka district, Nevada, 1958, Bulletin 1000 H
- Origin of steps on loess-mantled slopes, 1958, Bulletin 1071 C
- Geophysical abstracts 174, July-September 1958, 1958, Bulletin 1086 C
- Geology and coal resources of the Tiptop quadrangle, Kentucky, 1958, Bulletin 1042 P
- Geophysical abstracts 172, January-March 1958, 1958, Bulletin 1086 A
- Geology of Majuba Hill, Pershing County, Nevada, 1958, Bulletin 1046 I
- Geology of the Ord mine, Mazatzal Mountains quicksilver district, Arizona, 1958, Bulletin 1042 R
- Geophysical abstracts 168-171 January-December 1957, 1958, Bulletin 1066
- Uranium in carbonaceous rocks in the Townsend and Helena Valleys, Montana, 1958, Bulletin 1046 G
- Uranium deposits in oolitic limestone near Mayoworth, Johnson County, Wyoming, 1957, Bulletin 1030 K
- Description of indicator plants and methods of botanical prospecting for uranium deposits on the Colorado Plateau, 1957, Bulletin 1030 M
- Geology of the Wood and East Calhoun mines, Central City district, Gilpin County, Colorado, 1957, Bulletin 1032 C
- Reconnaissance for uranium in asphalt-bearing rocks in the western United States, 1957, Bulletin 1046 E
- Stratigraphic and structural controls of uranium deposits on Long Mountain, South Dakota, 1957, Bulletin 1063 A
- Core logs from Soda Lake, San Bernardino County, California, 1957, Bulletin 1045 C
- Hawaiian volcanoes during 1954, 1957, Bulletin 1061 B
- Coalfields of the Republic of Korea, Part 2: Chapters C-E, 1957, Bulletin 1041 C-E
- Selected annotated bibliography of thorium and rare-earth deposits in the United States including Alaska, 1957, Bulletin 1019 F
- Bibliography of iron ore resources of the world to January 1955, 1957, Bulletin 1019 D
- Geology and uranium deposits of the Caribou area, Boulder County, Colorado, 1957, Bulletin 1030 N
- Selected annotated bibliography of high-grade silica of the United States and Canada through December 1954, 1957, Bulletin 1019 H
- The gold pan as a quantitative geologic tool, 1957, Bulletin 1071 A
- Uranium resources of the San Rafael district, Emery County, Utah - a regional synthesis, 1957, Bulletin 1046 D
- Field determination of uranium in natural waters, 1957, Bulletin 1036 J
- Geochemical prospecting abstracts, July 1952-December 1954, 1957, Bulletin 1000 G
- Base-metal deposits of the Cordillera Negra, Departamento de Ancash, Peru, 1957, Bulletin 1040
- Geology of the Atomic Energy Commission Nevada Proving Grounds area, Nevada, 1957, Bulletin 1021 K
- A field chromatographic method for determination of uranium in soils and rocks, 1957, Bulletin 1036 L
- Selected annotated bibliography of the geology of uranium-bearing coal and carbonaceous shale in the United States, 1957, Bulletin 1059 A
- Mineral deposits of Central America, with a section on manganese deposits of Panama, 1957, Bulletin 1034
- Geologic names of North America introduced in 1936-1955, 1957, Bulletin 1056 A
- A geochemical exploration for antimony in southeastern Alaska, 1957, Bulletin 1024 H
- Magnesium resources of the United States — A geologic summary and annotated bibliography to 1953, 1957, Bulletin 1019 E
- Selected annotated bibliography of the geology of uranium-bearing phosphorites in the United States, 1957, Bulletin 1059 B
- Scattered gamma rays from thick uranium sources, 1957, Bulletin 1052 A
- Notes on the geology of uranium, 1957, Bulletin 1046 F
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1954, 1957, Bulletin 1054
- Geology and coal resources of the Starkville-Weston area, Las Animas County, Colorado, 1957, Bulletin 1051
- Three-dimensional heat conduction in permafrost beneath heated buildings, 1957, Bulletin 1052 B
- Mineralogic classification of uranium-vanadium deposits of the Colorado Plateau, 1957, Bulletin 1074 A
- Uranium-bearing minerals in placer deposits of the Red River valley, Idaho County, Idaho, 1957, Bulletin 1046 C
- Ordovician fossils from wells in the Williston basin, eastern Montana, 1957, Bulletin 1021 M
- Bibliography of titanium deposits of the world, 1957, Bulletin 1019 G
- Annotated bibliography of the analytical chemistry of niobium and tantalum, January 1935-June 1953, 1957, Bulletin 1029 A
- Application of high-order stereoscopic plotting instruments to photogeologic studies, 1957, Bulletin 1043 B
- Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks of the southern Inyo Mountains, California, 1957, Bulletin 1061 A
- Geophysical abstracts 168, January-March 1957, 1957, Bulletin 1066 A
- Geophysical abstracts 169, April-June 1957, 1957, Bulletin 1066 B
- Geophysical abstracts 170, July-September 1957, 1957, Bulletin 1066 C
- Geophysical abstracts 171, October-December 1957, 1957, Bulletin 1066 D
- Ocean floor structures, northeastern Rat Islands, Alaska, 1957, Bulletin 1028 G
- Some pegmatite deposits in southeastern Alaska, 1957, Bulletin 1024 G
- Annotated bibliography of high-calcium limestone deposits in the United States including Alaska, to April 1956, 1957, Bulletin 1019 I
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1940-1949, 1957, Bulletin 1049
- Selected annotated bibliography of the geology of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the United States, 1957, Bulletin 1059 C
- Annotated bibliography and index map of salt deposits in the United States, 1957, Bulletin 1019 J
- Dismal swamp placer deposit, Elmore County, Idaho, 1957, Bulletin 1042 K
- Differential thermal analysis of selected borate minerals, 1957, Bulletin 1036 K
- Coal geology of the White Oak quadrangle, Magoffin and Morgan Counties, Kentucky, 1957, Bulletin 1047 A
- Coal resources of Oklahoma, 1957, Bulletin 1042 J
- Physical stratigraphy of the Phosphoria formation in northwestern Wyoming, 1957, Bulletin 1042 E
- Gem stones of the United States, 1957, Bulletin 1042 G
- Tungsten deposits in the Fairbanks district, Alaska, 1957, Bulletin 1024 I
- The Spotted Horse coalfield, Sheridan and Campbell Counties, Wyoming, 1957, Bulletin 1050
- Principles of geochemical prospecting, 1957, Bulletin 1000 F
- Geology of the area east and southeast of Livingston, Park County, Montana, 1957, Bulletin 1021 L
- Model '54 transmission and reflection fluorimeter for determination of uranium, with adaptation to field use, 1957, Bulletin 1036 M
- A reconnaissance study of the beach sands of Puerto Rico, 1957, Bulletin 1042 I
- Zoning of the Bitter Creek vanadium-uranium deposit near Uravan, Colorado, 1957, Bulletin 1042 F
- Preliminary report on oil-shale resources of Piceance Creek basin, northwestern Colorado, 1957, Bulletin 1042 H
- Geophysical abstracts 164-167 January-December 1956, 1957, Bulletin 1048
- Core logs from Owens, China, Searles, and Panamint basins, California, 1957, Bulletin 1045 A
- Core logs from two test holes near Kramer, San Bernardino County, California, 1957, Bulletin 1045 B
- Botanical prospecting for uranium on La Ventana Mesa, Sandoval County, New Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 1009 M
- Uranium in black shale deposits, northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, 1956, Bulletin 1030 H
- An application of spectrographic microphotometric scanning, 1956, Bulletin 1036 E
- A spectrographic method for determining the hafnium-zirconium ratio in zircon, 1956, Bulletin 1036 F
- Airborne and ground reconnaissance of part of the syenite complex near Wausau, Wisconsin, 1956, Bulletin 1042 B
- Colorimetric determinations of traces of bismuth in rocks, 1956, Bulletin 1036 I
- Geology and monazite content of the Goodrich quartzite, Palmer area, Marquette County, Michigan, 1956, Bulletin 1030 F
- Wall-rock control of certain pitchblende deposits in Golden Gate Canyon, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1956, Bulletin 1030 G
- Uranium deposits at base of the Shinarump conglomerate, Monument Valley, Arizona, 1956, Bulletin 1030 C
- Rare-earth-bearing apatite at Mineville, Essex County, New York, 1956, Bulletin 1046 B
- Reconnaissance study of uranium deposits in the Red Desert, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1956, Bulletin 1030 I
- Bentonite deposits in marine Cretaceous formations, Hardin district, Montana and Wyoming, 1956, Bulletin 1023
- Geochemical studies in the southwestern Wisconsin zinc-lead area, 1956, Bulletin 1000 E
- Geology of Comb Ridge and vicinity north of San Juan River, San Juan County, Utah, 1956, Bulletin 1021 E
- Reconnaissance geology of some western Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1028 E
- The problem of the Cochrane in late Pleistocene chronology, 1956, Bulletin 1021 J
- Geology of the Virginia City quadrangle, Nevada, 1956, Bulletin 1042 C
- Coalfields of the Republic of Korea, Part 1: Chapters A and B, 1956, Bulletin 1041 A-B
- Marl deposits in the Knik Arm area, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1039 A
- The Wishbone Hill district, Matanuska coal field, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1016
- Pyrite deposits at Horseshoe Bay, Latouche Island, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1024 E
- Geology and petrology of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1028 F
- Ordovician and Silurian coral faunas of western United States, 1956, Bulletin 1021 F
- Birth and development of Paricutin volcano, Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 965 D
- Geology and mineral resources of the Hudson and Maynard quadrangles, Massachusetts, 1956, Bulletin 1038
- Uranium-bearing nickel-cobalt-native silver deposits, Black Hawk district, Grant County, New Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 1009 K
- Radioactive deposits in New Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 1009 L
- Geology of the Johnson Creek quadrangle, Caribou County, Idaho, 1956, Bulletin 1042 A
- Stratigraphy of parts of De Soto and Hardee Counties, Florida, 1956, Bulletin 1030 B
- Magnetite deposits at Tuxedni Bay, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1024 D
- Some curves from a portable differential thermal analysis unit, 1956, Bulletin 1021 G
- Inferred relationship of some uranium deposits and calcium carbonate cement in southern Black Hills, South Dakota, 1956, Bulletin 1046 A
- Geology of the Christmas copper mine, Gila County, Arizona, 1956, Bulletin 1027 H
- Perlite resources of the United States, 1956, Bulletin 1027 I
- Exploratory drilling for evidence of zinc and lead ore in Dubuque County, Iowa, 1956, Bulletin 1027 K
- Oil and gas wells drilled in southwestern Virginia before 1950, 1956, Bulletin 1027 L
- Reconnaissance geology of western Mineral County, Montana, 1956, Bulletin 1027 M
- Mineral resources of the San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona, 1956, Bulletin 1027 N
- Thorium and rare-earth minerals in Powderhorn district, Gunnison County, Colorado, 1956, Bulletin 1027 O
- Geology of the Murray area, Shoshone County, Idaho, 1956, Bulletin 1027 P
- Geophysical abstracts 163, October-December 1955, 1956, Bulletin 1033 D
- Geophysical abstracts 164, January-March 1956, 1956, Bulletin 1048 A
- Geophysical abstracts 165, April-June 1956, 1956, Bulletin 1048 B
- Geophysical abstracts 166, July-September 1956, 1956, Bulletin 1048 C
- Geophysical abstracts 167, October-December 1956, 1956, Bulletin 1048 D
- Occurrence of diatomaceous earth near Kenai, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1039 B
- Geology of the Kiernan quadrangle, Iron County, Michigan, 1956, Bulletin 1044
- Correlation of dioctahedral potassium micas on the basis of their charge relations, 1956, Bulletin 1036 D
- Photogeologic procedures in geologic interpretation and mapping, 1956, Bulletin 1043 A
- Stratigraphy of the Morrison formation in part of northwestern New Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 1030 J
- X-ray powder data for uranium and thorium minerals, 1956, Bulletin 1036 G
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1952 and 1953, 1956, Bulletin 1035
- Geology of Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming, 1956, Bulletin 1021 I
- Rapid analysis of silicate rocks, 1956, Bulletin 1036 C
- Annotated bibliography of Alaskan Paleozoic paleontology, 1956, Bulletin 1021 H
- Tungsten deposits of the Hyder district, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1024 F
- Quicksilver deposits near Weiser, Washington County, Idaho, 1956, Bulletin 1042 D
- Accuracy of ore-reserve estimates for uranium-vanadium deposits on the Colorado Plateau, 1956, Bulletin 1030 D
- General geology and phosphate deposits of Concepcion del Oro district, Zacatecas, Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 1037 A
- Stratigraphy of middle Tertiary rocks in part of west-central Florida, 1956, Bulletin 1092
- The occurrence of minor elements in ash of low-rank coal from Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota, 1956, Bulletin 1036 H
- Study of radioactivity in modern stream gravels as a method of prospecting, 1956, Bulletin 1030 E
- Geology of northern Adak Island, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1028 C
- Geology of northern Kanaga Island, Alaska, 1956, Bulletin 1028 D
- Geologic investigations in the Parícutin area, Mexico, 1956, Bulletin 965
- Contributions to economic geology, 1955, 1956, Bulletin 1027
- Contributions to the geology of uranium, 1953-54, 1956, Bulletin 1009
- Geophysical abstracts 160-163 January-December 1955, 1956, Bulletin 1033
- Geology and ore deposits of the Freeland-Lamartine district, Clear Creek County, Colorado, 1956, Bulletin 1032 B
- Geology of the Stanford-Hobson area, central Montana, 1956, Bulletin 1027 J
- Lithium resources of North America, 1955, Bulletin 1027 G
- Copper deposits of part of Helvetia mining district, Pima County, Arizona, 1955, Bulletin 1027 F
- Geology and mineral fuels of parts of Routt and Moffat Counties, Colorado, 1955, Bulletin 1027 D
- Dolomite deposit near Marble, Stevens County, Washington, 1955, Bulletin 1027 C
- Geology of the Crazy Woman Creek area, Johnson County, Wyoming, 1955, Bulletin 1027 B
- Radioactivity investigations in the Cache Creek area, Yentna district, Alaska, 1945, 1955, Bulletin 1024 A
- Physical stratigraphy of the Phosphoria formation in part of southwestern Montana, 1955, Bulletin 1027 A
- Sugar Loaf and St. Kevin mining districts, Lake County, Colorado, 1955, Bulletin 1027 E
- Geophysical abstracts 162, July-September 1955, 1955, Bulletin 1033 C
- Geology of south-central Oriente, Cuba, 1955, Bulletin 975 D
- Geophysical abstracts 161, April-June 1955, 1955, Bulletin 1033 B
- Geophysical abstracts 160, January-March 1955, 1955, Bulletin 1033 A
- Lead-zinc deposits of Cordillera Blanca and northern Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru, 1955, Bulletin 1017
- Geology and coal resources of the Cannel City quadrangle, Kentucky, 1955, Bulletin 1020 A
- Criteria for outlining areas favorable for uranium deposits in parts of Colorado and Utah, 1955, Bulletin 1009 J
- Carnotite-bearing sandstone in Cedar Canyon, Slim Buttes, Harding County, South Dakota, 1955, Bulletin 1009 I
- Geology of the Happy Jack mine, White Canyon area, San Juan County, Utah, 1955, Bulletin 1009 H
- Uranium deposits in Fall River County, South Dakota, 1955, Bulletin 1009 G
- Glossary of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals, 1955, Bulletin 1009 F
- Investigations for radioactive deposits in southeastern Alaska, 1955, Bulletin 1024 B
- Stratigraphy of the Morrison and related formations, Colorado Plateau region, a preliminary report, 1955, Bulletin 1009 E
- Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey trace elements and related reports to June 1, 1954, 1955, Bulletin 1019 B
- Stratigraphy of the outcropping Cretaceous rocks of Georgia, 1955, Bulletin 1014
- Geology and coal resources of the Henryetta mining district, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, 1955, Bulletin 1015 F
- Geochemical relations of zinc-bearing peat to the Lockport dolomite, Orleans County, New York, 1955, Bulletin 1000 D
- Babb fault system, Crittenden and Livingston Counties, 1955, Bulletin 1012 B
- Fluorspar deposits in western Kentucky, part 1: Introduction, 1955, Bulletin 1012 A
- Geophysical abstracts 159, October-December 1954, 1955, Bulletin 1022 D
- Hawaiian volcanoes during 1953, 1955, Bulletin 1021 D
- Geology of the Dry Valley quadrangle, Idaho, 1955, Bulletin 1015 I
- Zinc-lead-copper resources and general geology of the Upper Mississippi Valley district, 1955, Bulletin 1015 G
- Surficial geology of the Louisville quadrangle, Colorado, 1955, Bulletin 996 E
- Geology and coal deposits, Jarvis Creek coal field, Alaska, 1955, Bulletin 989 G
- Annotated bibliography and index map of barite deposits in United States, 1955, Bulletin 1019 C
- A Paleozoic geochemical anomaly near Jerome, Arizona, 1955, Bulletin 1000 C
- Preliminary geochemical studies in the Capitol Reef area, Wayne County, Utah, 1955, Bulletin 1015 H
- Chromite deposits in the central part of the Stillwater complex, Sweet Grass County, Montana, 1955, Bulletin 1015 D
- Geologic and airborne radioactivity studies in the Rock Corral area, San Bernardino County, California, 1955, Bulletin 1021 C
- Geology and ore deposits of the Atacocha district, Departamento de Pasco, Peru, 1955, Bulletin 975 E
- Pegmatites of the Crystal Mountain district, Larimer County, Colorado, 1955, Bulletin 1011
- Geology of Pavlof Volcano and vicinity, Alaska, 1955, Bulletin 1028 A
- Strippable lignite deposits, Slope and Bowman Counties, North Dakota, 1955, Bulletin 1015 E
- Radioactivity investigations at Ear Mountain, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1945, 1955, Bulletin 1024 C
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1951, 1955, Bulletin 1025
- Search for uranium in the United States, 1955, Bulletin 1030 A
- Rapid field and laboratory method for the determination of copper in soil and rocks, 1955, Bulletin 1036 A
- Rapid determination of germanium in coal, soil and rock, 1955, Bulletin 1036 B
- Index of generic names of fossil plants, 1820-1950, 1955, Bulletin 1013
- Hawaiian volcanoes during 1952, 1955, Bulletin 1021 B
- Hafnium content and hafnium-zirconium ratio in minerals and rocks, 1955, Bulletin 1021 A
- Annotated bibliography of the bauxite deposits of the world, 1955, Bulletin 999
- Geology of Great Sitkin Island, Alaska, 1955, Bulletin 1028 B
- Geology of the High Climb pegmatite, Custer County, South Dakota, 1955, Bulletin 1015 C
- Uranium deposits in the Eureka Gulch area, Central City district, Gilpin County, Colorado, 1955, Bulletin 1032 A
- Geologic investigations of proposed power sites at Cooper, Grant, Ptarmigan and Crescent Lakes, Alaska, 1955, Bulletin 1031 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, 1951-53, 1955, Bulletin 989
- Geophysical abstracts 156-159 January-December 1954, 1955, Bulletin 1022
- Geology of the Uinta River-Brush Creek area, Duchesne and Uintah Counties, Utah, 1955, Bulletin 1007
- Geology of the Bighorn Canyon-Hardin area, Montana and Wyoming, 1955, Bulletin 1026
- Geologic controls of lead and zinc deposits in Goodsprings (Yellow Pine) district, Nevada, 1954, Bulletin 1010
- Fluorspar deposits near Meyers Cove, Lemhi County, Idaho, 1954, Bulletin 1015 A
- Geology and mineral deposits of the James River-Roanoke River manganese district, Virginia, 1954, Bulletin 1008
- Geology of the Prince William Sound region, Alaska, 1954, Bulletin 989 E
- Effect of permafrost on cultivated fields, Fairbanks area, Alaska, 1954, Bulletin 989 F
- Strippable coal in Custer and Powder River Counties, Montana, 1954, Bulletin 995 E
- Selected deposits of strippable coal in central Rosebud County, Montana, 1954, Bulletin 995 I
- Further studies of the distribution of uranium in rich phosphate beds of the Phosphoria formation, 1954, Bulletin 1009 D
- Three deposits of strippable lignite west of the Yellowstone River, Montana, 1954, Bulletin 995 H
- Some magnetite deposits in New Jersey, 1954, Bulletin 995 F
- Magnesite deposits in the Serra das Eguas, Brumado, Bahia, Brazil, 1954, Bulletin 975 C
- Strippable lignite deposits, Wibaux area, Montana and North Dakota, 1954, Bulletin 995 G
- Radioactive deposits of Nevada, 1954, Bulletin 1009 C
- Bibliography of the geology of the western phosphate field, 1954, Bulletin 1018
- Identification and occurrence of uranium and vanadium minerals from the Colorado Plateaus, 1954, Bulletin 1009 B
- A selected bibliography on quicksilver, 1811-1953, 1954, Bulletin 1019 A
- Geology and oil resources of the Jonesville district, Lee County, Virginia, 1954, Bulletin 990
- Uranophane at Silver Cliff mine, Lusk, Wyoming, 1954, Bulletin 1009 A
- Geophysical abstracts 155, October-December 1953, 1954, Bulletin 1002 D
- Geophysical abstracts 154, July-September 1953, 1954, Bulletin 1002 C
- Geochemical prospecting investigations in the Nyeba lead-zinc district, Nigeria, 1954, Bulletin 1000 B
- Hawaiian volcanoes during 1951, 1954, Bulletin 996 D
- Geophysical abstracts 153, April-June 1953, 1954, Bulletin 1002 B
- Geophysical abstracts 152, January-March 1953, 1954, Bulletin 1002 A
- Geophysical abstracts 158, July-September 1954, 1954, Bulletin 1022 C
- Geophysical abstracts 157, April-June 1954, 1954, Bulletin 1022 B
- Geophysical abstracts 156, January-March 1954, 1954, Bulletin 1022 A
- Geology and ore deposits of the Willow Creek mining district, Alaska, 1954, Bulletin 1004
- Petrology of Paricutin volcano, Mexico, 1954, Bulletin 965 C
- Geology of the eastern part of the Alaska Range and adjacent area, 1954, Bulletin 989 D
- Collected papers on methods of analysis for uranium and thorium, 1954, Bulletin 1006
- Geology of the Jackson area, Mississippi, 1954, Bulletin 986
- Pleistocene and Recent deposits in the Denver area, Colorado, 1954, Bulletin 996 C
- Fluorspar deposits of Utah, 1954, Bulletin 1005
- Senator-Schwenck area, Tabb fault system, Caldwell county, 1954, Bulletin 1012 F
- Moore Hill fault system, Crittenden and Livingston Counties, 1954, Bulletin 1012 E
- Mineral Ridge area, Livingston and Crittenden Counties, 1954, Bulletin 1012 D
- Niobium (columbium) and titanium at Magnet Cove and Potash Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, 1954, Bulletin 1015 B
- Central part of the Commodore fault system, Crittenden County, 1954, Bulletin 1012 C
- Fluorspar deposits in western Kentucky, 1954, Bulletin 1012
- Geophysical abstracts, 152-155, January-December 1953, 1954, Bulletin 1002
- Contributions to economic geology, 1954, 1954, Bulletin 1015
- Uranium and thorium deposits in east-central Idaho and southwestern Montana, 1953, Bulletin 988 H
- Beryllium deposits of the Mount Antero region, Chaffee County, Colorado, 1953, Bulletin 982 D
- Contributions to geochemistry, 1949, 1953, Bulletin 992
- Geology and mineral resources of the Gasquet quadrangle, California-Oregon, 1953, Bulletin 995 C
- Geology and coal deposits in part of the Coos Bay coal field, Oregon, 1953, Bulletin 982 B
- Hawaiian volcanoes during 1950, 1953, Bulletin 996 B
- Zinc-copper deposit at Tracy Arm, Petersburg district, Alaska, 1953, Bulletin 998 A
- Fluorspar deposits of the Eagle Mountains, Trans-Pecos Texas, 1953, Bulletin 987
- Some zinc-lead deposits of the Wrangell district, Alaska, 1953, Bulletin 998 B
- Radioactivity in some oil fields of southeastern Kansas, 1953, Bulletin 988 E
- Geochemical prospecting abstracts through June 1952, 1953, Bulletin 1000 A
- Geologic investigation of the Boyertown magnetite deposits in Pennsylvania, 1953, Bulletin 995 D
- General and engineering geology of the Wray area, Colorado and Nebraska, 1953, Bulletin 1001
- Magnetite deposits of the Sterling Lake, N.Y.-Ringwood, N.J. area, 1953, Bulletin 982 F
- Limonite deposits near Scappoose, Columbia County, Oregon, 1953, Bulletin 982 C
- Pleistocene-Recent boundary in the Rocky Mountain region, 1953, Bulletin 996 A
- Iron-ore deposits of the Iron Mountain district, Washington County, Idaho, 1953, Bulletin 982 E
- Prospecting for uranium with car-mounted equipment, 1953, Bulletin 988 I
- The "Clinton" sands in Canton, Dover, Massillon, and Navarre quadrangles, Ohio, 1953, Bulletin 1003 A
- Geology of the area adjacent to the Free Enterprise mine, Jefferson County, Montana, 1953, Bulletin 988 G
- Uranium-bearing deposits west of Clancey, Jefferson County, Montana, 1953, Bulletin 988 F
- Some lead-zinc and zinc-copper deposits of the Ketchikan and Wales districts, Alaska, 1953, Bulletin 998 C
- The geology and ore deposits of the Reese River district, Lander County, Nevada, 1953, Bulletin 997
- Geology of the Dover magnetite district, Morris County, New Jersey, 1953, Bulletin 982 G
- Uranium in the East Walker River area, Lyon County, Nevada, 1953, Bulletin 988 C
- Distribution of uranium in rich phosphate beds of the Phosphoria formation, 1953, Bulletin 988 D
- Refractory clay deposits of south-central Colorado, 1953, Bulletin 993
- Constitution diagrams of Pennsylvania anthracite, 1953, Bulletin 995 A
- Structures and forms of basaltic rocks in Hawaii, 1953, Bulletin 994
- Quicksilver deposits of Steens Mountain and Pueblo Mountains, southeast Oregon, 1953, Bulletin 995 B
- Geology of Buldir Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1953, Bulletin 989 A
- Gypsum deposits near Iyoukeen Cove, Chichagof Island, southeastern Alaska, 1953, Bulletin 989 B
- Gypsiferous deposits on Sheep Mountain, Alaska, 1953, Bulletin 989 C
- Geophysical abstracts 148-151 January-December 1952: (Numbers 13284-14183), 1953, Bulletin 991
- Index to geophysical abstracts 136-139, 1949, 1952, Bulletin 966
- Fluorspar deposits of Burro Mountains and vicinity, New Mexico, 1952, Bulletin 973 F
- Geology of the Uravan mineral belt, 1952, Bulletin 988 A
- Dolomite deposit near Sloan, Nevada, 1952, Bulletin 973 C
- Corundum deposits of Montana, 1952, Bulletin 983
- The eastern front of the Bitterroot Range, Montana, 1952, Bulletin 974 E
- The Cle Elum River nickeliferous iron deposits, Kittitas County, Washington, 1952, Bulletin 978 B
- Manganese deposits of southeastern Utah, 1952, Bulletin 979 B
- Geophysical abstracts 151, October-December 1952, 1952, Bulletin 991 D
- Geophysical abstracts 150, July-September 1952, 1952, Bulletin 991 C
- Geophysical abstracts 149, April-June 1952, 1952, Bulletin 991 B
- Geology of the quicksilver deposits of Canoas, Zacatecas, Mexico, 1952, Bulletin 975 B
- Geophysical abstracts 148, January-March 1952, 1952, Bulletin 991 A
- Geologic guides to prospecting for carnotite deposits on Colorado Plateau, 1952, Bulletin 988 B
- The Coalwood coal field, Powder River County, Montana, 1952, Bulletin 973 B
- Annotated bibliography of North American geology, 1950, 1952, Bulletin 985
- Quartz crystal deposits of western Arkansas, 1952, Bulletin 973 E
- Quicksilver deposits in the southern Pilot Mountains, Mineral County, Nevada, 1952, Bulletin 973 D
- Contributions to general geology, 1950, 1952, Bulletin 974
- Phosphatic rocks in the Deer Creek-Wells Canyon area, Idaho, 1952, Bulletin 982 A
- Geology and ore deposits of the upper Blue River area, Summit County, Colorado, 1951, Bulletin 970
- Coal investigations in south-central Alaska, 1944-46, 1951, Bulletin 963 E
- Geophysical abstracts 147, October-December 1951, 1951, Bulletin 981 D
- Zinc-lead deposit at Shawangunk mine, Sullivan County, New York, 1951, Bulletin 978 D
- Quicksilver deposits of the Horse Heaven mining district, Oregon, 1951, Bulletin 969 E
- Geophysical abstracts 146, July-September 1951, 1951, Bulletin 981 C
- Geology of the tungsten, antimony, and gold deposits near Stibnite, Idaho, 1951, Bulletin 969 F
- The Wallapai mining district, Cerbat Mountains, Mohave County, Arizona, 1951, Bulletin 978 E
- Geology of the Canyon Ferry quadrangle, Montana, 1951, Bulletin 972
- Report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory for 1948-49, 1951, Bulletin 974 D
- Geophysical abstracts 145, April-June 1951, 1951, Bulletin 981 B
- Magnetic exploration for chromite, 1951, Bulletin 973 A
- Geology of the Huancavelica quicksilver district, Peru, 1951, Bulletin 975 A
- Geology and ore deposits of the Castle Dome area, Gila County, Arizona, 1951, Bulletin 971
- Magnesium-mineral resources of the Currant Creek district, Nevada, 1951, Bulletin 978 A
- Quicksilver deposits of the Bonanza-Nonpareil district, Douglas County, Oregon, 1951, Bulletin 955 F
- Manganese deposits of western Utah, 1951, Bulletin 979 A
- Gold placer deposits of the Pioneer district, Montana, 1951, Bulletin 978 C
- Geologic reconnaissance of the mineral deposits of Thailand, 1951, Bulletin 984
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1949, 1951, Bulletin 977
- Frost action and vegetation patterns on Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1951, Bulletin 974 C
- Geophysical abstracts 144, January-March 1951, 1951, Bulletin 981 A
- A cooperative investigation of precision and accuracy in chemical, spectrochemical, and modal analysis of silicate rocks, 1951, Bulletin 980
- Geophysical abstracts 144-147 January-December 1951: (Numbers 12514-13283), 1951, Bulletin 981
- Diamond-drill exploration of the Dillsburg magnetite deposits, York County, Pennsylvania, 1950, Bulletin 969 A
- Mineral resources of Colombia (other than petroleum), 1950, Bulletin 964 B
- Copper deposits of the Prince William Sound district, Alaska, 1950, Bulletin 963 B
- Mica deposits in Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1950, Bulletin 964 C
- Volcanoes of the Paricutin region, Mexico, 1950, Bulletin 965 B
- The District of Columbia, its rocks and their geologic history, 1950, Bulletin 967
- Geophysical abstracts 143, October-December 1950, 1950, Bulletin 976 D
- A geologic reconnaissance of parts of Beaverhead and Madison Counties, Montana, 1950, Bulletin 969 C
- The Blewett iron-nickel deposit, Chelan County, Washington, 1950, Bulletin 969 D
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1948, 1950, Bulletin 968
- Corundum deposits of Gallatin and Madison Counties, Montana, 1950, Bulletin 969 B
- Geophysical abstracts 142, July-September 1950, 1950, Bulletin 976 C
- Tin deposits of Durango, Mexico, 1950, Bulletin 962 D
- Erosion studies at Paricutin, State of Michoacan, Mexico, 1950, Bulletin 965 A
- Geophysical abstracts 140, January-March 1950, 1950, Bulletin 976 A
- Gold placers and their geologic environment in northwestern Park County, Colorado, 1950, Bulletin 955 D
- The 1949 summit eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, 1950, Bulletin 974 A
- Volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc, 1950, Bulletin 974 B
- Photo interpretation of the terrain along the southern part of the Alaska Highway, 1950, Bulletin 963 D
- Garnet deposits near Wrangell, southeastern Alaska, 1950, Bulletin 963 C
- Geophysical abstracts 141, April-June 1950, 1950, Bulletin 976 B
- Fluorspar prospects of Montana, 1950, Bulletin 955 E
- Geology and mineral resources of the Maimon-Hatillo district, Dominican Republic, 1950, Bulletin 964 D
- Quicksilver deposits of Chile, 1950, Bulletin 964 E
- Magnesite deposits of central Ceara, Brazil, 1950, Bulletin 962 C
- Geophysical abstracts 140-143 January-December 1950, (Numbers 11679-12513), 1950, Bulletin 976
- Coal deposits of the Santa Clara district, near Tonichi, Sonora, Mexico, 1949, Bulletin 962 A
- Geophysical abstracts 137, April-June 1949, 1949, Bulletin 966 B
- Geophysical abstracts 136, January-March 1949, 1949, Bulletin 966 A
- Chromite deposits of Boulder River area, Sweetgrass County, Montana, 1949, Bulletin 948 C
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1946 and 1947, 1949, Bulletin 958
- Geophysical abstracts 138, July-September 1949, 1949, Bulletin 966 C
- Manganese deposits of the Serra do Navio district, Territory of Amapa, Brazil, 1949, Bulletin 964 A
- Preliminary report on corundum deposits in the Buck Creek peridotite, Clay County, North Carolina, 1949, Bulletin 948 E
- Chromite deposits near Seiad and McGuffy Creeks, Siskiyou County, California, 1949, Bulletin 948 B
- Antimony deposits of El Antimonio district, Sonora, Mexico, 1949, Bulletin 962 B
- Structural control of the gold deposits of the Cripple Creek district, Teller County, Colorado, 1949, Bulletin 955 B
- Manganese resources of the Artillery Mountains region, Mohave County, Arizona, 1949, Bulletin 961
- Some mineral investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1949, Bulletin 963 A
- Preliminary report on the bedded manganese of the Lake Mead region, Nevada and Arizona, 1949, Bulletin 948 D
- Geology and manganese deposits of the Lucifer district, northwest of Santa Rosalia, Baja California, Mexico, 1949, Bulletin 960 F
- Geophysical abstracts 139, October-December 1949, 1949, Bulletin 966 D
- Geologic investigations in the American Republics 1948, 1949, Bulletin 962
- Geologic investigations in American Republics, 1946, 1949, Bulletin 954
- Geophysical abstracts 132-135, January-December 1948, (Numbers 9708-10736), 1949, Bulletin 959
- Phosphate deposits of the Deer Creek-Wells Canyon area, Caribou County, Idaho, 1949, Bulletin 955 C
- Antimony deposits of Soyatal district, State of Queretaro, Mexico, 1948, Bulletin 960 B
- Geophysical abstracts 133, April-June 1948, 1948, Bulletin 959 B
- Geophysical abstracts 134, July-September 1948, 1948, Bulletin 959 C
- Geology and chromite deposits of the Camaguey district, Camaguey Province, Cuba, 1948, Bulletin 954 B
- Geology and ore deposits of the Libby quadrangle, Montana, 1948, Bulletin 956
- Aluminous lateritic soil of the Republic of Haiti, West Indies, 1948, Bulletin 954 C
- Barite deposits of Camamu Bay, State of Bahia, Brazil, 1948, Bulletin 960 A
- Optical calcite deposits of the Republic of Mexico, 1948, Bulletin 954 D
- Geology of tungsten deposits in north-central Chile, 1948, Bulletin 960 C
- Geophysical abstracts 135, October-December 1948, 1948, Bulletin 959 D
- Tin-bearing placers near Guadalcazar, State of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 1948, Bulletin 960 D
- Geophysical abstracts 132, January-March 1948, 1948, Bulletin 959 A
- Manganese deposits of Mexico, 1948, Bulletin 954 F
- Manganese deposits of the Talamantes district near Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico, 1948, Bulletin 954 E
- Geophysical abstracts 131, October-December 1947, 1948, Bulletin 957 D
- Geology of the Huahuaxtla mercury district, State of Guerrero, Mexico, 1948, Bulletin 960 E
- Geology of the lead-silver deposits of the Clark Fork district, Bonner County, Idaho, 1947, Bulletin 944 B
- Aluminous lateritic soil of the Sierra de Bahoruco area, Dominican Republic, West Indies, 1947, Bulletin 953 C
- Geologic investigations in the American Republics 1944-1945, 1947, Bulletin 946
- Geophysical abstracts 128, January-March 1947, 1947, Bulletin 957 A
- Tungsten deposits of Vance County, North Carolina, and Mecklenburg County, Virginia, 1947, Bulletin 948 A
- Drill-hole correlation as an aid in exploration of magnetite deposits of the Jersey Highlands, New York and New Jersey, 1947, Bulletin 955 A
- Manganese deposits of the Republic of Haiti, 1947, Bulletin 953 B
- Antimony deposits of the Tejocotes region, state of Oaxaca, Mexico, 1947, Bulletin 953 A
- Tungsten investigations in the Republic of Argentina, 1942-43, 1947, Bulletin 954 A
- Geophysical abstracts 129, April-June 1947, 1947, Bulletin 957 B
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1944 and 1945, 1947, Bulletin 952
- Geology and ore deposits of Boise Basin, Idaho, 1947, Bulletin 944 C
- Geophysical abstracts 130, July-September 1947, 1947, Bulletin 957 C
- Geophysical abstracts 128-131, January-December 1947, 1947, Bulletin 957
- San Jose antimony mines, near Wadley, State of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 1946, Bulletin 946 E
- Mineral investigations of the Geological Survey in Alaska in 1943 and 1944, 1946, Bulletin 947 A
- Copper deposits of the Nizina district, Alaska, 1946, Bulletin 947 F
- Nickel investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1946, Bulletin 947 C
- Copper bullion claims, Rua Cove, Knight Island, Alaska, 1946, Bulletin 947 E
- Contributions to geochemistry, 1942-45, 1946, Bulletin 950
- Copper deposits of the Kotsina-Kuskulana district, Alaska, 1946, Bulletin 947 G
- Geology and associated mineral deposits of some ultrabasic rock bodies in southeastern Alaska, 1946, Bulletin 947 D
- Geology of the Green River Desert-Cataract Canyon region, Emery, Wayne, and Garfield Counties, Utah, 1946, Bulletin 951
- Chromite deposits near Red Lodge, Carbon County, Montana, 1946, Bulletin 945 F
- Chromite deposits of the North Elder Creek area, Tehama County, California, 1946, Bulletin 945 G
- Molybdenite investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1946, Bulletin 947 B
- Geology of the Cuarenta mercury district, State of Durango, Mexico, 1946, Bulletin 946 F
- Manganese and iron deposits of Morro do Urucum, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 1945, Bulletin 946 A
- Quicksilver-antimony deposits of Huitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico, 1945, Bulletin 946 B
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1942 and 1943, 1945, Bulletin 949
- Nickel-copper prospect near Spirit Mountain Copper River region, Alaska, 1945, Bulletin 943 C
- Tungsten deposits of the southern part of Sonora, Mexico, 1945, Bulletin 946 D
- Tungsten deposits in Beaver County, Utah, 1945, Bulletin 945 D
- Scheelite deposits in the northern part of the Sierra de Juarez, Northern Territory, Lower California, Mexico, 1945, Bulletin 946 C
- Chromite-bearing sands of the southern part of the coast of Oregon, 1945, Bulletin 945 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1941 and 1942, 1945, Bulletin 943
- Geology and manganese deposits of Guisa-Los Negros area, Oriente Province, Cuba, 1944, Bulletin 935 G
- Relations of structure to mineral deposition at the Independence mine, Alaska, 1944, Bulletin 933 C
- Manganese deposits in Costa Rica, 1944, Bulletin 935 H
- Geology of the Grey Eagle and some nearby chromite deposits in Glenn County, California, 1944, Bulletin 945 A
- Phosphate deposits of the Teton Basin area, Idaho and Wyoming, 1944, Bulletin 944 A
- Beryllium and tungsten deposits of the Iron Mountain district Sierra and Socorro counties New Mexico, with a section on the beryllium minerals, 1944, Bulletin 945 C
- Reconnaissance of Porcupine Valley, Alaska, 1944, Bulletin 933 D
- Supplement to catalogue of Mesozoic and Cenozoic plants of North America, 1919-37, 1944, Bulletin 924
- Mineral industry of Alaska in 1941 and 1942, 1944, Bulletin 943 A
- Manganese deposits of the Flat Top and Round Mountain districts, Bland and Giles Counties, Virginia, 1944, Bulletin 940 H
- Manganese deposits of the Sweet Springs district, West Virginia and Virginia, 1944, Bulletin 940 G
- Mining in the northern Copper River region, Alaska, 1944, Bulletin 943 B
- Vanadium-bearing magnetite-ilmenite deposits near Lake Sanford, Essex County, New York, 1944, Bulletin 940 D
- Chromite deposits near San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, California, 1944, Bulletin 945 B
- Geological and geophysical survey of fluorspar areas in Hardin County, Illinois - Part 1, Geology of the Cave in Rock district; Part 2, An exploratory study of faults in the Cave in Rock and Rosiclare districts by the earth-resistivity method, 1944, Bulletin 942
- Manganese Deposits in the Artillery Mountains Region, Mohave County, Arizona, 1944, Bulletin 936 R
- Cobalt-bearing manganese deposits of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, 1944, Bulletin 940 J
- Strategic mineral investigations, 1942, short papers and preliminary reports: Part 2, J-R, 1944, Bulletin 936 J-R
- Strategic mineral investigations, 1942, short papers and preliminary reports: Part 1, A-I, 1944, Bulletin 936 A-I
- Tungsten deposits in the Boriana district and the Aquarius Range, Mohave County, Arizona, 1944, Bulletin 940 I
- Nickel-silicate and associated nickel-cobalt-manganese-oxide deposits near Sao Jose do Tocantins, Goiaz, Brazil, 1944, Bulletin 935 E
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1929-1939, 1944, Bulletin 937
- Manganese deposits in part of the Sierra Maestra, Cuba, 1944, Bulletin 935 F
- Tungsten deposits, Isla de Pinos, Cuba, 1944, Bulletin 935 D
- Spirit leveling in Illinois, 1896 to 1942, 1944, Bulletin 930
- Geology of the Portage Pass area, Alaska, 1943, Bulletin 926 D
- The Coso quicksilver district, Inyo County, California, 1943, Bulletin 936 Q
- Manganiferous and ferruginous chert in Perry and Lewis Counties, Tennessee, 1943, Bulletin 928 D
- Geophysical surveys in the Ochoco quicksilver district, Oregon: A preliminary report, 1943, Bulletin 940 C
- Geology and ore deposits of the Shafter mining district, Presidio County, Texas, 1943, Bulletin 928 B
- The Rose Creek tungsten mine, Pershing County, Nevada, 1943, Bulletin 940 A
- Manganese deposits of the Elkton area, Virginia, 1943, Bulletin 940 B
- Manganese deposits of the Lyndhurst-Vesuvius district, Augusta and Rockbridge Counties, Virginia, 1943, Bulletin 940 F
- Strategic minerals investigations, 1941: Part 1, A-J, 1943, Bulletin 931 A-J
- Occurrence of manganese in eastern Aroostook County, Maine, 1943, Bulletin 940 E
- Tungsten resources of the Blue Wing district, Lemhi County, Idaho, 1943, Bulletin 931 A
- Adsorbent clays their distribution, properties, production, and uses, 1943, Bulletin 928 C
- Spirit leveling in Illinois, 1896-1942. Part 4, Northern Illinois, 1943, Bulletin 930 D
- Spirit leveling in Illinois, 1896-1942. Part 3, East-central Illinois, 1943, Bulletin 930 C
- Strategic minerals investigations, 1941; short papers and preliminary reports : Part 2, K-S, 1943, Bulletin 931 K-S
- Geology of the coastal plain of Georgia, 1943, Bulletin 941
- Geology of the Nutzotin Mountains, Alaska, with a section on the igneous rocks. Gold deposits near Nabesna, 1943, Bulletin 933 B
- Geophysical abstracts 108-111: January-December 1942, 1943, Bulletin 939
- Spirit leveling in Illinois, 1896-1942. Part 1, Southern Illinois, 1942, Bulletin 930 A
- Tin deposits of the Republic of Mexico, 1942, Bulletin 935 C
- Geophysical abstracts 108, January-March 1942, 1942, Bulletin 939 A
- Geophysical abstract 110, July-September 1942, 1942, Bulletin 939 C
- Geophysical abstract 111, October-December 1942, 1942, Bulletin 939 D
- Geophysical abstract 109, April-June 1942, 1942, Bulletin 939 B
- Stratigraphy, structure, and mineralization in the Beaver-Tarryall area, Park County, Colorado; a reconnaissance report, 1942, Bulletin 928 A
- Occurrences of molybdenum minerals in Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 926 C
- Mineral industry of Alaska in 1940, 1942, Bulletin 933 A
- Manganese deposits in the Nevada district, White Pine County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 931 M
- Quicksilver deposits of the Opalite district, Malheur County, Oregon, and Humboldt County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 931 N
- Nickel deposit near Gold Hill, Boulder County, Colorado, 1942, Bulletin 931 O
- Mica-bearing pegmatites of New Hampshire: A preliminary report, 1942, Bulletin 931 P
- Quicksilver and antimony deposits of the Stayton district, California, 1942, Bulletin 931 Q
- Manganese deposits of Cuba, 1942, Bulletin 935 B
- Manganese resources of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, a preliminary report, 1942, Bulletin 931 R
- Manganese deposits in the Paymaster mining district, Imperial County, California, 1942, Bulletin 931 S
- The Three Kids manganese district, Clark County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 936 L
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1940 and 1941, 1942, Bulletin 938
- Chrome resources of Cuba, 1942, Bulletin 935 A
- Tin deposits of Irish Creek, Virginia, 1942, Bulletin 936 K
- Geophysical abstracts 107, October-December 1941, 1942, Bulletin 932 D
- Geology of the Gerstle River district, Alaska, with a report on the Black Rapids Glacier, 1942, Bulletin 926 B
- Geophysical abstracts 106, July-September 1941, 1942, Bulletin 932 C
- Spirit leveling in Texas. Part 4, North-central Texas, 1896-1938, 1942, Bulletin 883 D
- Vanadium deposits of Colorado and Utah, a preliminary report, 1942, Bulletin 936 P
- Nickel-copper deposit at Funter Bay, Admiralty Island, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 936 O
- Antimony deposits of the Stampede Creek area, Kantishna district, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 936 N
- Geophysical abstracts 105, April-June 1941, 1942, Bulletin 932 B
- Nickel-copper deposit at Snipe Bay, Baranof Island, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 936 M
- The tin-spodumene belt of the Carolinas, a preliminary report, 1942, Bulletin 936 J
- Nickel-copper deposits on the west coast of Chichagof Island, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 936 I
- Quicksilver deposits near the Little Missouri River, Pike County, Arkansas, 1942, Bulletin 936 H
- Chromite deposits of Red Bluff Bay and vicinity, Baranof Island, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 936 G
- Tertiary deposits of the Eagle-Circle district, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 917 D
- Quicksilver deposits of the Parkfield district, California, 1942, Bulletin 936 F
- Manganese deposits of Cedar Creek Valley, Frederick and Shenandoah Counties, Virginia, 1942, Bulletin 936 E
- Chromite and quicksilver deposits of the Del Puerto area, Stanislaus County, California, 1942, Bulletin 936 D
- Topaz deposits near the Brewer mine, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, 1942, Bulletin 936 C
- Tungsten deposits of the Nightingale district, Pershing County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 936 B
- Muscovite in the Spruce Pine district, North Carolina, 1942, Bulletin 936 A
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 11, Summary of subsurface geology with special reference to oil and gas, 1942, Bulletin 900 K
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 10, Burbank and South Burbank oil fields, townships 26 and 27 north, range 5 east, and townships 25 to 27 north, range 6 east, 1942, Bulletin 900 J
- Tin deposits of northern Lander County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 931 L
- The Wild Horse quicksilver district, Lander County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 931 K
- Quicksilver deposits in the Steens and Pueblo Mountains, southern Oregon, 1942, Bulletin 931 J
- Nickel deposit near Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon, 1942, Bulletin 931 I
- Tin and tungsten deposits at Silver Hill, Spokane County, Washington, 1942, Bulletin 931 H
- Chromite deposits of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 931 G
- Nickel deposits of Bohemia Basin and vicinity, Yakobi Island, Alaska, 1942, Bulletin 931 F
- Tin deposit at Majuba Hill, Pershing County, Nevada, 1942, Bulletin 931 C
- Phosphate resources of Florida, 1942, Bulletin 934
- Spirit leveling in Illinois, 1896-1942. Part 2, West-central Illinois, 1942, Bulletin 930 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1938, 1942, Bulletin 917
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage county, Oklahoma, 1942, Bulletin 900
- Tin-bearing pegmatites of the Tinton district, Lawrence County, South Dakota, a preliminary report, 1941, Bulletin 922 T
- Superposition in the interpretation of two-layer earth-resistivity curves, 1941, Bulletin 927
- Manganese carbonate in the Batesville district, Arkansas, 1941, Bulletin 921 A
- Tungsten deposits of the Benton Range, Mono County, California, 1941, Bulletin 922 S
- Spirit leveling in Texas. Part 5, South-central Texas, 1896-1938, 1941, Bulletin 883 E
- Geophysical abstracts, 100-103, January-December 1940. Geophysical abstracts 101, April-June 1940, 1941, Bulletin 925 B
- Spirit leveling in Michigan, 1896-1938, 1941, Bulletin 919
- Contributions to geophysics, 1941. Superposition in the interpretation of two-layer earth-resistivity curves, 1941, Bulletin 927 A
- Some quicksilver prospects in adjacent parts of Nevada, California, and Oregon, 1941, Bulletin 931 B
- Fineness of gold from Alaska placers, 1941, Bulletin 910 C
- Mineral industry of Alaska in 1939, 1941, Bulletin 926 A
- Quicksilver deposits of the Mayacmas and Sulphur Bank districts, California, a preliminary report, 1941, Bulletin 922 L
- Spirit leveling in Texas. Part 3, West-central Texas, 1896-1938, 1941, Bulletin 883 C
- Past lode-gold production from Alaska, 1941, Bulletin 917 C
- Geology and oil and coal resources of the region south of Cody, Park County, Wyoming, 1941, Bulletin 921 B
- Spirit leveling in Texas. Part 2, Panhandle, 1896-1939, 1941, Bulletin 883 B
- Phosphate investigation in Florida, 1934 and 1935, 1941, Bulletin 906 F
- Geophysical abstracts 104, January-March 1941, 1941, Bulletin 932 A
- Geology of the upper Tetling River district, Alaska, 1941, Bulletin 917 B
- Nickel-gold deposit near Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington, 1941, Bulletin 931 D
- Tungsten deposits in the Sierra Nevada near Bishop, California, a preliminary report, 1941, Bulletin 931 E
- Geology and ore deposits of the Chichagof mining district, Alaska, 1941, Bulletin 929
- Geologic structure and occurrence of gas in part of southwestern New York. Part 1, Structure and gas possibilities of the Oriskany sandstone in Steuben, Yates, and parts of the adjacent counties, 1941, Bulletin 899 A
- Geologic structure and occurrence of gas in part of southwestern New York. Part 2. Subsurface structure in part of southwestern New York and mode of occurrence of gas in the Medina group, 1941, Bulletin 899 B
- Geology and mineral resources of the Randolph quadrangle, Utah-Wyoming, 1941, Bulletin 923
- Quicksilver deposits in San Luis Obispo County and southwestern Monterey County, California, 1941, Bulletin 922 R
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 7, Townships 20 and 21 north, ranges 11 and 12 east, 1941, Bulletin 900 G
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 8, Parts of township 20 north, ranges 9 and 10 east, and township 21 north, ranges 8 and 9 east and all of township 21 north, range 10 east, 1941, Bulletin 900 H
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 9, Townships 23 and 24 north, range 7 east, 1941, Bulletin 900 I
- Ore deposits in the vicinity of the London fault of Colorado, 1941, Bulletin 911
- Geophysical abstracts, 100-103, January-December 1940. Geophysical abstracts 103, October-December 1940, 1941, Bulletin 925 D
- Geophysical abstracts, 100-103, January-December 1940. Geophysical abstracts 102, July-September 1940, 1941, Bulletin 925 C
- Pre-Cambrian geology and mineral resources of the Delaware Water Gap and Easton quadrangles, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1941, Bulletin 920
- Geophysical abstracts 100-103, January-December 1940, 1941, Bulletin 925
- Tungsten deposits in the Tungsten Hills, Inyo County, California, 1941, Bulletin 922 Q
- Geologic structure and occurrence of gas in part of southwestern New York, 1941, Bulletin 899
- Quicksilver deposits of the Mount Diablo district, Contra Costa County, California, 1940, Bulletin 922 B
- Geophysical abstracts 99, October-December 1939 (Nos. 5162 - 5298), 1940, Bulletin 915 D
- Geophysical abstracts 96-99, January-December, 1939. Geophysical abstracts 98, July-September 1939, 1940, Bulletin 915 C
- Geophysical abstracts 96-99, January-December, 1939. Geophysical abstracts 97, April-June 1939, 1940, Bulletin 915 B
- Microscopic determination of the ore minerals, 1940, Bulletin 914
- Geophysical abstracts 96-99, January-December, 1939. Geophysical abstracts 96, January-March 1939, 1940, Bulletin 915 A
- Geophysical abstracts 96-99, January-December 1939, 1940, Bulletin 915
- Geology of the Alaska railroad region, 1940, Bulletin 907
- Manganese deposits in the Little Florida Mountains, Luna County, New Mexico, a preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 C
- Quicksilver deposit at Buckskin Peak National mining district Humboldt County, Nevada, a preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 E
- Spirit leveling in Utah, 1897-1938, 1940, Bulletin 912
- Spirit leveling in South Carolina, 1896-1938. Part 2, Southern South Carolina, 1940, Bulletin 890 B
- Tungsten deposits of the Atolia district, San Bernardino and Kern Counties, California, 1940, Bulletin 922 H
- The Goodnews platinum deposits, Alaska, 1940, Bulletin 918
- Triangulation in Utah, 1871-1934, 1940, Bulletin 913
- Geology of area between Green and Colorado rivers, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, 1940, Bulletin 908
- Clay investigations in the southern states 1934-35, 1940, Bulletin 901
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 6, Township 28 north, ranges 10 and 11 east, and township 29 north, ranges 9 to 11 east, 1940, Bulletin 900 F
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 5, Townships 26 and 27 north, ranges 10 and 11 east, 1940, Bulletin 900 E
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 4, Townships 24 and 25 north, ranges 10 and 11 east, 1940, Bulletin 900 D
- Antimony deposits of the Wildrose Canyon area, Inyo County, California, 1940, Bulletin 922 K
- Tungsten deposits of Boulder County, Colorado, 1940, Bulletin 922 F
- Manganese deposits at Philipsburg, Granite County, Montana, a preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 G
- Chromite deposits of the Pilliken area, Eldorado County, California, 1940, Bulletin 922 O
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 8, West-central Missouri, 1906-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 H
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 7, Central Missouri, 1902-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 G
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 6, Northeastern Missouri, 1900-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 F
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 5, Southwestern Missouri, 1900-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 E
- Chromite deposits of Grant County, Oregon, a preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 D
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 4, Northwestern Missouri, 1911-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 D
- Chromite deposits in the Seiad quadrangle, Siskiyou County, California, 1940, Bulletin 922 J
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 3, East-central Missouri, 1903-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 C
- Antimony deposits of a part of the Yellow Pine District, Valley County, Idaho, a preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 I
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 2, South-central Missouri, 1908-37, 1940, Bulletin 916 B
- Structural control of ore deposition in the Uncompahgre district, Ouray County, Colorado, with suggestions for prospecting, 1940, Bulletin 906 E
- Quicksilver deposits of the Bottle Creek District, Humboldt County, Nevada, a preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 A
- Geophysical abstracts, 100-103, January-December 1940. Geophysical abstracts 100, January-March 1940, 1940, Bulletin 925 A
- Transit traverse in Missouri: 1900-1937, 1940, Bulletin 916
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938, 1940, Bulletin 898
- Chromite deposits in the Sourdough area, Curry County and the Briggs Creek area, Josephine County, Oregon, 1940, Bulletin 922 P
- Tin deposits of the Black Range, Catron and Sierra Counties, New Mexico: A preliminary report, 1940, Bulletin 922 M
- Chromite deposits of the eastern part of the Stillwater complex, Stillwater County, Montana, 1940, Bulletin 922 N
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 7, Central Missouri, 1896-1938, 1939, Bulletin 898 G
- Spirit leveling in South Carolina, 1896-1938. Part 1, Northern South Carolina, 1939, Bulletin 890 A
- Mineral industry of Alaska in 1937, 1939, Bulletin 910 A
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 8, West-central Missouri, 1896-1938, 1939, Bulletin 898 H
- Gravel and sand deposits of eastern Maryland, adjacent to Washington and Baltimore, 1939, Bulletin 906 A
- Geology of the Searchlight district, Clark County, Nevada, 1939, Bulletin 906 D
- Nickel content of an Alaskan basic rock, 1939, Bulletin 897 D
- The coal resources of McCone County, Montana, 1939, Bulletin 905
- Geophysical abstracts, 92-95, January-December 1938. Geophysical abstracts 93, April-June 1938, 1939, Bulletin 909 B
- Geophysical abstracts, 92-95, January-December 1938. Geophysical abstracts 94, July-September 1938, 1939, Bulletin 909 C
- Platinum deposits of the Goodnews Bay district, Alaska, 1939, Bulletin 910 B
- Geology and coal resources of the Minot region, North Dakota, 1939, Bulletin 906 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1938. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1938, 1939, Bulletin 917 A
- Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the Oklahoma coal field. Part 4, The Howe-Wilburton district, Latimer and Le Flore Countie, 1939, Bulletin 874 D
- Transit traverse in Missouri, 1900-1937. Part 1, Southeastern Missouri, 1903-37, 1939, Bulletin 916 A
- Geophysical abstracts, 92-95, January-December 1938. Geophysical abstracts 95, October-December 1938, 1939, Bulletin 909 D
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 3, Townships 24 and 25 north, ranges 8 and 9 east, 1939, Bulletin 900 C
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 2, Townships 22 and 23 north, ranges 8 and 9 east, 1939, Bulletin 900 B
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 5, Southwestern Missouri, 1896-1937, 1939, Bulletin 898 E
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 6, Northeastern Missouri, 1896-1938, 1939, Bulletin 898 F
- The Mizpah coal field, Custer County, Montana, 1939, Bulletin 906 C
- Spirit leveling in South Carolina, 1896-1938, 1939, Bulletin 890
- Geology and mineral resources of the Honeybrook and Phoenixville quadrangles, Pennsylvania, 1938, Bulletin 891
- Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the Oklahoma coal field. Part 3, The Quinton-Scipio district, Pittsburg, Haskell, and Latimer Counties, 1938, Bulletin 874 C
- Spirit leveling in Kansas, 1896-1935, 1938, Bulletin 889
- Geology and ore deposits of the Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, 1938, Bulletin 885
- Spirit leveling in Vermont, 1896-1935, 1938, Bulletin 888
- Geophysical abstracts, 88-91, January-December 1937. Geophysical abstracts 89, April-June 1937, 1938, Bulletin 895 B
- Preliminary report on the alunite deposits of the Marysvale region, Utah, 1938, Bulletin 886 D
- Subsurface geology and oil and gas resources of Osage County, Oklahoma. Part 1, Townships 22 and 23 north, ranges 10 and 11 east, 1938, Bulletin 900 A
- Geophysical abstracts 92-95, January-December 1938, 1938, Bulletin 909
- Geophysical abstracts, 88-91, January-December 1937. Geophysical abstracts 90, July-September 1937, 1938, Bulletin 895 C
- The brown iron ores of eastern Texas, 1938, Bulletin 902
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 4, Northwestern Missouri, 1896-1937, 1938, Bulletin 898 D
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 3, East-central Missouri, 1896-1937, 1938, Bulletin 898 C
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 2, South-central Missouri, 1896-1937, 1938, Bulletin 898 B
- Spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896-1938. Part 1, Southeastern Missouri, 1896-1937, 1938, Bulletin 898 A
- Geophysical abstracts, 88-91, January-December 1937. Geophysical abstracts 91, October-December 1937, 1938, Bulletin 895 D
- Lexicon of geologic names of the United States (including Alaska), 1938, Bulletin 896
- Geology and ore deposits of the southwestern Arkansas quicksilver district, 1938, Bulletin 886 C
- Gold placers of the Fortymile, Eagle, and Circle districts, Alaska, 1938, Bulletin 897 C
- The Nushagak district, Alaska, 1938, Bulletin 903
- The Valdez Creek mining district, Alaska, in 1936, 1938, Bulletin 897 B
- Geology of the Chitina Valley and adjacent area, Alaska, 1938, Bulletin 894
- Metalliferous mineral deposits of the Cascade range in Oregon, 1938, Bulletin 893
- Mineral industry of Alaska in 1936, 1938, Bulletin 897 A
- Geophysical abstracts, 92-95, January-December 1938. Geophysical abstracts 92, January-March 1938, 1938, Bulletin 909 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1935, 1938, Bulletin 880
- Geophysical abstracts 88-91, January-December 1937, 1938, Bulletin 895
- Geology of the Slana-Tok district, Alaska, 1938, Bulletin 904
- Geologic factors in the interpretation of fluorspar reserves in the Illinois-Kentucky field, 1937, Bulletin 886 B
- The Kaiyuh Hills, Alaska, 1937, Bulletin 868 D
- Geology and ore deposits of the Bayhorse region, Custer County, Idaho, 1937, Bulletin 877
- Kodiak and adjacent islands, Alaska, 1937, Bulletin 880 C
- Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the Oklahoma coal field. Part 1, The McAlester district, Pittsburg, Atoka, and Latimer Counties, 1937, Bulletin 874 A
- Analyses of rocks and minerals from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1914-36, 1937, Bulletin 878
- Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the Oklahoma coal field. Part 2, The Lehigh district, Coal, Atoka, and Pittsburg Counties, 1937, Bulletin 874 B
- Nonmetallic mineral resources of eastern Oregon, 1937, Bulletin 875
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Snowmass Mountain area, Gunnison County, Colorado, 1937, Bulletin 884
- Spirit leveling in Texas. Part 1, Western Texas, 1896-1935, 1937, Bulletin 883 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1935. The Eska Creek coal deposits, Matanuska Valley, 1937, Bulletin 880 D
- Geology and mineral resources of the western part of the Arkansas coal field, 1937, Bulletin 847 E
- Geophysical abstracts 87, July-December 1936, 1937, Bulletin 887
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1935 and 1936, 1937, Bulletin 892
- Spirit leveling in Connecticut, 1922-35, 1937, Bulletin 881
- Geology and mineral resources of the Baker quadrangle, Oregon, 1937, Bulletin 879
- Geology and mineral resources of north-central Chouteau, western Hill, and eastern Liberty counties, Montana, 1937, Bulletin 847 F
- Kodiak and vicinity, Alaska, 1937, Bulletin 868 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1935. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1935, 1937, Bulletin 880 A
- Coal deposits of Pike County, Kentucky, 1937, Bulletin 876
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1935. Recent mineral developments in the Copper River region, 1937, Bulletin 880 B
- Geophysical abstracts, 88-91, January-December 1937. Geophysical abstracts 88, January-March 1937, 1937, Bulletin 895 A
- Spirit leveling in Massachusetts, 1922-35, 1937, Bulletin 882
- Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the Oklahoma coal field, 1937, Bulletin 874
- Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1934, 1937, Bulletin 868
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1934-36, 1937, Bulletin 847
- The Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, 1937, Bulletin 872
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1934. Upper Copper and Tanana Rivers, Alaska, 1936, Bulletin 868 C
- The Rosebud coal field, Rosebud and Custer Counties, Montana, 1936, Bulletin 847 B
- Phosphate rock near Maxville, Philipsburg, and Avon, Montana, 1936, Bulletin 847 D
- Geology of the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, 1936, Bulletin 867
- The Richey-Lambert coal field, Richland and Dawson Counties, Montana, 1936, Bulletin 847 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1934. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1934, 1936, Bulletin 868 A
- Geology and ore deposits of the Bayard area, Central Mining District, New Mexico, 1936, Bulletin 870
- Geology of the Anthracite Ridge coal district, Alaska, 1936, Bulletin 861
- Mineral resources of the region around Boulder Dam, 1936, Bulletin 871
- The Book Cliffs coal field in Emery and Grand counties, Utah, 1936, Bulletin 852
- Mineral deposits of the Ruby-Kuskokwim region, 1936, Bulletin 864 C
- Geology of the Monument Valley-Navajo Mountain region, San Juan County, Utah, 1936, Bulletin 865
- Geology and mineral resources of the Butler and Zelienople quadrangles, Pennsylvania, 1936, Bulletin 873
- Possibility of new oil pools in the Siliceous lime and Bartlesville sand in T. 23 N., R. 10 E., Osage County, Oklahoma, 1936, Bulletin 886 A
- Geology and mineral resources of the Bellefonte quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1936, Bulletin 855
- Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1933, 1936, Bulletin 864
- Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, 1936, Bulletin 860
- Part 3— The La Ventana-Chacra Mesa coal field, 1936, Bulletin 860 C
- Part 2, The Mount Taylor coal field, 1936, Bulletin 860 B
- Geology of the Salt Valley anticline and adjacent areas, Grand County, Utah, 1935, Bulletin 863
- The Willow Creek-Kashwitna district, Alaska, 1935, Bulletin 864 B
- Geology of the Santa Rita mining area, New Mexico, 1935, Bulletin 859
- A brief review of the geology of the San Juan region of southwestern Colorado, 1935, Bulletin 843
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1933 and 1934, 1935, Bulletin 869
- Zinc and lead deposits of northern Arkansas, 1935, Bulletin 853
- Geology of Big Horn County and the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana, with special reference to the water, coal, oil, and gas resources, 1935, Bulletin 856
- Geology of the Tonsina district, Alaska, 1935, Bulletin 866
- The Contact mining district, Nevada, 1935, Bulletin 847 A
- The southern Alaska Range, 1935, Bulletin 862
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1932. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1932, 1934, Bulletin 857 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1931. Reconnaissance of the northern Koyukuk Valley, Alaska, 1934, Bulletin 844 E
- Core drilling for coal in the Moose Creek area, Alaska, 1934, Bulletin 857 E
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1931 and 1932, 1934, Bulletin 858
- The Curry district, Alaska, 1934, Bulletin 857 C
- The microscopic determination of the nonopaque minerals, 1934, Bulletin 848
- Mineral deposits of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts. Placer concentrates of the Rampart and Hot Springs districts, 1934, Bulletin 844 D
- Quicksilver deposits of southwestern Oregon, 1934, Bulletin 850
- Mineral and fuel resources, report on progress of investigations in 1933. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1933, 1934, Bulletin 864 A
- The Book Cliffs coal field in Garfield and Mesa counties, Colorado, 1934, Bulletin 851
- Mineral resources of Alaska : report on progress of investigation in 1931, 1934, Bulletin 844
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1932. Notes on the geology of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands, 1934, Bulletin 857 D
- Geology and ore deposits of the Casto quadrangle, Idaho, 1934, Bulletin 854
- Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1932, 1934, Bulletin 857
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1933, 1934, Bulletin 846
- Part 1, The coal field from Gallup eastward toward Mount Taylor, with a measured section of pre-Dakota(?) rocks near Navajo Church, 1934, Bulletin 860 A
- The Climax molybdenum deposit, Colorado, with a section on history, production, metallurgy, and development, 1933, Bulletin 846 C
- Progress of surveys in the Anthracite Ridge District, 1933, Bulletin 849 A
- The Moose Pass-Hope District, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 I
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1930, 1933, Bulletin 836
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1932. Past placer-gold production from Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 857 B
- Geology of the Robertson, Humdinger, and Robert E. gold mines, southwestern Oregon, 1933, Bulletin 830 B
- The Valdez Creek mining district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 H
- The eastern portion of Mount McKinley National Park. The Kantishna district. Mining development in the Tatlanika and Totatlanika basins, 1933, Bulletin 836 D
- The Girdwood district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 G
- Lode deposits of Eureka and vicinity, Kantishna district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 F
- Mineral deposits near the West Fork of the Chulitna River, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 E
- Guidebook of the western United States: Part F - The Southern Pacific lines, New Orleans to Los Angeles, 1933, Bulletin 845
- Geology and oil possibilities of the Moab district, Grand and San Juan counties, Utah, 1933, Bulletin 841
- Some lode deposits in the northwestern part of the Boise Basin, Idaho, 1933, Bulletin 846 D
- Metalliferous deposits of the greater Helena mining region, Montana, 1933, Bulletin 842
- The Mount Eielson district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1930. Notes on the geography and geology of Lituya Bay, 1933, Bulletin 836 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1930. Surface water supply of southeastern Alaska, 1909-1930, 1933, Bulletin 836 C
- Geology and mineral resources of the Middletown quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1933, Bulletin 840
- The Willow Creek gold-lode district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1931. Mineral investigations in the Alaska Railroad belt, 1931, 1933, Bulletin 844 B
- Lode deposits of the Fairbanks district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 849 B
- The Suslota Pass district, upper Copper River region, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 844 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1930. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1930 and administrative report, 1933, Bulletin 836 A
- Some mining districts of eastern Oregon, 1933, Bulletin 846 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1931. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1931 and administrative report, 1933, Bulletin 844 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1931-32 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1933, Bulletin 830
- Geology and ore deposits of the Takilma-Waldo district, Oregon, including the Blue Creek district, 1933, Bulletin 846 B
- Investigations in Alaska railroad belt, 1931, 1933, Bulletin 849
- Copper deposits near Keating, Oreg., 1933, Bulletin 830 A
- The Tatonduk-Nation district, Alaska, 1933, Bulletin 836 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1929 and administrative report, 1932, Bulletin 824 A
- Mining in the Circle district, 1932, Bulletin 824 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. The Lake Clark-Mulchatna region, 1932, Bulletin 824 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. The occurrence of gypsum at Iyoukeen Cove, Chichagof Island, Alaska, 1932, Bulletin 824 E
- Geology and coal, oil, and gas resources of the New Kensington quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1932, Bulletin 829
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigation in 1929, 1932, Bulletin 824
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1929. The Slana district, upper Copper River region, 1932, Bulletin 824 B
- Mineralogy of drill cores from the potash field of New Mexico and Texas, 1932, Bulletin 833
- The Ashland coal field, Rosebud, Powder River, and Custer Counties, Montana, 1932, Bulletin 831 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1931-32, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Jackson gas field, Hinds and Rankin counties, Mississippi, 1932, Bulletin 831 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1931-32 : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1932, Bulletin 831
- Tertiary and Quaternary geology of the lower Rio Grande region, Texas, 1932, Bulletin 837
- The crystal cavities of the New Jersey zeolite region, 1932, Bulletin 832
- Nitrate deposits of the United States, 1932, Bulletin 838
- Geology and oil resources of the Elk Hills, California, including Naval Petroleum Reserve No.1, 1932, Bulletin 835
- Geology of the Boston area, Massachusetts, 1932, Bulletin 839
- Microscopic determination of the ore minerals, 1931, Bulletin 825
- Names and definitions of the geologic units of California, 1931, Bulletin 826
- Nitrate deposits in southeastern California: With notes on deposits in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, 1931, Bulletin 820
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1929 and 1930, 1931, Bulletin 834
- Bibliography of North American geology, 1919-1928, 1931, Bulletin 823
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1930 : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1931, Bulletin 822
- Geology and mineral resources of parts of Carbon, Big Horn, Yellowstone and Stillwater Counties, Montana, 1931, Bulletin 822 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1930, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. A graphic history of metal mining in Idaho, 1931, Bulletin 821 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1930, Part II, Mineral fuel. The Granby anticline, Grand County, Colorado, 1931, Bulletin 822 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1930, Part II, Mineral fuel. Bituminous sandstone near Vernal, Utah, 1931, Bulletin 822 C
- Iron ore on Canyon Creek, Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona, 1931, Bulletin 821 C
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1930, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. A geologic study of the Madden Dam project, Alhajuela, Canal Zone, 1931, Bulletin 821 B
- Geology and mineral resources of the Cleveland district, Ohio, 1931, Bulletin 818
- A geologic reconnaissance of the Dennison Fork district, Alaska, 1931, Bulletin 827
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports, 1930 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1931, Bulletin 821
- The Wasatch Plateau coal field, Utah, 1931, Bulletin 819
- Geology and mineral resources of the Quakertown-Doylestown district, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 1931, Bulletin 828
- Mineral resources of Alaska : report on progress of investigations in 1927, 1930, Bulletin 810
- Boundaries, areas, geographic centers, and altitudes of the United States and the several states, with a brief record of important changes in their territory and government, 1930, Bulletin 817
- Contributions to economic geology, 1929: Part I. Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Tertiary volcanic tuffs and sandstones used as building stones in the upper Salmon River Valley, Idaho, 1930, Bulletin 811 E
- Geology and ore deposits of the Wood river region, Idaho, with a description of the Minnie Moore and near-by mines, 1930, Bulletin 814
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1929, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. The Rawlins, Shirley, and Seminoe iron-ore deposits, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1930, Bulletin 811 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1929: Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1930, Bulletin 812
- The Chandalar-Sheenjek district, 1930, Bulletin 810 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1927. The Mount Spurr region, 1930, Bulletin 810 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1927. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1927 and administrative report, 1930, Bulletin 810 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1929, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. The New World or Cooke City mining district, Park County, Montana, 1930, Bulletin 811 A
- Recent mining developments in the Creede district, Colorado, 1930, Bulletin 811 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1929 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1930, Bulletin 811
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1929, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Forsyth coal field, Rosebud, Treasure, and Big Horn counties, Montana, 1930, Bulletin 812 A
- Notes on the geology of upper Nizina River, 1930, Bulletin 813 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1929, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Kevin-Sunburst oil field and other possibilities of oil and gas in the Sweetgrass arch, Montana, 1930, Bulletin 812 B
- Geology and coal resources of the Meeker quadrangle, Moffat and Rio Blanco counties, Colorado, 1930, Bulletin 812 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1929: Part II. Mineral fuels. Geology and oil resources along the southern border of San Joaquin Valley, California, 1930, Bulletin 812 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1928. The Chakachamna-Stony region, 1930, Bulletin 813 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1928. Mining in the Fortymile district, 1930, Bulletin 813 C
- Geology and mineral resources of northwestern Alaska, 1930, Bulletin 815
- Mineral industry of Alaska in 1928; administration report and and selected list of Geological Survey publications on Alaska, 1930, Bulletin 813 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1928, 1930, Bulletin 813
- Geology of the Eagle-Circle district, Alaska, 1930, Bulletin 816
- Indiana oolitic limestone: Relation of its natural features to its commercial grading, 1930, Bulletin 811 C
- Geology of Hyder and vicinity, southeastern Alaska, with a reconnaissance of Chickamin River, 1929, Bulletin 807
- Geology and mineral deposits of southeastern Alaska, 1929, Bulletin 800
- Geology and oil and gas prospects of part of the San Rafael Swell, Utah, 1929, Bulletin 806 C
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928: Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1929, Bulletin 806
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1926. Aerial photographic surveys in southeastern Alaska, 1929, Bulletin 797 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1929, Bulletin 805
- Geology and coal and oil resources of the Hanna and Carbon basins, Carbon county, Wyoming, 1929, Bulletin 804
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1926, 1929, Bulletin 797
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1926. The Skwentna region, 1929, Bulletin 797 B
- Geology of the McCalls Ferry-Quarryville district, Pennsylvania, 1929, Bulletin 799
- Geology and water resources of the Edgeley and La Moure quadrangles, North Dakota, 1929, Bulletin 801
- Geography, geology, and mineral resources of the Portneuf quadrangle, Idaho, 1929, Bulletin 803
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928, Part II, Mineral fuels. The northward extension of the Sheridan coal field, Big Horn and Rosebud counties, Montana, 1929, Bulletin 806 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Pumpkin Buttes coal field, Wyoming, 1929, Bulletin 806 A
- Geology of the De Queen and Caddo Gap quadrangles, Arkansas, 1929, Bulletin 808
- Formulas and tables for the construction of polyconic projections, 1929, Bulletin 809
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology of the Rock Creek oil field and adjacent areas, Carbon and Albany counties, Wyoming, 1929, Bulletin 806 D
- Geology and mineral resources of the Aniakchak district, 1929, Bulletin 797 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1928: Part II. Mineral fuels. Thrust faulting and oil possibilities in the plains adjacent to the Highwood Mountains, Montana, 1929, Bulletin 806 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Platinum and black sand in Washington, 1929, Bulletin 805 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1926. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1926 and administrative report, 1929, Bulletin 797 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1926. Surveys in northwestern Alaska in 1926, 1929, Bulletin 797 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1926. Preliminary report on the Sheenjek River district, 1929, Bulletin 797 C
- Deposits of vermiculite and other minerals in the Rainy Creek district, near Libby, Mont., 1929, Bulletin 805 B
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Introduction, 1928, Bulletin 788
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Leveling, 1928, Bulletin 788 D
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Map compilation from aerial photographs, 1928, Bulletin 788 F
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Administration, 1928, Bulletin 788 A
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Triangulation, 1928, Bulletin 788 B
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Transit traverse, 1928, Bulletin 788 C
- Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Topographic mapping, 1928, Bulletin 788 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Gillette coal field, northeastern Wyoming. The Minturn District and the northwestern part of the Gillette Field, Wyoming, 1928, Bulletin 796 A
- Geology and lignite resources of the Marmarth field, southwestern North Dakota, 1928, Bulletin 775
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology and oil and gas possibilities of the Bell Springs district, Carbon County, Wyoming, 1928, Bulletin 796 D
- Economic geology of the Castlegate, Wellington, and Sunnyside quadrangles, Carbon county, Utah, 1928, Bulletin 793
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology and oil and gas prospects of northeastern Colorado, 1928, Bulletin 796 B
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1925 and 1926, 1928, Bulletin 802
- "Red Beds" and associated formations in New Mexico, with an outline of the geology of the state, 1928, Bulletin 794
- Geology of the Muddy Mountains, Nevada, with a section through the Virgin Range to the Grand Wash Cliffs, Arizona, 1928, Bulletin 798
- Geology and coal resources of the Salina Canyon district, Sevier County, Utah, 1928, Bulletin 796 C
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1928, Bulletin 796
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1925. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1925 and administrative report, 1927, Bulletin 792 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795
- The Iniskin-Chinitna Peninsula and the Snug Harbor district, Alaska, 1927, Bulletin 789
- Potash brines in the Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah: Chapter B in Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795 B
- Organic precipitation of metallic copper: Chapter C in Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795 C
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1926. Pedestal rocks formed by differential erosion and channel erosion of the Rio Salado, Socorro County, New Mexico, 1927, Bulletin 790 A
- A manganese deposit of Pleistocene age in Bannock County, Idaho: Chapter H in Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795 H
- Phosphate rock in the Three Forks-Yellowstone Park region, Montana: Chapter G in Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795 G
- The brown iron ores of west-middle Tennessee, 1927, Bulletin 795 D
- Quicksilver deposits of the Pilot Mountains, Mineral County, Nevada: Chapter E in Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795 E
- The Gilbert district, Nevada: Chapter F in Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1927: Part I - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1927, Bulletin 795 F
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1926, 1927, Bulletin 790
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1923-24, 1927, Bulletin 784
- Geology and ore deposits of the Mogollon mining district, New Mexico, 1927, Bulletin 787
- Geology of the upper Matanuska valley, Alaska, with a section on the igneous rocks, 1927, Bulletin 791
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1926, Part II, Mineral fuels. The geology of the Ingomar anticline, Treasure and Rosebud counties, Montana, 1927, Bulletin 786 A
- Geology of the Cat Creek and Devils Basin oil fields and adjacent areas in Montana, 1927, Bulletin 786 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1925. The Toklat-Tonzona River region. Geologic investigations in northern Alaska, 1927, Bulletin 792 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1925, 1927, Bulletin 792
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1926: Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1927, Bulletin 786
- Geology of the Knik-Matanuska district, 1927, Bulletin 792 B
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1926. The "Palouse soil" problem, with an account of elephant remains in wind-borne soil on the Columbia plateau of Washington, 1927, Bulletin 790 B
- Manganese-bearing deposits near Lake Crescent and Humptulips, Washington, 1927, Bulletin 795 A
- Geology of a part of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, with special reference to salt and potash, 1926, Bulletin 780 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports, 1925 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1926, Bulletin 780
- The Mesozoic stratigraphy of Alaska, 1926, Bulletin 776
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1926: Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuel, 1926, Bulletin 785
- Borate deposits in the Kramer district, Kern County, California, 1926, Bulletin 785 C
- Ore deposits of the Jerome and Bradshaw Mountains quadrangles, Arizona, 1926, Bulletin 782
- Geology and oil resources of the Puente Hills region, southern California, with a section on the chemical character of the oil, 1926, Bulletin 768
- The Nixon Fork country. Silver-lead prospects near Ruby, 1926, Bulletin 783 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1924. Summary of recent surveys in northern Alaska, 1926, Bulletin 783 E
- Geology and oil development of the Cold Bay District. A ruby silver prospect in Alaska, 1926, Bulletin 783 C
- Potash investigations in 1924, 1926, Bulletin 785 B
- Recent developments in the Aspen district, Colorado, 1926, Bulletin 785 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1925, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Platinum near Centennial, Wyoming, 1926, Bulletin 780 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1925: Part II, Mineral fuels. Notes on Paleozoic rocks encountered in a well near Florence, Alabama, 1926, Bulletin 781 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1924. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1924 and administrative report, 1926, Bulletin 783 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1924, 1926, Bulletin 783
- Note on a colemanite deposit near Shoshone, California, with a sketch of the geology of a part of Amargosa Valley, 1926, Bulletin 785 D
- Guides to ore in the Leadville district, Colorado, 1926, Bulletin 779
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1925: Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1926, Bulletin 781
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1925, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. The Melrose phosphate field, Montana, 1926, Bulletin 780 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1925: Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Antimony and quicksilver deposits in the Yellow Pine district, Idaho, 1926, Bulletin 780 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1924. Mineral investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1926, Bulletin 783 B
- Geology of the Baxter Basin gas field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1926, Bulletin 781 B
- Geology and gold placers of the Chandalar district, 1925, Bulletin 773 E
- Geology and ore deposits of the Aravaipa and Stanley mining districts, Graham County, Arizona, 1925, Bulletin 763
- Ore deposits of the Saddle Mountain and Banner mining districts, Arizona, 1925, Bulletin 771
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924: Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1925, Bulletin 750
- The copper deposits near Salmon, Idaho, 1925, Bulletin 774
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1923-1924, 1925, Bulletin 760
- A reconnaissance of the Point Barrow region, Alaska, 1925, Bulletin 772
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: Introduction, 1925, Bulletin 766 A
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 32 degrees to 33 degrees latitude, 114 degrees to 115 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 B
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 32 degrees to 33 degrees latitude, 115 degrees to 116 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 C
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 32 degrees to 33 degrees latitude, 116 degrees to 117 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 D
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 32 degrees to 33 degrees latitude, 117 degrees to 118 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 E
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 33 degrees to 34 degrees latitude, 114 degrees to 115 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 F
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 33 degrees to 34 degrees latitude, 115 degrees to 116 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 G
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 33 degrees to 34 degrees latitude, 116 degrees to 117 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 H
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 33 degrees to 34 degrees latitude, 117 degrees to 118 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 I
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 33 degrees to 34 degrees latitude, 118 degrees to 119 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 J
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 114 degrees to 115 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 K
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 115 degrees to 116 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 L
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 116 degrees to 117 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 M
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 117 degrees to 118 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 N
- Chemistry of deposition of native copper from ascending solutions, 1925, Bulletin 778
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 118 degrees to 119 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 O
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 119 degrees to 120 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 P
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 34 degrees to 35 degrees latitude, 120 degrees to 121 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 Q
- Geology and coal resources of the Gallup-Zuni basin, New Mexico, 1925, Bulletin 767
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 114 degrees to 115 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 R
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 115 degrees to 116 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 S
- The geologic time classification of the United States Geological Survey compared with other classifications, accompanied by the original definitions of era, period and epoch terms, 1925, Bulletin 769
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 116 degrees to 117 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 T
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 117 degrees to 118 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 U
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 118 degrees to 119 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 V
- Geology of the Bristow quadrangle, Creek county, Oklahoma, with reference to petroleum and natural gas, 1925, Bulletin 759
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 119 degrees to 120 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 W
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 120 degrees to 121 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 X
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 35 degrees to 36 degrees latitude, 121 degrees to 122 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 Y
- Pre-Cambrian rocks of Gunnison River, Colorado, 1925, Bulletin 777
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 36 degrees to 37 degrees latitude, 116 degrees to 117 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 Z
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923, 1925, Bulletin 766
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 36 degrees to 37 degrees latitude, 117 degrees to 118 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 AA
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 36 degrees to 37 degrees latitude, 118 degrees to 119 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 BB
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 36 degrees to 37 degrees latitude, 119 degrees to 120 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 CC
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 36 degrees to 37 degrees latitude, 120 degrees to 121 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 DD
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924: Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1925, Bulletin 751
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 36 degrees to 37 degrees latitude, 121 degrees to 122 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 EE
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 37 degrees to 38 degrees latitude, 117 degrees to 118 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 FF
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 37 degrees to 38 degrees latitude, 118 degrees to 119 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 GG
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 37 degrees to 38 degrees latitude, 119 degrees to 120 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 HH
- Geology and coal resources of the Axial and Monument Butte quadrangles, Moffat County, Colorado, 1925, Bulletin 757
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 37 degrees to 38 degrees latitude, 120 degrees to 121 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 II
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. New and known minerals from the Utah-Colorado carnotite region, 1925, Bulletin 750 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Deposits of magnesia alum near Fallon, Nevada, 1925, Bulletin 750 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology and possible oil and gas resources of the faulted area south of the Bearpaw Mountains, Montana, 1925, Bulletin 751 C
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geologic structure of San Juan Canyon and adjacent country, Utah, 1925, Bulletin 751 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1923, 1925, Bulletin 773
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 37 degrees to 38 degrees latitude, 121 degrees to 122 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 JJ
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 37 degrees to 38 degrees latitude, 122 degrees to 123 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 KK
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 38 degrees to 39 degrees latitude, 118 degrees to 119 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 LL
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1923-1924. Pedestal rocks in the arid Southwest, 1925, Bulletin 760 A
- The physical features of central Massachusetts, 1925, Bulletin 760 B
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1923-1924. Erosion by solution and fill, 1925, Bulletin 760 C
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1923-1924. Pedestal rocks in stream channels, 1925, Bulletin 760 D
- Mineral investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1925, Bulletin 773 B
- The occurrence of copper on Prince William Sound, 1925, Bulletin 773 C
- Mineral resources of the Kamishak Bay region. The Cold Bay-Katmai district. The outlook for petroleum near Chignik, Alaska, 1925, Bulletin 773 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Ilsemannite at Ouray, Utah, 1925, Bulletin 750 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Origin of certain rich silver ores near Chloride and Kingman, Arizona, 1925, Bulletin 750 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Observations on the rich silver ores of Aspen Colorado, 1925, Bulletin 750 C
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Molybdenite in the Rocky Bar district, Idaho, 1925, Bulletin 750 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1923-1924: Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Bauxite in northeastern Mississippi, 1925, Bulletin 750 G
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. Continuity of some oil-bearing sands of Colorado and Wyoming, 1925, Bulletin 751 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. Progress report on a subsurface study of the Pershing oil and gas field, Osage County, Oklahoma, 1925, Bulletin 751 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Scobey lignite field, Valley, Daniels, and Sheridan counties, Montana, 1925, Bulletin 751 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Ekalaka lignite field, southeastern Montana, 1925, Bulletin 751 F
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1923-1924, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology and oil and gas prospects of part of Moffat County, Colorado, and southern Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1925, Bulletin 751 G
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 38 degrees to 39 degrees latitude, 119 degrees to 120 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 MM
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 38 degrees to 39 degrees latitude, 120 degrees to 121 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 NN
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 38 degrees to 39 degrees latitude, 121 degrees to 122 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 OO
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 39 degrees to 40 degrees latitude, 120 degrees to 121 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 RR
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 39 degrees to 40 degrees latitude, 121 degrees to 122 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 SS
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 39 degrees to 40 degrees latitude, 122 degrees to 123 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 TT
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 40 degrees to 41 degrees latitude, 122 degrees to 123 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 UU
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 40 degrees to 41 degrees latitude, 123 degrees to 124 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 VV
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 40 degrees to 41 degrees latitude, 124 degrees to 125 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 WW
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 41 degrees to 42 degrees latitude, 121 degrees to 122 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 XX
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 41 degrees to 42 degrees latitude, 122 degrees to 123 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 YY
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 41 degrees to 42 degrees latitude, 123 degrees to 124 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 ZZ
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: 41 degrees to 42 degrees latitude, 124 degrees to 125 degrees longitude, 1925, Bulletin 766 AAA
- Spirit leveling in California, 1896-1923: Secondary elevations; Index, 1925, Bulletin 766 BBB
- Alaska's mineral resources and production, 1923. An early Tertiary placer deposit in the Yentna District, Alaska. Mineral resources of Alaska, 1923. Administrative report, 1925, Bulletin 773 A
- Phosphate deposits in the Wind River Mountains, near Lander, Wyoming, 1924, Bulletin 764
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1921-22, 1924, Bulletin 758
- Coal resources of the Raton coal field, Colfax County, New Mexico, 1924, Bulletin 752
- Geology and mineral resources of the region traversed by the Alaska Railroad, 1924, Bulletin 755 C
- The metalliferous deposits of Chitina Valley, 1924, Bulletin 755 B
- The data of geochemistry, 1924, Bulletin 770
- The Cold Bay-Chignik district, 1924, Bulletin 755 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1922, 1924, Bulletin 755
- The Ruby-Kuskokwim region, Alaska, 1924, Bulletin 754
- Geology and ore deposits of the Rochester district, Nevada, 1924, Bulletin 762
- Geologic literature on North America, 1785-1918; Part II, Index, 1924, Bulletin 747
- Geology and ore deposits of the Manhattan district, Nevada, 1924, Bulletin 723
- The Alaska mining industry in 1922, 1924, Bulletin 755 A
- Molybdenum deposits, a short review, 1924, Bulletin 761
- Geology of the region around Lead, South Dakota, and its bearing on the Homestake ore body, 1924, Bulletin 765
- Geology and oil resources of a part of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, California, 1924, Bulletin 753
- Oil and gas fields of the Lost Soldier-Ferris district, Wyoming, 1924, Bulletin 756
- Manganese deposits of east Tennessee, 1923, Bulletin 737
- Mica deposits of the United States, 1923, Bulletin 740
- Economic geology of the Summerfield and Woodsfield quadrangles, Ohio with descriptions of coal and other mineral resources, except oil and gas, 1923, Bulletin 720
- The lime belt of Massachusetts and parts of eastern New York and western Connecticut, 1923, Bulletin 744
- The occurrence of metalliferous deposits in the Yukon and Kuskokwim regions, 1923, Bulletin 739 D
- The commercial granites of New England, 1923, Bulletin 738
- The Cold Bay District, Alaska. The Iniskin Bay district, Alaska. A petroleum seepage near Anchorage. A supposed petroleum seepage in the Nenana coal field., 1923, Bulletin 739 C
- Geology and ore deposits of Shoshone County, Idaho, 1923, Bulletin 732
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918--Triangulation in Wyoming and Colorado, 1916-1919, 1923, Bulletin 709 P
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation and primary traverse in Texas, 1919-1920, 1923, Bulletin 709 Q
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918.:Triangulation and primary traverse in North Carolina, 1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 R
- Mineral deposits of the Wrangell district, 1923, Bulletin 739 B
- Physiographic provinces and sections in western Oklahoma and adjacent parts of Texas, 1923, Bulletin 730 D
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709
- The Twentymile Park district of the Yampa coal field, Routt County, Colorado, 1923, Bulletin 748
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922 : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1923, Bulletin 736
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Bonanza ores of the Comstock lode, Virginia City, Nevada, 1923, Bulletin 735 C
- The Alaskan mining industry in 1921, 1923, Bulletin 739 A
- Possibility of finding oil in laccolithic domes south of the Little Rocky Mountains, Montana, 1923, Bulletin 736 F
- Geology of the Ranger oil filed, Texas, 1923, Bulletin 736 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Osage oil field, Weston County, Wyoming, 1923, Bulletin 736 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology of the Wiles area, Ranger district, Texas, 1923, Bulletin 736 C
- Peneplains of the Front Range and Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 1923, Bulletin 730 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922, Part II, Mineral fuels. The structure of the Madill-Denison area, Oklahoma and Texas, with notes on oil and gas development, 1923, Bulletin 736 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, part 1: Metals and nonmetals except fuels-The Los Burros district, Monterey County, California, 1923, Bulletin 735 J
- Geology and ore deposits of the Creede district, Colorado, 1923, Bulletin 718
- Geology of the Oatman gold district, Arizona: A preliminary report, 1923, Bulletin 743
- Geology of the Tullock Creek coal field, Rosebud and Big Horn counties, Montana, 1923, Bulletin 749
- Oil shale of the Rocky Mountain region, 1923, Bulletin 729
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922: Part II, Mineral fuels. Stratigraphy of the El Dorado oil field, Arkansas, as determined by drill cuttings, 1923, Bulletin 736 H
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922, Part II, Mineral fuels. The Brooks, Steen, and Grand Saline salt domes, Smith and Van Zandt counties, Texas, 1923, Bulletin 736 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Candelaria silver district, Nevada, 1923, Bulletin 735 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Primary native-silver ores near Wickenburg, Arizona, and their bearing on the genesis of the silver ores of Cobalt, Ontario, 1923, Bulletin 735 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Silver enrichment in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 1923, Bulletin 735 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1921, 1923, Bulletin 739
- Erosion and sedimentaition in the Papago country, Arizona, with a sketch of the geology, 1923, Bulletin 730 B
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in Georgia, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 C
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922, Part II, Mineral fuels. Oil and gas prospects in and near the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana, 1923, Bulletin 736 B
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation in Maine and New Hampshire, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 I
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation and primary traverse in Kentucky and Tennessee, 1916-1918, including spirit leveling in Camp Knox Military Reservation, Kentucky, 1923, Bulletin 709 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--General features of the brown hematite ores of western North Carolina, 1923, Bulletin 735 F
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1922 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1923, Bulletin 735
- Sodium sulphate, its sources and uses, 1923, Bulletin 717
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--General features of the magnetite ores of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, 1923, Bulletin 735 G
- The Jarbidge mining district, Nevada: With a note on the Charleston district, 1923, Bulletin 741
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in Michigan, 1916-1917, 1923, Bulletin 709 F
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in Illinois and Wisconsin, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 E
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in Florida, 1917, 1923, Bulletin 709 B
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation and primary traverse in Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 A
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation in New Mexico and Texas, 1915-1917, 1923, Bulletin 709 O
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in South Carolina, 1917-1919, 1923, Bulletin 709 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Peridotite dikes in Scott County, Arkansas, 1923, Bulletin 735 H
- Geologic literature on North America, 1785-1918; Part I, Bibliography, 1923, Bulletin 746
- A method of measuring and plotting the shapes of pebbles, 1923, Bulletin 730 C
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in New York, 1916, 1923, Bulletin 709 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1922, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Colemanite in Clark County, Nevada, 1923, Bulletin 735 B
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation in Idaho and Montana, 1914-1916, 1923, Bulletin 709 D
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation in Arizona, California, and Nevada, 1915-1919, 1923, Bulletin 709 M
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Primary traverse in Virginia, 1916-1918, 1923, Bulletin 709 L
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1916-1918. Triangulation and primary traverse in Oregon and Washington, 1916-1919, 1923, Bulletin 709 K
- Boundaries, areas, geographic centers and altitudes of the United States and the several States with a brief record of important changes in their territory, 1923, Bulletin 689
- The Kotsina-Kuskulana district, Alaska, 1923, Bulletin 745
- Diamond-bearing peridotite in Pike County, Arkansas, 1923, Bulletin 735 I
- Geologic structure of parts of New Mexico, 1922, Bulletin 726 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Pyrite at the Haile mine, Kershaw, South Carolina, with a note on pyritization at the Brewer mine, near Jefferson, 1922, Bulletin 725 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Manganese deposits near Bromide, Oklahoma, 1922, Bulletin 725 E
- High-grade clays of the eastern United States with notes on some western clays, 1922, Bulletin 708
- Chromite of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1922, Bulletin 742
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 24 N., R. 10 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 D
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 8 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 Q
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 26 N., R. 8 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 R
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 28 N., Rs. 11 and 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 Y
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 26 and 27 N., R. 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 Z
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 24 and 25 N., R. 8 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 M
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 9 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 C
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 23 N., R. 11 E.; Tps. 22 and 23 N., R. 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 B
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Introduction, 1922, Bulletin 686 A
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 20 N., R. 10 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 X
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 29 N., Rs. 11 and 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 W
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 10 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 V
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 21-23 N., Rs. 6-7 E., and Tps. 23-25 N., Rs. 3-5 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 U
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 11 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 T
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 24 N., Rs. 11 and 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 S
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 24 N., R. 9 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 P
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 21 and 22 N., R. 11 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 O
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 20 and 21 N., R. 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 N
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. Tps. 24, 25, and 26 N., Rs. 6 and 7 E.; Tps. 25 and 26 N., R. 5 E.; T. 26 N., R. 4 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 L
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 27 N., R. 7 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 K
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 20 N., R. 11 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 J
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 26 N., Rs. 9, 10, and 11 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 I
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 25 N., Rs. 11 and 12 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 H
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1920, 1922, Bulletin 722
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 25 N., R. 10 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 G
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 28 N., Rs. 9 and 10 E.; T. 29 N., R. 10 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 F
- Potash in the greensands of New Jersey, 1922, Bulletin 727
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. T. 25 N., R. 9 E., 1922, Bulletin 686 E
- Structure and oil and gas resources of the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, 1922, Bulletin 686
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1921, Part II.--Mineral fuels, 1922, Bulletin 726
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Preface, 1922, Bulletin 722 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Ore deposits of the Salmon River district, Portland Canal region, 1922, Bulletin 722 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Contact-metamorphic tungsten deposits of the United States, 1922, Bulletin 725 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Deposits of manganese ore in Montana, Utah, Oregon, and Washington, 1922, Bulletin 725 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Metalliferous lodes in southern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1922, Bulletin 722 F
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Gold lodes in the upper Kuskokwim region, 1922, Bulletin 722 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1920--Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1922, Bulletin 722 B
- Chrome ores of southeastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. Deposits of chrome ore in North Carolina, 1922, Bulletin 725 B
- Geology of the vicinity of Tuxedni Bay, Cook Inlet, 1922, Bulletin 722 D
- Deposits of manganese ore in the Batesville district, Arkansas, with a chapter on the mining and preparation of the ores, 1922, Bulletin 734
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Chromite in the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon, 1922, Bulletin 725 A
- Geology of the York tin deposits, Alaska, 1922, Bulletin 733
- Nitrate deposits in the Amargosa region, southeastern California, 1922, Bulletin 724
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1919-1920, 1922, Bulletin 731
- The occurrence and uses of peat in the United States, 1922, Bulletin 728
- Guidebook of the western United States: Part E - The Denver & Rio Grande Western route, 1922, Bulletin 707
- Contributions to the geography of the United States, 1922, 1922, Bulletin 730
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Ore deposits of the Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona, 1922, Bulletin 725 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Round Mountain district, Nevada, 1922, Bulletin 725 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Ore deposits of Cedar Mountain, Mineral County, Nevada, 1922, Bulletin 725 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Taylor Creek tin deposits, New Mexico, 1922, Bulletin 725 G
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1921: Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1922, Bulletin 725
- The New Salem lignite field, Morton County, North Dakota: Chapter A in Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part II.--Mineral fuels, 1921, Bulletin 726 A
- Preliminary report on petroleum in Alaska, 1921, Bulletin 719
- The iron-ore resources of Europe, 1921, Bulletin 706
- The microscopic determination of the nonopaque minerals, 1921, Bulletin 679
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Mule Creek oil field, Wyoming, 1921, Bulletin 716 C
- Geology of Alamosa Creek valley, Socorro County, New Mexico, with special reference to the occurrence of oil and gas, 1921, Bulletin 716 A
- Lignite in the western part of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation south of Missouri River, North Dakota: Chapter D in Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part II.--Mineral fuels, 1921, Bulletin 726 D
- Geology of the Cement oil field, Caddo County, Oklahoma: Chapter B in Contributions to economic geology, 1921, Part II.--Mineral fuels, 1921, Bulletin 726 B
- Permian salt deposits of the south-central United States, 1921, Bulletin 715 M
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1920., 1921, Bulletin 715
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Lance Creek oil and gas field, Niobrara County, Wyoming, 1921, Bulletin 716 E
- The Lacasa area, Ranger district, north-central Texas, 1921, Bulletin 726 G
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1920 : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1921, Bulletin 716
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Mogollon district, New Mexico, 1921, Bulletin 715 L
- The future of Alaska mining. The Alaskan mining industry in 1919, 1921, Bulletin 714 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Potash resources of Nebraska, 1921, Bulletin 715 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part II, Mineral fuels--Natural-gas resources available to Dallas and other cities of central north Texas, 1921, Bulletin 716 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Preliminary report on the deposits of manganese ore in the Batesville district, Arkansas, 1921, Bulletin 715 G
- Lode mining in the Juneau and Ketchikan districts. Notes on the Salmon-Unuk River region. Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1921, Bulletin 714 B
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1919, 1921, Bulletin 714
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Divide silver district, Nevada, 1921, Bulletin 715 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Phosphate rock near Maxville, Granite County, Montana, 1921, Bulletin 715 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron-ore deposits near Stanford, Montana, 1921, Bulletin 715 F
- Geology and petroleum resources of northwestern Kern county, California, 1921, Bulletin 721
- Geology of the igneous rocks of Essex County, Massachusetts, 1921, Bulletin 704
- Mining developments in the Matanuska coal fields. Lode developments in the Willow Creek district, 1921, Bulletin 714 D
- Oil prospects in Washington County, Utah, 1921, Bulletin 726 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Geology of the Yellow Pine cinnabar-mining district, Idaho, 1921, Bulletin 715 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part II, Mineral fuels--Character of coal in the Thomas bed near Harrison, West Virginia, 1921, Bulletin 716 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal in the middle and eastern parts of San Juan County, New Mexico, 1921, Bulletin 716 G
- Coal in eastern Idaho, 1921, Bulletin 716 F
- Geologic structure and oil and gas prospects of a part of Jefferson County, Oklahoma, 1921, Bulletin 726 F
- Mining in Chitina Valley, 1921, Bulletin 714 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some deposits of manganese ore in Colorado, 1921, Bulletin 715 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--A deposit of manganese ore in Wyoming, 1921, Bulletin 715 C
- The Upton-Thornton oil field, Wyoming, 1921, Bulletin 716 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The potash deposits of Alsace, 1921, Bulletin 715 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1920, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Potash deposits in Spain, 1921, Bulletin 715 A
- Mineral resources of the Goodnews Bay region, 1921, Bulletin 714 E
- Mining on Seward Peninsula, 1921, Bulletin 714 F
- Anticlines near Maverick Springs, Fremont County, Wyoming, 1920, Bulletin 711 H
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918--Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1920, Bulletin 712 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Deposits of manganese ore in Costa Rica. Deposits of manganese ore near Boqueron River, Panama, 1920, Bulletin 710 C
- Nickel deposits in the lower Copper River valley, 1920, Bulletin 712 C
- Marble resources of southeastern Alaska, with a section on the geography and geology, 1920, Bulletin 682
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918--Preliminary report on the chromite of Kenai Peninsula, 1920, Bulletin 712 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1918, 1920, Bulletin 712
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919 : Part I. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1920, Bulletin 710
- Gypsum deposits of the United States, 1920, Bulletin 697
- The data of geochemistry (fourth edition), 1920, Bulletin 695
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918--Mining in northwestern Alaska, 1920, Bulletin 712 G
- Geothermal data of the United States, including many original determinations of underground temperature, 1920, Bulletin 701
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918--Placer mining in the Tolovana district, 1920, Bulletin 712 F
- The iron and associated industries of Lorraine, the Saare district, Luxemburg, and Belgium, 1920, Bulletin 703
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918--Mining developments in the Matanuska coal fields, 1920, Bulletin 712 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919: Part II - Mineral fuels, 1920, Bulletin 711
- Geography, geology, and mineral resources of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, with a chapter on water resources, 1920, Bulletin 713
- Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels--Gas in the Big Sand Draw anticline, Fremont County, Wyoming, 1920, Bulletin 711 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil in the Warm Springs and Hamilton domes, near Thermopolis, Wyoming, 1920, Bulletin 711 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Deposits of manganese ore in southeastern California, 1920, Bulletin 710 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Deposits of manganese ore in Arizona, 1920, Bulletin 710 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Deposits of manganese ore in New Mexico, 1920, Bulletin 710 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Farnham anticline, Carbon County, Utah, 1920, Bulletin 711 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil shale in western Montana, southeastern Idaho, and adjacent parts of Wyoming and Utah, 1920, Bulletin 711 B
- Peat in the Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina: Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels, 1920, Bulletin 711 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Abram Creek-Stony River coal field, northeastern West Virginia, 1920, Bulletin 711 F
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918--Adiministrative report, 1920, Bulletin 712 A
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1919, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. Deposits of manganese ore in Nevada, 1920, Bulletin 710 F
- Oil possibilities in and around Baxter Basin, in the Rock Springs uplift, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1920, Bulletin 702
- Conservation through engineering, 1920, Bulletin 705
- Contributions to economic geology, 1919, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology and oil and gas prospects of the Huntley field, Montana, 1920, Bulletin 711 G
- A reconnaissance of the Pine Creek district, Idaho, 1920, Bulletin 710 A
- Anticlines in a part of the Musselshell Valley, Musselshell, Meagher, and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana, 1919, Bulletin 691 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Santo Tomas cannel coal, Webb County, Texas, 1919, Bulletin 691 I
- Our mineral supplies--Chromite, 1919, Bulletin 666 A
- Our mineral supplies--Lead, 1919, Bulletin 666 AA
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Manganese at Butte, Montana, 1919, Bulletin 690 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Administrative report, 1919, Bulletin 692 A
- The Porcupine gold placer district, Alaska, 1919, Bulletin 699
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918 : Part II - Mineral fuels, 1919, Bulletin 691
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Platinum-bearing auriferous gravels of Chistochina River, 1919, Bulletin 692 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Gold lode mining in the Willow Creek district, 1919, Bulletin 692 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun islands and near Stepovak Bay, 1919, Bulletin 692 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Mining in the Fairbanks district, 1919, Bulletin 692 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuel, 1919, Bulletin 690
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Tin mining in Seward Peninsula, 1919, Bulletin 692 G
- The Nenana coal field, Alaska, 1919, Bulletin 664
- Our mineral supplies, 1919, Bulletin 666
- The evaporation and concentration of waters associated with petroleum and natural gas, 1919, Bulletin 693
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1918, with subject index, 1919, Bulletin 698
- The Kantishna region, Alaska, 1919, Bulletin 687
- Salt resources of the United States, 1919, Bulletin 669
- The oil fields of Allen County, Kentucky, with notes on the oil geology of adjoining counties, 1919, Bulletin 688
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1917, 1919, Bulletin 692
- Clays and shales of Minnesota, 1919, Bulletin 678
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--The structure of parts of the central Great Plains, 1919, Bulletin 691 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil shale of the Uinta Basin, northeastern Utah, 1919, Bulletin 691 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geologic structure of the northwestern part of the Pawhuska quadrangle, Oklahoma, 1919, Bulletin 691 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology and oil and gas prospects of the Lake Basin field, Montana, 1919, Bulletin 691 D
- Oil and gas geology of the Birch Creek-Sun River area, northwestern Montana, 1919, Bulletin 691 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology and oil prospects of the Salinas Valley-Parkfield area, California, 1919, Bulletin 691 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Nesson anticline, Williams County, North Dakota, 1919, Bulletin 691 G
- Asphalt deposits and oil conditions in southwestern Arkansas: Chapter J in Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels, 1919, Bulletin 691 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal south of Mancos, Montezuma County, Colorado, 1919, Bulletin 691 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Structure and oil resources of the Simi Valley, southern California, 1919, Bulletin 691 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Zinc carbonate and related copper carbonate ores at Ophir, Utah, 1919, Bulletin 690 A
- Gravel deposits of the Caddo Gap and De Queen quadrangles, Arkansas, 1919, Bulletin 690 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Quicksilver deposits of the Phoenix Mountains, Arizona, 1919, Bulletin 690 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some manganese deposits in Madison County, Montana, 1919, Bulletin 690 F
- Our mineral supplies--Platinum, 1919, Bulletin 666 D
- Our mineral supplies--Petroleum, 1919, Bulletin 666 DD
- Our mineral supplies--Gypsum, 1919, Bulletin 666 E
- Our mineral supplies--Manganiferous iron ores, 1919, Bulletin 666 EE
- Our mineral supplies--Salt, bromine, and calcium chloride, 1919, Bulletin 666 F
- Our mineral supplies--Quicksilver, 1919, Bulletin 666 FF
- Our mineral supplies--Sand and gravel, 1919, Bulletin 666 G
- Our mineral supplies--Bibliography, 1919, Bulletin 666 GG
- Our mineral supplies--Asbestos, 1919, Bulletin 666 H
- Our mineral supplies--Talc and soapstone, 1919, Bulletin 666 I
- Our mineral supplies--Phosphate rock, 1919, Bulletin 666 J
- Our mineral supplies--Grinding and polishing materials, 1919, Bulletin 666 K
- Our mineral supplies--Graphite, 1919, Bulletin 666 L
- Our mineral supplies--Coal, 1919, Bulletin 666 M
- Our mineral supplies--Potash, 1919, Bulletin 666 N
- Our mineral supplies--Bauxite and aluminum, 1919, Bulletin 666 O
- Our mineral supplies--Alaska's mineral supplies, 1919, Bulletin 666 P
- Our mineral supplies--Copper, 1919, Bulletin 666 Q
- Our mineral supplies--Limestone and lime, 1919, Bulletin 666 R
- Our mineral supplies--Portland cement, 1919, Bulletin 666 S
- Our mineral supplies--Clay and clay products, 1919, Bulletin 666 T
- Our mineral supplies--The rarer metals, 1919, Bulletin 666 U
- Our mineral supplies--Iron, 1919, Bulletin 666 V
- Our mineral supplies--Barium and strontium, 1919, Bulletin 666 W
- Our mineral supplies--Mica, monazite, and lithium minerals, 1919, Bulletin 666 X
- Our mineral supplies--Zinc, 1919, Bulletin 666 Y
- Our mineral supplies--Nitrates, 1919, Bulletin 666 Z
- Our mineral supplies--Sulphur, 1919, Bulletin 666 B
- Our mineral supplies--Magnesite, 1919, Bulletin 666 BB
- Our mineral supplies--Manganese, 1919, Bulletin 666 C
- Our mineral supplies--Fluorspar, 1919, Bulletin 666 CC
- Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska. Mining developments in the Ketchikan district. Geology and mineral resources of the west coast of Chichagof Island, 1919, Bulletin 692 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology of the Lost Creek coal field, Morgan County, Utah, 1919, Bulletin 691 L
- The analysis of silicate and carbonate rocks, 1919, Bulletin 700
- Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group: Platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, 1748-1917, 1919, Bulletin 694
- A catalogue of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic plants of North America, 1919, Bulletin 696
- A geologic reconnaissance of the Uinta Mountains, northern Utah, with special reference to phosphate, 1919, Bulletin 690 C
- The oxidized zinc ores of Leadville, Colorado, 1918, Bulletin 681
- Lode mining and prospecting on Seward Peninsula. Placer mining on the Seward Peninsula, 1918, Bulletin 662 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Notes on the greensand deposits of the eastern United States, 1918, Bulletin 660 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Corsicana oil and gas field, Texas, 1918, Bulletin 661 F
- Spirit leveling in Illinois, 1914 to 1917, inclusive, 1918, Bulletin 672
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Bowdoin dome, Montana, a possible reservoir of oil or gas, 1918, Bulletin 661 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Strontianite deposits near Barstow, California, 1918, Bulletin 660 I
- Spirit leveling in New York, 1896-1905 and 1912-1916, 1918, Bulletin 671
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The antimonial silver-lead veins of the Arabia district, Nevada, 1918, Bulletin 660 H
- A geologic reconnaissance for phosphate and coal in southeastern Idaho and western Wyoming, 1918, Bulletin 680
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1917 : Part 1. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1918, Bulletin 660
- The structural and ornamental stones of Minnesota, 1918, Bulletin 663
- Some Pliocene and Miocene Foraminifera of the Coastal Plain of the United States, 1918, Bulletin 676
- Cannel coal in the United States, 1918, Bulletin 659
- Lode deposits near the Nenana coal field. Gold placers near the Nenana coal field, 1918, Bulletin 662 G
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1916, 1918, Bulletin 662
- Mining developments in the Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts. Lode mining in the Juneau gold belt. Gold placer mining in the Porcupine district. Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska, 1918, Bulletin 662 B
- Mining in the lower Copper River basin. Mining on Prince Wiliam Sound. Copper deposits of the Latouche and Knight Island idstricts, Prince William Sound, 1918, Bulletin 662 C
- Relation of landslides and glacial deposits to reservoir sites in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 1918, Bulletin 685
- Spirit leveling in the state of Washington 1896 to 1917, inclusive, 1918, Bulletin 674
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1917, with subject index, 1918, Bulletin 684
- The upper Chitina Valley, Alaska, with a description of the igneous rocks, 1918, Bulletin 675
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1917 : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1918, Bulletin 661
- Preface. Administrative report. The Alaska mining industry in 1916, 1918, Bulletin 662 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Notes on the geology and iron cores of the Cuyuna district, Minnesota, 1918, Bulletin 660 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Manganese deposits of the Caddo Gap and De Queen quadrangles, Arkansas, 1918, Bulletin 660 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Tin resources of the Kings Mountain district, North Carolina and South Carolina, 1918, Bulletin 660 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Louisiana clays, including the results of tests made in the laboratory of the Bureau of Standards at Pittsburgh, 1918, Bulletin 660 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Ore deposits of the northwestern part of the Garnet Range, Montana, 1918, Bulletin 660 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Possibilities for manganese ore on certain undeveloped tracts in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, 1918, Bulletin 660 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Cleveland gas field, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, with a study of rock pressure, 1918, Bulletin 661 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--Structure of the northern part of the Bristow quadrangle, Creek County, Oklahoma, with reference to petroleum and natural gas, 1918, Bulletin 661 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--The De Soto-Red River oil and gas field, Louisiana, 1918, Bulletin 661 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Irvine oil field, Estill County, Kentucky, 1918, Bulletin 661 D
- Oil and gas possibilities of the Hatchetigbee anticline, Alabama, 1918, Bulletin 661 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels-- Phosphatic oil shales near Dell and Dillon, Beaverhead County, Montana, 1918, Bulletin 661 I
- The gold placers of the Tolovana district, 1918, Bulletin 662 D
- Mineral resources of the Kantishna region, 1918, Bulletin 662 E
- Gold placers of the Anvik-Andreafski region, 1918, Bulletin 662 F
- Lode mining in the Fairbanks district, 1918, Bulletin 662 H
- The Salt Creek oil field, Wyoming, 1918, Bulletin 670
- Spirit leveling in Kentucky, 1914 to 1916, inclusive, 1918, Bulletin 673
- Contributions to economic geology, 1917, Part II, Mineral fuels--THe Palestine salt dome, Anderson County, Texas, 1918, Bulletin 661 G
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Colville Indian Reservation, Washington, 1918, Bulletin 677
- The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska (including the Marshall district), 1918, Bulletin 683
- The Cosna-Nowitna region, Alaska, 1918, Bulletin 667
- The Nelchina-Susitna region, Alaska, 1918, Bulletin 668
- The Dunkleberg mining district, Granite County, Montana, 1918, Bulletin 660 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology of the Hound Creek district of the Great Falls coal field, Cascade County, Montana, 1917, Bulletin 641 H
- Anticlines in central Wyoming, 1917, Bulletin 641 I
- Tungsten minerals and deposits, 1917, Bulletin 652
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels-- Possibilities of oil and gas in north-central Montana, 1917, Bulletin 641 C
- Geologic structure in the Cushing oil and gas field, Oklahoma and its relation to the oil, gas, and water, 1917, Bulletin 658
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1916, with subject index, 1917, Bulletin 665
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1920 : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1917, Bulletin 641
- The Bull mountain coal field, Musselshell and Yellowstone counties, Montana, 1917, Bulletin 647
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels-- Anticlines in the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana, 1917, Bulletin 641 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coals in the area between Bon Air and Clifty, Tennessee, 1917, Bulletin 641 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil resources of black shales of the eastern United States, 1917, Bulletin 641 L
- Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1917, Bulletin 597
- The use of the panoramic camera in topographic surveying with notes on the application of photogrammetry to aerial surveys, 1917, Bulletin 657
- The enrichment of ore deposits, 1917, Bulletin 625
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Gold Log mine, Talladega County, Alabama, 1917, Bulletin 640 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Molybdenite near Ramona, San Diego County, California, 1917, Bulletin 640 D
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1916 : Part 1. - Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1917, Bulletin 640
- Useful minerals of the United States, 1917, Bulletin 624
- Spirit leveling in Nevada, 1897 to 1916, inclusive, 1917, Bulletin 654
- Anticlines in the southern part of the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: A preliminary report on the occurrence of oil, 1917, Bulletin 656
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Notes on the Promontory district, Utah, 1917, Bulletin 640 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Reconnaissance of the Conconully, and Ruby mining districts, Washington, 1917, Bulletin 640 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some manganese mines in Virginia and Maryland, 1917, Bulletin 640 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lode mining in the Quartzburg and Grimes Pass porphyry belt, Boise Basin, Idaho, 1917, Bulletin 640 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Golden Arrow, Clifford, and Ellendale districts, Nye County, Nevada, 1917, Bulletin 640 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Tin ore in northern Lander County, Nevada, 1917, Bulletin 640 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Placer deposits of the Manhattan district, Nevada, 1917, Bulletin 640 J
- The Garrison and Philipsburg phosphate fields, Montana, 1917, Bulletin 640 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Tungsten deposits of northwestern Inyo County, California, 1917, Bulletin 640 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels-- Ozokerite in central Utah, 1917, Bulletin 641 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--Structure of the Vicksburg-Jackson area, Mississippi, with special reference to oil and gas, 1917, Bulletin 641 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--An anticlinal fold near Billings, Noble County, Oklahoma, 1917, Bulletin 641 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil shale in northwestern Colorado and adjacent areas, 1917, Bulletin 641 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology of the Upper Stillwater Basin, Stillwater and Carbon counties, Montana, with special reference to coal and oil, 1917, Bulletin 641 G
- Lake Clark-Central Kuskokwim region, Alaska, 1917, Bulletin 655
- Chemical relations of the oil-field waters in San Joaquin Valley, California (preliminary report), 1917, Bulletin 653
- Contributions to economic geology, 1916, Part II, Mineral fuels--The oil and gas geology of the Foraker quadrangle, Osage County, Oklahoma, 1917, Bulletin 641 B
- Spirit leveling in Ohio 1898 to 1916, inclusive, 1917, Bulletin 651
- Gypsum in the southern part of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, 1917, Bulletin 640 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Quicksilver deposits of the Mazatzal Range, Arizona, 1916, Bulletin 620 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--A reconnaissance in the Kofa Mountains, Arizona, 1916, Bulletin 620 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Notes on the fine gold of Snake River, Idaho, 1916, Bulletin 620 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Preliminary report on the economic geology of Gilpin County, Colorado, 1916, Bulletin 620 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Aztec gold mine, Baldy, New Mexico, 1916, Bulletin 620 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--A reconnaissance for phosphate in the Salt River Range, Wyoming, 1916, Bulletin 620 O
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Healdton oil field, Carter County, Oklahoma, 1916, Bulletin 621 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Loco gas field, Stephens and Jefferson counties, Oklahoma, 1916, Bulletin 621 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Duncan gas field, Stephens County, Oklahoma, 1916, Bulletin 621 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--A reconnaissance in Palo Pinto County, Texas, with special reference to oil and gas, 1916, Bulletin 621 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Possibilities of oil in the Porcupine dome, Rosebud County, Montana, 1916, Bulletin 621 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Orofino coal field, Clearwater, Lewis, and Idaho counties, Idaho, 1916, Bulletin 621 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--A reconnaissance for oil near Quanah, Hardeman County, Texas, 1916, Bulletin 621 J
- The data of geochemistry (third edition), 1916, Bulletin 616
- The Caddo oil and gas field, Louisiana and Texas, 1916, Bulletin 619
- Preface and administrative report, 1916, Bulletin 642 A
- Mining developments in southeastern Alaska, 1916, Bulletin 642 B
- Spirit leveling in Arkansas, 1896 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 636
- Mineralogic notes, series 3, 1916, Bulletin 610
- Spirit leveling in North Carolina, 1896 to 1914, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 646
- Geographic tables and formulas, fourth edition, 1916, Bulletin 650
- Spirit leveling in New Mexico 1902 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 638
- Exploration in the Cosna-Nowitna region. Mineral resources of the Ruby-Kuskokwim region, 1916, Bulletin 642 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Nitrate deposits in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon, 1916, Bulletin 620 B
- A gold-platinum-palladium lode in southern Nevada, 1916, Bulletin 620 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--A reconnaissance of the Cottonwood-American Fork mining region, Utah, 1916, Bulletin 620 I
- Spirit leveling in Mississippi, 1901 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 639
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology and coal resources of northern Teton County, Montana, 1916, Bulletin 621 K
- Antimony deposits of Alaska, 1916, Bulletin 649
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1915: Part I. - metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1916, Bulletin 620
- Spirit leveling in Maine, 1899-1915, 1916, Bulletin 633
- Natural gas resources of parts of north Texas: Gas in the area north and west of Fort Worth; Gas prospects south and southeast of Dallas; with Notes on the gas fields of central and southern Oklahoma, 1916, Bulletin 629
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1915, 1916, Bulletin 642
- The Atlantic gold district and the North Laramie Mountains: Fremont, Converse, and Albany Counties, Wyoming, 1916, Bulletin 626
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) : Part II. - Mineral fuels, 1916, Bulletin 621
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1915, with subject index, 1916, Bulletin 645
- Geology and coal resources of Castle Valley in Carbon, Emery, and Sevier Counties, Utah, 1916, Bulletin 628
- Spirit leveling in Louisiana, 1903 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 634
- The Chisana-White River district, Alaska, 1916, Bulletin 630
- The lignite field of northwestern South Dakota, 1916, Bulletin 627
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Summerfield quadrangle, Guernsey, Noble, and Monroe counties, Ohio, 1916, Bulletin 621 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology and oil prospects of Cuyama Valley, California, 1916, Bulletin 621 M
- Spirit leveling in Georgia, 1896 to 1914, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 635
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915 : Triangulation in California, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Cassiterite in San Diego County, California, 1916, Bulletin 620 P
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation in Nevada, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 M
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation and primary traverse in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Recent alunite developments near Marysvale and Beaver, Utah, 1916, Bulletin 620 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Potash in certain copper and gold ores, 1916, Bulletin 620 J
- Petroleum withdrawals and restorations affecting the public domain, 1916, Bulletin 623
- Notes on some mining districts in eastern Nevada, 1916, Bulletin 648
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644
- Geology and underground water of Luna County, New Mexico, 1916, Bulletin 618
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 L
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Maryland and the District of Columbia, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 K
- Guidebook of the western United States: Part C - The Santa Fe route, with a side trip to Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 1916, Bulletin 613
- Spirit leveling in West Virginia, 1896 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 632
- Anticlines in the Clinton sand near Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, 1916, Bulletin 621 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Lawton oil and gas field, Oklahoma, 1916, Bulletin 621 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Field apparatus for determining ash in coal, 1916, Bulletin 621 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil and gas near Basin, Big Horn County, Wyoming, 1916, Bulletin 621 L
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 D
- Mineral resources of the upper Chitina Valley, 1916, Bulletin 642 C
- Mining on Prince William Sound, 1916, Bulletin 642 D
- The Turnagain-Knik region, 1916, Bulletin 642 E
- Gold mining in the Willow Creek district, 1916, Bulletin 642 F
- Preliminary report on the Tolovana district, 1916, Bulletin 642 G
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Alabama and North Carolina, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 A
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation in Arizona and New Mexico, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 B
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 E
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Indiana and Michigan, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 F
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Iowa and Missouri, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 G
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation and primary traverse in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 H
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Primary traverse in Louisiana and Mississippi, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 I
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation and primary traverse in Maine and Vermont, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 J
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation and primary traverse in Oregon, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 O
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation and primary traverse in Texas, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 P
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; R.B. Marshall, Chief Geographer. Triangulation and primary traverse in Washington, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 Q
- Triangulation and primary traverse, 1913-1915; Triangulation and primary traverse in Virginia and West Virginia, 1913-1915, 1916, Bulletin 644 R
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Woodsfield quadrangle, Belmont, Monroe, Noble, and Guernsey counties, Ohio, 1916, Bulletin 621 O
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II, Mineral fuels--Analyses of coal samples from various parts of the United States, 1916, Bulletin 621 P
- Spirit leveling in Texas 1896 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 637
- Spirit leveling in South Dakota 1896 to 1915, inclusive, 1916, Bulletin 643
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron-bearing deposits in Bossier, Caddo, and Webster parishes, Louisiana, 1916, Bulletin 620 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Gold deposits near Quartzsite, Arizona, 1916, Bulletin 620 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some cinnabar deposits in western Nevada, 1916, Bulletin 620 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron ore in Cass, Marion, Morris, and Cherokee counties, Texas, 1916, Bulletin 620 E
- The Yukon-Koyukuk region, Alaska, 1916, Bulletin 631
- Analyses of rocks and minerals from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1914, 1915, Bulletin 591
- The Broad Pass region, Alaska with sections on Quaternary deposits, igneous rocks and glaciation, 1915, Bulletin 608
- Results of spirit leveling in Utah, 1897 to 1914, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 566
- The phosphate deposits of Florida, 1915, Bulletin 604
- The calcite marble and dolomite of eastern Vermont, 1915, Bulletin 589
- Geology and mineral resources of Kenai peninsula, Alaska, 1915, Bulletin 587
- Results of spirit leveling in Idaho, 1896 to 1914, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 567
- Results of spirit leveling in Colorado, 1896 to 1914, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 565
- Results of spirit leveling in Iowa, 1896 to 1913, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 569
- Anticlinal structure in parts of Cotton and Jefferson counties, Oklahoma, 1915, Bulletin 602
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some cerusite deposits in Custer County, Colorado, 1915, Bulletin 580 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Grand Gulch mining region, Mohave County, Arizona, 1915, Bulletin 580 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--A new gypsum deposit in Iowa, 1915, Bulletin 580 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Some deposits of mica in the United States, 1915, Bulletin 580 F
- Gold placers on Wind and Bighorn Rivers, Wyoming, 1915, Bulletin 580 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Carnotite near Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, 1915, Bulletin 580 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lode deposits of the Alleghany district, California, 1915, Bulletin 580 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Salines in the Owens, Searles, and Panamint basins, southeastern California, 1915, Bulletin 580 L
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1914, 1915, Bulletin 622
- Results of spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896 to 1914, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 568
- Guidebook of the western United States: Part D - The Shasta Route and Coast Line, 1915, Bulletin 614
- Results of spirit leveling in Minnesota, 1897 to 1914, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 560
- The fractional precipitation of some ore-forming compounds at moderate temperatures, 1915, Bulletin 609
- Results of spirit leveling in Arizona, 1899 to 1915, inclusive, 1915, Bulletin 573
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Notes on the Unaweep copper district, Colorado, 1915, Bulletin 580 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels. The Darwin silver-lead mining district, California, 1915, Bulletin 580 A
- Geology and mineral deposits of the National mining district, Nevada, 1915, Bulletin 601
- Guidebook of the western United States: Part B - The overland route, with a side trip to Yellowstone Park, 1915, Bulletin 612
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Rochester mining district, Nevada, 1915, Bulletin 580 M
- Oil and gas in the western part of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, 1915, Bulletin 581 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil shale of northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah, 1915, Bulletin 581 A
- Some mining districts in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada, 1915, Bulletin 594
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Ore deposits in the Sawtooth quadrangle, Blaine and Custer Counties, Idaho, 1915, Bulletin 580 K
- Geology and coal resources of North Park, Colorado, 1915, Bulletin 596
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The phosphate deposits of South Carolina, 1915, Bulletin 580 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The Elliston phosphate field, Montana, 1915, Bulletin 580 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--The rutile deposits of the eastern United States, 1915, Bulletin 580 O
- Geology and oil prospects of Waltham, Priest, Bitterwater, and Peachtree Valleys, California, 1915, Bulletin 581 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913: Part II, Mineral fuels--The Coalville coal field, Utah, 1915, Bulletin 581 E
- Tin mining in Alaska, 1915, Bulletin 622 B
- Mining in the Juneau region, 1915, Bulletin 622 C
- Mineral resources of the Chisana-White River district, 1915, Bulletin 622 F
- Mining in the Fairbanks districts. Mining in the Hot Springs district, 1915, Bulletin 622 G
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1914--Mineral resources of the Lake Clark-Iditarod region, 1915, Bulletin 622 H
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1914--Iron-ore deposits near Nome, 1915, Bulletin 622 I
- Origin of the zinc and lead deposits of the Joplin region, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma, 1915, Bulletin 606
- Mining on Prince William Sound. The gold and copper deposits o the Port Valdez district, 1915, Bulletin 622 E
- Mineral deposits of the Kotsina-Kuskulana district, with notes on mining in Chitina Valley. Auriferous gravels of the Nelchina-Susitna region, 1915, Bulletin 622 D
- Preface. Administrative report. The Alaskan mining industry in 1914. The future of gold placer mining in Alaska, 1915, Bulletin 622 A
- Fauna of the Wewoka formation of Oklahoma, 1915, Bulletin 544
- Fauna of the so-called Boone chert near Batesville, Arkansas, 1915, Bulletin 595
- Faunas of the Boone limestone at St. Joe, Arkansas, 1915, Bulletin 598
- Mineral deposits of the Santa Rita and Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, 1915, Bulletin 582
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Moorcroft oil field, Crook County, Wyoming, 1915, Bulletin 581 C
- The fauna of the Batesville sandstone of northern Arkansas, 1915, Bulletin 593
- Contributions to economic geology, 1913, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Publications by Survey authors on metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1915, Bulletin 580 P
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1913 : Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1915, Bulletin 580
- Geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin Valley north of Coalinga, California, 1915, Bulletin 603
- The Willow Creek district, Alaska, 1915, Bulletin 607
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1914, with subject index, 1915, Bulletin 617
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1913 : Part II - mineral fuels, 1915, Bulletin 581
- Rhode Island coal, 1915, Bulletin 615
- The Ellamar district, Alaska, 1915, Bulletin 605
- Guidebook of the western United States: Part A - The northern Pacific route, with a side trip to Yellowstone Park, 1915, Bulletin 611
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite, 1914, Bulletin 540 R
- Geology of the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Indian Reservations, North and South Dakota, 1914, Bulletin 575
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1913, 1914, Bulletin 592
- Geology of the phosphate deposits northeast of Georgetown, Idaho, 1914, Bulletin 577
- Our mineral reserves--how to make America industrially independent, 1914, Bulletin 599
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1912: Part II - Mineral fuels, 1914, Bulletin 541
- The Shinumo quadrangle, Grand Canyon district, Arizona, 1914, Bulletin 549
- Bibliography of North American Geology for 1913, with subject index, 1914, Bulletin 584
- Reconnaissance of the Grandfield district, Oklahoma, 1914, Bulletin 547
- Reconnaissance of oil and gas fields in Wayne and McCreary counties, Kentucky, 1914, Bulletin 579
- Results of triangulation and primary traverse, 1911 and 1912, 1914, Bulletin 551
- Results of triangulation and primary traverse in Ohio, 1898 to 1911, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 552
- Results of spirit leveling in Wyoming, 1896 to 1912, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 558
- Results of spirit leveling in Wisconsin, 1897 to 1914, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 570
- Results of spirit leveling in Virginia, 1900 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 562
- Results of spirit leveling in Hawaii, 1910 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 561
- Results of spirit leveling in Michigan, 1911 and 1913, 1914, Bulletin 559
- Results of spirit leveling in Maryland, 1896 to 1911, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 563
- Results of spirit leveling in Oregon, 1896 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 556
- Results of spirit leveling in Oklahoma, 1895 to 1912, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 564
- Results of spirit leveling in Kentucky, 1898 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 554
- Results of spirit leveling in Kansas, 1896 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 571
- Reconnaissance of the geology and oil prospects of northwestern Oregon, 1914, Bulletin 590
- The ore deposits of northeastern Washington, including a section on the Republic mining district, 1914, Bulletin 550
- Results of spirit leveling in Nebraska, 1896 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 572
- Results of spirit leveling in the state of Washington, 1896 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 557
- Electric activity in ore deposits, 1914, Bulletin 548
- Results of spirit leveling in Illinois, 1911 to 1913, inclusive, 1914, Bulletin 553
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1914, Bulletin 540
- Mining districts of the Dillon quadrangle, Montana, and adjacent areas, 1914, Bulletin 574
- Colorado ferberite and the wolframite series, 1914, Bulletin 583
- Useful minerals of the United States, 1914, Bulletin 585
- Preliminary report on a water-power reconnaissance in south-central Alaska, 1914, Bulletin 592 F
- The Port Wells gold-lode district. Mining on Prince William Sound, 1914, Bulletin 592 G
- Late developments of magnesite deposits in California and Nevada, 1914, Bulletin 540 S
- Celestite deposits in California and Arizona, 1914, Bulletin 540 T
- Lode mining in the Ketchikan region, 1914, Bulletin 592 B
- Marble resources of the Juneau, Skagway, and Sitka districts, 1914, Bulletin 592 C
- A barite deposit near Wrangell, 1914, Bulletin 592 D
- Mineral deposits of the Yakataga district, 1914, Bulletin 592 E
- The Chisana placer district, 1914, Bulletin 592 I
- Mineral resources of the Inyo and White Mountains, California, 1914, Bulletin 540 B
- Iron and Manganese -- Preliminary report on the red iron ores of east Tennessee, northeast Alabama, and northwest Georgia, 1914, Bulletin 540 G
- Borate deposits in Ventura County, California, 1914, Bulletin 540 O
- Potash in western saline deposits, 1914, Bulletin 540 P
- Reconnaissance of the Barstow-Kramer region, California, 1914, Bulletin 541 E
- The Cannonball River lignite field, Morton, Adams, and Hettinger Counties, North Dakota, 1914, Bulletin 541 G
- Geology and geography of a portion of Lincoln county, Wyoming, 1914, Bulletin 543
- Mineral resources of southwestern Oregon, 1914, Bulletin 546
- Slate in the United States, 1914, Bulletin 586
- Mineral resources of the Yukon-Koyukuk region, 1914, Bulletin 592 K
- Placer mining on Seward Peninsula. Lode developments on Seward Peninsula, 1914, Bulletin 592 L
- Lode mining near Fairbanks, Alaska. Placer mining in the Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska. Placer mining in the Ruby District, Alaska, 1914, Bulletin 592 J
- Gold lodes and placers of the Willow Creek District. Mineral resources of the upper Matanuska and Nelchina valleys. Preliminary report on the Broad Pass region. Mining in the Valdez Creek placer district, 1914, Bulletin 592 H
- Preface. Administrative report. The mineral deposits of Alaska. The Alaskan mining industry in 1913, 1914, Bulletin 592 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1914, Bulletin 540 U
- Niter near Melrose, Montana. Survey publications on salines, including salt, borax, and soda, 1914, Bulletin 540 Q
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Salines, 1914, Bulletin 540 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Phosphate Rock, 1914, Bulletin 540 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Structural Materials, 1914, Bulletin 540 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Aluminum Ores, 1914, Bulletin 540 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron and Manganese, 1914, Bulletin 540 H
- The Yellow Pine mining district, Clark County, Nevada, 1914, Bulletin 540 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels-Lead and Zinc, 1914, Bulletin 540 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912; Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels-Copper, 1914, Bulletin 540 D
- The ore deposits of Kirwin, Wyoming, 1914, Bulletin 540 C
- Gold and silver, 1914, Bulletin 540 A
- The constitution of the natural silicates, 1914, Bulletin 588
- The Glacier National Park: A popular guide to its geology and scenery, 1914, Bulletin 600
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912, Part II, Mineral fuels--Introduction, 1914, Bulletin 541 A
- Structure of the Fort Smith-Poteau gas field, Arkansas and Oklahoma, 1914, Bulletin 541 B
- The Douglas oil and gas field, Converse County, Wyoming, 1914, Bulletin 541 C
- Oil and gas near Green River, Grand County, Utah, 1914, Bulletin 541 D
- Rhode Island anthracite, 1914, Bulletin 541 F
- Lignite in the vicinity of Plentywood and Scobey, Sheridan County, Montana, 1914, Bulletin 541 H
- The Horseshoe Creek district of the Teton Basin coal field, Fremont County, Idaho, 1914, Bulletin 541 I
- Geology and coal resources of the Sierra Blanca coal field, Lincoln and Otero Counties, New Mexico. Coal near Thompson, Grand County, Utah. Coal near Wales, Sanpete County, Utah, 1914, Bulletin 541 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1912, Part II, Mineral fuels--Analyses of coal samples from various fields of the United States, 1914, Bulletin 541 K
- The Iditarod-Ruby region, Alaska, 1914, Bulletin 578
- Geology of the Hanagita-Bremner region, Alaska, 1914, Bulletin 576
- The Yentna district, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 534
- Ore deposits of the Helena mining region, Montana, 1913, Bulletin 527
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Rare Metals; Iron and Manganese, 1913, Bulletin 530 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geologic structure of the Punxsutawney, Curwensville, Houtzdale, Barnesboro, and Patton quadrangles, central Pennsylvania, 1913, Bulletin 531 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Geology and petroleum resources of the De Beque oil field, Colorado, 1913, Bulletin 531 C
- The McKinley Lake district. Mining in Chitina Valley, 1913, Bulletin 542 C
- A geologic reconnaissance of the Fairbanks quadrangle, Alaska, with a detailed description of the Fairbanks district, and an account of lode mining near Fairbanks, 1913, Bulletin 525
- The enrichment of sulphide ores, 1913, Bulletin 529
- Preface and administrative report, 1913, Bulletin 542 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Copper; Lead and Zinc, 1913, Bulletin 530 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal in the Tertiary lake beds of southwestern Montana, 1913, Bulletin 531 G
- The Koyukuk-Chandalar region, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 532
- Coal at Horseshoe Bend and Jerusalem Valley, Boise County, Idaho, 1913, Bulletin 531 H
- The classification of the public lands, 1913, Bulletin 537
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Introduction; Gold and Silver, 1913, Bulletin 530 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Miscellaneous analyses of coal samples from various fields of the United States, 1913, Bulletin 531 M
- Portland cement materials and industry in the United States, 1913, Bulletin 522
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Oil and gas development in north-central Oklahoma, 1913, Bulletin 531 B
- Mineral deposits of Kodiak and the neighboring islands, 1913, Bulletin 542 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1912, 1913, Bulletin 542
- Marble resources of Ketchikan and Wrangell districts, 1913, Bulletin 542 B
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1911: Part II - mineral fuels, 1913, Bulletin 531
- Mineral deposits of the Ellamar district, 1913, Bulletin 542 D
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1912, with subject index, 1913, Bulletin 545
- Geology of the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 533
- Gold placers of the Ruby district. Gold placers of the Innoko-Iditarod region, 1913, Bulletin 542 G
- Lode mining near Fairbanks, 1913, Bulletin 542 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Barber coal field, Johnson county, Wyoming, 1913, Bulletin 531 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Phosphates; Mineral paints, 1913, Bulletin 530 F
- Geology and ore deposits of Lemhi County, Idaho, 1913, Bulletin 528
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Little Sheep Mountain coal field, Dawson, Custer, and Rosebud counties, Montana, 1913, Bulletin 531 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Salines, 1913, Bulletin 530 G
- Structural materials, 1913, Bulletin 530 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Aluminum Ores, 1913, Bulletin 530 D
- Some ore deposits in northwestern Custer County, Idaho, 1913, Bulletin 539
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Williston lignite field, Williams County, North Dakota, 1913, Bulletin 531 E
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1913, Bulletin 530
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Coaldale coal field, Esmeralda County, Nevada, 1913, Bulletin 531 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite, 1913, Bulletin 530 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Cerrillos coal field, Santa Fe county, New Mexico, 1913, Bulletin 531 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Miscellaneous nonmetallic products, 1913, Bulletin 530 I
- A geologic reconnaissance of the Circle quadrangle, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 538
- Coastal glaciers of Prince William sound and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 526
- Results of spirit leveling in Indiana, 1897 to 1911, inclusive, 1913, Bulletin 555
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal resources of Cowlitz River valley, Cowlitz and Lewis counties, Washington, 1913, Bulletin 531 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1911, Part II, Mineral fuels--Petroleum and Natural Gas, 1913, Bulletin 531 A
- A geologic reconnaissance of a part of the Rampart quadrangle, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 535
- The Noatak-Kobuk region, Alaska, 1913, Bulletin 536
- Petroleum and natural gas in Utah, 1912, Bulletin 471-A4
- Bibliography of North American geology for 19ll, with subject index, 1912, Bulletin 524
- Coal near the Black hills, Wyoming-South Dakota, 1912, Bulletin 499
- The Bonnifield region, Alaska, 1912, Bulletin 501
- Iron-ore deposits of the Eagle Mountains, California, 1912, Bulletin 503
- Potash-bearing rocks of the Leucite Hills, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, 1912, Bulletin 512
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1911, 1912, Bulletin 520
- The New Madrid earthquake, 1912, Bulletin 494
- A reconnaissance of the Jarbidge, Contact, and Elk Mountain mining districts, Elko County, Nevada, 1912, Bulletin 497
- The mining districts of the Western United States, 1912, Bulletin 507
- Coal fields of the Wind River region, Fremont and Natrona counties, Wyoming, 1912, Bulletin 471 G
- Gold deposits of the Seward-Sunrise region, Kenai Peninsula, 1912, Bulletin 520 E
- Gold placers of the Yentna district, 1912, Bulletin 520 F
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Gold placers between Woodchopper and Fourth of July Creeks, upper Yukon River, 1912, Bulletin 520 G
- The Rampart and Hot Springs regions, 1912, Bulletin 520 I
- The Onondaga fauna of the Allegheny region, 1912, Bulletin 508
- The Eagle River region, southeastern Alaska, 1912, Bulletin 502
- The Sitka mining district, Alaska, 1912, Bulletin 504
- Coal fields of Grand Mesa and the West Elk Mountains, Colorado, 1912, Bulletin 510
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1910: Part II - Mineral fuels, 1912, Bulletin 471
- The gabbros and associated rocks at Preston, Connecticut, 1912, Bulletin 492
- The Alatna-Noatak region, 1912, Bulletin 520 L
- Results of spirit leveling in Alabama, 1911, 1912, Bulletin 517
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Geologic investigations along the Canada-Alaska boundary, 1912, Bulletin 520 K
- The Ruby placer district, 1912, Bulletin 520 J
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Notes on mining in Seward Peninsula, 1912, Bulletin 520 M
- Results of spirit leveling in New York, 1906 to 1911, inclusive, 1912, Bulletin 514
- The Taral and Bremner River districts, 1912, Bulletin 520 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Preface and administrative report, 1912, Bulletin 520 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--Miscellaneous analyses of coal samples from various fields of the United States, 1912, Bulletin 471 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Deep Creek district of the Vernal coal field, Uintah County, Utah, 1912, Bulletin 471 I
- Results of spirit leveling in Ohio, 1911, 1912, Bulletin 518
- Results of spirit leveling in Pennsylvania, 1899 to 1911, inclusive, 1912, Bulletin 515
- Results of spirit leveling in Tennessee, 1910 and 1911, 1912, Bulletin 519
- Gold deposits near Valdez, 1912, Bulletin 520 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Tin resources of Alaska, 1912, Bulletin 520 B
- Results of spirit leveling in Florida, 1911, 1912, Bulletin 516
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--The coal resources of Gunnison Valley, Mesa and Delta counties, Colorado, 1912, Bulletin 471 H
- Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska, 1912, Bulletin 500
- The commercial marbles of western Vermont, 1912, Bulletin 521
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--The Little Powder River coal field, Campbell County, Wyoming, 1912, Bulletin 471 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--The southern extension of the Milk River coal field, Chouteau County, Montana, 1912, Bulletin 471 E
- Geology of certain lignite fields in eastern Montana, 1912, Bulletin 471 D
- A geologic reconnaissance of the Iliamna region, Alaska, 1912, Bulletin 485
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--Lignite in the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota, north of Missouri River, 1912, Bulletin 471 C
- Results of triangulation and primary traverse for the years 1909 and 1910, 1912, Bulletin 496
- Geology and mineral resources of the Peoria quadrangle, Illinois, 1912, Bulletin 506
- Mineralogical notes, series 2, 1912, Bulletin 509
- Petroleum and natural gas in Kentucky, 1912, Bulletin 471-A1
- Nitrate deposits, 1912, Bulletin 523
- Headwater regions of Gulkana and Susitna Rivers, Alaska, with accounts of the Valdez Creek and Chistochina placer districts, 1912, Bulletin 498
- Petroleum and natural gas in Alabama, 1912, Bulletin 471-A2
- Petroleum and natural gas in Wyoming, 1912, Bulletin 471-A3
- Pliocene and Pleistocene Foraminifera from southern California, 1912, Bulletin 513
- Petroleum and natural gas in California, 1912, Bulletin 471-A5
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--Introduction, 1912, Bulletin 471 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska : report on progress of investigations in 1911 -- Placer mining and water supply of the Fairbanks, Circle, Fortymile, Eagle, and Seventymile River districts, Alsaka, 1912, Bulletin 520 H
- Alunite--a newly discovered deposit near Marysvale, Utah, 1912, Bulletin 511
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal on Dan River, North Carolina, 1912, Bulletin 471 B
- The granites of Connecticut, 1911, Bulletin 484
- Economic geology of Richmond, Virginia, and vicinity, 1911, Bulletin 483
- The data of geochemistry (second edition), 1911, Bulletin 491
- Results of spirit leveling in Oregon 1896 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 462
- The upper Susitna and Chistochina districts, 1911, Bulletin 480 E
- Results of spirit leveling in Kansas and Nebraska, 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 473
- Results of spirit leveling in South Dakota, 1896 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 472
- Mineral resources of the Llano-Burnet region, Texas, with an account of the pre-Cambrian geology, 1911, Bulletin 450
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Mineral Paints, 1911, Bulletin 470 I
- Results of spirit leveling in Michigan and Wisconsin 1897 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 461
- Results of spirit leveling in Colorado, 1896 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 486
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Gold and Silver, 1911, Bulletin 470 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part II, Mineral fuels--Petroleum and Natural Gas, 1911, Bulletin 431 A
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1910, with subject index, 1911, Bulletin 495
- Results of spirit leveling in Idaho, 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 487
- Mineral resources of the Bonnifield region, 1911, Bulletin 480 H
- Gold placer mining developments in the Innoko-Iditarod region, 1911, Bulletin 480 I
- Administrative report. Report on progress of surveys of public lands in Alaska during 1910, 1911, Bulletin 480 A
- Phosphates, 1911, Bulletin 470 H
- Geologic features of Alaskan metalliferous lodes, 1911, Bulletin 480 C
- The mining industry in 1910, 1911, Bulletin 480 B
- The State geological surveys of the United States, 1911, Bulletin 465
- Results of spirit leveling in West Virginia, 1909 and 1910, 1911, Bulletin 477
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron and Manganese, 1911, Bulletin 470 F
- Mineral resources of Johnstown, Pennsylvania and vicinity, 1911, Bulletin 447
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Rare Metals, 1911, Bulletin 470 E
- The Shungnak region, Kobuk Valley. The Squirrel River placers, 1911, Bulletin 480 J
- Mining laws of Australia and New Zealand, 1911, Bulletin 505
- Oil and gas fields of the Carnegie quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1911, Bulletin 456
- Retracement of the boundary line between Idaho and Washington, from the junction of Snake and Clearwater rivers northward to the international boundary, 1911, Bulletin 466
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal and Lignite, 1911, Bulletin 431 B
- Placer mining in the Yukon-Tanana region. Water supply of the Yukon-Tanana region, 1910, 1911, Bulletin 480 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lead and Zinc, 1911, Bulletin 470 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Copper, 1911, Bulletin 470 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Structural materials; Building stone; Clays; Gypsum and plasters; Line and magnesite; Glass, sand, etc.; Abrasives, 1911, Bulletin 470 G
- Preliminary report on a detailed survey of part of the Matanuska coal fields. A reconnaissance of the Willow Creek gold region, 1911, Bulletin 480 F
- Coals of the State of Washington, 1911, Bulletin 474
- Geology and mineral resources of parts of the Alaska Peninsula, 1911, Bulletin 467
- The Lander and Salt Creek oil fields, Wyoming: The Lander oil field, Fremont County. The Salt Creek oil field, Natrona County, 1911, Bulletin 452
- Geology and mineral resources of the Nizina district, Alaska, 1911, Bulletin 448
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1909 : Part II - Mineral fuels, 1911, Bulletin 431
- Geology of the Berners Bay region, Alaska, 1911, Bulletin 446
- Results of spirit leveling in California, 1907 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 481
- Result of spirit leveling in North Dakota, 1897 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 469
- Result of spirit leveling in Texas, 1896 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 468
- Mining in southeastern Alaska. The Eagle River region, 1911, Bulletin 480 D
- Results of spirit leveling in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 441
- Results of spirit leveling in Arizona, 1899-1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 463
- Results of spirit leveling in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 458
- Geology and ore deposits near Lake City, Colorado, 1911, Bulletin 478
- Results of spirit leveling in Illinois, 1909 and 1910, 1911, Bulletin 493
- Results of spirit leveling in the state of Washington, 1896 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 457
- Results of spirit leveling in Utah, 1897 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 489
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1910: Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1911, Bulletin 470
- Results of spirit leveling in Minnesota 1897 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 453
- Geology of the pegmatites and associated rocks of Maine, including feldspar, quartz, mica, and gem deposits, 1911, Bulletin 445
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Products, 1911, Bulletin 470 K
- Results of spirit leveling in Missouri, 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 459
- Results of spirit leveling in Montana, 1896 to 1910, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 482
- Copper deposits of the Appalachian States, 1911, Bulletin 455
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite, 1911, Bulletin 470 J
- Results of spirit leveling in Nevada, 1897 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 488
- Results of spirit leveling in New Mexico, 1902 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 464
- Coal, oil, and gas of the Foxburg quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1911, Bulletin 454
- The diffusion of crude petroleum through fuller's earth with notes on its geologic significance, 1911, Bulletin 475
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigation 1910, 1911, Bulletin 480
- Reconnaissance of the ore deposits in northern Yuma County, Arizona, 1911, Bulletin 451
- Results of spirit leveling in Ohio, 1909 and 1910, 1911, Bulletin 476
- The fauna of the Moorefield shale of Arkansas, 1911, Bulletin 439
- Results of spirit leveling in Iowa 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1911, Bulletin 460
- The geochemical interpretation of water analyses, 1911, Bulletin 479
- Contributions to economic geology, 1910, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Introduction, 1911, Bulletin 470 A
- Mineralogical notes, series 1, 1911, Bulletin 490
- A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay-Nulato region, Alaska, 1911, Bulletin 449
- Geology and mineral resources of the St. Louis quadrangle, Missouri-Illinois, 1911, Bulletin 438
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Copper, 1910, Bulletin 430 B
- Results of spirit leveling in Illinois, 1896 to 1908, inclusive, 1910, Bulletin 421
- Coal fields of northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah, 1910, Bulletin 415
- Oil and gas in Louisiana with a brief summary of their occurrence in adjacent States, 1910, Bulletin 429
- Manganese deposits of the United States, with sections on foreign deposits, chemistry, and uses, 1910, Bulletin 427
- Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1909 : Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1910, Bulletin 430
- The analysis of silicate and carbonate rocks a revision of Bulletin 305, 1910, Bulletin 422
- A reconnaissance of the gypsum deposits of California, 1910, Bulletin 413
- Some ore deposits in Maine and the Milan mine, New Hampshire, 1910, Bulletin 432
- A reconnaissance of some mining camps in Elko, Lander, and Eureka counties, Nevada, 1910, Bulletin 408
- The fire tax and waste of structural materials in the United States, 1910, Bulletin 418
- The Innoko gold-placer district, Alaska, with accounts of the central Kuskokwim Valley and the Ruby Creek and Gold Hill placers, 1910, Bulletin 410
- Geology and ore deposits of the Bullfrog district, Nevada, 1910, Bulletin 407
- Economic geology of the feldspar deposits of the United States, 1910, Bulletin 420
- A reconnaissance of parts of northwestern New Mexico and northern Arizona, 1910, Bulletin 435
- Granites of the southeastern Atlantic States, 1910, Bulletin 426
- Results of spirit leveling in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1910, Bulletin 437
- Results of spirit leveling in Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, 1896 to 1909, inclusive, 1910, Bulletin 434
- Results of triangulation and primary traverse for the years 1906, 1907, and 1908, 1910, Bulletin 440
- The explosibility of coal dust, 1910, Bulletin 425
- Mineral resources of the Nabesna-White River District, Alaska, with a section on the Quaternary, 1910, Bulletin 417
- Analysis of rocks and minerals from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1908, 1910, Bulletin 419
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1909, with subject index, 1910, Bulletin 444
- The valuation of public coal lands: The value of coal land; Depth and minimum thickness of beds as limiting factors in valuation, 1910, Bulletin 424
- Preliminary report on the McKittrick-Sunset oil region, Kern and San Luis Obispo Counties, California, 1910, Bulletin 406
- Contributions to economic geology 1908: Part II - Mineral fuels, 1910, Bulletin 381
- Iron ores, fuels, and fluxes of the Birmingham district, Alabama, with chapters on the origin of the ores, 1910, Bulletin 400
- Geology and oil resources of the Coalinga District, California, 1910, Bulletin 398
- The purchase of coal by the Government under specifications, with analyses of coal delivered for the fiscal year 1908-9, 1910, Bulletin 428
- Geology and mineral resources of the Solomon and Casadepaga quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1910, Bulletin 433
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part II, Mineral fuels--Introduction, 1910, Bulletin 381 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part II, Mineral fuels--Coal Fields in Wyoming, 1910, Bulletin 381 B
- Coal fields in Colorado and New Mexico, 1910, Bulletin 381 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part II, Mineral fuels--Petroleum and Natural Gas, 1910, Bulletin 381 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Introduction, 1910, Bulletin 430 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lead and Zinc, 1910, Bulletin 430 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Rare Metals, 1910, Bulletin 430 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron and Manganese, 1910, Bulletin 430 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Structural Materials, 1910, Bulletin 430 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Mineral Paints, 1910, Bulletin 430 G
- Phosphates: Preliminary report on the phosphate deposits in southeastern Idaho and adjacent parts of Wyoming and Utah, 1910, Bulletin 430 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Salines, 1910, Bulletin 430 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1909, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Products, 1910, Bulletin 430 J
- Administrative report. Preface. The mining industry in 1909. Alaska coal and its utilization, 1910, Bulletin 442 A
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909--Mining in southeastern Alaska, 1910, Bulletin 442 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909--Mining in the Chitina district, 1910, Bulletin 442 D
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909--Outline of the geology and mineral resources of the Iliamna and Clark lakes region, 1910, Bulletin 442 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909--Sketch of the geology of the northeastern part of the Fairbanks quadrangle, 1910, Bulletin 442 F
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909--Mining in Seward Peninsula, 1910, Bulletin 442 I
- Mineral resources of Alaska : report on progress of investigations in 1909, 1910, Bulletin 442
- The fauna of the phosphate beds of the Park City formation in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, 1910, Bulletin 436
- Reconnaissance of the geology and mineral resources of Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1910, Bulletin 443
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909--Mineral resources of the Nulato-Council region, 1910, Bulletin 442 H
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909. The Koyukuk-Chandalar gold region, 1910, Bulletin 442 G
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1909. The preparation and use of peat as fuel, 1910, Bulletin 442 B
- Structural materials in parts of Oregon and Washington, 1909, Bulletin 387
- The granites of Vermont, 1909, Bulletin 404
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part II, Coal and lignite--Coal Fields of Wyoming, 1909, Bulletin 341 B
- Coal fields of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Oregon, and Virginia, 1909, Bulletin 341 C
- Pleistocene geology of the Leadville quadrangle, Colorado, 1909, Bulletin 386
- The smokeless combustion of coal in boiler plants, with a chapter on central heating plants, 1909, Bulletin 373
- Paleontology of the Coalinga district, Fresno and Kings counties, California, 1909, Bulletin 396
- Papers on the conservation of mineral resources (reprinted from report of the National Conservation Commission, February, 1909), 1909, Bulletin 394
- The fauna of the Caney shale of Oklahoma, 1909, Bulletin 377
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1908--Administrative report, 1909, Bulletin 379 A
- Copper mining and prospecting on Prince William Sound. Gold on Prince William Sound. Notes on the geology and mineral prospects in the vicinity of Seward, Kenai Peninsula. Mineral resources of southwestern Alaska, 1909, Bulletin 379 C
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1908--Mining in the Kotsina-Chitina, Chistochina, and Valdez Creek regions, 1909, Bulletin 379 D
- Washing and coking tests of coal at the fuel-testing plant, Denver, Colorado, July 1, 1907, to June 30, 1908, 1909, Bulletin 368
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1908--Recent developments in southern Seward Peninsula, 1909, Bulletin 379 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Introduction, 1909, Bulletin 380 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Copper, 1909, Bulletin 380 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lead and Zinc, 1909, Bulletin 380 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Rare Metals, 1909, Bulletin 380 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron and Manganese, 1909, Bulletin 380 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Asphalt, 1909, Bulletin 380 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Building Stones, 1909, Bulletin 380 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Cement and Concrete Materials, 1909, Bulletin 380 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Clays, 1909, Bulletin 380 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Salines, 1909, Bulletin 380 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite, 1909, Bulletin 380 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Products, 1909, Bulletin 380 N
- Relations between local magnetic disturbances and the genesis of petroleum, 1909, Bulletin 401
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1908, 1909, Bulletin 379
- Tests of run-of-mine and briquetted coal in a locomotive boiler, 1909, Bulletin 412
- The utilization of fuel in locomotive practice, 1909, Bulletin 402
- The fire-resistive properties of various building materials, 1909, Bulletin 370
- Results of spirit leveling in Ohio, 1898 to 1908, inclusive, 1909, Bulletin 411
- The significance of drafts in steam-boiler practice, 1909, Bulletin 367
- Comparative tests of run-of-mine and briquetted coal on the torpedo boat Biddle, 1909, Bulletin 403
- The Devonian fauna of the Ouray limestone, 1909, Bulletin 391
- Incidental problems in gas-producer tests, 1909, Bulletin 393
- Recent development of the producer-gas power plant in the United States, 1909, Bulletin 416
- Briquetting tests at the United States fuel-testing plant, Norfolk, Virginia, 1907-8, 1909, Bulletin 385
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907: Part II - coal and lignite, 1909, Bulletin 341
- Geology of the Lewistown coal field, Montana, 1909, Bulletin 390
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part II, Coal and lignite--Coal Fields of North Dakota and Montana, 1909, Bulletin 341 A
- A geological reconnaissance in northern Idaho and northwestern Montana, with notes on the economic geology, 1909, Bulletin 384
- Geology of the Great Falls coal field, Montana, 1909, Bulletin 356
- The Manzano group of the Rio Grande valley, New Mexico, 1909, Bulletin 389
- Results of spirit leveling in West Virginia, 1896 to 1908, inclusive, 1909, Bulletin 399
- Results of purchasing coal under Government specifications, with a paper on burning the small sizes of anthracite for heat and power purposes, 1909, Bulletin 378
- Contributions to economic geology, 1908: Part I - Metals and nonmetals, except fuels, 1909, Bulletin 380
- The mercury minerals from Terlingua, Texas, 1909, Bulletin 405
- The colloid matter of clay and its measurement, 1909, Bulletin 388
- Radioactivity of the thermal waters of Yellowstone National Park, 1909, Bulletin 395
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1908, with subject index, 1909, Bulletin 409
- A primer on explosives for coal miners, 1909, Bulletin 423
- Peat deposits of Maine, 1909, Bulletin 376
- Notes on explosive mine gases and dusts with special reference to explosions in the Monongah, Darr, and Naomi coal mines, 1909, Bulletin 383
- Mineral resources of the Kotsina-Chitina region, Alaska, 1909, Bulletin 374
- Mineral deposits of the Cerbat Range, Black Mountains, and Grand Wash Cliffs, Mohave County, Arizona, 1909, Bulletin 397
- Commercial deductions from comparisons of gasoline and alcohol tests on internal-combustion engines, 1909, Bulletin 392
- The effect of oxygen in coal, 1909, Bulletin 382
- Reconnaissance of the Book Cliffs coal field, between Grand River, Colorado and Sunnyside, Utah, 1909, Bulletin 371
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1908. Mining in southeastern Alaska, 1909, Bulletin 379 B
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1906 and 1907, with subject index, 1909, Bulletin 372
- Notes on some mining districts in Humboldt County, Nevada, 1909, Bulletin 414
- Pre-Cambrian geology of North America, 1909, Bulletin 360
- Geology and mineral resources of the Laramie Basin, Wyoming: A preliminary report, 1909, Bulletin 364
- The Fortymile quadrangle, Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, 1909, Bulletin 375
- Cenozoic mammal horizons of western North America, with faunal lists of the Tertiary Mammalia of the West, 1909, Bulletin 361
- The prevention of mine explosions, report and recommendations, 1908, Bulletin 369
- Geology and mineral resources of the Controller Bay region, Alaska, 1908, Bulletin 335
- The chief commercial granites of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, 1908, Bulletin 354
- Binders for coal briquets; investigations made at the fuel-testing plant, St, Louis, Missouri, 1908, Bulletin 343
- Geology of the Taylorsville region, California, 1908, Bulletin 353
- The gold placers of parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, including the Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope precincts, 1908, Bulletin 328
- The data of geochemistry, 1908, Bulletin 330
- Washing and coking tests of coal and cupola tests of coke, conducted by the United States fuel-testing plant at St. Louis, Missouri, January 1, 1905, to June 30, 1907, 1908, Bulletin 336
- Summary of the controlling factors of artesian flows, 1908, Bulletin 319
- Mine sampling and chemical analyses of coals tested at the United States fuel-testing plant, Norfolk, Virginia, in 1907, 1908, Bulletin 362
- Geology of the Rangely oil district, Rio Blanco County, Colorado with a section on the water supply, 1908, Bulletin 350
- The iron ores of the Iron Springs district, southern Utah, 1908, Bulletin 338
- The magnesite deposits of California, 1908, Bulletin 355
- Coal resources of the Russell Fork basin in Kentucky and Virginia, 1908, Bulletin 348
- Geologic reconnaissance of a part of western Arizona, with notes on the igneous rocks of western Arizona, 1908, Bulletin 352
- Report of the United States fuel-testing plant, at St. Louis, Missouri, January 1, 1906 to June 30, 1907, 1908, Bulletin 332
- Organization, equipment and operation of the structural-materials testing laboratories at St. Louis, Missouri, 1908, Bulletin 329
- Portland cement mortars and their constitutent materials, results of tests made at the structural materials testing laboratories, Forest Park, St. Louis, Missouri, 1905-1907, 1908, Bulletin 331
- The Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts, Alaska, 1908, Bulletin 347
- Geology of the Seward Peninsula tin deposits, Alaska, 1908, Bulletin 358
- Results of spirit leveling in California, 1896 to 1907, inclusive, 1908, Bulletin 342
- The strength of concrete beams; results of tests of 108 beams, first series, made at the structural materials testing laboratories, 1908, Bulletin 344
- Structure of the Berea oil sand in the Flushing quadrangle, Harrison, Belmont, and Guernsey counties, Ohio, 1908, Bulletin 346
- Comparative tests of run-of-mine and briquetted coal on locomotives including torpedo boat tests and some foreign specifications for briquetted fuel, 1908, Bulletin 363
- The clays of Arkansas, 1908, Bulletin 351
- Contributions to economic geology 1907: Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1908, Bulletin 340
- The fractionation of crude petroleum in capillary diffusion, 1908, Bulletin 365
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1908--The Fairbanks gold-placer region, 1908, Bulletin 379 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1907, 1908, Bulletin 345
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Investigations of the mineral deposits of Seward Peninsula, 1908, Bulletin 345 E
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Occurrence of gold in the Yukon-Tanana region, 1908, Bulletin 345 D
- Economic geology of the Kenova quadrangle, Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia, 1908, Bulletin 349
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--The mineral resources of the Kotsina and Chitina vallets, Copper River region, 1908, Bulletin 345 C
- Tests of coal and briquets as fuel for house-heating boilers, 1908, Bulletin 366
- The burning of coal without smoke in boiler plants (a preliminary report), 1908, Bulletin 334
- The purchase of coal under Government and commercial specifications on the basis of its heating value, with analyses of coal delivered under Government contracts, 1908, Bulletin 339
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Lode mining in southeastern Alaska, 1908, Bulletin 345 B
- The Fairbanks and Rampart quadrangles, Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska, 1908, Bulletin 337
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Copper, 1908, Bulletin 340 B
- Magnetite deposits of the Cornwall type in Pennsylvania, 1908, Bulletin 359
- Preliminary report on the Coalinga oil district, Fresno and Kings counties, California, 1908, Bulletin 357
- Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1907--Administrative report, 1908, Bulletin 345 A
- Contributions to economic geology, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Introduction, 1908, Bulletin 340 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lead and Zinc, 1908, Bulletin 340 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Rare Metals, 1908, Bulletin 340 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron and Manganese, 1908, Bulletin 340 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Petroleum and Natural Gas, 1908, Bulletin 340 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Building Stones, 1908, Bulletin 340 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Cement and Concrete Materials, 1908, Bulletin 340 H
- Clays. Lime and magnesite. Gypsum and plasters. Glass sand etc., 1908, Bulletin 340 I
- Contributions of economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Abrasive Materials, 1908, Bulletin 340 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Phosphates, 1908, Bulletin 340 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite, 1908, Bulletin 340 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1907, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Products, 1908, Bulletin 340 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part II, Coal, lignite, and peat--coal fields of New Mexico and California, 1907, Bulletin 316 F
- Preliminary account of Goldfield, Bullfrog, and other mining districts in southern Nevada, 1907, Bulletin 303
- Geologic reconnaissance in the Matanuska and Talkeetna basins, Alaska, 1907, Bulletin 327
- Oil and gas fields of Greene County, PA, 1907, Bulletin 304
- The interaction between minerals and water solutions, with special reference to geologic phenomena, 1907, Bulletin 312
- Experimental work conducted in the chemical laboratory of the United States fuel-testing plant at St. Louis, Missouri, January 1, 1905, to July 31, 1906, 1907, Bulletin 323
- The analysis of silicate and carbonate rocks, 1907, Bulletin 305
- Report on progress of investigations of mineral resources of Alaska in 1906, 1907, Bulletin 314
- Coal-mine accidents, their causes and prevention (a preliminary statistical report), 1907, Bulletin 333
- Geology of oil and gas fields in Steubenville, Burgettstown, and Claysville quadrangles, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, 1907, Bulletin 318
- The Alaska coal fields, 1907, Bulletin 314 B
- Reconnaissance on the Pacific coast from Yakutat to Alsek River, 1907, Bulletin 314 D
- Petroleum at Controller Bay, 1907, Bulletin 314 E
- Reconnaissance in the Matanuska and Talkeetna Basins, Alaska, with notes on the placers of the adjacent region, 1907, Bulletin 314 F
- The Nome region, Alaska, 1907, Bulletin 314 G
- The Kougarok region, Alaska, 1907, Bulletin 314 I
- The Circle precinct, Alaska, 1907, Bulletin 314 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905 : Glass-making Materials, 1907, Bulletin 285 N
- The San Francisco earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906, and their effects on structures and structural materials, 1907, Bulletin 324
- Rate of recession of Niagara falls, accompanied by a report on the survey of the crest, 1907, Bulletin 306
- Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1905-6, 1907, Bulletin 310
- Contributions to economic geology 1906 : Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels, 1907, Bulletin 315
- The Downtown district of Leadville, Colorado, 1907, Bulletin 320
- The green schists and associated granites and porphyries of Rhode Island, 1907, Bulletin 311
- The Santa Clara Valley, Puente Hills, and Los Angeles oil districts, southern California, 1907, Bulletin 309
- The granites of Maine, 1907, Bulletin 313
- The Arkansas coal field with reports on the paleontology, 1907, Bulletin 326
- Economic geology of the Amity quadrangle, eastern Washington County, Pennsylvania, 1907, Bulletin 300
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906: Part II - coal, lignite, and peat, 1907, Bulletin 316
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Introduction; gold and silver, 1907, Bulletin 315 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels; Copper--Copper deposits of the Hartville Uplift, Wyoming, 1907, Bulletin 315 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Iron and Manganese Ores, 1907, Bulletin 315 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Aluminum and Bauxite, 1907, Bulletin 315 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Portland, Natural, and Puzzolan Cements, 1907, Bulletin 315 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Lime, Magnesite, 1907, Bulletin 315 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Gypsum, Plasters, 1907, Bulletin 315 H
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Building Stone and Road Metal, 1907, Bulletin 315 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Glass-making Materials, 1907, Bulletin 315 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Quartz and Feldspar, 1907, Bulletin 315 L
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Mica, Graphite, 1907, Bulletin 315 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Phosphates and Phosphorus, 1907, Bulletin 315 P
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Sulphur and Pyrite, 1907, Bulletin 315 Q
- Coal fields of Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Alabama, 1907, Bulletin 316 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part II, Coal, lignite, and peat--coal fields of Illinois and Arkansas, 1907, Bulletin 316 B
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part II, Coal, lignite, and peat--coal fields of Montana, 1907, Bulletin 316 C
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part II, Coal, lignite, and peat--coal fields of Wyoming, 1907, Bulletin 316 D
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part II, Coal, lignite, and peat--coal fields of Colorado and Utah, 1907, Bulletin 316 E
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part II, Coal, lignite, and peat--general papers on the Producer-gas Power Plant, the Coal-briquetting Industry and Coal-mine Sampling, with a Bibliography of Geological Survey Publications on Coal, Lignite, and Peat, 1907, Bulletin 316 G
- Lode mining in southeastern Alaska. Nonmetalliferous mineral resources of southeastern Alaska, 1907, Bulletin 314 C
- Administrative report. The mining industry in 1906, 1907, Bulletin 314 A
- The Bonnifield and Kantishna regions, Alaska, 1907, Bulletin 314 L
- Water supply of Nome region, Seward Peninsula, 1906, 1907, Bulletin 314 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Clays and Clay Products, 1907, Bulletin 315 I
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Mineral Paints, 1907, Bulletin 315 N
- Contributions to economic geology, 1906, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuels--Abrasive Materials, 1907, Bulletin 315 O
- Contributions to economic geology 1906 : Part I - metals and nonmetals except fuels -- Nickel, Uranium, etc.; Lead and Zinc, 1907, Bulletin 315 C
- A study of four hundred steaming tests made at the fuel-testing plant, St. Louis, Missouri, in 1904, 1905, and 1906, 1907, Bulletin 325
- A geologic reconnaissance in southwestern Nevada and eastern California, 1907, Bulletin 308
- Geology and oil resources of the Summerland district, Santa Barbara County, California, 1907, Bulletin 321
- Geology and oil resources of the Santa Maria oil district, Santa Barbara County, California, 1907, Bulletin 322
- Preliminary report on the Santa Maria oil district, Santa Barbara County, California, 1907, Bulletin 317
- The areas of the United States, the States, and the Territories, 1906, Bulletin 302
- The Juneau gold belt, Alaska: A reconnaissance of Admiralty Island, Alaska, 1906, Bulletin 287
- Geology and Coal Resources of the Cape Lisburne Region, Alaska, 1906, Bulletin 278
- Economic geology of the Kittanning and Rural Valley quadrangles, Pennsylvania, 1906, Bulletin 279
- Geology and mineral resources of Mississippi, 1906, Bulletin 283
- Slate deposits and slate industry of the United States, 1906, Bulletin 275
- The bryozoan fauna of the Rochester shale, 1906, Bulletin 292
- Preliminary report on the operations of the fuel-testing plant of the United States Geological Survey at St. Louis, Missouri, 1905, 1906, Bulletin 290
- The Yukon-Tanana region, Alaska: Description of Circle quadrangle, 1906, Bulletin 295
- The Rampart Gold Placer Region, Alaska, 1906, Bulletin 280
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Introduction; Investigation of metalliferous ores; Investigation of iron ores and nonmetalliferous minerals; Gold and silver, 1906, Bulletin 285 A
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905 : Iron and Manganese, 1906, Bulletin 285 E
- Corundum and its occurrence and distribution in the United States (a revised and enlarged edition of Bulletin 180), 1906, Bulletin 269
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Coal, lignite, and peat, 1906, Bulletin 285 F
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905 : Petroleum and Natural Gas, 1906, Bulletin 285 G
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Building stone and road metal, 1906, Bulletin 285 M
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905 : Asphalt, 1906, Bulletin 285 H
- Lime and Magnesia, 1906, Bulletin 285 J
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905, 1906, Bulletin 285
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905 : Miscellaneous Nonmetals, 1906, Bulletin 285 O
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Copper, 1906, Bulletin 285 B
- A reconnaissance of the Matanuska coal field, Alaska in 1905, 1906, Bulletin 289
- Oil fields of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain, 1906, Bulletin 282
- The Yampa coal field, Routt county, Colorado, 1906, Bulletin 297
- Reconnaissance of some gold and tin deposits of the southern Appalachians, with notes on the Dahlonega mines, 1906, Bulletin 293
- Report on progress of investigations of mineral resources of Alaska in 1905, 1906, Bulletin 284
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Clays, 1906, Bulletin 285 L
- A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (fourth edition), 1906, Bulletin 274
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Gypsum and plasters, 1906, Bulletin 285 K
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Tin, quicksliver, platinum, etc., 1906, Bulletin 285 C
- A gazetteer of Colorado, 1906, Bulletin 291
- Mineral resources of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: Gold fields of the Turnagain Arm region. Coal fields of Kachemak Bay region, 1906, Bulletin 277
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Lead and zinc, 1906, Bulletin 285 D
- Manual of topographic methods, 1906, Bulletin 307
- Results of spirit leveling in the state of New York for the years 1896 to 1905, inclusive, 1906, Bulletin 281
- Results of spirit leveling in Pennsylvania for the years 1899 to 1905, inclusive, 1906, Bulletin 288
- Contributions to economic geology, 1905: Portland, natural, and Puzzolan cements, 1906, Bulletin 285 I
- Record of deep-well drilling for 1905, 1906, Bulletin 298
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the years 1901-1905, inclusive, 1906, Bulletin 301
- Geographic Dictionary of Alaska, 1906, Bulletin 299
- Economic geology of the Independence quadrangle, Kansas, 1906, Bulletin 296
- Economic geology of the Beaver quadrangle, Pennsylvania (southern Beaver and northwestern Allegheny Counties), 1906, Bulletin 286
- Zinc and lead deposits of the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1906, Bulletin 294
- Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1904-5, 1905, Bulletin 276
- The origin of certain place names in the United States (second edition), 1905, Bulletin 258
- Taconic physiography, 1905, Bulletin 272
- The gold placers of the Fortymile, Birch Creek, and Fairbanks regions, Alaska, 1905, Bulletin 251
- Methods and Costs of Gravel and Placer Mining in Alaska, 1905, Bulletin 263
- Geology of the Boulder district, Colorado, 1905, Bulletin 265
- Record of deep-well drilling for 1904, 1905, Bulletin 264
- The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposits, 1905, Bulletin 250
- Petrography and geology of the igneous rocks of the Highwood mountains, Montana, 1905, Bulletin 237
- Contributions to Devonian paleontology, 1903, 1905, Bulletin 244
- The copper deposits of Missouri, 1905, Bulletin 267
- Mineral resources of the Elders Ridge quadrangle, Pennsylvania, 1905, Bulletin 256
- Limestones of southwestern Pennsylvania, 1905, Bulletin 249
- Geology and paleontology of the Judith river beds, 1905, Bulletin 257
- A gazetteer of Indian Territory (Oklahoma), 1905, Bulletin 248
- Rock cleavage, 1905, Bulletin 239
- The configuration of the rock floor of Greater New York, 1905, Bulletin 270
- Zinc and lead deposits of northwestern Illinois, 1905, Bulletin 246
- Contributions to mineralogy from the United States Geological Survey, 1905, Bulletin 262
- The fluorspar deposits of southern Illinois, 1905, Bulletin 255
- Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of central Oregon, 1905, Bulletin 252
- Contributions to economic geology, 1904, 1905, Bulletin 260
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for the year 1904, 1905, Bulletin 271
- Comparison of a wet and crucible-fire methods for the assay of gold telluride ores, with notes on the errors occurring in the operations of fire assay and parting, 1905, Bulletin 253
- Preliminary report on the operations of the coal-testing plant of the United States Geological Survey at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri, 1904, 1905, Bulletin 261
- Cement materials and industry of the United States, 1905, Bulletin 243
- Miocene Foraminifera from the Monterey shale of California, with a few species from the Tejon formation, 1905, Bulletin 268
- Paleontology of the Malone Jurassic formation of Texas, 1905, Bulletin 266
- Report on progress of investigations of mineral resources of Alaska in 1904, 1905, Bulletin 259
- The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1905, Bulletin 247
- The drumlins of southeastern Wisconsin (preliminary paper), 1905, Bulletin 273
- The tin deposits of the York region, Alaska, 1904, Bulletin 229
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1903, 1904, Bulletin 240
- Analyses of rocks from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1880-1903, 1904, Bulletin 228
- Geology of the Hudson Valley between the Hoosic and the Kinderhook, 1904, Bulletin 242
- A geological reconnaissance across the Cascade range near the forty-ninth parallel, 1904, Bulletin 235
- Contributions to economic geology, 1903, 1904, Bulletin 225
- A gazetteer of Delaware, 1904, Bulletin 230
- Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Territories, with an outline of the history of all important changes of territory (third edition), 1904, Bulletin 226
- The gazetteer of Virginia, 1904, Bulletin 232
- A gazetteer of West Virginia, 1904, Bulletin 233
- Geographic tables and formulas (second edition), 1904, Bulletin 234
- Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1903-04, 1904, Bulletin 245
- A gazetteer of Maryland, 1904, Bulletin 231
- A gazetteer of Texas (second edition), 1904, Bulletin 224
- Catalogue and index of the publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler surveys, 1904, Bulletin 222
- Economic geology of the Iola quadrangle, Kansas, 1904, Bulletin 238
- Gypsum deposits in the United States, 1904, Bulletin 223
- Experiments on schistosity and slaty cleavage, 1904, Bulletin 241
- The United States Geological Survey, its origin, development, organization, and operations, 1904, Bulletin 227
- The Porcupine placer district, Alaska, 1904, Bulletin 236
- Report of progress in the geological resurvey of the Cripple Creek district, Colorado, 1904, Bulletin 254
- Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1902-03, 1903, Bulletin 216
- The correlation of geological faunas, a contribution to Devonian paleontology, 1903, Bulletin 210
- Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey, 1901 to 1903, 1903, Bulletin 215
- Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Upper Carboniferous rocks of the Kansas section, 1903, Bulletin 211
- A study of the fauna of the Hamilton formation of the Cayuga Lake section in central New York, 1903, Bulletin 206
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the year 1902, 1903, Bulletin 221
- Oil fields of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coastal Plain, 1903, Bulletin 212
- The geology of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont, 1903, Bulletin 209
- Mineral analyses from the laboratories of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1903, 1903, Bulletin 220
- Contributions to economic geology, 1902, 1903, Bulletin 213
- Notes on the geology of southwestern Idaho and southeastern Oregon, 1903, Bulletin 217
- The mollusca of the Budah limestone with an appendix on the corals of the Budah limestone, 1903, Bulletin 205
- Descriptive geology of Nevada south of the fortieth parallel and adjacent portions of California, 1903, Bulletin 208
- The coal resources of the Yukon, Alaska, 1903, Bulletin 218
- Geographic tables and formulas, 1903, Bulletin 214
- The ore deposits of Tonopah, Nevada (preliminary report), 1903, Bulletin 219
- Bibliography of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the years 1892-1900 inclusive, 1902, Bulletin 188
- Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1901-2, 1902, Bulletin 201
- The northwest boundary of Texas, 1902, Bulletin 194
- Reconnaissance of the borax deposits of Death Valley and Mohave Desert, 1902, Bulletin 200
- Index to North American geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for the years 1892-1900, inclusive, 1902, Bulletin 189
- Topographic development of the Klamath Mountains, 1902, Bulletin 196
- The origin of certain place names in the United States, 1902, Bulletin 197
- The Berea grit oil sand in the Cadiz quadrangle, Ohio, 1902, Bulletin 198
- A gazetteer of Texas, 1902, Bulletin 190
- Structural details in the Green Mountain region and in eastern New York, (second paper), 1902, Bulletin 195
- The geological relations and distribution of platinum and associated metals, 1902, Bulletin 193
- A gazetteer of Cuba, 1902, Bulletin 192
- North American geologic formation names: Bibliography, synonymy and distribution, 1902, Bulletin 191
- Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil vertebrata of North America, 1902, Bulletin 179
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the year 1901, 1902, Bulletin 203
- Fossil Flora of the John Day Basin, Oregon, 1902, Bulletin 204
- Geology and water resources of the Snake river plains of Idaho, 1902, Bulletin 199
- Tests for gold and silver in shales from western Kansas, 1902, Bulletin 202
- The action of ammonium chloride upon silicates, 1902, Bulletin 207
- Geographic dictionary of Alaska, 1902, Bulletin 187
- Oil and gas fields of the western interior and northern Texas coal measures and of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary of the western Gulf coast, 1901, Bulletin 184
- On pyrite and marcasite, 1901, Bulletin 186
- The occurrence and distribution of corundum in the United States, 1901, Bulletin 180
- Results of spirit-leveling, fiscal year 1900-1901, 1901, Bulletin 185
- A gazetteer of Puerto Rico, 1901, Bulletin 183
- Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey, 1880-1901, 1901, Bulletin 177
- Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1900-01, 1901, Bulletin 181
- The El Paso tin deposits, 1901, Bulletin 178
- A report on the economic geology of the Silverton quadrangle, Colorado, 1901, Bulletin 182
- Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Territories, with an outline of the history of all important changes of territory (second edition), 1900, Bulletin 171
- Survey of the northwestern boundary of the United States, 1857-1861, 1900, Bulletin 174
- A synopsis of American fossil Bryozoa, including bibliography and synonymy, 1900, Bulletin 173
- Flora of the Montana formation, 1900, Bulletin 163
- Contributions to chemistry and mineralogy from the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, 1900, Bulletin 167
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1899, 1900, Bulletin 172
- Analyses of rocks from the laboratory of the United States Geological survey 1880-1899, 1900, Bulletin 168
- Survey of the boundary line between Idaho and Montana, from the international boundary to the crest of the Bitterroot Mountains, 1900, Bulletin 170
- A gazetteer of Utah, 1900, Bulletin 166
- Triangulation and spirit leveling in Indian Territory (Oklahoma), 1900, Bulletin 175
- Some principles and methods of rock analysis, 1900, Bulletin 176
- Reconnaissance in the Rio Grande coal fields of Texas, 1900, Bulletin 164
- Altitudes in Alaska, 1900, Bulletin 169
- Contributions to the geology of Maine, 1900, Bulletin 165
- The geology of eastern Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 1899, Bulletin 159
- A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (third edition), 1899, Bulletin 160
- The gneisses, gabbro schists, and associated rocks of southwestern Minnesota, 1899, Bulletin 157
- The moraines of southeastern South Dakota and their attendant deposits, 1899, Bulletin 158
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the year 1898, 1899, Bulletin 162
- Earthquakes in California in 1898, 1899, Bulletin 161
- The educational series of rock specimens, collected and distributed by the United States Geological Survey, 1898, Bulletin 150
- The Lower Cretaceous Gryphaas of the Texas region, 1898, Bulletin 151
- The Cretaceous Foraminifera of New Jersey, 1898, Bulletin 88
- A gazetteer of Kansas, 1898, Bulletin 154
- A catalogue of the Cretaceous and Tertiary plants of North America, 1898, Bulletin 152
- A bibliographic index of North American Carboniferous invertebrates, 1898, Bulletin 153
- Some lava flows of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, California, 1898, Bulletin 89
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1897, 1898, Bulletin 156
- Earthquakes in California in 1896 and 1897, 1898, Bulletin 155
- Analyses of rocks, with a chapter on analytical methods, laboratory of the United States Geological survey 1880 to 1896, 1897, Bulletin 148
- A synopsis of American fossil Brachiopoda, including bibliography and synonymy, 1897, Bulletin 87
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the year 1896, 1897, Bulletin 149
- A brief contribution to the geology and paleontology of northwestern Louisiana, 1896, Bulletin 142
- The Cambrian rocks of Pennsylvania, 1896, Bulletin 134
- Geology of the Castle Mountain mining district, Montana, 1896, Bulletin 139
- The Potomac formation in Virginia, 1896, Bulletin 145
- The geology of the Fort Riley Military Reservation and vicinity, Kansas, 1896, Bulletin 137
- Bibliography of clays and the ceramic arts, 1896, Bulletin 143
- Catalogue and index of contributions to North American geology, 1732-1891, 1896, Bulletin 127
- Artesian-well prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region, 1896, Bulletin 138
- The ancient volcanic rocks of South Mountain, Pennsylvania, 1896, Bulletin 136
- Earthquakes in California in 1895, 1896, Bulletin 147
- The Eocene deposits of the Middle Atlantic slope in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, 1896, Bulletin 141
- The disseminated lead ores of southeastern Missouri, 1896, Bulletin 132
- Report of progress of the division of hydrography for the calendar year 1895, 1896, Bulletin 140
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1894, 1896, Bulletin 135
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for 1892 and 1893, 1896, Bulletin 130
- Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1895, 1896, Bulletin 146
- The moraines of the Missouri Coteau and their attendant deposits, 1896, Bulletin 144
- Revision of the American fossil cockroaches, with descriptions of new forms, 1895, Bulletin 124
- Earthquakes in California in 1894, 1895, Bulletin 129
- The Bear River formation and its characteristic fauna, 1895, Bulletin 128
- Report of progress of the division of hydrography for the calendar years 1893 and 1894, 1895, Bulletin 131
- A mineralogical lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties, Massachusetts, 1895, Bulletin 126
- A dictionary of geographic positions in the United States, 1895, Bulletin 123
- Contributions to the Cretaceous paleontology of the Pacific coast. : The fauna of the Knoxville beds, 1895, Bulletin 133
- The constitution of the silicates, 1895, Bulletin 125
- A geographic dictionary of Rhode Island, 1894, Bulletin 115
- A geographic dictionary of Connecticut, 1894, Bulletin 117
- A bibliography of North American paleontology, 1888-1892, 1894, Bulletin 121
- The Devonian system of eastern Pennsylvania and New York, 1894, Bulletin 120
- A geographic dictionary of New Jersey, 1894, Bulletin 118
- Earthquakes in California in 1893, 1894, Bulletin 114
- A geographic dictionary of Massachusetts, 1894, Bulletin 116
- Results of primary triangulation, 1894, Bulletin 122
- A geological reconnaissance in northwest Wyoming, with special reference to its economic resources, 1894, Bulletin 119
- The Glaciation of the Yellowstone Valley North of the Park, 1893, Bulletin 104
- Geology of the Big Stone Gap coal field of Virginia and Kentucky, 1893, Bulletin 111
- The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States, 1893, Bulletin 97
- A catalogue and bibliography of North American Mesozoic Invertebrata, 1893, Bulletin 102
- The eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon point, Minnesota and their contact phenomena, 1893, Bulletin 109
- The trap dikes of the Lake Champlain region, 1893, Bulletin 107
- High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebullition, chiefly in relation to pressure, 1893, Bulletin 103
- Flora of the outlying Carboniferous basins of southwestern Missouri, 1893, Bulletin 98
- Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey (1879-1892), with the laws governing their printing and distribution, 1893, Bulletin 100
- The Colorado formation and its invertebrate fauna, 1893, Bulletin 106
- The Paleozoic section in the vicinity of Three Forks, Montana, 1893, Bulletin 110
- Insect fauna of the Rhode Island coal field, 1893, Bulletin 101
- Earthquakes in California in 1892, 1893, Bulletin 112
- A geological reconnoissance in central Washington, 1893, Bulletin 108
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry during the fiscal years 1891-92 and 1892-93, 1893, Bulletin 113
- The Laramie and the overlying Livingston formation in Montana, with report on flora, 1893, Bulletin 105
- Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891, 1892, Bulletin 95
- The volume thermodynamics of liquids, 1892, Bulletin 96
- The mechanism of solid viscosity, 1892, Bulletin 94
- Correlation papers; Archean and Algonkian, 1892, Bulletin 86
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal years 1890-91, 1892, Bulletin 90
- Correlation papers: The Newark system, 1892, Bulletin 85
- Correlation papers: Neocene, 1892, Bulletin 84
- The compressibility of liquids, 1892, Bulletin 92
- Some insects of special interest from Florissant, Colorado, and other points in the Tertiaries of Colorado and Utah, 1892, Bulletin 93
- Record of North American geology for 1891, 1892, Bulletin 99
- Stratigraphy of the bituminous coal field of Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia, 1891, Bulletin 65
- Correlation papers: Cambrian, 1891, Bulletin 81
- Altitudes between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains, 1891, Bulletin 72
- Correlation papers: Cretaceous, 1891, Bulletin 82
- The Texan Permian and its Mesozoic types of fossils, 1891, Bulletin 77
- Correlation papers: Devonian and Carboniferous, 1891, Bulletin 80
- The viscosity of solids, 1891, Bulletin 73
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1889-90, 1891, Bulletin 78
- The minerals of North Carolina, 1891, Bulletin 74
- A dictionary of altitudes in the United States (second edition), 1891, Bulletin 76
- A late volcanic eruption in northern California and its peculiar lava, 1891, Bulletin 79
- Record of North American geology for 1890, 1891, Bulletin 91
- Record of North American geology for 1887 to 1889, inclusive, 1891, Bulletin 75
- Correlation papers: Eocene, 1891, Bulletin 83
- Index to the known fossil insects of the world, including myriapods and arachnids, 1891, Bulletin 71
- A classed and annotated bibliography of fossil insects, 1890, Bulletin 69
- Report on astronomical work of 1889 and 1890, 1890, Bulletin 70
- The glacial boundary in western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, 1890, Bulletin 58
- Earthquakes in California in 1889, 1890, Bulletin 68
- A bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea from 1698 to 1889, including a list of North American species and a systematic arrangement of genera, 1890, Bulletin 63
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1887-88, 1890, Bulletin 60
- A report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1888-89, 1890, Bulletin 64
- A geological reconnaissance in southwestern Kansas, 1890, Bulletin 57
- The greenstone schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette regions of Michigan, a contribution to the subject of dynamic metamorphism in eruptive rocks, 1890, Bulletin 62
- The gabbros and associated rocks in Delaware, 1890, Bulletin 59
- The relations of the traps of the Newark system in the New Jersey region, 1890, Bulletin 67
- Contributions to the mineralogy of the Pacific coast, 1890, Bulletin 61
- On a group of volcanic rocks from the Tewan Mountains, New Mexico, and on the occurrence of primary quartz in certain basalts, 1890, Bulletin 66
- The geology of Nantucket, 1889, Bulletin 53
- Fossil wood and lignite of the Potomac formation, 1889, Bulletin 56
- Latitudes and longitudes of certain points in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico, 1889, Bulletin 49
- Subaerial decay of rocks and origin of the red color of certain formations, 1889, Bulletin 52
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1886-87, 1889, Bulletin 55
- Formulas and tables to facilitate the construction and use of maps, 1889, Bulletin 50
- On invertebrate fossils from the Pacific coast, 1889, Bulletin 51
- On the thermoelectric measurement of high temperatures, 1889, Bulletin 54
- Analyses of waters of the Yellowstone National Park, with an account of the methods of analysis employed, 1888, Bulletin 47
- On the form and position of the sea level with special references to its dependence on superficial masses symmetrically disposed about a normal to the earth's surface, 1888, Bulletin 48
- Nature and origin of deposits of phosphate of lime, 1888, Bulletin 46
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1885-1886, 1887, Bulletin 42
- On the fossil faunas of the Upper Devonian: The Genesee section, New York, 1887, Bulletin 41
- The upper beaches and deltas of the glacial lake Agassiz, 1887, Bulletin 39
- The present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas, 1887, Bulletin 45
- Peridotite of Elliott County, Kentucky, 1887, Bulletin 38
- Types of the Laramie flora, 1887, Bulletin 37
- Changes in river courses in Washington Territory due to glaciation, 1887, Bulletin 40
- Tertiary and Cretaceous strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Alabama Rivers, 1887, Bulletin 43
- Bibliography of North American geology for 1886, 1887, Bulletin 44
- Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics mainly during the fiscal year 1884-85, 1886, Bulletin 27
- Systematic review of our present knowledge of fossil insects, including myriapods and arachnids, 1886, Bulletin 31
- Lists and analyses of the mineral springs of the United States: A preliminary study, 1886, Bulletin 32
- Physical properties of the iron-carburets (third paper), 1886, Bulletin 35
- Subsidence of fine solid particles in liquids, 1886, Bulletin 36
- Second contribution to the studies on the Cambrian faunas of North America, 1886, Bulletin 30
- Notes on the geology of northern California, 1886, Bulletin 33
- On the fresh-water invertebrates of the North American Jurassic, 1886, Bulletin 29
- On the relation of the Laramie molluscan fauna to that of the succeeding fresh-water Eocene, and other groups, 1886, Bulletin 34
- The gabbros and associated hornblende rocks occurring in the neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland, 1886, Bulletin 28
- Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Territories, with a historical sketch of the territorial changes, 1885, Bulletin 13
- List of marine Mollusca comprising the Quaternary fossils and recent forms from American localities between cape Hatteras and cape Roque, including the Bermudas, 1885, Bulletin 24
- Copper smelting, 1885, Bulletin 26
- Contributions to the mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains, 1885, Bulletin 20
- Notes on the stratigraphy of California, 1885, Bulletin 19
- On the higher Devonian faunas of Ontario county, New York, 1885, Bulletin 16
- The present technical condition of the steel industry of the United States, 1885, Bulletin 25
- Observations on the junction between the Eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, 1885, Bulletin 23
- On Marine Eocene, fresh-water Miocene, and other fossil Mollusca of western North America, 1885, Bulletin 18
- On the Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleontology of California, 1885, Bulletin 15
- The lignites of the Great Sioux Reservation, a report on the region between the Grand and Moreau rivers, Dakota, 1885, Bulletin 21
- On new Cretaceous fossils from California, 1885, Bulletin 22
- On the development of crystallization in the igneous rocks of Washoe, Nevada, with notes on the Geology of the district, 1885, Bulletin 17
- The electrical and magnetic properties of the iron-carburets, 1885, Bulletin 14
- A report of work done in the Washington laboratory during the fiscal year 1883-84, 1884, Bulletin 9
- A crystallographic study of the thinolite of Lake Lahontan, 1884, Bulletin 12
- Mapoteca geologica americana, a catalogue of geological maps of America (North and South), 1752-1881, in geographic and chronologic order, 1884, Bulletin 7
- On Mesozoic fossils, 1884, Bulletin 4
- On the fossil faunas of the Upper Devonian, along the meridian of 76 degrees 30', from Tompkins County, New York, to Bradford County, Pennsylvania, 1884, Bulletin 3
- On secondary enlargements of mineral fragments in certain rocks, 1884, Bulletin 8
- On the Cambrian faunas of North America (preliminary studies), 1884, Bulletin 10
- Elevations in the dominion of Canada, 1884, Bulletin 6
- On the Quaternary and Recent Mollusca of the Great Basin, with descriptions of new forms, 1884, Bulletin 11
- A dictionary of altitudes in the United States, 1884, Bulletin 5
- On hypersthene andesite and on triclinic pyroxene in augitic rocks, 1883, Bulletin 1
- Gold and silver conversion tables, giving the coining values of troy ounces of fine metal, and the weights of fine metal represented by given sums of United States money, 1883, Bulletin 2