ArcExplorer Project for the Crater
Lake 2000 Multibeam Sonar Survey
The Crater Lake multibeam survey took place from July 28 to
August 3, 2000 using a Kongsberg Simrad EM1002 Multibeam Sonar
System. The system collects both bathymetry and co-registered,
calibrated backscatter data. For more in-depth information about
the survey and the EM1002 system, see the USGS
Open-File Report 00-405.
This CD-ROM contains an ArcExplorer
2.0 project of the Crater Lake multibeam bathymetry and backscatter
imagery. ArcExplorer is a freeware, GIS software package developed
by ESRI.
This project allows the user to overlay, zoom, pan, and query
the Crater Lake multibeam and other data. Other spatial data
in UTM coordinates can be added to this project, which can be
used in research projects.
This ArcExplorer project will only run
an a PC running Windows 98/2000/NT.
If the user already has ArcExplorer
2.0 installed on the computer just go to the clproj directory
and open the ArcExplorer project file "craterlake.AEP".
If the user needs to install ArcExplorer
2.0, go to the software directory
and copy the ae2setup.exe file to the desktop. Double
click on the ae2setup.exe icon and follow the installation
instructions. The software may also be downloaded directly from
Contents of ArcExplorer project
CONTOUR - 50-meter
depth contours of the lake floor from -50 to -550 m generated
from the multibeam bathymetry data.
- Colored shaded-relief TIFF image generated from the
multibeam bathymetry data. The colors show relative depths: reds
and oranges represent shallower depths and blues represent deeper
depths. The colored shaded-relief bathymetry image (2-m
resolution) is merged with a black and white shaded-relief image
of the surrounding mountains separately generated from USGS 10-meter,
7.5 minute DEM`s.
Gray-scale TIFF image generated from the multibeam backscatter
data. The brighter tones indicate stronger acoustic returns off
the lake floor (possibly hard surfaces such as rock) and the
darker tones indicate weaker acoustic returns off the lake floor
(possibly sediment). The brighter vertical lines in the center
of the lake are data collection artifacts and are caused by an
artificially high acoustic return near nadir (the area directly
below the survey vessel).
Data Information
Projection: UTM
Datum: WGS84
Units: meters
Zunits: meters (bathymetry)
Spatial Resolution: 2 meters
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)
Multibeam Data
Text Format
HTML Format
FAQ format
USGS Digital
Elevation Models (DEMs) for Crater Lake (World Wide Web site)