Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the United States, occupies
a caldera in Mount Mazama, a Cascade Range volcano that once
stood about 3,700 meters (12,000 feet) above sea level (Figure
1). About 7,700 years ago in a catastrophic eruption that lasted
only a few days, Mount Mazama ejected about 50 cubic kilometers
(12 cubic miles) of magma in the form of pumice and ash. Near
the end of the eruption, the mountain collapsed upon itself to
form a large caldera. After this climactic event, volcanic activity
resumed within the caldera, creating Wizard Island and other
new landforms. All but the uppermost portion of the Wizard Island
volcano is hidden from view below the surface of Crater Lake.
![[Crater Lake location map]](images/cl-map.gif)
Figure 1. Location of Crater Lake in the Cascade Mountain Range,
Oregon, USA
Until recently, nobody knew what the bottom of Crater Lake
looked like in detail. The first indications of the lake depths
came from an 1886 survey by a joint USGS/U.S. Army expedition
led by William G. Steel and under the direction Maj. Clarence
E. Dutton (Dutton, 1889). This mapping survey collected 186 soundings
using a Millers lead-line sounding machine. A better indication
of the lake depths came from a 1959 survey by the U.S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey. This survey used an acoustic echo sounder
and radar navigation to collect 4000 soundings. The data were
contoured by Williams (1961) and Byrne (1962) and resulted in
a fairly detailed map of the large-scale features within Crater
Lake. By the late 1990`s however, maps generated from this survey
were proving inadequate for the scientific research being conducted
in and around the lake.
In the summer of 2000, the U.S.
Geological Survey, Pacific Seafloor Mapping Project in cooperation
with the National Park Service
and the Center for Coastal
and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire used a state-of-the-art
multibeam sonar system to collect high-resolution bathymetry
and calibrated, co-registered acoustic backscatter to support
both biological and geological research in the area (aquatic
biology, geochemistry, volcanic processes, etc). This survey
collected over 16 million soundings and the resulting data portrays
the bottom of Crater Lake at a spatial resolution of 2 meters.
For more information about the multibeam sonar system and the
survey please see USGS
Open-File Report 00-405.
For more information about Crater Lake including spatial data
downloads, visit the Crater
Lake Data Clearinghouse.
Also, two large-format, color maps of Crater Lake can be purchaced
from the USGS. The map series is entitled "Bathymetry and
Selected Perspective Views of Crater Lake Oregon, USGS Water
Resources Investigations Report 01-4046". The maps show
the same perspective views seen in the Perspective
Views section of this CD-ROM. To purchase the maps contact;
Information Services
Box 25286
Denver, CO 80225
Telephone (888) ASK-USGS
This CD-ROM is published for the scientific community, the
general public, and as a teaching tool. This CD-ROM contains
the raw multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data as well as
a GIS ArcExplorer 2.0 project for the scientific community to
use in research. Computer-generated images and a fly-by movie
allow any user to visualize the lake floor. A QuickTime movie
and photographs of the helicopter operations shows how the multibeam
survey took place and a list ofCrater Lake publications and related
websites can be used for further Crater Lake research and general
To the left side of all the browser pages on this CD-ROM is
a table of contents. The contents include,
INTRODUCTION - Brief history of Crater Lake and Mount
Mazama, shows a location map, and briefly explains why and how
the Crater Lake mapping survey took place.
ARCEXPLORER - ArcExplorer 2.0 project showing both
the multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data from Crater Lake.
ArcExplorer is a freeware, lightweight GIS software package published
by ESRI.
PERSPECTIVE VIEWS - Selected perspective views of the
bottom of Crater Lake and surrounding caldera walls generated
from the multibeam survey data. Each view is accompanied by a
geologic interpretation and a 300dpi TIFF image that can be downloaded
by the user.
FLY-BY MOVIE - A QuickTime movie that simulates a flight
around the bottom of Crater Lake to view the deepest parts of
the lake, Wizard Island, Merriam Cone, and underwater landslides.
HELICOPTER MOVIE - A QuickTime movie of the helicopter
transporting the RV Surf Surveyor into Crater Lake.
At the time of the survey there was no boat on the lake capable
of conducting the multibeam survey. The survey vessel, RV
Surf Surveyor, could not be towed down the Cleetwood Cove
trail, the only trail down to the lake surface and a 200-m (650-ft)
elevation change. The RV Surf Surveyor had to be transported
to and from the lake surface by a Chinook helicopter operated
by the U.S. Army Reserve.
DATA - Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data in
XYZ format and ArcInfo GRID format with accompanying metadata.
PHOTOGRAPHS - A selection of photographs taken by the
survey crew during the helicopter transport of the survey vessel
into and out of Crater Lake.
PUBLICATIONS - A reference list of selected Crater
Lake publications.
LINKS - Selected links to other websites about Crater
Byrne, J.V., 1962. Bathymetry of Crater Lake, Pregon.
The Ore Bin. Vol. 24, p. 161-164
Dutton, C.E., 1889. USGS 8th Annual Report for 1886-87,
Part 1: p. 156-159 (report dated Jily 1, 1887).
Williams, H. 1961. The floor of Crater Lake, Oregon.
Amer. Jour. Sci. Vol 259, p. 81-83.