Oblique view looking east towards Chaski Bay. The distance
across the bottom of the image is about 2.6 kilometers (1.6 miles).
A major lake floor feature in this view is the extensive landslide
deposit that originated in the caldera wall at Chaski Bay. Characterized
by irregular topography and isolated blocks, the Chaski Bay slide
separates the southwest basin from the east basin. At the western
margin of the slide (A) is an area in which warm water vents
into the lake. This area is marked by bacterial mats that were
discovered by scientists aboard the Deep Rover. Remnants of the
failed caldera wall that fed the Chaski Bay slide can be seen
in the form of large down-dropped blocks up to 200 meters (656
feet) in length. Other landslide deposits are found west of Eagle
Point, in Danger Bay, and in the east basin.
As in other views of the caldera walls, steep rock outcrops are
submerged below promontories above the surface of the lake. Between
these promontories are Kerr Notch and Sun Notch, which mark the
location of prominent U-shaped valleys that were carved into
Mount Mazama by glaciers before the formation of the caldera.
In the foreground, prominent channels can be seen on the surface
of the central platform. These carried lava flows that cascaded
over the platform`s east slope to form a field of lava spreading
from its east base.
Source: Gardner, James V., Peter Dartnell, Laurent Hellequin,
Charles R. Bacon, Larry A. Mayer, and J. Christopher Stone. 2001.
Bathymetry and selected perspective views of Crater Lake, Oregon.
USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4046.