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U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 344
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Vibracore Study Area Map:

Section C-Area 1

Home | Acronyms | Contents | Methods | Maps | Core Data Table | Vibracore Description Sheets | Interpreted Core Classification Profiles | Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data | Photographs | USACE EUSTIS | Field Logs | Metadata | Software |

Click on the core or core ID name to access the table with links to each core's downloadable data files and thumbnail preview of core description sheets, interpreted core classification profiles, grain-size and penetrometer data, or photographic images.

Note: Return to this page through the Web browser's back button and to navigate to different map sections or to the Study Area Map.

Section_C_area1 MapCR_83_14 Vibracore Profiles BSS_197 Vibracore Profiles BSS_197 Vibracore Profiles BSS_196 Vibracore Profiles BSS_124 Vibracore Profiles BSS_123 Vibracore Profiles BSS_123 Vibracore Profiles BSS_107 Vibracore Profiles BSS_060 Vibracore Profiles BSS_060 Vibracore Profiles BSS_059 Vibracore Profiles BSS_059 Vibracore Profiles BSS_034 Vibracore Profiles BSS_041 Vibracore Profiles BSS_034 Vibracore Profiles BSS_010 Vibracore Profiles BSS_010 Vibracore Profiles BSS_009 Vibracore Profiles BSS_008 Vibracore Profiles BSS_015 Vibracore Profiles CR_83_14 Vibracore Profiles BSS_122 Vibracore Profiles

| Section C | Area 1 | Area 2 | Area 3 | Area 4 | Area 5 | Area 6 |

| Study Area Map | Section A | Section B | Section D |

Home | Acronyms | Contents | Methods | Maps | Core Data Table | Vibracore Description Sheets | Interpreted Core Classification Profiles | Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data | Photographs | USACE EUSTIS | Field Logs | Metadata | Software |

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