Study Guide for a Beginning Course in Ground-Water Hydrology, Part 1: Course Participants

U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 90-183

by O. Lehn Franke, Thomas E. Reilly, Ralph J. Haefner and Dale L. Simmons

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Sections available in pdf:

Section 1 -- 2.95 MB



Background, purpose and scope, and technical qualifications for users of study guide

Annotated list of selected references in ground-water hydrology

Detailed outline with notes and exercises

Section 1: Fundamental concepts and definitions


Section 2 -- 1.53 MB

Section 2: Principles of ground-water flow and storage


Section 3 -- 1.94 MB

Section 3: Description and analysis of ground-water systems


Section 4 -- 2.22 MB

Section 3: Description and analysis of ground-water systems (continued)


Section 5 -- 1.81 MB

Section 4: Ground-water flow to wells


Section 6 -- 1.39 MB

Section 5: Ground-water contamination


Section 7 -- 2.04 MB

Selected references

Extra copies of work sheets for problems





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