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Economics and the 1995 National Assessment of U.S. Oil and Gas Resources

Emil D. Attanasi

U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-75-M

This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity to U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature.
Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


  1. Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Resources Assessed
  4. Methodology
    1. Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Fields
    2. Unconventional Resources
    3. Inferred Reserves
  5. Assumptions
    1. General Assumptions
    2. Specific Assumptions: Undiscovered Conventional
    3. Specific Assumptions: Continuous-type and Coalbed gas plays
  6. Incremental Costs
    1. Overview: Undiscovered Conventional Fields and Continuous-type Accumulations
    2. Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas
      1. Characteristics of Technically Recoverable Resources
      2. Incremental Costs
    3. Continuous-type Accumulations and Coalbed Gas
      1. Characteristics of Technically Recoverable Resources
      2. Incremental Costs
  7. Inferred Reserve Estimates
    1. Field Growth: Origins and Qualifications
    2. Field Growth to 2015: A Comparative Analysis
  8. Implications and Limitations
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. References
  11. Nomenclature
  12. Appendix A. Tables of province level conventional undiscovered results (see Tables section below)
  13. Appendix B. Tables showing regions, provinces, province codes and play codes for continuous-type plays and coalbed gas plays (see Tables section below)
  14. Appendix C. Methodology
    1. Undiscovered Conventional Oil and gas Resources
    2. Continuous-type Accumulations In Sandstone, Shales, Chalks, and Coal
  15. Appendix D. Assessed Technically Recoverable Resources, Proved Reserves, and Past Production


  1. Figure 1A and B. Incremental costs of finding, developing, and producing
    1. Crude oil from undiscovered conventional oil fields and continuous-type oil accumulations
    2. Non-associated gas from undiscovered conventional gas fields and continuous-type gas accumulations and coalbed gas
  2. Figure 2 A and B. Shares of proved reserves, field growth through 2015, and economic undiscovered conventional and economic unconventional
    1. Crude oil
    2. Non-associated gas
  3. Figure 3A.and B. Petroleum regions and provinces onshore and State offshore areas:
    1. Conterminous United States
    2. Alaska
  4. Figure 4A. and B. Locations of assessed continuous-type plays
    1. Continuous-type gas plays in sandstone, siltstone, shales, and chalk
    2. Continuous-type oil plays in sandstone, siltstone, shales, and chalk
  5. Figure 5. Locations of assessed coalbed gas plays
  6. Figure 6. Geologic setting of continuous-type and discrete type accumulations
  7. Figure 7. Estimated quantities of economic crude oil by region from undiscovered conventional and continuous-type oil accumulations
  8. Figure 8. Estimated quantities of economic non-associated gas by region from undiscovered conventional and continuous-type gas accumulations and coalbed gas
  9. Figure 9.A-H. Incremental costs of finding, developing, and producing undiscovered conventional oil and oil from continuous-type oil accumulations in
    1. Alaska
    2. Pacific Coast Region
    3. Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range Region
    4. Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains Region
    5. West Texas and Eastern New Mexico Region
    6. Gulf Coast Region
    7. Mid-continent Region
    8. Eastern Region
  10. Figure 10. A-H. Incremental costs of finding, developing, and producing undiscovered conventional non-associated gas and gas from continuous-type gas accumulations and coalbed gas in
    1. Alaska
    2. Pacific Coast Region
    3. Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range Region
    4. Rocky Mountain and Northern Great Plains Region
    5. West Texas and Eastern New Mexico Region
    6. Gulf Coast Region
    7. Mid-continent Region
    8. Eastern Region
  11. Figure 11. A and B. Frequency-size distribution of ultimate and undiscovered fields
    1. Field-size frequencies in size classes 6 through 18
    2. Field-size frequencies in size classes 1 through 18
  12. Figure 12. Proved reserves, crude oil growth to 2015, and economic oil
  13. Figure 13. Proved reserves, non-associated gas growth to 2015 and economic non-associated gas
  14. Figure D-1. Cumulative production, proved reserves, inferred reserves, technically recoverable oil in undiscovered conventional fields and continuous-type accumulations
  15. Figure D-2. Cumulative production, proved reserves, inferred reserves, technically recoverable gas in undiscovered conventional fields, continuous-type accumulations, and coalbed gas



multiply unit by to obtain metric unit
barrel 0.159 cubic meter
cubic foot 0.02832 cubic meter
foot 0.3048 meter

Unit Abbreviations

BBO .........Billions of barrels of oil
BBL ..........Billions of barrels
MMBO......Millions of barrels of oil
MMBOE .. Millions of barrels of oil equivalent
TCFG .... Trillions cubic feet gas
mcf ....... Thousands cubic feet gas
bbl ....... Barrels

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