Appendix D
This appendix provides the full sediment data in eight linkable subtables in three
formats. In Microsoft EXCEL (spreadsheet) format the eight subtables (Station, Inorganic,
etc.) are available as tabbed sheets within "pontdb.xls" (EXCEL version 5.0 or
higher). The Microsoft ACCESS format presents the eight tables under a single database
("pontdb.mdb"). The tab-delimited version is presented as eight text files in a
single directory \pontdb_txt. Users with the appropriate software may click on the linked
names and open the data directly into the application.
also see Table 9: Other interpretive notes and Table 10: EPA station class codes As discussed in the database structure section,
this database is not "normalized". Qualifier and descriptive fields are in the
same tables with analytical data fields, rather than placing them in separate tables. This
is partly designed to avoid the separation of critical background information and quality
designations from analytical data. Second, redundancy is permitted where this offers a
template to permit data entry in original format. For example, both state plane coordinate
and latitude/longitude fields are provided. Preserving data in original form and units is
a critical element of this database and minimizes the need for reference to often
hard-to-find original sources for secondary users. Database in MS Excel format zipped (581 KB) Database in MS Excel format (2104 KB) Database in tab delimited format (10 files totalling ~ 1560 KB) Database in MS Access 97 format zipped (554 KB) Database in MS Access 97 format (4132 KB) (note: the Access databases were created in v 8.0 (Access 97) and must be
imported if used with lower versions)