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Texture, Carbonate Content, and Preliminary Maps of Surficial Sediments, Flower Garden Banks Area, Northwest Gulf of Mexico
Outer Shelf, USGS Open-File Report 03-002

Home / Contents / Introduction / Setting / Methods / Previous Work / Discussion / Conclusions / Acknowledgments / References
Appendices: I. Field Report  / II. Sediment Analysis  /  III. Table / Graphic  / IV. Figures  / V. Fig. Summary  / VI. GIS/Metadata

Station Index: West Flower Garden Bank Region

Click on a station lo action below to view the grab sample from that site.

WFGB Sample Locations - click a sample to view the grab photo

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Home / Contents / Introduction / Setting / Methods / Previous Work / Discussion / Conclusions / Acknowledgments / References
Appendices: I. Field Report  / II. Sediment Analysis  /  III. Table / Graphic  / IV. Figures  / V. Fig. Summary  / VI. GIS/Metadata

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