Report Title: Major and Catastrophic Storms and Floods in Texas     
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Panhandle and Central Texas
April 5 to 8, 1900
Substantial rainfall from the Rio Grande to the High Plains caused damage in the Colorado, Brazos, and Guadalupe River Basins.
Deaths and Damage:   McDonald Dam on the Colorado River in Austin was destroyed. A wall of water claimed 23 lives and caused $1.25 million in damage in Austin.
Max. Precipitation:   8.80 in. (Mitchell Co.)
7.10 in. (Travis Co.)
Severity:   Major Storm
Storm Center(s):   Mitchell Co., Colorado
Travis Co., Austin
References:   U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, unpub. data

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Most of Texas
July 20 to 30, 1902
Rainfall depths up to 17 in. over much of the State causing flooding throughout Texas.
Deaths and Damage:   Damage estimated at $5 million.
Max. Precipitation:   16.90 in. (Bell Co.)
13.49 in. (Mitchell Co.)
Severity:   Major Storm
Storm Center(s):   Bell Co., Temple
Mitchell Co., Colorado City
References:   Dallas Morning News, 1999; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, unpub. data

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North, West, and East Texas
September 24 to 29, 1980
Rains of 8-9 in. fell on most of Texas. Particularly hard hit were Fisher, Mitchell, Nolan, and Scurry Counties.
Deaths and Damage:   Damage was an estimated $2.2 million.
Max. Precipitation:   8.00 in. (Fisher Co.)
9.00 in. (Mitchell Co.)
Severity:   Major Storm
Storm Center(s):   Fisher Co.
Mitchell Co.
Nolan Co.
Scurry Co.
References:   Bomar, 1983a, p. 50-52

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