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Coastal and Marine Geology Program  |  Woods Hole Science Center

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1003

Sidescan Sonar Imagery and Surficial Geologic Interpretation
of the Sea Floor off Branford, Connecticut

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Geologic Setting

Data Acquisition and Processing

Sidescan Imagery

GIS Data Catalog


Figures List






We thank the captain, LCDR Andy Beaver, NOAA, and the crew of the NOAA ship RUDE who provided shipboard support, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection who provided the financial support for this project. Photographs of the RUDE were acquired from the ship's website ( This report has benefited from critical reviews by Dave Twichell, Jane Denny, and Jim Robb (all USGS ).

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