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USGS Open-File Report 2004-1443, Operation Manual: Time-Series, Storm-Activated Suspended Sediment Sampler Deployed in the Coastal Ocean

skip index. Title Page  /  Abstract  /  Introduction  /  Software Summary  /  Getting Started  /  WTS-Tr Maintenance  /   WTS-P Maintenance  /  Conclusions   /  Bibliography   /  Tables   /  Figures   /  Appendices

Figure 8A. Scatter plot comparing suspended matter concentrations collected by the WTS-Tr instrument BOB and the Niskin bottle. The linear regression (solid line) through the six mean sample pairs (n=6) has a correlation coefficient (r²) of .98 percent. The error bars of the three replicate samples represent one standard deviation about the mean.

Figure 8A. Scatter plot comparing suspended matter concentrations collected by the WTS-Tr instrument<em> BOB</em> and the Niskin bottle.

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