USGS Open-File Report 2004-1443, Operation Manual: Time-Series, Storm-Activated Suspended Sediment Sampler Deployed in the Coastal Ocean
List of Tables
Table 1. Results of suspended matter concentrations (mg/l) collected using filter holders from the WTS-Tr instrument with the internal top frit in place and removed. Results from the standard laboratory millipore filtration system were used as a control. The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean.
Table 2. Suspended matter concentrations (mg/l) collected over time at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) dock facility by the two WTS-Tr instruments TED and BOB and a Niskin bottle.
Sd= standard deviation.
Table 3. Suspended matter concentrations (mg/l) collected at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) dock facility by the WTS-P instrument. The results of the suspended matter concentrations reflect simulated "storm" induced events (sampling actuated from responses of the pressure transducer by raising and lowering the instrument through the water column). The WTS-P and Niskin bottle samples were collected during the same time frames. Due to a Niskin bottle malfunction, only two Niskin samples were collected on the March 2001 test date.
Sd= standard deviation.
Table 4. Results of laboratory tests using different sediment concentrations and types with the WTS-P instrument and a siphon tube.
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